English 3 Reviewr
English 3 Reviewr
English 3 Reviewr
Prefixes- are letters or syllables added at the beginning of words to give 1. Dr.Alva 2. Batangas 3.Brownie 4. Nike
these words different meaning . Common nouns are more general—they name generic types of people,
things, and places.
1.teacher 2. province 3. dog
A suffix is a letter added to the end of a word to create a new word or
to change the function of the original word. It can also be a group of
letters. In other words, a suffix is put at the end of a word to change its
An action or
–ance state Importance
-ant A person Asistant –able Able to be Inflatable
An action or
–ing result Painting
A process, state
A regular plural noun is simply a noun that has been changed from
–ion orresult Decoration singular to plural. To create it, you can add -s or -es to the end of the
A belief or word. For example, the singular noun “book” becomes the plural noun
–ism condition Judaism
–ist A person Florist Regular plural nouns can be either countable or uncountable.
Countable nouns are things can be counted, such as “books,” “chairs,”
An action or
–ment state Measurement and “tables.” Uncountable nouns, on the other hand, cannot be
SUFFIXES THAT MAKE ADJECTIVE counted, such as “love,” “happiness,” and “water.”
Suffix Meaning Example
Regular plural nouns are common in English and they are used to For example, the singular noun 'mouse' becomes the irregular plural
describe more than one of something. For example, if you see more noun 'mice', and the singular noun 'child' becomes the irregular plural
than one car, you would say “cars.” noun 'children'.
Irregular plural nouns often come from foreign languages, such as
Latin or Greek, and usually don't follow the same rules as other
nouns .