Unit 2 Practical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Unit 2 Practical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Unit 2 Practical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Unit 2
Practical Microbiology
and Infectious Diseases
Practical microbiology and infectious diseases 1
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Worked example
The worked examples show the process you need to follow to solve a problem, such as a maths
or science equation. This will also help you to develop your understanding and your numeracy
and literacy skills.
Key points
Concise and simple definitions are provided for key words, phrases and concepts, allowing you to
have, at a glance, a clear understanding of the key ideas in the unit.
Assessment practice
These features give you the opportunity to practise some of the skills you will need when you
are assessed on the unit. They do not fully reflect the actual assessment tasks but will help you
prepare for them.
Pause point
Pause points give you the opportunity to review and reflect on your own learning. The ability to
reflect on your learning is a key skill you will need to develop and use throughout your life.
Hint and Expand
These points also give you suggestions to help cement your knowledge and indicate other areas
you can look at to expand it.
Case studies are used in the unit to allow you to apply the learning and knowledge from the unit to a
scenario from the workplace or industry. Case studies include questions to help you consider the wider
context of a topic.
Assessment criteria
This table shows what you must do in order to achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction grade, and where you
can find activities to help you.
Pass Merit Distinction
Learning aim A: Understand the classification and nature of microorganisms
A.P1 A.M1 AB.D1
Explain the methods used to classify Analyse the virulence mecha- Evaluate the treatments of
microorganisms. nisms of microorganisms that the types of infectious dis-
cause infectious diseases and the ease and the current issues
A.P2 methods used to classify micro- in the development of these
Explain the role of the structures found organisms. treatments.
in microorganisms and the factors affect-
ing their growth and virulence that cause
infectious disease.
C.P6 C.M4
Correctly select and use aseptic Correctly select and use aseptic
technique to cultivate microorgan- technique to grow and measure
isms. the growth of microorganisms, in-
cluding the use of serial dilutions.
Learning aim D: Investigate the effect of antimicrobial agents on the growth of microorganisms
D.P7 D.M5 D.D3
Plan and carry out an investigation Plan and carry out an investigation Evaluate the methods, tech-
independently, selecting an appro- independently, selecting an appro- niques and data collected to
priate method, into the effects of priate method, into the effects of determine the effect of anti-
antimicrobials on the growth of antimicrobials on the growth of microbials on the growth of
organisms. organisms with little or no con- microorganisms and the wider
tamination of results. impact on the functioning of an
D.P8 D.M6
Interpret data collected in order Analyse the growth of microorgan-
to reach a conclusion, consider- isms using data collected and in
ing the impact on prevention and relation to the factors investigated
treatment of disease. in order to reach valid conclusion,
making links to the impact on
the prevention and treatment of
Key points
Microorganism – microscopic organisms including bacteria, fungi, viruses, prions and protists.
Pathogen – a microorganism that causes disease.
Eukaryotic cell – a cell that contains a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles such as
Prokaryotic cell – a cell that does not contain a nucleus or other membrane bound organelles.
Physical characteristics
A prokaryotic cell is a cell with certain characteristic features, this group of cells includes bacteria. Bac-
terial cells have:
• no nucleus, their DNA is found as a single loop in the cytoplasm in a region called the nucleoid
• no membrane-bound organelles
• a cell wall made of peptidoglycan
• a cell surface membrane
• ribosomes that are smaller than those found in eukaryotic cells
• small additional rings of DNA called plasmids.
They sometimes have:
• a protective capsule (slime) layer around the cell wall which prevents the cell from drying out
• flagellum that allows the cell to move
• hair-like structures called pili that allow the cell to attach to surfaces or other cells.
Bacteria reproduce using a process called binary fission. Bacteria are prokaryotes, which means that
their genome consists of a single loop of DNA, which lies in a region of the cytoplasm called the nu-
cleoid. Binary fission produces two new bacterial cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell.
Binary fission is asexual, this means that it does not involve the joining of gametes (sex cells).
The process of binary fission
1 The loop of DNA uncoils and is replicated to produce a second identical loop of DNA.
2 The cell increases in size and other structures are replicated including plasmid DNA and ribosomes.
3 The two loops of DNA are pulled to opposite sides of the cell.
4 The cell surface membrane begins to divide and a cross wall forms around each loop of DNA.
5 The cells separate to form two genetically identical daughter cells.
Bacteria can be classified by their optimum growth temperature. Each microorganism has a minimum,
optimum and maximum growth temperature.
Psychrophilic bacteria are capable of growth and reproduction at extremely low temperatures be-
tween -5oC and 20oC. The enzymes contained within psychrophiles have adapted to be optimally active
at low temperatures.
Mesophilic bacteria thrive in temperatures between 20oC and 45oC. Normal body temperature is ap-
proximately 37oC and, therefore, the bacteria that colonise the human body are mesophiles.
Thermophilic bacteria are heat-loving, they have an optimum growth temperature of between 50oC
and 70oC but can survive in very high temperatures. The enzymes within thermophilic bacteria are
thermostable, i.e. resistant to irreversible denaturing at high temperatures.
1 Lag phase – the bacteria cells added to the growth medium increase in size and start to produce the
enzymes needed to use the nutrients present.
2 Exponential (log) phase – the bacteria are dividing by binary fission at a constant rate so that the
population size doubles with each generation time.
3 Stationary phase – the rate of binary fission decreases as population growth is limited by lack of
nutrients, build-up of waste or lack of space. In this phase, the reproduction rate is equal to the
death rate.
4 Death (decline phase) – the size of the bacterial population decreases because conditions are no
longer able to support reproduction of the cells.
Key points
• a nucleus
• membrane-bound organelles
• a cell surface membrane
• ribosomes which are larger than those found in prokaryotic cells
• cell walls made of cellulose (in plant cells) and chitin (in fungi).
Protists are single-celled eukaryotic organisms; they have their DNA enclosed in a nucleus and have
membrane bound organelles. The features of protists are extremely broad with lots of variation be-
tween different species. Some species reproduce asexually, and some reproduce sexually. Some
species have cell walls while others have flexible cell membranes. Some protists obtain their nutrition
by being predators, some are parasites, and some synthesise their own nutrients. Most protists live in
a watery or moist environment and some species can live inside the human body and cause disease.
Protozoa are a type of protist that obtain their nutrition through the ingestion of organic matter, they
are referred to as heterotrophs. Other protists can carry out photosynthesis and so are not called pro-
tozoa. An example of a non-protozoan protist is algae. Malaria is a disease caused by a protist such as
Plasmodium falciparum, which can be transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes. Dysentery is also
caused by a protist (an amoeba) that lives in freshwater ponds.
Many protists are motile – they can move.
• Amoeba are a group of protists that move using specialised structures called pseudopodia. The
amoeba changes the structure of its cell to produce pseudopodia that then enable the cell to drag
itself along the environment.
• Some have one or more flagella, which they can rotate or whip to move, e.g. Euglena.
• Some protists such as Paramecium have a surface covered in rows of cilia that can beat in a
synchronised manner to coordinate movement through water.
• Some protists move towards (or away) from a stimulus. Algae, for example, show phototaxis, they
move towards sources of light.
Fungi are eukaryotic organisms; the group includes yeasts, moulds and mushrooms. There are more
than 100 species of fungi that can cause disease in humans. As they are eukaryotic cells, fungi contain
a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Other features of fungi include:
Figure 2.4: (a) Light micrograph of yeast cells Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mag x340 (b) Colour enhanced SEM
of yeast cells Saccharomyces cerevisiae budding
Pause point
Viruses can infect all types of cell, there are viruses that can infect animals, plants, bacteria, protists
and fungi. Viruses:
Lytic Lysogenic
More common Rarer method of reproduction
Host cell is completely destroyed Host cell is not destroyed straight away, virus lies
dormant letting the cell multiply first
Viral nucleic acid replicates separately from host Viral nucleic acid replicates within the host DNA
cell DNA
One virus destroys one host cell One virus affects many cells as the virus is passed
along to new cells formed during cell division
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that can spread in bodily fluids such as blood and se-
men. It infects cells of the immune system called CD4 (T cells). Over time, the destruction of these cells
causes the development of AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). This weakens the immune
system and makes it difficult to fight off other infections. Opportunistic infections take advantage of
this and can lead to death.
HIV is an example of a type of virus called a retrovirus. HIV contains glycoprotein spikes on the enve-
lope, which attach to antigens on the surface of the T cells that it infects. Retroviruses such as HIV have
RNA as their genetic material and contain an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. When these viruses
replicate inside a host cell, the enzyme is used to produce complementary DNA (cDNA) from the RNA
nucleic acid. The DNA is incorporated into the host genome and may remain dormant there for sever-
al years. When activated, the virus directs the synthesis of new viral particles that use part of the host
cell’s membrane to form their envelopes. This destroys the host cell.
Prions can also cause disease. Disease caused by prions is extremely rare and causes the nervous
system to lose function over time. Prion diseases have no known treatment and are always fatal. An
example of a neurodegenerative disease caused by a prion is variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD).
Prions are not living cells; they are proteins that are not folded correctly. Prions are stable and not
denatured by heat. The abnormal structure of proteins causes the protein to have infectious properties
and protects them from being broken down by normal cellular enzymes. When prions are transmitted
to a new organism, the prions cause proteins in that organism to misfold and aggregate (clump togeth-
er). These aggregates build up in the brain and nervous tissue. causing tissue damage. The damage
gets progressively worse over time.
A2 Methods of pathogenicity
Key points
Pathogenicity is used to describe the ability to cause disease. Whether transmission of the pathogen
to a host actually leads to the host developing disease depends on the virulence of the pathogen.
Virulence is the extent to which a pathogen is able to damage host cells and cause disease. A pathogen
can be classified as pathogenic but depending on conditions, may produce different levels of virulence.
Virulence can be measured on a scale from avirulent (not harmful) to highly virulent.
May cause infection Causes severe illness but May cause severe illness,
Not but will not cause most people can recover. multi-organ failure and
harmful serious long-lasting Risk to those with compro- even death in normally
illness mised immune system healthy individuals
Figure 2.6: Scale of virulence related to the properties of the diseases caused
Quantitative measures are typically used to measure virulence. The two most common measures of
virulence are the median infectious dose and median lethal dose. These measurements are carried out
in laboratories, often using animal models or simulations. The median infectious dose is the number of
pathogens required to cause infection in 50% of organisms infected with the pathogen. The median le-
thal dose is the number of pathogens required to cause death in 50% of infected organisms. The lower
both measurements are, the more virulent the pathogen is.
Figure 2.7: Biofilms can also form on the surface of teeth causing gum infections (gingivitis) and tooth decay
Endotoxins Exotoxins
Lipopolysaccharides Proteins
Part of the bacterial cell wall Secreted by the bacteria
Produced by certain gram-negative bacteria Produced by certain Gram-negative and positive
only bacteria
Released while the bacteria are growing and repro-
Released when the bacteria cell is destroyed
Not very potent (lots needed to cause disease) Potent (only small amount needed to cause disease)
Cause fever in the host Do not cause fever in the host
Are not recognised by the host immune sys- Are recognised by the host immune system and
tem cause an immune response
• Capsule – the bacterial capsule prevents immune cells from attaching to the bacteria and
destroying it by phagocytosis. For example, strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae with a capsule are
more likely to cause infections, such as pneumonia and meningitis, (are more virulent) compared to
the bacterial strains with no capsule.
• Proteases – some bacteria produce and release protease enzymes that protect them from
phagocytosis. Phagocytosis is triggered when antibodies produced by cells of the immune system
bind to proteins on the invading bacteria. Proteases produced by the bacteria bind to and destroy
antibodies and stop them from binding to the bacteria thus protecting the bacteria from
• Mycolic acid – the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which causes TB, produces a waxy
substance called mycolic acid. This substance protects the bacteria and stops it being broken
down by phagocytes.
• Antigenic variation – some bacteria can change the shape of antigens on their cell surface
membrane. The first time the body is invaded by a particular antigen memory cells are produced,
which remain in the body for many years and can quickly produce an immune response should the
same antigen enter the body again. This means that the immune system can deal with future
infections much more effectively and stop the bacteria before the population has chance to grow.
Some bacteria such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae change the antigens on the cell surface membrane.
This allows secondary infections to evade the host immune system for longer.
Pause point
Discuss why having strategies for evading the immune system increases the virulence of a
bacterial species.
Recall the steps that take place to create an infection.
Distinguish between the effect of the production of endotoxins and that of exotoxins.
Key points
Meningitis – an infection of the meninges membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
Epithelial cells – cells of one of the four types of animal tissue. Epithelial tissue lines the cavities
and surfaces of organs and blood vessels.
Keratin – a structural protein that is a component of hair, nails and skin.
Carcinogen – substance capable of causing cancer.
Mutagen – substance that causes changes in the genetics of a cell.
Phagocyte – a type of white blood cell that is capable of engulfing and digesting bacteria and
other small cells.
1 White blood cells cause phagocytes to bind to the antigens on the pathogen’s cell surface
membrane. This can also be helped by antibodies binding to the pathogen’s antigens first.
2 The cell membrane of the phagocyte expands and surrounds the foreign cell.
3 The cell membrane forms a phagocytic vesicle around the pathogen.
4 Lysosomes in the phagocyte release digestive enzymes to digest the phagocytic vesicle thus
destroying the pathogen.
5 Some phagocytes release chemicals called cytokines, which attract new phagocytes to the area
to further target other pathogens present.
A fungus called Cryptococcus causes meningitis and pneumonia and has a capsule made of a polysac-
charide called glucuronoxylomannan. The capsule gives the fungus better resistance towards phago-
cytosis, increasing its virulence. The protist that causes African sleeping sickness, Trypanosoma brucei,
resists phagocytosis by producing a glycoprotein capsule that can also change over time to prevent
recognition by the immune system.
Figure: 2.9: HIV using adhesin glycoprotein gp120 to attach to CD4 receptors of T cells of the immune
Key points
Adhesins – molecules on the capsid or envelopes of viruses that are used to attach to receptors
on host cells.
Glycoprotein – proteins with carbohydrate groups attached to the polypeptide chain.
Complementary shape – a relationship between two structures where each structure fits with
the other like a lock and key.
Cytopathic – can cause cell damage.
Lysis – bursting of cells.
Apoptosis – programmed cell death.
Some viruses have the ability to remain dormant (not active) inside host cells for a period of time. For
example, herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV 1) which causes cold sores can lie latent inside certain nerve
cells. The genome of these viruses can remain latent until activated. Infection with herpes simplex virus
occurs in early life and lifelong latency can occur. This explains why people can suffer from recurrent
cold sores throughout their lifetime. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is another example of a vi-
rus that has viral latency, Latent HIV is not affected by the treatments used to slow down infection and
prevent the development of AIDS. When a person is undergoing treatment for HIV, they will never be
completely free of infection. Latent viruses do not trigger an immune response as no new viral particles
are made, this makes It difficult to develop vaccines against latent viral infections.
There are no specific factors affecting the virulence of prions. This is because prions are not cells but
consist only of misfolded proteins. These proteins can evade destruction by the immune system as
they are not recognised as foreign antigens. The human body may contain these proteins in their
normal form and so the presence of a misfolded protein (prion) can remain undetected and build up
in body tissue. The disease variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) is caused by a mutated prion, a
misfolded form of the protein PrP. When the misfolded PrP protein comes into contact with a correctly
folded form of PrP, it causes the normal PrP to misfold. This process repeats over and over. The num-
ber of prions increases dramatically and can build up in brain tissue causing brain damage and degen-
eration over time.
Pause point
Classifying bacteria
Bacteria share common features that allow them to be classified as prokaryotic cells. However, within
this kingdom, bacteria have other differences allowing them to be classified further.
Phenotype refers to the visible characteristics of an organism and includes the shape of the bacterial
cells. In order for bacterial cells to be seen, they are stained and viewed under a microscope. Bacterial
cells can be different shapes and can therefore be classified by their shape.
Table 2.3: Phenotypic shapes of some human pathogenic bacteria
Bacillus cereus
Bacilli Rod-shaped bacteria
Escherichia coli
Helicobacter pylori
Spirilla Corkscrew or spiral shaped bacteria
Treponema pallidum
Vibrio Curved rod-shaped or comma-shaped bacteria Vibrio cholerae
Gram staining
Bacteria can also be classified by the structure of their cell wall. Bacteria can be stained by a procedure
called Gram staining. This technique is usually one of the first steps taken in a laboratory to identify
unknown bacteria. Bacteria can be classified as either Gram-positive or Gram-negative. The process
involves staining bacteria so that they can be seen using stains. The first stain, called crystal violet, is
a purple stain t retained by the Gram-positive bacteria as they have thick walls made of peptidogly-
can. These bacteria will appear purple when viewed with a microscope (Figure 2.10). Gram-negative
bacteria have a thinner peptidoglycan wall with an inner and outer membrane, they do not retain the
purple stain. These bacteria cannot be seen
using a light microscope without staining so a
counterstain is used. This is usually a red stain
called safranin. Most species of bacteria can be
classified as either Gram-positive or Gram-neg-
ative, but some bacteria are Gram-variable
or Gram-indeterminate. Some bacteria such
as Mycobacterium tuberculosis do not stain by
either stain during Gram staining and are de-
scribed as acid-fast.
• Facultatively anaerobic bacteria are versatile. They can survive in high or low oxygen
concentrations. The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Streptococcus spp. are
facultative anaerobes.
• Obligate anaerobic bacteria only grow where there is no or very little oxygen and are killed by the
presence of oxygen. The bacteria Bacteroides spp. and Clostridium spp. are examples of obligate
anaerobes. Species of Bacteroides bacteria living in the colon are obligate anaerobes.
• Obligate aerobe bacteria can only grow where oxygen is in plentiful supply. Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, which causes TB, Is an obligate aerobe.
• Aerotolerant bacteria do not require oxygen but can survive in its presence. The bacteria that
causes tetanus, Clostridium tetani, are aerotolerant.
• size
• capsid shape
• presence of an envelope
• type of nucleic acid
• mechanism of replication
• host organism (bacteria, fungi, protist, animal or plant)
• pathology (type of disease they cause).
The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) began its classification of viruses in the
1970s. More than 200 000 species of viruses have been identified and scientists believe that there are
many more waiting to be discovered.
The Baltimore classification classifies viruses into seven groups (I-VII), depending on their type of
nucleic acid. Viral nucleic acid can exist as DNA and RNA and in the following forms:
Protists are difficult to classify into smaller groups because the kingdom is diverse. This means that
different species of protist may not share common features. Protists can differ in their cellular struc-
ture, sources of nutrition and metabolism. Protists may be single-celled or multi-celled. They can also
be free-living, or they may live with other organisms. Protists can act as parasites where the protist
damages the host organism (parasitism) or both organisms can benefit from the symbiotic relation-
ship (mutualism). Many protists are motile, which means they can move around in their watery envi-
ronments. They may use cilia or flagella to move, some protists even have pseudopodia to help them
move. Some protists produce their own nutrition from sunlight (autotrophs) or require a source of
chemicals for their nutrition (heterotrophs).
Pause point
Explain why different characteristics are used to classify different microorganisms.
Start by listing the similar and different characteristics used to classify the different groups.
Add examples to your work.
Parasitism – a type of symbiosis where one organism (the parasite) benefits while the other
organism (the host) is damaged.
Symbiotic – an interaction between two different organisms that live in close association.
Mutualism – a type of symbiosis where both organisms benefit from the association.
Pseudopodia – a temporary bulge from a cell used for movement and feeding.
Autotrophs – an organism that can form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic
Heterotrophs – an organism that ingests organic substances for its nutrition.
1 Produce a poster of the main groups of microorganisms. For each group include a labelled cell
diagram and functions of the cellular components.
2 Explain how the structures and characteristics of microorganisms are used to classify them.
3 Produce flash cards to explain the key terms used in describing the virulence of a micro-
4 Explain the structure and function of collagen.
5 Use examples of different diseases to analyse why some microorganisms are more virulent
than others. Try to cover bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan diseases.
• target organs
• causative agent
• source.
Target organs
Infectious diseases can also be grouped according to the organs they affect. Pathogens cause damage
to target organs by binding to cells that make up the tissues of that organ.
Some infectious agents target cells that make up the tissues of organs of the intestinal tract. Examples
of intestinal diseases include salmonella, cholera and typhoid fever. Salmonella is caused by Gram-neg-
ative, bacillus bacteria that belong to the Enterobacteriaceae family. Salmonella infection can cause food
poisoning symptoms such as diarrhoea and vomiting. Salmonella infection can be caused by a person
eating food that contains the bacteria. Usually these bacteria are killed by cooking, but ingestion of
poorly cooked meat such as chicken can lead to salmonella infection. Infection occurs when the bacte-
ria reach the small intestine and reproduce in the tissues of the intestine. As they reproduce, the bac-
teria release endotoxins that cause gastroenteritis (diarrhoea and vomiting). Most people can recover
from salmonella infection without treatment from a doctor but young children, the elderly and those
with a weakened immune system may need treatment to prevent dehydration.
Other infectious diseases can target the respiratory tract. The respiratory tract refers to the organs
responsible for breathing. The respiratory system allows us to take in oxygen from the air and expel
carbon dioxide from the body. The respiratory tract consists of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveo-
li and lungs. The respiratory system structure can be seen in Figure 2.12. Infectious diseases that affect
the sinuses and throat are called upper respiratory infections. Examples of upper respiratory tract
infections include the common cold and laryngitis. Infectious diseases that affect the bronchi, bronchi-
oles, alveoli and lung tissue are called lower respiratory infections. Examples of lower respiratory infec-
tions include bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Upper respiratory tract infections usually clear
up by themselves and do not require treatment, but lower respiratory tract infections can be more
serious. Bacterial lower respiratory infections may need antibiotic treatment prescribed by a doctor.
Infectious diseases can also target the blood stream. The blood stream consists of red blood cells,
white blood cells, platelets and plasma protein suspended in a fluid called plasma. Certain infectious
pathogens can infect the cells of the blood stream.
Examples of blood stream infections are:
Pause point
Using a diagram of the human body, identify and describe the different target organs for infec-
tious diseases. Give an example of a disease that targets each organ you include.
Start by reading over the section and summarising the key target organs.
Improve your work by explaining how infections can become systemic.
Infectious disease caused by a parasite Scabies, crab lice (pubic lice), pediculosis
that lives on the surface of the body (head lice)
Figure 2.13: Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) with colour added of prion proteins taken from the brain
of an infected hamster Mag x135 000
Key points
Case study
Giant viruses with cell-like features
Paul works at a local visitor’s farm. There is a herd of sheep at the farm, Paul must take special
precautions to protect the farm’s visitors from zoonotic infections. One of these infections is
called ovine chlamydiosis. In healthy humans, this infection can cause mild flu-like symptoms,
so visitors are reminded to wash their hands after visiting the farm. This infection can however
be life-threatening to pregnant women and can cause stillbirth or miscarriage. Paul has to make
sure there are signs up to warn pregnant woman of the risks of contact with sheep while they are
at the farm.
Check your knowledge
1 What is meant by a zoonotic infection?
2 Why is it important that Paul puts up these signs?
Direct transmission
Direct transmission is when the pathogen is transferred to an individual through physical contact.
An example of direct contact transmission is the transmission of pathogens during pregnancy, at birth
or through breast feeding. When a foetus (unborn baby) is developing inside the womb, a temporary
organ called the placenta forms. The placenta connects the developing foetus to the uterus using the
umbilical cord. The placenta allows for the foetus to take up oxygen and nutrients required for growth
and allows waste produced by the foetus to enter the mother’s blood stream to be excreted. The pla-
centa is expelled during childbirth after the baby has been born.
Figure 2.14: The placenta provides a surface for exchange of nutrients, oxygen and waste between the de-
veloping foetus and the mother
Indirect transmission
Indirect transmission is when the pathogen is transferred to an individual by an intermediate agent
such as the air or an insect.
Some zoonotic infections can be spread when a vector carries the infectious agent. A vector is an
animal that carries the disease-causing agent from an infected individual to an uninfected individual.
A protozoan parasite called Trypanosoma causes Chagas disease and sleeping sickness and can be
transmitted by fleas, ticks and tsetse flies. Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in the
Northern Hemisphere. It is caused by infection with Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria and has the symptoms
of fever and chills, headache, joint pain, muscle pain and extreme fatigue. Lyme disease can usually
be treated effectively with antibiotics but in some people, the symptoms can last for years and disrupt
normal life. The bacteria are transmitted by ticks. Ticks are arachnid parasites that live by feeding on
the blood of mammals. A tick can pick up the bacteria when feeding on infected blood and transmit it
to a new host when feeding on an uninfected individual. One of the tell-tale signs of Lyme disease is a
circular red rash surrounding a tick bite on the skin, this is often described as looking like a bullseye.
Malaria is another disease that is transmitted by a vector. Malaria is serious and sometimes fatal. The
symptoms of malaria are high temperatures (about 38°C), vomiting, diarrhoea and headaches. The
most serious type of malaria is caused by Plasmodium falciparum, infection with this parasite can lead
to the development of breathing difficulties and organ failure, which can be life-threatening. Malaria
can be transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquito from person to person. The mosquito feeds on
blood it obtains by piercing the skin. When the mosquito takes a blood meal from a person with the
parasite in their blood stream, it ingests a form of the parasite called the gametocyte. These gameto-
cytes reproduce in the gut of the mosquito and another form called the sporozoite travels to the mos-
quito’s salivary gland. The Anopheles mosquito will then take another blood meal from another human
and when biting will inject both the parasite and an anticoagulant into the person’s blood stream. The
parasite travels to the person’s liver to grow and multiply before releasing gametocytes into the blood-
stream to infect and destroy red blood cells.
Key points
Airborne transmission
Some infectious agents can also be transmitted through the air. This type of transmission is referred
to as airborne transmission. The common cold (caused by rhinovirus) and flu (caused by the influenza
virus) are commonly transmitted from person to person by droplets of mucus suspended in the air.
Mucus droplets are expelled into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The mucus drop-
lets can remain suspended for a short period of time and can be breathed in by an uninfected person
in close proximity to the sneeze or cough. The mucus will contain thousands of viral particles which
may then cause infection in the new host. In 2018, the UK government used a campaign to prevent the
spread of flu using the slogan “Catch it, Bin it, Kill it”, which encouraged people to sneeze or cough into
tissues to prevent mucus becoming airborne. Measles is another infection that can be spread by air-
borne droplets and aerosol particles. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, the virus in mucus
droplets or aerosol is released into the air. Measles is highly infectious as a person expels viral particles
in their coughs and sneezes before they develop any symptoms. They could therefore be transmitting
the virus to others while they are not aware they are doing so. Measles symptoms include a cough,
fever, runny nose, sore throat and white spots (Koplik spots) inside the mouth. Most people who have
measles infection will recover fully although there is a higher risk of complications in young children,
pregnant women, people with a weakened immune system and people who are malnourished. About
30% of people with measles will develop complications such as ear infections and bronchitis, but mea-
sles can also cause more serious complications.
Bacterial diseases
Meningitis is the term used to describe severe inflammation of the membranes (the meninges) that
protect and cover the brain and spinal cord.
Meningitis can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Bacterial meningitis is rarer but can be very
serious if not found and treated quickly. Different bacteria lead to different forms of meningitis in peo-
ple of different ages. In premature and newborn babies, group B Streptococcus bacteria can cause men-
ingitis. These bacteria, if present in the mother’s vagina, can be passed to the baby during childbirth.
Older children can develop meningitis after infection with Neisseria meningitis or Streptococcus pneumo-
niae bacteria. Another bacterium called Listeria monocytogenes can also cause meningitis in adults.
Progression of disease
The bacteria that cause meningitis usually enter the body in aerosol droplets. These aerosol droplets
are created when an infected person coughs or sneezes, resulting in a non-infected person inhaling
them. The bacteria then bind to receptors on cells in the upper part of the throat before being trans-
ferred to the bloodstream. The bacteria multiply in the bloodstream and the person may start to expe-
rience symptoms. The bacteria eventually end up in cerebrospinal fluid found in the brain and spinal
cord. Most people with meningitis infection will fully recover but it is possible that long-term problems
can arise. Complications range from hearing loss, seizures, memory problems, learning difficulties,
vision loss, kidney problems to loss of limbs. In around 10% of patients, bacterial meningitis is fatal,
the chances of this rapidly increase if treatment does not begin within 24 hours. It is important that if a
person is suspected of having meningitis, that they receive medical attention immediately.
Chlamydia is caused by a bacterial infection. It is a sexually transmitted disease that is particularly com-
mon in sexually active teenagers and young adults. The bacteria, Chlamydia trachomatis, can be spread
through sex or contact with infected semen or vaginal fluids.
Progression of disease
Treatment of chlamydia infection is a short course of the antibiotic azithromycin or doxycycline. In the
majority of people, this antibiotic treatment will cure the bacterial infection provided that the antibi-
otics are taken correctly and completely. It is important that chlamydia is detected and treated as it
can be spread to other areas of the body and can lead to serious complications. In males, untreated
chlamydia can spread to the testicles and to the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the penis.
These tubes, the epididymis, can become painful and inflamed. Inflammation can lead to infertility.
Males can also develop sexually acquired reactive arthritis (SARA) which is a painful inflammatory con-
dition affecting the joints in the body. In females, chlamydia infection can spread to the womb, ovaries
and fallopian tubes. This can cause a serious and painful condition called pelvic inflammatory disease
(PID). PID can lead to further serious complications such as infertility, persistent pain and an increased
risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Cholera is a bacterial infection caused by Vibrio cholerae. Cholera is not present in the UK but there is a
risk of catching it when travelling abroad, particularly to areas where cholera is epidemic and endem-
ic, typically where access to clean drinking water, treatment and appropriate medical care is limited.
The bacteria are spread by faeces contaminating drinking water and reinfection can occur where waste
contaminates drinking water. This combined with lack of medical care can lead to a fatal cycle of infec-
tion, dehydration and reinfection.
Progression of disease
If untreated, fluid loss can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can cause damage to the nephrons of the
kidneys, which can develop into kidney failure. Severe fluid loss can also cause the blood volume to
decrease causing a drop in blood pressure, collapse of blood vessels and shock. Fluid loss can lead to
imbalances in electrolytes (salts) in the body, which can cause the body pH to become acidic which can
lead to coma and death. Treatment with oral rehydration therapy (ORT) is usually effective at replacing
the fluids lost if enough is given to the patient.
Key points
Epidemic – a rapid increase in the number of new cases of disease in one particular location.
Endemic – cases of the disease are always present in the population of a particular location.
Pause point
Explain why early detection and treatment of bacterial diseases improve the chances of the
patient making a full recovery.
Use an example of a bacterial disease to describe how the disease progresses over time.
Explain why there is a higher fatality rate from bacterial diseases in areas with limited access
to clean drinking water and appropriate medical care compared to areas where clean drinking
water, health facilities and appropriate treatment are readily available.
HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus; it is a virus that infects and damages cells of the im-
mune system. HIV is transmitted through direct contact with body fluids during sexual intercourse with
an infected person or through the sharing of infected needles. People who have unprotected sex with
casual partners or who are intravenous drug users are encouraged to have regular tests for HIV.
Progression of disease
Inside the body, the virus binds to receptors on CD4 (T helper) cells and inserts its RNA into the cell.
Once inside the cell, a DNA copy of the RNA is made, which becomes part of the CD4 cellular DNA.
When the cell replicates as part of the normal cell cycle, copies of the viral genome are made. This can
happen immediately or after a period of dormancy. New virus particles are assembled that leave the
infected cell, destroying it in the process. The new viral particles can attach to and infect other CD4
cells. Over time more and more CD4 cells are destroyed and the person’s ability to fight off other in-
fections decreases. A person with HIV will have regular blood tests to measure their CD4 counts. When
the CD4 count falls below 400 per microlitre of blood, the person is diagnosed with AIDS. AIDS stands
for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and is used to describe the point in HIV infection where the
immune system is no longer able to defend against usually minor infections. Once the immune system
has become damaged, a patient may experience weight loss, night sweats, skin problems and recur-
rent infections. Patients may begin to develop opportunistic infections such as tuberculosis, thrush,
chronic diarrhoea and meningitis. The only measurable sign of HIV is found during a HIV test. Early de-
tection of HIV can allow doctors to start patients on antiretroviral treatment. This treatment can delay
the destruction of CD4 cells and allow infected people to live relatively normal lives for many years.
Ebola is a viral disease that is caused by viruses of the Ebolavirus genus. One of these viral species, Zaire
ebolavirus, is responsible for the largest number of outbreaks in humans. The virus spreads through
direct contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an infected person who has developed symptoms of
the disease. Infection usually occurs through contact with blood, faeces or vomit. Healthcare workers
who care for and treat infected patients are most at risk of infection and must protect themselves by
wearing masks, gowns, gloves and eye protection.
Norovirus is also known as the “winter vomiting bug” and is the most common cause of gastroenteritis.
It is caused by the Norwalk virus, which can be transmitted by indirect contact with infected faeces via
contaminated surfaces, food, water or air. Norovirus is extremely contagious with only a small number
of viral particles required to cause infection.
Progression of disease
Norovirus does not usually require any treatment and clears up within two to three days with the per-
son making a full recovery.
Fungal diseases
Ringworm is a highly infectious skin infection that despite its name, is actually caused by fungus. There
are different fungi that can cause infection of different parts of the body. Ringworm is caused by a type
of fungi called a dermatophyte that lives on the protein keratin found in the skin. Some examples of
the species of fungi that can cause ringworm include Epidermophyton floccosum, Tinea manuum and
Tinea unguium. Fungal infections can occur on the face (tinea faciei), scalp (tinea capitis), groin (tinea
cruris), foot (tinea pedis) and body (tinea corporis).
Progression of disease
Ringworm can be treated with antifungal creams applied to the affected skin.
Candidiasis is another infection caused by fungus. The name refers to an infection caused by any type
of a yeast called Candida. This type of infection is most common in the mouth (oral thrush) or vagina
(yeast infection or vaginal thrush), though it can affect other parts of the body such as skin and finger-
nails. In people who are immunocompromised and those who have weakened immune systems, far
more serious infections can occur, potentially leading to severe morbidity and mortality.
Progression of disease
This type of infection has a higher potential for becoming systemic, producing a very serious infection
called candidemia. This can produce mild to extreme flu-like symptoms, pain, chronic tiredness and
other infections. Systemic infection occurs when the yeast enters the bloodstream and spreads to oth-
er organs. Systemic candidiasis is more serious and can lead to sepsis which can be fatal.
CJD stands for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. It is an extremely rare condition that affects the brain and is
always fatal. CJD is caused by a prion (abnormally folded protein) that causes other proteins to be-
come misfolded. This affects the processes the brain uses to send signals and results in damage to the
neurones (nerve cells). This gives the brain a porous appearance, which is described as spongiform.
Over time the number of misfolded proteins increases causing cell death and loss of function.
• Sporadic CJD (sCJD) is caused by spontaneous misfolding of proteins in a person. This is the most
common form of CJD but still in the UK there are only one or two cases per million people each
• Familial CJD (fCJD) is caused when a mutation is passed from parent to child. This type affects
around one in every nine million people in the UK.
• Acquired CJD (aCJD) or iatrogenic CJD (iCJD) is caused when infection is accidently transmitted
during a medical or surgical procedure. It can also occur if instruments used during brain surgery
are not effectively cleaned before use during a subsequent operation. This type of transmission is
extremely rare as increased awareness has improved sterilisation techniques in surgery.
• Variant CJD (vCJD) is caused mostly by consuming meat from a cow that is infected with the bovine
form of the disease. The form of the disease in cows is called bovine spongiform encephalopathy
(BSE) or “mad-cow” disease for short. Between 1995 and 2000 there was an increase in the number
of cases of vCJD in the UK. This was caused by the practice of using animal remains to feed other
livestock such as cattle. This practice was banned in 1996. There have been no reported cases of
vCJD in anyone born after 1982 and cases of vCJD in people born before this date are extremely
rare. There are now strict rules in place to stop any meat from cows infected or suspected of being
infected from being consumed.
Progression of disease
CJD can have a long incubation period with no symptoms for up to 40 years after initial infection. Symp-
toms usually begin with memory loss, impaired judgement and blurred vision. Some people may also
experience an inability to sleep. As the disease progresses symptoms worsen, with people developing
problems with coordination, jerky body movements and blindness. This will eventually develop into the
patient not being able to move or speak and they will fall into a coma. There is no test to confirm di-
agnosis of CJD as this would require a brain biopsy, which is too dangerous to perform while a patient
is alive. Doctors will look for specific signs that indicate CJD. A physical examination can observe prob-
lems with reflexes and muscle spasms and an eye test can detect partial blindness. A lumbar puncture
can be performed where fluid is taken from around the spine. This fluid is tested for a protein, which, if
present, indicates that the person has a high chance of having CJD. A doctor will also observe a patient
for changes similar to dementia that progress quickly.
Pause point
There have been no new vCJD cases in anyone born after 1982. Explain why.
Consider how vCJS is transmitted and how the disease progresses.
Discuss why diseases caused by prions are extremely rare.
Malaria is a tropical disease that is caused by a plasmodium, a single- celled eukaryotic organism. The
most common causative organisms are Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium malariae and
Plasmodium falciparum. The female Anopheles mosquito can transfer infective stages of these organ-
isms called sporozoite in their saliva. The sporozoite is transferred to a person’s bloodstream when the
mosquito bites to take a blood meal. The sporozoite travels to the liver where it reproduces to produce
another stage in the plasmodium lifecycle called the merozoite. Merozoites can then infect red blood
cells and reproduce to produce more merozoites. These turn into the male and female gametes of the
organism. When another mosquito comes along and feeds on an infected person, they take up some
of these gametes. The gametes move to the mosquito gut and merge to form immature sporozoites.
Sporozoites then travel to the mosquito salivary glands to develop and can then be passed onto anoth-
er person when the mosquito takes another blood meal.
Progression of disease
If left untreated malaria can progress into a complication known as cerebral malaria. This complica-
tion results in blockages in the blood vessels carrying blood to the brain. This can cause seizures, brain
damage and coma. Other complications can arise from severe malaria infections including liver failure,
shock, a build-up of fluid in the lungs, kidney failure and rupturing of the spleen.
Giardia is an infection caused by a parasitic protozoan organism called Giardia lamblia, the infection is
commonly known as beaver fever. Giardia causes gastrointestinal infection but 10% of infected people
do not experience symptoms.
There are vaccinations for some of the more serious infectious diseases and these can either be given
as part of the normal childhood vaccination programme in the UK, to high-risk groups such as the el-
derly or immunocompromised or to those who are travelling to places where there is an increased risk
of disease. The routine childhood vaccination programme in the UK can be seen in Figure 2.20.
Active immunity
Vaccinations can work by providing the person with active immunity against a disease. A killed or weak-
ened (attenuated) form of the pathogen may be used to produce this type of vaccination. Vaccines that
contain killed or attenuated pathogen include MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), polio and hepatitis
A. Some vaccines may contain specific pieces of the pathogen that would trigger the immune response
such as a particular protein or capsid. Examples of these vaccinations are the whooping cough, HPV
and pneumonia vaccines. A third type of vaccine that also works by providing active immunity are
vaccines that contain the toxin produced by the microorganism. This toxin will also trigger an immune
response in the person receiving the vaccine. Examples of toxoid vaccines include diphtheria and teta-
nus. All of these vaccine types work by activating the specific immune response that results in the pro-
duction of antibodies and memory cells. These can remain in the body for a long time (in some cases a
lifetime) and provide protection against infection by the actual pathogen. Should the vaccinated person
be infected by the pathogen, the body will be able to produce a faster and greater immune response,
which will allow the infection to be dealt with before it progresses.
Passive immunity
Vaccinations can also work by providing the person with passive immunity against a disease. Antibod-
ies against the pathogen are used to produce the vaccine. These types of vaccine are less common but
include the vaccination against rabies. These types of vaccine produce short- lived immunity and so are
usually given as a preventative measure when travelling to countries where risk of infection is high. In
the case of rabies, the vaccination could also be given following an incident such as a dog bite where
there is a chance that a person has become infected with the virus.
Disinfectants are antimicrobial agents that can be used on non-living objects such as surfaces and
medical instruments. Disinfectants kill microorganisms on the surfaces they are used. Washing with
warm water and detergent may only remove visible dirt but leave microorganisms on the surface.
Cleaning with disinfectants such as phenol, bleach, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or iodine solution can
kill these microorganisms and prevent them passing to individuals and causing infection. In this way,
disinfectant can prevent the spread of infection. It is important that disinfectants are used in hospitals
and food preparation areas as the risk of pathogens being present on non-living objects is increased.
Key points
Pause point
Preventative behaviours
Increasing the use of disinfectant when there has been an outbreak of an infection is one behaviour
that can prevent the spread of infection. Other strategies used by hospitals also act to prevent the
spread of infection. Hospitals encourage patients, visitors and staff to use antibacterial hand gel reg-
ularly by placing hand gel on patient beds and at the entrance and exit to hospital wards and depart-
ments. Staff working in hospitals have training on how to prevent the spread of infection and must be
“bare below the elbows”. This means they cannot wear any clothing or jewellery that is on the lower
part of the arms or hands. Hospitals have strict infection prevention strategies that must be followed
before and after medical procedures and surgery.
Outside of hospitals, individuals can also behave in ways to prevent infections from spreading. An
example of a preventative behaviour is regular hand washing especially after going to the toilet and
before preparing or eating food. People should also use tissues when sneezing or coughing and stay
off work or school when they have an infectious illness. Washing raw fruit and vegetables and ensur-
ing that meat is thoroughly cooked before eating can also prevent a person from catching food-borne
infections. Safe sex is a preventative behaviour that can stop the spread of sexually transmitted infec-
tions such as HIV and chlamydia. Safe sex involves using contraception such as a condom for vaginal
penetrative sex, anal penetrative sex and oral sex. Ensuring people have all the vaccines that are part
of the routine vaccination programme as well as having any necessary boosters and travel vaccina-
tions, can help to prevent the spread of infection.
Antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial infections. They do not work on infections caused by other
infectious agents. Antibiotics can either be bactericidal, which kill the bacteria or bacteriostatic, which
stop the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics called beta-lactam antibiotics work by disrupting the cell wall
formation in bacteria. Without a cell wall, the bacterial cell bursts. Beta-lactam antibiotics include pen-
icillin and cephalosporin. Macrolide antibiotics work by affecting bacterial ribosomes, stopping them
from carrying out protein synthesis. Blocking this cellular process kills the bacteria as it cannot survive
without protein synthesis. Erythromycin is an example of a macrolide antibiotic. Other antibiotics such
as ciprofloxacin are called quinolones. These antibiotics work by inhibiting the replication of DNA. This
prevents the bacteria from reproducing. Antibiotics can also be classed as broad or narrow spectrum
antibiotics. Broad spectrum antibiotics are effective against a wide range of bacteria, they work against
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and are often prescribed when the infection has an un-
known cause or is caused by multiple bacteria. Narrow spectrum antibiotics are prescribed less fre-
quently as they only work on certain strains of bacteria.
Antifungal agents can be used to treat fungal infections. Most of these treatments are topical and are
applied to the affected area but some can also be taken orally. Echinocandins are a type of antifungal
that work by disrupting the production of cell walls as the fungi reproduce. An example of this type of
antifungal agent is the treatment for Candida yeast infections. Other antifungal medication works by
preventing the production of new cell membranes when the fungi reproduces. They do this by target-
ing the pathway used to produce a molecule called ergosterol. Ergosterol is a steroid found in the cell
membranes of fungi. Without ergosterol the cell membrane does not work correctly, and molecules
can freely leave the cell, this causes the cell to die.
1 Choosing one infectious disease that is caused by bacteria, produce a patient information
leaflet that describes how the disease develops. Explain how the patient can protect
themselves against the disease and the possible treatments available.
2 Repeat activity 1 for one viral disease, one fungal disease, one disease caused by a protist
and one prionic disease.
3 Choose one infectious disease that is caused by bacteria and evaluate the treatment
available. Look at the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment and what the benefits
and risks are of having and not having the available treatment.
4 Evaluate the development of new treatments for HIV using links to current issues facing
scientist trying to develop these antiviral drugs.
B. subtilis, Staphy- This is the type of lab found in schools and colleges.
lacoccus aibus,
Saccharomyces Hand washing on entry to lab and before exit; attention to
Low risk to cerevisiae and personal hygiene; no eating or drinking or mouth pipetting;
individuals non-pathogenic no requirement for containment cabinets,; work can be
1 carried out on open benches; lab has a lockable, but this is
and E.coli
communities (Any organisms not usually locked; people carrying out investigations observe
that do not cause aseptic techniques and wear some protective clothing. such as
disease in healthy disposable aprons; all potentially infectious material has to be
humans) decontaminated before disposal.
Salmonella spp,
Staphylacoccus Pathology and research labs.
Moderate aurea, hepititis B
risk to indi- and C virus, adeno- Procedures of BSLq plus: personnel need more training for
2 viduals and viruses, HIV, path- handling pathogens, given by a senior qualified and competent
low risk to ogenic strains of E scientist; limited access to the lab while work is in progress;
communities coli, Plasmodium extreme precautions with contaminated sharp items; safety
falciparum, Toxo- cabinets used if aerosols will be generated.
plasma gondii
Biosafety cabinets
When working with potentially dangerous microorganisms in a laboratory, work is carried out in a bi-
osafety cabinet. The purpose of these cabinets is to protect the worker against infection and to prevent
the accidental release of pathogens into the environment. Biosafety cabinets (BSCs also called laminar
flow cabinets) are enclosed spaces made of stainless steel with no gaps or joints where the microor-
ganism could collect. BSCs are connected to an air supply, which creates a negative air pressure inside
Classes of BSCs
There are three classes of BSCs offering increasing levels of protection to the worker and the environ-
ment and increasing levels of protection to the work being carried out.
• Class I: These BSCs provide worker and environmental protection but do not offer any protection
to the work being done. This means that the microorganism being worked with could still become
contaminated by other microorganisms present in the environment, but the worker is unlikely to
become infected if they use the cabinet correctly. Class I BSCs are often used to hold pieces of
equipment such as centrifuges or for procedures that could generate potentially harmful aerosols.
• Class II: These BSCs protect the worker, the environment and the microorganism being worked
with. To protect the work, a fan on top of the cabinet draws sterile air over the work being handled.
This air is then filtered before it leaves the cabinet to protect the worker and environment.
• Class III: These BSCs are sometimes called glove boxes. They are used where maximum
biocontainment is used as they give the maximin protection. The enclosure is airtight and all
material leaves through a double-door autoclave. Workers use gloves attached to the front of the
cabinet to have any contact with the microorganism. This type of cabinet will also have a fan to
draw sterile air over the work and a filter to ensure any air leaving is safe.
• Protection of the scientists and other personnel in the laboratory from the microorganism they are
working with. This stops people getting infections from the microorganisms they work with.
• Protection of the work from contamination with other microorganisms that may be present in the
environment or on the equipment used. This ensures that any results from the experiment are
Sterilisation is the process of killing and removing all the microorganisms from a particular location.
This includes the killing/removal of both potentially harmful and harmless microorganisms. Sterilisa-
tion is important, for example, when instruments are used in surgery or in producing canned food. In
the school or college microbiology laboratory equipment has usually been sterilised before it is re-
quired for use. It may be possible to observe sterilisation techniques in a college or school laboratory
used to dispose of contaminated waste or bacterial cultures. Plastic equipment such as Petri dishes
will typically arrive at a school or college in sealed plastic bags that have been sterilised by the manu-
facturer using irradiation. This is where x-rays or gamma rays are used to kill any microorganisms pres-
ent. This makes the Petri dishes sterile and free of microorganisms until the packet is opened. Other
methods including the use of heat, steam and filters to carry out sterilisation can be seen in Table 2.9.
Table 2.9: Examples of sterilisation methods
Key points
Aseptic technique
Aseptic technique refers to the practices used in a microbiology laboratory when working with microor-
ganisms. Aseptic techniques are carried out for two purposes.
1 To minimise the risk of infection from the microorganism. This protects scientists working with the
microorganism and any other person who may come in to contact with the microorganism, room
or contaminated waste.
2 To minimise the risk of contamination of the experimental work from microorganisms that may be
present on the scientists or in the laboratory.
When working with microorganisms in a laboratory, other activities being carried out in the immediate
vicinity should be reduced and where possible relocated. For example, if you were working in the class-
room laboratory to produce a streak plate of a bacterial culture, other people should not work on your
bench to complete work such as working on a computer.
When working with microorganisms, you must always thoroughly wash and dry your hands using anti-
bacterial soap and warm water. You must also wear a laboratory coat or apron. You must disinfect the
work surfaces before and after use. When carrying out experiments with microorganisms, you will al-
ways use sterile equipment. Sometimes you may sterilise the equipment yourself using a Bunsen burn-
er, in other cases the equipment will arrive to you sterile and only be used once before it is sent for
re-sterilisation. It is common aseptic technique to always carry out microbiology experiments around a
Bunsen burner flame. A Bunsen burner flame is used to draw air currents upwards, which reduces the
chances that any microorganisms fall onto your work and therefore reduces the risk of contamination.
After you have completed microbiological experiments, any contaminated equipment must be made
safe before it can be disposed of. Metal equipment such as wire loops can be sterilised by holding
them in a hot Bunsen burner flame until the metal glows red. This is called flaming. Other equipment
may be placed in disinfectant. Contaminated Petri dishes or microbiology cultures will be autoclaved
before they are disposed of in normal waste in a sealed bag.
The maximum magnification that can be achieved by a light microscope is x1500. As light is used as the
energy source, the wavelength of light limits the maximum resolution that can be achieved. The maxi-
mum resolution of a light microscope is 200nm. This means that if any objects are closer together than
200nm, they will be viewed as one object. Light microscopes can be used to view cells, but intracellular
detail cannot be seen.
Some light microscopes have a special objective lens called an oil immersion lens. This lens allows for
greater magnification than can be achieved by a normal objective lens. In normal objective lenses,
there is air between the objective lens and the specimen. To use this lens, a drop of immersion oil is
placed between the oil immersion lens and the specimen being viewed. The oil has a refractive index
similar to the glass of the lens, so a higher magnification can be achieved.
Magnification – how many times an image appears compared to the actual specimen.
Resolution – the smallest distance that two separate objects can be apart in a specimen and still
be seen as two separate objects in the image produced. It determines the detail of the image
Refractive index – the speed of light changes as it passes from one medium to another, for
example from air to glass. This causes the light to change direction, this is known as refraction.
The refractive index of a material is the ratio of the speed light travels in a vacuum to the speed it
travels in that material.
Electron microscopes
Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons to produce very clear, highly magnified images. Elec-
trons have a much shorter wavelength than light and so electron microscopes have a much higher
resolution than light microscopes, typically 400nm. There are two main types of electron microscope
each of which produces different types of image.
Transmission electron microscopes work by passing a beam of electrons through the specimen. They
have a magnification of up to x 50,000, 000 and produce 2D images.
Scanning electron microscopes work by passing a beam of electrons over the surface of the specimen.
They have a magnification of up to x 1, 000,000 – 2, 000, 000 and produce 3D images.
Both types of electron microscope:
Flat slides
For most specimens you will use a flat microscope slide. When producing a microbiological slide, it is
important that you follow aseptic technique and use a sterile microscope slide. To observe bacteria, a
heat-fixed smear is produced on a flat microscope slide. A wire loop is used to transfer a loopful of bac-
teria from a bacterial colony into a drop of sterile water on a slide. If a liquid culture is being observed,
then a loopful of the liquid bacterial culture can be added directly onto the slide surface. The slide is
left to dry in air before being heat fixed. Heat fixing is achieved by swiftly passing the slide through the
flame of a Bunsen burner. Heat fixing ensures that the bacteria are not washed off the slide during
staining. All specimens produced for observation by light microscope must be stained in order to be
Concave slides
Some species of microorganisms are motile. This means that they move around, this movement can
be observed using a suspension of the living microorganism. This is often used for bacteria, yeast and
protists. This method of slide preparation is known as the hanging drop method.
Step-by-step: Hanging drop method
1 Place a drop of microorganism suspension onto a cover slip using aseptic technique.
2 Place a ring of petroleum jelly around the depression of a concave slide.
3 Position the concave slide over the drop of microorganism suspension
4 Turn the slide and cover slip over so that the suspension is hanging from the cover slip into the
depression of the slide.
5 View the preparation using the oil immersion lens.
Figure 2.25: The hanging drop method, with an oil immersion objective lens, used to view, live motile
Gram staining
Gram staining is the most widely used stain to stain and differentiate between bacteria. Gram staining
divides bacterial cells into two major groups based on their cell wall structure. These groups are Gram
positive and Gram negative as we have seen previously in the chapter. Gram stain is an example of
differential staining as it allows you to distinguish between two groups of bacteria. Gram staining also
allows you to see the shapes of the bacteria and how they are arranged.
Gram staining involves two different stains. Crystal violet is a purple stain that binds to the thick layer
of peptidoglycan in Gram-positive cell walls. This means that when observed with a light microscope,
Gram-positive bacteria appear purple. The cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria do not retain crystal vio-
let and so they do not appear purple. In order to visualise Gram-negative bacteria, a second stain must
be used. This second stain is called a counter stain. Typically, safranin or fuchsin is used. These stains
cause Gram-negative bacteria to appear red or pink when observed with a light microscope.
1 Wash your hands with warm water and antimicrobial hand wash.
2 Clean the laboratory bench with antibacterial disinfectants or wipes.
3 Produce a heat-fixed slide of a bacterial culture.
4 Apply the first stain, crystal violet and leave for 30 to 60 seconds.
5 Rinse off the crystal violet by tilting the slide. Use a wash bottle to squirt a gentle stream of
distilled water over the smear.
6 Apply iodine to the smear. Iodine acts as a mordant. It reacts with the crystal violet to form
a complex that traps the stain in Gram-positive cell walls during the next step.
7 Rinse the smear with a 1:1 mixture of acetone and ethanol. Hold the slide at an angle and
rinse for less than 10 seconds.
8 Apply a counterstain such as safranin to the smear. Leave on for 30 to 60 second.
9 Rinse the smear with distilled water by tilting the slide.
10 Dry the slide by allowing it to air dry or by blotting with blotting paper.
11 Observe the slide using a light microscope without and with oil immersion.
1 Wash your hands with warm water and antimicrobial hand wash.
2 Clean the laboratory bench with antibacterial disinfectants or wipes.
3 Using 95% alcohol clean the surface of a glass slide.
4 One the alcohol has completely evaporated, pass the slide through a hot Bunsen burner
flame to sterilise.
5 Place a very small drop of India ink near the end of the slide.
6 Hold an inoculating loop in the centre of a hot Bunsen burner flame and remove a small
amount of the bacterial culture or yeast suspension.
7 Disperse the culture in the stain drop without spreading the stain.
8 Use another sterile slide to spread the drop of stain. Do this by resting the end of the other
slide on the centre of the slide containing the stain drop. Tilt the slide forward towards the
drop forming an angle of less than 90°. Pull the slide towards the drop causing it to spread
along the edge of the spreader slide. Push the spreader slide in the opposite direction to
produce a thin smear of stain.
9 Allow the smear to air dry.
10 Observe the slide using a light microscope without and with oil immersion.
Pause point
Explain the difference between Gram staining and India ink staining.
Include the types of organism in each type of laboratory, specialist equipment they may use and
personal protective equipment that will be worn.
Discuss the level of training that staff would need in each type of laboratory and the security they
may have.
Nutrient broths
Nutrient broth is made from beef extract that contains peptones (digested proteins). To make nutrient
broth you would dissolve 8g of beef extract and peptone in sterile water. You would then transfer to
a larger vessel and top up the volume of sterile water to 1L. You would then divide the broth amongst
test tubes stoppered with cotton wool and foil caps or in universal bottles with screw-top lids. You
would then sterilise the broth in an autoclave. Once it has cooled down you can transfer some of the
bacterial culture to the broth using aseptic technique. This is called inoculating. This is done by using a
sterilised wire loop to transfer a drop of liquid solution to the broth or by touching a bacterial colony
with the loop and transferring this to the broth.
When bacteria are grown in broths, they may show characteristic growth patterns. The bacteria could
form a sediment at the bottom of the tube, you would see this as formation at the bottom of the broth.
They could also produce turbid growth throughout the broth solution. This occurs when the bacteria
growing are insoluble. Another growth characteristic in broths is the formation of a pellicle. A pellicle
describes thick growth at the top of the broth tube.
Nutrient agar
Nutrient agar is made by mixing 20g of Bovril (beef extract), 5g of sodium chloride and 15g of agar
powder with 100mL of sterile water. It is important that the agar powder is weighed out in a fume cup-
board to avoid inhalation. Once the ingredients have been mixed together, they form a paste. Further
sterile water is added to make the volume up to 1L. This growth media can also be sterilised in an auto-
clave and allowed to cool and solidify. This can then be melted when required or kept in a thermostati-
cally controlled water bath set to 50°C until you are ready to pour into Petri dishes.
When bacteria are grown on solid media, they form colonies. A colony is the result of a single bacte-
rium landing on the solid media and dividing by binary fission. After 24-48 hours, where there was
one bacterium, there will be a visible colony containing several million bacteria that are all genetically
identical to each other and to the bacterium that landed there before incubation. Colonies show typical
growth characteristics. Colony morphology describes the characteristics of an individual colony of bac-
teria growing on the agar. It can be used to help identify the bacteria present. Specific terminology is
used to describe types of colony. This terminology includes:
MacConkey agar Mannitol salt agar Blood agar (pH Potato dextrose
(pH 7.1) (pH 7.4) 7.3) agar (pH 5.6)
Lactose (sugar)
7.5% NaCl
Bile salts
Mannitol (carbohy- Potato extract
Supplementary 5% sheep or horse
Crystal violet drate)
ingredients blood Dextrose (sugar)
Neutral pH red indicator Phenol red (pH indi-
Used for: Culturing Gram-negative Culturing bacteria Culturing fastidi- Culturing fungi in-
bacteria (Gram-positive of the Staphylococ- ous microorgan- cluding yeasts and
growth inhibited by bile cus genus. These isms that require moulds
salts) can withstand high specific nutrients
salt concentrations. to grow. E.g. Neis-
Organisms that ferment
Can differentiate seria gonorrhoeae
lactose appear pink
between pathogenic
Allows scientists
Organisms that do not bacteria such as S.
to detect when
ferment lactose, appear aureus which will
a bacteria may
colourless or cream turn agar yellow
have haemolytic
coloured and non-pathogenic
activity (causes the
(agar stays red)
destruction of red
blood cells)
1 Labl your tubes of liquid media (broth) with your name, the date and the microorganism to
be added.
2 Wash your hands with warm water and an antimicrobial hand wash.
3 Ensure the work surface has been disinfected with a suitable disinfectant.
4 Flame a wire loop by holding in the centre of a hot Bunsen burner flame and allow it to cool
(if you are using a disposable, sterile plastic loop, do not flame it).
5 Take the culture tube and loosen the cap. Remove the cap from the culture tube using your
little finger and keep hold of the lid. Do not set it down.
6 Flame the neck of the culture tube.
7 Insert the sterile loop into the culture tube. If it is a liquid culture, obtain a loop-full of culture.
If it is a slant, touch a colony with the edge of the loop. Hold this loop while re-flaming the
neck of the culture bottle and replacing the cap.
8 Pick up the liquid broth tube to be inoculated. Remove the cap (hold onto it) and flame the
neck of the bottle.
9 Insert the loop containing the bacteria into this tube and then withdraw it.
10 Flame the neck of the newly inoculated tube again and replace the cap.
11 Sterilise your wire loop by flaming it or dispose of the loop in a container of disinfect if it is
12 Incubate the broth culture produced. It can then be used for further culturing or analysis of
the bacteria.
Slant tubes
Slant tubes, also known as agar slopes, are used for the long-term storage of microorganisms. A slant
tube is produced by pouring molten agar into a tube while it is tilted. As the agar solidifies it forms a
slanted surface on which bacteria and yeast can be made. If the purpose of the slant is to store the cul-
ture until it is needed at a later date, then an agar plug can be created in the top of the tube to prevent
drying out. Slant tubes should be re-cultured once every six to nine months.
Streak plate
Streak plates involve the spreading of bacteria on the surface of solid agar that has been poured into a
Petri dish. This method spreads one loopful of bacterial culture, so that the bacteria on the last streak
are spread out. The aim of a streak plate is to dilute the bacteria culture so that by the end of the
process, a single bacterium lies on the surface of the agar. When the plate is incubated these individual
bacteria will form a colony that is distinct and easy to see. Figure 2.26 shows the procedure for carrying
out a streak plate.
Lawn spreads
Lawn spreads can also be used to culture bacteria. To prepare a lawn spread:
1 Pipette 1mL of bacterial culture into the middle of the solid nutrient agar that has set in a petri
2 Use a sterilised bent glass rod to spread this evenly over the surface of the agar. One effective way
to sterilise the bent glass rod before and after use is buy dipping in 95% ethanol and setting the
ethanol alight by passing through a hot Bunsen burner flame.
When incubated, lawn spreads produce a lawn of bacteria rather than individual colonies. This type of
plate is useful for investigating the effectiveness of antibiotics or other antibacterial substances.
• Shake the tube of liquid medium in which the yeast cells have been growing.
• Transfer 1mL of this liquid and add it to 9mL of sterile water in another test tube. This dilutes the
sample by a factor of 10.
• Mix the diluted yeast suspension well and, using a pipette, allow some of the solution to trickle into
the grooves under the cover slip of the haemocytometer.
• Observe the haemocytometer grid under the microscope, using low power first.
Focus on the central grid area where there are 25 squares, each sub-divided into 16 smaller
• Count the yeast cells in five of the 25 squares (80 small squares): count the central square and each
corner square. The volume of liquid over 80 small squares is 0.02μL.
• If any cells are on the boundaries, only count those on the left and top boundaries and not those on
the bottom and right boundaries.
• Now you know how many yeast cells (n) are in 0.02μL of sample and you can calculate how many
are in 1mL of the undiluted liquid medium.
Figure 2.28: (a) A haemocytometer slide and (b) using a haemocytometer slide to make a total population
Key points
Total population count – a quantitative method used to count the number of living and dead
cells in culture.
Viable cell count – a quantitative method used to count the number of living cells in a culture
that are growing and reproducing (viable).
Haemocytometer – a slide with a grid etched into its middle section, used to count cells large
enough to be viewed with a light microscope.
1 Fill a cuvette with liquid medium that does not contain any microorganism culture.
2 Set the colorimeter with a blue or green filter.
3 Insert the cuvette into the colorimeter and calibrate the colorimeter by setting the reading to
4 Fill another cuvette with a sample of the microorganism culture that has yeast or bacterial
cells growing in it.
5 Place the cuvette in the colorimeter using the same filter as before.
6 Measure the absorbance. The greater the absorbance, the greater the growth.
The colorimeter cannot distinguish between particles in the culture medium and cells, which is why
you need to calibrate the colorimeter first so that it “ignores” the particles of the growth medium. You
can also use this method to give a measurement of growth rate by taking samples from the culture at
timed intervals and measuring the absorbance.
Viable counts
Serial dilutions
Serial dilution and subsequence colony counts can be used to give a viable cell count of bacteria. This
gives an estimation of the number of living cells per mL of sample. During a serial dilution the liquid
culture of bacteria is diluted over and over again into a volume of sterile water. Each dilution is then
diluted further by taking a sample of the diluted culture and transferring it to a new volume of sterile
water. This is repeated so that each time the sample is diluted by a factor of 10. Figure 2.28 shows how
the bacteria culture can be diluted using serial dilution.
1 Label your tubes for serial dilutions and agar plates with your name, the date, the
microorganism to be added and dilution to be produced.
2 Wash your hands with warm water and an antimicrobial hand wash.
3 Ensure the work surface has been disinfected with a suitable disinfectant.
4 Mix the contents of the sample and, using a sterile pipette, withdraw 1mL of the solution.
Hold the lid of the culture bottle after removing and flame the neck of the sample bottle after
removing the lid and before replacing it.
5 Add the sample to a tube containing 9 mL of sterile water. This gives a x 10 dilution factor
(dilution factor of 10-1).
6 Roll the tube between your hand to mix the contents. Transfer 1mL from this tube using a
new sterile pipette and add to another tube containing 9mL of sterile water. This gives
a x 100 dilution factor (dilution factor of 10-2).
7 Roll the tube between your hand to mix the contents. Transfer 1mL from this tube using a
new sterile pipette and add to another tube containing 9mL of sterile water. This gives
a x 1000 dilution factor (dilution factor of 10-3).
8 Roll the tube between your hand to mix the contents. Transfer 1mL from this tube using a
new sterile pipette and add to another tube containing 9mL of sterile water. This gives
a x 10 000 dilution factor (dilution factor of 10-4).
9 Roll the tube between your hand to mix the contents. Transfer 1mL from this tube using a
new sterile pipette and add to another tube containing 9mL of sterile water. This gives
a x 100 000 dilution factor (dilution factor of 10-5).
10 Roll the tube between your hand to mix the contents. Transfer 1mL from this tube using a
new sterile pipette and add to another tube containing 9mL of sterile water. This gives
a x 1000 000 dilution factor (dilution factor of 10-6).
11 Roll the tube between your hand to mix the contents. Transfer 1mL from this tube using a
new sterile pipette and add to another tube containing 9mL of sterile water. This gives
a x 10 000 000 dilution factor (dilution factor of 10-7).
12 Using a sterile pipette each time, transfer 1 mL from the 10-3, 10-4. 10-5. 10-6 and 10-7 dilutions
onto five separate nutrient agar plates and evenly spread the bacteria using a sterile glass
13 Secure the plates using two pieces of tape, one on each side, and incubate upside down at
30°C for 24 hours.
14 Examine the plates (do not open them) and select the plate that has between 20 and 200
colonies. Count the colonies. You can divide the plate into sections and use a colony counter
and felt tip pen to spot each colony as you count it. Using this count, you can calculate how
many bacteria were present in 1mL of undiluted broth.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of colorimetry, hemocytometry and serial dilutions for
measuring the growth of bacteria.
Think of the pros and cons of each method.
How can the growth of a multicellular fungus be assessed?
b) streak plate
c) pour plate
d) lawn spread.
3 Compare and contrast the techniques used to identify and cultivate the bacteria. Link your
comparison to the aims of the technique used and the quality of the results obtained.
4 Carry out a total and viable cell count to measure the growth of the microorganism you have
used in activity 2.
Key points
Coryn works in a microbiology laboratory and wants to test the effectiveness of different antibi-
otics on a bacterial culture. In order to produce valid results, she must design her investigation
carefully. She decides to produce a lawn spread of the bacterial culture, which will then be incu-
bated with a disc impregnated with the antibiotic. Coryn will measure the diameter of the zone of
inhibition (no growth) around the antibiotic disc. She starts planning her investigation by listing
her variables. She decides that her independent variable is the antibiotic used and her depend-
ent variable is the diameter of the zone of inhibition produced. She identifies two variables to
control; these are volume of bacterial culture added to produce the lawn plate (1 mL) and incuba-
tion temperature (30°C).
Check your knowledge
1 What equipment might she use to measure the zones of inhibition produced?
2 How might the two control variables identified be controlled?
3 Identify other variables that should also be controlled in this investigation.
1 Wash your hands with warm water and an antimicrobial hand wash.
2 Ensure the work surface has been disinfected with a suitable disinfectant.
3 Using aseptic technique pour molten agar into a petri dish and allow it to set.
4 Remove the lid of the bacterial culture tube using your little finger and do not put it down. Flame
the neck of the bottle.
5 Using a sterile pipette, extract 1mL of the culture. Do not put the pipette down. Re-flame the neck
of the bottle before replacing the lid.
6 Remove the lid of the Petri dish slightly, keeping it close to the agar. Transfer the bacterial culture
from the pipette to the centre of the agar. Replace the lid. Place the pipette in disinfectant.
7 Dip a glass spreader in 95% ethanol and pass through a Bunsen burner flame to ignite. Allow to
8 Use the glass spreader to spread the bacterial culture over the surface of the agar.
9 Make up the disinfectants to be tested to their recommended dilutions.
10 Prepare a filter paper disc.
11 Using sterile forceps dip the filter paper disc into the disinfectant and allow to soak.
12 Using sterile forceps place the filter paper disc on the centre of the agar.
13 Secure the plates using two pieces of tape, one on each side and, incubate upside down at 30°C
for 24 hours.
14 Observe the plate and measure any zone of inhibition using a ruler or digital calliper.
Safety tip – ethanol is extremely flammable. Replace the lid of the ethanol dish before passing the glass
spreader through the Bunsen burner flame.
The method above could be modified to investigate the effect of:
• different disinfectants
• different antiseptics
• different natural antimicrobials
• disinfectants vs natural antimicrobials
• different concentrations.
Pause point
Write a method for how you could test the effectiveness of different concentrations of a
Start by thinking about which method of cell culture you will use.
Evaluate the equipment you have chosen and consider how accurate your results would be.
• different antibiotics
• different types of antibiotic (bacteriostatic, bactericidal, narrow and broad spectrum)
• the age of antibiotics on their effectiveness.
Pour plate of
bacterial culture
Antibiotic disc
Zone of inhibition
Figure 2.30: Using a ruler to measure the zone of inhibition produced by an antibiotic disc on a pour plate of
a bacterial culture. Measured through the lid of the Petri dish
To improve the accuracy of the measurements made, a digital calliper could be used. Some digital
callipers are able to make measurements to the nearest 0.01mm. A digital calliper, as shown in Figure
2.30, is placed over the lid of the Petri dish. The wheel is then turned to open the prongs of the calliper
so that they represent the size of the diameter of the zone of inhibition. This then gives a digital read-
ing on the screen to the nearest 0.01mm. Measurements made by a digital calliper have less errors due
to the increased sensitivity of the measuring equipment. The maximum uncertainty of a digital calliper
would be 0.005mm.
Bleach 65 63 60 62.7
Hydrogen Peroxide 56 54 57 55.7
Iodine solution 10 60 15 12.5
Table 2.12 has correct headings with units. The table shows that three repeats have been carried out
and all measurements have been recorded to an appropriate level of precision given that a ruler has
been used. Mean values have been calculated. For iodine solution, repeat 2 has not been included
in the mean calculation as it is anomalous. The person carrying out the investigation may choose to
repeat this test.
To present results from an investigation, a graph may be used. Bar charts may be used to display
discrete or categoric data. For the data in Table 2.12, it would be appropriate to draw a bar chart to
display the results.
Mean diameter of zone of inhibition
Bleach Hydrogen peroxide Iodine
Figure 2.32: Bar chart showing the effect of different disinfectants on the growth of E. coli bacteria
Mean diameter of zone of inhibition /mm
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Concentration of ethanol /%
Figure 2.33: Line graph showing the effect of different concentrations of ethanol on the growth of M. luteus
The graph in Figure 2.33 includes a line of best fit. The experimental data displayed does not exactly
fit the curve. A line (or curve) of best fit should be drawn so that there are an equal number of points
either side of the line.
Sources of error
Different measuring equipment may measure to different degrees of precision. You have already seen
this when comparing a ruler to a digital calliper.
Percentage error is used in science to give an indication of how error affects the accuracy of the meas-
urements made. To calculate percentage error, you use the following equation:
Bobby is investigating the effect of different concentrations of TCP on the growth of S.epidermis
bacteria. He decides to use the lawn spread method and cut wells into the agar. He will then fill
these wells with TCP and incubate the plates for 48 hours at 25°C. He plans to measure the zones
of inhibition produced. Bobby cannot decide whether to use a ruler or a digital calliper to meas-
ure his results. He carries out a preliminary experiment using the recommended dilution of TCP
and makes the following measurements of the zone of inhibition produced:
Ruler/mm = 55
Digital calliper /mm = 54.58
Drawing conclusions
Having processed your data using tables and graphs, you should be able to look for trends or patterns
in your results.
You would need to consider:
• use of antibiotic discs that are old or past their recommended use-by date
• antibiotic discs being used that have not been stored at the correct temperature of 4 °C
• poor pouring of agar plates resulting in inconsistent depth of agar in the Petri dish. This would
affect the diffusion of the antibiotic into the agar
• use of incorrect growth conditions for the bacteria.
1 Produce a plan for an investigation into the effects of an antimicrobial on the growth of a
microorganism. Speak to the technicians or teachers in your school or college to find out
what equipment and microorganisms are available.
2 Consider the method you will use to produce the most accurate results and select
appropriate equipment to use.
3 Carry out your investigation using aseptic technique to collect your data.
4 Produce an analysis of your results using the data collected and make valid conclusions.
5 Produce an evaluation of your method, techniques and data collected. Link your conclusions
to the wider impact on prevention and treatment and disease.
Think about it
1 Have you made a plan with timings so you can complete your assignment by the agreed sub
mission date?
2 Have you arranged to meet with the science technicians or your tutor to discuss what re
sources are available for your work?
3 Have you researched all the background information about the bacteria and the chemicals
you will use?
4 Have you made notes of the sources of your information so you can reference all sources
5 Have you considered all the safety aspects of your investigation and practised using aseptic