Nature & Imp of Mkting POM
Nature & Imp of Mkting POM
Nature & Imp of Mkting POM
Scope of Marketing
After studying this chapter you will learn:
1.1 Meaning of Marketing
1.2 Key Concepts of Marketing
1.3 Nature of Marketing
1.4 Importance of Marketing
1.5 Scope of Marketing
Test Questions
TERM 'MARKETING has been derived from the word 'market'. In common
language, a market is used to refer to the place where buyers and sellers
meet to exchange products and services for money. But in reality, market means
all the buyers and sellers. Buyers and sellers may buy and sell on telephone,
internet and other nmethods without meeting each other. According to Philip
Kotler. tA market is the set of all actual and potential buyerS of a product.)
Markets are of several types. On the basis of geographical area, markets
may be classified as local. regional, national and international. According to the
volume of trade, markets can be wholesale market and retail market. On the
basis of subject-matter, there can be commodity market, capital market and
money market.
Marketing is impossible without buyers and sellers.(Buyers or customers
are the individuals and organizations who seek to satisfy their needs and Wants.
They buy products and services for the satisfaction of their needs.Sellers or
WErketers are individuals and organisations who want to sell products and
SerVices which provide satisfaction. For example, Hindustan Unilever which sells
Luk, Surf, Fair &Lovely and other products is a marketer.
"Marketing includes all activities involved in the creation of place, time and possession utilities."
-Converse, Hugey and Mitchell
Marketing is that phase of business activity through which human wants are satisfied by exchange
of goods and services." -J.F. Pyle
and through which
"Marketing is the business process by which products are matched with market -Cundiff and Still
transfers of ownership are effected"
"Marketing is the process of discovering and translating consumer needs and wants into products
and services, creating demand for these products and services and then in turn expanding this
demand" -H.L. Hansen
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they
need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value
with others." -Philip Kotler
"Marketing is atotal system of interacting business activities designed to plan, price, promote and
distribute want satisfying products to target markets to achieve organisational objectives."
-W.J. Stanton
"Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and
distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organisational
-American Marketing Association
worth their cost. Kotler's also highlights the socal aspeet of marketing. Stanton
has given a systenns oriented definition having several inplications. First.
marketing is a integrated process consisting of many inter-related activities.
Secondly, the entire system of business activitics should be cuIstomer oriented.
Thirdly. marketing begins with the recognition of customer wants and ends only
after the wants are satisfied. Fourthly. the purpose of marketing is to achieve
long-term objectives of business.
The detinition by the American Marketing Association stresses upon
marketing planning. identifies the four major elements-conception (product).
pricing. promotion and distribution of marketing mix, and suggests goal
achievement for both buyers and sellers.
producer to customer. Exchange process between buyer and seller is the essential
element in marketing.
6. Marketing is Goal-oriented. Marketing seeks to achieve benefits for
both buyer and seller. It results in a mutually beneflcial relationship
by satisfying wants of customers and by generating revenue for the seller.
Satisfying human wants is
7. Marketing is an Art as well as a Science. knowledge and
an art requiring continuous practice. It involves application isofa science in the
skills to create utilities for both buyer and seller. Marketing from economiCs,
sense that it contains an organised body of knowledge
Marketing is,
psychology. sociology, anthropology, law and other disciplines.
therefore, inter-disciplinary in nature.
buyers and
8. Marketing is Wider than Market. Market implies potential only the buyers and
sellers of a product or service. Marketing consists of not
sellers but all institutions and activities involved in planning, pricing, promoting
and distributing want satisfying products and services.
9. Marketing is Pervasive. Marketing is required in business as well as
marketing is
in social and other organisations. In non-business organisations,
family planning,
necessary for spreading socially useful ideas and programmes of environmental
adult education, communal harmony, national integration,
protection, etc. Such marketing is called social marketing.
The main objectives of marketing are as follows :
(a) Consumer Satisfaction. The first and foremost objective of
identification and
is to satisfy human wants. Marketing begins with the
understanding of needs of customers. Then products and services which are
useful to customners are created and exchanged for money. After the goods are
sold, after-sale service is provided wherever necessary to satisfy customers.
(b) Organisational Integration. Marketing integrates all activities and parts
of the enterprise to focus on customer needs and preferences. Customer-oriented
philosophy is adopted by all departments to build and maintain mutually
beneficial relationships with customers.
(c) Proftability. Marketing aims at earning profits by creating and satisfying
Customers. When an enterprise serves customners better than its competitors it
earns more profits.
(d) Social Service. Another objective of marketing is to serve the society
by improving standard of living, generating employment, boosting economic
growth, etc. Marketing can carry out social change and can help by providing
environment friendly products and services.
made on the
Making. AI business decisions are information
. Basis for Decision requirements. Marketing provides to
Dasis of market
conditions and
firms decide what to produce, how
basis of which Marketing is beneficial
and knowledge on the and how much to produce.
Produce, when to produce facilitates transfer and exchange of goods
and consumers as it know the needs of consumers. It makes
to both producers the producers to
and services. Itenables Marketing is helpful in deciding
known to consumers.
he goods and servicesand policies for business.
appropriate strategies
Foundation of
Source of
Generation of
Higher Living Employment
The end of all production is consumption. Butare there are widespread gaps
as under.
between production and consumption. These gaps
1. Space : Huge geographical distances separate producers and
lots and
Goods must be assembled. transported and broken down into small
grades of different quality before they are distributed to the consumers. Marketing
performs these functions and thereby creates place utility.
2. Time : There is a long time interval between production and consumption.
During this interval, investment (financing), storage and insurance of goods are
required. Marketing creates time utility by performing these functions.
3. Knowledge : Often producers and consuners are unknown to each other.
Marketing brings products and services to the knowledge of consumers through
advertising and personal selling. Knowledge utility is created by bridging gaps
in perception of producers and consumers.
4. Ownership : Transfer of ownership of products from producer to consumer.
requires payments in money, customer contact and termination of sale. Marketing
creates exchange utility by performing these functions.
5. Value : Value means the price of a product or service. It bridges the gap
between the cost of production and the customer's ability and desire to pay.
Marketing bridges this gap through pricing and terms of sale.
TABLE 1.1: Role of Marketing in Bridging Gaps
Utilities Created
Gaps Marketing functions
Space Assembly, transportation, distribution Place utility
Time utility
Time Storage, Financing and risk taking
Knowledge Advertising, personal selling Knowledge utility
Ownership Banking, negotiations Exchange utility
Pricing, terms of sale
Possession utility
and provides the much needed
Marketing generates revenue for business
funds for all other departmnents and activities of an
business because it keeps the
Marketing is said to be the eyes and ears of
environment and informs of changes in the
business in close contact with its Marketing is essential for the very survival
wants and preferences of customers. has to
growth of business. Business aims at profit. To realise profit, a sale
and customer has to be created. To create
be made. To make the sale, a customer, his needs have to be met. To
satisfied. To satisfy the
he must be essential.
customer's needs, marketing is the
equally important at the macro level. It contributes to
Marketing is ways :
and social development of a nation in the following
economic services
Cost: A nation's income is composed of goods and
1. Reduction In
efficiency of marketing reduces the
increase in the
which money can buy. Any prices to consumers. These in turn help to improve
cost of distribution and lesser per unit by
people. Marketing also helps to reduce cost
the real income of and production.
increasing the volume of sales Marketing contributes to national income
2. Increase In National new products and
services to satisfy
firms create and sell use of the country's
and wealth. Business they make productive
to do s0,
human wants. In orderexploitation of national resources generates income and
latent resources. Fuller developing
developed countries is more advanced than in
wealth. Marketing in increase exports and foreign exchange earnings
COuntries. Marketing also helps to
of a nation.
Generation: Marketing generates employment. A large
3. Emnployment gainfully employed in the distribution and marketing
number of people are addition, marketing generates employnent by increasing
products and services. In
production and trade standard of
Standard of Living: Marketing helps to improve and better
4. Higher bringing new
By increasing per capita income and by the quality of life in
living of people. tO consumers,
marketing raises
products and services