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Lesson Exemplar in English Using the IDEA Instructional Process

School Bernardo Lirio National Grade Level 7

High School
Teacher Jennielyn G. Almeda Learning Area English
Teaching October 9-12 2023 Quarter First
Teaching 6:50 -7:40 – Generosity No. of Days 4
7:40 -8:30 – Kindness
Time 8:30- 9:20 – Optimism
9:50-10:40 – Humility
10:40- 11:30 – Diligence
Modality Face to Face Learning

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:

1. define phrase, clause and sentence;

2. differentiate phrase, clause and sentence
3. identify the two type of clauses;
4. determine the clause in a sentence; and
5. construct meaningful sentences.

A. Content Standards The learners will be able to identify the meaning of the phrases,
clauses, and sentences and recognize their differences to easily
identify how to construct them.

B. Performance The learners will have the ability to generate a sentence properly
Standards on their own using the means of phrases and clauses.

C. Most Essential
Learning MELC 6: Use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and
Competencies meaningfully.
(If available, write the
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling
(If available, write the
attached enabling
II. CONTENT Topic: Phrases, Clause and Sentence.


A. References
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a. Teacher’s Guide
b. Learner’s Material PIVOT Module Week 6 / pp. 26-30
Pages CO_Q1_Module 7 / pp. 3-9

c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials
from Learning

B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities

 Daily Routine

A. Introduction  Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance

1. Phrase
A phrase is a group of words that do not have a subject and
verb, and cannot communicate a complete thought on their own.

2. Clause
A clause is a group of words having both subject and a verb. It
can sometimes act as a sentence but its not always the case.

3. Sentence
A sentence is refers to a group of words that begins with a
capital letter and ends with any of these three punctuation marks;
the period or full stop, the exclamation mark and the question

 Preliminary Activity

Directions: Read each group of words. Identify each group as to

phrase, clause or sentence.
1. an empty room
2. I am sick.
3. horror movies lately
4. while you were sleeping
5. I found my coin purse under my bed.
6. if I were a boy
7. above the clouds
8. although she graduated
9. but she fixed it
10.Where are you going?
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( The teacher will process the students' responses )

 Introduction

This lesson explains the forms, differences and

relationship among phrases, clauses a sentences. This also
highlights the ways in writing and forming phrases, clauses
and sentences.

 Learning Task 1
B. Development
Directions: Identify what is being asked in each statement.
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers in your

1. It is a group of words that does not consists of a subject and

A. clause B. phrase C. sentence D. predicate
2. It is a group of words that does not consist of a subject and a
A. clause B. phrase C. sentence D. Predicate
3. Which of the following gives a complete idea?
A. I am hungry. C. at home
B. when I was angry D. so that I will give you my food
4. One of the types of clause that can stand alone as a sentence is
A. dependent B. independent C. Sentence D. phrase
5. It acts as single part of speech in a sentence.
A. verb B. clause C. sentence D. phrase
6. This group of words “whenever I eat” is an example of?
A. sentence B. Phrase C. clause D. Subject
7. A group of words with subject and predicate is called ________.
It can also be called a simple sentence.
A. phrase B. subject C. clause D. predicate
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8. The topic of a sentence is called _______.

A. clause B. phrase C. sentence D. Subject
9. ________is part of a sentence which can be dependent or
A. predicate B. phrase C. clause D. sentence
10. A complete sentence should have ________
A. verb only C. subject and predicament
B. predicate and verb D. subject and predicate

( The teacher will process the students' responses )

 Discussion of the Topic

Phrase, Clause and Sentence

A. Phrase
A phrase is a group of words in a sentence that does not have
a subject nor a verb. It cannot express a complete thought on its
It usually consists of an article, preposition or noun. A phrase acts
as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb in a sentence so it can also
be defined as a group of related words which lacks a subject and a
verb that acts a single part of speech in a sentence.

Examples: on the table (no subject, no verb)

finished the task (no subject)
Kristine and her friends (no verb)

B. Clause

A clause is a group of words having both subject and a verb.

It can sometimes act as a sentence but is not always the case.

Two Types of Clauses

 independent clause
 dependent clause

An INDEPENDENT CLAUSE is a group of words that contains

both a subject and a predicate. It expresses a complete thought
and can stand alone as a sentence. Hence, you write an
independent clause every time you write a simple sentence.

1. I will follow wherever you go.
2. You have to finish your vegetables, and then you can
eat dessert.
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3. The waves crashed onto the sandy shore.

Meanwhile, a dependent clause is one that cannot stand alone as

a sentence. It is called dependent clause because it needs to be
attached or joined to an independent clause. It is a supporting part
of a sentence. Dependent clauses begin with subordinating
conjunction such as before, if, when, after, so, hence, therefore,
since, because, so that, etc.

The boldfaced clauses have a subject and a verb but the idea or
thought is incomplete.
1. After I did my best to study, I received high marks.
2. Because I woke up late, I was not able to pass my
projects on time.
3. Before you leave the classroom, make sure to turn off
all the lights.

C. Sentence
A sentence is a set of words that contains a SUBJECT
(what the subject is about or the topic of the sentence) and a
PREDICATE (what is said about the subject). As such, a sentence
contains a subject and a predicate. It expresses a complete
thought and begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop-a
period, a question mark or an exclamation point.

1. I don't wash the dishes.
2. Everyone needs food.
3.I study hard.
4. He loves to play basketball.
5.She doesn’t use a computer.

Phrase vs. Clause vs. Sentence

Phrase Clause Sentence

Group of words Group of words Group of words

Incomplete thought or Almost complete Complete thought or

idea thought or idea idea

No subject or verb Has subject and verb Has subject and verb

Part of a sentence Part of a sentence Phrase+ Clause=


 Learning Task 2
C. Engagement
Directions: Copy each of the following sentences on your
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notebook. Identify whether the group of words is a sentence, a
phrase or a clause. Write your answer on the space provided.

_______1. if we finish the game

_______2. to be free
_______3. beside the bed
_______4. She was lost in the dark of night.
_______5. The book was on the table.
_______6. Because I can’t wait for the bus.
_______7. Whenever you come to visit.
_______8. after the meal
_______9. She smelled of strawberries and cream.
_______10. Until the sunsets.

Learning Task 3

Directions: Write IC if the statement is independent clause and

DC if it is dependent clause.
1 Whenever the animals cooked their food
2. The Bungisngis ate all the food and disappeared.
3. However the monkey climbed up a tree and he escaped
4. The Bungisngis accepted the position offered by the monkey.
5. The bees buzzed about him and punished him for his curiosity.
6. Maddened with pain, the Bungisngis went in search of the
7. Because the Bungisngis was pleased with beautiful colors of the
8. After he put the belt around the body of the Bungisngsi
9. While the monkey was playing with a snake
10. If the monkey would give the Bungisngis the belt

D. Assimilation A. Copy the following on your activity notebook. Underline the
group of words if it is a sentence and circle if it is a phrase.

1. John hit
2. Sam and Sherry went to class.
3. Go to the movies
4. The animals live in the forest.
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5. Happy day
6. Jump for joy
7. The show keeper showed the animal.
8. All day
9. I played basketball today.
10. I also enjoy playing baseball.

B. Copy each of the following sentences on your activity notebook.

Underline the subject and encircle the predicate.

1. Ana is cooking spaghetti.

2. The children are playing scrabble.
3. Avocado is my favorite fruit.
4. Reading is my hobby.
5. My teacher smiles at me.
6. I am worried now.
7. Teach me how to drive.
8. Are you afraid of the dark.
9. Daniel looks happy today.
10. We will attend the meeting this afternoon.

A. To complete the sentences, match Column A with the most
appropriate word group in Column B. Write the letters of your
answers in your notebook.
Column A Column B
1. The wedding ceremony a. to keep my secret.
2. My best friend agreed b. when I get home.
3. Dancing in the shower c. my notes?
4. I cry d. when I was a kid.
5. After thinking about it e. started late.
6. I was so thin f. is my greatest talent.
7. I will call you g. whenever I watch pitiful scenes.
8. Do you want h. I’d like to join in your group.
9. My little brother i. becoming a successful nurse
10. He dreams of j. hides under his bed every morning
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B. Fill the blanks with group of words to form meaningful

sentences. Write your answers in your notebook.
________________who taught me about helpfulness.
It's my parents who taught me about helpfulness.

1. When you help someone, _______________________.

2. Teamwork is very important____________________________.
3. Helping others _________________________________.
4. If there is teamwork, __________________________________.
5. In every group activity,_______________________________.
Go over the various tasks that you came across in the lesson.
V. REFLECTION Reflect on the valuable insights that you have gained. Make sure
to write down your reflection on your English notebook.

Performance Level INTERVENTION

(PL) Performance Level (PL)
SA 1 SA 2 SA 1 SA 2
Written Work Performance Task Written Work Performance Task
No. of No. of
students who students who
No. of students who No. of students who
passed/ Total % passed/ Total %
passed passed
No. of No. of
students students


Prepared by :
Jennielyn G. Almeda
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Checked by :

Master Teacher I – English

Noted :

Principal III

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