Pneumatic - SKD (CT - Syllabus)
Pneumatic - SKD (CT - Syllabus)
Pneumatic - SKD (CT - Syllabus)
Pneumatic Systems
1 Pneumatic systems
(a) The advantages of pneumatic systems
(i) High effectiveness
(ii) High durability and reliability
(iii) Simple design
(iv) High adaptability to harsh environment
(v) Safety
(vi) Easy selection of speed and pressure
(vii) Environmental friendly
(viii) Economical
(b) Limitations of pneumatic systems
(i) Relatively low accuracy
(ii) Low loading
(iii) Processing required before use
(iv) Uneven moving speed
(v) Noise
(c) Main pneumatic components
2 The production and transportation of compressedair
(a) Compressor
(b) Pressure regulating component
3 The consumption of compressed air
(a) Execution component
(i) Single acting cylinder
(ii) Double acting cylinder
(b) Directional control valve
(i) 2/2 Directional control valve
(ii) 3/2 Directional control valve
(iii) 5/2 Directional control valve 10
(c) Control valve 10
(i) Non-return valve 10
(ii) Flow control valve 11
(iii) Shuttle valve 11
1 Pneumatic systems
A pneumatic system is a system that uses compressedair to transmit and control
Pneumatic systems are used in controlling train doors, automatic production lines,
clamps, etc (Fig. 1).
(iii)Simple design
The designs of pneumatic components are relatively simple. They are thus more suitable for
use in simple automatic control systems.
Tcchnological Studjcg Pneumatic Systc
(v) Safety
Pneumatic systems are safer than electromotive systems because they can work in inflammable
environment without causing fire or explosion. Apart from that, overloading in pneumatic system
will only lead to sliding or cessation of operation. Unlike electromotive components,
components do not burn or get overheated when overloaded.
As pncumatjc componentsare not expensive,the costs of pneumatic
Morcovcr, as pneumatic systems arc very durable, the cost of repair is systems are quite low.
significantly lower than that
of other systems.
(v) Noise
Noise will be produced when compressed air is released from the pneumatic components.
All main pneumatic components can be represented by simple pneumatic symbols. Each
symbol shows only the fttnction of the componentit represents, but not its structure. Pneumatic
symbols can be combined to form pneumatic diagrams. A pneumatic diagram describes the
relations between each pneumatic component, that is, the design of the system.
(a) Compressor
A compressor can compress air to the required pressures. It can convert the mechanical energy
from motors and engines into the potential energy in compressedair (Fig. 2). A single central
compressor can supply various pneumatic components with compressed air, which is transported
through pipes from the cylinder to the pneumatic components. Compressors can be divided into
two classes: reciprocatory and rotary.
Technological Studies
(a) Compressor used in schools (b) Compressor used in (c) Pneumatic symbol of
laboratories a compressor
Fig. 2
Pressure Lubricator
Filter Pressure regulator
jological Studies
Pneumatic Systems
I) 2/2 Directional control valve
OC 2/2 directional control valve
is very simple. It uses the thrust from the
the valve, stopping compressed air from
flowing towards working tube 'A'
When o Corceis applied to the control axis, the
valve will be pushed open,
Willi (Fig, 9), "Cheforce applied to the control axis has to overcome both air
the j•cpoINivcCorceoc the spring. The control valve can be driven manually or
ond to its original position by the spring.
A Working
p Inlet
Fig, 9 (o) 2/2 directional control valve (b) Cross section (c) Pneumatic symbol of a
2/2 directional control
(ii) 3/2 Directional control valve
A 3/2 directional control valve can be used to control a single acting cylinder (Fig, 10). The
opcn volveg in the middle will close until 'P' and 'A' are connected together. Then another valve
will open (he geoled base between 'A' and 'R' (exhaust). The valves can be driven manually,
jncchanicolly,clcclricaJly or pneumatically. 3/2 directional control valves can further be divided
into two Normally open type (N.O.) and normally closed type (N.C.) (Fig. I l).
4--A Working
4--1) Inlet
inlet exhaust
(a) 5/2 directional control valve (b) Cross section (c) Pneumatic symbol
Fig. 12 5/2 directional control valve
Fig. 13 (a) Non-return valve (b) Cross section (c) Pneumatic symbol
Pneumatic Systems
Il) Flow control valve
control valve is formed by a
non-return valve and a variable throttle (Fig. 14).
Fig, 14 (a) Flow control valve(b) Cross section (c) Pneumatic symbol
Fig, 15 (a) Shuttle valve (b) Cross section (c) Pneumatic symbol
Technological Studies
Fig. 16 3/2 directional control valve Fig 17 3/2 directional control valve
(normally closed type) (normally closed type)
3. Arrows " are used to indicate the flow direction of air current. If the external port is
not connected to the internal parts, the symbol "T" is used. The symbol "O" underneath
the square represents the air input, while the symbol "V" represents the exhaust. Fig. 17
shows an example of a typical pneumaticvalve.
4. The pneumatic symbols of operational components should be drawn on the outside of the
squares. They can be divided into two classes: mechanical and manual (Fig. 18 and 19).
,nologicalStudies Pneumatic Systems
(a) Vertical piston lever (b) Pulley lever (c) Unilateral pulley lever
Fig. 18 Mechanically operated pneumatic components
(a) Standard (b) Lever (c) Button (d) Pull & push
Fig. 19 Manually operated pneumatic components
5. Pneumatic operation signal pressure lines should be drawn on one side of the squares, while
triangles are used to represent the direction of air flow (Fig. 20).
(5) (3)
Fig. 21 Basic principles of drawing pneumatic circuit diagrams
1. When the manual switch is not operated,the spring will restore the valve to its original
2. From the position of the spring, one can deduce that the block is operating. The other block
will not operate until the switch is pushed.
3. Air pressure exists along this line because it is connected to the source of compressed air.
4. As this cylinder cavity and piston rod are under the influence of pressure, the piston rod is
in its restored position.
5. The rear cylinder cavity and this line are connected to the exhaust, where air is released.
Technological Studies Pneumatic S
Power level
— 14 —
nological Studies
Pneumatic Systems
e basic rules of circuit dia am settin are
as follows:
In a pneumatic circuit, the flow of energy is from the The work cycle should be drawn from left to right.
bottom to the top. Therefore, the air supply unit The first operating cylinder should be placed at the
should be ut at the bottom left corner. u er left comer.
3. 4.
Power control valves should be drawn directly under Control cylinders and operational valves (signal
the cylinder controlled by them, forming a power unit. components)driven by power control valves should
be laced at the lower levels of the dia
5. 6.
Assistance valves, such as those with logic functions Use the line which represents the connecting pipe to
(for example, memory, 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT', delay, connect all the air supply unit and the pneumatic
etc), can be put between the pneumatic components components to complete the pneumatic circuit.
and the power control valves. Check carefully the circuit and the logic of the
o eration before use to avoid an accident.
Pneumatic S)
Technological Studies
Pressure Line
Directional control valve
with large flow capacity
output OFF
Output ON
(i) ON-signal,delay
Fig. 26 shows the circuit diagram of an ON-signal delay circuit, which delays the output of the
next control valve. When control valve O is operated,the one way flow control valve will slow
down the flow of air, thus delaying the signal output of the outlet of control valve @ (A), resulting
in a persistent ON-signal. The time when control valve @ will be restored to its original position is
not affected.
¯ 17_
Pneumatic S)
Technological Studies
Manual operation
The only way to change the extension speed of the piston of a single acting cylinder is to
and use the spring to determine the speed of retraction. Therefore,
restrict the flow of air at the inlet
valve is placed in the circuit to control the speed.
a one way flow control
1010gicalStudies Pneumatic Systems
li) OR Function
The single acting cylinder in Fig. 29 can be operated by two different circuits. Examples
include manual operation and relying on automatic circuit signals, that is, when either control valve
0 or control valve @ is operated, the cylinder will work. Therefore, the circuit in Fig. 29 possesses
the OR function. However, if the output of two 3/2 directional control valves are connected through
the port of a triode, the air current from controlvalve O will be released through the exhaust of
control valve O, and so the cylinder will not work. This problem can be solved by connecting a
shuttle valve to the port of the triode.
Shuttle Valve
Technological Studies Pneumatic SN
O 111
- 20-
'OlogicalStudies Pneumatic Systems
In order to control the speed in both
directions, flow control valves are connected to the inlets
on both sides of the cylinder. The direction of the flow
control valve is opposite to that of the
release of air by the flow control valve of the single
acting cylinder. Compared to the throttle inlet,
the flow control valve is tougher and more
stable. Connecting the circuit in this way allows the
input of sufficient air pressure and energy to drive the piston.
Pneumatic S
Technological Studies
nologicalStudies Pneumatic Systems
(c) Under high temperature, compressed air can pass through human skin.
(d) Compressed air released from the exhaust contains particles and oil droplets, which can cause
damage to eyes.
Even though the pressure of compressed air in pipes and reservoirs is relatively low, when the
container loses its entirety, fierce explosions may still occur.
(f) Before switching on a compressed air supply unit, one should thoroughly inspect the whole
circuit to see if there are any loose parts, abnormal pressure or damaged pipes.
A loose pipe may shake violently due to the high pressure built up inside it. Therefore, each
time before the system pressure is increased,thorough inspection of the entire circuit is
required to prevent accidents.
(h) As the force produced by pneumatic cylinders is relatively large, and the action is usually very
fast, you may suffer serious injuries if you get hit by a cylinder.
(i) Switches should be installed on the compressedair supply unit to allow easy and speedy
control of air flow.
(j) In case of a leakage, the compressed air supply unit should be turned off immediately.
(k) The compressed air supply unit must be turned off before changes can be made to the system.
(l) Stay clear of the moving parts of the system. Never try to move the driving parts in the
mechanical operation valve with your hand.
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Technological Studies Pneumatic S
Filter Lubricator
Fig. 37 (a) Pressure regulating component (b) Cross section of pressure regulating
- 24-
nologicalStudies Pneumatic Systems
Fig. 38 (a) Single acting cylinder (b) Cross section of a single acting cylinder
Fig. 39 (a) Double acting cylinder (b) Cross section of a double acting cylinder
Pneumatic SN
Technoleeical Studies
Fig. 40 (a) 3/2 Directional control valve (b) Cross section of a 3/2 directional
control valve
(c) Pneumatic symbols (a) Normally closed type (b) Normally open type
Fig. 41 (a) 5/2 Directional control valve (b) Cross section (c) Pneumatic symbol
Fig. 42 (a) Flow control valve (b) Cross section (c) Pneumatic symbol
nological Studies Pneumatic Systems
Fig. 43 (a) Shuttle valve (b) Cross section (c) Pneumatic symbol
3. Other component
(a) Connecting pipe
Technological Studies PneUmatic Systems
l. List six advantages of using pneumatic systems,
4. State the difference(s) between a single acting cylinder and a double acting cylinder.
10. Draw a pneumatic circuit of a double cylinder with its piston staying at the end of the cylinder.