ECA Question Paper Bank (1-3 Units)

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Unit 1 Energy Conservation Basics

1. Define Energy conservation.

2. List any two functions of MEDA.
3. State the needs and benefits of star labelling.
4. State difference between commercial and non-commercial energy sources with
5. State the meaning of energy conservation and its need in present scenario
6. State the full form of BEE and MEDA
7. Identify the role of MEDA in implementation of E.C. Act, 2001
8. List out the main features of Energy Conservation Act-2001
9. List any two designed consumers as per Energy Conservation Act.
10. Difference between Primary and Secondary Energy sources.

Unit 2 Energy Conservation in Electrical Machines

1. List the energy conservation technique in induction motor.

2. Explain the energy conservation technique “By improving power quality of I.M.”.
3. State the advantages of amorphous core transformer.
4. Why energy conservation technique should be adopted in transformer even
1. though its efficiency is mostly more than 90%.
2. State the significant feature of soft starter.
3. Describe variable frequency drive with suitable diagram
4. State any four energy conservation techniques in transformers.
5. Explain any one energy conservation techniques related to transformer.
6. Explain the role of motor surveying achieve energy conservation in induction motors.
7. Explain how energy conservation can be achieved in induction motors by operating in
star mode.
8. State the advantages of soft starters compared to DOL starters.
9. State the periodical maintenance of transformer as a energy conservation Techniques.
10. State various techniques for energy conservation in 3 phase induction motor in
industries. Explain any one in detail.
11. Describe the need of energy conservation in Induction motor.
12. Describe the following energy conservation methods of electrical motors.
13. State the need of energy conservation in electrical motor
14. State the need of energy conservation in transformer.
15. Explain energy conservation method in induction motor
16. Explain the following energy conservation technique suitable for induction motors –
operating in star mode – improving the power quality.
Unit 3 Energy Conservation in Electrical installation system.

1. State the working principle and operation of automatic power factor controller
used in transmission & distribution system.
2. State the various commercial losses in transmission & distribution system. Also,
state EC technique adopted for optimizing distribution system.
3. Describe the following energy conservation techniques in lighting system :(i)
replacing lamp source (ii) using light control gear
4. Explain the following energy conservation technique : a) Controlling I2R losses b)
Balancing phase current.
5. Explain the energy conservation technique adopted for a lighting system using
6. the energy efficient lamp sources
7. Explain contribution of following factors in increasing transmission and
distribution losses :(1) Low p.f (2) Low transmission voltage (3) Transmission
line voltage unbalance
8. Explain the methods to reduce technical losses in the transmission and
distribution systems (any three).
9. List the commercial losses in transmission and distribution.
10. List any four causes for technical losses in transmission and distribution system.
Also state the technique to reduce them.
11. State various energy conservation opportunities in transmission and distribution
12. What is technical loss in electrical installation system
13. List out the different technical losses that take place in transmission and
distribution system.
14. State the various commercial losses in transmission & distribution system. Also
state energy conservation techniques adopted for reducing the losses takes place
in transmission and distribution system
15. Explain the following energy conservation techniques in transmission and
distribution system:
16. State and explain any four technical losses in transmission and distribution
17. State and explain any four commercial losses in transmission and distribution
18. State any four energy conservation techniques in lighting systems.
19. Explain the technical & commercial losses in power system.

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