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Benny Dele Bintang Ananta*

English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia

E-ISSN: 2621-9158 This paper discusses the highly controversial issue of postponing the 2024
P-ISSN:2356-0401 elections. The postponement of the election was replaced with the discourse
of extending President Joko Widodo's leadership term.
The major objective of this study is to categorize various illocutionary acts
*Correspondence: and provide a concise description of how they are used by speakers in CNBC
[email protected] news content. In this investigation, the author uses descriptive qualitative
research techniques to collect and dissect information from writing with the
Submitted: 8 June 2023 title "Dokumen Indonesia Maju Bocor, Benarkah Jokowi 3 Periode?". The
Approved: 29 June 2023
analysis of the data revealed that the language employed by speakers in CNBC
Published: 30 June 2023
news predominantly consists of representative speech acts across three terms.
These categories encompass representative, directive, commissive,
Citation: declarative, and expressive elements within the news discourse. The
Ananta, Benny Dele Bintang. (2023). researcher also found that speakers used 40% representative, 20%
Illocutionary Act Analysis of Jokowi commissive, 20% expressive, 10% directive, and 10% declarative in the news.
Three Periods on CNBC News 2022:
In addition, the speakers' speech in the news is explained from the five
Critical Discourse Analysis. Celtic: A
Journal of Culture, English Language categories that most of the speakers use: representative, commission, and
Teaching, Literature and Linguistics, expressive. However, the three-period issue has a lot of unfavorable
10(1), 14-28. Doi: implications for President Jokowi because it can create unwanted chaos in the
10.22219/celtic.v10i1. 24931
political environment for those who agree or disagree with the issue.
Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis; Illocutionary Acts; Jokowi 3 periods

Tulisan ini membahas isu yang sangat kontroversial mengenai wacana
penundaan pemilu tahun 2024. Penundaan pemilu tersebut digantikan
dengan wacana perpanjangan masa jabatan kepemimpinan Presiden Joko
Widodo. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkategorikan
berbagai tindak ilokusi dan memberikan deskripsi ringkas tentang
bagaimana tindak ilokusi tersebut digunakan oleh para pembicara dalam
konten berita CNBC. Dalam investigasi ini, penulis menggunakan teknik
penelitian kualitatif deskriptif untuk mengumpulkan dan membedah
informasi dari tulisan dengan judul "Dokumen Indonesia Maju Bocor,
Benarkah Jokowi 3 Periode?" Analisis data mengungkapkan bahwa bahasa
yang digunakan oleh pembicara dalam berita CNBC sebagian besar terdiri
dari tindak tutur representatif di tiga istilah. Kategori-kategori ini
mencakup elemen representatif, direktif, komisif, deklaratif, dan ekspresif
dalam wacana berita. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa penutur
menggunakan 40% representatif, 20% komisif, 20% ekspresif, 10%
direktif, dan 10% deklaratif dalam berita tersebut. Selain itu, tuturan
penutur dalam berita dijelaskan dari lima kategori yang paling banyak
digunakan oleh penutur yaitu representatif, komisif, dan ekspresif.
Namun, isu tiga periode ini memiliki banyak implikasi yang tidak
menguntungkan bagi Presiden Jokowi karena dapat menimbulkan
kegaduhan yang tidak diinginkan di lingkungan politik bagi mereka yang
setuju atau tidak setuju dengan isu tersebut.
Kata Kunci: Analisis Wacana kritis; Jokowi 3 Periode; Tindakan Ilokusi

Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2023
Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2023

The Indonesian government operates under the constitution. The ability of a
state to limit its governmental power in such a way as to create a healthy balance
between the interests of state administrators and its citizens is one of the
constitutional characteristics of a state. Ahead of holding the regional elections, the
political landscape in Indonesia is full of various highly controversial issues, one of
which is postponing the regional elections until 2024. Whether extending President
Joko Widodo's term of office or maintaining his leadership, it has shifted focus to
postponing the regional elections. The reason is that the Indonesian constitution
does not allow the postponement of elections under any circumstances. Instead of
suspending officials, there is talk of extending his term, which is seen as a realistic
alternative. As a result, the Indonesian president has two options to serve an
additional term or follow the constitution, even if officials and the public want it.
Law Number regulates the presidential and vice-presidential term durations
in Indonesia. As stipulated in Article 169, Section N, of the Constitution, the tenure
of the president is overseen by Law No. 7 of 2017, also known as the General
Elections Law. Article 169 of the Constitution specifically addresses the election of
the head of state and deputy head of state. A candidate for president or vice
president must comply with the following requirements, as stated in Article 169,
letter n, of the Election Law: "They may not have served as president or vice
president for more than two terms in the same office." The petitioners also look at
Article 227, a letter I, which states that in order to be registered, prospective
Candidate Pairs must first fulfill the following requirements, as mentioned in Article
226: the claim that he has never served more than two (two) terms as either
president or vice president. In addition, Article 7 of the Constitution, ratified in 1945,
stipulates that both the President and the Vice President must serve in their
respective offices for five years before becoming eligible for reelection, but only for
a single term. Because it is already indicated in Indonesian law, the three-period
debate should be put to rest. Indonesia's constitution, which is a collection of rules,
governs the country's judicial system.
Language is the primary tool that serves as the basis for all forms of human
connection and commerce. Because of the development of language and the
facilitation of communication, humans are able to form bonds, gain knowledge from
one another, and convey all that is on their minds. Speech acts are essential to
communication (Faturrochman et al., 2021). As a result, humans can never be
separated from using spoken language in speech acts when interacting and
communicating with the community. In simple terms, language is a socially accepted
code of expression that conveys concepts by using symbols and combinations of
symbols according to a set of rules. (Edward et al., 2018). The role of human
language in society is crucial since it is the primary means of communication
between humans. It is only through the use of language that we can interact and
communicate. Generally, people will act on what they say by doing what they say
when told something, as Austin stated (in Ediwarman 2020). Deeply concerning
Edward et al. (2018), Language is supposed to have evolved due to early human
social contact and the adaption of their communication to conduct social
engagement. Language has become firmly embedded in people's lives, away from its
function in communication and information sharing, since it is a highly complex-

Benny Dele Bintang Ananta
Illocutionary Act Analysis of Jokowi Three Periods on CNBC News 2022:
Critical Discourse Analysis

complicated aspect of the human brain. Language's evolution reflects the evolution
of humans in this sense. As a result, it is vital to master the language both inside and
externally—its structure and usage. Exploring the significance of language within a
speech community and the variables shaping varying interpretations of a single
utterance is essential. This endeavor offers a clearer insight into how language
contributes to social phenomena and developmental processes.
Pragmatics is a field of language science that examines the interplay between
language and the context in which it is used. Pragmatics is a linguistic field that
examines the utilization of language units as linguistic components in
communication from an external perspective. Pragmatics is about analyzing speech
acts and using language appropriately in communication to make sure that the
intended meaning and message is conveyed to the interlocutor (Song, 2020).
Speech acts, such as the nomination of presidential candidates in Indonesia,
are common in moral and financial political campaigns. Even so, in this case, the
state apparatus voiced or supported the idea that the term of office of President
Jokowi would become three terms. By declaring this, the state apparatus has its
interests served so that the three-period discourse occurs. However, some argue
that the state apparatus should not be involved in political campaigns. They argue
that the state apparatus should be neutral and not show any support for any
particular candidate. This would create a level playing field for all candidates and
allow the voters to make an informed decision without undue influence.
Speech acts are any actions or intentions expressed verbally or in writing.
When used correctly, language accomplishes what it is intended to accomplish. The
following meaning, which listeners infer, needs to be made clear. In speaking a
language, many speech acts are considered part of the act of speaking, including
requests, promises, assertions, and questions. Each of these acts has a specific
purpose and function and can be used to communicate an idea effectively. Each
speech act can also be used to influence the listener's interpretation of the speaker's
words. (Searle, in Annahlia et al., 2020). Likewise, Chaer and Leonie claim that
illocutionary acts are speech acts in which a speaker states something in the sense
of saying something, or, in simpler terms, they are speech acts that are meaningful
and understandable (Hariati et al., 2020). Searle calls it a prepositional act instead
of an illocutionary act. This is due to the fact that communicating something's
meaning is separate from doing so. Both the literal sense and the pragmatics of a
sentence constitute illocution. On the other hand, Searle’s theory needs to clarify
how we can convey indirect meaning. For instance, we do not convey the sentence’s
literal meaning when we say, "I'm fine," even though it is obvious that we are not
fine. We're saying something completely different. The context and cultural
implications we can use to convey indirect meaning are not considered by Searle's
theory, which only considers literal meanings. This is why it's important to consider
context and the literal meaning to comprehend what someone is trying to say fully.
Western linguists developed Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) in the following
decade. In society, CDA is used to examine language and power structures. It is used
to understand the relationship between language and social, political, and economic
issues. CDA is used to uncover how language is used to oppress marginalized groups.
This point of view has evolved with input from numerous disciplines, including

Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2023

sociology, psychology, and semiotics. They've been combined into a comprehensive

conceptual method that blends text analysis with a social focus. By exploring
language and the ideologies latent in it, CDA attempts to demonstrate the unequal
power dynamics and prejudices that form the discourse. This will expose the
dialogue's inequities, biases, and prejudices (Wang, 2021). Sarfo and Krampa have
also examined critical political discourses in Haroon et al. (2020). In general,
researchers view carefully selected language expression qualities as components of
political discourse. The goal is to make an impression on the listener.
The findings have been the subject of previous research. The illocutionary
speech acts that make up central java governor speech can be broken down into
form and function. Through analysis, one can arrive at this conclusion. This research
identifies eleven unique categories of illocutionary speech behaviors and the forms
they take (Siregar, 2021). The performance is used as part of the speech's analysis.
The results are examined regarding emoticons’ roles on Malaysian digital
communication platforms and how people living in multicultural cultures might use
emoticons to foster community and appreciation for one another's customs and
traditions (Shaari, 2020). The examination of this document can also encompass the
exploration of Illocutionary Acts. The author delved into and deliberated upon
thirteen instances of illocutionary behavior. The objective of the study is to utilize
this research to scrutinize the employment of illocutionary acts within the discourse
of the 2016 presidential election. The data includes the subsequent divisions of
illocutionary speech acts: assertive (six instances), directive (three instances),
expressive (three instances), and compliant (one instance) (Rosyidi et al., 2019). Not
only Based on this research, we can also say that The Jakarta Post employs four
distinct nomination procedures. Using this method, the author sidesteps
monotonous repetition while establishing Mr. Terawan's centrality and detailing his
professional activities. Its performance as health minister during the COVID-19
outbreak could have been better (Anggraeni & Amalia, 2020). Even though
illocutionary acts and critical discourse analysis (CDA) have been the subject of
significant study, researchers still need to comprehensively examine illocutionary
acts within internet news discourses concerning election postponement.
The researcher plans to employ speech acts and pragmatic theories to
investigate illocutionary communication Vanderveken, cited by Yandra et al. (2018),
asserts that illocutionary acts are essential because they function as the primary
Meaning components in spoken and written language. According to Austin (1970),
illocutionary acts bring attention to the fact that words imply actions. This research
aims to classify the various illocutionary acts employed in CNBC news articles
featured on the CNBC Indonesia.com website. The study seeks to present an
overview of the illocutionary speech acts in CNBC news utterances during the
coverage of "Dokumen Indonesia Maju Bocor, Benar Jokowi 3 Periode" by CNBC

The study utilized a descriptive-qualitative approach. Qualitative research
will define words based on collected data. According to Moleong (2004), Bogdan and
Taylor reported that researchers obtained descriptive qualitative data through oral
or written means. This study utilizes quotes from the CNBC News article titled

Benny Dele Bintang Ananta
Illocutionary Act Analysis of Jokowi Three Periods on CNBC News 2022:
Critical Discourse Analysis

"Dokumen Indonesia Maju Bocor, Benarkah Jokowi 3 Periode?" This study is

qualitative as it employs non-numerical data. Moreover, the analysis is
characterized by its descriptive nature, as it aims to provide a neutral interpretation
of the observed facts.
This study used both critical discourse analysis (CDA) and discursive
strategy theory to interpret the data The CDA approach focused on the underlying
power structures of the data, while the discursive theory sought to understand how
the participants' beliefs and values were expressed in their discourse. The two
approaches were then compared and contrasted to yield a more comprehensive
interpretation of the data.. An instrument used for the research was a document that
was used as a means of data collection. Observational researchers obtain public and
private materials from a variety of sources, such as the Internet or from research
participants. It is possible to find newspaper stories, meeting minutes, personal
notebooks, and letters in both public and private collections (Creswell, 2012). The
main data source for this study was CNBC news items, which comprised the majority
of the study's samples. The data analysis process in this study consists of the
following steps: identification, classification, analysis, and conclusion based on Theo
van Leeuwen's theory (Tenriawali, A.Y., 2019). Upon analysis of the data, it was
necessary to interpret and explain the form and meaning of the news text that
presented the pros and cons of suggesting that Jokowi serve 3 terms as president on
the CNBC Indonesia online news site, in order that at the end it revealed the
representation of the speakers proposing three terms of office in the news article.
The first step in the research was to seek out a news story about Jokowi's three
terms of the Government in an attempt to find some news about him. Additionally,
the researchers discovered that CNBC News covered pertinent stories. CNBC News
published the stories in this collection on April 15, 2022. Following this, the data is
analyzed using Theo Van Leeuwen's theory This theory states that data is inherently
connected to physical objects, such as people or places. It suggests that data must be
interpreted in the context of its physical environment to be meaningful.
Additionally, this theory emphasizes the importance of understanding the political
implications of data. Finally, the researchers summarize their findings by stating
that data must be viewed holistically, taking into account its physical, political, and
social contexts. This requires a deep understanding of the implications of data and
its use, as well as a recognition that data is linked to our physical world. As such, it
is important to consider the impact of data on society as a whole.

Speech Act Illocutionary Act
Theoretically, speech acts are about how we operate as language. Austin
defines speech acts as "saying something and doing something" (Santoso, RB, 2017).
Searle developed five distinct categories of speech actions due to his reworking of
Austin's theory. Each category of speech acts can be broken down further into
subcategories. These categories include declarative, expressive, representatives,
directives, and commission Each of the categories of speech acts has distinct
characteristics and implications. Some experts explain and depict illocutionary
deeds. The researcher found that speakers in the news utilized 40% representation,

Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2023

20% commissives, 20% expressive, 10% directives, and 10% declarative. As a

result, the speaker's representatives are employed more frequently than others.
Table 1. Types, Amounts, and Percentages of speech illocutionary act
No Types of Illocutionary act Amount %
1 Representative 4 40
2 Directives 1 10
3 Commisive 2 20
4 Expressives 2 20
5 Declarative 1 10

1. Representatives :
As the definition of a representative reveals, an act is something that expresses
what a speaker intends to say and what the speaker believes to be true based on
utterances that he makes. In terms of representative actions, there are a number of
keywords associated with them: stating, claiming, suggesting, assuming, asserting,
explaining, and reporting (Haucsa, G.M et al., 2020).
“If suddenly someone says that we are the people asking for
this, the DPR processes, political parties process all kinds of things,
until the MPR because of the situation ... We postpone it for a day, a
year, or two years, three years, that's fine," he said.”.
In this context, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan as Indonesia's Coordinating Minister
for Maritime Affairs and Investment says " If suddenly someone says that we are the
people asking for this," which means Luhut is stating an opinion with the word "if."
Then he says, "Suddenly someone says that we are the people asking for this," which
means to strengthen his opinion of the people. " the DPR processes, political parties
process all kinds of things, until the MPR because of the situation ..." was the next
sentence. Luhut is still stating an opinion because the situation is legislative. And the
following sentence, " We postpone it for a day, a year, or two years, three years, that's
fine," means that Luhut claims it can be postponed for a day to three years because
there is no problem.
In this sense, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan's sentence, in which he contemplates a
potential postponement of the legislative process in response to perceived public
demand, is in line with rational choice theory. This theory, which is used to
understand individual and collective behavior in social and economic contexts,
states that decision-makers such as Luhut assess potential outcomes and choose
options in accordance with a rational evaluation of preferences(Ogu, 2013). In this
scenario, Luhut's consideration to delay the process demonstrates a rational
assessment of consequences and preferences, consistent with the principles of
rational choice theory.
"We must understand what is called aspiration,
aspiration should not be rejected, especially since Golkar's
Parties voice is the voice of the people, therefore such a
position," Airlangga said..
In this context, Airlangga Hartarto as Coordinating Minister for the Economy
says, " We must understand what is called aspiration," which means Airlangga is
explaining about aspiration because anyone who wants to enter politics should
understand aspiration. Following that, " aspiration should not be rejected, especially

Benny Dele Bintang Ananta
Illocutionary Act Analysis of Jokowi Three Periods on CNBC News 2022:
Critical Discourse Analysis

since Golkar's voice is the voice of the people " denotes that airlangga is a people.
asserts that aspirations to enter politics should not be denied to anyone who wishes
to do so, because it is the people who have the greatest amount of sovereignty over
their government. Then comes the sentence " therefore such a position," in which
Airlangga explains their position again.
Airlangga's assertion aligns with theories of political legitimacy, highlighting
that a government's authority rests on the consent and support of its citizens. His
emphasis on representation and consideration of aspirations serves to bolster
Golkar Party's legitimacy by showcasing a commitment to the people's interests.
Overall, political legitimacy revolves around justifying a government's right to
enforce laws through coercion, intricately tied to why individuals are obliged to
adhere to a specific governing body's laws, with fairness and effectiveness providing
partial grounds for compliance, but not sole validation for the government's
coercive enforcement.
" I have often heard such shouts. But what is clear is that
our constitution is clear. We must obey, must obey the
constitution," said Jokowi.
In this particular setting, President Jokowi said that he had frequently heard
people shouting about the three terms he had been granted as president. However,
the constitution in Indonesia must be obeyed, and the constitution specifies that the
president of Indonesia can only serve for a maximum of two terms in office.
Throughout this statement, President Jokowi emphasizes the clarity and
importance of the Constitution in line with constitutional theory. In addition to
focusing on the powers exercised by the state, constitutionalism cannot adequately
ensure the legitimacy of decisions made by private parties (Suzor, 2020). The
constitutionalism movement emphasizes, in addition, that the power of
governments should be limited by a constitution that outlines the structure of
governments, the distribution of powers, and the rights of citizens. By emphasizing
the need to "obey the constitution," Jokowi highlighted the supremacy of the
constitution as the basic legal document that defines the limits of his power.
"I need to explain this so that speculation will not arise
that the issue circulating in the community is that the
government is trying to postpone the election or speculation
about extending the three-term presidency. We agree that
the election is set for February 14 and the Pilkada for 2024,"
he said.
In this context, President Joko Widodo says " I need to explain this so that
speculation will not arise that the issue circulating in the community is that the
government is trying to postpone the election or speculation about extending the
three-term presidency." means President Joko Widodo explained again because there
is a lot of speculation or discourse that appears in society, many people question it.
In addition, the fact that the government is attempting to delay the election or the
discussion on increasing the presidential term limit to three terms in order to serve
its own personal interests is one of the factors that contribute to the deterioration
of the situation. Then the line " We agree that the election is set for February 14 and
the Pilkada for 2024" signifies In spite of this, President Joko Widodo has made it

Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2023

abundantly clear that the elections will take place on February 14 and that regional
elections will take place in 2024.
President Joko Widodo's response to prevailing speculation and concerns
within society regarding potential government actions, such as election
postponement or extending presidential term limits, exemplifies crisis
communication's evolving role. Just as crisis communication as an academic
discipline is expanding beyond, Widodo's statement reflects a growing emphasis on
transparent and comprehensive communication in a global context. By addressing
misinformation and reaffirming the scheduled election and regional elections, he
underscores his commitment to democratic processes, stability, and dispelling
potential distrust(Barkley, 2020). This convergence underscores the parallel
development of crisis communication as a dynamic and internationally relevant
field, aligned with the principles of transparent communication and effective
democratic governance.
2. Directives:
Directive speech act has the same preceding condition or purpose, which is
to "attempt to induce someone to do something" Throughout the discourse, the
speaker maintains the assumption that the addressee is capable of carrying out any
actions that the speaker tells him to carry out. (Searle et al., 1985) The speaker's
intention includes an effort to affect the listeners' actions Directives make use of
words such as "request," "order," "challenge," "ask," "beg," "suggest," "permit,"
"invite," "implore," "dare," "command," "pray," and "advise." (Srikandi, 2020;
Wierciska, 2021).
" Has our Constitution ever been amended? That is not a
taboo, right? The taboo [amended] is the preamble. That's
taboo, the holy book taboo," Tito said separately.
In this situation, Tito Karnavian, Minister of Internal Affairs, asks, " Has our
Constitution ever been amended?" Tito is asking if the Constitution has ever been
changed. Because the Indonesian Constitution has been changed four times. " That
is not a taboo, right?" Tito questioned whether it was or was not taboo. In the
statement, the word "taboo" refers to questioning the changes made. Following that,
the sentence " The taboo [amended] is the preamble. That's taboo, the holy book
taboo" means that Tito advised that what was amended about the Constitution's
preamble was taboo because the opening of the Constitution was made into a holy
book. After all, it was the origin of statutory law in Indonesia.
The degree of constitutional rigidity is marked by the higher de jure barriers
required for its amendment compared to ordinary legislation. These barriers, often
more stringent than those for passing regular laws, vary across different
constitutions. This variability potentially contributes to differences in amendment
rates(Tarabar & Young, 2021). Tito Karnavian's initial inquiry into the history of
amendments to the Indonesian Constitution aligns with the theory of constitutional
change, which delves into the processes and consequences of modifying a
constitution over time. His question underscores the importance of comprehending
the historical context and implications of constitutional amendments for Indonesia's
legal and political framework

Benny Dele Bintang Ananta
Illocutionary Act Analysis of Jokowi Three Periods on CNBC News 2022:
Critical Discourse Analysis

3. Commissives:
The term "commissive" refers to an act of illocutionary or rhetorical action
that obligates the speaker to act in the future. In order to convey meaning, speakers
use them. An individual or a group can make a promising, threatening, refusing,
pledging, offering, vowing, and volunteering (Yule 1996; Zulianti. H, 2018).
" I emphasize, I have no intention. There is also no
interest in becoming a three-term president," said Jokowi,
last Monday (3/15/2022).
Referring to his unwillingness to run for president three times, President
Jokowi states, " I emphasize, I have no intention " in this context. However, many still
support President Jokowi serving three terms in office. The statement " There is also
no interest in becoming a three-term president " indicates that President Jokowi
promised he had no intention of seeking a third term in office. Since President,
Jokowi will continue to adhere to the constitution.
In developing nations, a notable absence of confidence in the government has
led to reduced effectiveness among the general populace. It is intriguing to observe
that the scale and effectiveness of the public sector are closely linked to this trust
level. Those most inclined to endorse heightened public spending and champion the
supply of enduring communal assets are individuals who hold a certain level of faith
in the government (Ardanaz et al., 2023). It is possible to view this phenomenon
through the lens of political communication and trust building. The relationship
between trust and public spending suggests that effective communication strategies
can contribute to an increase in public confidence in government resource
allocation, as President Jokowi has clearly communicated his intention to foster
trust by addressing public concerns and dispelling speculation. Communicating
transparently and honestly is important in both contexts in order to build trust, both
in terms of leadership commitment and in terms of the effectiveness of public
spending in meeting people's needs.
"I am a product of direct elections based on the post-
reform 1945 Constitution. My position is clear: I do not agree
with the proposal for a three-term presidency. The proposal
plunges me," he said.
President Jokowi Jokowi also discussed the possibility of extending the
president's term on his official Instagram account, writing, " I am a product of direct
elections based on the post-reform 1945 Constitution." This means President Jokowi
guarantees that the Indonesian people directly elected him in the general election
based on the 1945 Constitution after it was reformed. Then the sentence " My
position is clear " means President Joko Widodo guarantees that his position is
evident because he has complied with the procedures contained in the 1945
Constitution. " I do not agree with the proposal for a three-term presidency," the
sentence that follows says. " The proposal plunges me " means President Joko
Widodo refused the proposed three-term presidency issue because it engulfed him
in contentious matters.
President Joko Widodo's resolute rejection of a third-term presidency,
grounded in his direct election through the reformed 1945 Constitution, exemplifies
a staunch commitment to democratic values and constitutional integrity. This
unwavering stance communicated transparently and personally, resonates with

Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2023

theories of political communication and legitimacy. It underscores his alignment

with the principles of democratic accountability, allowing the public to hold him
answerable for adhering to constitutional constraints. By leveraging social media for
direct communication, President Widodo exemplifies the contemporary significance
of communication channels in shaping public opinion and fostering trust. This
dovetails with the exploration of democratic accountability, wherein the correlation
between citizens' assessments of government performance and their contentment
with the government is studied, especially concerning economic matters. Effective
economic voting is deemed a hallmark of democratic accountability, with countries
regarded as excelling in this aspect when citizens express robust support for the
government during economic prosperity and diminished endorsement during
downturns(Just, 2018). In essence, President Widodo's resolute stance and open
communication exemplify the fusion of constitutional principles, democratic norms,
and effective communication strategies, forming a comprehensive picture of
democratic governance and leadership accountability.
4. Expressives:
It is well known that Yule (1996) believed that expressive acts are the means
of communicating the speaker's feelings by using words in order to convey their
thoughts. The speaker is able to convey a portion of their internal emotional state of
mind through the use of expressive speech. The expression is sometimes used in a
courteous manner. The polite way of expressing ourselves is when we greet
someone, thank them for something, or congratulate them for something. In
contrast, blaming and accusing someone goes against that politeness blaming and
accusing someone goes against that politeness. When a speaker employs expressive
language, he attempts to match his words to the world of emotion through
illocutionary acts. An expression of the speaker's inner state is expressed through
expressive speech. Some performative verbs can describe an expressive act: greet,
surprise, like, fear, apology, thank you, regret, regret, compliment, blame, praise,
complain, lament, protest, deplore, and boast. (Peneva, 2018; Tabassam et al., 2020)
"There should be no more voices on the matter of
postponing the extension. No, you don't. Stop creating
polemics in the community, focus on working on handling the
difficulties we face," he said.
In this context, President Jokowi's statement, " There should be no more voices
on the matter of postponing the extension," means President Jokowi blamed his
ministers for rolling out the discourse on extending the presidential term and
postponing the 2024 election. President Jokowi expressed dissatisfaction with his
ministers for engaging in the discourse, which could be seen as an attempt to extend
his presidential term and delay the 2024 election. He asserts that the ministers
should refrain from engaging in this discourse. The sentence " No, you don't. " Stop
creating polemics in the community," means President Jokowi regrets the ministers'
actions in proposing three terms and postponing the 2024 election to create
polemics in society. It is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline—the ministers’
actions only fuel the situation and worsen it. The following sentence, " focus on
working on handling the difficulties we face," means that President Jokowi hopes that
the ranks of ministers will return to work in dealing with the difficulties we are
facing. The ministers' actions have been unhelpful in resolving the situation, and

Benny Dele Bintang Ananta
Illocutionary Act Analysis of Jokowi Three Periods on CNBC News 2022:
Critical Discourse Analysis

President Jokowi hopes the ministers will focus on working together to address the
A historical record can be used to assess charismatic and social movement
leaders' charismatic appeals and leadership outcomes by applying rhetorical
leadership theory. Researchers are able to examine the historical records of widely
recognized charismatic leaders in order to determine the consistency and
contradictions among these individuals. As well as improving our understanding of
charismatic leadership, this approach illuminates the evolution of charismatic
leadership over time (Bligh & Robinson, 2010). Using rhetorical leadership theory
to analyze President Jokowi's communication further deepens our understanding.
Through the use of direct and emphatic language, such as "No, you don't" and "focus
on dealing with the difficulties we face," he effectively conveys authority and
urgency. These deliberate rhetorical choices motivate his ministers to refocus their
efforts on addressing challenges and discourage divisive discussions. We can gain a
deeper understanding of President Jokowi's rhetorical strategy by using this
theoretical lens..
"One, they want to slap me in the face, they want to find
face knowing that I already have face, or they want to plunge
me," Jokowi said when talking to reporters at the Merdeka
Palace, Presidential Palace complex, on December 2, 2019.
President Jokowi's statement, "One, they want to slap me in the face," in this
context, suggests that he was upset with some authorities looking out for his
interests and the blunders that led him to tolerate Joko Widodo's decisions. "Fool
me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me," as the ancient adage goes.
President Jokowi was dissatisfied with his mistake of trusting Joko Widodo and was
eager to end future errors by those around him. The expression "They want to find
face knowing that I already have face " suggests that Joko Widodo deplored the
apparatus's conduct for pursuing profit by doing something to get praise or flattery.
Joko Widodo, for example, was accused of utilizing the media to garner recognition
for his efforts to improve the situation in Indonesia, even though he had already
done enough to merit acclaim. President Joko Widodo, on the other hand, managed
to crack a joke with the words, "knowing that I already have face." " or they want to
plunge me " shows that the President was annoyed that a few officers had forced him
into a three-term speech plan that could lead to conflicts and rejection from the
public, which could cause problems within the administration.
Jokowi's candid remarks reflect his dissatisfaction with certain authorities,
who may be seeking to gain personal recognition or gain personal gain at his
expense. These remarks illustrate his cautious approach to avoiding past mistakes.
In referring to the adage "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me,"
he emphasizes his resolve to avoid making the same mistake again. A concern about
self-serving behavior is expressed by Jokowi's frustration with officials' efforts to
gain recognition, even though he has already achieved acclaim. As well as conveying
his awareness of the situation, his lighthearted humor conveys a sense of humor. In
addition, the phrase "or they want to plunge me" conveys his frustration at being
coerced into a potentially divisive three-term speech plan by a few officers. As
Jokowi navigates intricate dynamics within his administration, concepts of power
and dynamics are pivotal in understanding the challenges grassroots leaders face

Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2023

when attempting to effect change. In addition to emphasizing the importance of

transparent communication and strategic decision-making, these concepts reflect
the multifaceted nature of leadership and change-making efforts (Kezar, 2011).
5. Declarative:
Cutting defines declarative as words or expressions spoken by a speaker that
change the world; for example, the words "I declare war" at political context, or "I
sentence you to prison" in a court of law. These words hold power and authority and
can have long-lasting effects on those involved. Researchers found uncertain
declarative elements in the news but in a different pattern (Cutting, 2002; Yandra et
al., 2018)
"After Eid, we will declare [support for President
Jokowi to serve three terms]," said Apdesi.
In this context, Asosiasi Pemerintah Desa Seluruh Indonesia (Apdesi) says, "After
Eid," which means Apdesi will announce events in the near future. Then Apdesi
shows the declaration: "We will declare support for President Jokowi to serve three
terms." The sentence implies that Apdesi totally supports President Joko Widodo to
serve as president for three terms. Apdesi has declared its support for President
Joko Widodo in his bid for a third term as president, indicating that they believe he
is the best choice for the position. This follows their announcement that they would
be holding events in the near future, showing that they are actively engaging with
the political landscape.
Olson (1982) posited that in well-established communities characterized by
order and continuity, the presence of organizational liberty leads to the proliferation
of special interest groups. This proliferation has the potential to exert a detrimental
influence on economic well-being and growth. According to Olson's theory, Apdesi
demonstrates the dynamics of interest group development as a collective interest
group representing village administrations (Coates et al., 2007). Their goal of
championing President Jokowi's reign reflects Olson's observations, in which
interest groups congregate around shared goals. Apdesi's support for Jokowi's third
term, like Olson's, demonstrates how interest groups like theirs actively engage in
influencing political discourse and decisions, highlighting parallels with the
dynamics Olson identified in the context of special interest groups' potential
influence on societal outcomes.

Based on this outcome, 40% are representative, 20% are commissioners,
20% are expressive, 10% are directives, and 10% are declarative. Typically,
representatives make the majority of utterances in a conversation, followed by
commissioners, expressive directives, and declarative. This shows that
representatives are the most common form of communication in utterances.
Speakers use representative, commission, and expressive words to convey their
message. This is like a pyramid, where the structure's base is the largest,
representing the highest frequency of use. As you move up, the frequency of use
decreases, creating a tapering effect. As a result, only a small percentage of people
use declarations or directives when they speak.

Benny Dele Bintang Ananta
Illocutionary Act Analysis of Jokowi Three Periods on CNBC News 2022:
Critical Discourse Analysis

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Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics Vol. 10, No. 1, June 2023


BIDEN IN THE 2020 FIRST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE. Celtic: A Journal of Culture,
English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics, 9(1).


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