Number System CPO 2019
Number System CPO 2019
Number System CPO 2019
√𝟔 − √𝟏𝟕 − 𝟐√𝟕𝟐
(a) 2.4 (b) 2.7 (c) 2.1 (d) 1.7
16. If the 5-digit number 538xy is divisible by 3, 7 and 11, then the value
of (x2 + y2) is:
;fn 5 vadksa okyh la[;k 538xy, 3, 7 vkSj 11 ls iw.kZr% foHkkT; gS] rks (x2 + y2) dk eku Kkr dhft,A
(a) 10 (b) 17 (c) 25 (d) 13
17. Let x be the least number divisible by 13, such that when x is divided
by 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12, the remainder in each case is 2. The sum of
the digits of x is :
eku yhft, x, og NksVh ls NksVh la[;k gS] tks 13 ls iw.kZr% foHkkT; gS] ysfdu ;fn x dks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
vkSj 12 ls foHkkftr fd;k tkrk gS rks izR;sd ckj शेषफल 2 cprk gSA x ds vadks dk ;ksx Kkr dhft,A
(a) 11 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10
18. If √𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟓𝟕𝟔 × 𝒚 = 2.4, then what is the value of y?
√𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟓𝟕𝟔 × 𝒚 = 2.4 y
(a) 2400 (b) 3600 (c) 1200 (d) 1000
19. Which of the following numbers is completely divisible by 6?
(a) 4325672 (b) 5643252 (c) 465466 (d) 96543111
20. How many natural numbers up to 2001 are divisible by 3 or 4 but NOT by 5?
2001 rd fdruh çkÑfrd la[;k,¡ 3 ;k 4 ls foHkkT; gSa ysfdu 5 ls ugha\
(a) 768 (b) 801 (c) 934 (d) 1067
21. If r is the remainder when each of 6454, 7306 and 8797 is divided by the greatest
number d (d > 1), then (d – r) is equal to:
;fn r og “ks’kQy gS] tks 6454, 7306 vkSj 8797 dks cM+h ls cM+h la[;k d(d > 1) ls foHkkftr djus ij
çkIr gksrk gS] rks (d – r) dk eku Kkr dhft,A
(a) 126 (b) 64 (c) 137 (d) 149