Review On Battery Technology and Its Challenges
Review On Battery Technology and Its Challenges
Review On Battery Technology and Its Challenges
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2 authors, including:
Lakshmi Kp
BMS College of Engineering
All content following this page was uploaded by Lakshmi Kp on 25 November 2020.
Abstract— In the wake of ‘SMART’ everything, from gadgets to homes, power revolution is inevitable and around the corner. While
chips and operating systems are becoming more efficient to save power it would still not be possible to meet the demand without
advances in battery technology. Universities are looking at alternate materials, fabrication techniques and charging mechanisms to
meet the power requirements. Several big technology and automobile companies have realized the limitations of Lithium ion
batteries and are looking at new technologies. This paper, summarizes the challenges in two important aspects of battery
technology namely types of batteries and battery health monitoring techniques.
Keywords— Battery Management System, Successive approximation Register, State of charge, State of Health, Monitor Control
Unit, Engine Control Unit, Memory Sales effect.
—————————— ——————————
conservation. The functioning of smartphones, smart homes exponentially from 30% to 60% in US [5]. The electric vehicle
and smart gadgets are all limited by power. To meet the manufacturing too is increasing as depicted in Fig. 1. During
power demands, nano wire batteries that can withstand large 2008, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) of US
number of charge recharge cycles, are seen as a replacement launched a National Emission Standard to control the
to solid state lithium ion batteries [1]. Nano wires possess emission of poisonous gases during battery manufacturing
high storage density of electrons, fast rate of diffusion and process such as cadmium and lead [5]. The company says that
hence can also be used for operation involving high power these batteries can find applications in drones, cars and even
sources like metros and other automotives [2]. Gold nano at home [1]. Another group of researchers are looking at
wires have been coated with manganese oxide and a gel type laser-made micro super capacitors which can charge 50 times
electrolyte to serve as safety protection layer. This electrolyte faster and discharge ever slower than existing batteries. These
gel helps to bind the wires together and also helps to make super capacitors are a combination of battery and capacitor
the metal oxide smoother and breakage resistant resulting in that can undergo multiple charge and discharge cycles
large storage applications [3]. It is observed that silicon nano without change in their characteristics. This has been possible
wire batteries find applications in wearable devices as they due infusion of carbon materials during super capacitor
provide a flexible sources of energy. Apart from this it can electrode fabrication [6]. But these super capacitors weigh
used in bio medical applications, smart cards, and sensors in about 40% more than present day Li ion battery. To bring
power remotes [4]. down the weight, researchers are looking at using carbon
nano tubes and oxides of graphene as electrodes [7]. These
techniques would also bring down the manufacturing costs
and effort enormously [1].
Pruthvija B is currently a Research Scholar in Electronics and
Communication engineering at BMS College of Engineering,
India, PH-9483202713. E-mail: [email protected]
Prof. K P Lakshmi is currently Professor in Electronics and
Communication engineering at BMS College of Engineering,
India, PH-9740980902. E-mail: [email protected]
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 9, September-2020 1707
ISSN 2229-5518
vehicles, it is stated that the production of electric vehicles duration. Ni-MH batteries also exhibit poor coulombic
will increase rapidly and may reach out to about 100 million efficiency which is the ratio of discharge rate to the charge
by 2050 [10]. Fig.2 depicts the increase in the number of rate of a battery for one full cycle [16]. Also the initial cost of
manufacturing units over time from 2017 [12]. Nickel –Metal Hydride battery are more compared to that of
Ni-Cd batteries [17]. Apart from its disadvantages this battery
Annual Battery Manufacturing seems to be ecofriendly since it does not contain any toxic
elements and also Ni-MH is less cost compared to present
Cumulative Batteries in-Market
Lithium-on batteries [18-19].
800 Lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology is relatively expensive
Annual Battery Production
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 9, September-2020 1708
ISSN 2229-5518
1. Ni-Cd battery is hazardous since it contains toxic metal
(Cadmium) which may cause problem during battery
disposal. Because of this reason, these material
Fig. 3: Energy density of phone battery versus year combination is restricted in many countries.
2. For charging Ni-Cd battery it is imperative to use high
Table (a): Comparison of specifications of various batteries voltage charger which in turn warrants high investments.
3. It is difficult to estimate the behavior of the battery.
Specifications / Lead- Ni- Li-ion Ultra- 4. These batteries exhibit memory effect especially while
Batteries acid MH Capacitor recharging the battery when the charge is still above the
Energy density 40 70 110 5 minimum. This leads to catastrophe with respect to
(Whr/kg) battery capacity.
Number of 500 800 1000 500000
Charge and 2.3 LITHIUM ION: Lithium batteries were proposed by
Discharge M Stanley Whittingham, a British Scientist at Binghamton
cycles University, while working for Exxon in the 1970s [26]. He
Working -300 to -400 to -400 to -400 to +850 considered titanium sulphide and lithium metal for anodes.
temperature +500 +500 +600 In the current day Li ion batteries, the positive electrode
(°C) consists of metal oxide and the negative electrode is Carbon
with lithium salt as the electrolyte [27].
the comparison it is clear that Li ion has better 2. Ensure safe working conditions of the battery
performance attributes. 3. Estimate the status of battery
4. Capacity to control the charge of battery
Table (b): Comparison of capacity and power of Lithium-Ion 5. Perform cell balancing
battery used in various cars 6. Perform thermal management
7. Communicate between various battery components
Car Models Capacity Power 8. Convey battery status to appropriate controllers
(kWh) (kW/CP) In order to perform the above functions, some of the
Renault Twizzy 6.1 4/5 important parameters to monitor are:
Hyundai Ioniq 28 88/118
Nissan Leaf 30 80/107 3.1 State of Charge (SOC): State of charge refers to the
Volkswagen E-Golf 24.2 100/136 amount charge in a battery. The estimations of SOC can add
Tesla Model S 100 193/259 to the performance of BMS and its dependability. Battery
charge and discharge cycles involve release of complex
substances like arsine in case of lead-acid batteries, Cadmium
in case of Nickel-Cadmium batteries, Fluoride gas in case of
Table (c): Types of Batteries in electric vehicles
Lithium-ion batteries, and their estimation is difficult to
make. It is therefore difficult to appraise the SOC precisely
Battery Nominal Voltage (V) Rated under different operational conditions [32]. There are a few
Capacity (Ah) sorts of LIBs in the market, for example, those containing
Lead acid 6 235 LiFeO4, lithium polymers and LiCoO2 that involve high
emission of power from the battery and possess complex
Ni-Cd 6 180
topology of battery cells where SOC calculations requires
NiMH 201.6 6.5
Li-ion 360 33.1 There have been numerous advancement and research
works of late to enhance SOC estimation exactness. Some of
the standard estimation approaches are
Battery Management System is any electronic frame that 1. Coulomb-counting or ampere-hour (Ah) technique
deals with shielding of battery from working outside its safe 2. Open-circuit voltage (OCV) method and
operating area, monitoring its state by processing received 3. Impedance estimation strategy
data from the sensors, control its condition, verifying it All the above gives a more natural and dependable
and/or adjusting it [30]. estimation. The efficiency of all these techniques are limited
To guarantee the safety of battery operated devices, BMS is by the correctness of sensors used to estimate the amount of
as important as the selection of materials for manufacturing current flow per unit time.
batteries. In areas like automotive industry, they ensure that In techniques that utilize machine learning-based
the components are protected, dependable and efficient. BMS estimation (additionally called data driven methodologies, for
not just controls the operating conditions such as current, example, the artificial neural network– fuzzy logic (FL)) [33]
voltage and power of the battery to enhance its life but also and support vector machine strategies, a high computational
precisely estimates the State of Charge (SOC) and State of effort is required. This is because they require extensive
Health (SOH) for smart application [31]. datasets to be built to model the nonlinear behavior of a
In case of Electric Vehicles (EV) and Hybrid Electric battery. Moreover, most machine learning-based SOC
Vehicles (HEV), the unpredictable behavior of battery would estimation models is not being considered due to high initial
lead to catastrophe if a monitoring system is not included. cost. Apart from the above mentioned techniques, the state-
From the safety point of view, at all unusual conditions the space display based estimation strategies, (for example,
BMS should alert the user and perform necessary corrective utilizing the Extended Kalman Filter channel (EKF)) are being
action. considered which decrease the computational time and
Adding to this function, the BMS should also monitor the increase the accuracy in the estimation of SOC [34].
temperature of the coolant surrounding the battery pack in
case of an automotive system. This helps in efficient 3.2 State of Health (SOH): State of Health refers to
distribution of power to all individual components. overall status of a battery. Important factor that limits the
Some of the functions that BMS should include are: SOH of a battery are aging and charging cycles. Considering
1. Data procurement from various sensors regarding an example, the SOH of a normal Li-ion battery is reduced to
voltage, current and temperature.
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 9, September-2020 1710
ISSN 2229-5518
80% after 1000 charge cycles [35]. The general equation for controlling efficiency over higher voltage flow and has less
SoH is given as calculations involved
system monitors the charge entering and leaving the battery
part in any battery especially in Li-ion batteries. Observing
pack. There are various techniques that are adopted for
every cells’ voltage that is testing of every cells’ voltage with
current measurement. The prominent ones are:
respect to a common reference using a voltmeter for a battery
1. A typical setup to measure current consists of a current
that is deployed in an equipment or an automobile is tedious
sense amplifier connected to a Monitor Control Unit
and extremely difficult. Hence the above conventional
(MCU) with an integrated low resolution ADC. But the
method is no longer preferred. Each Li-ion battery is made up
current sense amplifier IC for current measurement is
of as many as one hundred cells with each Li-ion cells’ safe
operating voltage is 2.7V~4.2V and the aggregate voltage of a
unit battery can be up to 420V.It is therefore difficult to 2. A high resolution ADC is also used for current estimation.
estimate on-cells voltage directly by typical estimation If battery is associated with a heavy load, for example, an
strategies (Voltmeter testing). electric vehicle, the moderate ADC sometime neglect the
Two varieties of ICs are manufactured for voltage concurrent current spikes that are conveyed to IC during
measurement: one for high voltages (4.2V) that finds voltage/current fluctuations from the main source. For
application in automobiles, etc. and one for low voltage avoiding this, a SAR ADC with a current sense amplifier front
measurement (2.4V) [38] that can be used in hand held end is used [41]. If load connected to a battery changes, it
gadgets like mobile phones, etc. An Integrated Chip (IC) causes a general mistake while measuring battery charge.
manufacturer should guarantee that the high voltage gadget Estimating these errors after some time will cause battery
will be shielded from temporary effects such as memory pack charge status error. With most current estimation blocks,
effect, voltage surges. Ensuring this raises the cost of the there are analog comparators such as Field Effect transistors
gadget. While other IC manufacturers focus on low voltage (FET) is used to cut off the current above conditions which
devices so that it should not cross the lower voltage limit rate. leads to battery or equipment damage. These FET drivers
This technique includes hardware such as capacitors, isolate the battery from the charger or load during any fault.
resistors and diodes to lower the incoming voltage before An average a few microseconds is required for current
reaching the components. A high voltage monitoring IC measuring device, and in many applications it helps to detach
ensures better safety whereas lower voltage monitoring IC the battery or the charger [42].
may require more improvement to guarantee proper working
even under unsafe condition. Estimating of cell voltage 3.6 Cell balancing: A battery pack consists of many cells
depends on the amount of voltage being conducted and also in it and all these cells are not alike. The differences in battery
the number of cells to examine. Usually a Successive could arise during manufacturing process or during working
Approximation Register (SAR) type Analog to Digital conditions. Slight differences in capacities or self-discharge
convertor (ADC) is frequently used to monitor the battery rates or internal resistances could also lead to variation of cell
voltage in a specific time [39]. A SAR ADC exhibits more performance in operation. Uneven temperature distribution
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 9, September-2020 1711
ISSN 2229-5518
in battery bank could also lead to variations in performance history of the cells for estimating SOC which requires a lot of
[43]. Cell balancing is therefore necessary to extend the life of memory operations.
battery pack and to ensure safe operation. Cell balancing is a
technology that distributes large amounts of energy between 3.7 Thermal management: The thermal management
cells, for the efficient use of available energy in a battery. Cell involves monitoring and controlling of battery temperature to
Balancing can be: ensure that the battery is not damaged by high or low
Dissipative or passive or active: Removing of voltage temperature. Unlike SOC and SOH that depend on more than
from most charged cell. one parameter for their estimation, temperature estimation
Non dissipative: Distribution of energy between cells and solely depends on measurement of individual cell
thus there will be no wastage of energy. temperature [45].
Thermal management is done by controlling a fan or an
The disadvantages of dissipative balancing are: electric warmer, as required, which helps to keep the
1. Energy is wasted from most charged cells. temperature of the battery under ideal conditions. A thermal
2. The cells may get affected due to removal of extra energy management equipment estimates the battery temperature by
from a most charged cell that is generated during thermal sensor/s and performs cooling or warming task, and
balancing of high current. sends a crisis flag to Control Unit about its variation.
The disadvantages of non-dissipative balancing are: Ongoing Research on Batteries and Battery management
1. Expensive due to its dynamic operation and also less System:
reliable. 1. In one research, a unique BMS is being designed that gets
2. During stand-by condition of current, Power might be the data from various sensors about battery health,
wasted to a greater extent when compared to dissipative processes it and stores the information about every cell.
balancing technique. This real time data of cell performance is periodically
transmitted through wireless mechanisms [46].
Irrespective of the balancing technique (active or passive), 2. In yet another research [47] battery charging process is
the balancing process is based on one of the following also monitored in addition to battery health status while
algorithms: storing data regarding charge, analyzing it and reporting
Voltage based cell balancing with a software controlling for present individual cell
Final voltage based cell balancing connections is also performed.
Cell balancing based on SOC history 3. To enhance the battery safety of lithium ion, a new
combination of solid metal batteries with LLZO (Garnet
Cell balancing based on Voltage method is a very simple type) electrolyte is being considered. This also offers fast
technique in which balancing of cells is done during charging charging of battery and better efficiency [48].
of a battery to equalizes the cell voltage, while SOC is not
considered. Researchers are also looking at an intelligent battery
But when load is connected, the internal resistance of the management which consists of multiple charger for charging
cell varies from one cell to another, where the voltage based individual columns of a battery for better efficiency.
cell balancing might be difficult.
In Final Voltage Based method or one end cell balancing,
New material combination for realizing batteries with good
the principle operation involves balancing of cells either
when during charge of a cell is full or empty. This technique characteristics coupled with advanced BMS will help the user
effectively helps in the estimation of SOC. to operate their device safely. Batteries have to be dependable
and reliable at any environmental or all working condition. A
Sometimes, when the battery in nearer to full charge (for ex
novel battery with less harmful substances possessing good
98 or 99%), the source may be disconnected, at that instant,
energy density, low memory effect and less susceptible to
the time required for cell balancing will be less, and final
pressure or temperature variations has to be developed. An
voltage based cell balancing might become problematic [44].
attempt is made in this review to survey the current popular
In SOC based cell balancing method, the prime operation
battery technologies and to highlight their limitations. This
involves balancing of the cell at any point of time. This helps
could serve as a precursor to further research.
SOC measurement considering history of each and every cell
voltage. This technique can be used irrespective of the Also, an efficient, reliable BMS that includes all the
amount of charge in cells (high or low). However, the necessary blocks to protect the battery and its associated
disadvantage of this method is the requirement of previous system/s by continuously monitoring the system current,
voltage, temperature etc. is to be developed. Fault diagnosis
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 9, September-2020 1712
ISSN 2229-5518
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