Break Free From ED - 15 - Getting Educated About Eating Disorders Education Pack

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Getting Educated

About Eating Disorders

An Education Pack Designed to be Printed and Used Alongside the CCI Workbook, Break free from ED

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What are
Eating Disorders?
An eating disorder is a serious mental illness characterised by Anorexia Nervosa
extreme concerns about weight, shape, eating and/or body
Anorexia Nervosa is characterised by persistent restricted
image. These concerns lead to disordered and unhealthy
intake leading to significantly low body weight. This is
patterns of behaviour, including restricting food intake,
accompanied by an intense fear of weight gain, or, persistent
fasting, counting calories, vomiting, misuse of laxative use, and
behaviour that interferes with necessary weight gain.
excessive or driven exercise. These behaviours can greatly
affect a persons physical, psychological and social functioning. For a person with Anorexia Nervosa, self-worth is often very
much caught up with weight, shape or control over eating.
Approximately 9% of the Australian population suffer from an
Individuals also often experience a distorted view of their
eating disorder according to the NEDC. Eating
body, believing that they are overweight when in fact they are
disorders affect men and women of all ages, of all
dangerously underweight.
socio-economic backgrounds, and of all shapes and
sizes. There are two subtypes of Anorexia Nervosa.
 Restricting subtype refers to individuals who severely
Eating disorders are not lifestyle choices, or a “diet
restrict the amount and type of food they eat. They may
gone too far”. They are a serious mental illness that
also engage in other weight control behaviours such as
has the highest mortality rate (from medical
excessive exercise.
complications and suicide) of any psychiatric
disorder. They can also lead to serious physical and  Binge/purge subtype also involves extreme restriction,
emotional consequences. (See our handouts titled Eating but this is accompanied by episodes of binge eating and
Disorders: What Are The Risks? and Starvation Syndrome). They compensatory purging.
are not “phases” that people snap out of and recovery
requires treatment and support. With early appropriate
A person with OSFED presents with some of the symptoms of
treatment, dedication and hard work, recovery is possible. other eating disorders (Anorexia Nervosa , Bulimia Nervosa
The sooner you get help, the greater the chance of a full or Binge Eating Disorder), but does not quite
recovery. meet the full criteria. OSFED is no less serious
Five of the more common types of eating disorders than other eating disorders and is the most
recognised by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental commonly diagnosed eating disorder amongst
Disorders (DSM-5) are Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa, adolescents and adults.
Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED), Binge
Eating Disorder and Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Binge Eating Disorder
Disorder (ARFID). Binge eating disorder is characterised by regular episodes of
binge eating. Unlike Bulimia Nervosa, someone suffering from
Bulimia Nervosa Binge Eating Disorder will not engage in compensatory
Bulimia Nervosa is characterised by recurrent episodes of behaviours (such as vomiting, laxatives, fasting etc.).
binge eating, followed by compensatory behaviours. Individuals with Binge Eating Disorder will often eat alone or
 Binge eating involves eating a very large amount of in secret because of feelings of shame and guilt about their
food within a short period of time, and feeling out of eating behaviours. Many people with binge eating disorder are
control or unable to stop. overweight or obese.
 Compensatory behaviours are ways of attempting to
control weight or shape. This includes vomiting, ARFID
misusing laxatives or diuretics, fasting, excessive An ARFID diagnosis describes a disorder where an
exercise, or misusing over the counter or prescription individual struggles to obtain adequate nutrition, in the
medications for the purpose of weight control. absence of the fear of weight gain &/or preoccupation with
Because of the large amount of food consumed in a binge, weight and shape that characterises AN, BN or OSFED.
and the relative ineffectiveness of most compensatory Feeding or eating disturbances such as lack of interest in
behaviours, weight may fluctuate, but many people with food or lack of appetite, aversion to certain textures, or
bulimia nervosa remain within the healthy weight range or feared consequences of eating (not weight/shape based)
may even gain weight. People who suffer from Bulimia lead to weight loss and difficulty maintained a healthy
Nervosa often get caught up in an out of control cycle of weight.
binge eating and attempting to compensate. This can lead to
feelings of guilt, shame and embarrassment, as well as If you, or someone close to you has signs of an
preoccupation with eating, body image and fear of weight
eating disorder, it is important to see your GP and
gain. For this reason, individuals often keep their eating and
discuss seeking help immediately.
compensatory behaviours very secretive, and therefore the
disorder can go undetected by friends and family.
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Eating Disorders:
What are the risks?
Eating disorders are serious mental illness that are associated with an imbalance
associated with poor physical and psychological of electrolytes, it is important
health and reduced quality of life. When eating that you have the levels of
disorders go untreated, they can be associated with electrolytes in your blood
serious, even life-threatening health complications. It checked by your GP regularly.
is important that any individual with an eating Your GP may prescribe you
disorder remains aware of the potential health risks. with potassium or other supplements to help maintain
We strongly recommend that all individuals with an a stable level of electrolytes.
eating disorder regularly consult with a medical
practitioner, to Bone Health
monitor and manage Research shows that loss of bone density and bone
potential health risks mineral deficiencies are common in individuals with
and avoid more eating disorders (especially anorexia nervosa), and
serious and that damage can occur early in the course of an eating
irreversible changes. disorder. If damage or insufficient growth occurs
during adolescence, an individual may not achieve
Heart Health their optimal bone density, increasing risk of
One very concerning osteoporosis. The main cause of osteoporosis is
medical risk of having an eating disorder is heart malnutrition and low weight. Many hormonal changes
problems. Heart problems may cause a person to: occur when a body has insufficient reserves of fat and
tire easily, feel light-headed and faint, be sensitive to muscles. These include changes to sex hormones
the cold, have an irregular heart beat, or experience (testosterone and oestrogen) as well as high levels of
chest pains. These heart problems are very serious cortisol, low levels of IGF-1 and Leptin. Changes in
and in extreme cases may lead to sudden death. these hormones can slow bone development and even
When a person rapidly loses weight, the size and cause bone loss. If osteoporosis develops, bones
strength of their heart substantially decreases. As a become fragile and are likely to break from the
result, their heart is not able to pump blood around slightest injury or fall. Bone fractures, chronic pain,
their body as efficiently as it should. This can lead to disability, and loss of stature may also occur.
feeling light-headed and dizzy when standing up Although we cannot reverse damage to bone health,
suddenly from a sitting or lying position. It is only the only way to prevent further bone
with gradual renourishment that a person’s heart can damage is by treating eating disorders early
return to its normal size and strength and therefore and reversing malnutrition. A well-balanced
begin to pump more efficiently. Nevertheless, given diet rich in calcium and vitamin D and
the seriousness of these heart problems, it is vitamin K is important for building and
essential that your heart functioning is monitored maintaining bone strength. A person would
regularly by your GP. also need to work towards maintaining a
Electrolytes, or salts in the body such as potassium healthy body weight and normalising body
and sodium, help our muscles work properly. Since composition (particularly fat) to maintain
your heart is a muscle, electrolytes maintain its bone health. Excessive exercise will deplete
regular beat. Frequent vomiting or the use of calcium resources.
laxatives or diuretics can cause fluid loss, which may *For more information see our handout:,
lead to fluctuations in the body’s electrolytes, and as Calcium and Bone Health
a result cause an irregular heart beat and possible
heart attack. To reduce the likelihood of problems

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Eating Disorders
& Neurobiology
Science and Eating Disorders How Eating Disorders Affect the Brain
Eating disorders are severe mental illnesses with the potential Some people worry that eating disorders are caused by a
for serious medical consequences. Our current knowledge, chemical imbalance in the brain, but there is no evidence for
thanks to a growing body of scientific evidence, is helping us to this. However, research has shown
better understand the neurobiology of these disorders: how that brain activity can be affected by
they develop and how we can best support people to recover. even modest dieting, and a young
person’s developing brain is particularly
People with eating disorders and their loved ones may wonder vulnerable. When a person is
how the disorder developed or blame themselves. Science can malnourished, their brain is not
help dispel harmful myths and improve our understanding of adequately fueled, and this may mean
the complexity of eating disorders. Through research we have they struggle to make decisions, solve
come to understand that there is no single cause of eating problems and regulate their emotions. (See our handout on
disorders—for example, you don’t have to have other Starvation Syndrome). They may also experience perceptual
psychological problems or trauma. However, it is common for disturbances in the way they see themselves; for example,
eating disorders to develop after a period of caloric restriction looking in the mirror and see themselves as much larger than
or inadequate nutritional intake (intentionally or through they actually are. Also, although eating disorders aren’t caused
stress/illness). by a chemical imbalance in the brain, restricted eating,
malnourishment, and excessive weight loss can result in
The Role of Genetics in Eating Disorders problematic changes to our brain chemistry. For example, the
Mood, personality, anxiety and impulse regulation, as well as brain produces less serotonin, which results in increased
appetite, body weight and metabolism have a strong genetic symptoms of depression.
basis (i.e., are heritable). On average, about half the risk of
developing an eating disorder comes from genetic influence, What Does All This Mean For Recovery?
but this risk differs from person to person. People with higher The good news is that the effects of starvation can be reversed
heritability need only a slightly toxic environment for an eating with adequate re-nourishment. Brain-imaging studies show that
disorder to manifest itself, while in a protected environment, brain activity in people with eating disorders can change. The
may not go on to develop an eating disorder. brain, like a muscle, is constantly changing and adapting as a
result of our environment and how it is used, or “exercised”.
Consider an orchid and a dandelion - an orchid needs an It can be “exercised” through learning and practicing new ways
optimal environment to flourish, whereas a dandelion survives of thinking and interacting with others. With practice, people
in spite of environmental challenges. Similarly, people with a with improved eating disorders. show brain activity that looks
genetic vulnerability to developing an eating disorders can more like that of people who had never had an eating disorder.
thrive in positive environments but are more vulnerable to
harmful environments, such as those that might trigger weight However the brain needs to be adequately nourished in order
loss or stress. to make these challenging changes. A starved brain won’t
function optimally so the first priority in treatment is nutritional
“Epigenetics” is the study of biological mechanisms that cause rehabilitation. This can be challenging, as increasing food intake
our underlying genetic predispositions to be “switched on” or can be scary for someone with an eating disorder. Also the
“switched off”. In certain environments, especially where there brain tends to ‘”lag behind” the body in terms of recovery and
is a lot of stress and/or inadequate nutrition, the risk is higher it can take time for people recovering from an eating disorder
— the genes might get “switched on”. As international eating for their brain to “catch up”, when they regain their capacity
disorders expert Professor Cynthia Bulik explains: “Genes load for abstract reasoning and rational thinking.
the gun, environment pulls the trigger”. A particular challenge we face is that our society
remains a potentially triggering environment, with
The Gene-Environment Interaction images of unachievable bodies and inaccurate and
Western culture places a high value on thinness and conflicting messages about diets and exercise ever
muscularity and many people engage in dieting or excessive present. Therapy not only needs to address the
exercise to become thinner or more muscular. For some, these person’s genetic vulnerabilities, but also to help them
behaviours are only minimally harmful, For those who carry the develop skills to manage environmental influences
genetic risk, these environmental influences can trigger their (e.g., managing stress and avoiding dieting).
genes to “switch on” and result in an eating disorder. In
another scenario, two individuals might get ill with a stomach Recovery from an eating disorder is possible. With
bug resulting in modest weight loss. One person may naturally adequate re-nourishment and learning, the brain and
regain the lost weight with no long-term consequences, while body can return to healthy functioning. Adequate
in the other, the development of an eating disorder may be nutritional intake and supportive environments will
triggered. Thus, inadequate nutrition serves as the catalyst for promote thriving across all life domains.
the expression of an underlying genetic vulnerability.
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Developed with Professor Tracey Wade of Flinders University •Psychotherapy•Research•Training
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Family Based Therapy:
Information for Consumers,
Carers, and Professionals
What is Family Based Therapy (FBT)? will make it difficult for a young person to willingly eat.
FBT is an intensive outpatient treatment for children Parents foster a compassionate, persistent and firm
and adolescents with recent onset (less than 3 years) expectation that the adolescent eat a sufficient (often
anorexia nervosa (AN). FBT places parents at the large) amount of food, in order to reverse the state of
centre of the young person’s recovery by charging starvation.
them with the task of “renourishing their starving The FBT clinician works with the family to discuss
child”. The family is supported by an FBT clinician the impact of the illness, to provide education about
along with a medical practitioner, who monitors the eating disorders, and to understand and manage the
young person’s physical health. When treating eating young person’s fear and distress during meal times.
disorders, families are a professional’s greatest ally. Siblings provide a crucial role in supporting the young
person - this can be as simple as offering a hug or
The Evidence for FBT watching TV together. Sibling relationships have often
Evidence has accumulated for 30 years that the most been disrupted by the illness and require some repair.
effective treatment for adolescents is FBT, where the Phase 1 is typically the most challenging phase of
focus is on renourishment and the impact of AN on treatment for the family.
the family.* Research has shown FBT (sometimes Phase 2: Once the young person is eating
known as “Maudsley Method”) is more effective over adequately and with minimal parental prompting, and
short- and long-term follow-up than individual or has regained sufficient weight, we will encourage
inpatient treatment. parents to gradually return responsibility for eating,
food, and exercise choices to the young person.
The Urgency of FBT Phase 3: When the young person is maintaining a
AN is a life-threatening illness with the highest stable, healthy weight, and eating normally, the focus of
morbidity of any mental health problem; it requires treatment shifts to other issues that have been
urgent, expert treatment. To reverse the effects of disrupted by AN. Phase 3 aims to ensure the young
starvation, parents will need to insist their child does person is ‘back on track’ developmentally, and engaging
things they find highly distressing (such as eating in normal, adolescent activities. Relapse prevention and
more and regaining weight). Only 10-15% of adults ending treatment are also discussed.
with AN achieve full remission in the long term so it
is essential to respond tenaciously in young people What FBT is not…
with AN to prevent a chronic illness.  FBT does not focus on how AN developed but on
addressing current life-threatening behaviours
What Happens in FBT?  FBT does not blame anyone for the development
FBT supports parents to renourish their starving of AN. AN is seen as separate from the young
child, before helping their child to regain age- person, and guilt and blame within the family are
appropriate control over their eating, and get ‘back explicitly addressed.
on track’ developmentally. The whole family (young  FBT is not about being unnecessarily harsh or
person, parents, siblings) attends each session restrictive. The clinician works with parents to
(initially 1-2 per week). The young person is also manage the distress of the young person and hand
seen individually and weighed at each session. back responsibility for eating as soon as possible.
 FBT does not damage family relationships. Most
The Phases of Treatment families report better relationships when AN is no
FBT has three phases (about 20 treatment sessions) longer in the family.
 FBT is not incongruent with the young person’s
which are delivered over a 12 month period.
Phase 1: The first phase focusses on stage of development in the long-term. Parental
empowering parents to work together to renourish responsibility for renourishment is temporary and
the young person. Due to the physical impact of young people often reflect in retrospect that they
starvation on the brain, the young person is not able feel grateful their parents were able to fight the
to make healthy and appropriate decisions regarding illness for them so they can return to a full life.
their eating at this time. All meals are prepared and *
supervised by a parent and physical exercise is Clinician/Eating-Disorders-CPG.aspx
limited. This is necessary because the eating disorder **For more information, visit

Developed in conjunction with Andrew Wallis, Family Therapist, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead C entre for
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What is Starvation
Starvation Syndrome  Feeling cold all the time
When starved of energy, the  Fluid retention (edema)
human body responds in a way  Dizziness and blackouts
known as “Starvation Syndrome”.  Loss of strength, high fatigue
Starvation syndrome (or semi-  Hair loss, dry skin
starvation) refers to the  Decreased hormone levels, causing
physiological and psychological lack of sexual desire and other changes
effects of prolonged dietary
Emotional Changes
restriction. The effects of starvation syndrome are
 Depression
commonly observed in individuals with eating disorders,
 Anxiety
who often severely restrict their energy intake, eat
 Irritability
irregularly, and engage in compensatory behaviours (e.g.,
 Loss of interest in life
purging), which reduce energy absorption. Many of the
symptoms once thought to be primary symptoms of Changes in Thinking
eating disorders are actually symptoms of starvation.  Impaired concentration, judgement and decision-
The Minnesota Starvation Experiment
 Impaired comprehension
The Minnesota Starvation Experiment is the best
 Increased rigidity and obsessional thinking
example of the wide-ranging physical, cognitive, social
 Reduced alertness
and behavioural effects of starvation. Between 1944
and 1945, the University of Minnesota studied the Social Changes
effects of dietary restriction and the effectiveness of
 Withdrawal and isolation
dietary rehabilitation strategies. The study recruited 32
 Loss of sense of humour
fit, young male volunteers, who were conscientious
 Feelings of social inadequacy
objectors to the military service. The study had three
 Neglect of personal hygiene
 Strained relationship
 3-month control: participants ate normally
 6-month semi-starvation period: caloric intake of Attitudes and Behaviour Relating to Eating
each participant was reduced by 50%  Thinking about food all the time
 3-month recovery: participants were re-nourished  Meticulous planning of meals
During the semi-starvation period, men lost on average  Eating very fast or very slowly
25% of their baseline body weight. Unexpectedly, semi-  Increased hunger, binge-eating
starvation also had a dramatic impact on the  Tendency to hoard (e.g. collecting recipes)
physiological, psychological, cognitive, and social  Increased use of condiments (e.g., spices) for flavour
functioning of the men. Symptoms of starvation syndrome are observed in any
individual who has prolonged restricted access to
Physical Changes food, no matter what the reason (e.g., prisoners of
 Heart muscle mass reduced by 25% war or effects of an eating disorder). Physical
 Heart rate and blood pressure decreased
re-nourishment and weight restoration is
 Basal metabolic rate slowed down
therefore essential to reverse these symptoms.

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What is Starvation
How is Starvation Syndrome Relevant men recovered from many of the
physiological and psychological
to Eating Disorders?
effects of starvation.
The physiological and psychological effects of semi-
Rate of recovery varied among the
starvation observed in the Minnesota Experiment
men, with some taking longer than
mirror the experience of many individuals with
others to normalise their eating.
eating disorders. Many eating disorder symptoms
Many also reported persistence of
are actually a direct result of semi-starvation.
symptoms well into the re-nourishment phase (e.g.,
You may be thinking: feeling ‘out of control’, experiencing low mood, inability
“This information isn’t relevant to me because I’m in to identify hunger/fullness cues, episodes of binge eating).
the average or overweight range” Importantly, these symptoms subsided over time with
However, research shows that a person does not consistent, adequate nutrition.
have to be underweight to experience symptoms of
starvation. Starvation syndrome may be observed if a Recovery from an Eating Disorder
person’s nutritional intake is poor, irregular, or The good news is that the effects of semi-starvation are
unbalanced, or if they engage in compensatory reversible. By consuming nutritionally balanced meals
behaviours that reduce energy absorption, regularly throughout the day the body will return to
irrespective of their weight. Individuals with anorexia normal physical and psychological functioning.
(*see handout ‘Regular Eating for Recovery’ for more information).
nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder
are therefore all vulnerable to experiencing Remember, it takes time,
symptoms of semi-starvation. and symptoms of semi-
starvation may persist in the
A crucial distinction between men in the Minnesota
short-term during physical
Study and individuals with eating disorders is that, in
addition to experiencing symptoms of starvation,
individuals with eating disorders have significant fears When the brain is properly
about their shape, weight, appearance and eating. nourished, it can carry out
When a person who is starving has the opportunity vital processes such as
to eat, they will eat. A person with an eating perception, problem solving,
disorder will continue to restrict what they are planning, memory, decision making, and emotion
eating due to their fears. It is therefore crucial that regulation. These processes are essential for a person to
eating disorder recovery focuses on physical re- engage in psychological treatment for their eating
nourishment as well as psychological treatment to disorder. This is why eating disorder treatment often
address anxiety and fear about eating. begins with physical re-nourishment. Once semi-
starvation has been corrected, an individual will be in a
Reversing better position cognitively to address the underlying
Symptoms of thoughts and feelings that keep disordered eating
Starvation behaviours going.
Participants in the You may need to consult a medical practitioner,
Minnesota Experiment were psychologist, dietitian or other health professional for
re-nourished during a 3- support with re-nourishment or to help you manage
month recovery phase. By your anxiety while you are making changes. Remember,
normalising their eating the effects of semi-starvation are reversible with
through regular rations, the consistent, adequate nutrition!
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Set Point
What is Set Point? What if You’re Below Your Set Point?
Many parts of our physical and psychological makeup Set point is a particularly important concept to
are determined either in part, or completely, by our understand if you have an eating disorder. You may be
genes. For example, height is mostly determined by engaging in periods of restricted eating, and if this
genetic factors - some environmental factors may results in you falling below your body’s natural set
influence it a little, but for the most part, it is what it is. point weight range, your body will respond by
Some people are shorter than average while others are increasing your hunger signals (at least initially) and
taller than average. People generally accept that we
your mental preoccupation with food, while
can’t change our height, it’s just the way we were born.
decreasing your metabolism (see our handout on
In the long term, the same principle applies Starvation Syndrome for more information). These
to weight. Genetics play a large part in mechanisms are in place to try and get your body back
determining the weight that our bodies to its natural weight range; they were developed
tend towards, and this depends on our through evolution to protect us from starvation.
overall build, our bone structure,
metabolism, musculature, and much more. Trying to keep your body below its natural set point
weight range results in an ever-increasing battle with
Research suggests that each human body has a weight these mechanisms. Preoccupation
range that it is genetically predisposed to maintain. This with food becomes so
natural weight range is called your “set point”. Set point overwhelming that it can be hard
will vary for every individual regardless of other factors to concentrate on anything else.
such as their height and gender. Due to increased levels of hunger
and increased thoughts about food,
Set Point Theory and Body Weight constant restricting of food intake
The human body uses regulatory mechanisms to keep
makes you vulnerable to episodes
its weight within this natural set point range. For
of binge eating. This is why dieting
example, if you eat a little more than you need to
is so ineffective (see our handout, Why Diets Don’t Work).
maintain your body weight, then typically your body
temperature will rise and your metabolism speeds up Eating a well balanced diet and exercising moderately will
to burn off the extra energy. If on the other hand you help you keep your body within its natural weight range,
do not eat enough to maintain your weight, then your and keep you in control. If you are suffering from food
metabolic rate slows down to spare the available preoccupation due to restricted food intake, the key
calories (see our handout on Metabolism for more lesson to learn from set-point theory is this:
info). Another regulatory mechanism is hunger - if the To recover from your preoccupation with food, weight, and
body is not getting enough energy, you will feel more hunger, your body must be returned to a weight that is within
hungry, and/or be more preoccupied with food. its natural weight range. No amount of psychological
treatment will remove your food obsessions unless weight is
Consider a person who typically eats a balanced diet regained to a healthy, normal range for your body.
and exercises moderately. We expect that for much of
their adulthood, their weight will tend to fluctuate
Accepting Your Set Point
within their set point weight range. Their
Perhaps your set point weight range is higher than
weight may fluctuate up temporarily if, for
example, they go on a holiday. However, average, higher than you’d like it to be, or higher than
upon their return home, once they resume others (your doctor, peers, the media etc.) have
their normal pattern of eating and exercise, suggested it ‘should’ be...then what? Well, here we can
their weight will naturally fluctuate down return to the example of height, and remind ourselves
again without effort. Conversely, a person’s of the idea that ‘it is what it is’. The most important
weight may temporarily fluctuate down if goal is body acceptance. You cannot change your
they become ill or go through a period of genetic makeup, or your natural set point weight
stress. However, once their health has range. Therefore, achieving full recovery from an
improved, their body will fight to regain the eating disorder and healthy body image involves full
lost weight by increasing hunger levels and acceptance our body as it is—height, weight, shape,
slowing their metabolism temporarily. and all!
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A Guide to
Self-Monitoring  Time: Record the time you began the meal/snack.
During treatment, you will be asked to keep a record  Food and liquid intake: Record both food and
of your food and fluid intake between each session. It liquid intake, including water, coffee or tea, or
is important that you make an alcohol. Bracket foods together when you consider
honest and accurate record. This them to be part of the same meal/snack. Do not
may feel uncomfortable or anxiety record calories.
-provoking, however it is an  Location: Be specific about the location of your
essential component of effective eating. If you are at home eating on the couch, write
therapy. Self-monitoring not only ‘couch in the living room’ rather than just ‘home’.
raises your awareness of your  Binge: Place an asterisk (*) in the binge column if
thoughts, feelings, and patterns of you consider the event to be a binge episode.
behaviours ‘in the moment’, it also allows you and  V/L: If you vomit, record a ‘V’ in this column. If
your therapist to step back together during sessions laxatives are used, record an ‘L’ in this column and
and take a “helicopter view” of your eating disorder write down how many you took.
and the things that keep it going.  Situation/thoughts/feelings: Record here any
other relevant information about what was
Your self-monitoring will be reviewed at each happening, the way you felt about your eating, and
treatment session in order to help you learn how to the thoughts that pop up throughout the day that
overcome your eating disorder. are relevant to the eating disorder. You may also
Research has shown that individuals who consistently include behaviours such as weighing yourself, or
complete accurate, real-time self-monitoring from checking your body.
the time they start treatment are most likely to have  Exercise: If you exercise, record when, how much
a good treatment outcome. and what type of exercise you engage in.

How To Complete Your Self Monitoring Here is an example of a self-monitoring record:

Self-monitoring details your patterns of food and fluid Time Food & liquid Loca- * V Situation/thoughts/
intake tion (B) / feelings
intake throughout the day, including what you ate, L
where you ate, if you considered the event to be a 7:30 2 pieces of ) Home 7:00am: Weighed
binge episode, and if you engaged in vomiting or toast with ) table myself. 65kgs Less
laxative use. It also captures information about what margarine ) than last night.
1 mug of ) Pleased.
you were doing, and your thoughts and feelings. 10:00 coffee )
At Cake in the staf-
 “Real-time” monitoring: It is important to 1 can of diet
desk froom for col-
12:00 Pepsi
record as soon as you have finished eating or league’s birthday.
drinking instead of writing everything down at the Mug of coffee At Pleased I didn’t eat
desk any.
end of the day. Making records in the moment will 1:30
Only coffee for
draw your attention to your thoughts and 4:30
lunch, trying to
Mug of coffee At make up for break-
behaviours as they are happening, rather than after desk fast
the event. This helps increase your awareness and 4:45 200gm packet
provide opportunity to make helpful changes. We 4:53 of chips
Sat in front of TV
in when I got home.
realise that it can be difficult to carry these records 1 doughnut front
Felt bored, tired
with you everywhere you go. You may want to 1 doughnut of the
and hungry. Start-
consider taking a notebook or jotting things down 1 can of diet TV
ed eating.
in your phone if you are out during the day and *
8:30 6 chocolate
then transcribing them later. biscuits
V 5:35pm: Weighed
 Be honest: Sometimes you may feel tempted to
myself. 65.7kgs.
omit some aspects of your eating behaviour due to Vomited.
feeling ashamed or embarrassed. Remember, your 1 packet choc
* V Felt awful, couldn’t
biscuits Bed-
therapist will not judge you, and can help you best room
look in mirror,
when they have complete, accurate information. Exercise (time and type): None

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and Your Health
For many people, vomiting starts as part of an attempt
Challenging Myths About Vomiting
to regain control after breaking dietary rules or eating
Often, vomiting can become a “safety net” because
more than planned. This can often lead to a vicious
people think they can compensate for what they’ve
cycle of eating and vomiting. When vomiting occurs
eaten. Sometimes, people believe that if they vomit
regularly, it can affect health in a number of ways.
when they eat anything at all, they will lose weight. By
challenging beliefs about vomiting, people can reverse
Effects of Regular Vomiting the vicious cycle of eating and purging. This along with
 Gastric acid enters the mouth and other strategies, can help minimise the physical and
erodes tooth enamel, which leaves teeth mental effects by vomiting.
vulnerable to erosion, brittleness, and
thermal sensitivity. Expensive dental work can be Myth 1: Vomiting gets rid of the calories I’ve consumed
needed to repair or replace the damaged tooth. FACT: Research has shown that vomiting cannot
 Parotid (salivary) glands can swell up and cause the get rid of all the calories ingested, even when
cheeks to look enlarged and puffy. done immediately after eating.
 Fingers and knuckles can become calloused and A vomit can only remove up to about half of the calories
burned by gastric acid. eaten - which means that, realistically, between half to
 Ruptures and bleeding can occur in the oesophagus as two thirds of what is eaten is absorbed by the body. This
acid and food pieces are forcefully ejected. is because absorption begins in the mouth (through the
saliva), continues in the oesophagus, and then in the
 The digestive system can become dysregulated, so
stomach. Even if the entire stomach contents is vomited
that even a small amount of food in the stomach feels
uncomfortable. up, many of the calories will have already been ingested.
 The ability to identify hunger and fullness is impaired. This explains why many people with bulimia maintain an
average weight, even if they restrict food outside of
 Imbalances in electrolytes, such as potassium and binges - they still ingest most of the binge.
sodium, can result in fainting, fever, digestive
problems, confusion, blood pressure changes, heart Myth 2: Vomiting helps prevent weight gain
palpitations, seizures, cardiac arrest and even death.
FACT: Vomiting tends to encourage overeating
 People sometimes try to hide their vomiting, which and weight gain.
can involve actions such as lying or vomiting in odd
Vomiting gives a false sense of security, because believing
places. This can impact social relationships as well as
that it is a safety net can lead to larger and more
functioning at work and other responsibilities.
frequent binges - people can think that if they are going
 People may feel guilt, shame, anxiety or depression - to vomit anyway, they may as well eat more. Believing
which can add to feeling worthless and out of control that vomiting compensates for eating actually makes
- and these feelings can trigger a binge. This can lead overeating more likely, and over time, increase the
to additional vomiting, beginning the vicious cycle amount eaten during binges and greater calorie intake.
over again. The eat and purge cycle also causes metabolic changes
that accelerate weight gain. Due to the vomiting process,
Minimising Dental Damage the body is primed to compensate for the loss of
While prevention is the best option, there are ways to potential nutrients by preserving energy and
minimise the damage caused by regular vomiting. slowing the metabolic rate. These changes
 Gently brush teeth and spit without rinsing the can last a long time, and contribute to
toothpaste away—this leaves fluoride to strengthen increased weight gain over time.
the tooth enamel.
Regular check-ups with a GP and dentist can help
 Alternatively, rinsing with a mixture of baking soda
monitor and minimise some of the negative effects of
and water can help neutralise gastric acid.
vomiting on health. While it can sometimes be difficult
 Chew sugar free gum—this promotes saliva tell people about vomiting, remember that they are
production which helps protect against acid. there to help and not judge.
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Regular Eating
for Recovery
What Do We Mean By Regular Eating? Why Eat Regularly?
Establishing regular eating habits will form a fundamental There are lots of benefits to eating regularly, particularly
part of overcoming your eating disorder. Regular eating is during treatment for an eating disorder.
the foundation upon which other positive changes in your Eating regularly:
eating will be based.  Gives structure to your eating habits, so that eating can
If you have an eating disorder, it’s likely that you’ve been start to become a regular, normalised part of your life.
engaging in eating behaviours that are disordered and  Keeps your blood sugar level steady, which minimises
unhelpful, perhaps for quite some time. One behaviour tiredness, irritability, and poor concentration
that is very common amongst people with eating disorders  Helps to combat delayed or infrequent eating
is irregular, infrequent, or delayed eating. For example,  Helps to combat unstructured eating, such as grazing or
you may have a rule that you don’t eat before midday, or picking (which may increase vulnerability to binge eating)
perhaps you’ve become accustomed to having a small  Establishes habits that will help prevent binge eating -
breakfast and then not eating again until dinner time, or when eating regularly, you are less likely to become
maybe you find yourself snacking and grazing throughout overly hungry and feel out of control of your eating
the day without sitting down for a proper meal or snack.  Improves metabolic functioning and prevents your body
from going into “starvation mode”
Ideally, humans function best when we eat regularly (see our handout on Starvation Syndrome).
throughout the day; this means eating every ~3 hours. For Changing your eating habits can feel
many people, regular eating involves eating 3 meals and overwhelming, so regular eating is a great
2-3 snacks, although sometimes it’s helpful to think of it place to start! Once the routine of eating
simply in terms of 5-6 eating occasions throughout the 16 every ~3 hours is in place, you can then
or so hours you are awake. begin to modify your food choices and
For some people, the timing of their eating and how much portion sizes.
they eat at each meal will vary depending on their daily
patterns involving sleep, work, exercise, socialising etc. Plan, Prepare, Prioritise!
However, when you’re first entering treatment for your When establishing your own system of regular eating be
eating disorder, you may need to pay special attention to sure to remember the 3 Ps—Plan, Prepare, Prioritise!
when you’re eating, and start out by “eating by the clock” Early on in treatment it pays to plan out and prepare
in order to stay on track. your meals and snacks in advance. You won’t have to do
this forever, and in future your eating can become more
When you’re first getting started, regular eating may take flexible, but for now, thinking several steps ahead will
the following form: help to keep you on track! Right now, regular eating
 Breakfast must be a priority in your life, and may need to take
 Morning tea precedence over other activities. This may mean
 Lunch temporarily reshuffling your work day, when you choose
 Afternoon tea to socialise, or other commitments.
 Dinner
 Evening snack/supper Tips for Regular Eating
 Aim not to miss a meal or snack - if you do, be sure
A Word on Water... to get ‘back on track’ as soon as you notice!
It’s also important to make sure you are drinking an  Do not leave a gap of more than 4 hours between
adequate amount of water—although not so much that meals/snacks
you feel overly full and it discourages you to eat your next  Avoid eating between your meals and snacks. If you
meal or snack! Water allows the body to absorb nutrients consistently experience hunger between meals and
from food and transport them around the body. It also snacks this may be a clue that you need to increase
facilitates removal of waste products, and lowers our body the size or density of your meals and snacks
temperature in warm weather. The human body uses  If you purge (i.e., vomit or use laxatives) the meal or
approximately 4% of its body weight in water each day, snack doesn’t count towards regular eating
and health professionals recommend Australian adults  Consider carrying a snack (muesli bar, dried fruit,
drink about1.5-2L water daily. Failing to drink enough
nuts) with you in the car or your handbag, in case you
water can lead to dehydration, which can negatively
get caught out of the house/office at mealtimes.
impact our physical and mental functioning.

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nterventions regarding the information from this website before making use of such information.
See website for more handouts and resources. Last updated 25/01/18.
Making Sense of
Serving Sizes
During recovery from an eating disorder, sometimes it can Vegetables
be difficult to relearn how to eat in a normal, regular, non-
The recommended intake is 5+ serves per day for men and
disordered way. One of the challenges is figuring out how
women. Some examples of 1 serve in this food group
much of the different types of food groups is enough, so
we’ve prepared this rough guide to help you on your way.
 ½ cup cooked vegetables
Six Main Food Groups  ½ cup cooked or canned legumes
There are six main food groups and ideally we should have  ½ corn cob
a little from each of these groups every day. However,  ½ cup baked beans
some days we might have a little more than the  1 cup leafy greens
recommended amount, other days a little less. Below are  1 large carrot
some guidelines that indicate the minimum recommended  1 cup broccoli
daily serves of each food group. Remember that the  1 small tomato
amount each person requires will vary based on their age,
gender, level of activity, height, weight, build etc. Fruit
The amount of food you need will also depend on what’s The recommended intake is 2-3 serves per day for women,
going on with your eating disorder and what stage of 3-4 per day for men. Some examples of 1 serve in this food
treatment you’re at. For example, if you are underweight group include:
and need to regain weight in order to become physically  1 medium piece of fresh fruit
and mentally healthy, you might need to eat a little more (e.g., apple, pear, banana)
than usual for a while.  2 small pieces (e.g., apricots, kiwi fruit)
 1 cup of berries
Grains  1 cup fruit salad or canned fruit
The recommended intake is 5-6  4 dried apricots or 2 tablespoons of sultanas
serves per day for women, 6-7 per  ½ cup fruit juice
day for men. Some examples of 1
serve in this food group include: Dairy & Alternatives
 1 slices bread or ½ a bread roll The recommended intake is 3 serves
 1/4 cup of muesli per day for women and men. Some
 ½ cup cooked porridge examples of 1 serve in this group are:
 ½ cup cooked pasta or rice  1 cup milk or soy milk ( 250ml )
 2/3 cup flaky cereal  1 tub (200g) yoghurt
 1 medium potato  1 cup of custard
 2 slices (40g) of cheese
The recommended intake is 1-2 serves per day for men Fun Foods
and women. Some examples of 1 serve in this food group Some foods don’t fit neatly into any particular food group,
include: but can still be enjoyed as part of a balanced, flexible diet.
 A palm sized pieces of raw meat or chicken (100g) Remember, eating isn’t just to fuel the body, it’s also about
 A hand sized piece of raw fish (120g) enjoyment, celebration, and pleasure!
 Small can of fish e.g., salmon or tuna  1 ice cream on a stick (or 2 small scoops)
 2 large eggs  1 doughnut or 1 slice of cake
 1 cup of cooked or canned legumes  1 small cup of hot chips
 170g of tofu  1 fun size bag of potato chips
 A small handful of nuts or seeds (30g)  5 or 6 lollies
 A row of chocolate (4 squares)
The recommended intake is 1-2 serves per
Please remember, this information is general in nature
day for men and women. Some examples of and does not replace individual advice from a dietician.
1 serve in this food group include: If you’re still unsure about what or how much your
 1 tablespoon of margarine, oil, butter, cream etc. should be eating each day, we recommend consulting
 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise with a dietitian; preferably one who has experience
 ¼ avocado (small) working with eating disorders.
 5 small olives

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What Are Carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are one of our three main sources of Myths & Facts
energy (sometimes called ‘macronutrients’), along with Digestion & Hydration: Certain types of
protein and fats. They are broken down during digestion carbohydrates encourage the growth of
to form glucose so that they can be absorbed, transported healthy bacteria in the intestines which aids
around the body, and converted by our cells into energy. digestion and ensures long term
Most people think of “carbs” as being breads, pasta, rice gastrointestinal health. Carbohydrates also
etc. but actually, carbohydrates are in most of the foods help our bodies absorb water more
we eat. There are 3 main types of carbohydrates, that all effectively, which helps keep us hydrated.
form an important part of a healthy balanced diet:
 Sugars (as in honey, fruit, lollies) Mood, Sleep & Appetite: Carbohydrate
 Starches (as in bread, pasta, cereal) intake is directly linked to the release of serotonin (a
 Dietary fibre (as in vegetables, nuts, seeds) neurotransmitter) in the brain. Serotonin is an important
chemical that helps to improve mood and to regulate both
What Does GI Mean? our sleep/wake cycle and our appetite. Having enough
The glycemic index (GI) tells us how fast or slow a serotonin is important for preventing low mood/
particular type of carbohydrate is digested. Low GI foods depression, and also helps you to sleep well and feel more
are digested more slowly, whilst high GI foods result in alert when you’re awake. Serotonin also helps to regulate
more rapid changes in blood sugar and insulin levels. It’s our hunger and fullness signals, and allows people to
most helpful to look at the overall nutritional value of a experience that ‘satisfied’ feeling following a meal, which
food and to incorporate all foods in moderation, rather helps to prevent over-eating. Therefore, adequate daily
than getting too caught up in specific numbers like grams carbohydrate intake is essential to allow us to feel good,
of carbohydrate, GI rating, or calories (see our handout sleep well, and receive accurate appetite signals from our
on Calorie Counting). bodies.
Why Do We Need Carbohydrates?
Fuel for our Body and Brain: Carbohydrates are our How Much Do We Need?
body’s primary, and most efficient energy source because Carbohydrates should make up the majority of our food
they are converted more readily into glucose than intake each day - about 50-60%. Usually, at least a third of
proteins or fats. Carbohydrates are an essential fuel these will come from low GI carbohydrates (or “complex
source for our muscles, central nervous system and brain. carbohydrates”) like bread or rice. For ideas about
Some of our body cells (particularly in our brain) prefer to integrating carbohydrates into healthy, balanced and
run on glucose, but our brains can’t store a supply of flexible eating, see our handout Normal Eating.
glucose. Therefore we need a regular supply of
carbohydrates to ensure our brain runs properly. It is a Myths About Carbohydrates
bit like putting fuel in a car...but unlike filling up your car Some people believe carbohydrates make you gain weight,
with petrol every few days or weeks, we need to provide or that “low carb diets” are the key to effective weight
our body with carbohydrates several times a day in order loss. These beliefs are usually based on simplistic nutrition
to ensure optimal functioning. Not eating enough theories or pseudoscience lacking a true scientific
carbohydrates, or having long gaps in the research basis (see our handout on Interpreting Dietary
day without carbohydrates can make it Advice). Reducing carbohydrate intake may initially result in
difficult for us to concentrate properly, some rapid weight loss due to fluid loss, a reduction in
make decisions, plan ahead, or even overall energy intake, and the loss of muscle tissue, but
regulate our emotions. All that complex research suggests this will not be maintained and can be
brain functioning requires fuel, and that fuel detrimental for our bodies. There is also no scientific
is carbohydrates! evidence to show that eating carbohydrates in the evening
Protection: In addition to providing our causes weight gain; the body metabolises carbohydrate in
body with energy, carbohydrates also have a ‘protein- the same way regardless of the time of day or night.
sparing effect’. Having adequate carbohydrate in your diet
protects muscle tissue from being broken down and used The Effect of Low Carbohydrate Intake
as energy. It also ensures that any protein you do  Constipation due to lack of dietary fiber
consume is used for their primary purpose (muscle  Bad breath due to the release of ketones
growth and maintenance) rather than being redirected to  Fatigue, low energy, tiredness
perform the function of the carbohydrates. It is important  Mood swings, low/depressed mood, poor
to prevent unnecessary muscle breakdown from occurring concentration
as this process releases toxins into the blood, which  Poor immune response
places pressure on our kidneys. Carbohydrates also  Increased risk of health problems e.g., bowel cancer
support healthy immune function.
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Developed in conjunction with Kate Fleming, Dietitian.
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Last updated 15/02/2018. •Psychotherapy•Research•Training
Gastrointestinal Problems
in Eating Disorders
Gastrointestinal (GI) problems are A consequence of slow, inefficient digestion and poor
one of the most common bowel functioning is that people recovering from
consequences of an eating disorder. eating disorders experience significant GI distress.
Individuals with Anorexia Nervosa, Bloating, constipation and pain are
Bulimia Nervosa, and other eating often misinterpreted as fullness of the
disorders experience a number of GI stomach, which discourages them
changes which are believed to be from eating. This makes the process
caused by starvation, malnutrition, of renourishment even more
and the underuse of the GI tract. physically and psychologically
GI problems experienced by people with an eating challenging.
disorder include:
The misuse of laxatives can also cause GI problems.
 Bloating
Laxatives disrupt normal bowel function and can cause
 Constipation
symptoms such as: loss of intestinal muscle tone,
 Diarrhoea
 Flatulence bloating, gas, colicky pain, appearance of mucus and
 Abdominal pain blood in the stool, incontinence of faeces, and in
 Fullness after eating even very small amounts severe cases, paralysis of the bowel. See our handout
titled Laxative Misuse. In most people, these
Why do people with eating disorders symptoms are reversible after stopping laxatives, but
suffer from gastrointestinal problems? some permanent effects may occur. It is important
Chronic restriction can cause the muscles of the that you do not self-medicate with laxatives
small and large intestine to atrophy, or waste away, for the relief of constipation. Continuing to take
due to underuse. This results in food taking longer laxatives to relieve various GI symptoms is in fact
to travel through our digestive tract, known as maintaining these symptoms as our digestive system
delayed gastric emptying, and causes stomach aches, does not get the opportunity to build up strength to
bloating and wind. When the body is in starvation digest food on its own.
mode, fewer enzymes and hormones required to
promote digestion are produced, therefore slowing
Treating Gastrointestinal Problems
down the process of digestion further. Normal GI problems will improve when food intake and
digestion through a healthy intestinal tract takes behaviours interfering with
around 1.5 hours, however in an undernourished digestion are normalised. If you
body, this can take up to 5 hours. Frequent vomiting are working towards increasing
can also interfere with GI functioning and contribute the frequency, quantity, and/or
to slow digestion as the rhythm and process of variety of food you are eating, it is
digestion is interrupted by the act of vomiting. normal to expect some GI
Inadequate and irregular food intake also affects discomfort in the short-term. This does not mean
bowel functioning. The bowel requires an adequate you have eaten too much and is a normal part of
amount of waste to be in it in order to empty. With the recovery journey for many people. Some
limited intake, the bowel does not function effectively people find it helpful to alleviate this discomfort by
or regularly and it may be many days between bowel using a hot water bottle or engaging in a distracting
movements. activity after eating. It may take some time for the
system to recover normal functioning. If you are
GI problems can also caused by a diet low in the
concerned about GI problems it is important you
nutrients needed for a healthy intestinal tract,
including fibre and water. seek professional medical advice.

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The R.E.A.L.
Food Pyramid
This information is designed to provide you with a guideline for healthy eating. If you have a special
condition or are under medical supervision, you should discuss your eating plan with your doctor.
The Recovery from Eating Disorders for Life Food Pyramid
The REAL Food Pyramid has been created as a meal planning guide for individuals with eating
disorders. It is ideal if it is used in collaboration with a dietitian, as every person is unique, and
there may be foods or amounts that need to be adjusted for you.

Choose a variety of whole grains
and carbohydrate foods for
dietary fibre, thiamine, folate and
iodine. Carbohydrate is needed
to stabilise your blood glucose
level, and provide fuel for your
muscles and your brain. Not
eating enough carbohydrate can
lead to tiredness, fatigue,
dizziness, irritability, and low
blood glucose levels. It can also
precipitate binge eating,
particularly at mid-afternoon
(around 3-4 pm) when blood
glucose levels naturally drop and
cravings commonly kick in.
Good sources of carbohydrates
include: cereals, rice, oats, bread,
noodles, potato, quinoa, pasta,
cous cous, tortillas.

Protein rich foods provide iron,
zinc, vitamin B12 and omega-3.
Protein is needed for growth and
repair of body tissues and plays
an important role in all functions
of your body. If you are
vegetarian, it is important to
replace animal proteins with iron
-rich substitutes.
Good sources of protein include:
meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese,
tofu, chickpeas, lentil, baked
beans, ham, nuts, kidney beans.

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The Facts
on Fat
Why Do We Need Fat in Our Diet? contain some monounsaturated fats as
Fat is an essential nutrient needed for good health. do meat, chicken, eggs and fish.
It is common for people with an eating disorder to Polyunsaturated fats: these fats are
have the belief that “all fat is bad” or “the less fat extracted from seeds such as
I have the better”. Research has shown sunflower, safflower, soy beans, sesame
that it is common for eating disorder and grape seed to make cooking oils.
patients to be deficient in essential fatty Omega-3 fats: these fats are a sub-group of
acids and vitamin D, a nutrient which fat polyunsaturated fats with a slightly different
also contributes. structure. Fish (especially oily fish like salmon, tuna
and sardines) and seafood contain high levels of 2
Fat is important part of a balanced diet because: omega-3 fats called EPA and DHA.
 When stored in the body, fat plays an important Trans fats: these fats are structurally the same as
role as a energy store which the body can use if unsaturated fats but in the body, behave the same as
energy is required. saturated fats. They occur naturally in
 It provides 2 essential fatty acids (linoleic acid and butter, milk, beef and lamb.
alpha-linoleic acid) which our bodies cannot Cholesterol: cholesterol is a waxy, fat-
manufacture of their own. like compound found in the blood and is
 It provides insulation and protection for internal different from fat. It is an essential part of
organs and reproductive organs. cell membranes and is used to create
 It provides fat soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and hormones and vitamin D.
K) and phytochemicals like beta-carotene and
lycopene. Five Tips to Make Sure You’re Meeting
 It provides fatty acids required for making Your Fat Requirements
hormones, brain cells and healthy skin. 1. Add a fat based spread (e.g. butter, margarine,
 It is essential for hormones such as peptide YY peanut butter, avocado, hummus, mayonnaise)
(PYY) and cholecystokinin (CCK) to be released anytime you are having toast/bread/wrap/
during digestion. These hormones are responsible sandwich.
for signalling satiety (i.e. telling you when to stop 2. Use a cooking oil such as olive oil, peanut oil or
eating). vegetable oil when cooking a meal for lunch or
 It adds flavour and texture to foods. dinner.
 It assists in slowing down the rate at which your 3. Include at least 3 serves of non-fat modified
stomach empties, thus leaving you more satisfied for calcium-rich foods everyday (e.g. cheese,
longer. yoghurt, milk or calcium-fortified soy alternatives
 For women, low fat intake of these).
and therefore low body fat can 4. Add nuts, seeds and/or olives to your lunch and
cause loss of periods and dinner (e.g. add to a salad, stirfry, pasta dish).
impact on your reproductive 5. Eat a variety of foods—lots of different foods
system. contribute fats to our diet (e.g. dairy, meat,
chicken, fish, fun foods) as no food is made up of
What are the Different Types of Fats one nutrient only. Eating a variety of foods assists
Saturated fats: these fats tend to be solid and you in meeting your fat
are found mainly in animal foods (e.g. butter, requirements and means
cream, meats, cheese, milk) but also include palm you get some of all the
oil and coconut oil. different types of fats
Mono unsaturated fats: these fats are found listed above.
predominantly in olives, olive oil, canola oil,
avocadoes, peanuts and most other nuts. All oils
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See website for more handouts and resources. Last updated 25/01/18.
Why Diets
Do Not Work
If you enter the word "diet" into internet search
engines you will get nearly 200 million results instantly.
Diets are often marketed as the answer to people's
problems, promising quick weight loss, body
acceptance, physical health (e.g., detoxifying) and
beauty. But if diets really work, then why do we need
so many of them? In reality, the dieting industry is a
multi-billion dollar industry that succeeds by making Rigid Rules
people feel bad about themselves. People quickly Diet language often includes words such as "good",
become stuck in a vicious cycle of dieting (and the "bad", "cheat" and "guilt", which can lead people to
dieting companies make even more money!). develop strict and rigid rules about what to eat, when to
What is a Diet? eat and how much to eat. Rigid rules are different to
Diets typically prescribe that a person follows a guidelines. Having some guidelines about what we eat
rigid pattern of eating for a strict period of time. can help us maintain healthy eating. For example,
The time frame may be short (e.g., 8 hours, 1 week) or someone may have the guideline "I try not to eat too
long (e.g., 6 months). Diets prescribe what to eat, when many sugary foods". A rigid rule differs in that it is
to eat and how much to eat. But all diets are different! inflexible and 'all or nothing' in nature, for example, "I
And if we tried to follow all the rules prescribed by must never eat sugar at all". The rule is either followed
available diets you would soon find that there is nothing or broken so our actions can only be 'right' or 'wrong';
much left to eat at all! People usually we perceive ourselves to have 'succeeded' or 'failed'.
follow diets for the purposes of This is problematic because if we try to follow rigid
weight loss, to avoid weight gain, or rules, psychological and physiological pressures to eat
for the purposes of cleansing their will build up until eventually we can’t help but “break”
body. However in reality, diets have these rules in some way.
an extremely low success rate and Consequently, people will then perceive that they have
persistent dieting behaviour can "failed" their diet, which can exacerbate feelings of low
actually contribute to significant mood and low self-esteem. Additionally, after breaking a
weight gain in the long-term. dietary rule a person may think something like, "I've
blown it now, I may as well eat the whole bag" or, "I've
Physical and Psychological Deprivation ruined today, I'll start again tomorrow", which can lead
Most diets prescribe far too little food. When we do them to go from a small 'slip' in eating to overeating or a
not eat enough from all food groups the body tips into binge eating episode, reinforcing the vicious cycle of
a state of semi-starvation and induces physical dieting once more.
deprivation. If we do not respond to this hunger by
Escaping the Vicious Cycle of Dieting
eating, the physiological pressure to eat builds up until
Dieting behaviour increases the risk of overeating or
we are driven to eat. Patients with an eating disorder
binge eating from physical and psychological deprivation.
often say that they do not feel hungry, which can be
To reduce this risk, we need to eat regularly throughout
true, because when a person ignores hunger signals for
the day and include adequate amounts from all food
a long period of time, the body stops recognising
groups (see our handouts, Regular Eating for Recovery and
hunger. Despite this, the body still craves and needs
Normal Eating versus Disordered Eating). Undereating and
adequate nutrition.
eating infrequently can actually slow down a person's
Consequences of Deprivation metabolism, so that their body burns energy from food
When a person is physically and psychologically driven more slowly, and will conserve energy by storing it as
to eat, they often eat more than they had planned, eat fat. We also need to move away from any strict or rigid
foods they had previously tried to avoid, or lose rules about what to eat, when to eat and how much to
control to the point of binge eating. When this happens, eat, and towards more flexible eating guidelines. Normal
people often worry about how this eating will impact healthy eating involves daily consumption of foods from
on their weight. Such worries can lead a person to diet all food groups, including 'occasional foods' such as ice
more strictly than ever to 'make up' for breaking the cream and chocolates. Remember, dieting will only keep
rules of their diet, which sets them up for a vicious the cycle of disordered eating going!
cycle to overeat or binge again.
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Developed in conjunction with Kate Fleming, Dietitian
This document is for information purposes only. Please refer to the full disclaimer and copyright statement available at regarding the information from this website before making use of such information.
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See website for more handouts and resources. Last updated 25/01/18. •Psychotherapy•Research•Training
What is a Laxative?
are reversible after stopping laxatives, but
Laxatives are medications used on a short-term basis to some permanent effects may occur.
relieve constipation. There are several different types,
which have different roles depending on the cause of **WARNING: If you are taking senna-
the constipation. Some laxatives are available over the based laxatives, it is recommended that
counter from pharmacies, whilst others are available by you immediately change to a non-senna
prescription. Laxatives can take many forms, including product.
pills, in chocolate, or in herbal teas. Laxatives containing senna act as serious irritants to the
lower GI tract and have been known to cause sudden loss
of intestinal muscle tone causing the bowel to become
Eating Disorders and Laxative Misuse dependent on these drugs or worse, complete paralysis
Many people with eating disorders misuse laxatives. of the large intestine, which will then need to be removed
This is often due to the strongly held (but false) belief surgically. Serious damage can be caused without any
that laxatives help with weight loss/prevent weight gain warning signs.
by preventing the absorption of food.
Laxatives can cause electrolyte imbalance
In reality, any weight loss and change in body shape Laxative misuse leads to large losses of body salts and
observed from laxative misuse is actually due to fluid water, which are vital in regulating electrical/nerve
loss from diarrhoea and the complete emptying of the impulses in muscle, especially the heart. Electrolyte
large intestine. Laxatives have minimal effect on calorie imbalance can cause muscle weakness, numbness,
absorption because they work on the lower part of the paralysis, seizures, irregular heartbeat, and even cardiac
bowel, whereas food is digested and absorbed higher arrest.
up the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract in the small intestine.
Additional risks of laxative misuse include kidney failure/
Many people with eating disorders also believe that problems with kidney function through dehydration,
laxatives are needed to relieve constipation and feeling rectal bleeding and urinary tract infections.
bloated. Prolonged constipation and bloating is
common in people with eating disorders and occurs Stopping Laxative Use: What to Expect
because there isn’t enough food to move through the Depending on the advice of your GP, laxatives can be
gut. Consequently, people with eating disorders often stopped abruptly, or tapered down. Upon withdrawal,
experience delayed gastric emptying (slowness of the short-term symptoms of constipation and bloating may
stomach in passing food along the intestine). persist, as it takes time for normal bowel function to
Laxatives can actually make the problem of constipation return.
and bloating worse because after use, the intestines The best way to reduce symptoms of constipation and
have emptied and it may not be possible for a normal bloating is to normalise your eating (see our handout,
bowel movement to occur for some days, causing Regular Eating for Recovery). To help your body return to
people to get into a vicious cycle of laxative normal bowel function, make sure you eat a range of
misuse. Additionally, laxatives can increase foods that contain dietary fibre, such as wholemeal bread,
swelling, pain and gas formation in the high-fibre breakfast cereals, brown rice, beans, fruit and
stomach, which contributes to feeling bloated. vegetables, and drink plenty of fluids (1.5-2L water daily).
Consequently, laxative misuse has hardly any During laxative withdrawal you may notice temporary
effect on true weight loss or ongoing relief of weight gain, bloating or swelling of the feet and ankles.
constipation or bloating. Regular misuse of Don’t panic - this is only temporary water retention
laxatives (regardless of quantity) can however whilst your body overcompensates for the dehydration
have harmful side-effects on a person’s health. caused by laxatives. Remember, laxatives are not an
effective means of weight control!
Dangers of Laxative Misuse Giving up laxatives can be very anxiety provoking. If you
Laxatives disrupt normal bowel function
need further guidance, we recommend consulting with a
Symptoms include bloating, gas, colicky pain,
professional who has experience working with eating
appearance of mucus and blood in the stool, and
incontinence of faeces. In most people, these symptoms
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This document is for information purposes only. Please refer to the full disclaimer and copyright statement available at regarding the information from this website before making use of such information.
See website for more handouts and resources. Last updated 25/01/18.
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