StopTB Poster 508

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Tuberculosis (TB) spreads

through the air from one

person to another.
• TB germs spread when a person with infectious
TB disease coughs, speaks, or sings.
• TB germs usually attack the lungs but can
also move to any part of the body.

TB germs can live in the body without

making you sick.
This is called latent TB infection or inactive TB.
• TB germs can live in your body for years without causing symptoms. Without
treatment, inactive TB can develop into active TB disease and make you sick.
• If you have inactive TB, you can take TB medicine to prevent the development
of active TB disease even if you do not feel sick.

If your body cannot stop TB Symptoms of active TB disease:

germs from growing, you
develop active TB disease.
• You may feel sick and spread TB germs to
your family, friends, and others around you. Cough lasting Coughing up blood or Chest pain Weakness
3+ weeks sputum (phlegm from or fatigue
• You need to take and finish all your deep inside the lungs)

TB medicine to help you feel better and

prevent other people from getting sick.

No appetite Weight loss Fever and/or chills Night sweats

Take and finish all of

your TB medicine to kill
TB germs and STOP TB!
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
National Center for HIV,
Viral Hepatitis, STD, and
TB Prevention
Publication Number: 6474

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