Two variables: 1 Categorical variable
(factor/IV), 1 Quantitative variable
Main Question: Do (the means of) the
quantitative variables depend on which group
(given by categorical variable) the individual is in?
ANOVA looks at differences between
– Similar to t-test
Group i has
ni = # of individuals in group i
xij = value for individual j in group i
xi = mean for group i
si = standard deviation for group i
How ANOVA works
ANOVA measures two sources of variation in the data and
compares their relative sizes
( xij - xi ) 2
How ANOVA works
The ANOVA F-statistic is a ratio of the Between Group Variation divided
to the Within Group Variation:
Between MSG
Within MSE
This compares the variation between groups (group means to overall mean)
to the variation within groups (individual values to group means). This is
a e e a e A a f Va a ce.
H0 : 1 2 3
•ANOVA is still robust even when the homogeneity assumption is not fulfilled,
as long as the sample sizes are roughly equal or the deviation is only of a
moderate level. As a rule of thumb, if the largest < (2 x the smallest then we need not to be concerned about this assumption.
•Equal variance assumed or not assumed will affect to Post Hoc test methods
How to perform ANOVA in SPSS?
Post Hoc Test: The results from the ANOVA do not
indicate which of the three groups differ from one another.
To locate the source of this difference we use a post hoc
test (commonly Tukey test and the more conservative is
Scheffé test; equal variance is assumed in these tests).
– Click Post Hoc and check Tukey box, click Continue button.
– Last, click OK button and wait a moment while SPSS analyzes the
• Tukey performs all of the pairwise comparisons between groups.
• Scheffe performs simultaneous joint pairwise comparisons for all
possible pairwise combinations of means. Can be used to examine all
possible linear combinations of group means, not just pairwise
How to perform ANOVA in SPSS?
Is F-value significant?
Yes No
Yes No
This is how
the data set
is shown
How to perform ANOVA in SPSS?
H e e e
Result of ANOVA
What is ANOVA?
Why do we use ANOVA?
What are ANOVA assumptions?
How to test ANOVA assumptions?
What do we do when the equal variance is
not fulfilled?
What does it mean when the F value in
ANOVA result is statistically significant?
What does the post hoc test answer?
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