Activity 1- In this activity, let us find out how teachers, students, educators, define
curriculum from their own points of view.
Try to inquire from the following persons identified below (thru text messages, video
calls, chat, etc.). Allow them to share their views/ideas on what Curriculum is.
Record their answers and present the definition in a matrix like the one below. Try to
note their discussions with you and you may compare them as to the similarities and
differences of their ideas.
Comments / Observations:
1. How do you view your school curriculum?
- The School Curriculum of ISAT University Miagao Campus provides an
organized, clear structure for learning. It outlines the knowledge and skills
that students are expected to obtain and help teachers design effective,
appropriate plans and assessments. By observing the school curriculum, I
notice that subjects are properly arranged in order. I can say that curriculum
is effective because it meets the needs of students from all areas. Encourages
the collaboration of students, teachers, facilitators and also parents. Finally, it
adapts to an evolving world just like the use of technology.
2. Try to study and analyze the pictures below and write your personal definition of
a. Curriculum as intended learning outcomes.
This definition includes a list of learning
capabilities or principles that students should
acquire in school. It enables students to show
their knowledge, creating a good relationship
between students and teachers. Just like in the
picture students are participating in class to
show they are actively participating and understand every lessons tackled.
Chapter 1
Lesson 2- Curriculum: Nature its Development and Purpose
Direction: Answer the question “what is curriculum?” Provide two views for Traditional
and another two views for Progressive. Present your answer in a matrix like the one in
the next page.
What is Curriculum to Me?
a. School Managers
- Curriculum is important for School managers because it
ensures that the school goals and educational goals are met while providing the best
student experience possible.
b. Teachers
- Curriculum is very important for the teachers because it has an important role in
developing, implementing, assessing and modifying the curriculum. It is essentially a
series of activities and learning outcome goals related to each subject.
c. Students
- Curriculum’s main goal is for the students to learn and reach the learning outcome.
It ensures that students can achieve appropriate learning.
How do philosophical, historical, and social foundations influence the development of a
Philosophical Foundation
Psychological Foundation
Social Foundation
Answer the following questions.
1. Identify which among the foundations of curriculum have influenced what you
have learned in school as a college student?
The foundations of curriculum that influenced
what I have learned in school is the
Philosophical Foundation because it gives
importance on skills, ideas, beliefs, values,
and attitudes in the society. Helps determine
driving purposes of education, as well as the
roles of the various participants.
2. How will the thinking of Howard Gardner influence your teaching practice in the
1. How would you know that there is an impact of curriculum design in teaching
and learning? Will the varied designs make a difference in the way you teach or
the way you learn? Defend your answer.
- When the learning outcomes is increases and objectives are achieved. A good
curriculum plans help to make learning and teaching consistent. Yes, varied designs
make a difference in the way you teach or the way you learn because it is providing
a framework for students to practice soft skills.
2. Assume that you are a curriculum maker. What are the things you need to
consider in designing your curriculum?
A. Continuity
Repeat and expand is a basic concept that may be used to understand
continuity. An educator conveys a concept in one method. They revisit the
concept later and add still another level of intricacy. Until the pupils have a
complete understanding of the idea, this procedure is repeated several times.
B. Integration
The courses are broken up into units with deadlines and substantial
assignments (or guaranteed activities) created by district teachers in the
area who pledge to teach them. The important duties match the
requirements of the assessments and the standards.
E. Sequence
It is obvious that curricular sequencing entails more than just arranging its
elements in a certain sequence. It's all about the links and interactions between
them, as well as the deeper comprehension that our pupils may reach thanks to
the sequence.
F. Scope
The theory, planning, design, development, implementation, and assessment of
curricula are all included in the field of curriculum studies. Curriculum developers
can move on to the planning and development stage of the process once they
have decided what should be taught, to whom, and whose decision-making
authority over the curriculum's content.
Chapter 2
Lesson 2 – Types of Curriculum Operating in Schools
Activity 1 Describe each design model
based on your own understanding.
a. Subject Centered Designed Model
To create a curriculum around a particular subject or educational issue, teachers
employ subject-centered curriculum design. This kind of curriculum design is
more concerned with the instructional content than a particular learning style.
1. Why is it necessary for teachers to learn about school curriculum and how each
type is utilized inside the classroom?
Assessed Curriculum
Hidden Curriculum Assessing the Recommended
learners of what Curriculum
Hidden curriculum has
they have learned In elementary
its greatest impact on
there is DepEd and
the student's behaviors and the goal
in college it is
and then, their values, outcome.
guided by CHED.
either positively or
Supported Curriculum
Activity 1 – In your own opinion, why are the stakeholders very important in
implementing curriculum?
-A curriculum's ability to advance and innovate rests with the people who work on it.
The execution of the curriculum is successful and efficient because of their joint efforts.
We refer to these people or organizations as stakeholders. Stakeholders are people or
organizations involved in the curricular process. They have to do with a school's and its
pupils' well-being and achievement. Stakeholders have a critical role in the development
of education.
Instructions: Have a matrix of the varied school facilities in your campus, its uses and
Pe Gym
How does school facilities impact in the following areas:
a. student achievement;
The school facilities contribute a lot on students’ achievement. It engages students to
their best if the school facilities are properly established. School facilities can impact
students achievement one example of this is overcrowded classrooms have been
consistently linked to increased levels of aggression and decreased levels of learning.
b. student attendance;
c. student behavior;
d. student completion rate; and
e. teacher turnover rate
Reflect on the many helps provided by the Alumni in your school. What are some
specific projects that they contributed to in your school?
-Some of the help that is donated by the Alumni is the reconstruction of establishment
and classrooms and the beautification of the school facilities.
State the importance of alumni as an important stakeholder of the school. What are the
areas in which the alumni association are interested in? How can alumni network help
in improving the curriculum?
Recall and write a one –paragraph experience that you have about student services
provided to you by your school. Be able to share it to the class through the Class GC.
1. How do you define student affairs services?
2. Describe student welfare programs and services.
3. Describe student development programs and services.
4. What are the functions of the different student welfare and development
programs and services that must be offered in school?
Instructions: Accomplish the following tasks. If you have connectivity, submit your outputs via
class GC, If you do not have, write in your activity notebook.
1. Create a meaningful WORDPOEM using the word TEACHER –LEADER as your subject.
And appreciation from students And every knowledge they pass to the learner
Cause they are our second parents Doing their best is their power
How many students they face each day Educating and leading the class
3. Create your original Pick up or Hugot line dedicated to Teachers. You may write in
English or Filipino.