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Chapter 1 Understanding Curriculum

Lesson 1 – Various Definition of Curriculum

Activity 1- In this activity, let us find out how teachers, students, educators, define
curriculum from their own points of view.
Try to inquire from the following persons identified below (thru text messages, video
calls, chat, etc.). Allow them to share their views/ideas on what Curriculum is.
Record their answers and present the definition in a matrix like the one below. Try to
note their discussions with you and you may compare them as to the similarities and
differences of their ideas.

Persons Interviewed Answer to Question: What is

Curriculum to You?
Elementary Grades Teachers Curriculum is an essential part of the
teaching and learning process. It serves
asa lighthouse that guides us educators in
implementing our lessons.
School Principals
Persons Interviewed Answer to Question: What is Curriculum to
Professor For me Curriculum is part of us. As a
professor we should equip with
knowledge, skills, and attitudes that we
can impart to our students. It is a core of
knowledge in education.
School Personnel Curriculum is a guide of students,
teachers, and school administrators so
that the teaching and learning process is
effective and becomes meaningful.
Non-education College Student In my own opinion curriculum is an
interactive system of instruction and
learning with specific goals, strategies and

Comments / Observations:
1. How do you view your school curriculum?
- The School Curriculum of ISAT University Miagao Campus provides an
organized, clear structure for learning. It outlines the knowledge and skills
that students are expected to obtain and help teachers design effective,
appropriate plans and assessments. By observing the school curriculum, I
notice that subjects are properly arranged in order. I can say that curriculum
is effective because it meets the needs of students from all areas. Encourages
the collaboration of students, teachers, facilitators and also parents. Finally, it
adapts to an evolving world just like the use of technology.

2. Try to study and analyze the pictures below and write your personal definition of
a. Curriculum as intended learning outcomes.
This definition includes a list of learning
capabilities or principles that students should
acquire in school. It enables students to show
their knowledge, creating a good relationship
between students and teachers. Just like in the
picture students are participating in class to
show they are actively participating and understand every lessons tackled.

b. The curriculum allows students to show their

talents and skills in different areas of their
choice. Encourage students to become
included and make them feel that they are
loved and welcomed. It boosts the confidence
of the students and helps them to do their
best. This definition includes students’ curricular and co-curricular activities
and the learning experiences they come across inside or outside the school.

Chapter 1
Lesson 2- Curriculum: Nature its Development and Purpose
Direction: Answer the question “what is curriculum?” Provide two views for Traditional
and another two views for Progressive. Present your answer in a matrix like the one in
the next page.
What is Curriculum to Me?

Views of Curriculum Justification

Traditional More linear approach to The chapters, modules and
learning videos that make up the
course material are
presented in a
predetermined order.
Lesson one is followed by
lesson two as you go, the
level of difficulty
progressively rises.
Easily accessible Ensuring the knowledge is
easily accessible and
Progressive comprehensible for
students of various
More hands-on research Students are guided to
learn via experience rather
than theory. Providing
learners, a chance to
handle the things that they
are learning. Learning by
There are more room for It gave students
collaboration opportunity to collaborate
with other students or
teachers to have
successful learning.

Try to assess a philosophy of your school’s curriculum. Examine what curriculum

conception it is anchored to.
Our school’s curriculum is anchored to
Humanistic and Cognitive Conception. It
focuses on the development of the intellectual
process. Also, it focuses on the individual and
the individuals needs and interest. This
conception is truly about developing the
learners fullest potential where the curriculum
should be responsible for developing a
learner’s identity, individuality, personal
Answer the following questions.
1. Can a School exist without a curriculum? Defend your answer.
- No, because curriculum is very important it is the center
of education. It is a dynamic process due to the changes
that occur in our society. Problems will occur, teachers will
be confused about what will be the next or proper lesson
that he/she will teach and the strategy and design of
teaching to use. Curriculum can be considered a light of a
classroom because without it the room will become dark and useless.

2. How important is the curriculum for school managers,

teachers, and students?

a. School Managers
- Curriculum is important for School managers because it
ensures that the school goals and educational goals are met while providing the best
student experience possible.

b. Teachers
- Curriculum is very important for the teachers because it has an important role in
developing, implementing, assessing and modifying the curriculum. It is essentially a
series of activities and learning outcome goals related to each subject.

c. Students
- Curriculum’s main goal is for the students to learn and reach the learning outcome.
It ensures that students can achieve appropriate learning.
How do philosophical, historical, and social foundations influence the development of a

Philosophical Foundation

It directs educators in the formulation of values judgements as well as beliefs,

arguments, and presumptions. It also aids in offering a comprehensive
perspective on what courses and schools should be prioritized, as well as how
kids should study and what resources and techniques should be employed.

Psychological Foundation

The psychological foundation of education is crucial to curriculum creation

because they shed light on how students learn and the kinds of instructional
tactics that work best for them. Since each student is different, teachers must
consider the range of learning preferences, abilities, and difficulties that each
student may have.

It has a significant impact on the evolution of the country. Making a curriculum

that is both reflective of the needs of the modern society and the lessons learned
from the past is a time consuming process. The curriculum planner may build
and alter the curriculum based on its history, which also provides guidance on
what should be taught.

Social Foundation

Development of social feelings and qualities includes the development of

constuctive and creative outlook of the individual. In order to enhance
education , social foundations helps students hone their abilities to comprehend,
evaluate, and explain educational challenges, policies, and practices.

Answer the following questions.
1. Identify which among the foundations of curriculum have influenced what you
have learned in school as a college student?
The foundations of curriculum that influenced
what I have learned in school is the
Philosophical Foundation because it gives
importance on skills, ideas, beliefs, values,
and attitudes in the society. Helps determine
driving purposes of education, as well as the
roles of the various participants.

2. How will the thinking of Howard Gardner influence your teaching practice in the

Gardner argues that schools and teachers

dhould teach in a way that supports all types
of intelligence, not just the tradditional one’s
such as linguistics and logical intelligence. I
agree because every learner is unique and
different so the teaching shoul be applicable
to different learners which will make them
feel included and accepted.

3. Do you agree with John Dewey’s principle? Defend your answer.

According to John Dewey “Education is life itself’’

Yes education is a lifelong and active process that
should occur to enhance ones living and
understanding. Education Molds as to become a
better version of ourselves.

Chapter 2: Curriculum Design

Lesson 1 – Principles and Dimensions of Curriculum Design
INTEGRATION 1. The students learn
math and science concepts and skills SCOPE
while singing, sculpting, painting, and
SCOPE 2. Children are directed to expose,
explore, experience, interact, and SEQUENCE
exercise their creative imagination
through focused play. Well prepared
teachers support and extend each child's
learning based on their developmental INTEGRATION
levels, so children enter school ready and
motivated to learn
ARTICULATION 3. In college, there are
courses that must be taken ahead of ARTICULATION
others. For example, Human Growth and
Development, Facilitating Learning, or
Principles of Teaching is taken ahead
Practice Teaching. CONTINUITY
CONTINUITY 4. Lessons on basic
operations in Mathematics is repeated
until high school only the level of
difficulty is increased. BALANCE
SEQUENCE__5. It considers the visual
elements that are arranged so that their
visual weight harmonizes with the other
elements in the design, and the
arrangement gives an appearance of
properly distributed elements.

1. How would you know that there is an impact of curriculum design in teaching
and learning? Will the varied designs make a difference in the way you teach or
the way you learn? Defend your answer.
- When the learning outcomes is increases and objectives are achieved. A good
curriculum plans help to make learning and teaching consistent. Yes, varied designs
make a difference in the way you teach or the way you learn because it is providing
a framework for students to practice soft skills.

2. Assume that you are a curriculum maker. What are the things you need to
consider in designing your curriculum?

The things that should be considered in designing a curriculum is to

start setting up the purpose knowing the main goals and objectives of
designing a curriculum. Next, it is ideal to get a visual representation of
your ideas and listing the intended outcomes. Lastly, ensure the
substance of the educational program with regular reviewing and find
the better methods and strategy in forming a curriculum.

3. Make a realization of the impact of the different dimensions of curriculum design

to its implementation. Complete the table below.

A. Continuity
Repeat and expand is a basic concept that may be used to understand
continuity. An educator conveys a concept in one method. They revisit the
concept later and add still another level of intricacy. Until the pupils have a
complete understanding of the idea, this procedure is repeated several times.

B. Integration

An integrated curriculum is defined as one that emphasizes unifying principles

and crosses subject-matter boundaries to connect various areas of study. The
goal of integration is to help students make connections so they may
participate in worthwhile, relevant activities that have practical applications.
C. Articulation

Curriculum articulation and alignment are difficult and time-consuming

tasks that need for the cooperation and coordination between educators,
administrators, and regulators. These kinds of synergies might
Nevertheless, it could not always be forthcoming or be complicated by
problems with personal autonomy—or its disappearance—as well as
problems with infrastructure and capacity.
D. Balance

The courses are broken up into units with deadlines and substantial
assignments (or guaranteed activities) created by district teachers in the
area who pledge to teach them. The important duties match the
requirements of the assessments and the standards.

E. Sequence

It is obvious that curricular sequencing entails more than just arranging its
elements in a certain sequence. It's all about the links and interactions between
them, as well as the deeper comprehension that our pupils may reach thanks to
the sequence.

F. Scope
The theory, planning, design, development, implementation, and assessment of
curricula are all included in the field of curriculum studies. Curriculum developers
can move on to the planning and development stage of the process once they
have decided what should be taught, to whom, and whose decision-making
authority over the curriculum's content.

Chapter 2
Lesson 2 – Types of Curriculum Operating in Schools
Activity 1 Describe each design model
based on your own understanding.
a. Subject Centered Designed Model
To create a curriculum around a particular subject or educational issue, teachers
employ subject-centered curriculum design. This kind of curriculum design is
more concerned with the instructional content than a particular learning style.

b. Learner Centered Design Model

This is a student-centered approach where the curriculum is developed based on
the requirements of the individual student. A teacher can construct a curriculum
that incorporates the entire class, or they can design a curriculum specifically for
each student.

c. Problem Centered Design Model

This is an additional instance of student-centered design that concentrates on
the unique learning obstacles that each learner faces. Once a teacher has
determined where a student's learning needs to be improved, they may use
problem-centered design.

Activity 2 Identifying the Curricula Operating in the Schools

Recall a school of your choice. Identify an appropriate person like the classroom teacher
, students or principle whom you can inquire some of the details you need about your
curriculum . Write specific examples and record your data in a matrix like the one below
Name of School: Igbaras National High School

Types of Curricula Operating Examples from Observations or inquiry

in School
Recommended Curriculum The recommended curriculum in INHS is DepEd or
Department of Education they are the one who made
policies, rules, and regulations.
Written Curriculum They come in the form of course of study, syllabi,
modules, books, instructional guides among others.
The most recent written curriculum is the K to 12 for
Philippine Basic Education.
Types of Curricula Operating Examples from Observations or Inquiry
in School
Taught Curriculum The students and the instructor will bring the
printed course outline. The ability of the instructor to
promote learning depending on the
It will be essential to implement a written curriculum
with the support of facilities and teaching materials.
Supported Curriculum Providing print materials like books, charts, posters,
worksheets, or non-print materials like PowerPoint
presentation, movies, slides, models, mock-ups, and
other electronic illustrations.
Assessed Curriculum The school is giving assessment to assess the
capabilities or the outcome of the learning it is given
every end of semester, unit or quarter.
Learned Curriculum For example, from a non-reader to a reader, or from
not knowing to knowing, or from being disobedient to
Hidden Curriculum These are the values or beliefs that are not physically
taught but its already learned just like going to school

1. Why is it necessary for teachers to learn about school curriculum and how each
type is utilized inside the classroom?

For teachers to effectively educate their

their future academic endeavors, they m
aware of and comprehend these consequ
With this information, educators may cre
exams, choose resources, and organize c
that align with the curriculum's learning
2. Explain how each curriculum is applied inside the classroom

Assessed Curriculum
Hidden Curriculum Assessing the Recommended
learners of what Curriculum
Hidden curriculum has
they have learned In elementary
its greatest impact on
there is DepEd and
the student's behaviors and the goal
in college it is
and then, their values, outcome.
guided by CHED.
either positively or

Supported Curriculum

Learned Curriculum Teachers are providing

print materials like
It includes the CURRICULUM
books, charts, posters,
knowledge, attitudes
worksheets, or non-
and skills acquired by
print materials like
the student and a
result what they have

Taught Curriculum Written Curriculum

They come in a
The taught curriculum
form of course of
will depend largely on
study, syllabi,
the teaching style of
modules, books,
the teacher and the
instructional guides
learning style of the
among others.
Chapter 2
Lesson 3 – Roles of Stakeholders in the Delivery of Curriculum
Activity 1- Let us deeply think on the roles of the different stakeholders in the
implementation of the curriculum.
In one school, the parents got so involved in so many ways as they become major
players or actors and actresses of the school. They get involved in planning, plant and
facilities, cleanliness, infrastructure development and others. In some major decisions
for the school, parents sometimes hinder in a way that they would intervene with the
school authorities. Parents invested so much in the school buildings and improvement
of the school environment that they do not want to transfer their children's classroom
to other location. Because of the said conflict between parents and school
administrators, parents threatened to pull out the children. If you were one of the
administrators managing the school, how would you handle the situation? Write your

Write your recommendation:

My recommendation is If I will be one of the administrators managing the school, I will
schedule a meeting with the parents and talk to them calmly and clearly about the
given problem or misunderstanding. I will listen to their opinions and suggestions. Good
communication is very important in one of those situations because in a school there
should be collaboration between learners, teachers, parents, and school administrators.
I will explain to them clearly about the advantages in case the classroom location is
Activity 2 – Direction: Fill in the table by providing the roles of each stakeholder in the

Stakeholder Role/Involvement in Curriculum

Learner Learners are the center or focus of the
curriculum. They are the most affected
individuals by the curriculum if it is
effective or not. It is important to
consider the variety of learner
characteristics while implementing
Teacher Teachers role in the curriculum
development process is to assist students
in becoming actively involved with the
material. An engaging learning
environment will arise from active
learning, which will improve curriculum
concentration and retention. To present
content, teachers create classes that
incorporate exercises, case studies,
simulations, and experiments.
Curriculum Curriculum Managers role is to oversees
Managers and the planning and creation of training
Administrators plans, curricula, instructional strategies,
and resources for a range of users and
they gather feedback to determine
requirements, gaps, and training or
development needs.
Parents They have a more direct impact than
friends, teachers, and the media
combined. Because of this, a parent's
encouragement and support for their
child’s education is very important. This
leads to success in the classroom.
Community An offer insightful feedback on the
Members creation of curricula. They can offer input
on the course material, teaching
techniques, and evaluation procedures.

Personal Their role and involvement are the

Organizations and government should seek to provide the
Government schools with the necessary and adequate
Agencies response. They are the ones who can
support or donate something for the
betterment of the school curriculum.

Activity 1 – In your own opinion, why are the stakeholders very important in
implementing curriculum?
-A curriculum's ability to advance and innovate rests with the people who work on it.
The execution of the curriculum is successful and efficient because of their joint efforts.
We refer to these people or organizations as stakeholders. Stakeholders are people or
organizations involved in the curricular process. They have to do with a school's and its
pupils' well-being and achievement. Stakeholders have a critical role in the development
of education.

2. How way can the positive involvement of stakeholders in curriculum implementation

become successful in terms of curriculum change and development?
- In positive ways if the parties involved have a positive impact on the execution of the
curriculum, curriculum creation will succeed. Teachers, parents, students, government
officials, and civil society organizations are a few of these stakeholders. Their
suggestions and contributions will increase curricular ownership by adding useful real-
life issues and relevance.



Instructions: Have a matrix of the varied school facilities in your campus, its uses and

School Facilities Uses Importance

Classroom size The classroom plays a The classroom size is

fundamental role in the important because class
learning process. It size impacts how much
provides the components time an instructor devotes
to create the best to understanding and
educational space. addressing the needs and
interests of individual
Comfort Room The comfort should be
clean and


Pe Gym

How does school facilities impact in the following areas:
a. student achievement;
The school facilities contribute a lot on students’ achievement. It engages students to
their best if the school facilities are properly established. School facilities can impact
students achievement one example of this is overcrowded classrooms have been
consistently linked to increased levels of aggression and decreased levels of learning.
b. student attendance;

c. student behavior;
d. student completion rate; and
e. teacher turnover rate
Reflect on the many helps provided by the Alumni in your school. What are some
specific projects that they contributed to in your school?
-Some of the help that is donated by the Alumni is the reconstruction of establishment
and classrooms and the beautification of the school facilities.

State the importance of alumni as an important stakeholder of the school. What are the
areas in which the alumni association are interested in? How can alumni network help
in improving the curriculum?

Recall and write a one –paragraph experience that you have about student services
provided to you by your school. Be able to share it to the class through the Class GC.

1. How do you define student affairs services?
2. Describe student welfare programs and services.
3. Describe student development programs and services.
4. What are the functions of the different student welfare and development
programs and services that must be offered in school?


Reflect on the qualities required of 21st century teacher-leaders. Do you possess those qualities
as a prospective teacher? Justify your answer by giving specific examples of important traits of
teachers as curriculum leaders. Write in your activity notebook or submit via GC of the class.

Instructions: Accomplish the following tasks. If you have connectivity, submit your outputs via
class GC, If you do not have, write in your activity notebook.

1. Create a meaningful WORDPOEM using the word TEACHER –LEADER as your subject.

They may not be perfect Leaders are not just teacher’s

Each of the deserves respect Every challenge they conquer

And appreciation from students And every knowledge they pass to the learner

Cause they are our second parents Doing their best is their power

How many students they face each day Educating and leading the class

Each have different capacities anyway Road to success they point to us

Ready to educate and teach them everyday

3. Create your original Pick up or Hugot line dedicated to Teachers. You may write in
English or Filipino.




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