The Electron Interaction With The Dirac Delta Pulse

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The electron interaction with the Dirac delta pulse

Miroslav Pardy
Department of Physical Electronics
Laboratory of Plasma Physics
Masaryk University
Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
e-mail:[email protected]
October 25, 2023

After the clasical approach to acceleration of a charged particle by δ-form
impulsive force, we consider the corresponding quantum theory based on the Volkov
solution of the Dirac equation. We determine the modified Compton formula for
frequency of photons generated by the scattering of the δ-form laser pulse on the
electron in a rest. The article follows the physical ideas involved in the author text
with the title Electron in an Ultrashort Laser Pulse (Pardy, 2003).

1 Introduction
The interaction of ultra-short strong laser pulses with extended systems led recently to
an advance from the attosecond to few femtosecond electronic and nuclear dynamics.
The interaction of clusters with strong ultrafast laser fields leads to the formation of
nanoplasmas in which there is a high degree of charge localisation with the emission of
energetic electrons and highly charged ions (Ciappina et al., 2016)
Most recently use of short pulses (∼ 10 fs) has succeeded in isolating the electron
dynamics from the longer timescale essentially frozen ion dynamics revealing a higher
degree of fragmentation anisotropy in both electrons and ions compared to the isotropic
distributions found from longer pulses (∼ 100 fs) (Ciappina et al., 2016).
On the othe hand, the problem of interaction an elementary particles with the laser
field is, at present time, one of the most prestigeous problem in the particle physics. It is
supposed that, in the future, the laser will play the same role in particle physics as the
linear or circle accelerators working in today particle laboratories.
One of the problem is acceleration of charged particles by the laser. The acceleration
effectiveness of the linear or circle accelerators is limitied not only by geometrical size of
them but also by the energy loss of accelerated particles which is caused by bremsstrahlung
during the acceleration. The amount of radiation follows from the Larmor formula for
emission of radiation by accelerated charged particle (Maier, 1999).
In case of laser acceleration the classical idea is that acceleration is caused by laser
light as the periodic electromagnetic field. However, it is possible to show that periodic
electromagnetic wave does not accelerate electrons in classical and quantum theory,
because the electric and magnetic components of the light field are mutually perpendicular
and it means the motion caused by the classical periodic electromagnetic field is not linear
but periodic (Landau and Lifshitz, 1962). Similarly, the quantum motion of electron in
such a wave firstly described by Volkov (1935) must coincide in the classical limit with
the clasical solution.
The situation changes if we consider laser beam as a system of photons and the
interaction of electron with laser light is via the one-photon Compton process

γ + e → γ + e, (1a)
or, the multiphoton Compton process

nγ + e → γ + e, (1b)
where n is a natural number.
The equation (1b) is the symbolic expression of the two different physical processes.
One process is the nonlinear Compton effect in which several photons are absorbed at
a single point, but only single high-energy photon is emitted. The second process is
interaction where electron scatters twice or more as it traverses the laser focus. In our
article the attention is devoted to the nonlinear Compton process.
It is evident that acceleration by laser can be adequately described only by quantum
electrodynamics. Such viewpoint gives us the motivation to investigate theoretically the
effectiveness of acceleration of charged particles by laser beam. The acceleration of charged
particles by laser beam has been studied by many authors (Tajima, 1979; Katsouleas et

al., 1983; Scully et al., 1991; Baranova et al., 1994) . Many designs for such devices has
been proposed. Some of these are not sufficiently developed to be readily intelligible,
others seem to be fallacious and others are unlikely to be relevant to ultra high energies.
Some designs were developed only to observe pressure of laser light on microparticles in
liquids and gas (Askin, 1970; Askin, 1972).
It is necessary to say that acceleration by the Compton effect differs from the effect of
light pressure which was considerred in past for instance by Russian physicists Lebedev
and Nichols and Hull (1903) and which was also verified experimentally by these scientists.
The measurement consisted in determination of force acting on the torsion pendulum. It
was confirmed that the pressure is very small. Only after invention of lasers the situation
changed because of the very strong intensity of the laser light which can cause the great
pressure of the laser ray on the surface of the condensed matter.
Here, we consider the interaction of an electron with a laser pulse. First, we consider
the clasical approach to acceleration of a charged particle by δ-form impulsive force.
Then, we discusse the corresponding quantum theory based on the Volkov solution of the
Dirac equation. We determine the modified Compton formula for frequency of photons
generated by the scattering of the δ-form laser pulse on the electron in a rest.

2 Classical theory of interaction of particle with an

impulsive force
We idealize the impulsive force by the dirac δ-function. Newton’s second law for the
interaction of a massive particle with mass m with an impulsive force P δ(t) is as follows

d2 x
m 2 = P δ(t), (2)
where P is some constant.
Using the Laplace transform on the last equation, with
Z ∞
e−st x(t)dt = X(s), (3)
Z ∞
e−st ẍ(t)dt = s2 X(s) − sx(0) − ẋ(0), (4)
Z ∞
e−st δ(t)dt = 1, (5)
we obtain:

ms2 X(s) − msx(0) − mẋ(0) = P. (6)

For a particle starting from rest with ẋ(0) = 0, x(0) = 0, we get

X(s) =
, (7)
and using the inverse Laplace transform, we obtain

x(t) = t (8)

ẋ(t) = (9)
Let us remark, that if we express δ-function by the relation δ(t) = η̇(t), then from
equation (2) follows ẋ(t) = P/m, immediatelly. The physical meaning of the quantity P
can be deduced from equation F = P δ(t). After t-itegration we have F dt = mv = P ,
where m is mass of a body and v its final velocity (with v(0) = 0). It means that value
of P can be determined a posteriory and then this value can be used in more complex
equations than eq. (2). Of course it is necessary to suppose that δ-form of the impulsive
force is adequate approximation of the experimental situation.
In case of the harmonic oscillator with the damping force and under influence of the
general force, the Newton law is as follows:

d2 x(t)
m + bẋ(t) + kx(t) = F (t). (10)
After application of the Laplace transform and with regard to the same initial
conditions as in the preceding situation, ẋ(0) = 0, x(0) = 0, we get the following algebraic

ms2 X(s) + bsX(s) + kX(s) = F (s), (11)


F (s) ω1
X(s) = (12)
mω1 (s + b/2m)2 + ω12
with ω12 = k/m − b2 /4m2 .
Using inverse Laplace transform denoted by symbol L−1 applied to multiplication of
functions f1 (s)f2 (s)
Z t
L−1 (f1 (s)f2 (s)) = dτ F1 (t − τ )F2 (τ ), (13)

we obtain with f1 (s) = F (s)/mω1 , f2 (s) = ω1 /((s + b/2m)2 + ω12 ), F1 (t) = F (t)/mω1 ,
F2 (t) = exp (−bt/2m) sin ω1 t.
1 Zt b
x(t) = F (t − τ )e− 2m τ sin(ω1 τ )dτ. (14)
mω1 0
For impulsive force F (t) = P δ(t) we have from the last formula

P −bt
x(t) = e 2m sin ω1 t. (15)

3 Classical interaction of a charged particle with a
laser pulse
If we consider the δ-form electromagnetic pulse, then we can write

Fµν = aµν δ(ϕ). (16)

where ϕ = kx = ωt − kx. In order to obtain the electromagnetic impulsive force in this
form, it is necessary to define the four-potential in the following form:

Aµ = aµ η(ϕ), (17)
where function η is the Heaviside unit step function defined by the relation:
0, ϕ<0
η(ϕ) = . (18)
1, ϕ≥0
If we define the four-potential by the equation (17), then the electromagnetic tensor
with impulsive force is of the form:

Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ = (kµ aν − kν aµ )δ(ϕ) = aµν δ(ϕ). (19)

To find motion of an lectron in δ-form electromagnetic force, we must solve imme-
diately either the Lorentz equation, or, to solve Lorentz equation in general with four
potential Aµ = aµ A(ϕ) and then to replace the four-potential by the eta function. Fol-
lowing Meyer (1971) we apply his method and then replace Aµ (ϕ) by aµ η(ϕ) in the final
The Lorentz equation with Aµ = aµ A(ϕ) reads:

dpµ e e
= Fµν pν = (kµ a · p − aµ k · p)A0 (ϕ). (20)
dτ m m
where the prime denotes derivation with regard to ϕ, τ is proper time and pµ =
m(dxµ /dτ ). After multiplication of the last equation by k µ , we get with regard to the
Lorentz condition 0 = ∂µ Aµ = aµ ∂µ A(ϕ) = kµ aµ A0 , or, k · a = 0 and k 2 = 0, the following

d(k · p)
=0 (21)

and it means that k · p is a constant of the motion and it can be defined by the initial
conditions for instance at time τ = 0. If we put pµ (τ = 0) = p0µ , then we can write
k · p = k · p0 . At this moment we have:

mk · dx dϕ
k·p= =m , (22)
dτ dτ

dϕ k · p0
= . (23)
dτ m

So, using the last equation and relation d/dτ = (d/ϕ)dϕ/dτ , we can write equation
(20) in the form

dpµ e
= (kµ a · p − aµ k · p0 )A0 (ϕ) (24)
dϕ k · p0
giving (after multiplication by aµ )

d(a · p)
= −ea2 A0 , (25)


a · p = a · p0 − ea2 A. (26)
Substituting the last formula into (24), we get:

kµ a · p0 e2 a2 d(A2 )
dpµ dA
= −e aµ − − kµ . (27)
dϕ k · p0 dϕ 2k · p0 dϕ
This equation can be immediately integrated to give the resulting momentum in the

Aν p0ν kµ e2 Aν Aν kµ
pµ = p0µ − e Aµ − − . (28)
k · p0 2k · p0
Now, if we put into this formula the four-potential (17) of the impulsive force, then
for ϕ > 0 when η > 1, we get:

aν p0ν kµ e2 aν aν kµ
pµ = p0µ − e aµ − − , (29)
k · p0 2k · p0
The last equation can be used to determination of the magnitude of aµ similarly as
it was done in discussion to the eq. (2). It can be evidently expressed as the number of
k-photons in electromagnetic momentum. For ϕ < 0, it is η = 0 and therefore pµ = p0µ
It is still necessary to say what is the practical realization of the δ-form potential. We
know from the Fourier analysis that the Dirac δ-function can be expressed by integral in
the following form:
δ(ϕ) = cos(sϕ)ds. (30)
π 0
So, the δ-potential can be realized as the continual superposition of the harmonic
waves. In case it will be not possible to realize experimentally it, we can approximate the
integral formula by the summation formula as follows:

δ(ϕ) ≈ cos(sϕ). (31)
π 0

4 Volkov solution of the Dirac equation with Heavi-
side four-potential
We know that the four-potential is inbuilt in the Dirac equation and we also know that
if the potential is dependent on ϕ, then, there is explicite solution of the Dirac equation
which was found by Volkov (1935) and which is called Volkov solution. The quantum
mechanical problem is to find solution of the Dirac equation with the δ-form four-potential
(17) and from this solution determine the quantum motion of the charged particle under
this potential. Let us first remember the Volkov solution of the Dirac equation

(γ(p − eA) − m)Ψ = 0. (32)

Volkov (1935) found the explicit solution of this equation for four-potential Aµ =
Aµ (ϕ), where ϕ = kx. His solution is of the form (Berestetzkii et al., 1989):
" #
u e u
Ψp = R √ eiS = 1 + (γk)(γA) √ eiS , (33)
2p0 2(kp) 2p0
where u is an electron bispinor of the corresponding Dirac equation

(γp − m)u = 0. (34)

The mathematical object S is the classical Hamilton-Jacobi function, which was
determined in the form:
Z kx
e e
S = −px − (pA) − A2 dϕ. (35)
0 (kp) 2
If we write Volkov wave function Ψp in the form (33), then, for the impulsive vector
potential (17) we have:

e2 2
" # " #
ap e
S = −px − e − a ϕ, R= 1+ (γk)(γa)η(ϕ) . (36)
kp 2kp 2kp
Our goal is to determine acceleration generated by the electromagnetic field of the
δ-form which means that the four-potential Aµ is the Heaviside step function (18). To
achieve this goal, let us define current density (Berestetzkii et al., 1989) as follows:

j µ = Ψ̄p γ µ Ψp , (37)
where Ψ̄ is defined as the transposition of (33), or,
" #
ū e
Ψ̄p = √ 1+ (γA)(γk) e−iS . (38)
2p0 2(kp)
After insertion of Ψp and Ψ̄p into the current density, we have with Aµ = aµ η(ϕ), η 2 =

e2 a2
( !)
µ 1 e(pa)
j = pµ − eaµ + k µ − . (39)
p0 (kp) 2(kp)

for η > 0, which is evidently related to eq. (28).
The so called kinetic momentum corresponding to j µ is as follows (Berestetzkii et al.,

J µ = Ψ∗p (pµ − eAµ )Ψp ) = Ψ̄p γ 0 (pµ − eAµ )Ψp ) =

e2 A2
( !)
e(pA) ie
µ µ
p − eA + k µ
− + kµ Fαβ (u∗ σ αβ u), (40)
(kp) 2(kp) 8(kp)p0
σ αβ = (γ α γ β − γ β γ α ). (41)
Now, we express the four-potential by the step function. In this case the kinetic
momentum contains the tensor Fµν involving δ-function. It means that there is a
singularity at point ϕ = 0. This singularity plays no role in the situation for ϕ > 0
because in this case the δ-function is zero. Then, the kinetic momentum is the same as
j µ.

5 Emission of photons by an electron moving in the

impulsive field
We know that the matrix element M corresponding to the emission of photon by electron
in the electromagnetic field is as follows (Berestetzkii et al., 1989):
4 eik x
M = −ie d xΨ̄p0 (γe )Ψp √ 0 , (42)

where Ψp is the wave function of an electron before interaction with the laser pulse and Ψp0
is the wave function of electron after emission of photon with components k 0µ = (ω 0 , k0 ).
The quantity e0∗ is the four polarization vector of emitted photon.
We write the matrix element in the more standard form:
eik x
M =g d4 xΨ̄p0 OΨp √ 0 , (43)

where O = γe0∗ , g = −ie2 in case of the electromagnetic interaction and
ū 0
Ψ̄p0 = q R̄(p0 )e−iS(p ) . (44)
Using the above definitions, we write the matrix element in the form:
g 1 Z
0 0
M = √ 0q d4 xū(p0 )R̄(p0 )OR(p)u(p)e−iS(p )+iS(p) eik x . (45)
2ω 2p00 2p0

The quantity R̄(p0 ) follows immediately from eq. (33), namely:

" # " #
e e
R̄(p0 ) = 1 + 0
(γk)(γa)η(ϕ) = 1 + (γa)(γk)η(ϕ) . (46)
2kp 2kp0

−iS(p0 ) + iS(p) = i(p0 − p) + i(α0 − α)ϕ, (47)


ap e2 a2 ap0 e2 a2
! !
α= e − , α = e 0− , (48)
kp 2 kp kp 2 kp0
we get:
g 1 Z
0 0 0
M=√ 0
q d4 xū(p0 )R̄(p0 )OR(p)u(p)ei(p −p)x ei(α −α)ϕ eik x . (49)
2ω 2p0 2p0

With regard to the mathematical relation η 2 (ϕ) = η(ϕ), we can put

R̄(p0 )OR(p) = A + Bη(ϕ). (50)


A = γe0∗ (51)
e e
B= (γe0∗ )(γk)(γa) + (γa)(γk)(γe0∗ )+
2(kp) 2(kp0 )
(γa)(γk)(γe0∗ )(γk)(γa). (52)
4(kp)(kp0 )
The total probability of the emission of photons during the interaction of the laser
pulse with electron is as follows:
1 X |M |2 d3 p0 d3 k 0
W = . (53)
2 spin.polar. V T (2π)6
It is evident that the total calculation is complex and involves many algebraic
operations with γ-matices and δ-functions. At this moment we rescricte the calculations
to the most simple approximation where we replace the term in brackets in eq. (33) by
unit and so we write instead of eq. (33):
Ψp ∼ √ eiS , (54)
which is usually used in simmilar form for the nonrelativistic calculations as it is discussed
by Kreinov et al. (1997). Then, in this simplified situation R̄OR reduces to A = γe0∗ and
g 1 Z
0 0 0
M=√ 0
q dx4 ū(γe0∗ )uei(p −p)x ei(α −α)ϕ eik x =
2ω 2p0 2p0

g 1

q ū(γe0∗ )uδ (4) (lk + p − p0 − k 0 ), (55)
2ω 2p0 2p0


l = α − α0 . (56)
One important step is the determination of W in the determination of trace, because
according to the quantum electrodynamics of a spin states it is possible to show that
(Berestetzkii et al., 1989)
1 X 1 n o
|M |2 = Tr (γp0 + m)A(γp + m)γ 0 A+ γ 0 , (57)
2 spin.polar. 2
In order to determine trace T r of the combinations of γ-matrix, it is suitable to know
some relations. For instance:

Tr(aγ)(bγ) = 4ab, Tr(aγ)(bγ)(cγ) = 0, (58)

Tr(aγ)(bγ)(cγ)(dγ) = 4 [(ab)(cd) − (ac)(bd) + (ad)(bc)] . (59)

h i
Tr (γp0 + m)A(γp + m)Ā = S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 ; Ā = γ 0 A+ γ 0 , (60)
where (using relations (58) and (59) and γ¯µ = γ µ with e0 e0∗ = −1)

S1 = Tr[γp0 AγpĀ] = 4 [(p0 e0∗ )(pe0 ) + (pp0 ) + (p0 e0 )(pe0∗ )] (61)

S2 = Tr[mAγpĀ] = 0 (62)

S3 = Tr[mγp0 AĀ] = 0 (63)

S4 = Tr[m2 AĀ] = 4m2 (e0 e0∗ ) = −4m2 . (64)

At this moment we can write probability of the process W in the form:
1 X |M |2 d3 p0 d3 k 0
W = =
2 spin. polar. V T (2π)6
d3 p0 d3 k 0 1 1 (4)
(S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 ) δ (lk + p − p0 − k 0 ) =
(2π) 2 (2π)2

d3 p0 d3 k 0 1 (4) 0 0
0 0∗ 0 0 2 0 0 0∗
δ (lk + p − p − k )4 (p e )(pe ) + (pp ) − m + (p e )(pe )) . (65)
(2π)6 2
The presence of the δ-function in the last formula is expression of the conservation
law lk + p = k 0 + p0 , which we write in the form:

lk + p − k 0 = p0 . (66)
If we introduce the angle Θ between k and k0 , then, with |k| = ω and |k0 | = ω 0 , we
get from the squared equation (66) in the rest system of electron, where p = (m, 0), the
following equation:

1 1 l
l 0
− = (1 − cos Θ); l = α − α0 , (67)
ω ω m
which is modification of the original equation for the Compton process
1 1 1
− = (1 − cos Θ). (68)
ω ω m
We see that the substantial difference between single photon interaction and δ-pulse
interaction is the factor s = α − α0 .
We know that the last formula of the original Compton effect can be written in the
form suitable for the experimental verification, namely:

h̄ Θ
∆λ = 4π sin2 , (69)
mc 2
which was used by Compton for the verification of the quantum nature of light (Rohlf,
We can express equation (67) in new form. From equation lk + p = k 0 + p0 we get after
multiplication it by k in the rest frame of electron:

kp0 = ωm − ωω 0 (1 − cos Θ). (70)

Then, l in eq. (67) is given by the formula (a ≡ (v, w)):

2evm − e2 a2 2eap0 − e2 a2
l= − . (71)
2ωm 2ω[m − ω 0 (1 − cos Θ)]
The equation (67)can be experimentally verified by the similar methods which was used
by Compton for the verification of his formula. However, it seems that the interaction
of the photonic pulse substantially differs from the interaction of a single photon with
The equation lk+p = k 0 +p0 is the symbolic expression of the nonlinear Compton effect
in which several photons are absorbed at a single point, but only single high-energy photon
is emitted. The second process, where electron scatters twice or more as it traverses the
laser focus is not considerred here. The nonlinear Compton process was experimentally
confirmed for instance by Bulla et al. (1996).

6 Discussion
We have presented, in this article, the classical derivation of law of motion of a charged
particle accelerated by δ-form mechanical impulsive force in case of the free particle and
for the damped harmonic oscillator. Then, we found solution of the Lorentz equation for
motion of a charged particle accelerated by the electromagnetic pulse. From the quantum

theory based on the Volkov solution of the Dirac equation, we determined the current
density and kinetic momentum of an electron accelerated by the laser pulse. The total
probability of emmision of photons during the interaction of the laser pulse with electron
was also derived. It involves the relation between initial momenta of particle and photon
and final ones.
The present article is continuation of the author discussion on laser acceleration (Pardy,
1998; Pardy, 2001), where the Compton model of laser acceleration was proposed.
The δ-form laser pulses are here considerred as an idealization of the experimental
situation in laser physics and we know that absolute zero size of laser pulse cannot
be achieved. Nevertheless, it was demonstrated theoretically that at present time the
zeptosecond and subzeptosecond laser pulses of duration 10−21 − 10−22 s can be realized
by the petawat lasers (Kaplan and Shkolnikov, 2002). It means that the generation of the
ultrashort laser pulses is the keen interest in development of laser physics.
The physics with the laser ultrashort laser pulses is analogical to the thermodynamics,
vhere absolute zero temperature cannot be achieved, although it is possible to reach
temperatures close to it using the use of evaporative cooling, cryocoolers, dilution
refrigerators and nuclear adiabatic demagnetization. The use of laser cooling has produced
temperatures of less than a billionth of a kelvin. So, while the goal of the thermal physics
is the absolute zero temperature, the goal of laser physics laboratories over the world is
the δ-form laser pulse.
New experiments can be realized and new measurements performed by means of the
laser pulses, giving new results and discoveries. So, it is obvious that the interaction of
particles with the laser will form, in the near future, the integral part of the laser and
particle physics in such laboratories as ESRF, CERN, DESY, SLAC and so on.


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