Chapter5 CPIT110 v2 Loops

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Chapter 5

CPIT 110 (Problem-Solving and Programming)

Introduction to Programming Using Python, By: Y. Daniel Liang

Version 2.0
• 5.1. Motivations
• 5.2. The while Loop
• 5.3. The for Loop
• 5.4. Nested Loops
• 5.5. Minimizing Numerical Errors
• 5.6. Case Studies
• 5.7. Keywords break and continue
• 5.8. Case Study: Displaying Prime Numbers

Programs Check Points Labs 2

Python Online IDE

• Program 1: Subtraction Quiz
• Program 2: Guessing Game
• Program 3: Multiple Subtraction Quiz
• Program 4: Advanced Multiple Subtraction Quiz
• Program 5: Sentinel Value
• Program 6: Multiplication Table
• Program 7: Finding the GCD
• Program 8: Predicting The Future Tuition
• Program 9: Prime Number

Check Points
• Section 5.2 • Section 5.4 ◦ #20
◦ #1 ◦ #10 ◦ #21
◦ #2 ◦ #11 ◦ #22
◦ #3 ◦ #12
◦ #4 ◦ #13
• Section 5.3 ◦ #14
◦ #5 ◦ #15
◦ #6 ◦ #16
◦ #7 • Section 5.7
◦ #8 ◦ #17
◦ #9 ◦ #18
◦ #19
• To write programs for executing statements repeatedly by using a while loop (5.2).
• To develop loops following the loop design strategy (5.2.1-5.2.3).
• To control a loop with the user’s confirmation (5.2.4).
• To control a loop with a sentinel value (5.2.5).
• To use for loops to implement counter-controlled loops (5.3).
• To write nested loops (5.4).
• To learn the techniques for minimizing numerical errors (5.5).
• To learn loops from a variety of examples (GCD, FutureTuition, MonteCarloSimulation,
PrimeNumber) (5.6, 5.8).
• To implement program control with break and continue (5.7).

5.1. Motivations
▪ Loops

• Suppose that you need to display a string (e.g., Programming is
fun!) 100 times.
• It would be tedious to type the statement 100 times:
1 print("Programming is fun!")
2 print("Programming is fun!")
3 print("Programming is fun!")
... ... 100
98 print("Programming is fun!") times
99 print("Programming is fun!")
100 print("Programming is fun!")

• So, how do you solve this problem?

5.1 7
• Solution:
◦ Python provides a powerful construct called a loop.
◦ A loop controls how many times an operation (or a sequence of
operations) is performed.
◦ By using a loop statement, you don’t have to code the print
statement a hundred times.
◦ You simply tell the computer to display a string that number of
◦ The loop statement can be written as follows:
1 count = 0 Run
2 while count < 100:
3 print("Programming is fun!") The loop statement
4 count = count + 1

5.1 8
• Solution:
1 count = 0 Run
2 while count < 100:
3 print("Programming is fun!")
The loop body
count = count + 1

• Details:
◦ The variable count is initially 0.
◦ The loop checks whether count < 100 is True.
▪ If so, the loop body is executed.
▪ "Programming is fun!" is printed.
▪ Then, count is incremented by 1 (count = count + 1).
◦ When count < 100 is False, the loop will terminate
▪ and the next statement after the loop statement is executed.
5.1 9
• A loop is a construct that controls the repeated execution of a
block of statements.
• The concept of looping is fundamental to programming.
• Python provides two types of loop statements:
◦ while loops
▪ The while loops is a condition-controlled loop.
▪ it is controlled by a True/False condition.
◦ for loops
▪ The for loop is a count-controlled loop.
▪ It repeats a specified number of times.

5.1 10
5.2. The while Loop
▪ Trace while Loop
▪ Infinite Loop
▪ Program 1: Subtraction Quiz
▪ Program 2: Guessing Game
▪ Loop Design Strategies
▪ Program 3: Multiple Subtraction Quiz
▪ Controlling a Loop with User Confirmation
▪ Program 4: Advanced Multiple Subtraction Quiz
▪ Controlling a Loop with a Sentinel Value
▪ Program 5: Sentinel Value
▪ Check Point #1 - #4
The while Loop
• A while loop executes statements repeatedly as long as a
condition remains true.
• The syntax for the while loop is:
while loop-continuation-condition:
# Loop body

◦ The "loop body" is the part that

contains the repeated statements.
◦ A one-time execution of the loop
body is called an iteration.
▪ an iteration of the loop

5.2 12
The while Loop
• The syntax for the while loop is:
while loop-continuation-condition:
# Loop body

• Each loop contains a loop-continuation-condition.

• This is a Boolean expression that controls the execution of the
loop body.
• This expression is evaluated at each iteration.
◦ If the result is True, the loop body is executed
◦ If it is False, the entire loop will terminate
▪ Program control goes to the next statement after the loop.

5.2 13
The while Loop
• The loop that displays Programming is fun! 100 times is an
example of a while loop.
1 count = 0 loop-continuation-condition
2 while count < 100:
3 print("Programming is fun!")
loop body
4 count = count + 1

• The continuation condition is count < 100

◦ If True, the loop continues.
◦ If False, the loop will terminate.
• This type of loop is called a counter-
controlled loop.

5.2 14
Trace while Loop
count → 0

1 count = 0
2 while count < 2:
Initialize count
3 print("Programming is fun!")
4 count = count + 1
5 print("Done")

5.2 1 of 9 15
Trace while Loop
count → 0

1 count = 0
2 while count < 2:
(count < 2) is True
3 print("Programming is fun!")
4 count = count + 1
5 print("Done")

5.2 2 of 9 16
Trace while Loop
count → 0

1 count = 0
2 while count < 2: Print Programming is
3 print("Programming is fun!") fun!
4 count = count + 1
5 print("Done")

Programming is fun!

5.2 3 of 9 17
Trace while Loop
count → 1

1 count = 0
2 while count < 2: Increase count by 1
3 print("Programming is fun!") count is 1 now
4 count = count + 1
5 print("Done")

Programming is fun!

5.2 4 of 9 18
Trace while Loop
count → 1

1 count = 0
2 while count < 2: (count < 2) is still True
3 print("Programming is fun!") since count is 1
4 count = count + 1
5 print("Done")

Programming is fun!

5.2 5 of 9 19
Trace while Loop
count → 1

1 count = 0
2 while count < 2: Print Programming is
3 print("Programming is fun!") fun!
4 count = count + 1
5 print("Done")

Programming is fun!
Programming is fun!

5.2 6 of 9 20
Trace while Loop
count → 2

1 count = 0
2 while count < 2: Increase count by 1
3 print("Programming is fun!") count is 2 now
4 count = count + 1
5 print("Done")

Programming is fun!
Programming is fun!

5.2 7 of 9 21
Trace while Loop
count → 2

1 count = 0
2 while count < 2: (count < 2) is False
3 print("Programming is fun!") since count is 2 now
4 count = count + 1
5 print("Done")

Programming is fun!
Programming is fun!

5.2 8 of 9 22
Trace while Loop
count → 2

1 count = 0 The loop exits. Execute

2 while count < 2: the next statement
3 print("Programming is fun!") after the loop.
4 count = count + 1
5 print("Done") Print Done

Programming is fun!
Programming is fun!

5.2 9 of 9 23
The while Loop
• Here is another example illustrating how a loop works:
1 sum = 0 Run
2 i = 1
3 while i < 10:
4 sum = sum + i
5 i = i + 1
6 print("sum is", sum) # sum is 45

• Details:
◦ if i < 10 is True, the program adds i to sum.
◦ The variable i is initially set to 1.
▪ Then it is incremented to 2, 3, and so on, up to 10.
◦ When i is 10, i < 10 is False, and the loop exits.
◦ So the sum is 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 9 = 45.

5.2 24
Infinite Loop
• Suppose the loop is mistakenly written as follows:
1 sum = 0 Run
2 i = 1
3 while i < 10:
4 sum = sum + i
5 i = i + 1
6 print("sum is", sum) # sum is 45

• Details:
◦ Note that the entire loop body must be indented inside the loop.
◦ Here the statement i = i + 1 is not in the loop body.
◦ This loop is infinite, because i is always 1 and i < 10 will always be

5.2 25
• Make sure that the loop-continuation-condition eventually
becomes False.
◦ So that the loop will terminate.
• A common programming error involves infinite loops.
◦ The loop runs forever.
• If your program takes an unusual long time to run and does not
stop, it may have an infinite loop.
• In PyCharm, click the small in the bottom
left corner.
◦ This will stop the execution of the program.

5.2 26
• New programmers often make the mistake of executing a loop one
extra time or one less time.
• This kind of mistake is commonly known as the off-by-one error.
• For example:
1 count = 0
2 while count <= 100:
3 print("Programming is fun!")
4 print(count)
5 count = count + 1

• This displays "Programming is fun!" 101 times.

• Why?
◦ count starts at 0, which means it should go until count < 100.
◦ If you want to iterate until count <= 100, then start count at 1.
5.2 27
Subtraction Quiz
Program 1
Remember we wrote a program, in Chapter 4 (Program 3), to
generate two numbers randomly and then ask the user for the
answer of number1 - number2. Now, we rewrite this program to
let the user repeatedly enter a new answer until it is correct.

What is 4 - 3? 4 <Enter>
Wrong answer. Try again. What is 4 - 3? 5 <Enter>
Wrong answer. Try again. What is 4 - 3? 1 <Enter>
You got it!

5.2 Program 1 28
Subtraction Quiz
Phase 1: Problem-solving
Design your algorithm:
1. Generate two single-digit integers for number1 and number2.
▪ Example: number1 = 4 and number2 = 3
2. If number1 < number2, swap number1 with number2.
▪ Example: make number1 = 3 and number2 = 4
3. Ask the user to answer a question (answer)
▪ Example: “What is 4 - 3 ?”
4. Make a while loop:
▪ Condition of the loop is if the answer is wrong (number1 - number2 != answer)
▪ If the answer is wrong, we should:
➢ Ask the user to answer the question (answer) again.

5. Once the answer is finally correct:

▪ Exit the loop.
▪ Print "You got it!"
5.2 Program 1 29
Subtraction Quiz
Phase 2: Implementation
1 import random Run
3 # 1. Generate two random single-digit integers
4 number1 = random.randint(0, 9)
5 number2 = random.randint(0, 9)
7 # 2. If number1 < number2, swap number1 with number2
8 if number1 < number2:
9 number1, number2 = number2, number1
11 # 3. Prompt the student to answer What is number1 - number2?
12 answer = eval(input("What is " + str(number1) + " – "
13 + str(number2) + "? "))
15 # 4. Repeatedly ask the user the question until it is correct
16 while number1 - number2 != answer:
17 answer = eval(input("Wrong answer. Try again. What is "
18 + str(number1) + " - " + str(number2) + "? "))
20 # 5. Print the answer is correct
21 print("You got it!")
5.2 Program 1 30
Subtraction Quiz
Example Runs of The Program
What is 8 - 1? 7 <Enter>
You got it!

What is 6 - 3? 1 <Enter>
Wrong answer. Try again. What is 6 - 3? 2 <Enter>
Wrong answer. Try again. What is 6 - 3? 4 <Enter>
Wrong answer. Try again. What is 6 - 3? 3 <Enter>
You got it!

What is 7 - 4? 99 <Enter>
Wrong answer. Try again. What is 7 - 4? 5 <Enter>
Wrong answer. Try again. What is 7 - 4? 9 <Enter>
Wrong answer. Try again. What is 7 - 4? 8 <Enter>
Wrong answer. Try again. What is 7 - 4? 7 <Enter>
Wrong answer. Try again. What is 7 - 4? 3 <Enter>
You got it!

5.2 Program 1 31
Guessing Game
Program 2
Write a program that randomly generates a number between 0
and 100, inclusive. The program will repeatedly ask the user to
guess the number until the user gets the number correct. At each
wrong answer, the program tells the user if the guess is too low
or too high.

Guess a magic number between 0 and 100

Enter your guess: 50 <Enter>
Your guess is too high
Enter your guess: 25 <Enter>
Your guess is too low
Enter your guess: 42 <Enter>
Your guess is too high
Enter your guess: 39 <Enter>
Yes, the number is 39

5.2 Program 2 32
Guessing Game
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• This is the famous number guessing game.
• What is the normal first guess?
◦ 50
• Why?
◦ Because no matter the result (too high or too low), the number of
possible answers left is divided in half!
▪ If the guess is too high, you know the answer is in between 0 and 49.
▪ If the guess is too low, you know the answer is in between 51 and 100.
▪ So you can eliminate half of the numbers from consideration.

5.2 Program 2 33
Guessing Game
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• So are we ready to code?
◦ NO!
• We must THINK before coding.
• Think:
◦ How would you solve the problem without a program?
◦ You need a random number between 0 and 100.
◦ You need to ask the user to enter a guess.
◦ You need to compare the guess with the random number.

5.2 Program 2 34
Guessing Game
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Good idea to code incrementally when using loops
• Meaning:
◦ Do not write the looping structure immediately.
◦ First, try to just write the logic of the program, but without using
▪ So just write the code for one "loop", one iteration.
◦ Then, write the code for the loop structure.
◦ Think of the following code as an “initial draft”.

5.2 Program 2 35
Guessing Game
Phase 2: Implementation (1st Draft)
1 import random Run
3 # Generate a random number to be guessed
4 number = random.randint(0, 100)
6 print("Guess a magic number between 0 and 100")
8 # Prompt the user to guess the number
9 guess = eval(input("Enter your guess: "))
11 if guess == number:
12 print("Yes, the number is " + str(number))
13 elif guess > number:
14 print("Your guess is too high")
15 else:
16 print("Your guess is too low")

5.2 Program 2 36
Guessing Game
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• When this program runs, it prompts the user to enter a guess
only once.
Guess a magic number between 0 and 100
Enter your guess: 50 <Enter>
Your guess is too high

• To let the user enter a guess repeatedly, you can change the
code in lines 9–16 to create a loop, as follows:
1 while True:
2 # Prompt the user to guess the number
3 guess = eval(input("Enter your guess: "))
5 if guess == number:
6 print("Yes, the number is " + str(number))
7 elif guess > number:
8 print("Your guess is too high")
9 else:
10 print("Your guess is too low")

5.2 Program 2 37
Guessing Game
Phase 2: Implementation (2nd Draft)
1 import random Run
3 # Generate a random number to be guessed
4 number = random.randint(0, 100)
6 print("Guess a magic number between 0 and 100")
8 while True:
9 # Prompt the user to guess the number
10 guess = eval(input("Enter your guess: "))
12 if guess == number:
13 print("Yes, the number is " + str(number))
14 elif guess > number:
15 print("Your guess is too high")
16 else:
17 print("Your guess is too low")

5.2 Program 2 38
Guessing Game
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• This loop repeatedly prompts the user to enter a guess.
Guess a magic number between 0 and 100
Enter your guess: 25 <Enter>
Your guess is too low
Enter your guess: 39 <Enter>
Yes, the number is 39
Enter your guess: 42 <Enter>
Your guess is too high
Enter your guess: ...

• However, the loop doesn’t end even if the user entered the
correct guess.
• This is because the condition of the loop is always True.
• So the loop still needs to terminate.
◦ When the guess is finally correct, the loop should exit.
5.2 Program 2 39
Guessing Game
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• So what is the loop condition?
while (guess != number)
◦ So if the guess is not the same as the random number, continue
the while loop.
• So, revise the loop as follows:
1 guess = -1 # Initial value that doesn't meet the loop condition
2 while guess != number:
3 # Prompt the user to guess the number
4 guess = eval(input("Enter your guess: "))
6 if guess == number:
7 print("Yes, the number is", number)
8 elif guess > number:
9 print("Your guess is too high")
10 else:
11 print("Your guess is too low")

5.2 Program 2 40
Guessing Game
Phase 2: Implementation (Final)
1 import random Run
3 # Generate a random number to be guessed
4 number = random.randint(0, 100)
6 print("Guess a magic number between 0 and 100")
8 guess = -1 # Initial value that doesn't meet the loop condition
9 while guess != number:
10 # Prompt the user to guess the number
11 guess = eval(input("Enter your guess: "))
13 if guess == number:
14 print("Yes, the number is", number)
15 elif guess > number:
16 print("Your guess is too high")
17 else:
18 print("Your guess is too low")

5.2 Program 2 41
Guessing Game
Trace The Program Execution
Guess a magic number between 0 and 100
Enter your guess: 50 <Enter>
Your guess is too high
Enter your guess: 25 <Enter>
Your guess is too low
Enter your guess: 42 <Enter>
Your guess is too high
Enter your guess: 39 <Enter>
Yes, the number is 39

5.2 Program 2 42
Guessing Game
• The program generates the random number in line 4.
• Then, it prompts the user to enter a guess continuously in a
loop (lines 9–18).
• For each guess, the program determines whether the user’s
number is correct, too high, or too low (lines 13–18).
• When the guess is correct, the program exits the loop (line 9).
• Note that guess is initialized to -1.
◦ This is to avoid initializing it to a value between 0 and 100, because
that could be the number to be guessed.

5.2 Program 2 43
Loop Design Strategies
• Coding a correct loop is challenging for new programmers.
• Therefore, three steps are recommended:
◦ Step 1: Identify the statements that need to be repeated.
◦ Step 2: Wrap these statements in a loop (Infinite loop) like this:
while True:

◦ Step 3: Code the loop-continuation-condition and include

appropriate statements to control the loop.
while loop-continuation-condition:
Additional statements for controlling the loop

5.2 44
Multiple Subtraction Quiz
Program 3
Write a program to randomly generate five subtraction questions
and ask the user for the answer to each. Count how many the
user got correct, and display the total time spent, by the user,
answering the five questions.
What is 1 - 1? 0 <Enter>
You are correct!

What is 7 - 2? 5 <Enter>
You are correct!

What is 9 - 3? 4 <Enter>
Your answer is wrong.
9 - 3 is 6

What is 6 - 6? 0 <Enter>
You are correct!

What is 9 - 6? 2 <Enter>
Your answer is wrong.
9 - 6 is 3

Correct count is 3 out of 5

Test time is 10 seconds

5.2 Program 3 45
Multiple Subtraction Quiz
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Use the loop design strategy:
◦ First, identify the statements that need to be repeated.
➢ The statements for randomly generating two numbers.
➢ Asking the user for the answer to the subtraction question.
➢ Grading the question.
▪ Comparing user answer to the real answer.
◦ Second, wrap these statements inside a loop.
◦ Finally, add a loop control variable and an appropriate loop-
continuation-condition that will execute the loop five times.

5.2 Program 3 46
Multiple Subtraction Quiz
Phase 2: Implementation
1 import random
2 import time
4 correctCount = 0 # Count the number of correct answers
5 count = 0 # Count the number of questions
6 NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS = 5 # Constant Run
8 startTime = time.time() # Get start time
10 while count < NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS:
11 # 1. Generate two random single-digit integers
12 number1 = random.randint(0, 9)
13 number2 = random.randint(0, 9)
15 # 2. If number1 < number2, swap number1 with number2
16 if number1 < number2:
17 number1, number2 = number2, number1

5.2 Program 3 47
Multiple Subtraction Quiz
Phase 2: Implementation
19 # 3. Prompt the student to answer "what is number1 - number2?"
20 answer = eval(input("What is " + str(number1) + " - " +
21 str(number2) + "? "))
23 # 5. Grade the answer and display the result
24 if number1 - number2 == answer: Run
25 print("You are correct!")
26 correctCount += 1
27 else:
28 print("Your answer is wrong.\n", number1, "-",
29 number2, "should be", (number1 - number2))
31 # Increase the count
32 count += 1
34 endTime = time.time() # Get end time
35 testTime = int(endTime - startTime) # Get test time
36 print("Correct count is", correctCount, "out of",
37 NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS, "\nTest time is", testTime, "seconds")

5.2 Program 3 48
Multiple Subtraction Quiz
• The program uses the control variable count to control the
execution of the loop.
◦ count is initially 0 (line 5)
◦ count is increased by 1 in each iteration (line 32).
◦ A subtraction question is displayed and processed in each
• The program obtains the time before the test starts (line 8) and
the time after the test ends (line 34).
◦ Then, it computes the test time in seconds (line 35).
• The program displays the correct count and test time after all
the quizzes have been taken (lines 36–37).

5.2 Program 3 49
Controlling a Loop with User
• The preceding example (Program 3) executes the loop five
• If you want the user to decide whether to take another
question, you can offer a user confirmation.
• The template of the program can be coded as follows:
continueLoop = 'Y'
while continueLoop == 'Y':
# Execute the loop body once
# Prompt the user for confirmation
continueLoop = input("Enter Y to continue and N to quit: ")

5.2 50
Advanced Multiple Subtraction Quiz
Program 4
Rewrite Program 3 with user confirmation to let the user decide
whether to advance to the next question.
What is 6 - 1? 5 <Enter>
You are correct!
Enter Y to continue and N to quit: Y <Enter>

What is 8 - 0? 6 <Enter>
Your answer is wrong.
8 - 0 should be 8
Enter Y to continue and N to quit: Y <Enter>

What is 8 - 3? 5 <Enter>
You are correct!
Enter Y to continue and N to quit: N <Enter>

Correct count is 2 out of 3

Test time is 24 seconds

5.2 Program 4 51
Advanced Multiple Subtraction Quiz
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Use the template of controlling a loop with user confirmation:
continueLoop = 'Y'
while continueLoop == 'Y':
# Execute the loop body once
# Prompt the user for confirmation
continueLoop = input("Enter Y to continue and N to quit: ")

• So we have to modify the loop condition as shown in the

previous template.
◦ Remove unnecessary variables or constants that the new loop
condition doesn’t use, such as NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS.
◦ After removing them, modify statements, such as print statements,
that use the removed variables or contacts.

5.2 Program 4 52
Advanced Multiple Subtraction Quiz
Phase 2: Implementation
1 import random Run
2 import time
4 correctCount = 0 # Count the number of correct answers
5 count = 0 # Count the number of questions
7 startTime = time.time() # Get start time
9 continueLoop = 'Y' # User confirmation flag
10 while continueLoop == 'Y':
11 # 1. Generate two random single-digit integers
12 number1 = random.randint(0, 9)
13 number2 = random.randint(0, 9)
15 # 2. If number1 < number2, swap number1 with number2
16 if number1 < number2:
17 number1, number2 = number2, number1
19 # 3. Prompt the student to answer "what is number1 - number2?“
20 answer = eval(input("What is " + str(number1) + " - " +
21 str(number2) + "? "))

5.2 Program 4 53
Advanced Multiple Subtraction Quiz
Phase 2: Implementation
22 Run
23 # 5. Grade the answer and display the result
24 if number1 - number2 == answer:
25 print("You are correct!")
26 correctCount += 1
27 else:
28 print("Your answer is wrong.\n", number1, "-",
29 number2, "should be", (number1 - number2))
31 # Increase the count
32 count += 1
34 # Prompt the user for confirmation
35 continueLoop = input("Enter Y to continue and N to quit: ")
36 print() # To insert a new line
38 endTime = time.time() # Get end time
39 testTime = int(endTime - startTime) # Get test time
40 print("Correct count is", correctCount, "out of",
41 count, "\nTest time is", testTime, "seconds")

5.2 Program 4 54
Controlling a Loop with a Sentinel Value
• Often the number of times a loop is executed is not predetermined.
• Another common technique for controlling a loop is by choosing a
special value when reading and processing user input.
• This special input value is known as a sentinel value.
• The sentinel value signifies the end of the input.
• A loop that uses a sentinel value in this way is called a sentinel-
controlled loop.
• Example:
➢ Ask the user to keep inputting as many integer values as they want.
➢ Tell them that the loop will stop once the value -1 is entered.
➢ Therefore, -1 would be the sentinel value.

5.2 55
Sentinel Value
Program 5
Write a program that will sum up all user inputted values. The
user can keep inputting values for as long as the user wishes. If
the user enters "0", this means the end of the input. Your
program should display the sum to the user.

Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 2 <Enter>

Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 3 <Enter>
Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 4 <Enter>
Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 0 <Enter>
The sum is 9

5.2 Program 5 56
Sentinel Value
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Use the loop design strategy:
◦ First, identify the statements that need to be repeated.
➢ Ask the user for a value (data).
▪ data = eval(input("Enter an integer ..."))
➢ Add it to the variable sum.
▪ sum += data
◦ Second, wrap these statements inside a loop.
◦ Finally, add a loop control variable and an appropriate loop-
continuation-condition which will be data != 0 (the sentinel value).

5.2 Program 5 57
Sentinel Value
Phase 2: Implementation
1 data = eval(input("Enter an integer (the input exits " + Run
2 "if the input is 0): "))
4 # Keep reading data until the input is 0
5 sum = 0
6 while data != 0:
7 sum += data
9 data = eval(input("Enter an integer (the input exits " +
10 "if the input is 0): "))
12 print("The sum is", sum)

Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 10 <Enter>

Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 5 <Enter>
Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 0 <Enter>
The sum is 15

5.2 Program 5 58
Sentinel Value
Trace The Program Execution
Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 2 <Enter>
Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 3 <Enter>
Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 4 <Enter>
Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 0 <Enter>
The sum is 9

5.2 Program 5 59
Sentinel Value
• If data is not 0, it is added to the sum (line 7) and the next item
of input data is read (lines 9–10).
• If data is 0, the loop body is no longer executed, and the while
loop terminates.
• The input value 0 is the sentinel value for this loop.
• Note that if the first input read is 0, the loop body never
executes, and the resulting sum is 0.
Enter an integer (the input ends if it is 0): 0 <Enter>
The sum is 0

5.2 Program 5 60
• Don’t use floating-point values for equality checking in a loop
• Why?
◦ Since those values are approximated, they could lead to imprecise
counter values.
• Consider the following code for computing 1 + 0.9 + 0.8 + ... +
1 item = 1
2 sum = 0
3 while item != 0: # No guarantee item will be 0
4 sum += item
5 item -= 0.1
6 print(sum)

5.2 61
• Consider the following code for computing 1 + 0.9 + ... + 0.1:
1 item = 1 Iteration 1 →
Iteration 2 →
item 1
2 sum = 0 Iteration 3 → 0.7000000000000001 2.7
Iteration 4 → 0.6000000000000001 3.4000000000000004
3 while item != 0: Iteration 5 → 0.5000000000000001 4.0
4 sum += item Iteration 6 →
Iteration 7 →
5 item -= 0.1 Iteration 8 → 0.20000000000000015 5.2
Iteration 9 → 0.10000000000000014 5.4
6 print(sum) Iteration 10 → 0.00000000000000001 5.500000000000001

➢ The variable item starts with 1 and is reduced by 0.1 every time the loop
body is executed.
➢ The loop should terminate when item becomes 0.
➢ However, there is no guarantee that item will be exactly 0, because the
floating-point arithmetic is approximated.
▪ 0.00000000000000001 != 0 → True
➢ This loop seems okay on the surface, but it is actually an infinite loop.

5.2 62
Check Point
Analyze the following code. Is count < 100 always True, always
False, or sometimes True or sometimes False at Point A, Point B,
and Point C?
1 count = 0
2 while count < 100:
3 # Point A
4 print("Programming is fun!")
5 count += 1
6 # Point B
8 # Point C

➢ Answer:
➢ Point A: always True
➢ Point B: sometimes False (Only one time)
➢ Point C: always False

5.2 63
Check Point
What is wrong if guess is initialized to 0 in line 8 in the following code?
1 import random
2 Run
3 # Generate a random number to be guessed
4 number = random.randint(0, 100)
6 print("Guess a magic number between 0 and 100")
8 guess = -1 # Initial value that doesn't meet the loop condition
9 while guess != number:
10 # Prompt the user to guess the number
11 guess = eval(input("Enter your guess: "))
13 if guess == number:
14 print("Yes, the number is", number)
15 elif guess > number:
16 print("Your guess is too high")
17 else:
18 print("Your guess is too low")

➢ Answer: the randomly generated number (number) could be 0. If this

happened, the program will not execute the loop.
o The probability of this to be happened is 0.99% (1/101)
5.2 64
Check Point
How many times are the following loop bodies repeated? What is
the printout of each loop?

1 i = 1 1 i = 1 1 i = 1
2 while i < 10: 2 while i < 10: 2 while i < 10:
3 if i % 2 == 0: 3 if i % 2 == 0: 3 if i % 2 == 0:
4 print(i) 4 print(i) 4 print(i)
5 5 i += 1 5 i += 1
(a) (b) (c)

Infinite Number of Times Infinite Number of Times 9 Times

Empty Empty

5.2 65
Check Point
Suppose the input is 2 3 4 5 0 (one number per line). What is the
output of the following code?
1 number = eval(input("Enter an integer: ")) Run
2 max = number
4 while number != 0:
5 number = eval(input("Enter an integer: "))
6 if number > max:
7 max = number
9 print("max is", max)
10 print("number", number)

Enter an integer: 2 <Enter>

Enter an integer: 3 <Enter>
Enter an integer: 4 <Enter>
Enter an integer: 5 <Enter>
Enter an integer: 0 <Enter>
max is 5
number 0

5.2 66
5.3. The for Loop
▪ Trace for Loop
▪ The range Function
▪ range(a, b)
▪ range(a)
▪ range(a, b, k)
▪ Check Point #5 - #9

The for Loop
• Often you will use a while loop to iterate a certain number of
• A loop of this type is called a counter-controlled loop.
• In general, the loop can be written as follows:
i = initialValue # Initialize loop-control variable
while i < endValue:
# Loop body
i += 1 # Adjust loop-control variable

• If you want to iterate a specific number of times, it is

better/easier to just use a for loop.

5.3 68
The for Loop
i = initialValue # Initialize loop-control variable
while i < endValue:
# Loop body
i += 1 # Adjust loop-control variable

• A for loop can be used to simplify the preceding loop:

for i in range(initialValue, endValue):
# Loop body

• In general, the syntax of a for loop is:

for var in sequence:
# Loop body

5.3 69
The for Loop
• Flowchart for a generic for loop:

for var in sequence:

# Loop body

• A sequence holds multiple items

of data, stored one after the
• The variable var takes on each
successive value in the
sequence, the statements in the
body of the loop are executed
once for each value.
5.3 70
The for Loop
• Example:

for i in range(0,5):


5.3 71
Trace for Loop

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5):
Print “Start ...”
3 print("i =", i)
4 print("... End")

Start ...

5.3 1 of 12 72
Trace for Loop
Range (0, 5) → [0,1,2,3,4]

i→ 0

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5): Loop 5 times.
3 print("i =", i) Loop #1
4 print("... End")

Start ...

5.3 2 of 12 73
Trace for Loop
Range (0, 5) → [0,1,2,3,4]

i→ 0

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5):
Print “i = 0”
3 print("i =", i)
4 print("... End")

Start ...
i = 0

5.3 3 of 12 74
Trace for Loop
Range (0, 5) → [0,1,2,3,4]

i→ 1

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5):
Loop #2
3 print("i =", i)
4 print("... End")

Start ...
i = 0

5.3 4 of 12 75
Trace for Loop
Range (0, 5) → [0,1,2,3,4]

i→ 1

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5):
Print “i = 1”
3 print("i =", i)
4 print("... End")

Start ...
i = 0
i = 1

5.3 5 of 12 76
Trace for Loop
Range (0, 5) → [0,1,2,3,4]

i→ 2

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5):
Loop #3
3 print("i =", i)
4 print("... End")

Start ...
i = 0
i = 1

5.3 6 of 12 77
Trace for Loop
Range (0, 5) → [0,1,2,3,4]

i→ 2

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5):
Print “i = 2”
3 print("i =", i)
4 print("... End")

Start ...
i = 0
i = 1
i = 2

5.3 7 of 12 78
Trace for Loop
Range (0, 5) → [0,1,2,3,4]

i→ 3

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5):
Loop #4
3 print("i =", i)
4 print("... End")

Start ...
i = 0
i = 1
i = 2

5.3 8 of 12 79
Trace for Loop
Range (0, 5) → [0,1,2,3,4]

i→ 3

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5):
Print “i = 3”
3 print("i =", i)
4 print("... End")

Start ...
i = 0
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3

5.3 9 of 12 80
Trace for Loop
Range (0, 5) → [0,1,2,3,4]

i→ 4

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5):
Loop #5
3 print("i =", i)
4 print("... End")

Start ...
i = 0
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3

5.3 10 of 12 81
Trace for Loop
Range (0, 5) → [0,1,2,3,4]

i→ 4

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5):
Print “i = 4”
3 print("i =", i)
4 print("... End")

Start ...
i = 0
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3
i = 4

5.3 11 of 12 82
Trace for Loop
Range (0, 5) → [0,1,2,3,4]

i→ 4

1 print("Start ...")
2 for i in range(0,5):
Print “... End”
3 print("i =", i)
4 print("... End")

Start ...
i = 0
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3
i = 4
... End

5.3 12 of 12 83
The range Function
• The range() function returns a sequence of integer numbers,
starting from 0 by default, and increments by 1 (by default),
and ends at a specified number.
• Syntax:
range(start, stop, step)
◦ start: an integer number specifying at which position to start.
Default is 0.
◦ stop: an integer number specifying at which position to end.
◦ step: an integer number specifying the incrementation. Default is 1
• It has three versions:
◦ range(a)
◦ range(a, b)
◦ range(a, b, k)
5.3 84
range(a, b)
• The function range(a, b) returns the sequence of integers
a, a + 1, ..., b - 2, and b - 1.
• For example:
1 for v in range(4, 8):
2 print("v =", v)

v = 4
v = 5
v = 6
v = 7

5.3 85
• The function range(a) is the same as range(0, a).
• For example:
1 for v in range(6):
2 print("v =", v)

v = 0
v = 1
v = 2
v = 3
v = 4
v = 5

5.3 86
range(a, b, k)
• k is used as step value in range(a, b, k).
➢ The first number in the sequence is a.
➢ Each successive number in the sequence will increase by the step value k.
➢ b is the limit.
➢ The last number in the sequence must be less than b.

• Example:
1 for v in range(3, 9, 2):
2 print("v =", v)

v = 3
v = 5
v = 7
◦ The step value in range (3, 9, 2) is 2, and the limit is 9. So, the sequence is 3, 5, and 7

5.3 87
range(a, b, k)
Count Backward
• The range(a, b, k) function can count backward if k is negative.
• In this case, the sequence is still a, a + k, a + 2k, and so on for a
negative k.
• The last number in the sequence must be greater than b.
• Example:
1 for v in range(5, 1, -1):
2 print("v =", v)

v = 5
v = 4
v = 3
v = 2

5.3 88
• The numbers in the range function must be integers.
• For example, range(1.5, 8.5), range(8.5), or range(1.5, 8.5, 1)
would be wrong.
• Example:
1 for v in range(6.5):
2 print("v =", v)

for v in range(6.5):
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as
an integer

5.3 89
range(2) [0, 1]

range(2,3) [2]

range(2,-3) []

range(2,-3,-1) [2, 1, 0, -1, -2]

range(2, 2) []

range(1, 2, 2) [1]

range(2, 2, -1) []

range(5, 2, -1) [5, 4, 3]

5.3 90
Check Point
Suppose the input is 2 3 4 5 0 (one number per line). What is the
output of the following code?
1 number = 0 Run
2 sum = 0
4 for count in range(5):
5 number = eval(input("Enter an integer: "))
6 sum += number
8 print("sum is", sum)
9 print("count is", count)

Enter an integer: 2 <Enter>

Enter an integer: 3 <Enter>
Enter an integer: 4 <Enter>
Enter an integer: 5 <Enter>
Enter an integer: 0 <Enter>
sum is 14
count is 4

5.3 91
Check Point
Can you convert any for loop to a while loop? List the advantages
of using for loops.

➢ Answers:
➢ Yes, we can convert any for loop to a while loop.
➢ Advantages:
▪ The number of repetitions is specified explicitly in advance.
▪ When using a while loop, programmers often forget to adjust the control
variable such as (i += 1). Using for loop can avoid this error.

5.3 92
Check Point
Convert the following for loop statement to a while loop:
1 sum = 0
2 for i in range(1001):
sum = 500500
3 sum = sum + i
4 print("sum =", sum)

➢ Solution:
1 sum = 0
2 i = 0
3 while i < 1001:
sum = 500500
4 sum = sum + i
5 i += 1
6 print("sum =", sum)

5.3 93
Check Point
Can you always convert any while loop into a for loop? Convert
the following while loop into a for loop.
1 i = 1
2 sum = 0
3 while sum < 10000:
4 sum = sum + i sum = 10011
5 i += 1
6 print("sum =", sum)

➢ Answers:
➢ No, we cannot always convert any while loop into a for loop
especially for the while loop that is not based on the counter
variable (counter-controlled loop).
1 sum = 0
2 for i in range(1, 142):
3 sum = sum + i sum = 10011
4 print("sum =", sum)

5.3 94
Check Point
How many times are the following loop bodies repeated? What is
the printout of each loop?
1 count = 0 1 for count in range(n):
2 while count < n: 2 print(count)
3 count += 1 3

(a) (b)
n Times n Times

1 count = 5 1 count = 5
2 while count < n: 2 while count < n:
3 count += 1 3 count += 3

(c) (d)
(n – count) Times (The ceiling of (n - 5) / 3) Times

5.3 95
5.4. Nested Loops
▪ Trace Nested Loops
▪ Program 6: Multiplication Table
▪ Check Point #10 - #16

Nested Loops
• A loop can be nested inside another loop.
• Nested loops consist of an outer loop and one or more inner
• Each time the outer loop is repeated, the inner loops are
reentered and started anew.
• Example: Outer Loop ----- x = 1 -----
1 print("Start") y = 4
Run y = 5
2 print()
3 ----- x = 2 -----
4 for x in range(1, 4): y = 4
5 print("----- x =", x, "-----") y = 5
6 for y in range(4, 6):
7 print("y =", y) ----- x = 3 -----
y = 4
8 print() y = 5
10 print("End") Inner Loop End

5.4 97
Trace Nested Loops

Draw a table and put each variable in a column. Program Trace

i j

1 for i in range(1, 4):

2 j = 0
3 while j < i:
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")

5.4 1 of 33 98
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Loop 3 times, and the sequence is [1, 2, 3].
So, the first item is 1. now i is 1. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4):
2 j = 0
3 while j < i:
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")

5.4 2 of 33 99
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
j is 0 now i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0
3 while j < i:
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")

5.4 3 of 33 100
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
0 < 1 is True i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0
3 while j < i:
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")

5.4 4 of 33 101
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Print 0 and put a white space “ “ at the end. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0
3 while j < i:
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")

5.4 5 of 33 102
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Increment j by 1. j is 1 now. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i:
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")

5.4 6 of 33 103
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
1 < 1 is False. i j
Exit from the current loop (inner loop).
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i:
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")

5.4 7 of 33 104
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Print a new line (\n) i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i:
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")

5.4 8 of 33 105
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Update i to the next unused item in the
sequence. Now i is 2. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")

5.4 9 of 33 106
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
j is 0 now i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")

5.4 10 of 33 107
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
0 < 2 is True i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")

5.4 11 of 33 108
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Print 0 and put a white space “ “ at the end. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print()
7 print("Done")


5.4 12 of 33 109
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Increment j by 1. j is 1 now. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done")


5.4 13 of 33 110
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
1 < 2 is True i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done")


5.4 14 of 33 111
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Print 1 and put a white space “ “ at the end. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done")

0 1

5.4 15 of 33 112
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Increment j by 1. j is 2 now. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2

0 1

5.4 16 of 33 113
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
2 < 2 is False. i j
Exit from the current loop (inner loop).
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2

0 1

5.4 17 of 33 114
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Print a new line (\n) i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2

0 1

5.4 18 of 33 115
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Update i to the next unused item in the
sequence. Now i is 3. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2
0 1

5.4 19 of 33 116
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
j is 0 now i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2
0 0
0 1

5.4 20 of 33 117
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
0 < 3 is True i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2
0 0
0 1

5.4 21 of 33 118
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Print 0 and put a white space “ “ at the end. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2
0 0
0 1

5.4 22 of 33 119
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Increment j by 1. j is 1 now. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2
0 0
0 1 1

5.4 23 of 33 120
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
1 < 3 is True i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2
0 0
0 1 1

5.4 24 of 33 121
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Print 1 and put a white space “ “ at the end. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2
0 0
0 1 1
0 1

5.4 25 of 33 122
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Increment j by 1. j is 2 now. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2
0 0
0 1 1
0 1
5.4 26 of 33 123
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
2 < 3 is True i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2
0 0
0 1 1
0 1
5.4 27 of 33 124
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]

Program Trace
Print 2 and put a white space “ “ at the end. i j
1 for i in range(1, 4): 0
2 j = 0 1
3 while j < i: 2
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 1
7 print("Done") 2
0 0
0 1 1
0 1 2
5.4 28 of 33 125
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]
Program Trace
i j

Increment j by 1. j is 3 now. 1
1 for i in range(1, 4): 1
2 j = 0 2
3 while j < i: 0
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 2
7 print("Done") 3
0 1
0 1 2
0 1 2
5.4 29 of 33 126
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]
Program Trace
i j
3 < 3 is False. 1
Exit from the current loop (inner loop).
1 for i in range(1, 4): 1
2 j = 0 2
3 while j < i: 0
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 2
7 print("Done") 3
0 1
0 1 2
0 1 2
5.4 30 of 33 127
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]
Program Trace
i j
Print a new line (\n) 1
1 for i in range(1, 4): 1
2 j = 0 2
3 while j < i: 0
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 2
7 print("Done") 3
0 1
0 1 2 2
5.4 31 of 33 128
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]
Program Trace
i j
Is there any unused item in the sequence? No.
So, exit from the current loop (outer loop) 1
1 for i in range(1, 4): 1
2 j = 0 2
3 while j < i: 0
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 2
7 print("Done") 3
0 1
0 1 2 2
5.4 32 of 33 129
Trace Nested Loops
Range (1, 4) → [1,2,3]
Program Trace
i j
Print Done 1
1 for i in range(1, 4): 1
2 j = 0 2
3 while j < i: 0
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1
6 print() 2
7 print("Done") 3
0 1
0 1 2 2
Done 3
5.4 33 of 33 130
Multiplication Table
Program 6
Write a program that uses nested for loops to print out the 1
through 9 multiplication table.

Multiplication Table
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 | 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
3 | 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
4 | 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
5 | 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
6 | 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
7 | 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
8 | 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
9 | 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81

5.4 Program 6 131

Multiplication Table
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Examine the table:
◦ We have nine rows of data.
◦ We have nine columns of data.
• Look at the individual rows:
◦ The first row contains the answer of 1x1, 1x2, 1x3…
◦ The second row contains the answer of 2x1, 2x2, 2x3…
◦ …
◦ The ninth row contains the answer of 9x1, 9x2, 9x3…
• For each row heading (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9):
◦ We have that number multiplied by each of 1 through 9.

5.4 Program 6 132

Multiplication Table
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Use two for loops:
1. The outer for loop will iterate over all rows
▪ And it will start at i = 1
➢ because the first row is labeled as 1.
▪ And it will iterate until and including i = 9 (the last row).
2. Then, for EACH row, the inner for loop will calculate that row's
answer of the row # times the values 1 through 9.
Multiplication Table
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 | 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Outer Loop 3 | 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
4 | 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
5 | 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Inner Loop
6 | 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
7 | 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
8 | 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
9 | 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81

5.4 Program 6 133

Multiplication Table
Phase 2: Implementation

1 print(" Multiplication Table") Run

2 # Display the number title
3 print(" |", end = '')
4 for j in range(1, 10):
5 print(" ", j, end = '')
6 print() # Jump to the new line
7 print("-----------------------------------------")
9 # Display table body
10 for i in range(1, 10):
11 print(i, "|", end = '')
12 for j in range(1, 10):
13 # Display the product and align properly
14 print(format(i * j, '4d'), end = '')
15 print()# Jump to the new line

5.4 Program 6 134

Multiplication Table
• The program displays a title (line 1) on the first line in the
• The first for loop (lines 4–5) displays the numbers 1 through 9
on the second line.
• A line of dashes (-) is displayed on the third line (line 7).
• The next loop (lines 10–15) is a nested for loop with the control
variable i in the outer loop and j in the inner loop.
• For each i, the product i * j is displayed on a line in the inner
loop, with j being 1, 2, 3, . . ., 9.

5.4 Program 6 135

Multiplication Table
• To align the numbers properly, the program formats i * j using
format(i * j, "4d") (line 14).
◦ Recall that "4d" specifies a decimal integer format with width 4.
• Normally, the print function automatically jumps to the next
◦ Invoking print(item, end = '') (lines 3, 5, 11, and 14) prints the item
without advancing to the next line.
◦ Note that the print function with the end argument was
introduced in Chapter 3.

5.4 Program 6 136

• Be aware that a nested loop may take a long time to run.
• Consider the following loop nested in three levels:
1 for i in range(1000):
2 for j in range(1000):
3 for k in range(1000):
4 Perform an action

➢ The action is performed 1,000,000,000 times.

➢ If it takes 1 millisecond to perform the action, the total time to run
the loop would be more than 277 hours.
• So be careful with many nested loops.

5.4 137
Check Point
How many times is the print statement executed:
1 for i in range(10):
2 for j in range(i):
3 print(i * j)

➢ Solution:
◦ The outer loop runs 10 times
▪ From 0 to 9
◦ For each iteration, the inner loop runs from 0 to i
▪ First time i is 0, then i is 1, then 2, then 3, until i is 9
◦ Answer: 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 9 = 45 times

5.4 138
Check Point
Show the output of the following Program Trace
programs. (Hint: Draw a table and list i j
the variables in the columns to trace 1 0
these programs.)
2 0
1 for i in range(1, 5): 1
2 j = 0 2
3 while j < i:
3 0
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 j += 1 1
4 0

0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 1

5.4 139
Check Point
Program Trace
1 i = 0 i j
2 while i < 5: 0
3 for j in range(i, 1, -1):
4 print(j, end = " ")
5 print("****") 2
6 i += 1 2

(B) 3

**** 2

**** 4

2 **** 4

3 2 **** 3

4 3 2 **** 2

5.4 140
Check Point Program Trace

#13 i

2 1
4 2
1 i = 5 8 3
2 while i >= 1: 16 4
3 num = 1 32 5
4 for j in range(1, i + 1): 4 1
5 print(num, end = "xxx")
2 1
6 num *= 2
4 2
7 print()
8 3
8 i -= 1
16 4
(c) 3 1
2 1
1xxx2xxx4xxx8xxx16xxx 4 2
1xxx2xxx4xxx8xxx 8 3
1xxx2xxx4xxx 2 1

1xxx2xxx 2 1

1xxx 4 2
1 1
2 1

5.4 141
Check Point Program Trace

#14 i

3 1
2 1
1 i = 1 3 1
2 while i <= 5: 5 2
3 num = 1 3 1
4 for j in range(1, i + 1): 3 1
5 print(num, end = "G")
5 2
6 num += 2
7 3
7 print()
4 1
8 i += 1
3 1
(d) 5 2
7 3
1G 9 4
1G3G 5 1
1G3G5G 3 1

1G3G5G7G 5 2

1G3G5G7G9G 7 3
9 4
11 5

5.4 142
Check Point Program Trace

#15 i

2 1
4 2
1 i = 5 8 3
2 while i >= 1: 16 4
3 num = 1 32 5
4 for j in range(1, i + 1): 4 1
5 num *= 2
2 1
6 print(num, end = "xxx")
4 2
7 print()
8 3
8 i -= 1
16 4
(e) 3 1
2 1
2xxx4xxx8xxx16xxx32xxx 4 2
2xxx4xxx8xxx16xxx 8 3
2xxx4xxx8xxx 2 1

2xxx4xxx 2 1

2xxx 4 2
1 1
2 1

5.4 143
Check Point Program Trace

#16 i

3 1
2 1
1 i = 1 3 1
2 while i <= 5: 5 2
3 num = 1 3 1
4 for j in range(1, i + 1): 3 1
5 num += 2
5 2
6 print(num, end = "G")
7 3
7 print()
4 1
8 i += 1
3 1
(f) 5 2
7 3
3G 9 4
3G5G 5 1
3G5G7G 3 1

3G5G7G9G 5 2

3G5G7G9G11G 7 3
9 4
11 5

5.4 144
5.5. Minimizing Numerical Errors

Minimizing Numerical Errors
• Using floating-point numbers in the loop-continuation-
condition may cause numeric errors.
• Numerical errors involving floating-point numbers are
• This section provides an example showing you how to minimize
such errors.

5.5 146
Minimizing Numerical Errors
The following program sums a series that starts with 0.01 and
ends with 1.0. The numbers in the series will increment by 0.01,
as follows: 0.01 + 0.02 + 0.03 and so on.

1 # Initialize sum Run

2 sum = 0
4 # Add 0.01, 0.02, ..., 0.99, 1 to sum
5 i = 0.01
6 while i <= 1.0:
7 sum += i
8 i = i + 0.01
10 # Display result
11 print("The sum is", sum)

The sum is 49.50000000000003

5.5 147
Minimizing Numerical Errors
• The result displayed is 49.5, but the correct result is 50.5.
• What went wrong?
◦ For each iteration in the loop, i is incremented by 0.01.
◦ When the loop ends, the i value is slightly larger than 1 (not exactly 1).
◦ This causes the last i value not to be added into sum.
• The fundamental problem is that the floating-point numbers are
represented by approximation.

5.5 148
Minimizing Numerical Errors
• To fix the problem, use an integer count to ensure that all the
numbers are added to sum.
• Here is the new loop:

1 # Initialize sum Run

2 sum = 0
4 # Add 0.01, 0.02, ..., 0.99, 1 to sum
5 i = 0.01
6 count = 0
7 while count < 100:
8 sum += i
9 i = i + 0.01
10 count += 1 # Increase count
12 # Display result
13 print("The sum is", sum)

5.5 149
Minimizing Numerical Errors
• Or, use a for loop as follows:

1 # Initialize sum Run

2 sum = 0
4 # Add 0.01, 0.02, ..., 0.99, 1 to sum
5 i = 0.01
6 for count in range(100):
7 sum += i
8 i = i + 0.01
10 # Display result
11 print("The sum is", sum)

• After this loop, sum is 50.5.

The sum is 50.50000000000003

5.5 150
5.6. Case Studies
▪ Program 7: Finding the GCD
▪ Program 8: Predicting The Future Tuition

Finding the GCD
Program 7
Write a program to ask the user to enter two positive integers.
You should then find the greatest common divisor (GCD) and
print the result to the user.

Enter first integer: 125 <Enter>

Enter second integer: 2525 <Enter>
The greatest common divisor for 125 and 2525 is 25

5.6 Program 7 152

Finding the GCD
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Examples of Greatest Common Divisor (GCD):
▪ The GCD of the two integers 4 and 2 is 2
▪ The GCD of the two integers 16 and 24 is 8
▪ The GCD of the two integers 25 and 60 is 5
• So how do you calculate the GCD?
• Are you ready to code?
➢ NO!
• Always, first think about the problem and understand the
solution 100% before coding!
◦ Thinking enables you to generate a logical solution for the problem
without wondering how to write the code.
◦ Once you have a logical solution, type the code to translate the
solution into a program.
5.6 Program 7 153
Finding the GCD
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• The GCD of the two integers number1 and number2:
◦ You know that the number 1 is a common divisor.
▪ because 1 divides into everything.
◦ But is 1 the greatest common divisor?
◦ So you can check the next values, one by one .
▪ Check 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …
▪ Keep checking all the way up to the smaller of number1 or number2 .
◦ Whenever you find a new common divisor, this becomes the new
◦ After you check all the possibilities, the value in the variable gcd is
the GCD of number1 and number2.

5.6 Program 7 154

Finding the GCD
Phase 2: Implementation
1 # Prompt the user to enter two integers Run
2 n1 = eval(input("Enter first integer: "))
3 n2 = eval(input("Enter second integer: "))
5 gcd = 1 # Initial gcd is 1
6 k = 2 # Possible gcd
7 while k <= n1 and k <= n2:
8 if n1 % k == 0 and n2 % k == 0:
9 gcd = k # # Next possible gcd
10 k += 1
12 print("The greatest common divisor for",
13 n1, "and", n2, "is", gcd)

Enter first integer: 260 <Enter>

Enter second integer: 100 <Enter>
The greatest common divisor for 260 and 100 is 20

5.6 Program 7 155

Predicting The Future Tuition
Program 8
A university charges $10,000 per year for study (tuition). The cost
of tuition increases 7% every year. Write a program to determine
how many years until the tuition will increase to $20,000.

Tuition will be doubled in 11 years

Tuition will be $21048.52 in 11 years

5.6 Program 8 156

Calculating Increasing/Decreasing By %
• How do you increase a number by x percent (x%)?
◦ You can use the following formula:
Increase number by x% = number * ((100 + x) / 100)
◦ Example:
▪ Suppose: number = 10000 and x= 7
▪ 7% increase for 10000 = 10000 * ((100 + 7) / 100) = 10000 * 1.07 = 10700

• How do you decrease a number by x percent (x%)?

◦ You can use the following formula:
Decrease number by x% = number * ((100 - x) / 100)
◦ Example:
▪ Suppose: number = 10000 and x= 7
▪ 7% decrease for 10000 = 10000 * ((100 - 7) / 100) = 10000 * 0.93 = 9300

5.6 Program 8 157

Predicting The Future Tuition
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Think:
◦ How do we solve this on paper?
▪ Cost of Year0 = $10,000 → Year0 = 10,000
▪ Cost of Year1 = Year0 * 1.07 → Year1 = 10,000 * 1.07 = 10,700
▪ Cost of Year2 = Year1 * 1.07 → Year2 = 10,700 * 1.07 = 11,449
▪ Cost of Year3 = Year2 * 1.07 → Year3 = 11,449 * 1.07 = 12,250.43
▪ …
▪ Cost of Year10 = Year9 * 1.07 → Year10 = 18384.59 * 1.07 = 19,671.51
▪ Cost of Year11 = Year10 * 1.07 → Year11 = 19671.51 * 1.07 = 21,048.51
◦ So keep computing the tuition until it is at least $20,000.
◦ Once you get to $20,000, print the number of years taken.

5.6 Program 8 158

Predicting The Future Tuition
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Think:
◦ Now a closer look at some of the code:
year = 0 # Year 0
tuition = 10000

year += 1 # Year 1
tuition = tuition * 1.07

year += 1 # Year 2
tuition = tuition * 1.07

year += 1 # Year 3
tuition = tuition * 1.07

◦ So we would keep doing this until tuition is greater than or equal

to $20,000.
◦ Then, at that point, we print the value in variable year.
◦ How to do this? Use a while loop!

5.6 Program 8 159

Predicting The Future Tuition
Phase 2: Implementation

1 year = 0 # Year 0 Run

2 tuition = 10000 # Year 1
4 while tuition < 20000:
5 year += 1
6 tuition = tuition * 1.07
8 print("Tuition will be doubled in", year, "years")
9 print("Tuition will be $" + format(tuition, ".2f"),
10 "in", year, "years")

Tuition will be doubled in 11 years

Tuition will be $21048.52 in 11 years

5.6 Program 8 160

5.7. Keywords break and continue
▪ break Keyword
▪ Trace break Statement
▪ continue Keyword
▪ Trace continue Statement
▪ When to Use break or continue?
▪ Check Point #17 - #22

Keywords break and continue
• The break and continue keywords provide additional controls
to a loop.
• break keyword breaks out of a loop.
• continue keyword breaks out of an iteration.
• Benefits of using these keywords:
➢ Can simplify programming in some cases.
• Negatives of using these keywords:
➢ Overuse or improperly using them can cause problems and make
programs difficult to read and debug.

5.7 162
break Keyword
• You can use the keyword break in a loop to immediately
terminate a loop.
• Example:

1 sum = 0 Run
2 number = 0
4 while number < 20:
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 100:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

The number is 14
The sum is 105

5.7 163
break Keyword
• Details: 1

sum = 0
◦ The program adds integers from 1 to 20 in 2 number = 0
this order to sum until sum is greater than 4 while number < 20:
or equal to 100. 5 number += 1
6 sum += number
◦ Without lines 7–8, this program would 7 if sum >= 100:
8 break
calculate the sum of the numbers from 1 to 9
20. 10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)
◦ But with lines 7–8, the loop terminates
when sum becomes greater than or equal to
◦ Without lines 7–8, the output would be:
The number is 20
The sum is 210

5.7 164
Trace break Statement
sum → 0

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: Initialize sum to 0
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 1 of 17 165
Trace break Statement
sum → 0 number → 0

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: Initialize number to 0
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 2 of 17 166
Trace break Statement
sum → 0 number → 0

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: 0 < 10 is True
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 3 of 17 167
Trace break Statement
sum → 0 number → 0 1

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: Increment number by 1
number = 0 + 1
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 4 of 17 168
Trace break Statement
sum → 0 1 number → 1

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: Add number to sum
sum = 0 + 1
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 5 of 17 169
Trace break Statement
sum → 1 number → 1

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: 1 >= 5 is False
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 6 of 17 170
Trace break Statement
sum → 1 number → 1

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: 1 < 10 is True
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 7 of 17 171
Trace break Statement
sum → 1 number → 1 2

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: Increment number by 1
number = 1 + 1
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 8 of 17 172
Trace break Statement
sum → 1 3 number → 2

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: Add number to sum
sum = 1 + 2
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 9 of 17 173
Trace break Statement
sum → 3 number → 2

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: 3 >= 5 is False
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 10 of 17 174
Trace break Statement
sum → 3 number → 2

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: 2 < 10 is True
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 11 of 17 175
Trace break Statement
sum → 3 number → 2 3

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: Increment number by 1
number = 2 + 1
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 12 of 17 176
Trace break Statement
sum → 3 6 number → 3

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: Add number to sum
sum = 3 + 3
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 13 of 17 177
Trace break Statement
sum → 6 number → 3

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: 6 >= 5 is True
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 14 of 17 178
Trace break Statement
sum → 6 number → 3

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: Exit the current loop
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 15 of 17 179
Trace break Statement
sum → 6 number → 3

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: Print “The number is 3”
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

The number is 3

5.7 16 of 17 180
Trace break Statement
sum → 6 number → 3

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 10: Print “The sum is 6”
5 number += 1
6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 5:
8 break
10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum)

The number is 3
The sum is 6
5.7 17 of 17 181
continue Keyword
• You can use the continue keyword in a loop to end the current
iteration, and program control goes to the end of the loop
• Example:

1 sum = 0 Run
2 number = 0
4 while number < 20:
5 number += 1
6 if number == 10 or number == 11:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

The sum is 189

5.7 182
continue Keyword
• Details: 1

sum = 0
◦ The program adds all the integers from 1 2 number = 0
to 20 except 10 and 11 to sum. 4 while number < 20:
5 number += 1
◦ The continue statement is executed 6 if number == 10 or number == 11:
when number becomes 10 or 11. 7 continue
8 sum += number
◦ It ends the current iteration so that the 9
10 print("The sum is", sum)
rest of the statement in the loop body is
not executed; therefore, number is not
added to sum when it is 10 or 11.
◦ Without lines 6 and 7, the output would
be as follows:
The sum is 210

◦ In this case, all the numbers are added to

sum, even when number is 10 or 11.
Therefore, the result is 210.
5.7 183
Trace continue Statement
sum → 0

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4:
Initialize sum to 0
5 number += 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 1 of 20 184
Trace continue Statement
sum → 0 number → 0

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4:
Initialize number to 0
5 number += 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 2 of 20 185
Trace continue Statement
sum → 0 number → 0

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4:
0 < 4 is True
5 number += 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 3 of 20 186
Trace continue Statement
sum → 0 number → 0 1

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: Increment number by 1
5 number += 1 number = 0 + 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 4 of 20 187
Trace continue Statement
sum → 0 number → 1

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: (1 == 1) or ( 1 == 3) is
5 number += 1 True
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 5 of 20 188
Trace continue Statement
sum → 0 number → 1

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: End the current
5 number += 1 iteration
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 6 of 20 189
Trace continue Statement
sum → 0 number → 1

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4:
1 < 4 is True
5 number += 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 7 of 20 190
Trace continue Statement
sum → 0 number → 1 2

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: Increment number by 1
5 number += 1 number = 1 + 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 8 of 20 191
Trace continue Statement
sum → 0 number → 2

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: (2 == 1) or ( 2 == 3) is
5 number += 1 False
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 9 of 20 192
Trace continue Statement
sum → 0 2 number → 2

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: Add number to sum
5 number += 1 sum = 0 + 2
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 10 of 20 193
Trace continue Statement
sum → 2 number → 2

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4:
2 < 4 is True
5 number += 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 11 of 20 194
Trace continue Statement
sum → 2 number → 2 3

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: Increment number by 1
5 number += 1 number = 2 + 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 12 of 20 195
Trace continue Statement
sum → 2 number → 3

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: (3 == 1) or (3 == 3) is
5 number += 1 True
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 13 of 20 196
Trace continue Statement
sum → 2 number → 3

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: End the current
5 number += 1 iteration
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 14 of 20 197
Trace continue Statement
sum → 2 number → 3

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4:
3 < 4 is True
5 number += 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 15 of 20 198
Trace continue Statement
sum → 2 number → 3 4

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: Increment number by 1
5 number += 1 number = 3 + 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 16 of 20 199
Trace continue Statement
sum → 2 number → 4

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: (4 == 1) or ( 4 == 3) is
5 number += 1 False
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 17 of 20 200
Trace continue Statement
sum → 2 6 number → 4

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4: Add number to sum
5 number += 1 sum = 2 + 4
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 18 of 20 201
Trace continue Statement
sum → 6 number → 4

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4:
4 < 4 is False
5 number += 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 19 of 20 202
Trace continue Statement
sum → 6 number → 4

1 sum = 0
2 number = 0
4 while number < 4:
Print “The sum is 6”
5 number += 1
6 if number == 1 or number == 3:
7 continue
8 sum += number
10 print("The sum is", sum)

The sum is 6

5.7 20 of 20 203
When to Use break or continue?
• You can always write a program without using break or
continue in a loop.
• In general, it is appropriate to use break and continue if their
use simplifies coding and makes programs easy to read.
• Suppose you need to write a program to find the smallest
factor other than 1 for an integer n (assume n >= 2).
◦ You can write a simple code using the break statement as follows:
1 n = eval(input("Enter an integer >= 2: "))
2 factor = 2
3 while factor <= n:
4 if n % factor == 0:
5 break
6 factor += 1
7 print("The smallest factor other than 1 for", n, "is", factor)

5.7 204
Factors of a Number
• The factors of a number are the numbers that divide evenly
into the number.
• For example: the factors of the number 12 are the numbers 1,
2, 3, 4, 6 and 12.
▪ 12 % 1 = 0 12 % 2 = 0 12 % 3 = 0
▪ 12 % 4 = 0 12 % 5 = 2 12 % 6 = 0
▪ 12 % 7 = 5 12 % 8 = 4 12 % 9 = 3
▪ 12 % 10 = 2 12 % 11 = 1 12 % 12 = 0
• Notice that the smallest factor is always 1 and the biggest
factor is always the number itself.

5.7 205
When to Use break or continue?
• You may rewrite the code without using break as follows:
1 n = eval(input("Enter an integer >= 2: ")) Run
2 found = False
3 factor = 2
4 while factor <= n and not found:
5 if n % factor == 0:
6 found = True
7 else:
8 factor += 1
9 print("The smallest factor other than 1 for", n, "is", factor)

• Obviously, the break statement makes the program simpler

and easier to read in this example.
• However, you should use break and continue with caution.
◦ Too many break and continue statements will produce a loop with
many exit points and make the program difficult to read.

5.7 206
Check Point
What is the keyword break for? What is the keyword continue
for? Will the following program terminate? If so, give the output.
1 balance = 1000 1 balance = 1000
2 while True: 2 while True:
3 if balance < 9: 3 if balance < 9:
4 break 4 continue
5 balance = balance - 9 5 balance = balance - 9
6 print("Balance is", balance) 6 print("Balance is", balance)
(a) (b)

➢ Answer:
▪ The keyword break is used to exit the current loop.
▪ The keyword continue causes the rest of the loop body to be skipped for the
current iteration.
▪ The program in (a) will terminate. The output is Balance is 1.
▪ The while loop will not terminate in (b).
5.7 207
Check Point
The for loop on the left is converted into the while loop on the
right. What is wrong? Correct it.
1 sum = 0
1 sum = 0 2 i = 0
2 for i in range(4): 3 while i < 4:
3 if i % 3 == 0: Converted 4 if i % 3 == 0:
4 continue 5 continue
Wrong Conversion
5 sum += i 6 sum += i
6 print(sum) 7 i += 1
(a) 8 print(sum)
(b) Wrong
➢ Answer:
▪ In (a), If the continue statement is executed inside the for loop, the rest of the
iteration is skipped, then the loop control variable (i) is being updated to the
next unused item in the sequence. This code (a) is correct.
▪ In (b), If the continue statement is executed inside the while loop, the rest of the
iteration is skipped, and the loop control variable (i) wouldn't get updated, so
the loop condition will be always True. This code (b) has an infinite loop.
5.7 208
Check Point
The for loop on the left is converted into the while loop on the
right. What is wrong? Correct it.

➢ Here is the fix (b):

1 sum = 0
1 sum = 0 2 i = 0
2 for i in range(4): 3 while i < 4:
Converted 4 if i % 3 == 0:
3 if i % 3 == 0:
4 continue Correct 5 i += 1
5 sum += i 6 continue
6 print(sum) 7 sum += i
8 i += 1
9 print(sum)
(b) Correct

5.7 209
Check Point
After the break statement is executed in the following loop,
which statement is executed? Show the output.
1 for i in range(1, 4):
2 for j in range(1, 4): 1
3 if i * j > 2: 2
4 break 1
5 2
6 print(i * j) 2
7 3
8 print(i)

➢ Answer:
➢ The break keyword immediately ends the innermost loop, which contains the
➢ So, print(i) is the next statement that will be executed.

5.7 210
Check Point
After the continue statement is executed in the following loop,
which statement is executed? Show the output.
1 for i in range(1, 4):
2 for j in range(1, 4): 1
3 if i * j > 2: 2
4 continue 1
5 2
6 print(i * j) 2
7 3
8 print(i)

➢ Answer:
➢ The continue keyword ends only the current iteration.
➢ If j is not the last item in the sequence, j is getting updated to the next unused
item in the sequence, and if i * j > 2 is the next statement that will be executed.
➢ If j is the last item in the sequence, print(i) is the next statement that will be
5.7 211
Check Point
Rewrite the following program without using break and continue


1 sum = 0 Run 1 sum = 0 Run

2 number = 0 2 number = 0
3 3 stop = False
4 while number < 20: 4 while number < 20 and not stop:
5 number += 1 5 number += 1
6 sum += number Solution 6 sum += number
7 if sum >= 100: 7 if sum >= 100:
8 break 8 stop = True
9 9
10 print("The number is", number) 10 print("The number is", number)
11 print("The sum is", sum) 11 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 212
Check Point
Rewrite the following program without using break and continue


1 sum = 0 1 sum = 0
Run Run
2 number = 0 2 number = 0
3 3
4 while number < 20: 4 while number < 20:
5 number += 1 5 number += 1
6 if number == 10 or number == 11: 6 if number != 10 and number != 11:
7 continue Solution 7 sum += number
8 sum += number 8
9 9 print("The sum is", sum)
10 print("The sum is", sum)

5.7 213
5.8. Case Study: Displaying Prime
▪ Program 9: Prime Number
▪ Coding with Loops

Prime Number
Program 9
Write a program to display the first 50 prime numbers in five
lines (so 10 numbers per line).
• Note: any integer greater than 1 is prime if it can only be divided by
1 or itself.
• Example:
▪ 2, 3, 5, and 7 are prime numbers
▪ 4, 6, 8, and 9 are not prime numbers

The first 50 prime numbers are

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71
73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113
127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173
179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229

5.8 Program 9 215

Prime Number
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Think:
◦ How can we solve this?
◦ We need to check each integer greater than 1.
▪ so start at 2, then 3, then 4, then 5, …
◦ And for each of those integers, we need to check if it is prime.
◦ If it is prime, we need to increase our count.
▪ Because we found a new prime number.
◦ And we also need to print it to the screen.
▪ But we can only print 10 per line.
▪ So we need to consider how many have been printed already.

5.8 Program 9 216

Prime Number
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Think:
◦ So we need a loop!
◦ How many times will we loop?
▪ Many times.
▪ Because we are checking each integer greater than 1 to determine if it is a
prime number.
◦ So will the loop go on for infinity?
▪ No!
◦ So for how long will the loop run?
▪ Until we find and print 50 prime numbers!
▪ Guess what: we now have our loop-continuation-condition!

5.8 Program 9 217

Prime Number
Phase 2: Implementation (1st Draft)
1 NUMBER_OF_PRIMES = 50 # Number of primes to display
2 NUMBER_OF_PRIMES_PER_LINE = 10 # Display 10 per line
3 count = 0 # Count the number of prime numbers
4 number = 2 # A number to be tested for primeness
5 print("The first 50 prime numbers are")
6 # Repeatedly find prime numbers
7 while count < NUMBER_OF_PRIMES:
8 # Assume the number is prime
9 isPrime = True #Is the current number prime?
11 # Test if number is prime
12 # To do it later ...
14 # If number is prime, display the prime number and increase the count
15 if isPrime:
16 count += 1 # Increase the count
18 print(format(number, '5d'), end = '')
19 if count % NUMBER_OF_PRIMES_PER_LINE == 0:
20 # Display the number and advance to the new line
21 print() # Jump to the new line
23 # Check if the next number is prime
24 number += 1

5.8 Program 9 218

Prime Number
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• The output of the previous code:
The first 50 prime numbers are
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

• So, we need now to filter the numbers and display only the
prime numbers.
• This will be the next step.

5.8 Program 9 219

Prime Number
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• Think:
◦ Given a number, how can we determine if it is prime?
◦ Check if it is divisible by 2, 3, 4, …, (number // 2)
▪ If any of those values evenly divide number, then it is not prime.
◦ So we use a for loop (from 2 until number // 2)
◦ Example: consider the number 11.
▪ Check from 2 to 5 (11//2 = 5)
▪ 2 does not divide into 11
▪ 3 does not divide into 11
▪ 4 does not divide into 11
▪ 5 does not divide into 11
▪ Therefore, 11 is prime!

5.8 Program 9 220

Prime Number
Phase 1: Problem-solving
• So, the code of the inner loop (filtering the non prime
numbers) can be as the following:
1 # Assume the number is prime
2 isPrime = True #Is the current number prime?
4 # Test if number is prime
5 divisor = 2
6 while divisor <= number / 2:
7 if number % divisor == 0:
8 # If true, the number is not prime
9 isPrime = False # Set isPrime to false
10 break # Exit the for loop
11 divisor += 1

5.8 Program 9 221

Prime Number
Phase 2: Implementation (Final)
1 NUMBER_OF_PRIMES = 50 # Number of primes to display
2 NUMBER_OF_PRIMES_PER_LINE = 10 # Display 10 per line
3 count = 0 # Count the number of prime numbers
4 number = 2 # A number to be tested for primeness
6 print("The first 50 prime numbers are")
8 # Repeatedly find prime numbers
9 while count < NUMBER_OF_PRIMES:
10 # Assume the number is prime
11 isPrime = True #Is the current number prime?
13 # Test if number is prime
14 divisor = 2
15 while divisor <= number / 2:
16 if number % divisor == 0:
17 # If true, the number is not prime
18 isPrime = False # Set isPrime to false
19 break # Exit the for loop
20 divisor += 1
5.8 Program 9 222
Prime Number
Phase 2: Implementation (Final)
22 # If number is prime, display the prime number and increase the count
23 if isPrime:
24 count += 1 # Increase the count
26 print(format(number, '5d'), end = '')
27 if count % NUMBER_OF_PRIMES_PER_LINE == 0:
28 # Display the number and advance to the new line
29 print() # Jump to the new line
31 # Check if the next number is prime
32 number += 1

5.8 Program 9 223

Coding with Loops
• This last example (Program 9) was complicated.
• If you understand it, congratulations!
• Question:
◦ How can new programmers develop a solution similar to what we
just did?
• Answer:
◦ Break the problem into smaller sub-problems.
◦ Develop solutions for each of those sub-problems.
• Then bring the smaller solutions together into one larger

5.8 224
▪ Test Questions
▪ Programming Exercises

Test Questions
• Do the test questions for this chapter online at

End 226
Programming Exercises
• Page 158 – 167:
◦ 5.1 - 5.16
◦ 5.18 - 5.22
◦ 5.23 – 5.41
◦ 5.43 – 5.46
• Lab #7
• Lab #8

End 227

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