Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics
University of Dhaka
Course Title: Quantum Mechanics - I; Course No: TPG = 565
H = ℏω (a† a + 1/2)
(c) Using question above expression, obtain the relation En = (n + 1/2) ℏ ω .
(d) Suppose that the normalized eigen ket for a linear harmonic oscillator has the form
of |En+1 >= Cn+1 a† |En >. Evaluate the value of Cn+1 .
2. (a) The rising and lowering operators generate new solutions to the Schrodinger equation,
but these new solutions are not correctly normalized. Thus a+ ϕn is proportional
to ϕn+1 and a− ϕn is proportional to ϕn−1 , but we would like to know the precise
constants. Use integration by parts and the Schrodinger equation to show that
Z −∞
|a+ ϕn |2 dx = (n + 1)ℏω (2)
and Z −∞
|a− ϕn |2 dx = nℏω (3)
and hence p
a+ ϕn = i (n + 1)ℏωϕn+1 (4)
and √
a− ϕn = −i nℏωϕn−1 (5)
(b) Write the Hamiltonian, a+ , and a− in matrix form.
(c) Write the matrix form of x and p using the operator of a+ , and a− for simple harmonic
3. Three pictures or representations (i) Schrodinger picture (ii) Heisenberg picture and (iii)
Dirac or Interaction picture.
One Dimensional Problems
5. Write down the Schrodinger equation for free particle. Solve it. Find the current density
for free particle. Normalize the free particle wave equation. Find the energy.
(i) Find the solution of the Schrodinger equation. (ii) Normalize it. (iii) Find the expec-
tation value of position, momentum, and energy.
(i) Write down the Schrodinger equation for it (ii) Solve the Schrodinger equation for
this potential (iii) Normalize the wave function (iv) Find the energy (v) Draw the energy
levels and wave functions (vi) Find < x >, < x2 >, < p >, < p2 >, < σx >, and < σp >
for the nth stationary state infinite square well. Check that the uncertainty principle is
satisfied (vii) Show that the wavefunctions are mutually orthogonal.
(a) Calculate the reflection coefficient, for the case E < V0 , and comment on the answer.
(b) Calculate the reflection coefficient for the case E > V0 .
(c) For a potential such as this that does not go back to zero to the right of the barrier,
the transmission coefficient is not simply |F |2 /|A|2 , with A the incident amplitude and
F the transmitted amplitude, because the transmitted wave travels at a different speed.
Show that r
E − V0 |F |2
T = (9)
E |A|2
for E > V0 . What is T for E < V0 .
(d) For E > V0 , calculate the transmission coefficient for the step potential, and check
that T + R = 1.
11. What is linear operator? write down the properties of linear operators.
12. Define Hermitian operator. Show that the eigen value of Hermitian operator is real.
13. Show that px is an Hermitian operator but xpx is not a Hermitian operator.
14. If A and B are two operators such that [A, B] = iℏ, show that ∆A∆B ≥ ℏ2 , where ∆A
and ∆B are the uncertainty of A and B, respectively.
15. Show that if two operators are Hermitian then their product is also Hermitian if they
18. Proof the generalized uncertainty principle, σA2 σB2 ≥ ( 2i1 < [Â, B̂] >)2 and hence prove
the Heisenberg uncertainty principle if the first observable is position (Â = x) and the
second is momentum (B̂ = ℏi dx ).