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JPPIPA 9(5) (2023)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

Journal of Research in Science Education


Development of Physics Interactive Multimedia Based on

STEM Approach Class XI SMA
Rif’il Husniyah1*, Ramli1
1 Magister of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia.

Received: March 28, 2023 Abstract: This development aims to produce a product in the form of interactive
Revised: May 26, 2023 multimedia based on the STEM approach for class XI SMA. The results of this study can
Accepted: May 28, 202 be accessed via an Android smartphone making it easier for students to study wherever
Published: May 31, 2023 and whenever. The development model used is the ADDIE development model with the
stages of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. At the analysis
Corresponding Author: stage, an analysis of learning activities is carried out, an analysis of the needs of students
Rif’il Husniyah and an analysis of learning media. The development stage uses the articulate storyline 3
[email protected] application. As for the stages of development results, for instrument validation it is 0.97
with valid criteria and product validation is 0.78 in the valid category. While the results
DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i5.3542 of practicality by students amounted to 83.96 and the results of practicality by educators
amounted to 85.63 with a very practical category. For the effectiveness stage, there was
© 2023 The Authors. This open an increase in mastery of knowledge competencies from 6,06% (Pretest) to 69,69%
access article is distributed under a (posttest) while the percentage of students' completeness in skill competencies was
(CC-BY License) 80.00%. For the results of the gain score, an average of 0.64 is in the medium category.
Therefore interactive multimedia based on the STEM approach in class XI SMA is
appropriate for use in the learning process.

Keywords: ADDIE development model; Interactive multimedia; STEM approach

Introduction learning medium. This is known from the results of

interviews that have been conducted with a physics
21st century students must be able to master and be teacher. Learning is still going on conventionally, due to
skilled in combining knowledge, attitudes, skills, and limited age to learn new things and make learning
mastery of technology. With this integration, it can be a media.
measure of the success of students in understanding Learning media is a tool in the learning process
problems (Maghfiroh et al., 2023). In addition, the use of (Ahmad Zaki, 2020). The use of learning media is one of
information technology is one of the processes to the factors that influence the learning process (Tafonao,
increase learning effectiveness (Marta & Ramli, 2021). 2018). Learning media facilitate the delivery of material
This can be realized if the learning process uses or learning objectives (Isdayanti et al., 2022). In addition
technology-based learning media. , the existence of learning media can stimulate the
The 21st century requires students to have 4C skills minds, attention and abilities of students (Kahfi et al.,
or skills, namely skills in critical, creative thinking, 2021). Interactive multimedia learning media is a
communication and creating innovation in learning. But learning tool that contains material, methods, so that it
in reality the expectations of 21st century learning are can achieve the expected competencies
still far from what was expected. So that 21st century Interactive multimedia is one of the media to help
learning really needs innovation, especially in learning computer based teaching and learning processes
media. Because in fact, in the teaching and learning (Novianto et al., 2018). Multimedia is a combination of
process, teachers have not utilized technology as a two or more media elements consisting of text, graphics,
images, audio, video and animation (Wati & Asrizal,
How to Cite:
Husniyah, R., & Ramli, R. (2023). Development of Physics Interactive Multimedia Based on STEM Approach Class XI SMA. Jurnal Penelitian
Pendidikan IPA, 9(5), 3899–3904. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v9i5.3542
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3899-3904

2022). With the existence of interactive multimedia can

increase the motivation of students. In addition, the use
of interactive multimedia in learning will be more
effective and more efficient and easier for students to
understand (Rindiyani, 2020). Interactive multimedia is
an electronic-based learning, so it can increase students'
knowledge competence (Alenezi, 2020). The application
used in the development of this interactive multimedia
is articulate storyline 3. One of the advantages of using
Figure 1. ADDIE development model chart
this application is that it can be formatted in the form of
a personal web (Arief Darmawan, 2021). In addition, this
The needs analysis stage uses the following
application is presented with a specific purpose so that
equation 1.
it is easy to use (Pratama, 2019).
In addition to the use of interactive multimedia in
∑ 𝑋𝑖
learning, one thing that is crucial to influencing the 𝑆𝑘 = 𝑋 𝑥 100% (1)
interest and motivation of students is the approach used
in learning. The learning approach is an effort used by Information: Sk = Score obtained, Xi = Score of each
educators to achieve learning competence. An approach respondent, and X_max = The maximum score.
that is in line with the demands of the 21st century and Data analysis to assess the needs analysis for each
the industrial revolution 4.0 is the STEM approach indicator uses the following provisions in Table 1.
(Patmawati et al., 2019).
The STEM approach is a blend of science, Table 1. Categories of Needs Analysis
engineering technology and mathematics (Asri & Fajri, Category Mark
2023). The STEM approach is a discipline that is Very good 91-100
interrelated with one another (Wisnu Wibowo, 2018). Good 81-90
Based on previous research, the STEM approach has a Enough 71-80
good impact on learning, including learning physics Very less ≤ 60
(Nazifah, 2022). So that the development of interactive
multimedia based on the STEM approach is a solution For validity technique using Aiken's V formula as
that can be used to answer the challenges of 21st century equation 2.
education (Arifin et al., 2020). State the objectives of the ∑𝑠
𝑉 = [𝑛(𝑐−1)] (2)
work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a
detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.
The results of the validity criteria consist of valid and
Method invalid. This can be seen in the following table.

This research is a teaching tool development Table 2. Validity Criteria (Waluyo et al., 2020)
research that produces interactive multimedia based on Interval Score Validity Criteria
the STEM approach. Initial observations were made in 𝑥 ≥ 85 Very Valid
70 ≤ 𝑥 < 85 Valid
three schools, namely SMAN 4 Padang, SMAN 15
45 ≤ 𝑥 < 70 Quite Valid
Padang and SMA PGRI 2 Padang. Meanwhile, the 𝑥 < 45 Less Valid
application of interactive multimedia was carried out at
SMA N 4 Padang. Class XI MIPA 3 research subjects
Result and Discussion
with a total of 33 people. Instrument validation and
product validation are carried out by three expert
The first stage in the ADDIE model development
lecturers with a minimum qualification of postgraduate.
research is analysis. The analysis was carried out in three
Development research was carried out using the
schools, namely SMA N 4 Padang, SMA N 15 Padang
ADDIE development model with the stages of analysis,
and SMA PGRI 2 Padang. The following are the stages
design, development, implementation and evaluation.
of development based on the ADDIE model.
The following procedure for developing the ADDIE
model can be seen in Figure 1.
The first analysis is an analysis of learning activities
consisting of preliminary, core and closing activities. The
results of learning activities can be seen in Figure 2.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3899-3904

100 category. While interest, motivation and learning styles

90 are in the sufficient category. As for knowledge and skill
80 competencies, they are in the less category, namely 61.48
70 and 68.62. For the next analysis is the analysis of learning
60 media. The identifiers used in learning media are
content, instructional and technical. The results of the
30 analysis of learning media can be seen in Figure 4.
20 Based on the data that can be seen in Figure 4, the
10 analysis of learning media in the three schools has a very
0 low percentage. So if it is categorized in the very less
Introduction Core Closing Rata-rata category. This is one of the reasons for developing
interactive multimedia.
Figure 2. Analysis of Learning Activities
From Figure 2 it can be seen that the average The design stages in interactive multimedia are in
learning activity for the three supervised SMAs is 75.83. the form of material arranged in the form of text, audio,
Meanwhile, for the analysis of needs, SMAN 4 Padang video and multiple choice evaluation questions. At the
has an average of 75.4 in the sufficient category, SMAN design stage there is a main menu consisting of an
15 Padang has an average of 76.80 in the sufficient introduction, materials, exercises, evaluations,
category. Meanwhile SMA PGRI 2 with an average of references and exercises. The introductory menu
74.38 is sufficient. From these data it shows that the contains basic competencies, indicators, and instructions
learning activities of the three observed SMAs are still in for use.
the sufficient category. The next analysis is an analysis
of the needs of students consisting of indicators of Development
attitudes (A), knowledge (K), skills (S), interests (I), Interactive multimedia that is developed and
motivation (M) and learning styles (LS). This can be seen produced uses the articulate story line 3 application. The
in Figure 3. development stages are the result of follow- up designs
that have been planned. The results of the product from
100 the development of interactive multimedia can be seen
82.43 in the following figure.
80 71.46 72.53 75.33




Figure 3. Analysis of student needs



60 Figure 5. Login menu



Content Instructional Technical Average
Figure 4. Analysis of learning media

Analysis of student needs was carried out in three

observed schools. For attitude competence is in the good
Figure 6. Main menu of interactive multimedia
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3899-3904

Anita et al. (2021) that the development of interactive

multimedia STEM approaches is in the valid category.
The results of practicality by students can be seen in
table 4.
Based on table 4 it can be seen that the practicality
of interactive multimedia based on the STEM approach
is very practical. For indicators that can be used, they are
in the very practical category. Likewise, indicators that
are easy to use, attractive, and efficient are in the very
practical category. So that an average of 83.96 is obtain
rated with the very practical category. The results of
Figure 7. Instruction for using interactive multimedia
practicality by educators can be seen in table 5.

Table 5. Practicality Results by Educators

Indicator Mark (%) Category
Can be used 85.00 Very practical
Easy to use 84.34 Very Practical
Interesting 85.71 Very Practical
Efficient 87.50 Very Practical
Average 85.63 Very Practical

Based on table 5 it can be seen that the practical

results of interactive multimedia by educators are in the
very practical category. With the highest percentage,
Figure 8. The contents of interactive multimedia
namely efficiency of 87.50, followed by attractive
The validation results of interactive multimedia indicators, usable and easy to use. Meanwhile, the
based on the STEM approach were carried out by three average percentage is 85.63% in the very practical
experts in this case, namely the lecturers were in valid category.
criteria. The aspects that are assessed in the validation
are material content, language, graphics, and media. Implementation
The implementation of interactive multimedia
Validation results can be seen in the following table.
based on the STEM approach was carried out in class XI
MIPA 3 SMA N 4 Padang. The implementation phase is
Table 3. Interactive Multimedia Validation Results
Rated aspect Expert validator
carried out to determine the effectiveness of the
Aiken's V score Criteria interactive multimedia. Effectiveness of two
Content Material 0.74 Valid competencies, namely knowledge competence and skills
language 0.83 Valid competence. The following is data on student learning
graphic 0.75 Valid outcomes.
Media 0.81 Valid
Average 0.78 Valid Table 6. Student Knowledge Competency Value
Comparison Pretest Posttest
Table 4. Results of Practicality by Students Complete students 2.00 23.00
Indicator Mark (%) Category Incomplete students 31.00 10.00
Can be used 85.28 Very practical Percentage of completeness (%) 6.06 69.69
Easy to use 81.61 Very Practical
Interesting 84.34 Very Practical Table 7. Student Skill Competency Scores
Efficient 84.61 Very Practical Component Value Acquisition
Average 83.96 Very Practical Maximum Value 90.00
Minimum Value 75.00
Based on Table 3, it can be seen that the average Average 82.60
interactive multimedia validation result is 0.78 with Pass Percentage (%) 80.00
valid criteria. Meanwhile, for each aspect, the content of
the material is 0.78 with valid criteria. Language with Based on the data in the table it can be seen that
valid criteria for aiken's score of 0.83 and graphics and there is an increase in knowledge competency in the
media with valid criteria. This is in accordance with the class that is treated in the form of interactive multimedia
research by Aprilia et al. (2021), Hayati et al. (2021) and based on the STEM approach. In the knowledge
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3899-3904

competency there is an average increase of 42.42%. Acknowledgments

Likewise, the scores of students who completed the Thanks to all parties who have supported the implementation
pretest were 9 people while in the posttest there were 23 of this research. I hope this research can be useful.
Author Contributions
The average pretest score is 56.67 and the average Conceptualization: Rif’il Husniyah, data curation: Rif;il
posttest score is 82.87. So that the results of the pretest Husniyah, funding acquisition: Rif’il Husniyah, methodology:
and posttest knowledge competency comparisons can Rifil Husniyah, Ramli visualization: Rif’il Husniyah, writing–
be analyzed with a gain score. The results of the analysis original draft: Rif’il Husniyah, writing–review & editing: Rif’il
with the gain score equation can be adjusted based on Husniyah, Ramli.
the Table 8.
Table 8. Gain Score Category This research was privately funded by the author.
Score (<g>) Category
Conflicts of Interest
(<g>)>0.7 High
No Conflicts of interest.
0.7 ≥ (<g>)>0.3 Currently
(<g>)≤0.3 Low
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