3542-Article Text-19489-1-10-20230531
3542-Article Text-19489-1-10-20230531
3542-Article Text-19489-1-10-20230531
Received: March 28, 2023 Abstract: This development aims to produce a product in the form of interactive
Revised: May 26, 2023 multimedia based on the STEM approach for class XI SMA. The results of this study can
Accepted: May 28, 202 be accessed via an Android smartphone making it easier for students to study wherever
Published: May 31, 2023 and whenever. The development model used is the ADDIE development model with the
stages of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. At the analysis
Corresponding Author: stage, an analysis of learning activities is carried out, an analysis of the needs of students
Rif’il Husniyah and an analysis of learning media. The development stage uses the articulate storyline 3
[email protected] application. As for the stages of development results, for instrument validation it is 0.97
with valid criteria and product validation is 0.78 in the valid category. While the results
DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i5.3542 of practicality by students amounted to 83.96 and the results of practicality by educators
amounted to 85.63 with a very practical category. For the effectiveness stage, there was
© 2023 The Authors. This open an increase in mastery of knowledge competencies from 6,06% (Pretest) to 69,69%
access article is distributed under a (posttest) while the percentage of students' completeness in skill competencies was
(CC-BY License) 80.00%. For the results of the gain score, an average of 0.64 is in the medium category.
Therefore interactive multimedia based on the STEM approach in class XI SMA is
appropriate for use in the learning process.
This research is a teaching tool development Table 2. Validity Criteria (Waluyo et al., 2020)
research that produces interactive multimedia based on Interval Score Validity Criteria
the STEM approach. Initial observations were made in 𝑥 ≥ 85 Very Valid
70 ≤ 𝑥 < 85 Valid
three schools, namely SMAN 4 Padang, SMAN 15
45 ≤ 𝑥 < 70 Quite Valid
Padang and SMA PGRI 2 Padang. Meanwhile, the 𝑥 < 45 Less Valid
application of interactive multimedia was carried out at
SMA N 4 Padang. Class XI MIPA 3 research subjects
Result and Discussion
with a total of 33 people. Instrument validation and
product validation are carried out by three expert
The first stage in the ADDIE model development
lecturers with a minimum qualification of postgraduate.
research is analysis. The analysis was carried out in three
Development research was carried out using the
schools, namely SMA N 4 Padang, SMA N 15 Padang
ADDIE development model with the stages of analysis,
and SMA PGRI 2 Padang. The following are the stages
design, development, implementation and evaluation.
of development based on the ADDIE model.
The following procedure for developing the ADDIE
model can be seen in Figure 1.
The first analysis is an analysis of learning activities
consisting of preliminary, core and closing activities. The
results of learning activities can be seen in Figure 2.
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