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Diaphragm and cut-off walls

Applications .......................................................................4

Methods ..........................................................................10

Projects ............................................................................18

Woodsmith Mine, North Yorkshire, UK

Diaphragm walls with a depth of up to 120 m
were constructed for the access shafts of
Woodsmith Mine.
Diaphragm and cut-off walls
are specialist foundation
engineering solutions for dams,
deep excavations and retaining
structures. They can serve as
a permanent or temporary
measure, as part of a building
construction, or take on a
sealing and/or load-bearing

Dike 1, Dead Sea, Jordan

To seal off earth basins for obtaining potash at the
Dead Sea, a total of 112,000 m² of cut-off wall with
installed sheet piles were constructed.
Diaphragm walls
Retaining structure with Retaining structure in
horizontal seal impermeable ground
Excavation pits constructed in areas without impermeable If a natural sealing horizon exists at a reachable depth,
ground layers often require artificial horizontal sealing the enclosing diaphragm walls can be embedded in this
blankets. For this purpose, vertical encapsulation can impervious layer, thus preventing the ingress of water into
be combined with a high or low lying cut-off. The seal the excavation pit.
forms a full face connection with the diaphragm wall and
reduces the ingress of water through the horizontal seal.
After dewatering, the pit can be excavated in a dry state.

Metro line 3, Cairo, Egypt Kö-Bogen II shopping mall, Düsseldorf, Germany

As part of the major infrastructure project for the con- For the construction of the inner city excavation pit in
struction of metro line 3 in Cairo, Bauer Egypt construct- top down construction method, the enclosing diaphragm
ed circa 250,000 m² of diaphragm wall, with wall thick- wall was embedded into the impermeable ground layer,
nesses from 800 mm to 1200 mm, for six underground to depths of up to 30 m. In addtion, plunge columns were
stations. The excavation reached depths of up to 60 m. constructed as diaphragm wall barrettes with installed
precast concrete units.

6 Diaphragm and cut-off walls

Lock construction Foundations
An expansion of the waterway infrastructure is urgently The construction of demanding structures in unstable
required to cater for the global rise in the exchange of ground conditions require safe load transfer into deeper,
goods. Diaphragm walls are an effective and economic more stable soil strata. Diaphragm wall barrettes provide
retaining structure system, for both quay walls of jetties, a way of creating foundations in less stable ground.
as well as retaining structures for lock systems, and can With foundation depths of over 200 m, barrettes can be
also be anchored if required. created in various configuration and grid spacings to
ensure optimal load transfer.

Zerben lock, Germany ETH, Zurich, Switzerland

As part of the expansion program of the Elbe-Havel canal, An unique slope stabilization system was developed and
a new 265 m long lock basin was constructed at Zerben. constructed for the new research and laboratory building
The specialist foundation engineering works included a of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. The
retaining structure with 10,500 m² of diaphragm wall, with system uses pre-stressed diaphragm wall panels, which
depths up to 23 m, which was constructed using a grab. run perpendicular to the slope and serve as a safety sys-
tem. The 10 m wide panels were cut into the rock with a
BC 40 cutter unit on a Bauer MC 96 up to a depth of 26 m.

Diaphragm and cut-off walls 7

Cut-off walls

Tunneling Dam sealings

Cut-off walls are well suited to the encapsulation of start The sealing of dams and dikes with cut-off walls is a prov-
construction pits for tunnel boring. They can also be con- en construction method, both during construction as well
structed as sealing blocks with GFR reinforcement to en- as during the course of potential remediation projects. The
able tunnel boring machines to enter and exit. construction of diaphragm walls as a sealing element is
not only used in the dam core, but also below in possibly
fragmented and highly permeable soil strata to prevent
seepage and potential washout effects.

N5 bypass Biel, Switzerland Bagatelle Dam, Mauritius

For the Biel bypass of national road N5, the appointed The dam is part of a reservoir used for the supply of drink-
consortium awarded Bauer Switzerland the contract for ing water. Close to 60,000 m² of cut-off wall was construct-
construction of diaphragm walls and bored pile walls at ed over a length of 2.4 km, with cutting works carried out
the Bözigenfeld portal, the Orpund portal as well as the in partly high-strength basalt, to depths of up to 40 m.
Brüggmoos portal.

8 Diaphragm and cut-off walls

Cut-off walls for Retaining walls for
contaminated areas open-cast mines
In the past, industrial facilities and unsecured landfill Natural resources to be mined in open-cast mines are gen-
sites have been the source of subsoil contamination in erally found below ground water level. Encapsulation with
many places. To prevent ground water contamination, a cut-off wall, which can also be positioned as an artificial
these areas can be enclosed with cut-off walls and the dike, reducing the ground water that needs to be pumped
contaminated soil can either be replaced or cleaned. and minimizes the impact on the surroundings.

Landfill Remediation, Bad Dürkheim, Germany Diamond mine, Diavik, Canada

To prevent the spill of further contaminants from the landfill For the recovery of diamonds from below the lake Lac de
body, the landfill site at Bad Dürkheim was secured with a Gras near the Arctic Circle, an up to 26 m deep cut-off
cut-off wall. Excavation of the sealing wall, which was filled wall, over a length of 2.2 km was constructed in a poured
with concrete resistant to chemical attack, was carried out dike, using the cutter-soil mixing method.
to a depth of 34 m with a grab unit.

Diaphragm and cut-off walls 9

Diaphragm and cut-off walls
are created by appositioning
individual wall elements called
panels. Specialist knowledge
in the areas of calculation,
construction, concrete
technology and construction
methods is required for the
successful application of this

Center Hill Dam, Tennessee, USA

A two-stage solution was used
for sealing the Center Hill dam.
Initially, a 2.25 m thick and 60 m deep
encasement wall was constructed, which was
then cut across using an 800 mm thick
and up to 95 m deep cut-off wall.
Single phase cut-off walls
Single phase cut-off walls do have a sealing function The flexibility of single phase cut-off walls enables them
not a structural function, and are mainly used in landfill, to absorb the movements of the dam body. Single phase
dam, and dike construction. They are used either for cut-off walls can be excavated with either a grab or a cutter.
encasement of contaminated sites or for the prevention
of leakages in a soil mass.

Different construction
methods allow for flexible
use of diaphragm and
cut-off walls to suit
the demands of the
Alexander Metka
Head of the Product
Group Diaphragm Wall

Site C, Fort St. John, Canada

For the construction of a new hydropower station
80,000 m² cut-off wall were constructed to a depth
of 25 m using a grab.

12 Diaphragm and cut-off walls

Single phase cut-off walls with structural function
Apart from their sealing function, single phase cut-off walls phase cut-off wall with a structural function. The cut-off
can also take on a structural function. For this purpose, wall is embedded in the impermeable soil layer, whereby
sheet piles, steel sections, or pre-fabricated elements that the load-bearing parts only extend as far as the structurally
can be subjected to structural loads, are positioned in the required depth. As an alternative to socketing in the imper-
unset bentonite slurry. The construction of an excavation meable underground, single phase cut-off walls can also
pit in ground water is an example of how to usa a single be combined with an artificial horizontal sealing.



Diaphragm and cut-off walls can be constructed for temporary as well as permanent use. Excavation
can be achieved either by grab or by cutter, depending on the geological, geometric, or other project

Pumping station in Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany

Parts of the excavation pit for the pumping station were
constructed using a combination of cut-off wall and
horizontal sealing. Sheet piles were installed in the
self-hardening slurry, as a structural element.

Diaphragm and cut-off walls 13

Double phase cut-off walls
Double phase cut-off walls, like single phase cut-off bentonite slurry used in the single phase method. The
walls, are used in landfill, dam, and dike construction. term “double phase” means that excavation is done with
However, double phase cut-off walls have the advantage slurry that only has a supporting function (first phase),
that the concrete used in the double phase process which is then replaced by the concrete injected using the
has a higher strength than the self-hardening cement tremie method (second phase).


Advantages of diaphragm/cut-off wall systems

• Low noise emission

• Construction to very deep depths
• Retaining wall can double up as structural
perimeter wall of the building
• Slab and wall connections possible
• Accurate installation of reinforcement
and connecting components
• Excellent verticality monitoring during
the excavation
• Small distance to neighboring buildings

Sylvenstein Dam, Germany

To seal the dam core, around 10,000 m² of plastic concrete
diaphragm wall, with a length of 170 m and depths of up
to 70 m were constructed. An MC 128, with a BC 40 cutter
unit, and two MC 64 rigs were used for the excavating and
concreting work.

14 Diaphragm and cut-off walls

Double phase diaphragm walls
Double phase diaphragm walls can be excavated using cutting. Double phase diaphragm walls are also used as
a grab or cutter, whereby the final walls consist of rein- foundation elements in the form of retaining structures or
forced or unreinforced concrete. The joints between in- barrettes.
dividual sections are formed by using stop ends or over-


Underground garage systems

The increasing lack of urban space is ubiquitous

and gaining growing importance worldwide in
terms of urban planning. Underground garage
systems maximise the parking space or limited
space. For such parking systems, deep shafts
are created using the diaphragm wall method.

CEVA, Geneva, Switzerland

The tunnel for the underground railroad line was
created using the top down method. An excavated
diaphragm wall was constructed using a grab on
the merely 12 m wide construction area.

Diaphragm and cut-off walls 15

Slurry handling
To ensure stability of the trench during excavation with screens and cyclones. The cleaned slurry is then used
grab or cutter, the excavated soil material is immediately in the excavation process and pumped back into the
replaced by a stabilizing slurry. During the cutting pro- trench. Slurry displaced from the wall element during
cess, the support slurry is also re-used for transporting the concreting work is cleaned and stored for further
the excavation material to the processing plant via pipes. use. Fresh, working, and concreting slurries are stored
Solids are then separated from liquids using rocking in earth basins, stack tanks, or tower silos.


Project-specific adaptation

The processing plants are adapted to the

method, ground conditions, and slurry demand
by using various components.

Hinze Dam, Gold Coast, Australia

For the construction of a cut-off wall, to a depth
of 55 m in karstic rock, using a trench cutter and
wall grab, slurry handling had to be adapted to
strongly fluctuating demands.

16 Diaphragm and cut-off walls

Hybrid tower block, Frankfurt on the Main, Germany
For the construction of four underground levels of a
tower block, which were created using the top down
method, a 38 m deep diaphragm wall was built as a
single-leaf exterior wall.


Main areas of application

• Retaining structures
• Cut-off walls
• Foundations

Ismailia Tunnel, Egypt

As a result of growing demand, the capacity of the
Suez Canal was adapted by widening the canal. For
a new road tunnel under the widened canal, 145,000 m²
of diaphragm wall was constructed for shafts to a
maximum depth of 85 m.

US Embassy, London, UK
Two hydraulic grab units excavated 10,000 m² of
diaphragm wall for the excavation pit of the New
American Embassy in London.

Diaphragm and cut-off walls 17

A wealth of experience,
qualified employees, and a
global network of branches and
regional subsidiaries allow for
a comprehensive package of
construction services. We offer
tailor-made solutions for every
project and each individual
project challenge.

Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE

To prevent flooding, as a result of sudden torrential
rainfall, rainwater is diverted directly into the sea, with
the help of a large scale underground drainage sys-
tem. As part of this system, two circular, contiguous
diaphragm wall shafts were constructed with, trench
thicknesses of 1,800 mm and depths of up to 80 m.
Rosshaupten Dam, Germany
Located near the idyllic Neuschwanstein Castle, the could only be built from the narrow 11-meter-wide dam
Bavarian Lake Forggensee is fed by the Lech River, and crest. Adding to the challenge, the crest was located on
serves as both a local recreational area and a tourist the side of the dam rather than in the middle. The cut-off
destination. The fifth-largest lake in Bavaria and the largest wall, which is 1 m thick and 70 m deep, includes socketing
reservoir in Germany in terms of area, it also generates into extremely hard rock and was executed in two steps.
electricity and provides flood control when the snow melt Firstly, the excavation of the upper 40 m of the dam body
begins in the Alps. To prepare the power plant and flood was carried out, with the help of a hydraulic grab. The
control for the future, remedial works were carried out remaining 30 m, beneath the actual dam body, were then
on the dam seal. Bauer Spezialtiefbau was tasked with excavated, using a trench cutter.
the execution of the 13,500 m² of cut-off wall to seal the
dam. The particular challenge was that the cut-off wall

Thanks to our innovative

hose drum system,
widening of the dam crest
could be avoided, thereby
saving time
and costs.
Stefan Jäger
Sales Engineer

Construction of the cut-off wall was aided by

Bauer’s twistable HDS-T hose reel system Bauer.

20 Diaphragm and cut-off walls

A hydraulic grab on a BAUER MC 64 duty-
cycle crane and a BC 40.2 trench cutter on
an MC 96 duty-cycle crane were used for
the works.

Bauer carried out construction work for the cut-

off wall seven days a week, operating day and
night shifts (24 hours a day), even during the
winter months.


After completion of the new road along

the dam crest (including walking and
biking paths) and other construction
works, the Rosshaupten Dam was
re-opened on September 12, 2019 and the
occasion was marked with a ceremony.

The construction progress was monitored

and documented at regular intervals, with
the help of a laser scanner.

The mix of supporting slurry and excavation

material was transported to the desanding
facility, via pumps and installed pipes.

Diaphragm and cut-off walls 21

Dike 1 remedial works, Jordan
The Dead Sea is rich in potassium salt which, as one of sheet pile wall, over a length of 4.2 km. The cut-off wall,
the three main components of fertilizers, increases crop with a thickness of 600 mm, was installed to a depth of
yields and improves plant resistance. The Arab Potash between 18 m and 30 m. The subsoil presented a particu-
Company in Jordan utilizes the natural occurrence of salt lar challenge, as it consists primarily of salt, due to its
as the basis for the production of potash. For this pur- location, directly next to the Dead Sea. Two Bauer cutters –
pose, salt water is pumped from the Dead Sea into large a BC 40 and a BC 30 – and a grab were used. In addition,
earth basins, where the sought-after potash is created a total of 790,000 m³ of soil had to be moved to widen
by means of evaporation. To prevent the salt water from the dike.
seeping through one of the main dikes, BAUER Interna-
tional FZE was commissioned with the construction of
112,000 m² of an adjacent cut-off wall, with an embedded


The shore of the Dead Sea is the lowest

place on earth not covered by ice or
water. The works carried out by BAUER
International FZE from Abu Dhabi and
Bauer Lebanon were performed at
395 m below sea level, to a depth of
30 m. The finished cut-off wall reaches
depths as far as 425 m below sea level.

Two Bauer cutters and a grab were used during

the works in Jordan.

22 Diaphragm and cut-off walls

The completed cut-off
wall extends over a
length of 4.2 km.

Potassium salt is obtained by evaporation in

special earth basins and then used as fertilizer.

The subsoil presented a par-

ticular challenge, both in
terms of construction method
as well as material difficulties,
as it mostly consists
of salt due to its
location at the
Dead Sea.
Mazin Adnan
Technical Manager

A total of 112,000 m² of cut-off wall with

embedded sheet pile wall were constructed.

The cut-off wall, with a thickness of

600 mm, reaches between 18 m and
30 m into the ground.

Diaphragm and cut-off walls 23

BAUER Spezialtiefbau GmbH
BAUER - Straße 1
86529 Schrobenhausen, Germany
Phone: + 49 8252 97- 0
[email protected]

Photo: © Aerial Innovations of Tenn, Inc., Guido Anacker Photography, Top Creative Shots

Specification and technical data are intended for

information purposes only. Errors and misprints are excepted.

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