Concept Engineering Design (MelkaJilo - Awash) (Draft) r1 - Compressed
Concept Engineering Design (MelkaJilo - Awash) (Draft) r1 - Compressed
Concept Engineering Design (MelkaJilo - Awash) (Draft) r1 - Compressed
October 2023
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. i
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1
Background and Purpose............................................................................................... 1
Contract Data................................................................................................................. 1
Objectives & Scope of the Consultancy Service ............................................................. 2
Project Description ......................................................................................................... 3
Region, Zones, Woredas and Towns along the Project.................................................. 6
Climate .......................................................................................................................... 6
2 EXISTING FEATURES OF THE ROUTE CORRIDORS ..................................................... 8
METHOD OF ROUTES IDENTIFICATION.......................................................................... 12
MELKA JILO TO AWASH ........................................................................................................ 12
3.2.1 ALTERNATIVE ROUTE A .......................................................................................... 13
3.2.2 ALTERNATIVE ROUTE B .......................................................................................... 13
3.2.3 ALTERNATIVE ROUTE C .......................................................................................... 13
3.2.4 ALTERNATIVE ROUTE D .......................................................................................... 14
3.2.5 ALTERNATIVE ROUTE E .......................................................................................... 14
GEOMETRIC DESIGN ASPECT...................................................................................... 15
3.3.1 LENGTH OF THE ALTERNATIVE ROUTES .................................................................. 15
3.3.2 TERRAIN ................................................................................................................ 16
Hydrology and Hydraulics Aspect ................................................................................ 20
3.4.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 20
3.4.2 DATA ACQUIRED FOR THE ROUTE SELECTION.......................................................... 20
3.4.3 METHODOLOGY FOR HYDROLOGY ........................................................................... 20
3.4.4 HYDRAULICS DESIGN OF THE DRAINAGE STRUCTURES............................................. 26
Structural Design Aspect.............................................................................................. 27
3.5.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................. 27
3.5.2 MAJOR ASSUMPTION TAKEN IN THE QUANTITY COMPUTATION ................................ 29
STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................... 31
3.6.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................. 31
EVALUATION & RECOMMENDATION ....................................................................... 32
3.7.1 MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 32
RECOMMENDATION .................................................................................................. 35
4 SOIL AND MATERIAL INVESTIGATION ...........................................................................36
GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 36
4.1.1 Physiography ........................................................................................................ 36
4.1.2 Climate ................................................................................................................. 36
Soil and Material investigation ..................................................................................... 38
4.2.1 Site investigation works ........................................................................................ 38
4.2.2 Pavement Condition of the Existing Road ............................................................. 39
Sub-grade Investigation ............................................................................................... 39
4.3.1 Soil Extension Survey ........................................................................................... 39
Table 1-1: Key Contract Data ....................................................................................................... 1
Table 1-2: Region, Zones, Woredas and Towns along the Project ............................................... 6
Table 2-1: Region, Zones, Woredas and Towns along the Project ............................................. 11
Table 3-1: Comparison of Parameters ....................................................................................... 14
Table 3-2: Estimated Length of Proposed Alternative Routes in the First Section (Melka Jilo to
Awash) ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Table 3-3: Terrain Classification based on Natural Ground Slopes Perpendicular to the Ground
Contours .................................................................................................................................... 16
Table 3-4: Terrain classification of Alternative A......................................................................... 16
Table 3-5: Terrain classification of Alternative B......................................................................... 16
Table 3-6: Terrain classification of Alternative C ........................................................................ 17
Table 3-7: Terrain classification of Alternative D ........................................................................ 17
Table 3-8: Terrain classification of Alternative E......................................................................... 17
Table 3-9: Comparison of Alternative Alignments with Respect to Rise & Fall ........................... 19
Table 3-10: Comparison of Alternative Alignments with Respect to Earthwork ........................... 19
Table 3-11: Daily maximum rainfalls .......................................................................................... 22
Table 3-12: Design Storm Frequency (yrs) by Geometric Design Criteria (ERADDM 2013 Table
2.1) ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Table 3-13: Soil Groups and Characteristics .............................................................................. 24
Table 3-14: Coefficients for SCS peak Discharge Method .......................................................... 25
Table 3-15: Equations for Calculating Culvert Capacity for Inlet Control .................................... 27
Table 3-16: Summarized Structures Cost for Different Options Including Drainage ............ 30
Table 3-17: Multi Criteria Analysis of Alternative Routes of Melka Jilo – Awash ......................... 34
Table 4-1: Monthly Maximum and Minimum Mean Temperature at Awash Arba Metrological
Station ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Table 4-2:: Awash Arba Mean Monthly and Annual Rainfall ....................................................... 38
Table 4-3:: Soil Extension .......................................................................................................... 39
Table 4-4:: Rock sources along the project route ....................................................................... 42
Table 4-5:: Natural Gravel Source for Wearing Course, Sub-base and Capping Layer .............. 43
Table 4-6: Borrow sources for embankment construction and replacement works ..................... 44
Table 4-7:: Sand sources for concrete and mortar works ........................................................... 45
Table 4-8:: Water Sources ....................................................................................................... 46
Table 4-9: Type of Tests and Methods employed for different Materials .................................... 47
Table 4-10:: Properties of the CH, MH, and CL & ML soil groups ............................................... 54
Table 4-11: Laboratory Test Results of the Rock Samples ......................................................... 55
Table 4-12:: Laboratory Test Results of Natural Gravel Materials (Sub base) ........................... 56
Table 4-13: Laboratory Test Results of Borrow Materials ..................................................... 57
Table 4-14: Laboratory Test Results of River Sand .................................................................... 58
Table 5-1: Historical AADT Data for Adama-Awash Segment (2006 to 2019) ............................ 64
Table 5-2; Historical AADT Data for Awash-Mieso Segment (2006 to 2019) .............................. 65
Table 5-3: Historical AADT Data for Awash-Mille Segment (2006 to 2019) ................................ 66
Table 5-1: Historical AADT Data for Mieso-Dengago Segment (2006 to 2019) .......................... 67
Table 5-5:. Historical AADT Data for Mieso-Erer Segment (2006 to 2019) ................................. 68
Table 5-6: Historical Average Annual AADT Growth Rates for Different Segments (2006 – 2019)
.................................................................................................................................................. 72
Table 5-7: Comparison of ERA and Consultant’s Traffic Data .................................................... 72
Table 5-8: Adama – Awash Projected Motorized Traffic Expressway Road Option ................... 74
Table 5-9: Forecast total traffic on the project route, AADT (Scott Wilson Study, 2007) ............. 76
Table 5-10: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC1 (Direction-1)
.................................................................................................................................................. 79
Table 5-11: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC1 (Direction-2)
.................................................................................................................................................. 80
Table 5-12: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC2 (Direction-1)
.................................................................................................................................................. 80
Table 5-13: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC2 (Direction-2)
.................................................................................................................................................. 81
Table 5-14: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC3 (Direction-1)
.................................................................................................................................................. 82
Table 5-15: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC3 (Direction-2)
.................................................................................................................................................. 82
Table 5-16: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC4 (Direction-1)
.................................................................................................................................................. 83
Table 5-17: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC4 (Direction-2)
.................................................................................................................................................. 83
Table 5-18: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC5 (Direction-1)
.................................................................................................................................................. 84
Table 5-19: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC5 (Direction-2)
.................................................................................................................................................. 84
Table 5-20: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC6 (Direction-1)
.................................................................................................................................................. 85
Table 5-21: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC6 (Direction-2)
.................................................................................................................................................. 85
Table 5-22:. ADT Calculation for survey station TC1 (Adama-Awash) ....................................... 86
Table 5-23: ADT Calculation for survey station TC2 (Awash – Mille).......................................... 87
Table 5-24:. ADT Calculation for survey station TC3 (Awash – Mieso) ...................................... 87
Table 5-25:. ADT Calculation for survey station TC4 (Mieso – Erer – Dire Dawa) ...................... 88
Table 5-26: ADT Calculation for survey station TC5 (Mieso – Dengago) .................................... 88
Table 5-27: ADT Calculation for survey station TC6 (Harar – Dengago) .................................... 89
Table 5-28: ADT Calculation for survey station TC7 (Dire Dawa – Dewelle) .............................. 89
Table 5-29: Zoning Scheme for OD Analysis ............................................................................. 91
Table 5-30: Partial OD Matrix Results for Awash Survey Location ............................................. 92
Table 5-31: Partial OD Matrix Results for Mieso Survey Location .............................................. 92
Table 5-32: Partial OD Matrix Results for Dire Dawa Survey Location ....................................... 93
Table 5-33: Partial OD Matrix Results for Dengago Survey Location ......................................... 94
Table 5-34: Partial Willingness to Use Results for the Awash Survey Location .......................... 95
Table 5-35: Partial Willingness to Use Results for the Mieso Survey Location ........................... 96
Table 5-36: Partial Willingness to Use Results for the Dengago Survey Location ...................... 97
Table 5-37: Partial Willingness to Use Results for the Dire Dawa Survey Location .................... 99
Table 5-38: Summarized OD Matrix for all vehicle types and survey locations ......................... 100
Table 5-39: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Adama-Awash Segment ................... 101
Table 5-40: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Awash-Mieso Segment ..................... 102
Table 5-41: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Awash-Mille Segment ....................... 104
Table 5-42: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Mieso-Erer Segment ......................... 105
Table 5-43: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Mieso –Asebe Teferi – Dengago
Segment .................................................................................................................................. 106
Table 5-44: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Dengego - Harar Segment ................ 108
Table 5-45: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Dengego – Dire Dawa Segment ....... 109
Table 5-46: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Dire Dawa – Dewelle Segment ......... 110
Table 5-47: Projected AADT for the Opening Year for Awash - Mieso Segment ...................... 111
Table 5-48: Projected AADT for the Opening Year for Adama – Awash Segment .................... 111
Table 5-49: Projected AADT for the Opening Year for Awash-Mille Segment .......................... 112
Table 5-50: Projected AADT for the Opening Year for Mieso-Erer-Dire Dawa Segment........... 112
Table 5-51: Projected AADT for the Opening Year for Mieso-Dengago Segment ..................... 112
Table 5-52: Total OD Matrix for the Awash-Mille Road Segment ............................................. 114
Table 5-53: OD of vehicles on the Awash-Mille route willing to use the project route ............... 115
Table 5-54: Calculation of Diverted Traffic Percentage from the Awash-Mille Segment ........... 115
Table 5-55: Diverted Traffic to new route from Awash-Mille Segment ...................................... 115
Table 5-56: Total OD Matrix for the Awash-Mieso Road Segment ........................................... 116
Table 5-57: OD of vehicles on the Awash-Mieso route willing to use the project route ............. 116
Table 5-58: Calculation of Diverted Traffic Percentage from the Awash-Mieso Segment ......... 116
Table 5-59: Diverted Traffic to new route from Existing Melkajilo-Awash Segment .................. 117
Table 5-60: Estimation of Rail Freight Modal Shift Factor......................................................... 118
Table 5-61: Estimation of Rail Passenger Modal Shift Factor ................................................... 118
Table 5-62: Expected Modal Shift of Passenger and Freight Vehicular Traffic to Railway
(Melkajilo-Awash Segment) ...................................................................................................... 119
Table 5-63: Estimation of Travel Speed for Existing Road and Project Option ......................... 119
Table 5-64: Estimate of Generated Traffic Factor for Project Option (Melkajilo-Awash) ........... 120
Table 5-65: Generated Traffic for the Melkajilo-Awash Segment .............................................. 120
Table 5-66: GDP, Population and per Capita Income Development (MOFED, 2020) ............... 121
Table 5-67: Comparison of GDP and GDP PCI trends (Source: IMF, 2020 & World Bank, 2020)
................................................................................................................................................ 122
Table 5-68: Recommended GDP, Population, and GDP PCI values for the planning period .... 122
Table 5-69: Calculation of Transport Demand Elasticity with respect to GDP ........................... 124
Table 5-70: Calculation of Traffic Growth Rates for the Project Design Period ......................... 126
Table 5-71: Projected Motorized Traffic for Melkajilo-Awash (Low Growth Scenario) - Combined
................................................................................................................................................ 127
Table 5-72: Projected Motorized Traffic for Melkajilo-Awash (Low Growth Scenario) – Direction-1
................................................................................................................................................ 127
Table 5-73: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (Medium Growth Scenario) - Combined
................................................................................................................................................ 128
Table 5-74: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (Medium Growth Scenario) – Direction-
1 .............................................................................................................................................. 129
Table 5-75: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (Medium Growth Scenario) – Direction-
2 .............................................................................................................................................. 130
Table 5-76:. Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (High Growth Scenario) – Combined
................................................................................................................................................ 130
Table 5-77: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (High Growth Scenario) – Direction-1
................................................................................................................................................ 131
Table 5-78: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (High Growth Scenario) – Direction-2
................................................................................................................................................ 131
Table 5-79: Estimation of Opening Year (2026) Traffic on the Existing Melkajilo-Awash Section
................................................................................................................................................ 132
Table 5-80: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (Low Growth Scenario) –
Combined ................................................................................................................................ 133
Table 5-81: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (Low Growth Scenario) –
Direction-1 ............................................................................................................................... 133
Table 5-82: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (Low Growth Scenario) –
Direction-2 ............................................................................................................................... 134
Table 5-83: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (Med. Growth Scenario)
– Combined ............................................................................................................................. 134
Table 5-84: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (Med. Growth Scenario)
Direction-1 ............................................................................................................................... 135
Table 5-85: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (Med. Growth Scenario)
Direction-2 ............................................................................................................................... 136
Table 5-86: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (High Growth Scenario) –
Combined ................................................................................................................................ 136
Table 5-87: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (High Growth Scenario) –
Direction-1 ............................................................................................................................... 137
Table 5-88: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (High Growth Scenario) –
Direction-2 ............................................................................................................................... 137
Table 5-89: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Combined, Low
Scenario) ................................................................................................................................. 138
Table 5-90: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction 1, Low
Scenario) ................................................................................................................................. 139
Table 5-91: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction 2, Low
Scenario) ................................................................................................................................. 140
Table 5-92: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Combined, Med.
Scenario) ................................................................................................................................. 140
Table 5-93: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction-1, Med.
Scenario) ................................................................................................................................. 141
Table 5-94: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction-2, Med.
Scenario) ................................................................................................................................. 141
Table 5-95: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Combined, High
Scenario) ................................................................................................................................. 142
Table 5-96: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction-1, High
Scenario) ................................................................................................................................. 143
Table 5-97: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction-2, High
Scenario) ................................................................................................................................. 143
Table 5-98:. LOS Criteria for Class-I 2-lane 2-way rural highway (HCM 2010) ......................... 146
Table 5-99: Lane Number Requirements for Melkajilo-Awash Segment Outside Awash Park
Limits (Based on Medium Traffic Scenario and Multilane Highway Consideration)................... 147
Table 5-100: Projected Traffic on the Existing Road (Both Directions, Medium Scenario) ........ 148
Table 5-101: Projected Combined Traffic on the Existing & Project Roads (Both Directions,
Medium Scenario) .................................................................................................................... 148
Table 5-102: LOS analysis results for Two-Lane Two-Way Option (Combined Traffic for existing
and project route, Medium Traffic Scenario)............................................................................. 150
Table 5-103: LOS analysis results for Four Lane Multilane Highway Option (Combined Traffic for
existing and project route, Medium Traffic Scenario) ................................................................ 151
Table 5-104: LOS analysis results for Six Lane Multilane Highway Option (Combined Traffic for
existing and project route, Medium Traffic Scenario) ................................................................ 151
Table 5-105:. Forecasted Traffic (Melkajilo - Awash Segment) (Project Route) ........................ 152
Table 5-106: Forecasted Traffic (Melkajilo - Awash Segment) (Existing Road) ........................ 153
Table 6-1: Projected Traffic (Melkajilo - Awash) Direction -1 .................................................... 154
Table 6-2: Projected Traffic (Awash - Melkajilo) Direction -2 .................................................... 156
Table 6-3:: Equivalent Factor Assumed for Medium Traffic Loading Scenario .......................... 157
Table 6-4:: Equivalent Factor Assumed for Full Traffic Loading Scenario................................. 157
Table 6-5:: Equivalent Factor Assumed for Link roads adopt Half Loading Scenario ................ 157
Table 6-6: Cumulative ESA per lane for the two Scenario under Different Loading, Million ...... 157
Table 6-7: Homogeneous Sections and Subgrade CBR Values ............................................... 159
Table 6-8: Pavement Thicknesses (Melakjilo-Awash road segment) ........................................ 163
Table 6-9: Pavement Structure Design for Link road ................................................................ 164
Table 7-1: Terrain Classification ............................................................................................... 165
Table 7-2: Design Speed vs Terrain Category as per AASHTO for Main Line Expressway ...... 166
Table 7-3: Design Speed vs Terrain Category as per ERA’s Design Manual for Link Roads .... 166
Table 7-4: Minimum Horizontal Curve Radii for Paved Roads (ERA Geometric Design Manual
2013) ....................................................................................................................................... 167
Table 7-5: Stopping Sight Distance Design Values for Paved Roads ....................................... 170
Table 7-6: Passing Sight Distance Values for Paved Roads .................................................... 171
Table 7-7: Maximum Gradients according to ERA’s Standard .................................................. 172
Table 7-8:: Maximum Gradients according to ERA’s Standard ................................................. 172
Table 7-9:: Climbing Lane Criteria ............................................................................................ 173
Table 7-10: Minimum Vertical Curve K Value according to ERA’s Standard............................. 174
Table 7-11: Widening on Curves and High Fills according to ERA standard ............................ 175
Table 7-12: Geometric Design Standard Parameters for Mainline Expressway ........................ 176
Table 7-13: Geometric Design Standard Parameters for Link Roads, Interchange Ramps and
Slip Roads ............................................................................................................................... 179
Table 7-14: Horizontal Alignment Data ..................................................................................... 184
Table 7-15: Proportion of Curve and Straight Section .............................................................. 185
Table 7-16: Vertical Alignment Data ......................................................................................... 185
Table 7-17: Proportion of Severity of Grade ............................................................................. 186
Table 7-18: Proposed Link Roads ............................................................................................ 187
Table 8-1: Return Period Based on the Size of Catchments and Type of Structures ................ 197
Table 8-2: Box/Slab Culvert Dimension (60+000-126+386.6)................................................... 198
Table 8-3: Design Flood at the Bridges (60+000-126+386.6) .................................................. 199
Table 8-4: Freeboard vs. Design Discharge Values ................................................................ 200
Table 8-5: Bridge Dimension (60+000-126+386.6) .................................................................. 200
Table 8-6: Sample Site Visit Photos ......................................................................................... 201
Table 9-1: Slope Ratio Table – Vertical to Horizontal ............................................................... 207
Table 9-2: Recommended bearing capacities and footing depth Major Crossing Structures .... 208
Table 10-1: List of River Crossings bridges .............................................................................. 226
Table 10-2: List of overpass structures .................................................................................... 227
Table 10-3: flyover bridges locations ........................................................................................ 229
Table 10-4: Location where crossing culverts meet the flyover bridge. ..................................... 229
Table 10-5: List of Interchanges ............................................................................................... 229
Table 10-6: List of Railway crossing ......................................................................................... 230
Figure 1-1: Location Map ............................................................................................................. 4
Figure 1-2: Location Map Close-up .............................................................................................. 5
Figure 2-1: The Existing Route Corridors Superimposed on Satellite Imagery ............................. 8
Figure 3-1: Plan View Alternative Routes From MelkaJilo-Awash .............................................. 15
Figure 4-1: Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Awash Arba Metrological Station ........... 36
Figure 4-2: Rainfall distribution of the Country ........................................................................... 37
Figure 4-3: Mean monthly rainfall in the project vicinity (Awash Arba) ........................................ 38
Figure 4-4: CBR Value versus Chainage................................................................................... 48
Figure 4-5: CBR Swell vs Station ............................................................................................... 49
Figure 4-6: AASHTO Classification of Subgrade soils and their percentage composition ........... 50
Figure 4-7: Variation of Plasticity Index (%) of the Sub-grade Soils ............................................ 52
Figure 4-8: Plasticity Chart for Subgrade.................................................................................... 54
Figure 5-1: Adama-Awash Historical Traffic Trend, 2006 - 2019 (Source: ERA Database, 2020)
.................................................................................................................................................. 70
Figure 5-2: Awash-Mieso Historical Traffic Trend, 2006 - 2019 (Source: ERA Database, 2020) 70
Figure 5-3: Awash – Mille Historical Traffic Trend, 2006 - 2019 (Source: ERA Database, 2020) 71
Figure 5-4: Mieso - Dengago Historical Traffic Trend, 2006 - 2019 (Source: ERA Database,
2020) ......................................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 5-5: Mieso – Erer Historical Traffic Trend, 2006 - 2019 (Source: ERA Database, 2020).. 72
Figure 5-6: Comparison of ERA and Consultant’s Traffic Data ......................................................... 74
Figure 5-7: Locations for Traffic and O/D Surveys .......................................................................... 78
Figure 5-8: Calibrated Speed-Flow Curve for Multilane Highways (HCM 2010)........................ 145
Figure 5-9: Intersection type based on traffic flows .................................................................. 152
Figure 5-10: Recommended Half Trumpet Interchange between the existing and project roads
................................................................................................................................................ 153
Figure 6-1: Plot of CUSUM against Chainages ........................................................................ 158
Figure 7-1: Transition Curve Requirements as Per ERA and AASHTO Manuals...................... 169
Figure 7-2: Method of Super-elevation Application for Spiral Curve ......................................... 169
Figure 7-3:: Method of Super-elevation Application for Simple curve ....................................... 170
Figure 7-4: Schematic Representation of Proposed Location of Link Roads, Toll Plazas and
Interchanges ............................................................................................................................ 188
Figure 8-1 Section 2 (60+000-126+388.6) Study area.............................................................. 190
Figure 8-2: Melkajilo-Awash Expressway Design-Build Road project Delineated catchment
Section2 Section1 (60+000-126+386.6km) .............................................................................. 192
Figure 8-3 Melkajilo-Awash Expressway Design-Build Road project Catchments’ Soil Type
Section1 (60+000-126+386.6km) ............................................................................................. 194
Figure 8-4 Melkajilo=Awash Expressway Design-Build Road project Catchments’ Land use
/Cover types Section1 (60+000-126+386.6km) ........................................................................ 196
Figure 9-1: Geological Map of the Project Area ....................................................................... 203
Figure 9-2: Rain fall distribution of the country ......................................................................... 204
Figure 9-3: Seismic Hazard map of Ethiopia and the specific project area. (Ethiopian Standard
(EN-1998:2015)) ...................................................................................................................... 206
A Absolute
Algebraic Difference
AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
ADT Average Daily Traffic
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
AC Asphalt Concrete
ACV Aggregate crushing value
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Alt. Alternative
Amsl Above Mean Sea Level
ANP Awash National Park
Arf Area Reduction Factor
ASTER Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
Av. Average
BCR Benefit Cost Ratio
BDM Bridge Design Manual
BOQ Bill of Quantity
BS British Standards
oC Degree Celsius
c/w Carriage-Way
CBR California Bearing Ratio
CESA Cumulative Equivalent Standard Axle
CN Curve Number
Co. Company
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CRGE Climate Resilient Green Economy
CSA Central Statistical Authority
d Distance
D Desirable
DBM Dense Bituminous Macadam
DBST Double Bituminous Surface Treatment
Design Class
Dead load of structural components and nonstructural attachments
DCP Dynamic Cone Penetrometer test/value
DD Down drag
DDM Drainage Design Manual
Deg. Degree
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DTM Digital Terrain Model
DV Design Vehicle
DW Dead load of wearing surfaces and utilities
E East
LAA Los Angeles Abrasion (%)
L/M/H Low/Moderate/High
LHS Left Hand Side
LL Liquid Limit (%)
LS Lump Sum
Ltd Limited
LULC Land Use Land Cover
m Meter
M Medium
masl meters above sea level
MAT Mean Annual Temperature (0c)
Max. Maximum
MCA Multi-criteria Analysis
MDD Maximum Dry Density (gm/cc)
MESA Million Equivalent Standard Axle
MH Silt of High Plasticity
MI Silt of Medium Plasticity
ML Silt of Low Plasticity
MPa Mega Pascal
mm Millimeter
MR Resilient Modulus
MT Motorized Traffic
MoFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
n Manning’s Coefficient
N North
NAF Night Adjustment Factors
NF Night Factor
NMT Non-motorized Traffic
No. Number
NPV Net Present Value
OD Origin Destination
OMC Optimum Moisture Content (%)
P Precipitation
PAP Project Affected Persons
PI Plasticity Index
PIw Weighted Plasticity Index
PGA Peak Ground Acceleration
PL Plastic Limit (%)
P.L.C. Private Limited Company
Po Initial serviceability index
PPP Public Private Partnership
PRDI Personal Real Disposable Income
PSI Serviceability loss
Pt Terminal serviceability index
Pvt. Private
Q Discharge
QC Quality Control
R Radius
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
RCB Reinforced Concrete Box
RCBG Reinforced Concrete Box Girder
RCDG Reinforced Concrete Deck Girder
RCP Reinforced concrete pipe
RCS Reinforced Concrete Slab
Ref. Reference
RFP Request for Proposal
RFQ Request for Quotation
RHS Right Hand Side
RoW Right of Way
RSDP Road Sector Development Program
RSM Route selection Manual
SBST Single Bituminous Surface Treatment
SCF Seasonal Conversion Factor
SCS Soil Conservation Services
SG Specific gravity
SN Structural Number
So Standard Deviations
SSS Sodium Sulphate Soundness (%)
STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Tc Time of Concentration
TC Traffic count
ToR Terms of Reference
TRL Transport Research Laboratory
TRRL Transport and Road Research Laboratory
TW Tail Water
UCS Unconfined Compressive Strength
UN United Nations
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
V Value
VAT Value Added Tax
(V:H) (Vertical: Horizontal)
VOC Vehicle Operating Cost
WA Water Absorption (%)
WGS World Geodetic System
WTP Willingness to Pay
The Government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) represented by the
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) has allocated funds through the Road Sector Development
Programs (RSDPs) for Consultancy Services for Detail Feasibility Study and Preparation of
Procurement Document of Adama - Awash – Meisso – Dire Dawa Public Private Partnership
(PPP) Road Project.
Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. in Joint Venture with Net
Consult P.L.C. were awarded the work of preparation of Detail Feasibility Study and Preparation
of Procurement Document of Adama - Awash – Meisso – Dire Dawa Expressway Road
Project vide Procurement Ref. No.: S/65/ICB/RFP/GOE/2011 EFY and the commencement date
is February 21, 2020 as per ERA letter Ref. No. AA19/28/16-157 dated 20/02/2020
As part of the contract, this Concept Engineering Design Report has been prepared for Melkajilo-
Awash road section. The purpose of this report is to present the details of the engineering aspect
of the concept design activity.
Ginichi town west of the capital Addis Ababa. It travels along the Rift Valley and ends in Lake
Abe on the border between Ethiopia and Djibouti.
Through its journey, the river flows from an altitude of 3000 m above sea level (m.a.s.l.) to 250
m.a.s.l. with a total length of about 1200 km. The average total rainfall ranges from 1600 mm in
the highlands to 160 mm in the lowlands.
The majority of the rivers in the basin and selected routes are alluvial rivers which have flood
plains, and channels or river routes that are formed in sediment that is consolidated loosely.
Because of flooding and loose river banks, the rivers maintained a primary route and formed a
side channel. The banks of the rivers are eroding when the water in the rivers rises and the
resulted sediments deposited in the beds of the river or flood plains. The rivers broke down
further into braided and meandering for some cases.
Further to km 150 to the end of the project, bedrock river types formed when the water cuts
through new levels of sediment, resulting the bed rock below were observed. However, the
mixed bedrock-alluvial rivers were dominant with a characteristic that falls into both of the above
categories which usually flow through different bedrock layers and areas with alluvial deposits.
Alternative Route C
This route goes along with Alternative-D up to km101.9 and passes through Awash Park
basically following the north easterly direction to avoid passing through core area of the park and
joins with Alternative-D at km121. Then, after 2.6km it joins with Alternative-A and terminates
around km 126.6 on Awash to Djibouti Road. This alternative has dominantly flat terrain.
Since this route traverses through the park for about 13km, needs provision of animal
overpasses / underpasses every 1km. Even though this route passes through Awash Park
boundary, it avoids the area delineated as core park area.
This alternative requires overpasses over the existing railroad as well as Awash River at one
location each.
Alternative Route D
This route is similar to Route C except between km 101.9 and km122.5. It joins with the existing
trunk road (the existing trunk road will be upgraded to expressway standard ) between km 105.2
and 116.4 while it passes through Awash National Park basically following the easterly direction
to join the Alternative – C and Alternative -A at km122.5 and km125 respectively and terminates
around km 128.1 on Awash to Djibouti Road. This alternative has dominantly flat terrain.
This route traverses through the park for about 15.5km, and mostly on the existing route.
Moreover, this route passes through Awash Park core area for about 6.3km.
This alternative requires overpasses over the existing railroad as well as Awash River at one
location each.
Alternative Route E
This route goes along with Alternative-C up to km 90.4 and passes through Awash Park basically
following the north easterly direction to avoid passing through core area of the park and joins with
Alternative-C at km125.6. Then, after 2.7km it joins with Alternative-A and terminates around km
127.2 on Awash to Djibouti Road. This alternative has dominantly flat terrain.
Since this route traverses through the park for about 13km, needs provision of animal
overpasses / underpasses every 1km. Even though this route passes through Awash Park
boundary, it avoids the area delineated as core park area.
This alternative requires overpasses over the existing railroad as well as Awash River at one
location each.
In the evaluation and assessment of the Alternative routes with Engineering, Social,
Environmental, Administrative and Economic Evaluation, Alternative C is found to be the best
alignment in aggregate using the Multi-criteria analysis. However, alternative E was chosen by
the client in negotiation with the Wildlife authority with inclusion of 5km overfly bridge while the
expressway is crossing the park
materials along the route. Furthermore, it addresses the traffic survey and forecast as well as the
pavement design process.
Subsequent chapters will discuss in details the field investigation, results of analysis, and
conclusions and recommendations drawn based on findings from site reconnaissance, results of
the laboratory testing, and desk study. The essence of the investigation, findings and
recommendations are as follow:
To assess the lateral extent and physical properties of the alignment soils and materials,
a soil extension survey was conducted along with test pitting during the field investigation.
Emphasis has been given to identifying problematic soils such as black cotton soils areas
to propose remedial measures and rocky sections which may require blasting for further
widening. Based on the field observations, the materials along the project road are
categorized into the following major groups:
o Light brown silty clay soil
o Dark to Dark brown clay soil
o Light brown silty clay soil with fractured gravel
During the field investigation, test pits were dug at approximate nominal intervals of
around 1km with each pit attaining a target depth of a minimum of 1.1 m. The test pit was
to determine the existing pavement composition and the type of soil in the subgrade
including extraction of material samples for laboratory testing. Samples collected during
the investigation have been subjected to AASHTO soil classification (Grading and
Atterberge limit tests), moisture - density relationship, CBR test, and CBR swell test. The
test frequency was scheduled in such a manner that classification tests at 1km and
compaction and CBR test at 3km interval.
Field investigation also to identify potential construction materials sources has been
carried out. Moreover, all laboratory tests were carried out following the TOR on samples
from each type of material collected from the site.
2026 157 1,264 1,692 545 614 201 184 2,087 6,743
Traffic growth rates (Realistic Scenario) for the project corridor have been analyzed and adopted
as given below:
Cars/ Utilities Small Large Light Medium Heavy Articulate
Taxi (4-WD) Bus Bus trucks trucks Trucks d trucks
2026 - 2035 11.92% 11.92% 12.68% 12.68% 10.20% 10.20% 10.20% 9.35%
2036 - 2046 11.16% 11.16% 11.92% 11.92% 8.80% 8.80% 8.80% 8.80%
Traffic Projections (20yrs) for the Meisso – DireDawa section of the project corridor is given in the
table below:
Projected Traffic Features (20 yrs) for Melakjilo-Awash Section (Medium Scenario)
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 157 1,264 1,692 545 614 201 184 2,087 6,743
2027 176 1,415 1,906 614 677 221 203 2,282 7,493
2028 197 1,583 2,148 692 746 244 223 2,495 8,328
2029 220 1,772 2,420 779 822 269 246 2,728 9,257
2030 246 1,983 2,727 878 906 296 271 2,983 10,292
2031 276 2,220 3,073 990 998 326 299 3,262 11,444
2032 308 2,484 3,462 1,115 1,100 360 329 3,567 12,727
2033 345 2,780 3,902 1,257 1,212 396 363 3,901 14,156
2034 386 3,112 4,396 1,416 1,336 437 400 4,266 15,749
2035 432 3,483 4,954 1,595 1,472 482 441 4,664 17,523
2036 484 3,898 5,582 1,798 1,622 531 486 5,101 19,501
2037 538 4,333 6,247 2,012 1,765 577 529 5,549 21,551
2038 598 4,816 6,992 2,252 1,921 628 575 6,038 23,820
2039 665 5,354 7,825 2,520 2,090 683 626 6,569 26,332
2040 739 5,951 8,758 2,821 2,273 744 681 7,147 29,114
2041 821 6,616 9,802 3,157 2,474 809 741 7,776 32,195
2042 913 7,354 10,970 3,533 2,691 880 806 8,460 35,608
2043 1,015 8,175 12,278 3,954 2,928 958 877 9,205 39,389
2044 1,128 9,087 13,742 4,426 3,186 1,042 954 10,015 43,579
2045 1,254 10,101 15,380 4,953 3,466 1,134 1,038 10,896 48,222
2046 1,394 11,228 17,213 5,544 3,771 1,233 1,129 11,855 53,368
The Pavement Design is carried out using the above AASHTO 1993 empirical equations by
adopting the design requirement inputs listed in section 6 below. The design traffic is considered
129.5 million and the Design CBR of the subgrade is taken as 5% at 95% of MDD at modified
compaction level. The recommended pavement structure is presented in Table below.
Pavement thicknesses, mm
Dense Crushe Lower
Subgra Bitumino d Stone Natural
S. de Design us Aggreg Gravel Capping
No design CESAL Surfacing Macadam ate subbas
From To
CBR (AC) (DBM), Base e (CBR>
Base course course, 15%)
Course (CBR > (CBR >
100%) 30%)
Cumulative number of
Design Sub-grade
Structures (mm)
ESAs (106)
Sec. No
Crushed Base
Course (GB1)
1 Metehara Link road 93+300 AC
2 Awash Link road 120+640 7.9 T6 S3 50 200 350
Terrain Classification
Slope shading mechanism was used to give the digital ground model different colors for the four
terrain types above so as to determine which section dominantly falls in the terrain category as
per ERA Geometric Design Manual guidelines. Based on this about 64% has rolling terrain and
the remaining 36% has flat terrain.
Summary of the Geometric Design Parameters
The following tables provide summary of the geometric design parameters adopted for the
Concept Design of the Mainline Expressway, Link Roads, Interchange Ramps and Slip Roads.
The Geometric Design Standard Parameters for Mainline Expressway
Design parameter
Standard Parameter
Ref values for Main Road
Design Class Expressway
G.1 Nominal right -of-Way Width [m] 90
Design Speed [km/h]
Flat 120
Rolling 100
For other terrain types 80
G.3 Minimum Stopping Sight Distance [m]
120 km/h design speed 285
100 km/h design speed 245
80 km/h design speed 140
Maximum Length of Straight between consecutive
H.1 4000
Curves [m]
Minimum Length of Straight between Consecutive Curves of Same Hand [m]
H.2 should have sufficient length to provide super-elevation runoff lengths and the
tangent run-out lengths
H.3 Minimum Horizontal Curve Radius [m]
120 km/h design speed 685
100 km/h design speed 455
80 km/h design speed 270
H.4 Minimum Length of Horizontal Curve [m]
Central angle equal to or less than
300 + 30 meters for
5 0
every 10 decrease in
deflection angle
H.5 Maximum Radius for Use of Transition Curve [m]
120 km/h design speed 850
100 km/h design speed 590
80 km/h design speed 380
length of Transition Curve [m] – to be equal to super-elevation runoff as per
AASHTO Manual for e = 6%
C.1 No. of carriageways 2
C.2 Lane Width [m] 3.60
C.3 Number of Lanes 4
C.4 Carriageway Width [m] 2x3.60 m = 7.2m
Inner Hard Shoulder Width [m] 1.5m
C.5 Outer Hard Shoulder Width [m] 3m
Outer Soft Shoulder Width [m] 0.75m
Design parameter
Standard Parameter
Ref values for Main Road
Design Class Expressway
Total prism width of each carriageway at the top
C.C.6 7.2+1.5+3+0.75=12.45m
(surfacing level)
9m outside of the park,
C.7 Median Width [m] and Newjersy barrier
inside of the park
Not required for R>
C.8 Curve Widening [m]
C.9 Carriageway Normal Cross fall [%] 2.5
C.10 Soft Shoulder Normal cross fall [%] 4. 0
Maximum Super elevation and runoff length shall
C.11 be as per the Requirements of AASHTO – Latest
Version for 6% Maximum Super elevation.
Maximum Gradient [%]
Flat 3.0
Rolling 4.0
For other terrain types 6.0
V. 2 Minimum Gradient [%] 0.3
Critical Length of Grade shall be as per AASHTO manual Figure 3-28 for
15km/h speed reduction
Minimum 'K' Values for Vertical Crest Curves
120 km/h design speed 185
100 km/h design speed 100
80 km/h design speed 50
Minimum 'K' Values for Vertical Sag Curves
120 km/h design speed 36
100 km/h design speed 25
80 km/h design speed 18
Geometric Design Standard Parameters for Link Roads, Interchange Ramps and Slip
Design parameter values for
Standard Parameter
Ref. link Road
Design Class Modified DC5
50m total (25m on both sides
GL. 1 Right -of -Way Width [m]
from centerline)
GL. 2a Design Speed Link roads [km/h]
Flat 85
Rolling 70
Mountainous 60
Urban 50
Minimum Design Speed Loops & Ramps
GL. 2b 50
GL. 3a Minimum Stopping Sight Distance Link Roads [m]
85 Km/h design speed 155
70 km/h design speed 110
Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
In Joint Venture with Net Consult P.L.C. ix
Consultancy Services for Detail Feasibility Study and Preparation Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA)
of Procurement Document of Adama - Awash – Meisso – Dire Concept Design – Melkajilo-Awash section (Draft)
Dawa Road Project October 2023
Maximum Gradient for Link Roads [%]
V.1 Flat 4
Rolling 6
Mountainous 8
Escarpment 8
Urban 7
V. 2 Minimum Gradient 0.3
Maximum Gradient for Loops/ramps and
slip roads shall be as per the
Requirements of AASHTO – Latest
Critical Length of Gradients as per ERA
Geometric Design Manual 2013
Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
In Joint Venture with Net Consult P.L.C. x
Consultancy Services for Detail Feasibility Study and Preparation Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA)
of Procurement Document of Adama - Awash – Meisso – Dire Concept Design – Melkajilo-Awash section (Draft)
Dawa Road Project October 2023
route corridor no departures from design standards was introduced. Moreover, since the project
road traverses dominantly over a flat and rolling terrain, the curvatures are smooth and more
than half of the stretch is of straight section.
Vertical Alignment
90.36% of the gradient in section one have gentle gradient (<2%) and only 9.64% have rolling
gradient (2 to 4%). There are no sections with mountainous gradient (>4%).
Moreover, more than 10 % of the vertical curves attain the required k-value standard. And the
remaining 10% of the curves achieve the standard for rolling terrain.
Link Roads and Interchanges
Link roads at three locations are proposed at the outskirts of the relatively larger towns
(Metehara, Awash and Mille road as shown below). The proposed link roads are designed based
on ERA’s Geometric Design Manual DC5 Standard. These link roads form connection between
the proposed expressway and existing road from Melkajilo-Awash giving access to the nearby
settlements. All These roads terminate on the expressway forming a T type intersections
(forming three legged junction) using trumpet type interchanges.
Name Station Length (m)
Metahara 99+334 1491
Awash 120+940 8000
Mile exit 126+940 1348
used on the proposed road Project in providing information before proceeding with the
development of the plan.
The study has incorporated not only structures for drainage requirement of the area but also
structures at road interchanges, overfly bridges in Awash Park, link roads, and pedestrian and
railway crossings as a whole. Hence, Drainage structures (major and minor), vehicular
underpass and overpass structures, interchanges, overfly bridges, pedestrian bridges and
railway crossings and their effect on the technical and environmental soundness as well as
economical and financial workability is reflected in the report. The summary of the type and
number of structures is presented in the table below.
Type of Structure Total Number Remarks
Box/Slab Culverts 29 Waterway Crossing
Bridges 4 Waterway Crossing
Vehicular Underpass Asphalt main road, track and Rail
Vehicular Overpass 6 Track and Asphalt main Road
Pedestrian overpass 5 Footpath
Pedestrian underpass Footpath
Reinforced Concrete
Pipe 58 Waterway Crossing
Railway Crossings 3 Overpass structure
Interchanges 3 Overpass structure
At four locations in
Awash Park for
Overfly bridge mobility of animals For a total length of 5km
To make key decision at this study level; AASHTO along with ERA Standard, technical
specification and drawings were used. Particularly, the standard drawings of minor
drainage structures with some modification and addition, and the guide line under
chapter 2 (preliminary design/layout of bridge and culvert) of ERA BDM 2013 (volume II)
has been used. Moreover, the traditional minimum depth for constant depth
superstructure as set in AASHTO section were functional. For those river
crossing structures, the vertical clearances were fixed based on the hydraulic output as a
minimum criterion and as per ERA BDM 2013 (Volume II), section 2.3.3. In a similar
fashion for the vertical clearance of overpass/underpass structures and railways, ERA
and AREMA Standard specification were applied. The material and the structural system
of the structures were selected as per the guidelines of the manuals and outputs like
hydraulic size geotechnical investigation result and geometry. Moreover, technical
Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
In Joint Venture with Net Consult P.L.C. xiv
Consultancy Services for Detail Feasibility Study and Preparation Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA)
of Procurement Document of Adama - Awash – Meisso – Dire Concept Design – Melkajilo-Awash section (Draft)
Dawa Road Project October 2023
requirement of structures, easy of construction and time were taken into account for
simple implementation of the project.
The report correspondingly suggests standards and design methodology which can
further assist during the detail design stage and gives estimated cost of structures as an
input for financial analysis and economic viability of the project
The Government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) represented by the
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) has allocated funds through the Road Sector Development
Programs (RSDPs) for Consultancy Services for Detail Feasibility Study and Preparation of
Procurement Document of Adama - Awash – Meisso – Dire Dawa Public Private Partnership
(PPP) Road Project.
As part of the contract, this Concept Engineering Design Report has been prepared for Melakjilo-
Awash road section. The purpose of this report is to present the details of the engineering aspect
of the concept design activity.
The key contract data and descriptions are provided in the table below:
Table 1-1: Key Contract Data
Project Name: Consultancy Services for Detail Feasibility Study and Preparation
of Procurement Document of Adama - Awash – Meisso – Dire
Dawa Public Private Partnership (PPP) Road Project
Project No: Procurement Ref. No.: S/65/ICB/RFP/GOE/2011 EFY
Funding: The government of Federal Democratic Republic Ethiopia (FDRE)
Consultant: Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. in
Joint Venture with Net Consult P.L.C.
Project Period:
Contract Signed Date February 5, 2020
Consultancy Contract 9 (nine) months from the date of commencement of the services or
Duration: such other time as the parties may agree in writing
Commencement Date: February 21, 2020 as per ERA letter Ref. No. AA19/28/16-157
dated 20/02/2020
Total Project Cost:: Sum of ETB 10,430,500.00 (Ethiopian Birr: Ten Million, Four
Hundred Thirty Thousand Five Hundred Only) and USD
463,335.00 (USD; Four Hundred Sixty Three Thousand Three
Hundred Thirty Five only). This amount is inclusive of local taxes,
15% VAT and Specified Provisional Sum of ETB 2,100,000.00.
Payment Schedule: If the Consultant has an intention to take Advance Payment, ten
(10) percent of the lump-sum amount shall be paid upon
submission of unconditional Advance Payment Guarantee as per
the attached format in section 9 of the RFP. If the Consultant does
not have an intention to take Advance Payment, the ten (10)
percent amount shall be paid by distributing the amount equally in
the subsequent payments indicated below.
Twenty (20) of the lump sum fee after the submission of the
Draft Procurement Documents including the RFQ, the
RFP, the PPP agreement, the PPP Implementation
Agreement, the Output Specifications, the Performance
Standards and Penalty Regime as in a suitably
advanced stage.
Twenty (20) of the lump sum fee after the submission of the
Final Procurement Documents and Final completion
report including any reports mentioned in this terms of
Lump-Sum amount referred above is the total sum of Fees and
Reimbursable and VAT but excluding Specified Provisional Sum.
Upon completion of the Feasibility Study, it is also required from the PPP Advisor to
develop complete set of procurement documents. Potential PPP Advisor should
be aware that these documents must be close to final drafts when submitted
together with procurement plan for PPP Board approval.
Adama- Awash- Meisso- Dire Dawa PPP Road Project is located in the Eastern part of Ethiopia
under the administration of Oromia, Afar, Amhara, Somali and Dire Dawa Regional States. The
project starts at Adama Town, located around 90kms from Addis Ababa along the existing
Adama Toll Road. The road then stretches towards the eastern direction passing on the outskirts
of towns like Metehara, Awash, Meisso and ends at Dire Dawa. According to measurements on
the site, the project route has a total of about 410kms via Kulubi Town and 350kms Via Bike
Town. The first 60km of the road from Adama is excluded from this service as it is planned to be
constructed as toll road from the public money borrowed from African development bank. The
rest of the road passing through Awash, Meisso and ending at Dire Dawa is identified to be
developed by the private sector through PPP (Public Private Partnership). Therefore, considering
the route will most probably follow the route along Bike as it is mentioned in the ToR, the study
area / project corridor will have an approximate length of 290km measured along the existing
road via Afdem, Bike and Erer. However, this length is expected to be shorter since alignment
improvements are expected owing to the fact that the road is going to have high standard.
In reference to the study already conducted from Adama – Awash, the beginning of the study
which is expected to be around 60km from Adama (near Melka Jilo) with coordinates E571532,
N988113 (according the Employer’s Requirement). However, as mentioned in the ToR the end
will be in Dire Dawa connected to Dire Dawa – Dewele road. The exact location is not
mentioned, i.e. this is to be decided after the Conceptual Design is concluded.
Land use pattern along the Expressway/project corridor is mainly based on mixed farming
(growing crops and livestock rearing) in Oromia and Amhara (Minjar Shenkora) Woredas; and
pastoralism for the two Woredas of Afar and semi – pastoralists and pastoralists for all the
Woredas in Somali National Regional State.
The road the project route passes mostly through the Middle Ethiopia in Rift Valley River Basin.
The project area is flat and rolling in nature. The project road traverses adjacent towns and
populated villages. Awash National park is locate along this route corridor and the expressway is
expected to cross the park partially with overfly bridge.
Moreover, the following is a brief description to give a general picture on the export corridor from
Adama to the Djibouti Port. This corridor follows two main routes starting from Awash. The first
one is via Mille which is about 757km to Galafi on the border with Djbouti (according to ERA
Geometric Design Manual Table A-2). The second one is via Meisso, Kukubi and Dire Dawa.
This one is about 638km to Dewele on the border with Djbouti. The first one via Mille is mostly on
flat and rolling terrain which has in most cases gentle road alignment. However, the mid-section
of the second one from Meisso to Dire Dawa has mountainous terrain with winding alignment
which is subject to numerous accidents. Therefore by avoiding this section, i.e. traversing on the
flat and rolling terrain from Meisso to Dire Dawa via Afdem, Bike and Erer which along the Ethio
Djibouti Railway has a shorter length i.e. reduces by as much as 60km in addition to having
gentle road alignment will greatly enhance the export corridor.
There is not much rainfall in Awash all year long. Precipitation here averages 567 mm. The least
amount of rainfall occurs in December. The average in this month is 7 mm. In August, the
precipitation reaches its peak, with an average of 129 mm. The variation in the precipitation
between the driest and wettest months is 122 mm. Towards the end of the project, near Dire
Dawa, the mean annual temperature is 25°C, where maximum and minimum are 35°C and
25°C. The highest temperatures are in May and June, where the lowest temperature is during
the month of December.
The Following are Pictures of the Routes Corridor with Dominantly Flat Terrain from Melkajilo-
Flat terrain ground covered trees at the beginning of the project road
Access roads branching from the existing asphalt road and running along the project road corridor
Vegetation cover and rolling terrain of the road corridor near Awash town
Typical topography of the road and high tension power transmission line running parallel the road corridor
Table 2-1: Region, Zones, Woredas and Towns along the Project
According to the Description of Services of the ToR Section 2, it is mentioned that since this
route is going to be shorter for Addis Ababa bound traffic, much of the traffic from Djibouti Port
to Addis Ababa currently using the road via Semera, which is composed of over 90% of
Ethiopia’s external trade, is expected to be diverted to the project road. Therefore, with respect
to road safety, the existing road via Hirna would be accident prone since it has winding
alignment due to the terrain condition and since its corridor is highly populated.
Moreover, considering the expected high traffic, the road standard is expected to be high and
possibly expressway standard. Nevertheless, this fact has been refined to more detail in this
feasibility study part of the consultancy service. High standard roads have stringent geometric
criteria. Therefore, as mentioned before, from the initial assessment, to get an optimal road
geometric design without excessive earthwork and structural work, the terrain favorable is the
corridor via Erer. Moreover, this issue was dealt in detail during the route selection process.
The routes traverses in a north easterly direction along the eastern foot of the Ethiopian Rift
Valley escarpment, parallel to the rift system. The road in its entirety lies within the Awash River
The Awash river basin is one of the 12 river basins of Ethiopia. It drains the central and eastern
highlands of the country. It has a catchment area of about 110,000 km 2. The river starts from
Ginichi town west of the capital Addis Ababa. It travels along the Rift Valley and ends in Lake
Abe on the border between Ethiopia and Djibouti. Through its journey, the river flows from an
altitude of 3000 m above sea level (m.a.s.l.) to 250 m.a.s.l. with a total length of about 1200 km.
The average total rainfall ranges from 1600 mm in the highlands to 160 mm in the lowlands.
The majority of the rivers in the basin and selected routes are alluvial rivers which have flood
plains, and channels or river routes that are formed in sediment that is consolidated loosely.
Because of flooding and loose river banks, the rivers maintained a primary route and formed a
side channel. The banks of the rivers are eroding when the water in the rivers rises and the
resulted sediments deposited in the beds of the river or flood plains. The rivers broke down
further into braided and meandering for some cases.
Further to km 150 to the end of the project, bedrock river types formed when the water cuts
through new levels of sediment, resulting the bed rock below were observed. However, the
mixed bedrock-alluvial rivers were dominant with a characteristic that falls into both of the above
categories which usually flow through different bedrock layers and areas with alluvial deposits.
existing road and joins with the existing road from km 105.3 to 116.3 and rejoins Alternative C
around km 122.5. Moreover, except Route B which crosses the existing road twice via proposed
overpass bridges and Route D the remaining two alignments stay on the left side of the existing
alignment throughout. Reference can be made to the figure 3-1
This route basically follows the northern side of Awash Park, departing from the remaining three
routes around km 79 and follows a southwesterly direction up to km 100.8 then follows the
easterly direction up to km 126.1 then southeasterly direction to join the remaining alternatives
around km 141.1 and terminates around km 144.2 on Awash to Djibouti Road. This alternative
entirely avoids Awash Park.
This alternative has a combination of flat and rolling terrain, with limited stretches of
mountainous terrain requiring very deep cuts as well as high fill sections.
This alternative crosses Awash River at one location and one railway line.
This route basically follows the southern side of Awash Park, departing from the remaining two
routes around km 96 and follows a southwesterly direction up to km 110 then follows the
northwesterly direction to join the remaining alternatives around km 144 and terminates around
km 144.6 on Awash to Djibouti Road. This alternative entirely avoids Awash Park.
This alternative has dominantly rolling terrain (64%) followed by flat terrain (32%), with limited
stretches of mountainous terrain.
This alternative requires overpasses over the existing railroad and trunk road to Awash twice.
Moreover, crosses Awash River and four major tributaries of Awash where there are large
valleys especially at two locations requiring very large box cut in order to satisfy the vertical
alignment requirement. In addition, link road to Awash Town needs additional crossing for
Awash River. Also, this route passes through sugar plantation for about 1km length.
The geomorphology of the terrain has been analyzed using topographic maps of 1:50,000 scale,
satellite imageries and site assessment. Based on this, the terrain has been classified as flat,
rolling, mountainous and escarpment on the basis of the ground slope as defined below.
Table 3-3: Terrain Classification based on Natural Ground Slopes Perpendicular to the
Ground Contours
following the appropriate procedures. There are four routes for this section, the sizing is made
using short cut methods to save time without affecting the comparison parameters. General
The road drainage design comprises mainly two major components namely hydrological study
and hydraulic analysis of drainage facilities.
The hydrological study or investigation deals with design flood estimation by analyzing rainfall
data, stream flow records, topographical map and aerial photographs and inspection of
watershed. Data Collection and analysis
As discussed above, the available data set including maps, rainfall data, previous hydrological
studies, standard manuals and reference material were collected and reviewed to obtain
information on physiographic, geomorphology, soil type, land use and land cover, catchments
parameters of rivers and streams crossing the road, rainfall intensity and distribution to carry out
the hydrological analysis based on appropriate standard procedures and practices. Catchment Area Delineation
Having the road route coordinates and overlaying it in the geo-referenced topographic Map and
DEM 30x30 resolution the drainages that cross the road route are identified and accordingly the
catchment areas for each drainages is carefully delineated using DEM 30x30m resolution data
with ArcGIS 10.4. The drainages for the alternative routes are considered only for the large
watersheds having more than 0.5Km2.
The catchments parameters such as average stream slope, length of longest watercourse,
elevation difference between the crossing points and watershed divide and channel slope is
determined from the maps
The proper procedure for the design of structures collection of rainfall data of reasonable data
years and quality is from different rainfall stations that represent the project and conduct
frequency analysis for different return periods as per the standard of the road and compared
with the regionalized values from ERDDM 2013 and decide which take considering safety of the
road and cost.
For this route selection task as the best route is not selected the regionalized daily maximum
rainfall which represents the area is take taken From ERADDM 2013.The project area falls in A4
and the value (obtained from ERADDM 2013 Table 5-19 ) is as shown in the table below.
Table 3-11: Daily maximum rainfalls
Structure Type
Design Check
Gutters and Inlets* 5/5/5 10/10/10
Side Ditches 10/10/10 25/25/25
Ford/Low- Water Bridge
Culvert, pipe (see Note) Span<2m 25/25/25 50/50/50
Culvert, 2m<span<6m 50/50/50 100/100/100
Short Span Bridges 6m<span<15m 50/50/50 100/100/100
Medium Span Bridges 15m<span<50m 100/100/100 200/200/200
Long Span Bridges spans>50m 100/100/100 200/200/200
• Frequency Analysis Method:- Used when continuous gauged data exceeding 10 years is
• Rational Method:- When the catchments size is less than 50hectars (0.5Km 2)
• SCS Method:- will be used for applicable watershed areas;
• Hydrograph method:: For larger catchment sizes and analysis for situations where SCS
method is not recommended.
From the methods above SCS method is used as the minor structures are not considered.
a. Time of Concentration
Time of concentration is the time required for water to flow from hydraulically remote point of
catchments area to the point under investigation. The most intense rainfall that contributes to
the outflow will be that duration equal to the time of concentration.
Overland Flow Path Selection
In drainage system design, the overland flow path is not necessarily perpendicular to the
contours shown on available mapping. Often, the land will be graded and swales and streets will
intercept the flow that reduces the time of concentration. Care should be exercised in selecting
overland flow paths in excess of 60m in urban areas and 120 m in rural areas. The time
concentration is calculated by the Equation 4.3 of ERADDM 2013 as follows
Calculation of the Time of Concentration for Overland Flow:
The kerby formula is recommended for the calculation of Tc in this case. It is only applicable to
parts where the slope is fairly even.
Tc = 0.604(rL/S0.5)0.467
Tc = time of concentration (hours)
r = roughness coefficient obtained from Table
L = hydraulic length of catchment, measured along flow path from the Catchment
boundary to the point where the flood needs to be determined (km)
S = Slope of the catchment = H/1000L (m/m)
H= Height of most remote point above outlet of catchment (m)
Calculation of Time of Concentration for Defined Watercourses
In a defined watercourse, channel flow occurs. The recommended empirical formula for
calculating the time of concentration in natural channels was developed by the US Soil
Conservation Service:
Tc = (0.87L2/1000 Sav)0.385
Tc = time of concentration (hours)
L = hydraulic length of catchment, measured along flow path from the Catchment
boundary to the point where the flood needs to be determined (km)
Having the soil group classification and using (ERADDM 2013 table 5.12 cultivated agricultural
land, 5.13 other agricultural land and table 5.14 arid and semi-arid range lands) the CN values
are computed for each drainage structures.
Knowing the curve number (CN), the value of S (ultimate total abstraction) can be obtained
S 254
Where, S, is related to hydrologic soil properties, land cover and management conditions as
well as the soil moisture status of the catchment prior to rainfall event and expressed by a
dimensionless response index termed the catchment curve number (CN),
As the soil type may vary at some spots during implementation and validation of the soil
infiltration catchment area runoff during the d revision of hydraulic structure when found
necessary the soil parameter should be related with the curve number and the opening size of
the structure is to be designed accordingly.
The SCS runoff model is used to estimate direct runoff from 24-hour or 1-day storm using the
equation given below:
Ia = 0.2S
From these, the following equation is derived:
qp = quARt
qp = peak discharge, m3/s (ft3/s)
qu = unit peak discharge, m3/s/km2/mm (ft3/s/ mi2/in)
A = drainage area, km2 (mi2 )
Rt = depth of runoff, mm (in).
The unit peak discharge is obtained from the following equation, which requires the time of
concentration (tc) in hours and the initial abstraction/rainfall (Ia/P) ratio as input:
qu = α10C0+ C1logtc+C2(log(tc))2
Co, C1, and C2 = regression coefficients given in table 3.8 for various Ia/P ratios
α = unit conversion constant equal to 0.000431 in SI units and 1.0 in CU units.
Table 3-14: Coefficients for SCS peak Discharge Method
The design discharge for drainages of the three alternative routes is as shown in the annex.
Design of effective drainage system that allows quick and safe disposal of water from the
vicinity of the road is essential to make the road safe from flood damage. The amounts of runoff
expected from each sub-catchment that are crossed by the proposed alignment are estimated. Culverts
Culverts are designed hydraulically to pass safely the design flood safely from one side of the
road to another. Standard procedures for hydraulic computation were adopted for the design of
cross drainage structures. HY8 Culvert Analysis & HEC-RAS software is to be used for the
analysis as well as design of the culverts.
Opening area culverts were designed hydraulically to pass the design flood safely considering
the following general principles.
• The size culverts are determined to produce the design discharge to an acceptable
upstream water level i.e. the elevation of upstream ponding should not cause
unacceptable damage or adverse effect to adjacent property.
• The headwater is not allowed to be higher than shoulder or would be 30 mm below the
edge of the shoulder
• The headwater is not allowed to be higher than the low point in the road grade
• The minimum size of pipe culvert dimension would be 1200mm
• In addition to estimated runoff, amount and rate of debris bolder and amount of silt load
to fix the size of cross drainage structures
• The culverts are located to fit natural channels as much as possible. Bridges
Among the drainage structures design of bridges opening sizes is the most important and the
hydraulic analysis is to be made based on the river geometry, roughness coefficient and slope
of the river using the Manning’s formula as shown in equation below.
Qn AR 2 /3
S 1/ 2
Qn Discharge at the design return period N, in m3/s
n Manning’s roughness coefficient
Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
In Joint Venture with Net Consult P.L.C. 26
Consultancy Services for Detail Feasibility Study and Preparation Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA)
of Procurement Document of Adama - Awash – Meisso – Dire Concept Design – Melkajilo-Awash section (Draft)
Dawa Road Project October 2023
S Longitudinal slope
A Cross sectional flow area in m2
R Hydraulic radius in m
R=A/P where A is flow area and P is wetted perimeter
The hydraulic analysis of bridge will include a detail hydraulic computation showing stage-
discharge curve development, scour and afflux (backwater) computation due to constriction.
After conducting a hydraulic analysis, safe and economical water way of the proposed bridge
will be determined.
To conduct this analysis HEC-RAS software is to be used to determine the opening size, back
water effect, general scour and local scour.
As the final route is to be selected after comparisons of the alternatives a short cut method is to
be used. For inlet controlled flow the formula in table 3.15 is to be used for culverts and girder.
The bridges sizing is conducted assuming the flow depth equal depth opening then adding 0.5m
for free board as the effect is same for the three alternative routes.
Table 3-15: Equations for Calculating Culvert Capacity for Inlet Control
The alternatives share a common route till they approach the Awash national park and divides
into three different paths. The first two routes (alternative A and B) follow the north and south
side of the Awash park respectively and join each other at the other end of the park. While
Alternative C traverses through the park to join the remaining alternative right after the national
Alternative C comes with two options so that the alignment goes with the national park and the
wild animals without causing any significant effect. The first option is provision of ridged framed
structures for wild animal crossing in a kilometer interval and the second one is provision of
overpass bridge for about 13km of the park length, Or tunnel in replacement of the overpass
bridge. Currently, the request from client, further provided one additional option (Option D)
which is closely similar to Option C up to km 105+000 where it diverts to the existing road within
the park and join again at km 116+400. Though this option itself is with in the park region, no
further attention was considered to bring together the wild animals within the park and the
upgrade of the existing road as of option There is also option E its closely similar to option c with
5km overpass bridge of the park length.
Therefore, a total ofsix alternative were compared in the previous studies and one more
additional option is added presently in relation to the requirement of structures from drainage
point of view or land use of the area.
Alternative A: - The road passes through the left side (North Direction) of the
park without affecting the park
Alternative B: - The road passes through the right side (South Direction) of the
park without affecting the park
Alternative C1: - The road passes through the park and 10 underpasses and 3
overpass structures were proposed for wild animal crossings nearly in a
kilometer interval.
Alternative C2: - Follows the same path as C1 but instead of provision of
structures for wild animal crossing, the proposal considered to traverse the park
area with a continuous overpass bridge.
The previous study has considered three fundamental different alternatives which
further increased to five in the process of coordination the national park and its wild life
Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
In Joint Venture with Net Consult P.L.C. 28
Consultancy Services for Detail Feasibility Study and Preparation Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA)
of Procurement Document of Adama - Awash – Meisso – Dire Concept Design – Melkajilo-Awash section (Draft)
Dawa Road Project October 2023
with the road to be constructed. The choice of the alternatives and the approach to
select the best out of them is respectable. Recently with an additional one option the
study can be said completed, in terms of finding the alternative wile crossing the park
The alternative alignments were compared as to the cost effect they made as a result of
the difference. The assumption and the Computation of the quantities for the
alternatives as shown in the previous studies were presented below, and the same
approach has been used to compare the recent option with the previous ones.
The type of superstructures recommended is Reinforced Concrete bridges and all of the
substructures are R.C abutments and piers. The total width of river crossing bridges has a width
of 12.45m to fit the carriageway width of the expressway including the shoulder except option D
which reduces its width while crossing the park area. Vehicular Crossing
The specific type of vehicular crossing either overpass or underpass can be decided on the
detail study during construction of the project. However, for quantity estimation purpose
vehicular crossings are considered as overpass. Hence, the bridges are reinforced concrete
girder with total width of 7.30m+2X1.5m=10.30m and vertical clearance of 6.0m. Pedestrian Crossing
Type of pedestrian crossing either overpass or underpass can be decided on the site based on
specific site condition. However, for quantity estimation purpose two overpass pedestrian
crossings were considered. Both of the overpass bridges are reinforced concrete girder with a
width of 4.5m and vertical clearance of 6.0m. Additional crossing are also reserved for future
demand during implementation phase of the project Wildlife Animal Crossing
The specific type of animal crossing can be made either underpass or overpass whichever is
feasible and appropriate for the purpose. 13 crossings structures proposed in the section of the
road that passes through the park area (Option C1). Thus, the overpass structures with a width
of 6.5m minimum and railing height of 2m and soil fill on the structure to support grass and small
trees and approaching fill was assumed and under pass structure with clear span of 7m and
clear height of 4m. However, the wild life authority asked for the road to pass either on bridge or
through tunnel where option C2 and C3 emerged. These options may minimize the impact of
the road on the park, however, they are an expensive options. To be comprehensive the
estimated cost of a continuous overpass bridge and tunnel included in this report. Railway Crossings
The minimum clearance is 8m measured from top of rail to the soffit of the bridge. The span of
the railway crossings proposed is 40m Box Girder superstructure supported on Reinforced
concrete abutment.
Cost (Birr)
Minor Major Total Rank
A 211,199,353.23 2,256,056,201.54 2,467,255,554.77 3.00
B 172,596,458.02 822,605,896.27 995,202,354.29 1.00
C1 125,637,374.59 2,949,864,214.41 3,075,501,589.00 4.00
C2 103,189,648.93 15,949,022,375.34 6.00
C3 55,475,482.65 40,674,904,972.75 40,730,380,455.39 7.00
D 128,310,510.22 1,716,125,841.03 1,844,436,351.26 2.00
E 64,899,162.15 7,453,736,341.10 7,518,635,503.25 5.00
The project road is expected to serve great strategic benefits. These are:
•It is expected to serve as a main import / export corridor as it is clearly stated in the ToR
as “Over 90% of Ethiopia’s external trade passes through the port of Djibouti and uses
the Djibouti Corridor.
• The road provides better access to areas that have potentials for agricultural
development, tourism and other activities.
• The project road is expected to further strengthen the socio-economic tie between the
Oromia, Afar and Amhara Regional States.
Apart from providing better access to the project influence area, there is significantly different
strategic benefit obtained by implementing the shorter and the alternative having the better
alignment in terms of better geometry of the proposed alternative routes as it is expected to
achieve the strategic consideration of providing better import / export corridor as described in
the above section.
minimum, and if only very small numbers are involved, then this would score the
Severance: To what extent will the new route sever existing communities located on
either side of the route? Clearly a heavily trafficked dual carriageway road with a central
reservation will have the potential to create much more severance (i.e. a low score)
compared to a single carriageway road with little traffic. Any route passing directly
through a settlement will also create more severance (low score) than one which
bypasses the settlement (high score). Severance of access to important community
assets, such as agricultural land and places of worship should also be considered.
Cultural Heritage: Does the route bypass all known cultural heritage sites (high score)?
Will the location of the route impact these sites or spoil the function or enjoyment of such
sites, either due to noise or visual intrusion (low score)?
Road Safety: Will the final road be safe to drive on and safe for pedestrians? A tortuous
alignment in mountainous or escarpment terrain is likely to be less safe (low scoring)
than a less sinuous alignment in flat or rolling terrain (high score). Roads passing
through densely populated settlements are likely to be less safe compared to roads
bypassing such settlements. A rural road with limited access is likely to be safer
compared to an urban road with numerous junctions.
Air/noise Pollution: With the absence of pollution data, this will always be a subjective
scoring but, with regard to air pollution, the worst-case (i.e. low score) scenario for a
sealed pavement will mainly depend on the combination of three factors: the volume of
heavy traffic; the number of steep grades; and the proximity of settlements. For an
unsealed pavement with the potential to give rise to dust, a high volume of traffic and the
proximity of many settlements might also result in a low score unless provision was
made for sealing the road within settlements. Proximity of settlements will also be the
key decider in the potential for noise impacts.
Environmental Issues: These are dealt with in Chapter 8, in particular section 8.4.5, with
the scoring being determined from equation 8-1.
Viability: This characteristic mainly refers to economic viability and cost benefit ratio. Can
the cost of construction and future maintenance (whole-life cost) be justified compared to
the economic benefits that the road will provide? The greater the cost benefit ratio, the
higher the score.
Road User Benefits: The impacts, positive and negative, on those using the road,
whether motorized, non-motorized or pedestrian. These will include travel time,
operating costs, comfort and safety.
Sustainability: This characteristic is associated with the comparative cost of maintaining
the road if it is affected by geo-hazards, including for example, disruption by major
landslides, continuing erosion, continuing effects of black cotton soils causing expansion
and contraction of the ground underneath the road pavement (low score). It might also
include the possibility of flooding due to siltation of the roadside and cross drains, and
the high maintenance costs involved in drain and culvert clearance.
Strategic Impact: Will the new route have a significant strategic impact (high score) for
the province or country as a whole, for example forming part of an international corridor
link, or is it a side road that will benefit only a few local farmers (low score).
Table 3-17: Multi Criteria Analysis of Alternative Routes of Melka Jilo – Awash
1.1 Road Length 9 84.2 7.1 84.6 7.06 66.4 9 68 8.79 67 8.9
1.2 Terrain 5
Flat (%) 5 53.9 2.7 44.4 2.22 60.2 3.01 64.4 3.22 68.03 3.4
Rolling (%) 3.33 44.9 1.5 53.3 1.78 39.8 1.33 35.6 1.19 30.49 1.01
Escarpment (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.3 Earthworks (Birr x 106) 4 1571.27 2.77 14188.78 0.31 1089.72 4 1088.5 4 3045.57 1.43
1.4 Pavement (Birr x 106) 3 4018.24 2.33 4005.78 2.34 3124.4 3 3200.64 2.93 4607.11 2.03
Availability of Materials
1.6 4 M 3 M 2.8 M 3 M 3 M 4
1.8 Cost (Birr x 106) 7 10905.05 5.36 28147.14 2.08 8343.87 7 9742.39 6 16734.61 3.55
Community Access
2.1 1 P 0 P 0 M 1 M 1 M 1
Development Potential
2.2 3 M 1 M 1 G 3 G 2 G 2
Public Transport
2.3 2 P 1 P 1 M 2 M 2 M 2
Sub-Total 20 8 10 20 17 17
Strategic Impact
Administrative 5.2 5 G 5 G 5 G 5 G 5 G 5
Sub-Total 10 9 8 10 10 10
Based on the assessment carried out, Alternative Route C of from MelkaJilo to Awash are the
most preferred alternatives with respect to the multi criteria analysis as shown in the table above.
However the wild life authority recommended the expressway to follow the alterative alignment of
E with 5km long fly over bridge. The cost is significantly high but on the multi criteria analysis it
has rank of 3rd. Later the client negotiated with the wild life authority to follow Alternative E. The
consultant was informed by email to follow alternative E for the preparation of the concept design
and the concept design was carried out for this alignment and the report is prepared accordingly.
The project road from Melkajilo - Awash traverses generally on flat and rolling for most
sections and the terrain Classification of the Project Road.
Melkajilo – Awash Road falls under the climatic zone of Kola (elevation 500 – 1500m).
According to the National Atlas for Schools of Ethiopia 1984 and Atlas of Ethiopian Rural
Economy 2006, the climatic condition of the country is classified into the following zones:
According to the climatic data for Awash Arba station, the maximum mean temperature is
recorded from July to October with a temperature ranging from 36.80C to 38.30C and. The
maximum and minimum temperature for the stations are illustrated in the table 4.1
Table 4-1: Monthly Maximum and Minimum Mean Temperature at Awash Arba
Metrological Station
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum 32.7 31.6 33.3 33.6 33.9 34.2 36.8 38.1 38.1 38.3 36.6 32.5
Minimum 18.9 18.4 19.8 20.3 22.0 22.3 23.5 24.1 24.3 20.8 22.5 18.2
Figure 4-1: Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Awash Arba Metrological
The Mean monthly and annual rainfall for the project area is assessed from the
meteorological data of Awash Arba station as depicted in table below. Besides, the annual
rainfall distribution throughout the country based on Atlas of Ethiopian Rural Economy 2006
is shown in figure 4.2 below.
As shown in the above Map, the project area will have annual rainfall mostly between 400
and 800 mm. The mean monthly rainfall for the project area is illustrated in the table below.
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
fall 9.3 10.6 28.1 30.8 39.2 22.1 95.8 90.8 53.6 29.5 16.9 5.2 431.9
The maximum mean monthly rainfall is recorded in the months of July to September is the
rainy period of the project area. The maximum rainfall (mm) for the meteorological stations in
the vicinity is illustrated in the figure below.
Figure 4-3: Mean monthly rainfall in the project vicinity (Awash Arba)
Awash Arba
During the field investigation, assessment of road condition and the sub-grade materials,
investigation of sub-grade and construction materials were done. The methodology applied
for investigating the sub-grade material includes visual description for sub-grade soil
extension and opening of trial pits manually. In addition, logging of test pits, photographing
and taking representative and disturbed samples were also part of the investigation.
The sub-grade investigation generally involves in-situ and laboratory investigation. The in-
situ investigation includes visual soil extension survey, test pitting and logging and
photograph test pits. Laboratory investigation on the other hand includes testing of disturbed
soil samples in accordance with commonly used standards such as AASHTO and BS
standards. In the sections below the sub-grade investigations in the main alignment of the
project are outlined.
Station Expected
Visual Soil Description Suitability as Excavation
No. From To
Melkajilo to Awash (Km 60+000 to Km 126+558)
Station Expected
Visual Soil Description Suitability as Excavation
No. From To
5 82+000 105+000 Light brown silty clay soil Suitable Normal
6 105+000 108+500 Dark brown clay Unsuitable Normal
Normal /Hard
Rock overlain by Dark brown clay Unsuitable/Sui (Consider half
7 108+500 118+000
(˜40cm) table Normal and half
8 118+000 120+000 Rock Suitable Hard
9 120+000 126+558 Light brown alluvial deposit Suitable Moderate
From the subgrade soils extension survey, problematic expansive subgrade soils comprise
nearly 11.7 km of the route corridor which is about 17.6%. This will be further verified from
the field and laboratory investigation to take indispensable treatment. Besides, rock sections
which may entail hard excavation covered 9 km which is about 13.5% observed on the
project. The left over road sections for the most part are covered with Light brown silty clay
soil. These soil types are rated as fair to good to be used as subgrade.
Test pitting is an effective way of sub-grade investigation since the actual strata of the sub-
grade soils can be seen, and samples can be collected from the required layers within the
depth of the test pit. The test pits were therefore dug at an interval of 1km, as per the
The test pits were dug to a depth of 100cm to 150cm and samples were collected from
layers having a thickness greater than 20cm within the material thickness of the sub grade.
The samples collected at every 1km are tested for soil classification purpose (Gradation,
Atterberg limits); and samples at every 3km intervals were tested for modified Proctor, 3
point CBR and swell, in addition to classification tests.
For the section of the road from km 60+000 to km 126+558, a total of 7 samples for proctor-
CBR tests, and 19 samples for Atterberg limits and gradation tests were taken consecutively.
Sufficient samples sizes were collected for each tests mentioned above.
While investigating the construction materials, due attention has been given to identify the
exact location of the materials and estimates of their quantities, thickness of overburden
materials, accessibility and environmental impacts due to the disturbance of the natural
The following tasks have been undertaken during the investigation of construction materials:
Review of existing literature and maps like Geologic maps and Topographic maps.
Excavation of trial pits.
Description of soil profiles including overburden thickness and identification of the
horizons that are suitable for meeting the materials requirements for pavement
Collection of samples for laboratory tests.
Labeling the information required
Re-instating the pits
Estimate quantity/ volume of borrow and quarry materials
Accessibility of each construction material source, which is important for access of trucks
and other heavy equipment, is evaluated as the offset distance from the proposed route.
Quantity estimation was carried out for rock, gravel and borrows materials. This is done with
the aid of hand held GPS to measure the coordinate of boundary of the materials. Area of
the material was calculated and depth of usable material from the borrow pits and the quarry
site was measured. From the total height the thickness of overburden and unusable material
has been reduced to get the final quantity.
The overburden thickness is assessed with respect to its thickness and its use as borrow
materials for embankment construction and as improved sub grade. Moreover the presence
of bushes and trees is also taken into account to decide whether the source shall be
considered or not. Environmental considerations are given emphasis for the disturbance
caused to local community by blasting activities and displacement.
The following sections discuss the presence, quality and quantity of each of the construction
material required for the project.
The collected rock samples were sent to central laboratory for the following tests:
Los Angeles Abrasion Test , Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV), Ten percent Fine
Value (TFV), Sulfate Soundness, Stripping and Specific Gravity
76+133 Offset
E-0586908 Scattered
2 Basalt 50,000 Required Located
82m RHS bushes
Detailed survey of the project area reveals that abundant granular materials which can be
used as sub base materials. Three possible source of gravel material could be obtained at
88+184,Offset 515m, LHS , 100+418,Offset 732m RHS, 103+058,Offset 595m,RHS,
104+308,Offset 656m,RHS 115+781,Offset 1.9 km, RHS, and 118+151,Offset 885m, RHS.
Samples were collected from these sources and sent to central laboratory for the following
laboratory tests:
The summary of laboratory test results of the sampled natural gravels are summarized and
presented in Annex of this report.
Table 4-5:: Natural Gravel Source for Wearing Course, Sub-base and Capping Layer
Station Estimate
(Km) Material Over
Sr. GPS d Access
Description burden Remark
No Coordinate Quantity
88+184,Offse E-598150 Scattere
1 t 515m, LHS N-986233 Dark Grey Scoria 500,000 Required Sampled
d bushes
89+388,Offse E-599414 Rayolite origin
2 t 1.69 km, N-987345 highly welded 500,000 Required Located
d bushes
LHS Tuff
89+809,Offse E-599849
Welded Rayolite Scattere
3 t 1.96 km N-987581 500,000 Required Located
Tuff d bushes
100+418,Offs E-610429 Rayolate welded Scattere
4 et 732m RHS N-985212 500,000 Required Sampled
tuff d bushes
103+058,Offs E-613080 Rayolate welded Scattere
5 et 595m,RHS N-985754 500,000 Required Sampled
tuff d bushes
104+308,Offs E-614460 Rayolate welded Scattere
6 et 656m,RHS N-986341 500,000 Required Sampled
tuff d bushes
112+491,Offs E-621666 A trachyte origin
7 et 2.6km,RHS N-989904 of high strength 500,000 Required Located
d bushes
welded tuff
Suitable borrow sources for embankment construction and replacement of weak sub-grade
are found at 68+522,Offset 1.17km,RHS , 79+617,Offset 136m,RHS and
124+813,Offset 715m,RHS and Located 65+963,Offset 1.22km,RHS , 71+947,Offset
1.31km,RHS , 76+847,Offset 273m,RHS, 78+611,Offset 220m,RHS , 80+228,Offset
133m,RHS, 81+116,offset 145m ,RHS, 81+799,offset 188m,RHS and 82+568,offset
844,RHS in the project area.
Samples were collected from these sources for laboratory testing. The collected samples are
transported to Central Laboratory for the following tests.
Grading , Atterberg Limits, Standard Proctor and CBR and Swell
Generally it can be concluded that the area is sufficiently supplied with borrow sources
additionally, the subgrade material can be used for replacement and embankment, since
fulfill the requirement.
Table 4-6: Borrow sources for embankment construction and replacement works
Two Natural Sand sources have been identified that are deemed for mortar and concrete
work is available in the road corridor.
The source is sampled for the following laboratory tests:
Gradation, Soundness, Clay Content, and Organic Impurity
Water is required for compaction, mortar and concrete works. For the section two locations
of water sources have been identified; all five of them are sampled for quality tests. The
samples are tested for PH, TDS (total dissolved solids), Chloride and Sulphate content.
The tests conducted for AASHTO classifications were liquid limit, plastic limit and wet sieve
analysis. These tests are indicators of the physical properties of the subgrade soils and
borrow materials. The samples were tested at Net Consult P.L.C laboratory.
For the design of pavement structures, CBR tests were conducted on the subgrade soils and
borrow materials to be used as fill, capping layer and sub base. The method of testing for
both subgrade and for borrow pit materials is AASHTO – T180. The CBR test was
conducted at three levels of compaction to observe the changes in the subgrade material
density with increased compaction effort and to determine the CBR of the material at the
required dry density that can be reasonably achieved on site during construction.
Quality tests on the above material have been carried out at central laboratory in accordance
with the methods and procedures specified in the AASHTO and BS Manuals.
The tested conducted construction materials and methods used in conducting the tests are
listed in the table below.
Table 4-9: Type of Tests and Methods employed for different Materials
Sub- Natural
Test Method Rock Sand Water
Type of Test grade/Borrow Gravel
Employed Samples Samples Sources
3 – Point Soaked CBR AASHTO T-193 - - -
Moisture Density AASHTO T-180 - - -
Atterberg Limits - - -
Sieve Analysis AASHTO T-88 - - -
Soil Classification
(based on sieve analysis
AASHTO M-145 - - -
and Atterberg Limit
Grading - - -
Los Angeles Abrasion
AASHTO T-96 - - - -
Value (LAA)
Aggregate Crushing BS 812 PART
- - - -
Value (ACV) 110: 1990
Ten Percent Fine Value BS 812 PART
- - - -
(TFV) 111: 1990
Sodium Sulfate
AASHTO T-104 - - -
Soundness (SSS)
Specific Gravity and
AASHTO T-85 - - - -
Coating and Stripping AASHTO T-182 - - - -
Silt and Clay Content AASHTO T11-85 - - - -
Mortar Making Property AASHTO T71-80 - - - -
Sand Equivalent AASHTO- T 176 - - - -
Organic Impurities AASHTO T21-81 - - - -
During the fieldwork, samplings of construction materials were undertaken and the samples
carried to the Net Consulting Engineers P.L.C laboratory for pertinent tests that can help to
define the type and quality of the respective materials.
The tests are conducted accordingly, and the results are reported for the samples of the sub
grade and the construction materials. The results are then analyzed using the ERA Manual
2013, and discussed in detail in the subsequent sections.
As mentioned above, 19 samples of sub-grade materials were collected from the main road
alignment at every 1km interval to assess the properties of the road bed materials.
Classification tests (sieve analysis, atterberg limits,) were conducted on samples collected at
every 1km, whereas modified proctor, three point CBR and swell tests were conducted on
samples collected at interval of 3km. The test results are summarized and presented in
The CBR (California Bearing Ratio) test indirectly measures the shearing resistance of a soil
under controlled moisture and density conditions. Thus, to know the strength classes of the
road subgrade CBR tests were conducted on the subgrade soil samples. In general, the
interval of sampling for CBR test is 3.0km.Therefore; laboratory CBR tests have been
undertaken on the subgrade soil samples compacted with modified proctor of 4.54 kg
rammer and surcharge weight of the same.
Figure 4-4: CBR Value versus Chainage
CBR Vs Chainage
CBR (%)
30 CBR
10 5% CBR
Chainage (Km)
The subgrade CBR test results versus chainage graph reveals that s1, s2, s3, s5, s6 have
compositions of 29%, 14%, 14%, 29% and 14% respectively, since the subgrade class
classified as per ERA manual 2013, where; S1 = 2, S2=3-4, S3=5-7, S4=8-14, S5=15-30
and S6=>30.
The CBR values at 95% MDD of the subgrade vary from 2 to 79% with a mean value of 18.4
%. From the collected 7 sample for CBR test, 57.1 % which is 4 samples have CBR values
greater than 5%. About 42.9% of the road section which is 3 samples has CBR values less
or equal to 5% and these subgrade soils are anticipated to be need treatment. Section with
weak CBR and which exhibit expansiveness shall be properly treated.
Swell Vs Chainage
Swell (%)
3% Swell
2 Swell
Chainage (Km)
Combining the results of Atterberg limit and gradation tests, it is possible to classify the
subgrade material in line with AASHTO methods.
Accordingly, the classification test result reveals that the sub-grade materials along the road
are classified into Six different groups: A-7-5, A-4 ,A-2-7,A-5,A-2-5 and A-7-6 Out of the six
groups A-7-5 comprises 42% of the sub-grade material (the largest proportion) and the
remaining A-4 ,A-2-7,A-5,A-2-5 and A-7-6 have compositions of 21%, 16%, 11%, 5% and
5% respectively.
A-2-7 21%
The CBR values at 95% of the maximum dry density of the 8, A-7-5 (42%) materials tested
for CBR are between 2% and 16% inclusive. The Group Index of the material varies
between 13 and 20. Black cotton and dark clay soil sections mentioned in the soil extension
table above have CBR Value between 1% and 3%. Materials with this CBR usually exhibit
poor subgrade strength. AASHTO classification, M145-91, classifies this type of material as
clayey material and rates it as poor subgrade. The relationship between CBR and Group
Index is also in alliance with the AASHTO system since for higher group indices the CBR
results are lower and vice versa.
All the percent swell of this class of soil, A-7-5, is above 3%, which indicates that the swell
potential of the soil is high and hence this has expansive nature. 88.9% of test result of
Liquid Limit is below 60%, then again the remaining 11.1% is above. All tests for Plasticity
index (PI) value in this group has a Plasticity index (PI) less or equal to 30% which is
100%.The PI and the LL test results also indicate that the soil is less to medium plastic, and
confirms that the material has less to medium expansiveness behavior.
This group of soil is dominant in the section from Km 62+000 to Km 65+000, Km 108+000 to
Km 117+000. Hence, these sections of the road can be classified as weak sub grade
sections with expansive nature.
The CBR values at 95% of the maximum dry density of the 1, A-7-6 (5%) materials tested for
CBR are 2%. The Group Index of 6. Materials with this CBR Mostly exhibit poor subgrade
strength. AASHTO classification, M145-91, classifies this type of material as clayey material
and rates it as fair to poor subgrade. The relationship between CBR and Group Index is also
in alliance with the AASHTO system since for higher group indices the CBR results are lower
and vice versa.
The next major material type found in the section is 4, A-4 (21%), 3, A-2-7 (16%), 2 A-5
(11%) and 1, A-2-6 (5%) material. The CBR values at 95% of the maximum dry density of
this material are between 4% and 79% inclusive. The Group Index (GI) of the material varies
between 0 and 14. Most of the materials in this group are light brown silty clay soil
mentioned in the soil extension table above. Materials with this CBR and Group index
usually exhibit good subgrade strength, which is in line with the CBR and Group Index
results mentioned above. Moreover, these group subgrade material can be considered as a
borrow source for embankment as well as capping material. AASHTO classification, M145-
91, classifies these types of materials as silty or clayey gravel and sand material and rates
them as excellent to good sub grade.
In general, out of the 7 samples tested for CBR test, 3 of them (42.9%) have a CBR Value
less or equal to 5%.This implies the section of the road Km 62+000 to Km 65+000, has a
subgrade class below S3, It therefore necessary to place sufficient thickness of fill material
of S3 quality over these subgrade materials so that the stress at the in-situ subgrade level
reduces to almost Zero stress.
In accordance with ERA Flexible Pavement Design Manual 2013 Section 4.2.6, materials
with PI value more than 45% and LL more than 90% are generally not suitable for
embankment. Moreover, clay materials having LL in excess of 60% and PI more than 30%
are marginal material and vulnerable to volume change upon drying and wetting.
An indication of the nature of the material along any road section may be given by a variation
in plasticity index (PI). The PI is influenced by the type and proportion of clay particles
present within the material, and high PI values are often indications of the potential for
Chainage (Km)
The variation of Plasticity Index (PI) along Melkajilo to Awash road project is presented in
the figure above which shows values ranging between 5% and 27%. In addition their liquid
limit is in the range of 32% soils up to 69%. As per ERA manual soil having a liquid limit
exceeding 60% or a plasticity index exceeding 30 when determined in accordance with the
requirements of AASHTO T-89 and T-90 are considered poor road bed foundations. As it
can see from the above chart 10.5% of the road section have a high liquid limit value this
may suggest that the soils could easily be changed from the plastic state to the liquid state
with a small/little increase in moisture content/water.
The plasticity chart on the figure below helps to classify the type of soils based on their
plasticity characteristics (i.e. Atterberg Limits and indicates of soils).Generally materials
falling above the A-Line are Classified as clays and below the A-Line are classified as silts.
The line labelled “A” above a liquid limit of 50 separates soils of high plasticity, or fat
clays (above line), from elastic clays, soils of low compressibility (below line). At liquid
limits less than 50, line “A” separates soils of medium plasticity (above line) from soils of
medium compressibility (below “A” line). Using this graph, critical lower limits of liquid limit
and plasticity index can be ascertained.
The fine grained soils in the route corridor are generally grouped under the CH, MH and CL,
ML soil Classification system. The General behavior of this soil groups is expressed here
Table 4-10:: Properties of the CH, MH, and CL & ML soil groups
As seen from the plasticity Chart below plotted based on the Unified Soil Classification
System (USCS) depicts that most of the subgrade soils fall under ML group and these
groups (ML represents: Inorganic silts, very fine sands, rock floor, silty or clayey fine sands
and CL represents: Inorganic clays or low to medium plasticity, gravely clays, silty clays, lean
clays) so that these soil sections generally can be classified as good foundation material.
On the other hand, the MH soil groups (Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine
sandy or silty soils, elastic silts) cover considerable road section and this section generally
can be classified as poor foundation material. The plasticity chart for the collected subgrade
samples is shown in the figure below.
Figure 4-8: Plasticity Chart for Subgrade
Plastic Limit,%
"U" Line
50 CH
CL "A" Line
10 MH
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Liquid Limit,%
Expansive soils exhibit particularly large volumetric changes (shrinkage and swell) following
variations in their in-service moisture contents. In accordance with ERA Standard Technical
Specification 2013 clause 4103 and 4106. Therefore, the expansive soil along the project
length should be treated properly so that the pavement will perform well in its service life.
The material quality requirements are mainly taken from ERA’s Flexible Pavement Design
Manual 2013. If requirements for a particular case are not found, other manuals such as
AASHTO and BS specifications are referred to.
Based on the test results, the source at Km 60+000 Offset 4.7km ,(Offset back to Adama -
Melkajilo road),is satisfies all quality test requirements of ERA Standard Technical
Specification 2013 for use as wearing course, road base, chipping and coarse aggregate for
cement concrete and the remaining sources are Located and mostly the same type basaltic
property. However, one produces effectively and goes deep, it may fulfill the base course
and masonry stone requirement. The results of laboratory tests conducted on the sample
from these sources are summarized in the table below.
Materi Abra ness Coating
Sr. al sion ACV TFV TFV by &
Station (km) Absor
No descri % (%) (KN) (KN) Na2SO Strippin
ption Dry Wet 4 g (%)
Materi Abra ness Coating
Sr. al sion ACV TFV TFV by &
Station (km) Absor
No descri % (%) (KN) (KN) Na2SO Strippin
ption Dry Wet 4 g (%)
60+000 Offset 4.7km
1 back to Adama Basalt 13 12 315 1 >95
Melkajilo road
Specification Requirements for crushed Max.
Base Course (ERA 2013) 29
Six samples of natural gravel material from borrow pit at 88+184,Offset 515m, LHS,
100+418,Offset 732m RHS, 103+058,Offset 595m,RHS, 104+308,Offset 656m,RHS,
115+781,Offset 1.9 km, RHS and 118+151,Offset 885m, RHS, were collected and tested for
modified proctor, CBR, swell tests, Atterberg Limits.
As per the test result, three pits at 100+418,Offset 732m RHS, 104+308,Offset 656m,RHS
and 118+151,Offset 885m, RHS fulfill all the required specification limit, but then again pit
88+184,Offset 515m, LHS , 103+058,Offset 595m,RHS and 115+781,Offset 1.9 km, RHS
the PI value outlying the specification requirement specified on ERA standard Manual 2013
which is maximum 12, therefore these pits required further valuation.
The laboratory test results of natural gravel sources are summarized in the table below.
Table 4-12:: Laboratory Test Results of Natural Gravel Materials (Sub base)
CBR @ 95%
Station Description 89, T 90 193
PI CBR Swell
% % %
1 88+184,Offset Dark Grey Scoria 15 60 0.13
CBR @ 95%
Station Description 89, T 90 193
PI CBR Swell
% % %
515m, LHS
100+418,Offset Rayolate welded tuff
2 9 32 0.28
732m RHS
103+058,Offset Rayolate welded tuff
3 13 85 0.15
104+308,Offset Rayolate welded tuff
4 12 45 0.19
115+781,Offset Trachytic rock
5 1.9 km, RHS formation with brown 22 49 0.61
clay soil
118+151,Offset Greyish Tuff
6 10 48 0.29
885m, RHS
Specification for Subbase Max 12 <1.5%
The possible sources of borrow materials for embankment construction and replacement of
problematic soil were investigated and tested for classification, modified proctor, three point
CBR and swell tests.
As per the test results of the borrow pits all can be considered as a source of material for
embankment and replacement of unsuitable materials.
Further sampling and testing can be carried out during detail study and construction to
delineate the area and to confirm the quality of the materials.
The laboratory test results of the borrow materials are tabulated below.
2 Welded Tuff 29 27 0.41
Round basaltic
3 gravel with silty 14 16 1.8
sandy soil
<30 ≥ 5% <2%
Requirement for fill
Sample of sand was collected from 60+000, Offset 3.1km back to Adama -Melkajilo road
and 89+809, and Offset 2km, LHS, having a potential sand source for the entire route. The
source was tested for, Sand Equivalent, organic impurities and clay lamps, soundness loss
by Sodium sulfate. And the test results of the sand samples are summarized as follows.
Soundne Organic
GPS Sand
Sr. Station ss loss Impurity Clay
Coo Equivale
No (km) by Color Lumps
rdinate nt
Na2SO4 Standard
(%) Plate No.
3.1km back to E-569726
1 91 6 2 5.7
Adama -Melkajilo N-985537
89+809,Offset E-599849
96 1 2 4.7
2km,LHS N-987581
Specification Color
requirement (ERA 2013 <10 plate No. <3
Technical Spec) 4
However, clay lumps test result of both sources are faraway the specification requirement,
therefore, the option of improving the quality is mandatory. Hence, washing out the fine
particles is important.
From visual observation and laboratory test results of the subgrade soil in the section, the
following are noted:
1. The sub-grade material dominantly comprise of, Light brown silty clay and Dark
brown clay.
2. 57% of the soil classification is mainly A-2-7, A-2-6, A-5 and A-4 which can be
rated as Excellent to Good subgrade material, as per AASHTO classification ;
meanwhile 43% of tested sample classification is A-7-5,A-7-6 and this soil can
be rated as fair to poor subgrade material, as per AASHTO classification.
3. Expansive soil covers a total of 11.7 km (~17.6%) of the route corridor.
4. 10.5% of the samples have a Liquid Limit more than 60% but the remaining
89.5% less than 60%, which indicates that the clay content of the soil is as such
low to medium, and hence is not sensitive to moisture change.
5. 100% of the tested samples have a Plasticity Index of less than 30%, which
shows that the plasticity of the soil is low to medium.
6. The CBR value ranges between 1% and 5%, which indicates that the subgrade
strength is poor.
7. 57.1% of the samples have a CBR value 5% and more, which indicates that the
sub grade strength is fair.
8. From the collected 7 sample for swell test, 42.8 % which is 3 samples have the
swell values above 3%, which are considered as unsuitable and need special
treatment for this sections.
From the above, it can be concluded that the subgrade soil of the road is poor to fair in terms
of bearing capacity, and from the LL and PI test results it seems that the soils are not
sensitive to moisture change.
However, the treatment required to improve the performance of subgrade is therefore to limit
the amount of stress that reaches the in-situ sub grade soil and to limit the moisture change
in the sub grade layer in the sections of expansive clay soil and have low bearing capacity
sections which is below 5%.This can be achieved by providing adequate thickness of fill
material with good CBR over the in-situ subgrade and by excavation and replacement of the
in-situ soil to the depth the moisture fluctuation is limited or by counter balancing the swell
pressure of the soil.
Six granular materials have a possibility source for sub base, three borrow pits for fill
material source, six rock quarries, two sand and two water sources have been identified and
tested during the study of the project road.
i) In addition to the sited potential sources of borrow materials, it is prevailed from the
subgrade property of the project road there could be possibly of obtaining sufficient
and suitable borrow materials from every cut section to be incorporated in the
embankment works. These materials, (native subgrade) as depicted in the laboratory
assessment have a CBR of above 5% and a lesser swelling potential in the stretch of
the project road. Therefore, regarding borrow materials there is sufficient and suitable
materials that can be incorporated in the permanent works along the stretch of the
project road.
ii) Six of the sampled natural gravel material comply with the requirements for granular
subbase but pit at km 88+184,Offset 515m, LHS and 115+781,Offset 1.9 km, RHS
the PI value outlying the specification hence, it can be improved by blending with
appropriate material or test it again after production. Generally, the natural subbase
source on the project vicinity is sufficient. Additionally traced locations of natural
gravel material sources are available on the project at 89+388, Offset 1.69 km, LHS
and 112+491, Offset 2.6km, RHS as indicated in table 2-3 which were not sampled.
These traced locations can be considered as additional source that fulfill the required
quantity during construction period.
iii) From the sampled one rock sources the source at Km 60+000 Offset 4.7km back to
Adama Melkajilo road can be utilized for base course, concrete and asphalt
aggregate production, masonry stone and rock fill works. Additionally traced locations
of basaltic stone sources are available on the project at 76+133 Offset 82m RHS,
77+799 ,Offset 1.97km RHS, 81+116 Offset 145m RHS, 87+352,offset 1.8km LHS
and 122+778,Offset 569m RHS as indicated in table 2-2 which were not sampled.
These traced locations can be considered as additional source that fulfill the required
quantity during construction period.
iv) Both the two natural sand sources are fulfill the specification requirement but clay
lump, therefore, the option of improving the quality is mandatory.
v) The two water sources satisfy the required specifications and can be utilized for
compaction as well as concrete works.
i) The AC materials quality and construction methodology shall also be adhered to
ERA’s Standard Technical Specification 2013.
ii) Performance Grade Asphalt Binder selection based on defined in Superpave
Series No.1 (SP-1) Specification and Testing, with all directions/verifications.
iii) The priming material shall be MC-30 cut back bitumen complying with AASHTO
M 82.
iv) RC-70 cutback bitumen complying with AASHTO M 81 or M 82, as applicable,
should be used for tack coat.
v) For the mainline highway, Anti-rutting (track resistant) modifiers shall be used for
wearing course asphalt mix AC-12.5 for all sections of mainline expressway,
interchange ramp, and mainline bridge decks. Anti-rutting (track resistant)
modifiers shall be used for binder course asphalt mix AC-19 for all sections of
mainline expressway and mainline bridge decks and longitudinal gradient’s 3.0%
or more.
It may also worth to note that further investigations need to be carried out in the section in
the course of construction so that additional materials sources can be located at closer
intervals for economical use of locally available materials and to expedite the progress of the
The traffic engineering study report section presents surveys and analyses carried out to forecast the
traffic for the subject project. The analysis results will be used as inputs in the analysis and design of
pavements as well as carrying out economic feasibility analysis. The analysis includes determining
the base year and forecasted Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) for the project sections over the
project horizon, and it takes different elements into account including normal and diverted traffic and
traffic due to modal shifts to other modes such as railway. The study also includes willingness-to-use
and willingness-to-pay surveys and analysis in addition to other travel, trip and vehicle characteristics.
The objective of the study is to forward recommendations on how the section from Melkajilo -Awash
road should be upgraded to a higher standard by considering options proposed by the Ethiopian Roads
Authority (ERA), in consideration of the passage of the segment through the Awash National Park
and its potential interference with the Park’s natural habitat. The traffic engineering analysis does not
involve the use of specialized transport planning packages due to the scope and time limit of the study
defined by the requirements of the terms of Reference for the services.
The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) conducts traffic count survey thrice a year on all roads in the
country under its jurisdiction. According to ERA, the traffic survey has been carried out since 1952
G.C. The period to carry out the traffic survey is classified on the seasonal periods based on traffic
activities throughout the country: high, medium and low economic activity seasons. Consequently,
the traffic survey is conducted in the following periods every year;
Cycle 1: from 01 to 07 of February;
Cycle 2: from 01 to 07 of July;
Cycle 3: from 01 to 07 of November.
ERA conducts the traffic count for seven consecutive days for 12 –hours period (6:00 AM – 6:00 PM)
in which the two weekdays are full 24- hour count (i.e. one on market day and the other on normal
weekend). The traffic survey is performed manually and grouped into eight vehicle categories.
Accordingly, the traffic data that has been collected every year can be obtained either from ERA web
page or from the head office upon request.
Tables 5.1 to 5.5 show ERA historical AADT data (2006 – 2019) for the Adama-Awash, Awash-
Mieso, Awash-Mille, Mieso-Dengago, and Mieso-Erer road segments, respectively. Similarly the
trends for the same sections are also shown in Figures 5.1 to 5.5, respectively. Truck-trailers
constitute a significant share of the traffic for these three segments with 24%, 31% and 42% for the
Adama-Awash, Awash-Mieso and Awash-Mille segments, respectively, which is in line with the fact
that the routes carry a significant share of the country’s import-export freight traffic.
The average traffic growth rates for different vehicle categories has been determined for the period of
2006 to 2019 based on ERA’s historic AADT data (Table 5.6), for the Awash-Mieso and adjacent
road segments. The growth rates have shown significant annual variations for the 2006 – 2019 period,
which has also resulted in very high and unrealistic average annual growth rates for most of the
vehicle categories.
The ERA AADT data is also compared with the Consultant’s own traffic count results as shown in
Table 5.7 and Figure 5.6. Since ERA AADT Data for 2020 was unavailable at the time of compilation
of this report, the consultant has estimated the 2020 AADT based on the historic average traffic
growth rates (Table 5.6) and the actual 2019 ERA AADT data. The ERA AADT results (both actual
2019 and estimated 2020 values) deviate significantly from the consultant’s results for 2020, for
individual vehicle types as well as total traffic.
Table 5-1: Historical AADT Data for Adama-Awash Segment (2006 to 2019)
Table 5-2; Historical AADT Data for Awash-Mieso Segment (2006 to 2019)
Table 5-3: Historical AADT Data for Awash-Mille Segment (2006 to 2019)
2016 22 144 101 38 140 52 55 267 121 64 97 -6 150 -43 1308 8 1994
2017 24 9 185 83 233 66 21 -62 180 49 93 -4 149 -1 1001 -23 1886
2018 57 138 156 -16 235 1 95 352 254 41 308 231 427 187 1,095 9 2,672
2019 63 11 122 -22 172 -27 61 -36 186 -27 153 -50 160 -63 1114 2 1817
Table 5-4: Historical AADT Data for Mieso-Dengago Segment (2006 to 2019)
2012 38 -42 173 -1 603 -29 88 40 373 42 320 33 165 90 140 54 1,900
2013 30 -21 97 -44 534 -11 52 -41 150 -60 136 -58 112 -32 115 -18 1,226
2014 23 -23 168 73 664 24 44 -15 330 120 245 80 112 0 120 4 1,706
2015 41 78 165 -2 529 -20 72 64 389 18 350 43 301 169 302 152 2,149
2016 32 -22 162 -2 398 -25 101 40 214 -45 134 -62 137 -54 145 -52 1,323
2017 33 3 244 51 360 -10 92 -9 222 4 388 190 373 172 276 90 1,988
2018 85 158 457 87 662 84 139 51 233 5 603 55 587 57 1164 322 4428
2019 76 -11 532 16 676 2 138 -1 341 46 879 46 795 35 1,224 5 4,661
Table 5-5:. Historical AADT Data for Mieso-Erer Segment (2006 to 2019)
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Figure 5-1: Adama-Awash Historical Traffic Trend, 2006 - 2019 (Source: ERA
Database, 2020)
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Figure 5-2: Awash-Mieso Historical Traffic Trend, 2006 - 2019 (Source: ERA Database,
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Figure 5-3: Awash – Mille Historical Traffic Trend, 2006 - 2019 (Source: ERA Database,
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Figure 5-4: Mieso - Dengago Historical Traffic Trend, 2006 - 2019 (Source: ERA
Database, 2020)
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Figure 5-5: Mieso – Erer Historical Traffic Trend, 2006 - 2019 (Source: ERA Database,
Table 5-6: Historical Average Annual AADT Growth Rates for Different Segments (2006 –
Segment Count Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
ERA (2019) 349 494 755 550 712 851 998 1496 6205
Adama - ERA (2020)* 421 537 860 679 810 950 1,162 1,585 7,004
Awash Consultant (2020) 167 576 893 232 635 169 118 2299 5,088
Difference (2020) 255 -38 -33 447 175 782 1044 -715 1916
Awash - ERA (2019) 52 205 362 173 305 406 538 924 2965
Mieso ERA (2020)* 60 227 452 207 433 490 884 1,802 4,556
Consultant (2020) 48 591 732 184 223 119 137 641 2,676
Difference (2020) 12 -364 -280 24 210 370 747 1161 1880
ERA (2019) 0 11 3 0 14 10 14 0 52
Mieso - ERA (2020)* 0 13 13 0 17 13 29 0 85
Erer Consultant (2020) 0 46 0 0 41 34 8 0 129
Difference (2020) 0 -33 13 0 -25 -21 22 0 -44
ERA (2019) 57 156 235 95 254 308 427 1095 2627
Awash - ERA (2020)* 76 165 263 142 307 370 567 1155 3,045
Mille Consultant (2020) 111 767 693 81 193 77 110 1906 3,936
Difference (2020) -34 -601 -430 61 114 293 457 -751 -891
ERA (2019) 76 532 676 138 341 879 795 1224 4661
Mieso - ERA (2020)* 79 613 728 156 409 1,217 1,132 1,880 6,215
Dengego Consultant (2020) 14 155 695 81 254 144 101 356 1,799
Difference (2020) 65 458 34 76 155 1073 1032 1524 4416
ERA (2019) 68 365 479 65 221 579 443 260 2480
Dengego ERA (2020)* 68 372 472 75 244 793 599 317 2,940
- Harar Consultant (2020) 21 189 589 19 215 91 60 109 1,293
Difference (2020) 47 183 -117 56 29 702 539 207 1646
*ERA (2020) Traffic was estimated based on the historic average traffic growth rates (Table 5.4) and
the 2019 ERA count data from ERA Database (2020),
ERA (2019)
ERA (2019)
ERA (2019)
ERA (2019)
ERA (2019)
ERA (2019)
ERA (2020)*
ERA (2020)*
ERA (2020)*
ERA (2020)*
ERA (2020)*
ERA (2020)*
Consultant (2020)
Difference (2020)
Consultant (2020)
Difference (2020)
Consultant (2020)
Difference (2020)
Consultant (2020)
Difference (2020)
Consultant (2020)
Difference (2020)
Consultant (2020)
Difference (2020)
Adama - Awash Awash - Mieso Mieso - Erer Awash - Mille Mieso - Dengego Dengego - Harar
*ERA (2020) Traffic was estimated based on the historic average traffic growth rates (Table 5.4) and
the 2019 ERA count data from ERA Database (2020),
Table 5-8: Adama – Awash Projected Motorized Traffic Expressway Road Option
(Beijing Expressway Supervision Co., Ltd., in JV with Beza Consulting Engineers, 2014)
Year Car Utility S. Bus L. Bus S. Truck M. Truck L. Truck T/T Sum
2020 144 440 540 198 552 419 303 1,834 4,430
2021 159 487 606 222 602 457 331 1,983 4,846
2022 176 538 679 249 657 498 361 2,144 5,302
2023 194 595 761 279 717 544 394 2,319 5,802
2024 215 658 853 312 782 593 430 2,507 6,350
2025 237 728 956 350 854 647 469 2,710 6,951
2026 263 804 1,072 393 931 706 511 2,931 7,611
2027 290 890 1,202 440 1,016 770 558 3,168 8,334
2028 321 984 1,347 493 1,108 841 609 3,426 9,129
2029 355 1,088 1,510 553 1,209 917 664 3,704 10,000
2030 393 1,203 1,693 620 1,319 1,001 724 4,005 10,957
2031 406 1,245 1,837 673 1,305 989 716 4,187 11,359
2032 447 1,369 2,053 752 1,411 1,070 775 4,513 12,389
2033 491 1,505 2,295 841 1,525 1,157 838 4,864 13,516
2034 540 1,654 2,565 939 1,649 1,251 906 5,243 14,748
2035 593 1,818 2,867 1,050 1,784 1,353 979 5,652 16,096
2036 652 1,998 3,205 1,174 1,929 1,463 1,059 6,092 17,571
2037 717 2,197 3,582 1,312 2,085 1,582 1,145 6,567 19,185
2038 788 2,415 4,003 1,466 2,255 1,710 1,238 7,078 20,953
2039 866 2,654 4,475 1,639 2,438 1,849 1,339 7,630 22,889
2040 952 2,917 5,001 1,832 2,636 1,999 1,447 8,224 25,010
Traffic and origin-destination surveys were conducted and a traffic model was developed under this
study. For both survey types, the ERA vehicle classification and standards were used and the surveys
were undertaken between October and November 2006. To build the base-year model for 2006, a
zoning system comprising 26 zones was developed. The zones comprised of specific road links and
nodes (towns) to represent the main attraction areas through the network and identify origin-
destination pairs likely to use the road network (Scott Wilson Study, 2007). Traffic growth rates were
determined for the project route for different time periods by considering the historical traffic data,
volume of import and export commodities, gross domestic product (GDP), pertinent population data,
passenger and freight movements, fuel consumption and vehicle fleet. The forecasted total traffic for
the period between 2006 & 2031 are shown in Table 5.9 for the central growth scenario (Scott Wilson
Study, 2007).
Table 5-9: Forecast total traffic on the project route, AADT (Scott Wilson Study, 2007)
Mieso - Erer Errer - Melka Jebdu Melka Jebdu - Hindu Hindu - Dewelle
Year Car Bus Truck Total Car Bus Truck Total Car Bus Truck Total Car Bus Truck Total
2006 18 - 14 32 50 45 27 123 - - - - 57 19 170 246
2007 19 - 15 35 55 50 30 135 - - - - 62 21 186 269
2008 21 - 17 38 59 54 33 147 - - - - 67 22 205 295
2009 23 - 19 41 64 59 36 159 - - - - 73 24 225 322
2010 24 - 20 45 69 64 40 173 - - - - 79 27 247 353
2011 27 - 23 49 75 70 44 189 - - - - 85 29 1,368 1,483
2012 105 9 1,571 1,685 159 88 1,591 1,837 4 14 1,270 1,288 93 32 1,515 1,640
2013 117 18 1,738 1,872 175 106 1,756 2,037 8 27 1,402 1,437 100 35 1,673 1,808
2014 130 27 1,939 2,095 194 125 1,956 2,276 12 41 1,562 1,615 110 38 1,864 2,012
2015 144 36 2,163 2,342 215 146 2,179 2,540 16 55 1,740 1,811 120 42 2,076 2,239
2016 159 44 2,411 2,615 237 167 2,428 2,832 20 68 1,939 2,027 132 47 2,313 2,491
2017 175 49 2,686 2,910 260 184 2,705 3,149 22 75 2,160 2,257 144 51 2,576 2,772
2018 191 54 2,992 3,238 285 203 3,013 3,501 24 83 2,406 2,514 158 57 2,870 3,085
2019 209 60 3,333 3,602 312 224 3,357 3,892 26 92 2,681 2,799 173 63 3,197 3,433
2020 229 66 3,713 4,009 341 247 3,739 4,327 29 101 2,986 3,116 189 69 3,562 3,820
2021 250 72 4,126 4,448 373 272 4,154 4,799 31 111 3,318 3,460 207 76 3,957 4,240
2022 273 80 4,584 4,937 407 299 4,615 5,321 34 122 3,686 3,843 226 84 4,396 4,706
2023 298 88 5,092 5,478 444 329 5,128 5,901 37 135 4,095 4,267 247 92 4,884 5,223
2024 326 96 5,658 6,080 485 362 5,697 6,544 41 148 4,550 4,739 269 101 5,426 5,797
2025 356 106 6,286 6,748 530 398 6,329 7,257 45 163 5,055 5,262 294 111 6,029 6,434
2026 387 116 6,952 7,455 576 436 7,000 8,012 49 178 5,590 5,818 320 122 6,668 7,109
2027 420 127 7,689 8,237 626 477 7,742 8,845 53 195 6,183 6,431 348 133 7,375 7,856
2028 457 139 8,504 9,100 680 522 8,563 9,766 57 214 6,838 7,110 378 146 8,156 8,680
2029 497 152 9,405 10,055 740 572 9,470 10,782 62 234 7,563 7,860 411 160 9,021 9,591
2030 540 167 10,402 11,109 804 626 10,474 11,905 68 257 8,365 8,689 446 175 9,977 10,599
2031 587 183 11,505 12,275 874 686 11,585 13,144 74 281 9,252 9,606 485 192 11,035 11,712
Traffic counts were conducted to estimate average annual daily traffic and vehicle composition on the
project road. In order to have the current levels of motorized traffic (Normal Traffic) on the study
road, traffic count has been carried out on seven locations along and at the vicinity of the project road.
The seven locations for classified Manual Mounts of motorized vehicles are as follows (Also shown
in Figure 5.7, below):
1.0 km from Awash on the Adama-Awash Segment;
o This location has been selected to capture the total combined traffic that will use the
Awash-Mieso and Awash-Mille routes
1.0 km from Awash on the Awash-Mille Segment;
o A significant share of the Awash-Mille traffic is expected to divert to the new project
route (Awash-Mieso). Therefore, it was important to capture the traffic on this
segment to determine the diverted traffic.
1.0 km from Mieso on the Awash-Mieso Segment;
o The location helps to capture the total traffic that will diverge into the Mieso-Erer-
Dire Dawa route (existing gravel road) & the Mieso-Kulubi-Dengago route.
5.0 km from Mieso on the Mieso-Erer Segment;
o This location is selected to capture the existing traffic on the gravel road along this
route which will be useful in forecasting the traffic diversion to the proposed parallel
1.0 km from Dengego on the Mieso-Asebe-Teferi-Dengego Segment;
o This location helps to capture the traffic on the existing mountainous route before it
splits into traffic towards Dire Dawa and Harar
5.0 km from Dengego on the Dengego-Harar Segment;
o This traffic is useful in assessing the potential traffic diversion from Harar direction
to project route and the proposed Mieso-Erer-Dire Dawa route in case of
implementation of both routes,
At the Shinile Toll Plaza on the Dire Dawa-Dewelle Toll Road (Data received from Ethiopian
Toll Roads Enterprise).
o The project route and the proposed Mieso-Erer-Dire Dawa route will eventually
connect to the existing Dire Dawa – Dewelle toll road. Therefore, this location will
help to assess the potential diversion of Dire Dawa – Dewelle – Djibouti traffic to the
new routes.
The traffic survey was conducted between 30/10/2020 and 05/11/2020. The traffic count survey has
been recorded for all vehicle movements in each direction classified into ten main vehicle categories.
Similar to the ERA’s traffic count, it has been carried out for 7 consecutive days from 6:00 a.m. to
6:00.p.m. In addition, night count (6:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m) has been conducted for two days at each site,
including one market day. Non-motorized traffic was excluded from the count since the Awash-Mieso
segment is being planned as a tolled expressway serving mobility purposes along the major import-
export corridor of the country. By definition, Expressways are limited access facilities catering only
for motorized non-local traffic. Therefore, it is expected that NMT users (which are mainly local will
not have access to this facility.
The OD survey was conducted in order to establish the movement pattern on the project road through
roadside interviews with vehicle drivers/crew. In order to ascertain the origins and destinations of the
vehicles using the road, their trip lengths (distance travelled), vehicle type and axle configuration,
capacity, volume of load, trip purpose, occupancy and the commodity flow pattern, etc has been
collected for three days (two weekdays and one weekend) at each of the twelve survey locations
chosen for this purpose.
The WTU and WTP surveys were conducted simultaneously with the O-D survey through road side
interview. The WTU survey helps to establish whether road users will be willing to continue using (if
an existing route) or divert to the new route (if an alternative new route), under non-toll conditions
(where no user charges are expected). The WTP is a survey which extract information from road
user’s on whether they are willingness to pay for the use of the road at the time of operation, whether
it is an existing or alternative new route. The data that is collected from this survey is used to examine
the wish of the road users to continue using or divert to a new route, and their perspective on road
tolling systems, however, the tolling charge will be decided on the actual benefits, in terms of VOC’s,
reduction travel time saving, and loan payment (if existed).
The OD, WTU, WTP surveys were conducted simultaneously at the following four locations and
survey was conducted for two full days at each location:
1.0 km from Awash on the Awash-Mille Segment;
1.0 km from Mieso on the Awash-Mieso Segment;
5.0 km from Dengego on the Dengego-Harar Segment;
At the Shinile Toll Plaza on the Dire Dawa-Dewelle Toll Road.
The reasons for selection of these locations for the survey is described in section 5.5
As described above, classified traffic volume counts at seven locations were conducted for seven days
between 30/10/2020 and 05/11/2020. The traffic counts were normally carried out for 12 hours (0600-
1800 hrs) each day. However, a 24-hour (0600-0600) count was carried out for two days at each
survey station to get an idea regarding the proportion of traffic at night during 1800 to 0600 hr. The
motorized vehicles were classified into nine categories as indicated below:
1. Cars (including taxis)
2. Utility Vehicles (4WD)
3. Small Buses
4. Large Buses
5. Small Trucks
6. Medium Truscks
7. Heavy Trucks
8. Truck-Trailers
9. Others (including construction and agricultural machineries).
The daily traffic count data are summarized in Tables 5.10 to 5.21, by vehicle category and direction
of travel for each of the survey stations.
Table 5-10: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC1
Day Date Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Others Total
1 30/10/20 30 154 172 53 51 52 61 126 699
2 31/10/20 43 220 419 83 87 37 39 470 1398
3 01/11/20 41 97 60 17 280 67 25 536 1123
4 02/11/20 2 8 246 73 184 25 41 379 958
5 03/11/20 50 243 341 86 133 39 52 576 1520
6 04/11/20 24 52 81 81 137 30 18 382 805
7 05/11/20 14 168 268 53 124 37 0 735 1399
Total 204 942 1587 446 996 287 236 3204 0 7902
Average 29 135 227 64 142 41 34 458 0 1129
Date Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Others Total
30/10/20 56 306 324 80 105 41 14 476 1402
5/11/20 26 303 236 116 83 51 41 608 1464
Table 5-11: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC1
Table 5-12: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC2
Day Date Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Others Total
1 30/10/20 27 281 161 29 77 45 28 567 1215
2 31/10/20 28 213 203 30 94 24 75 443 1110
3 01/11/20 25 121 174 22 82 26 22 306 778
4 02/11/20 13 161 276 46 117 42 46 387 1088
5 03/11/20 43 189 217 33 132 40 65 623 1342
6 04/11/20 1 2 53 115 260 164 99 569 1263
7 05/11/20 9 179 206 74 93 31 47 761 1400
Total 146 1146 1290 349 855 372 382 3656 0 8196
Average 21 164 184 50 122 53 55 522 0 1171
Date Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Others Total
2/11/20 27 63 60 27 64 72 54 140 507
4/11/20 18 124 121 61 55 34 28 343 784
Table 5-13: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC2
Table 5-14: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC3
Table 5-15: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC3
Table 5-16: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC4
Table 5-17: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC4
Date Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Others Total
4/11/20 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
5/11/20 0 6 0 0 10 16 0 0 0 32
Table 5-18: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC5
Table 5-19: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC5
Table 5-20: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC6
Table 5-21: Summary of Vehicular Traffic Data By Vehicle Category at Station TC6
Day Date Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Others Total
1 30/10/20 27 192 653 19 155 92 65 50 1253
2 31/10/20 19 222 663 30 161 105 74 54 1328
3 01/11/20 31 193 598 8 153 36 56 42 1117
4 02/11/20 3 32 87 5 63 22 13 33 258
5 03/11/20 4 87 78 4 70 29 19 45 336
6 04/11/20 5 33 166 7 57 71 42 74 455
7 05/11/20 34 72 549 9 133 56 38 82 973
Total 123 831 2794 82 792 411 307 380 0 5720
Average 18 119 399 12 113 59 44 54 0 817
Date Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Others Total
31/10/20 0 5 16 0 10 1 1 6 39
5/11/20 0 5 13 2 9 4 2 10 45
Adama - Awash
Time (1 hour
Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Others Total
Average 2-day
45 314.5 514.5 130 193.5 90.5 83.5 1061.5 2433
Average 2-night
66 499 506 153 234 97 66 1365 2983
Average 24-hours
111 813 1020 283 427 187 150 2426 5416
2 days count
Night Factor
(Calculated) 2.5 2.6 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.1 1.8 2.3
Night factor
1.3 2.0 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3
Average 5 days
57 228 423 110 293 81 68 1116 2375
ADT 74 458 590 163 422 111 97 1497 3413
% 1.4 8.7 11.2 3.1 8.0 2.1 1.8 28.3 125.8
Table 5-23: ADT Calculation for survey station TC2 (Awash – Mille)
Awash - Mille
Time (1 hour
Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Others Total
Average 2-day
17 136 314 131 359 201 128 951 2236
Average 2-night
38 166 164 67 107 87 69 630 1326
Average 24-hours 2
55 302 478 198 466 287 197 1581 3561
days count
Night Factor
3.2 2.2 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7
Night factor
1.3 2.0 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3
Average 5 days
48 343 413 72 191 67 89 1183 2405
ADT 63 689 575 107 275 91 126 1588 3514
% 1.5 16.8 14.0 2.6 6.7 2.2 3.1 38.8 0.0 85.8
Table 5-24:. ADT Calculation for survey station TC3 (Awash – Mieso)
Awash - Mieso
Time(hourly T&
Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck Others Total
Interval T
18 127 406 75 436 311 282 806 2460
2days count
Average 2
6 128 160 37 192 116 120 276 0 1033
night count
hours 2 days 23 255 566 112 628 427 402 1082 0 3493
Night factor 1.3 2.0 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3
Average 5
30 183 328 66 155 69 74 474 1379
days count
ADT 39 368 457 98 223 95 105 636 2021
Table 5-25:. ADT Calculation for survey station TC4 (Mieso – Erer – Dire Dawa)
Table 5-26: ADT Calculation for survey station TC5 (Mieso – Dengago)
Time( an
hour Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck Others Total
36 88 934 47 316 228 213 394 2255
2days count
Average 2
0 5 31 1 14 3 2 24 79
night count
hours 2 days 36 93 965 48 330 231 215 418 2334
Night factor 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1
Average 5
15 147 667 65 227 153 109 340 1722
days count
ADT 15 155 689 66 236 154 110 360 1787
% 0.8 8.7 38.6 3.7 13.2 8.6 6.2 20.2 0.0 100.0
Table 5-27: ADT Calculation for survey station TC6 (Harar – Dengago)
Harar - Dengego
Time( an
hour Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck Others Total
56 299 1249 20 307 160 105 120 2313
2days count
Average 2
1 14 30 2 25 7 3 23 103
night count
hours 2 days 57 313 1278 22 332 167 107 142 2416
Night factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.2
Average 5
26 231 649 18 210 111 74 103 1422
days count
ADT 26 242 664 19 227 116 76 123 1494
% 1.8 16.2 44.4 1.3 15.2 7.8 5.1 8.2 0.0 100.0
Table 5-28: ADT Calculation for survey station TC7 (Dire Dawa – Dewelle)
Awash 40 1 14 15
Gewane 1 1 7 2 1 13
Werer 1 4 7 1 1 14
Kebena 2 1 1 1 5
Kesem 1 3 5 9
Dire Dawa 2 1 3 3 3 13
Djibouti 55 327 5 25 24 85 7 4 19 5 20 4 214 17 5 1 4 5 2 1 4 903
Logiya 14 1 2 18
Semera 3 27 3 1 1 36
Adigrat 4 4
Mekelle 13 1 1 15
Grand Total 59 408 5 25 24 85 7 4 19 5 20 10 214 17 110 5 92 12 9 5 6 7 4 345 19 5 31 6 31 5 4 1687
Vehicle destination
adama addis ababa asebe awash bedesa chiro Dijibouti diredawa fiche hirna jigjiga kulibe mieso Modjo Grand Total
adama 6 5 14 42 28 4 3 103
addis ababa 1 58 28 8 102
asebe 7 7 14
awash 1 95 16 1 2 17 132
boko 11 4 15
Vehicle Origin
chiro 12 2 56 2 97 169
Dijibouti 46 72 1 4 2 25 189
diredawa 28 42 26 1 102
harer 5 6 1 1 13
hirna 6 1 1 2 2 12
jigjiga 8 8
mieso 2 2 6 145 1 1 2 160
Modjo 1 78 1 86
Grand Total 124 133 9 101 5 263 190 77 4 7 13 4 119 27 1129
Table 5-32: Partial OD Matrix Results for Dire Dawa Survey Location
Vehicle destination
adama Addis Ababa awash Ayshada dewele Dijibouti dire dawa Dukem fiche harer jimma modjo sebeta Grand Total
adama 2 2
Addis Ababa 35 35
Ayshada 2 2
Vehicle Origin
dewele 8 3 11
Djibouti 17 46 2 1 3 5 2 7 2 11 3 108
dire dawa 4 11 12 28
dukem 3 3
harer 2 3 5
jimma 2 2
modjo 3 3
Grand Total 17 46 2 4 14 51 13 5 2 10 2 11 3 201
Vehicle destination
adama Addis Ababa asebe awash aysha chiro dewele Djibouti dire dawa Dukem haremaya harer hawasa hirna jigjiga kara mile kersa kobo kulibe Modjo Grand Total
adama 2 9 3 14
Addis Ababa 3 1 50 16 70
awaday 1 1 2
chiro 2 5 7
Dijibouti 7 8 15
diredawa 1 1 38 2 42
Vehicle Origin
haremaya 2 2 7 4 15
harer 12 35 2 5 6 1 1 45 2 2 8 2 3 1 4 129
hirna 1 10 2 13
jigjiga 3 5 4 5 1 18
kara mile 3 6 9
kersa 1 4 5
kobo 13 13
kulbi 1 1 2
modjo 7 1 8
Grand Total 17 43 2 5 1 7 2 5 65 2 6 154 1 2 33 8 6 3 1 4 368
Table 5-34: Partial Willingness to Use Results for the Awash Survey Location
Table 5-35: Partial Willingness to Use Results for the Mieso Survey Location
Vehicle destination
adama addis ababa asebe awash bedesa chiro Djibouti dire dawa fiche hirna jigjiga kulibe mieso modjo Grand Total
adama 4 5 14 42 28 4 3 101
addis ababa 1 60 28 8 102
asebe 4 4
awash 4 99 10 2 2 6 119
boko 11 4 15
Vehicle Origin
chiro 6 29 2 97 134
Djibouti 46 72 1 4 2 25 189
dire dawa 17 18 25 1 65
harer 5 6 1 1 13
hirna 5 1 1 7
jigjiga 8 8
mieso 1 2 3 144 1 2 153
modjo 1 84 1 86
Grand Total 98 107 6 67 5 262 189 70 4 7 13 4 106 25 1014
Table 5-36: Partial Willingness to Use Results for the Dengago Survey Location
Vehicle destination
adama Addis Ababa awash chiro Dijibouti dire dawa haremaya harer jigjiga kara mile kersa kobo modjo Grand Total
adama 2 9 3 14
Addis Ababa 3 1 50 16 70
arbamich 1 1
asela 1 1
awaday 1 2
awash 1 1
chelenko 1 1
Vehicle Origin
chiro 2 5 7
Dijibouti 7 8 15
dire dawa 1 38 2 42
haremaya 2 2 7 4 15
harer 11 35 5 6 1 45 8 2 3 4 128
hirna 1 10 2 13
jigjiga 3 5 4 5 18
kara mile 3 6 9
kersa 1 3 4
modjo 7 1 8
Grand Total 16 43 5 7 5 66 6 141 33 8 6 3 4 354
Table 5-37: Partial Willingness to Use Results for the Dire Dawa Survey Location
Vehicle destination
adama Addis Ababa asela awash Ayshada dewele Djibouti dirdawa Dukem fiche harer modjo sebeta Grand Total
adama 2 2
Addis Ababa 35 35
Ayshada 2 2
dewele 8 3 11
Vehicle Origin
Djibouti 17 46 1 2 1 3 5 2 7 11 3 107
dire dawa 4 10 12 27
dukem 3 3
harer 2 3 5
hawassa 1 1
jimma 2 2
modjo 3 3
Grand Total 17 46 1 2 4 13 62 13 5 2 10 11 3 199
Table 5-38: Summarized OD Matrix for all vehicle types and survey locations
Destination Zone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total
1 0 4 140 0 80 572 46 35 7 105 9 998
2 13 205 8 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 238
3 96 14 246 0 2 2 0 0 0 5 4 369
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Origin Zone
5 97 0 1 0 26 14 5 10 0 46 0 199
6 1,163 0 8 0 9 5 0 3 0 29 2 1,219
7 51 6 1 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 64
8 22 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
9 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
10 96 0 8 0 63 9 1 1 0 14 20 212
11 9 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 41
Total 1,566 230 416 0 188 602 65 49 7 227 35 3,385
Since the consultant’s traffic count was conducted in Oct/Nov of 2019, which falls in the ERA cycle,
the seasonal variation for the third cycle was calculated by dividing the Annual Average AADT
values for the 2013 to 2019 period with the annual average of the 3rd cycle for the same period. Tables
5.39 to 5.46 show the calculation of the seasonal variation factors for each of the road segments.
Table 5-43: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Mieso –Asebe Teferi – Dengago
Table 5-44: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Dengego - Harar Segment
Land Small Large Small Medium Heavy Truck
Year Cycle Car Rover Bus Bus Truck Truck Truck Trailer Total
Table 5-45: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Dengego – Dire Dawa Segment
Land Small Large Small Medium Heavy Truck
Year Cycle Car Total
Rover Bus Bus Truck Truck Truck Trailer
Cycle 1 44 98 488 97 102 105 121 145 1200
Cycle 2 16 176 797 37 156 123 113 118 1536
Cycle 3 17 125 784 19 138 99 155 102 1439
Average 26 133 690 51 132 109 130 122 1392
Cycle 1 13 175 797 40 169 163 200 223 1780
Cycle 2 11 172 675 20 131 123 205 222 1559
Cycle 3 26 201 658 16 263 189 192 169 1714
Average 17 183 710 25 188 158 199 205 1684
Cycle 1 43 179 450 21 398 278 235 292 1896
Cycle 2 37 206 581 44 569 374 451 334 2596
Cycle 3 37 168 634 106 252 318 308 233 2056
Average 39 184 555 57 406 323 331 286 2183
Cycle 1 56 232 481 89 346 153 185 147 1689
Cycle 2 56 232 481 89 346 153 185 147 1689
Cycle 3 56 232 481 89 346 153 185 147 1689
Average 56 232 481 89 346 153 185 147 1689
Cycle 1 59 453 576 107 444 175 286 265 2365
Cycle 2 120 470 930 164 573 1,254 723 951 5185
Cycle 3 54 589 873 119 200 1,006 818 1,269 4928
Average 78 504 793 130 406 812 609 828 4159
Cycle 1 56 152 588 92 157 209 136 546 1936
Cycle 2
Cycle 3 130 533 914 118 494 928 800 1540 5457
Average 93 343 751 105 326 569 468 1043 3697
Third Cycle
Average 53 308 724 78 282 449 410 577 2881
Average 51 263 663 76 301 354 320 439 2467
0.96 0.85 0.92 0.98 1.07 0.79 0.78 0.76 0.86
Table 5-46: Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Traffic for Dire Dawa – Dewelle Segment
Cycle 1 0 87 16 8 94 77 20 85 387
Cycle 2 0 60 9 12 35 52 16 84 268
Cycle 3 25 50 57 58 122 123 136 126 697
Average 8 66 27 26 84 84 57 98 451
Cycle 1 0 111 15 11 36 27 9 30 239
Cycle 2 21 60 39 59 124 121 143 73 640
Cycle 3 0 55 11 10 41 14 5 19 155
Average 7 75 22 27 67 54 52 41 345
Cycle 1 21 60 39 59 124 121 143 73 640
Cycle 2 0 135 14 10 54 32 21 29 295
Cycle 3 35 92 77 59 188 191 198 199 1039
Average 19 96 43 43 122 115 121 100 658
Cycle 1 6 79 13 11 73 36 31 35 284
Cycle 2 6 79 13 11 73 36 31 35 284
Cycle 3 6 79 13 11 73 36 31 35 284
Average 6 79 13 11 73 36 31 35 284
Cycle 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2017 Cycle 2 0 75 10 7 49 32 7 14 194
Cycle 3 22 83 44 27 131 147 189 37 680
Average 7 53 18 11 60 60 65 17 291
Average 18 72 40 33 111 102 112 83 571
Average 9 74 25 24 81 70 65 58 406
Factors 0.54 1.03 0.61 0.71 0.73 0.68 0.58 0.70 0.71
normal traffic has been projected for the estimated opening year of 2026 for the project road as
- The 2020 AADT was determined by applying the seasonal factors to the 2020 ADT,
- The AADT between 2021 to 2026 were then calculated by applying the opening year Traffic
Growth Factor to the 2020 AADT as follows:
AADTi+1 = AADTi (1 + GF/100),
- For the opening year growth factors, the consultant opted to use own estimates instead of
growth rates determined from ERA historic traffic data because those values have shown
significant variations as shown in prior sections of this report and may significantly
overestimate the opening year traffic. Therefore, the consultant has opted to adopt the traffic
growth rates from the medium growth scenario which is described in section 5.11 of this
Accordingly, the calculated normal traffic on the project and adjacent routes between 2020 and 2026
are shown in Tables 5.47 to 5.51.
Table 5-47: Projected AADT for the Opening Year for Awash - Mieso Segment
Awash - Mieso
Attribute Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
ADT (2020) 39 368 457 98 223 95 105 636 2,021
% of Total ADT 1.9 18.2 22.6 4.9 11.0 4.7 5.2 31.5 100
Seasonal factors 1.23 1.61 1.60 1.87 1.00 1.25 1.31 1.01
AADT 2020 48 591 732 184 223 119 137 641 2,676
Opening year GF 11.9 11.9 12.7 12.7 10.2 10.2 10.2 9.4
AADT 2021 53 662 825 207 246 131 151 701 2,977
AADT 2022 60 741 930 233 271 145 167 766 3,313
AADT 2023 67 829 1,048 263 299 160 184 838 3,687
AADT 2024 75 928 1,181 296 329 176 202 916 4,103
AADT 2025 84 1,038 1,330 334 363 194 223 1,002 4,568
AADT 2026 94 1,162 1,499 376 400 214 246 1,095 5,086
Table 5-48: Projected AADT for the Opening Year for Adama – Awash Segment
Adama - Awash
Attribute Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
ADT (2020) 74 458 590 163 422 111 97 1497 3413
% of Total ADT 2.2 13.4 17.3 4.8 12.4 3.2 2.8 43.9 100.0
Seasonal factors 1.23 1.61 1.60 1.87 1.00 1.25 1.31 1.01
AADT 2020 91 736 946 305 424 139 127 1507 4274
Opening year GF 11.9 11.9 12.7 12.7 10.2 10.2 10.2 9.4
AADT 2021 102 824 1,066 343 467 153 140 1,648 4,742
AADT 2022 114 922 1,201 387 514 168 154 1,803 5,263
AADT 2023 128 1,032 1,353 436 567 185 170 1,971 5,841
AADT 2024 143 1,155 1,524 491 625 204 187 2,155 6,485
AADT 2025 160 1,292 1,718 553 689 225 206 2,357 7,200
180 1446 1936 623 759 248 227 2577 7996
AADT 2026
Table 5-49: Projected AADT for the Opening Year for Awash-Mille Segment
Awash – Mille
Attribute Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
ADT (2020) 63 689 575 107 275 91 126 1588 3514
% of Total ADT 3.1 34.1 28.5 5.3 13.6 4.5 6.2 78.6 173.9
Seasonal factors 0.7 1.01 1.10 1.10 1.10 0.90 1.10 0.70
AADT 2020 100 767 693 119 273 86 150 1377 3564
Opening year GF 10.0 10.7 16.0 16.0 13.1 13.1 13.1 9.5
AADT 2021 110 849 803 138 309 97 169 1,508 3,983
AADT 2022 121 940 932 160 349 110 191 1,652 4,454
AADT 2023 133 1,040 1,081 186 395 124 216 1,808 4,984
AADT 2024 146 1,152 1,254 216 447 140 245 1,980 5,580
AADT 2025 160 1,275 1,455 250 505 159 277 2,168 6,250
AADT 2026 173 1562 1791 458 580 174 302 2198 7239
Table 5-50: Projected AADT for the Opening Year for Mieso-Erer-Dire Dawa Segment
Table 5-51: Projected AADT for the Opening Year for Mieso-Dengago Segment
Mieso - Dengago
Attribute Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
ADT (2020) 15 155 689 66 236 154 110 360 1787
% of Total ADT 0.8 8.7 38.6 3.7 13.2 8.6 6.2 20.2 100.0
Seasonal factors 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.21 1.07 0.93 0.91 0.99
AADT 2020 14 155 695 81 254 144 101 356 1,799
Opening year GF 11.9 11.9 12.7 12.7 10.2 10.2 10.2 9.4
AADT 2021 16 173 783 91 280 159 111 389 2,002
AADT 2022 18 194 882 102 308 175 123 426 2,228
AADT 2023 20 217 994 115 340 193 135 466 2,479
AADT 2024 23 243 1,120 130 374 213 149 509 2,760
AADT 2025 25 272 1,262 146 413 234 164 557 3,073
AADT 2026 28 304 1,422 165 455 258 181 609 3,421
Table 5.52 shows the OD matrix with the total traffic for the Awash-Mille segment. From this OD
matrix, vehicles traveling between the OD pairs between zones 1-6, 2-6, 3-6, 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3 have
the potential to divert to the Awash-Mieso segment. Accordingly, Table 5.53 shows the willingness to
use results with the highlighted cells indicating those willing to use the segment among the users with
potential to divert to the project route. The calculation of the diverted traffic proportion based on these
data is shown in Table 5.54. The diverted traffic from the Awash-Mille to Awash-Mieso segment is
also shown in Table 5.55.
Destination Zone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total
1 4 1 336 46 35 422
Origin Zone
2 13 205 8 12 238
3 4 14 1 19
4 0
5 1 2 1 9 13
6 879 6 5 5 3 5 2 905
7 51 6 1 3 1 62
8 21 1 3 25
9 0
10 1 1 1 3
11 0
Total 969 230 16 0 11 345 61 48 0 5 2 1,687
Table 5-53: OD of vehicles on the Awash-Mille route willing to use the project route
Destination Zone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 317 46 35
2 12
3 1
Origin Zone
5 1 9
6 840 6 3 5 2
7 1
10 1 1
Table 5-54: Calculation of Diverted Traffic Percentage from the Awash-Mille Segment
Attribute Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Diverted traffic
from Awash-Mille 104 937 1,075 275 348 105 181 1,319 4,343
Segment, 2026
Diverted Traffic from Existing Awash-Mieso Segment to New Project Route
In addition to the traffic diverted from the Awash-Mille route, more traffic is expected to divert to this
segment from the existing traffic on the Awash-Mieso segment headed to the mountainous route
between Mieso and Dire Dawa via Asebe Teferi and Kulubi. Accordingly, the expected diversion rate
and diverted traffic is estimated based on the OD and willingness to use survey results for those pairs
of OD zones with the potential to divert to this segment, as shown in Tables 5.56 to 5.58.
Destination Zone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total
1 139 74 189 7 16 9 434
2 0
3 92 246 1 4 343
4 0
Origin Zone
5 96 1 4 1 102
6 189 2 191
7 2 2
8 1 1
9 19 19
10 24 1 25
11 9 3 12
Total 430 0 391 0 77 190 4 1 7 16 13 1,129
Table 5-57: OD of vehicles on the Awash-Mieso route willing to use the project route
Destination Zone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 67 189 16
5 60 1
Origin Zone
6 189 2
10 24
Table 5-58: Calculation of Diverted Traffic Percentage from the Awash-Mieso Segment
Diverted Traffic from Existing Melkajilo – Awash Segment to New Project Route
Considering the higher traffic within the Adama-Awash segment and expected higher savings in time
and cost by diverting to the new project route, a slightly higher diversion rate of 80% has been
adopted in determining the diverted traffic from the existing Melkajilo – Awash segment to the new
parallel route. The diverted traffic is shown in Table 5.59.
Table 5-59: Diverted Traffic to new route from Existing Melkajilo-Awash Segment
Attribute Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Diverted Traffic
from from Existing 144 1,157 1,548 499 607 199 182 2,062 6,397
Melkajilo - Awash
Current Modal Share of Rail for Passenger (Based on 2018 data) 34.7%
Estimated Maximum Modal Share of Rail (Ethiopian Railway Corporation, 2019) 40%
Remaining Modal Shift to Rail 5%
Table 5-62: Expected Modal Shift of Passenger and Freight Vehicular Traffic to
Railway (Melkajilo-Awash Segment)
Attribute Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Modal Shift to
Rail (%) 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0%
8 67 89 29 84 27 25 285 613
Shifting to Rail
The estimation of generated traffic is based on estimating the shape of the demand function, which is
expressed as an elasticity of demand. This shows the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a
change in cost. In the case of generated traffic, the demand for trip making is related to expected
reductions in journey costs and travel time. For the current case, savings in journey time have been
used. This is expressed as a travel cost function time. The following simplified generated traffic factor
model (RAFU, 2006) is used:
The travel speeds and travel times were obtained using the Moving Observer method for the existing
road while the assumed geometric design speed parameters are used for the planned options (Table
Table 5-63: Estimation of Travel Speed for Existing Road and Project Option
Table 5-64: Estimate of Generated Traffic Factor for Project Option (Melkajilo-Awash)
Attribute Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Generated 174 232 75 91 30 27 309 960
Traffic 22
In specifying forecast traffic growth rates for the projection of stream of freight traffic using the road
in the future, a simple model has been used that combines the effect of GDP growth on travel demand
for freight vehicles. On the other hand, forecast growth rates for passenger traffic were computed
using a model that combines the effect on travel demand of population growth and of changes in per
capita incomes. Two models of the following forms were, therefore, applied:
ΔT = e (ΔGDP)
ΔT = the change in freight transport
ΔGDP = the change in GDP
e = the income elasticity for freight travel demand.
ΔT = ΔP + e (ΔC)
The Ethiopian Government still anticipates a steady 10% per annual GDP growth rates for the coming
ten years (MOFED, 2020). This scenario seems optimistic given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
and its expected impact on the global economy. However, the IMF forecasted growth scenarios for
2020 to 2025, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, puts the average annual GDP & GDP PCI
growth rates at 6.0% and 4.4%, respectively. Given the aforementioned, historical and forecasted
growth scenarios, the consultant has come up with a recommended GDP growth scenarios (low,
medium, and high) by making some adjustments as shown in Table 5.68.
Table 5-66: GDP, Population and per Capita Income Development (MOFED, 2020)
Table 5-67: Comparison of GDP and GDP PCI trends (Source: IMF, 2020 & World Bank,
Year Annual Growth Rate (%) GDP Annual Growth Rate (%) GDP PCI
based on constant MKT Price ETB based on constant MKT Price ETB
IMF, 2020 World Bank, 2020 IMF, 2020 World Bank, 2020
2000 9.8 6.1 6.9 3.1
2001 7.4 8.3 4.3 5.2
2002 1.6 1.5 -1.1 -1.4
2003 -2.1 -2.2 -7.8 -4.9
2004 11.7 13.6 8.9 10.4
2005 12.6 11.8 9.7 8.7
2006 11.5 10.8 8.7 7.8
2007 11.8 11.5 9.0 8.4
2008 11.2 10.8 9.4 7.8
2009 10 8.8 8.3 5.8
2010 10.6 12.6 8.9 9.5
2011 11.4 11.2 9.6 8.1
2012 8.7 8.6 7.0 5.6
2013 9.9 10.6 8.2 7.5
2014 10.3 10.3 8.6 7.2
2015 10.4 10.4 8.7 7.4
2016 8 9.4 6.3 6.5
2017 10.2 9.6 8.5 6.7
2018 7.7 6.8 6.0 4.1
2019 9 8.3 6.2 5.5
9.1 8.9 6.7 6.0
(2000 to 2019)
2020 1.9 0.3
2021 0 -1.6
2022 8.9 7.2
2023 8.8 7.1
2024 8.6 6.9
2025 8 6.3
6.0 N/A 4.4 N/A
(2020 to 2025) (IMF)
Table 5-68: Recommended GDP, Population, and GDP PCI values for the planning
Low Scenario
National Population Growth in GDP
Forecast period GDP Growth PCI
2026 - 2036 7.5 2.8 6.6
2036 - 2046 7 2.8 6.6
Medium Scenario
National Population Growth in GDP
Forecast period GDP Growth PCI
2026 - 2036 8.5 2.8 7.6
2036 - 2046 8 2.8 7.6
High Scenario
National Population Growth in GDP
Forecast period GDP Growth PCI
2026 - 2036 9.5 2.8 8.6
2036 - 2046 9 2.8 8.6
Accordingly, the Annual growth rates for freight and passenger traffic for the anticipated planning
period of the project road have been established based on the formulae described above and the
consultant’s recommended GDP and transport demand elasticity values. The results are shown in
Table 5.70.
IMF, 2020
Elasticity, ERA 2003 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
Recommended (2026 - 2036) 1.20 1.30 1.20 1.10
Recommended (2036 - 2046) 1.10 1.20 1.10 1.10
Table 5-70: Calculation of Traffic Growth Rates for the Project Design Period
Low Scenario
Elasticity Average annual Traffic Growth
Forecast GDP Population in GDP Car/ Truck Car/ Truck
year Growth Growth PCI Utility Bus Truck Trailer Utility Bus Truck Trailer
2026 – 2036 7.5 2.8 6.6 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.1 10.72 11.38 9.00 8.25
2036 – 2046 7.0 2.8 6.6 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 10.06 10.72 7.70 7.70
Medium Scenario
Average annual Traffic Growth
Forecast GDP Population in GDP Car/ Truck Car/ Truck
year Growth Growth PCI Utility Bus Truck Trailer Utility Bus Truck Trailer
2026 - 2036 8.5 2.8 7.6 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.1 11.92 12.68 10.20 9.35
2036 - 2046 8.0 2.8 7.6 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 11.16 11.92 8.80 8.80
High Scenario
Elasticity Average annual Traffic Growth
Forecast GDP Population in GDP Car/ Truck Car/ Truck
year Growth Growth PCI Utility Bus Truck Trailer Utility Bus Truck Trailer
2026 - 2036 9.5 2.8 8.6 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.1 13.12 13.98 11.40 10.45
2036 - 2046 9.0 2.8 8.6 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 12.26 13.12 9.90 9.90
Table 5-71: Projected Motorized Traffic for Melkajilo-Awash (Low Growth Scenario) - Combined
No. Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
0 2026 157 1,264 1,692 545 614 201 184 2,087 6,743
1 2027 174 1,400 1,884 607 670 219 200 2,259 7,412
2 2028 192 1,550 2,099 676 730 239 219 2,445 8,148
3 2029 213 1,716 2,337 753 795 260 238 2,647 8,959
4 2030 236 1,900 2,603 838 867 284 260 2,865 9,853
5 2031 261 2,103 2,900 934 945 309 283 3,101 10,837
6 2032 289 2,329 3,230 1,040 1,030 337 308 3,357 11,921
7 2033 320 2,578 3,597 1,159 1,123 367 336 3,634 13,115
8 2034 354 2,855 4,006 1,290 1,224 400 366 3,934 14,431
9 2035 392 3,161 4,462 1,437 1,334 436 399 4,259 15,881
10 2036 435 3,500 4,970 1,601 1,454 476 435 4,610 17,480
11 2037 478 3,852 5,503 1,772 1,566 512 469 4,965 19,118
12 2038 526 4,239 6,093 1,962 1,687 552 505 5,347 20,912
13 2039 579 4,666 6,746 2,173 1,817 594 544 5,759 22,878
14 2040 638 5,135 7,469 2,406 1,957 640 586 6,203 25,032
15 2041 702 5,651 8,270 2,663 2,107 689 631 6,680 27,394
16 2042 772 6,220 9,157 2,949 2,269 742 680 7,195 29,984
17 2043 850 6,846 10,138 3,265 2,444 799 732 7,749 32,823
18 2044 936 7,534 11,225 3,615 2,632 861 788 8,345 35,937
19 2045 1,030 8,292 12,428 4,003 2,835 927 849 8,988 39,352
20 2046 1,133 9,127 13,761 4,432 3,053 999 914 9,680 43,098
Table 5-72: Projected Motorized Traffic for Melkajilo-Awash (Low Growth Scenario) – Direction-1
No. Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
0 2026 75 607 812 262 295 96 88 1,002 3,237
1 2027 83 672 904 291 321 105 96 1,084 3,558
2 2028 92 744 1,007 324 350 115 105 1,174 3,911
3 2029 102 824 1,122 361 382 125 114 1,270 4,301
4 2030 113 912 1,250 402 416 136 125 1,375 4,729
5 2031 125 1,010 1,392 448 454 148 136 1,489 5,202
6 2032 139 1,118 1,550 499 494 162 148 1,612 5,722
7 2033 154 1,238 1,727 556 539 176 161 1,744 6,295
8 2034 170 1,370 1,923 619 588 192 176 1,888 6,927
9 2035 188 1,517 2,142 690 640 209 192 2,044 7,623
10 2036 209 1,680 2,386 768 698 228 209 2,213 8,391
11 2037 230 1,849 2,641 851 752 246 225 2,383 9,176
12 2038 253 2,035 2,925 942 810 265 242 2,567 10,038
13 2039 278 2,239 3,238 1,043 872 285 261 2,764 10,981
14 2040 306 2,465 3,585 1,155 939 307 281 2,977 12,016
15 2041 337 2,713 3,970 1,278 1,011 331 303 3,206 13,149
16 2042 371 2,986 4,395 1,416 1,089 356 326 3,453 14,392
17 2043 408 3,286 4,866 1,567 1,173 384 351 3,719 15,755
18 2044 449 3,617 5,388 1,735 1,264 413 378 4,006 17,250
19 2045 494 3,980 5,966 1,921 1,361 445 407 4,314 18,889
20 2046 544 4,381 6,605 2,127 1,466 479 439 4,646 20,687
Table 5.73. Projected Motorized Traffic for Melkajilo-Awash (Low Growth Scenario) – Direction-2
No. Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
0 2026 82 657 880 283 319 104 96 1,085 3,506
1 2027 90 728 980 316 348 114 104 1,175 3,854
2 2028 100 806 1,091 351 380 124 114 1,271 4,237
3 2029 111 892 1,215 391 414 135 124 1,376 4,659
4 2030 123 988 1,354 436 451 147 135 1,490 5,123
5 2031 136 1,094 1,508 486 491 161 147 1,613 5,635
6 2032 150 1,211 1,679 541 536 175 160 1,746 6,199
7 2033 166 1,341 1,871 602 584 191 175 1,890 6,820
8 2034 184 1,484 2,083 671 636 208 191 2,046 7,504
9 2035 204 1,644 2,320 747 694 227 208 2,215 8,258
10 2036 226 1,820 2,585 832 756 247 226 2,397 9,090
11 2037 249 2,003 2,862 922 814 266 244 2,582 9,941
12 2038 274 2,204 3,168 1,020 877 287 263 2,781 10,874
13 2039 301 2,426 3,508 1,130 945 309 283 2,995 11,896
14 2040 332 2,670 3,884 1,251 1,017 333 305 3,225 13,017
15 2041 365 2,939 4,300 1,385 1,096 358 328 3,474 14,245
16 2042 402 3,234 4,761 1,533 1,180 386 353 3,741 15,592
17 2043 442 3,560 5,272 1,698 1,271 416 381 4,029 17,068
18 2044 486 3,918 5,837 1,880 1,369 448 410 4,339 18,687
19 2045 535 4,312 6,463 2,081 1,474 482 441 4,674 20,463
20 2046 589 4,746 7,156 2,305 1,588 519 475 5,034 22,411
Table 5-73: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (Medium Growth Scenario) - Combined
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 157 1,264 1,692 545 614 201 184 2,087 6,743
2027 176 1,415 1,906 614 677 221 203 2,282 7,493
2028 197 1,583 2,148 692 746 244 223 2,495 8,328
2029 220 1,772 2,420 779 822 269 246 2,728 9,257
2030 246 1,983 2,727 878 906 296 271 2,983 10,292
2031 276 2,220 3,073 990 998 326 299 3,262 11,444
2032 308 2,484 3,462 1,115 1,100 360 329 3,567 12,727
2033 345 2,780 3,902 1,257 1,212 396 363 3,901 14,156
2034 386 3,112 4,396 1,416 1,336 437 400 4,266 15,749
2035 432 3,483 4,954 1,595 1,472 482 441 4,664 17,523
2036 484 3,898 5,582 1,798 1,622 531 486 5,101 19,501
2037 538 4,333 6,247 2,012 1,765 577 529 5,549 21,551
2038 598 4,816 6,992 2,252 1,921 628 575 6,038 23,820
2039 665 5,354 7,825 2,520 2,090 683 626 6,569 26,332
2040 739 5,951 8,758 2,821 2,273 744 681 7,147 29,114
2041 821 6,616 9,802 3,157 2,474 809 741 7,776 32,195
2042 913 7,354 10,970 3,533 2,691 880 806 8,460 35,608
2043 1,015 8,175 12,278 3,954 2,928 958 877 9,205 39,389
2044 1,128 9,087 13,742 4,426 3,186 1,042 954 10,015 43,579
2045 1,254 10,101 15,380 4,953 3,466 1,134 1,038 10,896 48,222
2046 1,394 11,228 17,213 5,544 3,771 1,233 1,129 11,855 53,368
Table 5-74: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (Medium Growth Scenario) – Direction-1
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 75 607 812 262 295 96 88 1,002 3,237
2027 84 679 915 295 325 106 97 1,095 3,597
2028 94 760 1,031 332 358 117 107 1,198 3,997
2029 106 851 1,162 374 395 129 118 1,310 4,443
2030 118 952 1,309 422 435 142 130 1,432 4,940
2031 132 1,065 1,475 475 479 157 143 1,566 5,493
2032 148 1,192 1,662 535 528 173 158 1,712 6,109
2033 166 1,335 1,873 603 582 190 174 1,872 6,795
2034 185 1,494 2,110 680 641 210 192 2,047 7,559
2035 208 1,672 2,378 766 707 231 212 2,239 8,411
2036 232 1,871 2,679 863 779 255 233 2,448 9,360
2037 258 2,080 2,999 966 847 277 254 2,664 10,344
2038 287 2,312 3,356 1,081 922 301 276 2,898 11,433
2039 319 2,570 3,756 1,210 1,003 328 300 3,153 12,639
2040 355 2,857 4,204 1,354 1,091 357 327 3,431 13,975
2041 394 3,176 4,705 1,515 1,187 388 356 3,733 15,454
2042 438 3,530 5,266 1,696 1,292 422 387 4,061 17,092
2043 487 3,924 5,893 1,898 1,405 460 421 4,418 18,907
2044 542 4,362 6,596 2,124 1,529 500 458 4,807 20,918
2045 602 4,849 7,382 2,378 1,664 544 498 5,230 23,146
2046 669 5,390 8,262 2,661 1,810 592 542 5,690 25,616
Table 5-75: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (Medium Growth Scenario) – Direction-2
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 82 657 880 283 319 104 96 1,085 3,506
2027 91 736 991 319 352 115 105 1,186 3,896
2028 102 823 1,117 360 388 127 116 1,297 4,330
2029 114 921 1,258 405 427 140 128 1,419 4,814
2030 128 1,031 1,418 457 471 154 141 1,551 5,352
2031 143 1,154 1,598 515 519 170 155 1,696 5,951
2032 160 1,292 1,800 580 572 187 171 1,855 6,618
2033 180 1,446 2,029 653 630 206 189 2,028 7,361
2034 201 1,618 2,286 736 695 227 208 2,218 8,189
2035 225 1,811 2,576 830 766 250 229 2,426 9,112
2036 252 2,027 2,903 935 844 276 253 2,652 10,140
2037 280 2,253 3,249 1,046 918 300 275 2,886 11,206
2038 311 2,505 3,636 1,171 999 327 299 3,140 12,386
2039 346 2,784 4,069 1,311 1,087 355 325 3,416 13,693
2040 384 3,095 4,554 1,467 1,182 387 354 3,717 15,139
2041 427 3,440 5,097 1,642 1,286 421 385 4,044 16,742
2042 475 3,824 5,705 1,837 1,399 458 419 4,399 18,516
2043 528 4,251 6,385 2,056 1,523 498 456 4,787 20,482
2044 587 4,725 7,146 2,301 1,657 542 496 5,208 22,661
2045 652 5,253 7,997 2,576 1,802 589 540 5,666 25,075
2046 725 5,839 8,951 2,883 1,961 641 587 6,165 27,751
Table 5-76:. Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (High Growth Scenario) – Combined
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 157 1,264 1,692 545 614 201 184 2,087 6,743
2027 178 1,430 1,928 621 684 224 205 2,305 7,574
2028 201 1,617 2,198 708 762 249 228 2,545 8,509
2029 227 1,830 2,505 807 849 278 254 2,811 9,561
2030 257 2,070 2,855 920 946 309 283 3,105 10,745
2031 291 2,341 3,254 1,048 1,054 345 316 3,430 12,078
2032 329 2,648 3,709 1,195 1,174 384 352 3,788 13,579
2033 372 2,996 4,228 1,362 1,308 428 392 4,184 15,268
2034 421 3,389 4,819 1,552 1,457 476 436 4,621 17,171
2035 476 3,834 5,492 1,769 1,623 531 486 5,104 19,315
2036 538 4,337 6,260 2,016 1,808 591 541 5,638 21,730
2037 604 4,868 7,082 2,281 1,987 650 595 6,196 24,263
2038 679 5,465 8,011 2,580 2,184 714 654 6,809 27,095
2039 762 6,135 9,062 2,918 2,400 785 719 7,483 30,264
2040 855 6,887 10,251 3,301 2,638 863 790 8,224 33,808
2041 960 7,732 11,595 3,735 2,899 948 868 9,038 37,774
2042 1,078 8,680 13,117 4,224 3,186 1,042 954 9,933 42,213
2043 1,210 9,744 14,838 4,779 3,501 1,145 1,048 10,916 47,181
2044 1,358 10,938 16,784 5,406 3,848 1,258 1,152 11,997 52,742
2045 1,525 12,279 18,987 6,115 4,229 1,383 1,266 13,185 58,968
2046 1,712 13,785 21,478 6,917 4,647 1,520 1,392 14,490 65,940
Table 5-77: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (High Growth Scenario) – Direction-1
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 75 607 812 262 295 96 88 1,002 3,237
2027 85 686 925 298 328 107 98 1,106 3,636
2028 96 776 1,055 340 366 120 110 1,222 4,084
2029 109 878 1,202 387 408 133 122 1,349 4,589
2030 123 993 1,370 441 454 149 136 1,491 5,158
2031 140 1,124 1,562 503 506 165 151 1,646 5,797
2032 158 1,271 1,780 573 564 184 169 1,818 6,518
2033 179 1,438 2,029 654 628 205 188 2,008 7,329
2034 202 1,627 2,313 745 699 229 209 2,218 8,242
2035 228 1,840 2,636 849 779 255 233 2,450 9,271
2036 258 2,082 3,005 968 868 284 260 2,706 10,430
2037 290 2,337 3,399 1,095 954 312 286 2,974 11,646
2038 326 2,623 3,845 1,238 1,048 343 314 3,268 13,006
2039 366 2,945 4,350 1,401 1,152 377 345 3,592 14,527
2040 410 3,306 4,920 1,585 1,266 414 379 3,947 16,228
2041 461 3,711 5,566 1,793 1,391 455 417 4,338 18,132
2042 517 4,166 6,296 2,028 1,529 500 458 4,768 20,262
2043 581 4,677 7,122 2,294 1,680 550 503 5,240 22,647
2044 652 5,250 8,057 2,595 1,847 604 553 5,759 25,316
2045 732 5,894 9,114 2,935 2,030 664 608 6,329 28,304
2046 822 6,617 10,309 3,320 2,231 730 668 6,955 31,651
Table 5-78: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash (High Growth Scenario) – Direction-2
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 82 657 880 283 319 104 96 1,085 3,506
2027 92 744 1,003 323 356 116 107 1,198 3,939
2028 104 841 1,143 368 396 130 119 1,324 4,425
2029 118 951 1,303 420 442 144 132 1,462 4,972
2030 134 1,076 1,485 478 492 161 147 1,615 5,588
2031 151 1,217 1,692 545 548 179 164 1,783 6,281
2032 171 1,377 1,929 621 610 200 183 1,970 7,061
2033 193 1,558 2,198 708 680 222 204 2,176 7,940
2034 219 1,762 2,506 807 758 248 227 2,403 8,929
2035 248 1,993 2,856 920 844 276 253 2,654 10,044
2036 280 2,255 3,255 1,048 940 307 282 2,932 11,299
2037 314 2,531 3,682 1,186 1,033 338 309 3,222 12,617
2038 353 2,842 4,166 1,342 1,136 371 340 3,541 14,090
2039 396 3,190 4,712 1,518 1,248 408 374 3,891 15,737
2040 445 3,581 5,330 1,717 1,372 449 411 4,276 17,580
2041 499 4,020 6,030 1,942 1,507 493 451 4,700 19,643
2042 560 4,513 6,821 2,197 1,657 542 496 5,165 21,951
2043 629 5,067 7,716 2,485 1,821 595 545 5,676 24,534
2044 706 5,688 8,728 2,811 2,001 654 599 6,238 27,426
2045 793 6,385 9,873 3,180 2,199 719 658 6,856 30,663
2046 890 7,168 11,168 3,597 2,417 790 724 7,535 34,289
Attribute Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
Diverted Traffic
from from Existing 144 1,157 1,548 499 607 199 182 2,062 6,397
Melkajilo - Awash
Remaining Traffic
on Existing 36 289 387 125 152 50 45 515 1,599
Modal Shift to Rail 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0%
from Existing (%)
Traffic Shifting to 2 14 19 6 18 6 5 62 133
Table 5-80: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (Low Growth Scenario) –
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 34 275 368 118 134 44 40 454 1,466
2027 38 304 410 132 146 48 44 491 1,611
2028 42 337 456 147 159 52 48 532 1,771
2029 46 373 508 164 173 57 52 575 1,948
2030 51 413 566 182 188 62 56 623 2,142
2031 57 457 630 203 205 67 62 674 2,356
2032 63 506 702 226 224 73 67 730 2,591
2033 70 561 782 252 244 80 73 790 2,851
2034 77 621 871 281 266 87 80 855 3,137
2035 85 687 970 312 290 95 87 926 3,452
2036 94 761 1,080 348 316 103 95 1,002 3,800
2037 104 837 1,196 385 340 111 102 1,079 4,156
2038 114 922 1,325 427 367 120 110 1,162 4,546
2039 126 1,014 1,467 472 395 129 118 1,252 4,973
2040 139 1,116 1,624 523 425 139 127 1,348 5,442
2041 153 1,229 1,798 579 458 150 137 1,452 5,955
2042 168 1,352 1,991 641 493 161 148 1,564 6,518
2043 185 1,488 2,204 710 531 174 159 1,684 7,135
2044 203 1,638 2,440 786 572 187 171 1,814 7,812
2045 224 1,803 2,702 870 616 202 185 1,954 8,555
2046 246 1,984 2,991 963 664 217 199 2,104 9,369
Table 5-81: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (Low Growth Scenario) –
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 16 132 177 57 64 21 19 218 704
2027 18 146 197 63 70 23 21 236 773
2028 20 162 219 71 76 25 23 255 850
2029 22 179 244 79 83 27 25 276 935
2030 25 198 272 87 90 30 27 299 1,028
2031 27 219 303 97 99 32 30 324 1,131
2032 30 243 337 109 107 35 32 350 1,244
2033 33 269 375 121 117 38 35 379 1,369
2034 37 298 418 135 128 42 38 411 1,506
2035 41 330 466 150 139 46 42 444 1,657
2036 45 365 519 167 152 50 45 481 1,824
2037 50 402 574 185 163 53 49 518 1,995
2038 55 442 636 205 176 58 53 558 2,182
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 18 143 191 62 69 23 21 236 762
2027 20 158 213 69 76 25 23 255 838
2028 22 175 237 76 83 27 25 276 921
2029 24 194 264 85 90 29 27 299 1,013
2030 27 215 294 95 98 32 29 324 1,114
2031 30 238 328 106 107 35 32 351 1,225
2032 33 263 365 118 116 38 35 380 1,348
2033 36 291 407 131 127 42 38 411 1,483
2034 40 323 453 146 138 45 41 445 1,631
2035 44 357 504 162 151 49 45 481 1,795
2036 49 396 562 181 164 54 49 521 1,976
2037 54 435 622 200 177 58 53 561 2,161
2038 60 479 689 222 191 62 57 604 2,364
2039 65 527 763 246 205 67 61 651 2,586
2040 72 580 844 272 221 72 66 701 2,830
2041 79 639 935 301 238 78 71 755 3,097
2042 87 703 1,035 333 257 84 77 813 3,389
2043 96 774 1,146 369 276 90 83 876 3,710
2044 106 852 1,269 409 298 97 89 943 4,062
2045 116 937 1,405 452 320 105 96 1,016 4,448
2046 128 1,032 1,556 501 345 113 103 1,094 4,872
Table 5-83: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (Med. Growth Scenario)
– Combined
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 34 275 368 118 134 44 40 454 1,466
2027 38 308 414 133 147 48 44 496 1,629
2028 43 344 467 150 162 53 49 542 1,810
2029 48 385 526 169 179 58 54 593 2,012
2030 54 431 593 191 197 64 59 649 2,237
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 16 132 177 57 64 21 19 218 704
2027 18 148 199 64 71 23 21 238 782
2028 21 165 224 72 78 25 23 260 869
2029 23 185 253 81 86 28 26 285 966
2030 26 207 285 92 95 31 28 311 1,074
2031 29 232 321 103 104 34 31 340 1,194
2032 32 259 361 116 115 38 34 372 1,328
2033 36 290 407 131 127 41 38 407 1,477
2034 40 325 459 148 139 46 42 445 1,643
2035 45 363 517 166 154 50 46 487 1,829
2036 51 407 582 188 169 55 51 532 2,035
2037 56 452 652 210 184 60 55 579 2,249
2038 62 503 730 235 200 66 60 630 2,486
2039 69 559 817 263 218 71 65 685 2,748
2040 77 621 914 294 237 78 71 746 3,038
2041 86 690 1,023 329 258 84 77 811 3,360
2042 95 767 1,145 369 281 92 84 883 3,716
2043 106 853 1,281 413 306 100 91 961 4,110
2044 118 948 1,434 462 332 109 100 1,045 4,547
2045 131 1,054 1,605 517 362 118 108 1,137 5,032
2046 145 1,172 1,796 578 394 129 118 1,237 5,569
Table 5-85: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (Med. Growth Scenario)
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 18 143 191 62 69 23 21 236 762
2027 20 160 215 69 77 25 23 258 847
2028 22 179 243 78 84 28 25 282 941
2029 25 200 274 88 93 30 28 308 1,046
2030 28 224 308 99 102 33 31 337 1,163
2031 31 251 347 112 113 37 34 369 1,294
2032 35 281 391 126 124 41 37 403 1,439
2033 39 314 441 142 137 45 41 441 1,600
2034 44 352 497 160 151 49 45 482 1,780
2035 49 394 560 180 166 54 50 527 1,981
2036 55 441 631 203 183 60 55 577 2,204
2037 61 490 706 227 200 65 60 627 2,436
2038 68 544 790 255 217 71 65 683 2,693
2039 75 605 885 285 236 77 71 743 2,977
2040 84 673 990 319 257 84 77 808 3,291
2041 93 748 1,108 357 280 91 84 879 3,639
2042 103 831 1,240 399 304 99 91 956 4,025
2043 115 924 1,388 447 331 108 99 1,041 4,453
2044 128 1,027 1,553 500 360 118 108 1,132 4,926
2045 142 1,142 1,739 560 392 128 117 1,232 5,451
2046 158 1,269 1,946 627 426 139 128 1,340 6,033
Table 5-86: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (High Growth Scenario)
– Combined
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 34 275 368 118 134 44 40 454 1,466
2027 39 311 419 135 149 49 45 501 1,647
2028 44 352 478 154 166 54 50 553 1,850
2029 49 398 545 175 185 60 55 611 2,079
2030 56 450 621 200 206 67 62 675 2,336
2031 63 509 707 228 229 75 69 746 2,626
2032 71 576 806 260 255 83 76 824 2,952
2033 81 651 919 296 284 93 85 910 3,319
2034 91 737 1,048 337 317 104 95 1,005 3,733
2035 103 833 1,194 385 353 115 106 1,110 4,199
2036 117 943 1,361 438 393 129 118 1,226 4,724
2037 131 1,058 1,539 496 432 141 129 1,347 5,274
2038 148 1,188 1,741 561 475 155 142 1,480 5,890
2039 166 1,334 1,970 634 522 171 156 1,627 6,579
2040 186 1,497 2,228 718 573 188 172 1,788 7,350
2041 209 1,681 2,521 812 630 206 189 1,965 8,212
2042 234 1,887 2,851 918 693 226 207 2,159 9,177
2043 263 2,118 3,226 1,039 761 249 228 2,373 10,257
2044 295 2,378 3,649 1,175 836 274 250 2,608 11,466
2045 331 2,669 4,128 1,329 919 301 275 2,866 12,819
2046 372 2,997 4,669 1,504 1,010 330 303 3,150 14,335
Table 5-87: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (High Growth Scenario)
– Direction-1
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 16 132 177 57 64 21 19 218 704
2027 19 149 201 65 71 23 21 240 790
2028 21 169 229 74 80 26 24 266 888
2029 24 191 261 84 89 29 27 293 998
2030 27 216 298 96 99 32 30 324 1,121
2031 30 244 340 109 110 36 33 358 1,260
2032 34 276 387 125 123 40 37 395 1,417
2033 39 313 441 142 136 45 41 437 1,593
2034 44 354 503 162 152 50 46 482 1,792
2035 50 400 573 185 169 55 51 533 2,015
2036 56 453 653 210 189 62 56 588 2,267
2037 63 508 739 238 207 68 62 647 2,532
2038 71 570 836 269 228 75 68 711 2,827
2039 79 640 946 305 250 82 75 781 3,158
2040 89 719 1,070 344 275 90 82 858 3,528
2041 100 807 1,210 390 302 99 91 943 3,942
2042 112 906 1,369 441 332 109 100 1,036 4,405
2043 126 1,017 1,548 499 365 119 109 1,139 4,923
2044 142 1,141 1,751 564 401 131 120 1,252 5,503
2045 159 1,281 1,981 638 441 144 132 1,376 6,153
2046 179 1,438 2,241 722 485 159 145 1,512 6,881
Table 5-88: Projected Motorized Traffic Melkajilo-Awash Existing Road (High Growth Scenario)
– Direction-2
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 18 143 191 62 69 23 21 236 762
2027 20 162 218 70 77 25 23 261 856
2028 23 183 248 80 86 28 26 288 962
2029 26 207 283 91 96 31 29 318 1,081
2030 29 234 323 104 107 35 32 351 1,215
Table 5-89: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Combined, Low
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 191 1,539 2,059 663 748 245 224 2,540 8,209
2027 212 1,704 2,294 739 815 267 244 2,750 9,023
2028 234 1,886 2,555 823 888 291 266 2,977 9,920
2029 259 2,089 2,845 916 968 317 290 3,222 10,907
2030 287 2,313 3,169 1,021 1,056 345 316 3,488 11,995
2031 318 2,560 3,530 1,137 1,151 376 345 3,776 13,192
2032 352 2,835 3,932 1,266 1,254 410 376 4,087 14,512
2033 390 3,139 4,379 1,410 1,367 447 409 4,424 15,966
2034 432 3,475 4,877 1,571 1,490 487 446 4,789 17,568
2035 478 3,848 5,433 1,750 1,624 531 486 5,185 19,334
2036 529 4,260 6,051 1,949 1,770 579 530 5,612 21,281
2037 582 4,689 6,699 2,158 1,907 624 571 6,044 23,274
2038 641 5,161 7,418 2,389 2,053 672 615 6,510 25,458
2039 705 5,680 8,213 2,645 2,212 723 662 7,011 27,851
2040 776 6,251 9,093 2,929 2,382 779 713 7,551 30,474
2041 854 6,880 10,068 3,243 2,565 839 768 8,132 33,350
2042 940 7,572 11,147 3,590 2,763 904 827 8,759 36,502
2043 1,035 8,334 12,342 3,975 2,976 973 891 9,433 39,959
2044 1,139 9,172 13,665 4,401 3,205 1,048 960 10,159 43,749
2045 1,253 10,095 15,130 4,873 3,451 1,129 1,033 10,942 47,907
2046 1,380 11,111 16,752 5,395 3,717 1,216 1,113 11,784 52,468
Table 5-90: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction 1, Low
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 92 739 988 318 359 117 107 1,219 3,940
2027 102 818 1,101 355 391 128 117 1,320 4,331
2028 112 905 1,226 395 426 139 128 1,429 4,762
2029 124 1,003 1,366 440 465 152 139 1,547 5,235
2030 138 1,110 1,521 490 507 166 152 1,674 5,757
2031 153 1,229 1,694 546 552 181 165 1,812 6,332
2032 169 1,361 1,887 608 602 197 180 1,962 6,966
2033 187 1,507 2,102 677 656 215 196 2,124 7,664
2034 207 1,668 2,341 754 715 234 214 2,299 8,433
2035 229 1,847 2,608 840 780 255 233 2,489 9,280
2036 254 2,045 2,904 935 850 278 254 2,694 10,215
2037 279 2,251 3,216 1,036 915 299 274 2,901 11,171
2038 308 2,477 3,560 1,147 986 322 295 3,125 12,220
2039 339 2,726 3,942 1,270 1,062 347 318 3,365 13,368
2040 373 3,001 4,365 1,406 1,143 374 342 3,624 14,628
2041 410 3,302 4,833 1,556 1,231 403 369 3,904 16,008
2042 451 3,635 5,351 1,723 1,326 434 397 4,204 17,521
2043 497 4,000 5,924 1,908 1,428 467 428 4,528 19,180
2044 547 4,403 6,559 2,113 1,538 503 461 4,876 21,000
2045 602 4,846 7,262 2,339 1,657 542 496 5,252 22,995
2046 662 5,333 8,041 2,590 1,784 584 534 5,656 25,184
Table 5-91: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction 2, Low
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 99 800 1,071 345 389 127 116 1,321 4,269
2027 110 886 1,193 384 424 139 127 1,430 4,692
2028 122 981 1,328 428 462 151 138 1,548 5,158
2029 135 1,086 1,480 477 504 165 151 1,676 5,672
2030 149 1,203 1,648 531 549 180 164 1,814 6,237
2031 165 1,331 1,836 591 598 196 179 1,963 6,860
2032 183 1,474 2,044 658 652 213 195 2,125 7,546
2033 203 1,632 2,277 733 711 232 213 2,301 8,302
2034 224 1,807 2,536 817 775 253 232 2,491 9,135
2035 248 2,001 2,825 910 845 276 253 2,696 10,054
2036 275 2,215 3,146 1,013 921 301 276 2,918 11,066
2037 303 2,438 3,484 1,122 991 324 297 3,143 12,102
2038 333 2,684 3,857 1,242 1,068 349 320 3,385 13,238
2039 367 2,954 4,271 1,375 1,150 376 344 3,646 14,483
2040 404 3,251 4,728 1,523 1,239 405 371 3,927 15,847
2041 444 3,578 5,235 1,686 1,334 436 399 4,229 17,342
2042 489 3,938 5,797 1,867 1,437 470 430 4,554 18,981
2043 538 4,334 6,418 2,067 1,547 506 463 4,905 20,778
2044 592 4,770 7,106 2,289 1,666 545 499 5,283 22,750
2045 652 5,249 7,868 2,534 1,795 587 537 5,690 24,912
2046 717 5,778 8,711 2,806 1,933 632 579 6,128 27,283
Table 5-92: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Combined, Med.
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 191 1,539 2,059 663 748 245 224 2,540 8,209
2027 214 1,722 2,321 747 824 270 247 2,778 9,122
2028 239 1,928 2,615 842 908 297 272 3,037 10,138
2029 268 2,157 2,946 949 1,001 327 300 3,321 11,269
2030 300 2,414 3,320 1,069 1,103 361 330 3,632 12,529
2031 336 2,702 3,741 1,205 1,215 397 364 3,972 13,932
2032 376 3,024 4,215 1,358 1,339 438 401 4,343 15,494
2033 420 3,385 4,750 1,530 1,476 483 442 4,749 17,234
2034 470 3,788 5,352 1,724 1,626 532 487 5,193 19,173
2035 526 4,240 6,031 1,942 1,792 586 537 5,678 21,333
2036 589 4,745 6,795 2,189 1,975 646 591 6,209 23,740
2037 655 5,275 7,605 2,449 2,149 703 643 6,756 26,236
2038 728 5,864 8,512 2,741 2,338 765 700 7,350 28,998
2039 809 6,518 9,526 3,068 2,544 832 762 7,997 32,056
2040 900 7,245 10,662 3,434 2,768 905 829 8,701 35,443
2041 1,000 8,054 11,933 3,843 3,011 985 902 9,467 39,194
2042 1,112 8,953 13,355 4,301 3,276 1,071 981 10,300 43,349
2043 1,236 9,952 14,947 4,814 3,565 1,166 1,067 11,206 47,952
2044 1,374 11,062 16,729 5,388 3,878 1,268 1,161 12,192 53,053
2045 1,527 12,297 18,723 6,030 4,220 1,380 1,263 13,265 58,705
2046 1,697 13,669 20,955 6,749 4,591 1,501 1,375 14,432 64,969
Table 5-93: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction-1, Med.
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 92 739 988 318 359 117 107 1,219 3,940
2027 103 827 1,114 359 396 129 118 1,333 4,379
2028 115 925 1,255 404 436 143 131 1,458 4,866
2029 129 1,035 1,414 455 480 157 144 1,594 5,409
2030 144 1,159 1,594 513 529 173 159 1,743 6,014
2031 161 1,297 1,796 578 583 191 175 1,906 6,687
2032 180 1,452 2,023 652 643 210 192 2,085 7,437
2033 202 1,625 2,280 734 708 232 212 2,279 8,272
2034 226 1,818 2,569 827 781 255 234 2,493 9,203
2035 253 2,035 2,895 932 860 281 258 2,726 10,240
2036 283 2,278 3,262 1,050 948 310 284 2,981 11,395
2037 314 2,532 3,651 1,176 1,032 337 309 3,243 12,593
2038 349 2,814 4,086 1,316 1,122 367 336 3,528 13,919
2039 388 3,129 4,573 1,473 1,221 399 366 3,839 15,387
2040 432 3,478 5,118 1,648 1,329 434 398 4,176 17,013
2041 480 3,866 5,728 1,845 1,445 473 433 4,544 18,813
2042 534 4,297 6,410 2,065 1,573 514 471 4,944 20,808
2043 593 4,777 7,175 2,311 1,711 560 512 5,379 23,017
2044 659 5,310 8,030 2,586 1,862 609 557 5,852 25,465
2045 733 5,903 8,987 2,894 2,025 662 606 6,367 28,178
2046 815 6,561 10,058 3,239 2,204 721 660 6,928 31,185
Table 5-94: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction-2, Med.
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 99 800 1,071 345 389 127 116 1,321 4,269
2027 111 896 1,207 389 429 140 128 1,444 4,743
2028 124 1,002 1,360 438 472 154 141 1,579 5,272
2029 139 1,122 1,532 493 520 170 156 1,727 5,860
2030 156 1,256 1,726 556 573 188 172 1,889 6,515
2031 174 1,405 1,945 626 632 207 189 2,065 7,244
2032 195 1,573 2,192 706 696 228 209 2,258 8,057
2033 219 1,760 2,470 795 767 251 230 2,469 8,962
2034 245 1,970 2,783 896 846 277 253 2,700 9,970
2035 274 2,205 3,136 1,010 932 305 279 2,953 11,093
2036 306 2,468 3,534 1,138 1,027 336 308 3,229 12,345
2037 341 2,743 3,955 1,274 1,117 365 335 3,513 13,642
2038 379 3,049 4,426 1,425 1,216 398 364 3,822 15,079
2039 421 3,389 4,954 1,595 1,323 433 396 4,159 16,669
2040 468 3,768 5,544 1,786 1,439 471 431 4,524 18,430
2041 520 4,188 6,205 1,998 1,566 512 469 4,923 20,381
2042 578 4,655 6,945 2,237 1,704 557 510 5,356 22,542
2043 643 5,175 7,772 2,503 1,854 606 555 5,827 24,935
2044 714 5,752 8,699 2,802 2,017 660 604 6,340 27,587
2045 794 6,394 9,736 3,136 2,194 718 657 6,898 30,527
2046 883 7,108 10,896 3,509 2,387 781 715 7,505 33,784
Table 5-95: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Combined, High
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 191 1,539 2,059 663 748 245 224 2,540 8,209
2027 216 1,741 2,347 756 833 272 249 2,806 9,221
2028 244 1,969 2,675 862 928 304 278 3,099 10,359
2029 277 2,227 3,049 982 1,034 338 310 3,423 11,640
2030 313 2,520 3,476 1,119 1,152 377 345 3,780 13,081
2031 354 2,850 3,962 1,276 1,283 420 384 4,175 14,704
2032 400 3,224 4,516 1,454 1,429 467 428 4,612 16,531
2033 453 3,647 5,147 1,658 1,592 521 477 5,094 18,588
2034 512 4,126 5,866 1,889 1,774 580 531 5,626 20,904
2035 579 4,667 6,686 2,153 1,976 646 592 6,214 23,514
2036 656 5,279 7,621 2,455 2,201 720 659 6,863 26,454
2037 736 5,927 8,621 2,777 2,419 791 724 7,543 29,537
2038 826 6,653 9,752 3,141 2,659 869 796 8,289 32,985
2039 927 7,469 11,032 3,553 2,922 956 875 9,110 36,843
2040 1,041 8,385 12,479 4,019 3,211 1,050 961 10,012 41,158
2041 1,169 9,412 14,116 4,546 3,529 1,154 1,057 11,003 45,986
2042 1,312 10,566 15,968 5,143 3,878 1,268 1,161 12,092 51,390
2043 1,473 11,862 18,063 5,818 4,262 1,394 1,276 13,289 57,437
2044 1,653 13,316 20,433 6,581 4,684 1,532 1,403 14,605 64,207
2045 1,856 14,949 23,114 7,444 5,148 1,684 1,541 16,051 71,787
2046 2,084 16,781 26,147 8,421 5,657 1,850 1,694 17,640 80,274
Table 5-96: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction-1, High
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 92 739 988 318 359 117 107 1,219 3,940
2027 104 836 1,127 363 400 131 120 1,347 4,426
2028 117 945 1,284 414 445 146 133 1,487 4,972
2029 133 1,069 1,464 471 496 162 149 1,643 5,587
2030 150 1,209 1,668 537 553 181 166 1,815 6,279
2031 170 1,368 1,902 612 616 201 184 2,004 7,058
2032 192 1,548 2,167 698 686 224 205 2,214 7,935
2033 217 1,751 2,470 796 764 250 229 2,445 8,922
2034 246 1,980 2,816 907 851 278 255 2,700 10,034
2035 278 2,240 3,209 1,034 948 310 284 2,983 11,287
2036 315 2,534 3,658 1,178 1,057 346 316 3,294 12,698
2037 353 2,845 4,138 1,333 1,161 380 348 3,620 14,178
2038 397 3,194 4,681 1,508 1,276 417 382 3,979 15,833
2039 445 3,585 5,295 1,705 1,402 459 420 4,373 17,685
2040 500 4,025 5,990 1,929 1,541 504 461 4,806 19,756
2041 561 4,518 6,776 2,182 1,694 554 507 5,281 22,073
2042 630 5,072 7,665 2,469 1,862 609 557 5,804 24,667
2043 707 5,694 8,670 2,792 2,046 669 613 6,379 27,570
2044 794 6,392 9,808 3,159 2,248 735 673 7,010 30,819
2045 891 7,175 11,095 3,573 2,471 808 740 7,704 34,458
2046 1,000 8,055 12,550 4,042 2,716 888 813 8,467 38,532
Table 5-97: Forecasted Combined Traffic (existing & new roads within Park) (Direction-2, High
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 99 800 1,071 345 389 127 116 1,321 4,269
2027 112 905 1,221 393 433 142 130 1,459 4,795
2028 127 1,024 1,391 448 483 158 144 1,611 5,387
2029 144 1,158 1,586 511 538 176 161 1,780 6,053
2030 163 1,310 1,807 582 599 196 179 1,966 6,802
2031 184 1,482 2,060 663 667 218 200 2,171 7,646
2032 208 1,677 2,348 756 743 243 223 2,398 8,596
2033 235 1,897 2,676 862 828 271 248 2,649 9,666
2034 266 2,145 3,050 982 922 302 276 2,925 10,870
2035 301 2,427 3,477 1,120 1,027 336 308 3,231 12,227
2036 341 2,745 3,963 1,276 1,145 374 343 3,569 13,756
2037 383 3,082 4,483 1,444 1,258 411 377 3,922 15,359
2038 430 3,460 5,071 1,633 1,382 452 414 4,310 17,152
2039 482 3,884 5,736 1,848 1,519 497 455 4,737 19,158
2040 541 4,360 6,489 2,090 1,670 546 500 5,206 21,402
2041 608 4,894 7,340 2,364 1,835 600 549 5,722 23,913
2042 682 5,495 8,304 2,674 2,017 660 604 6,288 26,723
2043 766 6,168 9,393 3,025 2,216 725 664 6,910 29,867
2044 860 6,924 10,625 3,422 2,436 797 729 7,595 33,388
2045 965 7,773 12,019 3,871 2,677 875 802 8,346 37,329
2046 1,084 8,726 13,596 4,379 2,942 962 881 9,173 41,743
Figure 5-8: Calibrated Speed-Flow Curve for Multilane Highways (HCM 2010)
Analysis methodologies are provided that account for the impact of a variety of prevailing
conditions, including:
Lane widths
Lateral clearances
Number of lanes (For freeways/expressways)
Type of median (For multilane highways)
Frequency of interchanges (freeways) or access points (multilane highways)
Presence of heavy vehicles in the traffic stream
Driver populations dominated by occasional or unfamiliar users of a facility
For two-lane two-way rural highways, there are two distinct classes of these highways (HCM
Class I: Motorists expect to travel at relatively high speeds, including major intercity
routes, primary arterials, and daily commuter routes. Serve primarily mobility needs.
Class II: Motorists do not necessarily expect to travel at high speeds, including access
routes, scenic and recreational routes, and routes through rugged terrain. Serve primarily
accessibility needs.
In the context of the current project route, which serves as a major import/export outlet of the
country, the approaches for class-I 2-lane 2-way rural highway apply. For such highways, the
capacity and LOS analysis are based on two key parameters, i.e. Average Travel Speed (ATS)
and Percent Time Spent Following (PTSF) (Table 5.98).
Table 5-98:. LOS Criteria for Class-I 2-lane 2-way rural highway (HCM 2010)
Accordingly, the design class and required number of lanes for the project route are determined in
the following sections as per the HCM 2010 procedures.
Segment outside the Awash National Park
Given the significance of the proposed route in terms of the country’s import-export transport and
contribution to the economy, it is necessary to design the facility as a high mobility route as a
multilane highway. According to the HCM 2010, the required number of lanes for a given design
traffic volume and specified minimum LOS under peak conditions can be determined as follows:
Ni = DDHV/(PHF*MSF*fHV*fp)
Ni = Required number of lanes per direction,
vp = passenger-car equiv. flow rate for peak 15-minute period, pc/h,
DDHV = Directional Design Hour Volume for the full peak hour, veh/h,
PHF = peak-hour factor,
MSF = Maximum Service Flow rate for a given LOS
fHV = heavy-vehicle adjustment factor.
fHV = 1/(1 + PHV(ET-1)
PHV = proportion of Heavy Vehicles, expressed as a decimal,
EHV = passenger-car equivalent for trucks,
In the absence of actual peak hour traffic data, the DDHV can be estimated from the AADT as
K: proportion of daily traffic occurring during the peak hour,
D: proportion of peak hour traffic traveling in the peak direction of flow,
The Free Flow Speed (FFS) for a given multilane highway can be estimated as follows:
Yea AADT K D DDH PHF MSF PHV ET fHV fp Number of Lanes (N)
r V (LOS
Calculated Recommended
2026 6,743 0.0 0.5 316 0.9 1700 33.7 1. 0.8 1 0.2 2.0
9 2 % 5 6
2036 19,50 0.0 0.5 913 0.9 1700 28.6 1. 0.8 1 0.7 2.0
1 9 2 % 5 7
2046 53,36 0.0 0.5 2,498 0.9 1700 24.3 1. 0.8 1 1.8 2.0
8 9 2 % 5 9
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 34 275 368 118 134 44 40 454 1,466
2027 38 308 414 133 147 48 44 496 1,629
2028 43 344 467 150 162 53 49 542 1,810
2029 48 385 526 169 179 58 54 593 2,012
2030 54 431 593 191 197 64 59 649 2,237
2031 60 483 668 215 217 71 65 709 2,488
2032 67 540 753 242 239 78 72 776 2,767
2033 75 604 848 273 264 86 79 848 3,077
2034 84 676 956 308 290 95 87 927 3,424
2035 94 757 1,077 347 320 105 96 1,014 3,809
2036 105 847 1,213 391 353 115 106 1,109 4,239
2037 117 942 1,358 437 384 126 115 1,206 4,685
2038 130 1,047 1,520 490 418 137 125 1,313 5,178
2039 145 1,164 1,701 548 454 149 136 1,428 5,724
2040 161 1,294 1,904 613 494 162 148 1,554 6,329
2041 179 1,438 2,131 686 538 176 161 1,690 6,999
2042 199 1,599 2,385 768 585 191 175 1,839 7,741
2043 221 1,777 2,669 860 637 208 191 2,001 8,563
2044 245 1,975 2,987 962 693 226 207 2,177 9,474
2045 273 2,196 3,343 1,077 753 246 226 2,369 10,483
2046 303 2,441 3,742 1,205 820 268 245 2,577 11,602
Table 5-101: Projected Combined Traffic on the Existing & Project Roads (Both Directions,
Medium Scenario)
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 191 1,539 2,059 663 748 245 224 2,540 8,209
2027 214 1,722 2,321 747 824 270 247 2,778 9,122
2028 239 1,928 2,615 842 908 297 272 3,037 10,138
2029 268 2,157 2,946 949 1,001 327 300 3,321 11,269
2030 300 2,414 3,320 1,069 1,103 361 330 3,632 12,529
2031 336 2,702 3,741 1,205 1,215 397 364 3,972 13,932
2032 376 3,024 4,215 1,358 1,339 438 401 4,343 15,494
2033 420 3,385 4,750 1,530 1,476 483 442 4,749 17,234
2034 470 3,788 5,352 1,724 1,626 532 487 5,193 19,173
2035 526 4,240 6,031 1,942 1,792 586 537 5,678 21,333
2036 589 4,745 6,795 2,189 1,975 646 591 6,209 23,740
2037 655 5,275 7,605 2,449 2,149 703 643 6,756 26,236
2038 728 5,864 8,512 2,741 2,338 765 700 7,350 28,998
2039 809 6,518 9,526 3,068 2,544 832 762 7,997 32,056
2040 900 7,245 10,662 3,434 2,768 905 829 8,701 35,443
2041 1,000 8,054 11,933 3,843 3,011 985 902 9,467 39,194
2042 1,112 8,953 13,355 4,301 3,276 1,071 981 10,300 43,349
2043 1,236 9,952 14,947 4,814 3,565 1,166 1,067 11,206 47,952
2044 1,374 11,062 16,729 5,388 3,878 1,268 1,161 12,192 53,053
2045 1,527 12,297 18,723 6,030 4,220 1,380 1,263 13,265 58,705
2046 1,697 13,669 20,955 6,749 4,591 1,501 1,375 14,432 64,969
The three options have been evaluated and compared using the HCM-2010 operational analysis
methodology for 2-lane 2-way rural highways and multilane highways.
Option-1: Two-Lane Two-Way Highway
The analysis for such facilities depends on the Average Travel Speed (ATS) and Percent Time
Spent Following (PTSF) as described above. Accordingly, the following procedures were followed
in order to establish the two parameters:
- Calculation of ATS:
ATS = FFS - 0.0125vp - fnp
ATS = average travel speed for both directions of travel combined, km/h,
FFS = estimated free-flow speed, km/h,
FFS = BFFS - fLS - fA
BFFS = base free-flow speed, km/h,
fLS = adjustment for lane width and shoulder width,
fA = adjustment for access points,
vp = service flow rate (passenger-car equivalent flow rate for peak 15-minute, pc/h.)
fnp = adjustment for percentage of no-passing zones,
Calculation of service flow rate:
vp = DHV/(PHF*fHV*fG)
DHV = two-way demand volume for the full peak hour, veh/h,
DHV = AADT * K * D
AADT: Average Annual Daily Traffic (veh/day)
K: proportion of daily traffic occurring during the peak hour
D: proportion of peak hour traffic traveling in the peak direction of flow
PHF = peak-hour factor,
fG = grade adjustment factor, and
fHV = heavy-vehicle adjustment factor.
fHV = 1/(1 + PHV(ET-1)
PHV = proportion of Heavy Vehicles, expressed as a decimal,
EHV = passenger-car equivalent for trucks,
- Calculation of PTSF:
PTSF = BPTSF + fd/np
PTSF = percent time spent following,
BPTSF = base percent time spent following, for both directions of travel combined
BPTSF = 100 [1 - e(-0.000879vp)]
fd/np = adjustment for the combined effect on percent time spent following of directional
distribution of traffic and percent no-passing zones,
The analysis results for option-1 are summarized in Table 5.102 According to the results, the
expected LOS is “E” for mid-life (2036) and “F” for design year (2046), which may be too low and
thus not recommended for such a route with major economic significance for the country.
Table 5-102: LOS analysis results for Two-Lane Two-Way Option (Combined Traffic for existing
and project route, Medium Traffic Scenario)
T F G fnp S F fd/np F
8,209 0.0 739 0.9 33.7 1.2 0.94 1 876.2 83 2. 70 54 9 63 D
9 % 2
23,740 0.0 2,137 0.9 28.6 1.1 0.97 1 2442. 83 0. 52 88 1.8 90 E
9 % 0 8
64,969 0.0 5,847 0.9 24.3 1.1 0.98 1 6655. 83 0. N/A 100 0.7 100 F
9 % 0 8
2026 8,209 0.09 0.52 384 0.9 2 33.7% 1.5 0.86 1 249.4 84 A
2036 23,740 0.09 0.52 1,111 0.9 2 28.6% 1.5 0.87 1 705.7 84 B
2046 64,969 0.09 0.52 3,041 0.9 2 24.3% 1.5 0.89 1 1894.7 84 E
2026 8,209 0.09 0.52 384 0.9 3 33.7% 1.5 0.86 1 166.2 84 A
2036 23,740 0.09 0.52 1,111 0.9 3 28.6% 1.5 0.87 1 470.4 84 A
2046 64,969 0.09 0.52 3,041 0.9 3 24.3% 1.5 0.89 1 1263.1 84 C
Evaluation of Junction Types at Entry and Exit from the Awash Park Segment
If the existing road and the project road are to be merged within the boundary of the Awash
National Park, there is a need to design an appropriate junction type at the entry and exit from the
park where the two alignments intersect. There are generally two options, namely, at-grade
junction and grade-separated junction. The selection of the appropriate junction type needs to
consider several factors into consideration including the function of the roads, the traffic volume,
safety, expected performance, cost, right-of-way and other factors. The project route is a high
priority route which serves as a major import/export corridor of the country. It also links with the
Addis-Adama Expressway and is also being planned as a toll road all the way to Dire Dawa and
Dewelle. Drivers expect high performance in terms of travel time and speed on such roads.
Therefore, it is usually recommended to avoid at-grade junctions that may create bottlenecks and
also violate driver expectancy on such uninterrupted flow facilities. There are different guides on
the selection of appropriate junction types based on traffic flows and other parameters. Figure 5.9
shows one of such guides that recommends junction types based on the daily traffic volumes on
the intersection roads. Using this guide and the AADT data for the project and existing routes
(Tables 5.105 & 5.106) it shows roundabout/signals for the mid-life (2036) and Grade-Separation
for the design year (2046). However, given the priority of the project route as a tolled road and to
meet driver expectancy for uninterrupted flow on the tolled expressway, it is recommended to
install a grade-separated junction in the form of a Half-Trumpet similar to the schematic shown in
Figure 5.10.
Medium Scenario
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 157 1,264 1,692 545 614 201 184 2,087 6,743
2036 484 3,898 5,582 1,798 1,622 531 486 5,101 19,501
2046 1,394 11,228 17,213 5,544 3,771 1,233 1,129 11,855 53,368
Medium Scenario
Year Cars 4WD S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck H/Truck T&T Total
2026 34 275 368 118 134 44 40 454 1,466
2036 105 847 1,213 391 353 115 106 1,109 4,239
2046 303 2,441 3,742 1,205 820 268 245 2,577 11,602
Figure 5-10: Recommended Half Trumpet Interchange between the existing and project
This Report presents the pavement design of the section from Km 60+000 to 126+558 of the
Melkajilo - Awash Road Project. Most road agencies and standards make use of sub grade soil
strength and axle load as an input for pavement design of paved roads. Thus, these two
parameters have to receive utmost attention and consideration. In general, overestimating sub
grade soil strength and underestimating axle load will result in premature pavement failures. In
addition, underestimating sub grade soil strength and overestimating axle load will increase the
project cost and makes it uneconomical. Therefore, proper sub grade soil strength and axle load
evaluation and interpretation are crucial elements from both technical and economic perspective.
Depending on functional classification of the road, ERA 2013 Pavement Design Manual proposes
an analysis period of 10-20 years for different type road. Considering the function of the project
road in the overall network as Trunk Road, 20 years has been adopted for pavement design life. It
has been also assumed that year 2026 (giving tendering, mobilization and construction times) has
been considered as the base year when the project road will be opened to traffic, upon which
traffic projections will be based.
The damaging effect of a vehicle to pavement structures is not only dependent on the number of
repetition of the traffic which was determined from traffic survey, but also from magnitude of the
axle load. The relative damaging factor, equivalency factor (EF), of a vehicle is determined from
ratio of axle load of each vehicle class to standard axle load (8160 kg) with the equation:
Table 6-3:: Equivalent Factor Assumed for Medium Traffic Loading Scenario
Table 6-4:: Equivalent Factor Assumed for Full Traffic Loading Scenario
Table 6-5:: Equivalent Factor Assumed for Link roads adopt Half Loading Scenario
Traffic forecasting is an uncertain process even with a developed economy and stable economic
condition. In a developing economy, the problem becomes more intractable.
The traffic growth rate can be linearly related to GDP. This is normally preferable since it explicitly
takes in to account changes in overall economic activity, but it has the disadvantages that in order
to use the relationship for forecasting, a forecast of GDP is needed.
Prediction of traffic loading is even worse as it is related to driver behavior, vehicle owner and the
legal enforcement and the overall road asset management strategy and technology adopted.
However, for the pavement design purpose it is attempted to predict the traffic loading in terms of
equivalent axle load for the two scenarios as shown below.
Table 6-6: Cumulative ESA per lane for the two Scenario under Different Loading, Million
Segment Chainage Direction
Medium loading Full loading
Km 60+000 to
Melkajilo - Awash 1 119.5 175.0
Km 126+558
Km 126+558 to
Awash - Melkajilo 2 129.5 189.5
Km 60+000
The base year and projected traffic for the design period for each category of vehicle have been
extracted from traffic and transport analysis report. Design traffic loading (ESA) has been
estimated using the estimated traffic data, EF as estimated above and lane distribution factors of
The damages that vehicles do to a road depend very strongly on the axle loads of the vehicles
and normally expressed in terms of Equivalent Factor (EF). For this pavement design purpose,
recommended medium traffic loading scenario. Based on this analysis, both the medium and full
loading scenario on each direction can reasonably be considered and classified as more than
T10 traffic class (50 – 80* MESA) as per ERA manual 2013.However, for this pavement design
purpose adopt the highest Medium Loading scenario value which is 129.5 Million ESA is
Because of ERA manual 2013 traffic class considered only up to 80 million ESA, AASHTO
flexible pavement thickness design procedures are based on cumulative expected 18-kip
equivalent single-axle loads (ESAL) during the analysis period is more reliable for this pavement
design purpose.
Whether laboratory or in-situ testes are used to obtain subgrade strength, each sample or each
test will usually give different results and these can sometimes cover a considerable range. For
design purposes it is important that the strength of the subgrade is not seriously underestimated
for large areas of pavement or overestimated to such an extent that there is a risk of local failure.
For the subject road project, the design CBR values adopted by taking the lower ten percentile
value, i.e. that value which is exceeded by 90 percent of the readings. Since characteristics of the
subgrade change significantly over sections of the route, different subgrade strength values for
design have been calculated for each homogenous section.
The entire route alignment was subdivided in to two sections of fairly homogenous subgrade
strength regimes. The subgrade CBR values of the whole route alignment determined at 95% of
MDD were used to delineate the homogeneous sections. The design CBR values for each
homogenous sections are shown below.
Segment-1 Segment-2
1 60+000 – 110+000 2
2 110+000 – 126+558 2
As the expressway traverses along a new alignment, there will be a considerable filling and
cutting requirements to attain the design vertical grades. In determining the design sub-grade
strength it is thus rational to consider the strength of the available side fill material which will be
used for the embankments and replacement of unsuitable native soils. Therefore, fill material as
well as replacement materials shall have a minimum CBR value of 5%.
In light of this, the AASHTO pavement design method uses average values of the design input
parameters. Hence an average CBR value of 5% is considered for the AASHTO method.
The Structural Number is an abstract number that is used to express the structural strength of the
pavement required for a given combination of soil resilient modulus (MR), cumulative Equivalent
Standard Axles, serviceability and other design requirements as discussed in subsequent
sections. Accordingly the Structural Numbers (SN) the total pavement and the SN for the
individual layer of the pavement were determined based on the design procedures stipulated in
the AASTHO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993. The AASHTO equation used to
determine the SN is:
Pavement thicknesses
Once the Design Structural Number for initial pavement structure is determined, it is necessary to
identify pavement thicknesses which when combined will provide the load carrying capacity
corresponding to this design SN using the appropriate layer coefficients which represent the relative
strength of each pavement layer. These layer coefficients express the empirical relationship
between SN and thicknesses and are measures of the relative ability of the pavement material to
function as a structural component. The average vales of layer coefficients for pavement materials
are established in AASHTO Road test, and also can be estimated from nomogram included in the
AASHTO Design Guide using certain physical properties of the pavement material. The following
AAASHTO procedures and empirical equations are applied in determination the pavement
SN = a1D1+a2D2+a3D3m3+a4D4m4
a1, a2, a3,, = layer coefficients representative of surface, base, and subbase courses
D1, D2 and D3 = Actual thicknesses (in inches for the corresponding pavement layer)
m2, m3 = Drainage coefficients for unbound materials
Design Requirements
The design requirements are selected in general based on the road standard, traffic volume,
pavement material characteristics and environmental conditions. The design requirements are
grouped into four major categories:
Design variables
Performance criteria
Structural Characteristics
The design requirements under each category that suit the standard of the road and the site
condition are selected in order to determine the appropriate pavement thicknesses. The selected
inputs are shown below.
Design Variables
Reliability Factor, % it reflects traffic & performance predictions. For AASHTO Guide 1993 the R
interval of interstate freeways is 80-99.9. Due to heavy traffic, our project adopts a reliability level
of 98%, as a function.
Standard Normal Deviation (Zr).This variable tells how widely either design inputs -Traffic &
Performance - may vary in the future. For 98% Reliability, the corresponding Standard Normal
Deviate will be -2.054
Standard Deviations, (So); Under AASHTO guidelines, 0.40 for flexible pavements is taken.
Performance Criteria
Serviceability loss (PSI) - It is serviceability index. Condition of pavements are rated with a
present serviceability index (PSI) ranging from 5 (perfect condition) to 0 (impossible to travel).
Initial serviceability index (Po) – Po is considered to be that PSI immediately after the
pavement is open. AASHTO values are from 4.7
Terminal serviceability index (Pt): PSI is assumed to represent the lowest acceptable level
before resurfacing or reconstruction becomes necessary. We assume Pt = 2.5 (Road class: Major
Collectors and all Arterials). ΔPSI, 2.2, is the disparity between Po and Pt, applied prism design.
No design Upper
CBR Dense Crushe Lower
Bitumino d Stone Natural
us Aggreg Gravel Capping
Surfacing Macadam ate subbas
From To
(AC) (DBM), Base e (CBR>
Base course course, 15%)
Course (CBR > (CBR >
100%) 30%)
Recommended Pavement
Lengt Structures (mm)
ive Design Design
Sec. h(m) Crushed
Location number Traffic Sub-grade
No Base Sub base
of ESAs Class Class AC
Course (GS)
3 8001 7.9 T6 S3 50 200 350
Shoulders are an essential element of the structural design of a road, providing lateral support for
the pavement layers and accommodate stopped vehicles in case of emergency. Besides
shoulders are provided to facilitate the internal drainage of the pavement layers and protect the
pavement from the adverse effect of water.
For this detail, a paved road it is reasonable to provide paved shoulder rather than unpaved. This
is because it greatly improves pavement performance by ensuring that the zone of seasonal
moisture variation does not penetrate to the outer wheel track, it reduces erosion of the shoulders
(especially on steep gradients) besides it minimizes maintenance costs by avoiding the need for
regular re-gravelling.
Considering this fact, it is recommended that the whole section of the expressway main line,
interchange ramps and link road of the project to design and construct paved Shoulder using
50mm Asphalt concrete surfacing.
The following Manuals are adopted for the Geometric Design of the Mainline Expressway as well
as Link Roads. Since ERA’s Manual doesn’t explicitly provide design parameters for Expressway
Standard roads, AASHTO manual is adopted for the mainline expressway.
Terrain class has to be determined for the road corridor independently of the final alignment that
is to be designed. It is determined by counting the number of 5m contours crossed by straight line
connecting two ends of the road section. As per ERA Manual 2013 four categories have been
defined which apply to all roads as shown below.
Flat: 0 - 10 five meter contours per km. The traverse ground slopes perpendicular
to the ground contours generally are below 3%
Rolling: 11 - 25 five meter contours per km. The traverse ground slopes
perpendicular to the ground contours generally are between 3% and 25%.
Mountainous: 26 - 50 five meter contours per km. The traverse ground slopes
perpendicular to the ground contours generally are above 25%.
Escarpment: More than 50 five meter contours per km. The traverse ground
slopes perpendicular to the ground contours generally are above 50%.
Slope shading mechanism was used to give the digital ground model different colors for the four
terrain types above so as to determine which section dominantly falls in the terrain category given
above. Based on this the following terrain classification was produced for the section between
Melakjilo and Awash.
Table 7-1: Terrain Classification
Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment
Table 7-3: Design Speed vs Terrain Category as per ERA’s Design Manual for Link Roads
Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment
included in Tables 7-13 and 7-14. Drawing presentation of the Typical Sections are included in
the Appendix part.
The design elements of the horizontal alignment include the tangent, the circular curve, the
transition curve and the super-elevation sections. The values of these design elements primarily
depend on the transverse topography through which the project route passes as well as the
associated construction cost.
Tangent sections may often be beneficial in flat country from aesthetic point of view but are less
so in rolling or mountainous terrain. From a safety standpoint, they provide better visibility and
more passing opportunities. However, long tangent sections increase the danger from headlight
glare and usually lead to excessive speeding. According to ERA Geometric Design Manuals,
maximum tangent length is limited to 4000m as per ERA’s 2002 Manual and 20 times the design
speed in km/h measured in meters as per ERA’s 2013 Manual.
In the 2011 AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, specific values for
maximum or minimum tangent lengths are not specified. But the following statement is listed
under General Controls for Horizontal Alignment: "Although the aesthetic qualities of curving
alignment are important, passing necessitates long tangents on two-lane highways with passing
sight distance on as great a percentage of the length of highway as feasible." This statement
clearly supports the application of long tangents, especially for the design of two-lane, rural
Considering that headlight glare is minimum on the mainline expressway, maximum tangent
length of 4000m is adopted to be supplemented with proper safety furniture. For the link roads 20
times the design speed (in km/h) measured in meters as per ERA’s 2013 Manual is deemed
The following table indicates, based on ERA‘s Geometric Design Manual, for maximum super-
elevation rates of 8% (link roads) and 6% (mainline expressway) for the minimum radii to be used
in the design of the horizontal curves on rural section of the road and a maximum super-elevation
rate of 4% for the minimum radii to be used in urban sections (applicable for link roads) of the
road project.
Table 7-4: Minimum Horizontal Curve Radii for Paved Roads (ERA Geometric Design
Manual 2013)
20 0.23 15 15 15
25 0.20 17 18 19
30 0.21 25 27 30
40 0.19 50 50 55
50 0.17 80 85 95
Figure 7-1: Transition Curve Requirements as Per ERA and AASHTO Manuals
80 380
90 480
100 592
110 716
120 852
Stopping Sight Distance (m)
Speed Coefficient
of Friction
Km/hr Grade = 0% Grade = -5% Grade = -10%
20 0.42 18 18 19
25 0.41 23 24 25
30 0.40 30 32 33
40 0.37 45 47 50
50 0.35 65 70 75
60 0.33 85 90 105
Stopping Sight Distance (m)
Speed Coefficient
of Friction
Km/hr Grade = 0% Grade = -5% Grade = -10%
Passing Sight Distance: As per ERA’s manual, the following values are provided for Passing
Sight Distance of paved roads.
Table 7-6: Passing Sight Distance Values for Paved Roads
20 0.42 -
25 0.41 50
30 0.40 80
40 0.37 135
50 0.35 180
60 0.33 230
70 0315 270
80 0.305 310
85 0.295 330
90 0.29 345
AASHTO’s Manual 2011 suggests maximum gradients for Freeway (Expressway) Roads based
on vehicle performance and driver characteristics as is shown in the following table.
Table 7-7: Maximum Gradients according to ERA’s Standard
Level 4 4 3 3 3 3
Rolling 5 5 4 4 4 4
Mountainous 6 6 6 5 - -
Grades 1% steeper than the value shown may be provided in urban areas with right-of-way
constraints or where needed in mountainous terrain.
ERA’s Geometric Design Manual 2013 suggests maximum gradients for DC5 roads which is to be
adopted for the Link Roads.
Table 7-8:: Maximum Gradients according to ERA’s Standard
Flat 4 6
Rolling 6 8
Mountainous 8 10
Escarpment 8 10
Urban 7 9
5 240 800
6 200 700
7 170 600
8 150 500
9 130 400
10 Required 400
However, it is stated in ERA Geometric Design Manual 2013 section 9-11 that “Climbing lanes
must be considered for roads when present traffic volumes are greater than 400 ADT”.
20 1 10 1
30 2 50 2.5
40 5 90 4
50 10 130 6.5
60 17 180 9
70 30 245 12
85 55 350 18
Concerning this issue it is stated in the manual that the correct phasing of vertical curves restricts
the designer in fitting the road to the topography at the lowest cost. Therefore, phasing is usually
bought at the cost of extra earthwork and the designer must decide at what point it becomes
uneconomical. In cases when the advantage due to phasing is aesthetic, the designer will have to
balance the cost of trial alignments against their elegance. However if the phasing is for the
reasons of safety it will automatically be accepted.
The table below gives the road widening values to be used in the design according to ERA
Geometric Design manual.
Table 7-11: Widening on Curves and High Fills according to ERA standard
Fill Widening
Radius of
Curve Widening
Curve (m)
Height of Fill (m) Amount (m)
20 – 40 1.5
<20 *
*Switchbacks are to be design for passage of single DV4 and a DV1 vehicles for DC-5 road
standard. as switchback
Traffic signs provide essential information to drivers for their safe and efficient maneuvering on
the road. Marker posts assist in a timely perception of the alignment ahead.
Road markings supplement traffic signs and marker posts or serve independently to indicate
certain regulations or hazardous conditions.
The safety and efficiency of a road depends to a considerable degree on its geometric design.
However, physical layout must also be supplemented by effective traffic signing as a means of
informing and warning drivers and controlling drivers.
Hence, the reflective traffic signs provided in ERA’s design manual in cases of sharp curves,
winding alignments, cross road, road intersections, steep grades, pedestrian crossings, animal
crossing areas, villages and town entry, for speed limit, etc. are to be applied for the project.
Marker posts have the function of controlling traffic to encourage safe and expeditious operation.
Guideposts and guardrail are intended to make drivers aware of potential hazards such as abrupt
changes in shoulder width, abrupt changes in the alignment, approach to structures, etc.
Moreover, kilometer Posts and RoW marker posts are to be provided as appropriate.
Pavement markings consists of centerlines, lane lines, no overtaking lines, edge lines, stop and
pedestrian crossings, and various word and symbol markings.
There are a number of steps to enhance safety. Some of these are:
Traffic calming measures such as rumble strips and humps;
Road marking, signage and lighting;
Segregating pedestrian and motorized vehicle in populate areas for link roads;
Provision of Bus-lay-bys, parking bays and parking lane for link roads and
Provision of crash barriers.
The following tables provide summary of geometric design parameters adopted for the Concept
Design of the Mainline Expressway, Link Roads, Interchange Ramps and Slip Roads.
Table 7-12: Geometric Design Standard Parameters for Mainline Expressway
Design parameter
Standard Parameter
values for Main Road
Design Class Expressway
Rolling 100
Design parameter
Standard Parameter
values for Main Road
Design Class Expressway
Design parameter
Standard Parameter
values for Main Road
Design Class Expressway
Design parameter
Standard Parameter
values for Main Road
Design Class Expressway
Flat 3.0
Rolling 4.0
Critical Length of Grade shall be as per AASHTO manual Figure 3-28 for
15km/h speed reduction
Table 7-13: Geometric Design Standard Parameters for Link Roads, Interchange Ramps
and Slip Roads
Flat 85
Rolling 70
Mountainous 60
Urban 50
shoulder + room to
Absolute accommodate a crash
HL.1a Minimum Horizontal Curve Radius for Link Roads (with emax = 8%) [m]
V.1 Flat 4
Rolling 6
Mountainous 8
Escarpment 8
Urban 7
R-C.5b Hard Shoulder Width Double Lane [m] 2.5 outer side AC Paved
PI Spiral- Spiral-
Curve Design Tangent e
Radius in Out
Length Length
BOP 60000.00 988112.916 571531.594
1 63024.10 989705.618 574102.294 120 5000 777.701 0 0 NC
2 67901.61 990896.764 578844.872 120 5000 606.201 0 0 NC
3 73091.78 990921.535 584040.869 120 5000 824.489 0 0 NC
4 76532.21 989827.823 587318.330 100 8000 734.074 0 0 NC
5 82050.96 987155.380 592151.535 120 7000 870.905 0 0 NC
6 87540.44 985754.953 597468.594 100 7000 707.426 0 0 NC
7 91117.48 985552.982 601044.702 100 8000 536.936 0 0 NC
8 95+764.686 985914.932 605679.500 120 8000 683.932 0 0 NC
9 99+499.371 986834.310 609302.678 100 700 340.26 0 0 5.20
10 100+437.178 987734.650 609701.923 100 700 145.737 0 0 5.20
11 102+842.422 989364.374 611476.455 120 4500 376.398 0 0 2.50
12 104+389.418 990586.910 612427.252 120 5600 716.585 0 0 NC
13 107+747.296 992637.768 615095.849 120 5000 586.587 0 0 NC
14 115+340.627 998536.798 619885.548 100 8000 2797.98 0 0 NC
PI Spiral- Spiral-
Curve Design Tangent e
Radius in Out
Length Length
15 122+050.271 1000019.846 626647.226 120 5000 868.31 0 0 NC
16 124+266.832 999734.752 628862.667 120 4000 407.588 0 0 2.50
17 125+731.693 999257.673 630250.629 100 3900 655.366 0 0 NC
EOP 127+396.946 999260.860 631928.011
As can be seen from the table above, minimum curve radii adopted was 700 which is above the
minimum required for design speed of 100km/h which is 455m, where the road stretches along a
mountainous terrain. As no topographical constraints were encountered in the adopted route
corridor no departures from design standards was introduced. Moreover, since the project road
traverses dominantly over a flat and rolling terrain, the curvatures are smoot and more than half of
the stretch is of straight section.
The table below shows the proportion of curved and straight section.
Table 7-15: Proportion of Curve and Straight Section
PVI Grade Distance L K-Value Sag/Crest
Station Level
BOP 60000 1065.247 -0.99 2780.708
1 62780.71 1037.608 -1.01 2332.57 600 31148.21 CREST
2 65113.28 1013.975 -0.65 866.64 300 817.742 SAG
3 65979.92 1008.374 -1.1 852.636 350 773.279 CREST
4 66832.56 999.004 -0.5 1125.855 350 584.382 SAG
5 67958.41 993.374 -1.02 1389.639 350 675.939 CREST
6 69348.05 979.23 -0.5 1428.138 250 482.835 SAG
7 70776.19 972.089 1.44 1858.126 250 128.8 SAG
8 72634.31 998.864 0.38 2212.801 350 329.112 CREST
9 74847.11 1007.217 2.98 793.991 300 115.12 SAG
10 75641.1 1030.905 -1.71 1606.667 470 100.057 CREST
11 77247.77 1003.369 0.36 706.01 500 241.622 SAG
12 77953.78 1005.879 -0.6 1604.065 300 314.741 CREST
13 79557.85 996.293 -0.88 488.513 300 1070.003 CREST
14 80046.36 992.003 -0.3 3515.517 300 515.505 SAG
15 83561.88 981.595 -0.44 1348.917 300 2142.538 CREST
PVI Grade Distance L K-Value Sag/Crest
Station Level
16 84910.79 975.712 0.73 889.339 350 299.846 SAG
17 85800.13 982.215 -1.56 1262.479 400 174.356 CREST
18 87062.61 962.482 3.33 441.527 200 40.894 SAG
19 87504.14 977.175 -0.42 2440.594 400 106.811 CREST
20 89944.73 966.991 0.47 1273.516 300 339.863 SAG
21 91218.25 972.919 -0.9 1441.544 300 220.004 CREST
22 92659.79 959.971 -0.32 2388.72 400 691.585 SAG
23 95048.51 952.333 0.29 921.41 400 656.698 SAG
24 95969.92 954.999 -0.34 1037.06 400 633.545 CREST
25 97006.98 951.452 0.51 1306.987 400 468.487 SAG
26 98313.97 958.14 2.53 1495.413 400 197.982 SAG
27 99809.38 996.007 0.5 3037.329 500 246.044 CREST
28 102846.7 1011.193 2.66 623.174 400 185.422 SAG
29 103469.9 1027.753 1.64 1266.26 400 394.97 CREST
30 104736.1 1048.576 -1.1 1611.246 650 236.884 CREST
31 106347.4 1030.861 -3.69 932.647 400 154.322 CREST
32 107280 996.433 -0.54 2388.057 400 127.07 SAG
33 109668.1 983.452 -0.98 2024.356 400 912.546 CREST
34 111692.5 963.575 -2.77 1683.394 480 269.139 CREST
35 113375.8 917.023 -0.5 1786.757 400 176.572 SAG
36 115162.6 908.089 -0.86 1826.949 250 699.754 CREST
37 116989.6 892.427 0.3 985.567 400 345.641 SAG
38 117975.1 895.384 -0.71 2359.601 600 594.839 CREST
39 120334.7 878.662 0 1427.408 600 846.648 SAG
40 121762.1 878.662 -1.08 3654.337 400 371.222 CREST
41 125416.5 840.834 1.14 801.962 250 112.942 SAG
42 126354.7 849.944 4 560.258 250 87.316 SAG
43 126915 872.35 1.1 481.946 300 103.632 CREST
EOP 127396.9 877.672
For the analysis purpose, the gradient is categorized into three classes to measure the severity of
gradients as provided below.
0 to 2% Gentle gradient with insignificant impact on vehicle operation
2 to 4% Rolling gradient with little impact on vehicle operation
>4% Mountainous gradient with significant impact on vehicle operation
Table 7-17: Proportion of Severity of Grade
Figure 7-4: Schematic Representation of Proposed Location of Link Roads, Toll Plazas and
This report is, therefore, prepared to submit detail analysis and site visit recommendations made
in the course of the design work. The current concept design is prepared in for section between
km60+000 and km126+388.6. In undertaking this exercise, ERA’s Drainage Design Manual
(ERADDM 2013) procedures and methodologies are followed.
At the end of the report, recommendations are provided to mitigate possible risks and problems
that may arise in some stretches after construction. Justifications and analyses for every
recommendation made are also included in the report.
This study identifies sufficient number of drainage structures. The total number of drainage
structures proposed during this concept Design is 91 including 4 bridges, 29 box/Slab culverts
and 58 pipe culverts.
The hydrological design and analysis is undertaken according to the following three-stage
During desk study stage, types of data required for the concept design were identified and
collected. These data include maps from Ethiopian Mapping Authority and related data obtained
from different sources. In the second stage, i.e. site visit, number and type of existing structures
were surveyed.
The following important data have been collected and used to carry out the design of
hydrological and hydraulics based on appropriate standard procedures and practices. The
following listed data and as well as many more data are used in the study:-
1) Geo referenced 1:50,000 map which is obtained from Ethiopian Mapping Agency EMA]
2) Land Use and Land Cover Maps of Ethiopia 1:1000,000 which is obtained from Ministry
of Agriculture
3) Soils and Geomorphology Maps of Ethiopia 1:1000,000 which is obtained from Ministry
of Agriculture
4) Digital elevation model (DEM) 90x90m and 30x30m which is obtained from (SRTM)-
Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission.
Catchment areas were carefully delineated using DEM 30x30m resolution data with ARCGIS
10.1. Subsequently the delineated catchments were overlaid on a geo-referenced 1:50,000
scale Topographic map of the project area. Since small catchments are identified more clearly
on Topographic map than on arc view DEM files, these small catchments were delineated
observing contour lines on the Topographic map.
Moreover, streams and gullies that were identified as important during the field visit are also
been delineated again to make those compatible with the site condition. The catchment areas
delineated as part of this concept design are shown in in Figure 8.1.
Other catchment parameters such as average stream slope, length of longest watercourse and
elevation difference were determined from topographic map scale 1:50,000 and satellite images
using Global Mapper Software for the selected catchments.
Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
In Joint Venture with Net Consult P.L.C. 191
Consultancy Services for Detail Feasibility Study and Preparation Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA)
of Procurement Document of Adama - Awash – Meisso – Dire Concept Design – Melkajilo-Awash section (Draft)
Dawa Road Project October 2023
% #Y
Y#Y# Y
# Y
#Y# Y#%
%Y# %
#Y# U %Y
U #%
# Y
##Y U
Y #
Y #
Y #
[ Y# %
% [%
U# #%U%
# #Y
Y #Y
# Y #Y
# # Y
Y # % # Y
Proposed Drainage
structures N
% Bridge
% Slab/box
Road route alignment
Fentale main canal 2000 0 2000 4000 Meters
Figure 8-2: Melkajilo-Awash Expressway Design-Build Road project Delineated catchment Section2 Section1 (60+000-
#Y #Y
-3 65 C-67 C-68
- 4C-
C-61 C6
% #Y
Y#Y# Y
# Y
#Y #%
-1 C-1 2 C-13 C-14 C5
-6 C5
%Y# %
U %Y
#Y #%
C-07 C1
Y #
-1 C2
[ Y# %
U C4
U% # # Y
# % # Y
U% #Y Y
# Y
-8 C4
-4 C4
# # Y
-9 C-30C C4
-1 C4
-2 C4
-3 C-45
-1 C4
-2 C-39
C-33 C-3 4 C-3 5 C-38
-6 C-37
Proposed Drainage
structures Soils
% Bridge
Mollic Andosols
% Slab/box
Eutric Cambisols
Road route alignment 2000 0 2000 4000 Meters
Rock Surface
Fentale main canal 1:250000
Vertic Cambisols
Figure 8-3 Melkajilo-Awash Expressway Design-Build Road project Catchments’ Soil Type Section1 (60+000-126+386.6km)
C-63 C-67
C-64C-65 C-68
C-6 2
C-6 0
C-5 5
Y#Y# Y
C-1 1
# Y
C-1 2 C-13 C-14
U C-5 4
C-5 3
# U %Y
C-0 9
C-08 C-18
C-0 7
# Y
C-1 9
C-0 6
#Y U
C-2 1
Y ##
C-2 2
Y #
C-5 1
C-2 4
[ Y# %
C-5 0
#% # Y
U% # # Y
# %
U% #Y#Y Y
C-2 7
U% # Y
#Y # Y
C-29 C-42 C-4 3 C-44 C-45 C-4 6
# Y
C-3 0C-31 C-41
C-4 0
C-32 C-33 C-39
C-34 C-35 C3
-6 C-3 8
% Bridge
% Slab/box
Road route alignment 2000 0 2000 4000 Meters
Fentale main canal
Catchment areas
Figure 8-4 Melkajilo=Awash Expressway Design-Build Road project Catchments’ Land use /Cover types Section1 (60+000-
c) Terrain Classification
The topography (terrain characteristics) of most catchments areas along the route is flat.
Cross sectional slope for each catchment is determined based on topographical maps
and contour data developed from DEM (Digital Elevation Model).
The frequency of the flood for the design of drainage structures depends on the risk likely to
be encountered during the anticipated service life of the road. Return period with which a
given flood can be expected to occur is the reciprocal of the probability or chance that the
flood will be equaled or exceeded in a given year. The drainage facilities have been
designed for recurrence interval as shown on the Table 2.1 as per Drainage Design Manual
of ERA recommendation for EW1 road classification.
Considering classification of the road as EW1/DC8, EW1/DC8 design standard has been
used per the ERA Drainage Design Manual 2013 recommendation as shown in the Table
Table 8-1: Return Period Based on the Size of Catchments and Type of Structures
Design Chec
50/50/50 100/100/100
Culvert, 2m<span <6m
The three methods have been adopted as per ERA’s Drainage Design Manual (ERADDM)
to calculate the peak discharge depending on the size of the catchment area. These two
methods are:-
The Hydraulic Study undertaken for this project is basically aimed at determining the
required dimension for adequate new drainage facilities. There are various drainage
facilities that can be employed in respect to highway hydraulic structures. For the project
side ditches, pipes, slab and box culverts as well as bridges have been particularly used to
handle the drainage requirement of the project. The following sections present brief design
methodologies taken for each of the facilities.
As suggested in ERADDM and in order to ease the design procedure, HY8 culvert analysis
software which is part of the HYDRAIN software package is used to produce performance
curves for representative sizes of pipe culverts. From the performance curves, the capacity
of each culvert has been determined for HWD/D between 1 to 1.2. Thus from the
performance curves, discharge capacity was determined for each culvert type of the project.
Sta. Catc
Design Design Structure No. of Span(m) Height
h. Id
Discharge Discharge Type span (m)
m3/s m3/s
87+597 C-31 2.70 3.30 SC/BC 1 3 2
88+042 C-32 2.70 3.30 SC/BC 1 3 2
88+717 C-33 9.93 11.46 SC/BC 2 3 2
91+867 C-38 23.84 28.88 SC/BC 1 3.5 3
93+573 C-42 99.90 117.99 SC/BC 4 4 3
94+928 C-43 101.32 119.66 SC/BC 4 4 3
97+148 C-44 11.67 14.14 SC/BC 1 3 2
97+262 C-45 88.01 103.98 SC/BC 3 4 3
97+886 C-47 8.72 10.54 SC/BC 1 2.5 2
100+940 C-51 13.00 15.73 SC/BC 1 3 2
102+102 C-53 112.57 133.00 SC/BC 3 6 3
102+672 C-54 17.43 21.10 SC/BC 1 3 3
113+647 C-59 46.16 54.53 SC/BC 2 3 3
115+990 C-62 20.77 25.16 SC/BC 1 3 3
117+573 C-64 57.72 68.19 SC/BC 1 6 4.0
122+124 C-70 55.85 65.99 SC/BC 1 6 4.0
122+685 C-71 14.57 17.66 SC/BC 1 3 2.5
126+175 C-76 2.80 3.50 SC/BC 1 3 2
Awash Link Road Slab/Box culvert
2+970 CL-1 74.21 89.72 SC/BC 3 3 3
7+375 CL-2 46.10 55.85 SC/BC 2 3 3
Bridge Hydraulics
Bridge structures are costly to build hence it is essential to protect such assets from flood
Simple Manning equation is used to conduct bridge hydraulic modelling. Information and
measurement gathered during site visit is used and the following bridge and multiple
slab/box culverts hydraulic finding have been obtained as shown in Table 4.2.
a) Design floods
Since there is no gauged data at this location, SCS method is applied to estimate the design
flood. The resulting design discharge values are shown in table 4.2. These discharge values
were used in determining the opening sizes of major structures.
Q design,
Station, km Index X Y CA, km2
83+533 B-1 593594 986788 10.02 57.34
85+384 B-2 595381 986305 8.46 60.76
124+006 B-3 628568 999554 48.23 119.93
Mille Link Road Bridge Crossing
359.38 949.90
631524 999672
0+930 BL-1
b) Hydraulics parameters
Manning coefficient of the Bridge is determined based on filed survey of the natural channels
of the rivers. The manning coefficient from inventory of the river channel is estimated and
longitudinal slopes of the stream from topographic survey.
The clearance required between the waterway and the bottom of the superstructure to pass
floating debris carried by the flood have been adopted according to ERA’s Bridge Design
Manual whose values are as stated in Table 4.3 below.
a. Bridge size
The Bridge opening data are i.e. Bridge length, no of span and other Bridge parameters are
obtained in table 4-4.
Design No. of
BR. Sta. Span
Bridge Discharg Discharge Structur span
Index e m3/s m3/s e Type Height
83+533 B-1 48.98 57.34 Bridge 1 15 4
85+384 B-2 52.66 60.76 Bridge 1 20 3
Controlled by road
124+006 B-3 grade Bridge 3 30 10
Mille Link Road Bridge Crossing
0+930 BL-1 804.61 949.90 Bridge 1 60 5
Relief pipe culverts are included to alleviate long ditch flood overtopping problem and for
identified creeks.
Since the road section from 60+000 to 126+386 is rocky and flat may not require paved ditch
but the section from 123+963 to the end is highly erodible it may require paved ditch.
There exist topographic maps, remotely sensed data like aerial photography, and satellite
imagery at various scales mainly at the Ethiopian Mapping Agency. Google Earth Maps of
the project area were also examined. The existing topographic maps are at scales of
1:2,000,000, 1:250,000 and 1:50,000. A review of relevant portions of the maps and
remotely sensed data was made in relation to the road project.
The route corridor has been reviewed based on the revised geological map of Ethiopia 1:
2,000,000 compiled by V. Kazmin (UN) 1972 and visual observation of geological,
geomorphological and geo hydrological setting.
The geological formation of the project area based on the revised geological map of Ethiopia
1: 2,000,000 compiled by V. Kazmin (UN) 1972, and visual observation is summarized
hereunder. The predominant geological setting of the project area is illustrated and
discussed hereunder.
The climatic condition of the area as shown in the following map is dry to semi dry. Such
weather condition is favorable with respect to stability and bearing capacity of foundation
materials and other geotechnical properties of soils.
As it has been illustrated in the map hereunder, the route corridor of all the alternative routes
traverse along the rift valley as shown below. Hence, the PGA of the project area has been
*The peak ground acceleration (PGA) during an earthquake measured in units of 'g' (gravity)
Figure 9-3: Seismic Hazard map of Ethiopia and the specific project area. (Ethiopian
Standard (EN-1998:2015))
Based on the Ethiopian Standard (EN-1998:2015) seismic code the project route can be
zoned in to three seismic regions in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA) ranges from
0.1 to 0.115.
0-1 1:3 1: 3
0-2 - 1:6
Expansive soil 1:2
>2 1:4
For slopes which may not be stable with the recommended back slopes in the table above
and for all slide susceptible areas, slope stability analysis should be carried out during detain
design phase, based on the findings from additional investigations and laboratory testing
programs, and results of engineering analysis; and design and construct appropriate
mitigation measures to ensure stability of the slopes.
Table 9-2: Recommended bearing capacities and footing depth Major Crossing
Conceptual studies of highway structures are typically initiated to support the planning and
programming process as one part of the overall study of the road. the conceptual studies
phase tries to identify, define, and consider sufficient courses of action to address the
crossing structures' needs and deficiencies initially identified during the planning and route
selection process.
This section, therefore, assimilates the information about the investigations made by the
review consultants on the bridges and structures on the Melkajilo – Awash proposed road
segment and takes this information to the change made during the process of review, with
the necessary adjustment.
Consequently, the structural concept design review was made, following the revised output
of hydraulic recommendation for the water crossing structures and Geometric and Ecological
requirements for vehicular, railway, pedestrian, and animal crossing.
This report provides essential data for determining recommended structures, calculating
related quantities, and estimating implementation costs, ensuring a comprehensive
understanding of the project's scope and potential outcomes.
The proposed route has been studied twice in the previous times. This study distinguishes
itself from its predecessors by incorporating a unique feature— an flyover bridge strategically
positioned in four different locations, collectively spanning approximately 5.03 kilometers,
within the core zone of Awash Park. Unlike the previous examinations of the proposed route,
this study not only revisits the raw data employed in earlier analyses but also delves into the
comprehensive review and refinement of crucial components such as concept design and
employer's requirements. Additionally, a thorough examination of various essential elements
was conducted, encompassing the General Map, General Description of Local Conditions,
revised and processed Surface Data, Topographic Map, revised soil extension, revised
Hydrology study output, Design standards conforming to ERA and AASHTO, as well as
considerations for Geometric Design, including User and Operating Data. The inclusion of
specific details, such as the number of traffic lanes, shoulders, pedestrian sidewalk
requirements, and the typical roadway cross-section, demonstrates a thorough and general
approach to the preparation of this report. The integration of an extensive flyover bridge
network within the core zone signifies a commitment to innovative and sustainable solutions
in the development of the proposed route.
The Melkajilo – Awash stretch forms a section of the larger Adama - Awash Road. In 2015,
Beijing Expressway Supervision Co. Ltd, in joint venture with Beza Consulting Engineers,
conducted a comprehensive study on this segment, which was subsequently revisited and
revised by Net Consulting Engineers in 2019.
The previous studies encompassed a thorough examination of diverse bridge types
designed for various purposes along the Melkajilo – Awash Road segment. The outcomes of
these studies demonstrated a remarkable degree of convergence, highlighting the
comprehensive nature of the assessments conducted.
The studies encompassed a thorough evaluation of a wide range of structures designed for
stream and river crossings, including pipe culverts, slab/box culverts, and medium to large-
span bridges. Furthermore, the analysis considered the implementation of underpass and
overpass structures, strategically proposed for accommodating vehicles, and pedestrians,
and facilitating the movement of wild animals. These suggestions were adapted to align with
geometric and ecological requirements, especially within the Awash Park area, expecting
smooth mobility for wildlife while addressing the challenges posed by various obstacles.
The Current study that has been initiated by the wildlife authority focuses on road alignment
that redirects the alignment further to the north direction and construction of an flyover bridge
along the alignment extending no less than 5kilometers, strategically designed to facilitate
the unrestricted mobility of wildlife and minimize the impact on the Awash Park’s ecological
balance and preserve its biodiversity. This approach underscores a commitment to
harmonizing infrastructural development with the conservation and protection of the natural
habitat within the Awash Park area.
In examining the structures within the Melkajilo – Awash Road Segments, both within the
park area and beyond, it becomes apparent that the intended structure types remain largely
consistent with the previous studies. The current evaluation echoes the inclusion of
structures for stream and river crossings, such as pipe culverts, slab/box culverts, and
medium to large-span bridges, aligning closely with the findings of past assessments.
However, this study introduces a pivotal shift by proposing a realignment that slightly turns
away from the very core zone of the park. This strategic adjustment aims to uphold the
ecological integrity of the park while incorporating an expansive flyover bridge spanning not
less than 5 kilometers. As a result, one distinguishing feature of this study is the
incorporation of flyover bridges at various sites inside the Awash Park core zone. This one-
of-a-kind addition attempts to improve animal mobility inside the park by creating safe
pathways for wildlife. These overpass structures within the park core zone are purposefully
placed to improve animal migration, harmonizing with both geometric and biological
concerns in overcoming difficulties within the park. In addition to structures for crossing
streams and rivers, such as pipe culverts, slab/box culverts, and medium to large-span
bridges, the inclusion of flyover bridges underscores a comprehensive approach to address
ecological needs.
Moreover, building upon the recommendations of the previous studies, the ongoing
evaluation continues to advocate for the incorporation of railways, underpasses, and
overpass structures. These structures serve a vital purpose, addressing the needs of
vehicles and pedestrians.
In conclusion, the insights gathered from the previous studies on the Melkajilo – Awash
Road Segments stand as paramount pillars shaping the ongoing and future initiatives. The
meticulous examinations of various bridge types, the strategic placement of underpass and
overpass structures, and the complex understanding of ecological considerations within the
Awash Park area provide a robust foundation. This wealth of information not only informs the
current study but also plays a pivotal role in steering the direction of infrastructural
development toward a harmonious coexistence with the surrounding environment. As we
forge ahead, the valuable lessons from these studies serve as guiding beacons, facilitating a
balanced and sustainable approach that prioritizes both human accessibility and the
preservation of the unique ecosystems along the Melkajilo–Awash Road segment.
The ERA Bridge Design Manual 2013 draws its foundation from a comprehensive
examination of design standards from various countries. Noteworthy among these are the
AASHTO and EUROCODE 1,2,3 (Europe) Codes, serving as references. Simultaneously,
the Ethiopian Building Code Standard, EBCS, stands as a significant influence on the
manual, reflecting the distinctive design considerations pertinent to Ethiopia.
With respect to the structural analysis and design of different types of structures, the review
consultant used the following design criteria and loading assumptions in preparing the
structural design or checking and adopting the design drawings.
Design method: The design method outlines the approach and methodology used to
analyze and design the structures. The chosen method should be efficient in terms of time,
resources, and computational efforts. This is especially important in the concept design
phase where multiple design alternatives are often considered. Different design methods
may be suitable for different types of structures or loading conditions. Selecting the
appropriate design method allows for flexibility in accommodating various design constraints
and requirements. The chosen design method can influence the overall design philosophy.
In the conceptualization of all structures, the fundamental strategy employed for concept
design involves the thoughtful application of the Load and Resistance Factor Design method
(LRFD), a method extensively examined in preceding studies. The LRFD methodology takes
into account the diverse nature of design loads, classifying them into various types with
varying degrees of variability—live loads exhibiting more dynamism compared to relatively
stable dead loads. As a result, unique multipliers are assigned to each load type within the
LRFD framework. The resistance, primarily determined by the estimated peak resistance of
a member, undergoes reduction through the application of a resistance factor. Underscoring
the LRFD approach, it is crucial for the diminished resistance to surpass the cumulative load
effects to ensure that the design meets its criteria.
Design Loads: Highway structures must adhere to design codes and standards that specify
the acceptable limits for different types of loads. By considering these design loads, the
conceptual design can ensure that the structure meets or exceeds regulatory requirements.
In the conceptual design of bridges, the significance of design load takes center stage, with
a focus on adhering to the standard loads outlined in Chapter 3 of the ERA BDM 2013 for
Bridges. Both the current study and the previous studies have employed the ERA 2013
Bridge Design Manual, utilizing its prescribed loadings and procedures for evaluating
concept design documents associated with structures. The design method and design loads
referenced in the ERA Bridge Design Manual 2013 play a pivotal role in guiding the design
procedure undertaken by the design consultant for the preparation of the structural concept
design, establishing its acceptability.
Accurate load determination plays a critical role in the cost estimation process.
Understanding the precise load requirements allows for the selection of appropriately sized
components, equipment, and materials, directly influencing the overall project cost. Whether
it's structural loads in construction or operational loads in engineering systems,
miscalculations can lead to overestimation or, more critically, underestimation of resource
In the preparation of this report, attention has been given to load considerations to provide a
foundation for a realistic and efficient cost estimation process. By understanding and
incorporating the actual load parameters at the concept stage, we aim to deliver a design
that not only aligns with performance expectations but also minimizes unnecessary
expenses, contributing to a more economical conceptual design.
In essence, the incorporation of LRFD and the consideration of Service, Fatigue and
Fracture, Strength, and Extreme Event Limit States collectively contribute to good
conceptual design, ensuring the bridge's reliability, safety, and adaptability throughout its
The service limit state provides restrictions on stress, deformation, and crack width under
regular service conditions. It provides experience-related provisions that cannot necessarily
be derived solely from statistical or strength considerations.
The service limit state is intended to control deflections in superstructures and cracks in
prestressed concrete structures. For the service limit state, failure means that stresses,
deformations, or crack widths exceed the limitations established by AASHTO. However, it
does not necessarily mean collapse or inability of the component to resist the applied loads.
Considering a Service Limit State in the conceptual design of a bridges is crucial for
ensuring the structure's functionality and long-term performance. This involves assessing
factors such as load modifiers related to ductility, redundancy, and operational importance.
By addressing guidelines and initial assumptions for serviceability aspects early in the
conceptual design process, we can optimize the bridge's configuration to meet specific
operational requirements while maintaining durability. This practical approach helps prevent
issues like excessive deflections or vibrations that could compromise the bridge's usability
over time. Ultimately, integrating the Service Limit State into conceptual design enhances
the bridge's functionality, ensuring it serves its intended purpose effectively throughout its
operational life.
The fatigue and fracture limit state provides restrictions on stress range as a result of a
single-design truck occurring at the number of expected stress range cycles. It also provides
material toughness requirements as set forth in the AASHTO Material Specifications. The
fatigue and fracture limit state consists of two load combinations intended to produce the
greatest effect of a stress range on a structural component which controls the possibility for
cracking in steel members from a single truck loading, as specified in AASHTO LRFD Article These two load combinations are designated Fatigue I and Fatigue II, and they
relate to infinite load-induced fatigue life and finite load-induced fatigue life, respectively.
In the conceptual design of a bridge, the consideration of the Fatigue and Fracture Limit
State is essential for evaluating the structure's resilience against repetitive loading and
potential long-term damage. This involves assessing the susceptibility of bridge components
to fatigue, which occurs when materials undergo cyclic loading over time. By accounting for
potential fatigue and fracture issues in the early stages of design, we can make informed
decisions about material selection, detailing, and construction methods to enhance the
bridge's durability. This approach helps mitigate the risk of structural fatigue-related failures,
ensuring that the bridge can withstand the challenges of its operational lifespan without
compromising safety or performance. Integrating the Fatigue and Fracture Limit State into
conceptual design contributes to the overall durability and reliability of the bridge structure.
In the conceptual design of a bridge, it is imperative to incorporate the Strength Limit State,
which ensures that both local and global strength and stability requirements are met. This
involves withstanding specific statistically significant load combinations anticipated over the
bridge's design life. All structural members must satisfy ultimate capacity requirements under
varying live load and wind load conditions. While these combinations may not typically occur
in the bridge's day-to-day operation, accounting for them is vital for long-term resilience. The
conceptual design considers five designated strength load combinations, denoted as
Strength I through Strength V.
It's worth noting that at this conceptual stage, a detailed design has not been undertaken.
However, insights from previous project data are leveraged to inform decisions related to the
Strength Limit State requirements. This data-driven approach enhances the accuracy of
strength assessments and contributes to the robustness of the conceptual design. In the
event of a failure in the Strength Limit State, where the bridge's resistance is surpassed,
there is a risk of extensive distress and structural damage. Nonetheless, the primary
objective remains to uphold overall structural integrity throughout the bridge's operational
life, emphasizing the importance of integrating the Strength Limit State into the conceptual
design process.
It's important to clarify that, at this early conceptual stage, detailed design work has not been
undertaken. Instead, insights from past projects with similar requirements are drawn upon to
guide decisions related to the Extreme Event Limit State. In the context of the extreme event
limit state, failure does not signify a complete loss of structural integrity or collapse under
extreme loading conditions. However, allowances are made for the effects of extreme events
to potentially cause damage to the structure, permitting stresses and deformations well into
the inelastic range. This approach ensures the bridge's resilience under extreme conditions,
recognizing that the detailed design phase will further refine and adapt these considerations
based on the unique characteristics of the current project.
10.6.1 GENERAL
During the preliminary phase of a bridge design, several critical decisions must be made
which set the course for the final design phase. These decisions relate to general design
requirements and location features, and they directly influence whether the bridge design
and construction will be successful or burdened with problems.
Conceived preliminary designs cannot be made efficient during the final design, regardless
of how well the individual bridge components are designed. Therefore, general design
considerations and location features must be carefully addressed early in the design
This subdivision describes several important location features. It also describes fundamental
design objectives, including safety, serviceability, constructability, economy, aesthetics,
security, and roadway drainage. Locations
The location and alignment of the bridge must satisfy both the on-bridge and under-bridge
requirements. The bridge has been designed for the alignment of the roadway it is
supporting. This can result in a tangent bridge if the alignment is straight or slightly curved, a
curved bridge if the alignment has a significant curve, or a flared bridge to allow for a varying
roadway width.
The preliminary design has also considered the need for skewed substructure units. A skew
may be necessary if the feature that is being crossed (such as a roadway, railway, or
waterway) is not oriented perpendicular to the bridge.
Likewise, the flyover bridge planned for integration within the Awash Park section must align
smoothly with the intended purpose and structural requirements. Its design will intricately
follow the course of the supporting roadway, resulting in a span that is either straight for
areas with a linear alignment or gently curved for sections with notable turns.
However, a more detailed investigation and design together with other disciplines is required
during the detail design stage. Bridge sites
The initial hydraulic size assessment identifies two bridges, distinct from the one at Awash
River. These bridges' width and construction are subsequently defined to align with the
ground profile at waterway points, with adherence to the hydraulic recommendation as the
baseline criterion.
In selecting the location for small or medium-sized bridges, the decision has to be reached
between the easiest river crossing and the shortest road alignment. The choice of location
then becomes an economic decision. Whereas for large span Structures the most economic
bridge site and the one that has potentially the longest service life is a location that:
The first two crossing points are in close proximity, separated by less than 2km at kilometers
83+533 and 85+384, with suggested spans of 15m and 20m, respectively. The third
crossing, situated at km 24+006 over the Awash River, ascends the steep northern
escarpment of the Eastern (Great) Rift Valley and is advised to be a triple span of 30m.
The first two bridges are situated in a flat section, characterized by a straight river reach and
well-defined banks, unaffected by the influence of branching rivers. In these instances, the
provided hydraulic size can be maintained without the need for widening or extensive river
training. This allows for a design that perfectly aligns with the natural width of the river,
ensuring an economical and stable structure. However, the crossing over the Awash River
demands a distinct approach, mandating the span to be adjusted to suit the unique
characteristics of the river crossing location and fulfill geometric requirements.
The bridges are located in seismic risk areas and the assessment of earthquake risk should
be considered, it may have an important bearing when long lengths of alignment encounter
active faults or where large structures, including major bridges, might be required to be
constructed in the vicinity of active faults and seismically active zones. In view of this, the
support width of the substructure has been proposed to be wider than 0.7m and we
recommend the structure above the ground, which is most affected during an earthquake be
separated from the effects of earthquake forces by introducing a mechanism that will help
the structure to resist during the detail design phase.
recommended and harmoniously blends into the landscape. This Arch bridge, with its
inherent ability to gracefully span great distances, emerges as an ideal candidate for this
specific location. The arch's unique structural behavior, characterized by its load-bearing
capability and the distribution of forces along its curved form, aligns smoothly with the
challenges posed by large spans. A reinforced concrete arch structure spanning about 129m
becomes the focal point. The arch's inherent stability and aesthetic appeal make it a fitting
choice, providing an elegant solution that harmonizes with the natural surroundings.
Incorporating advanced materials, such as high-strength alloys and innovative construction
techniques, becomes crucial in ensuring the durability and resilience of these remarkable
arch bridges.
When selecting the portion of the bridges that supports the superstructure and distributes all
bridge loads, factors such as geotechnical investigation which cannot be determined
precisely at this stage should be known clearly. However, in consideration of the vertical
grade and the presumed bearing capacity reinforced concrete or masonry substructure can
be proposed. These earth retaining and pillar structures will support the superstructure and
the roadway at the beginning, middle, and end of the bridges.
The designer has more control over pipe strength than any other facet of the project.
There is less reliance on quality installation by the installer.
There is lower embedment material cost.
There is less compaction required.
It is easier to maintain grades and alignment.
There are no excess deflection concerns
There is a lower life cycle cost of the project
There is a lower maintenance cost over the design life of the project
There is a reduced likelihood of failure
A lower risk for the specifier, designer and owner of the project, and reduced overall
liability to the public after the project has been commissioned.
Concrete pipe offers a variety of joints from soil-tight to pressure. They are not affected by
the type of backfill used for the installation. Joint performance can be demonstrated in the
plant prior to pipe installation, and joint integrity can be field tested in a variety of ways. With
concrete pipe, deflection will not compromise field joint test capability. The cross-sectional
rigidity of concrete pipe makes joint assembly a simple operation. Rigid joint integrity will
minimize the likelihood of embedment intrusion and subsidence of overfill, often referred to
as infiltration.
Joints between the pipes shall be sealed with concrete capping or any other method to
prevent infiltration of water and fine soils. Depending on the foundation material of the
project investigated during site data collection, pipe bedding ‘B’ has been assumed to
provide uniform support for the entire length of the pipe. To prevent scouring at the inlet and
outlet level masonry and concrete paved waterway and cut-off walls have been assumed.
However, all pipe culverts have been assumed in such a way to be designed with a proper
inlet and outlet of erosion protections at every pipe cross-section during the detail design
A culvert is a structure constructed over running water or physical obstruction. The main
purpose of constructing a culvert structure is to provide passage over the obstruction. On the
other hand, these underneath structures can be used by pedestrians and animals to pass
through the structures in areas where provision of such structures is required.
Slab culverts: - a variation of culverts, come in two forms—three-sided or as a simple deck
slab—embedded in the soil on both sides. Acting as a bridge, these slabs span distances
and can be a substitute for box culverts when no artificial flooring is required. They offer a
versatile solution for water passage. Slab culverts do not have bottom slabs; therefore, the
natural flow of water is maintained, and the natural bottom substrate remains intact.
Box culverts: - are four-sided rectangular structures, the lower side pressed into the ground
below, the top serving as the roadway and the lateral sides supported by the soil on either
side of the obstruction. Box Culverts can be used and may be economical for the reasons
mentioned below.
The box culvert is a rigid frame structure and very simple in construction.
It is Suitable for non-perennial streams where scrub depth is not significant, but the
soil is weak.
The bottom slab of the box culvert reduces pressure on the soil.
Box culverts are economical due to their rigidity and monolithic action and separate
foundations are not required.
It is used in special cases, weak foundation.
As per the initial Hydrology/Hydraulics report for the project road section, notable box/slab
culverts are proposed at various points. The design adheres to ERA Standard specifications,
featuring clear spans of 2m to 4m for both double and single culverts and a fill height of up to
8.2m for quantity estimation. In cases where existing box culvert dimensions don't align with
standard drawings, the Consultant opts for a conservative design, leaning towards higher
spans and heights based on ERA Standard Drawings.
For slab culverts, ERA Standard Drawings spanning 1-6m and with a fill height of 0.6-8.2m
have been employed. Additionally, a masonry cut-off wall is assumed at the inlet and outlet
levels to mitigate scouring.
10.8.3 BRIDGES
A bridge is a major road structure that is designed to go either over or underneath an
obstacle, Such as a water body, pedestrian crossing area, or any other interchange or road
and railway crossing.
A bridge is therefore designed in consideration of the bridge’s purpose in planning its design.
The structural design can vary greatly, depending on its length, location, anticipated load
weight, and width requirements. Whether clearance is needed below or above the bridge is
another construction consideration. Building budgets and material availability also influence
the type of highway bridge design that is used.
The bridges proposed are overhead types which usually bring the highway over the top of
waterbodies or run on top of another highway when intersected.
Sometimes highway bridge construction involves a complex system of ramps and roads
known as an interchange. In general, an interchange provides a way for vehicles to switch
between multiple intersecting highways. Structures called connector ramps are proposed to
be used by vehicles when changing from one highway to another.
In this case, most of the highway bridges are not used by pedestrians and do not contain
pedestrian walking paths. Instead, they are usually intended to allow vehicles, such as
passenger cars or semi-trucks to safely cross the obstacle.
Bridges require regular upkeep in order to ensure public safety is maintained. Typically,
highway bridge inspection encompasses pinpointing minor issues and ensuring they are
properly repaired. In this regard, the Selection of material and bridge type can help ensure
costly replacements.
Highway bridges can be constructed from a variety of different materials, including concrete,
steel, or stone as well as metal alloys or timber. The bridges can be made from beam, truss,
or arch systems as well as cable-stayed and suspension systems. In our case reinforced
concrete bridges have been selected in consideration of the hydraulic recommended spans,
economy, safety, stability, ease in construction and time required for construction and for the
reasons mentioned below.
Reinforced Concrete bridges can be formed to match the environment and can be
used for large and small spans (For the span configuration according to the hydraulic
requirement of the rivers)
Concrete bridges have proven to be resilient against all types of loads and impact.
Concrete bridges have proven to be durable, even in harsh environments.
Concrete bridges form redundant load paths, leading to reliable structural
Concrete bridges require little maintenance.
Concrete bridges prove to be economical in initial cost and over the long term.
Concrete bridges may be formed using a variety of methods and can meet the
demands of any load rating or design features.
Concrete bridges may include many aesthetic features such as color, shape, texture,
design or patents.
Concrete bridges may be used anywhere a crossing is required. They may be
reinforced, prestressed, precast, post-tensioned, segmental or cast-in-place to meet
the design requirements.
Concrete bridges are rapidly constructed using a variety of construction techniques
and local Labor.
According to ERA Classification Bridges are structures with a total clear opening above 6.0
m, and a structure with a clear span opening less than that is a culvert. A small bridge is 6-
15 m, a medium bridge is 15-50m and a large bridge is above 50 m in total length.
In examining the Melkajilo - Awash Road segment, the hydraulic analysis identifies merely
three significant river crossings at station points 83+533, 85+384, and the Awash River
crossing at 124+006, comprising 3.66% of the total river crossing structures. In tandem,
33.7% of these structures take the form of slab/box culverts, while 62.6% are characterized
by pipes. Notably, the geotechnical assessment for the project area advised against the use
of slab culverts in the previous study, a recommendation upheld in the current evaluation.
Consequently, this study endorses the original suggestion of incorporating 21 box culverts
and 48 pipe culverts without modification, along with an additional 7 box culverts and 3 pipe
For the first two medium-span bridges, the choice of a beam bridge is grounded in its
simplicity and effectiveness. A beam bridge, supported by horizontal beams or girders
spanning across supports such as piers or abutments, aligns seamlessly with the span
requirements of this category. This classic bridge design is particularly suitable for medium
spans, offering a straightforward and reliable solution. The adaptability of beam bridges to
various materials, particularly reinforced concrete, further enhances their appeal in
addressing the specific needs of the project.
Optional criteria for span-to-depth ratios mentioned in AASHTO were used in the
preliminary study and the cantilever part was fixed not to exceed 40% of the spacing of the
girders or 2.8m according to the requirement of the ERA Bridge design manual. The design
depth of a normal girder bridge may vary between 7-10% of the span length in order to avoid
a high superstructure close to the water surface.
The Awash River bridge proposed is a type of Deck Arch Bridge where the deck is
completely above the arch. The spandrel, which is the area between the arch and the deck
has an open reinforced column structure at 17m intervals supported on the arch ring. The
vertical columns support floor beams and deck slab, constructed of Reinforced concrete.
Acknowledging the insights from previous studies that have also recommended the use of
this bridge type, both the preceding research and the current study converge on the same
idea for the Awash River crossing.
The anticipated challenges posed by the river's deep gorge and substantial span have
prompted a consistent recommendation for an open-spandrel arch bridge with the deck
gracefully positioned above the arch. This aligns smoothly with the river's morphology and
addresses the complexities of construction in a region where the bank material is
predominantly rock with near-vertical slopes.
Open-spandrel arch bridges present a compelling solution for spanning large distances,
especially for the Awash River which is characterized by wide gorges with vertical riverbanks
where constructing intermediate supports proves challenging. The inherent structural
simplicity of the open-spandrel design makes it well-suited for situations where intermediate
supports pose challenges, providing an elegant solution to cross-wide gorges with vertical
The roadway alignment at the Awash Arch Bridge lies in a straight line in the ground plan
and the vertical alignment is in a constant slope of 0.43%, road finished level of 845.49 m at
the center of the bridge. The width of the river at the designed road level is 119.24m, thus
the total bridge length including abutment and wing walls is 129m.
The overall clear width (excluding barriers/Railings) of the superstructure is double 12.45m,
to suit the road approach road width. The roadway surface has a 2.5% slope in the
transverse direction.
The tabulated list below outlines the proposed bridges for river crossings, with a visual
examination conducted to assess the necessity of piles for the bridge foundations.
Recommendations regarding the requirement of piles are provided in the table.
Table 10-1: List of River Crossings bridges
When creating the pedestrian bridge, we really thought about making it both useful and nice
to look at. The bridge will be wide, about 5.5 meters, so people can walk on it comfortably
and feel safe. We also made sure there's enough space underneath, at least 5.3 meters so
that cars and other things can go through easily. It's all about making a bridge that works
well and looks good too.
1 63+400 Pedestrian
2 66+000 Vehicular
3 77+800 Pedestrian
4 82+640 Vehicular
5 84+100 Vehicular
6 86+100 Pedestrian
7 87+900 Vehicular
8 90+300 Vehicular
9 95+300 Vehicular
10 97+000 Pedestrian
11 99+560 Pedestrian
Within the heart of Awash National Park, strategic considerations of flyover bridges at four
specific locations have been considered as outlined in the table below. The selected bridge
type for these locations is multiple spans of prestressed clear 30m span box beam,
accompanied by intermediate reinforced concrete pier and abutment supports.
This selection maintains a minimal superstructure depth and ensures a clear vertical
clearance of at least 4 meters above the ground, preserving the unrestricted mobility of wild
animals beneath the bridge.
The 30m span configuration was purposefully chosen to balance the efficient spanning of
distances with a minimal impact on the surrounding ecosystem. Intermediate reinforced
concrete pier supports have been integrated to enhance structural stability, effectively
distributing the load and ensuring the durability of the bridge.
The superstructure of the proposed bridge design is composed of six box beams, with a
clear width of 24.01 meters excluding the crush barriers at the ends. an intermediate
concrete barrier is strategically positioned at the center of the bridge, to effectively divide it
into two distinct ways, and enhance safety.
To ensure stability, the bridges are supported by reinforced concrete cantilever abutments
on each end. Intermediate piers, designed as column types with three columns in a row,
contribute to the overall structural strength. It's noteworthy that the foundation types may
vary at each location, considering both pile and spread footing options have been thoroughly
evaluated to suit the specific conditions of each site within Awash National Park.
A significant aspect of the selected prestressed clear box beam design is its compatibility
with prefabricated superstructure elements, facilitating a faster and more streamlined
construction process. This approach not only advances construction but also reduces
disruptions to the natural environment, aligning with the broader goal of maintaining the
ecological equilibrium within Awash National Park.
Luckily, the proposed flyover bridge doesn't intersect with any significant streams. However,
there are three minor crossing structures where one of the proposed flyover bridges is
located. though they don't have a significant impact on the span configuration and
Table 10-4: Location where crossing culverts meet the flyover bridge.
In the new road plan, we discovered specific points where two roads intersect. At these
points, one road facilitates exiting, while the other allows entry onto the freeway.
Successfully navigating these intersections depends on effective cooperation and
communication. The updated design report outlines three such intersections, each intended
to be built with overpass bridges, as illustrated below.
List of Interchanges
S= Freeboard
In the revised design 3 railway crossings are proposed, further to mention only two railway
crossings are proposed in the engineering report of the concept design. According to our
assessment of the location at Km. 120+800 there is a need for the Expressway to cross the
railway line to Hara Gebeya from Awash. So, we confirmed three railway crossing structures
are required. The minimum clearance is 8m measured from the top of the rail to the soffit of
the bridge. The span of the railway crossings proposed is 40m Post-tensioned box Girder
superstructure supported on Reinforced concrete abutment.
1 AK1+500 1 40 8 Link
2 AK1+258 1 40 8 Link
The design assessment of the Awash Link Road has successfully identified ten structures
categorized as minor drainage structures. Within this classification, two are recognized as
slab/box culverts, while the remaining eight take the form of pipe culverts. These structures
play a crucial role in managing water flow and drainage along the road, contributing to its
overall stability and longevity. Additionally, the design proposes the incorporation of one
major drainage structure on the Mille Link Road, proposing an impressive span of 60 meters.
This major drainage structure is intended to efficiently handle the water flow in this specific
section, ensuring the road's resilience against potential water-related challenges and
enhancing its overall infrastructure.
The thorough design proposal of these drainage structures on the Awash Link Roads mirrors
the standards set for expressway structures, ensuring consistency and reliability. Factors
such as design standards, clearance, material selection, and other critical considerations
align with the criteria employed in the proposed expressways. This deliberate uniformity not
only makes more efficient the implementation process but also upholds a high level of
structural integrity across the entire road network.
The Design proposals would be based on the material properties cited herein.
Grades of concrete are defined by the strength and composition of the concrete obtained by
mixing the basic ingredients of cement, water, and aggregate, and the minimum strength the
concrete should have following 28 days of initial construction. The grade of concrete is
understood in measurements of N/mm2 (MPa), where it denotes the overall strength.
Class of Concrete is an arbitrary characterization of concrete of various qualities or usages;
usually by compressive cube strength and nominal aggregate size. Concrete strengths are
classified according to the minimum 28-day crushing compressive strength of 150mm cubes
in N/mm2.
Different mixes (M) come in various mix proportions of the various ingredients of cement,
sand, and coarse aggregates.
Beams, Deck, and other = 30 N/mm2
Concrete for Railings = 30 N/mm2
Substructure of Bridges = 30 N/mm2
Plain concrete under substructures = 15 N/mm2
Others like Blinding, Mass Concrete = 20 N/mm2
Concrete for kerbing and channelling = 25 N/mm2
Blinding concrete = 7 N/mm2: - is that layer cast on the exposed face of the
excavation, prior to further construction.
All the concrete shall comply with the requirement of Division 8400 of ERA technical
Specification 2013.
The yield strength for deformed reinforcing bar steel would be grade 60 for main bars with
diameters greater than 20mm grade 40 for secondary bars with diameters less than 20mm
and ties with diameters less than 12mm. The minimum yield strength of grade 60
reinforcement steel is 420Mpa, while that of grade 40 is 300Mpa.
Pre-stressing steel will be uncoated, low relaxation; seven-wire strands complying with a
tensile strength of 1860Mpa. Wire strands complying with AASHTO ASTM A 416/A 416M,
Type 1860Mpa (Grade 270) also can be used for the project.
The quantities of the various materials and work items involved in the construction of a
project including bridges and structures are needed for establishing the estimated cost of the
project throughout the design process, and for establishing a basis for comparison of the
contractor’s bids.
Quantities of materials for use in preliminary cost estimates were obtained from the
quantities calculated for previous similar designs. The estimated cost was prepared with not
much detailed information about the project. The worst-case conditions were assumed, such
as deep foundation substructure unless actual conditions are known.