ETH - 8000045254 - Tender Document-123-124
ETH - 8000045254 - Tender Document-123-124
ETH - 8000045254 - Tender Document-123-124
I/ We have read and examined the following documents relating to the work of
c. I/we do not commence the work on or before the date specified by the Engineer in
his work order.
7. I/We hereby further agree to pay all the charges of whatsoever nature in connection with
the preparation, stamping and execution of the said contract.
8. I/We further agree that, I/we shall register ourselves as ‘Employer’ with the Bombay Iron
and Steel Labour Board’ and fulfill all the obligatory provisions of Maharashtra Mathadi,
Hamal and other Manual workers (Regulation of Employment and Welfare) Act 1969 and
the Bombay Iron and Steel unprotected workers Scheme 1970.
9. “I/We………………………………………….…….. have failed in the accompanying tender
with full knowledge of liabilities and, therefore, we will not raise any objection or dispute in
any manner relating to any action, including forfeiture of deposit and blacklisting, for giving
any information, which is found to be incorrect and against the instructions and directions
given in this tender.
10. “I/We further agree and undertake that in the event it is revealed subsequently after the al-
lotment of work/contract to me/us, that any information given by me/us in this tender is false
or incorrect, I/We shall compensate the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation for any such
losses or inconvenience caused to the Corporation in any manner and will not resist any
claim for such compensation on any ground whatsoever. I/we agree and undertake that
I/we shall not claim in such case any amount by way of damages or compensation for can-
cellation of the contract given to me/us or any work assigned to me/us or is with-drawn by
the Corporation,”
Yours faithfully,
Digital Signature of the Tenderer or the Firm
2. …………………………………….. ……………………………………..
4. …………………………………….. ……………………………………..
5. Vender No.