Service Experience 2023
Service Experience 2023
Service Experience 2023
Introduction 05
Dual-fuel service experience 06
Cylinder condition with focus on dual-fuel engines 11
Sequential injection 20
Exhaust valves 23
Bearings 25
Emission technologies 27
Service experience with ECS 29
Remote access to engines 34
Conclusion 36
4 MAN Energy Solutions
Service experience
ME-GI service experience close (WVFC) has been introduced, and been reduced considerably, but the
a gas channel relief valve (GCRV) has safety margin against gas shutdown
ME-GI Mk. 1 vs. ME-GI Mk. 2 design been added to the ME-GI Mk. 2 design. due to missing gas ignition has also
When comparing Mk. 1 and Mk. 2 All ME-GI Mk. 2 changes have been improved significantly.
designs of the ME-GI engine, several introduced to simplify the design.
improvements have been implemented Hereby both reliability and cost have The reduced lift of the cut-off shaft only
in the Mk. 2 design: been addressed. allows injection of oil through the two
– ME-GI Mk. 2 has only one chain pipe. small atomising nozzle holes (Fig. 3).
– Resume valve, purge/blow-off and Pilot injection valves (PIV), with control
non-return valves have been omitted. valve, sludge valve, sensor, and When injecting through the two small
– New gas injection valves, where the high-pressure (HP) pipes, are standard holes only, the amount injected will be
supply of control and sealing oil has on ME-GI Mk. 2 engines. kept at a low level and the duration will
been led through bores in the be longer. The longer injection duration
cylinder cover, making high-pressure We have added a sealing oil block valve gives a more reliable gas ignition.
pipes obsolete. (SOB) and a sealing oil sensor to the
ME-GI Mk. 2 to accommodate ME-GI Mk. 2 gas cylinder cut-out
The hydraulic interlock has been single-cylinder gas cut-out. Fig. 1 Based on feedback from engine
changed by adding an extra valve, the illustrates the ME-GI Mk. 2 gas block operators, we have introduced a new
electronic gas injection block (ELGIB) design. feature with the ME-GI Mk. 2. The new
valve. The window valve (WV) has been gas cylinder cut-out (GCCO) feature
designed with one-step hydraulic Pilot injection valve enables the engine to continue running
actuation, and the sealing on the The introduction of the PIV has been on gas even if one cylinder is unable to
connection pieces has been changed successful, see Fig. 2. Not only has the run on gas.
to axial seals. A window valve forced specific pilot oil consumption (SPOC)
WVFC Sensor
A hazard and operability study 225/300 bar high-pressure oil moves the thrust piece to reduce movement of the cut-off shaft
(HAZOP) was made to determine which
failure scenarios would allow GCCO.
The HAZOP identified that GCCO
would be allowed with one of the
following components failing:
1. Electronic window (ELWI) valve
2. Electronic gas injection (ELGI) valve
3. Electronic window control (ELWC)
4. ELGIB. Thrust piece lift: 0 or 1.6 mm Cut-off shaft lift: 2.8 or 1.2 mm
2.8 mm lift:
2.8 mm
1.2 mm
Fig. 6: New one-piece thrust piece-suction valve design Fig. 7: Stainless steel gas nozzles
Fig. 8: Nozzle failure after a period of Tier III operation with water addition
Fig. 10: New pipe connection design for sealing oil and control oil pipes
10 MAN Energy Solutions
Service experience
pressure was rapidly released, see Fig. Nozzle clogging has been one of the In order to make the fuel booster
11. A new O-ring design made of PU main obstacles for reliable LPG injection valve with control oil needle
material (Fig. 11) has demonstrated operation on the LGIP engines. Fig. 12 control (FBIVP) more reliable with
good service results and is now being shows the redesigned nozzle. respect to de-aeration, a new concept
introduced as the standard on all comprising the following parts will be
engines. The updated nozzle is slightly longer (5 introduced:
mm), and the central main bore is also 1. New FBIV top cover
The integrity of this thrust piece O-ring longer. The new nozzle design has 2. New piping to low-pressure supply
will also reduce the sealing oil reduced the need for removing clogged (LPS) and drain
consumption and, thereby, also reduce material in the nozzle holes. 3. ELGI adapter block.
the risk of nozzle clogging.
The new parts can be seen in Fig. 13.
PU - seal Original
New design
Fig. 11: Updated O-ring material for the thrust piece Fig. 12: Redesigned nozzle for LPG operation
ELGI adapter block LPS supply ELGI New FBIV top cover
Check valve
ELGI block
LPS supply
Fig. 13: New ELGI adapter block, piping (LPS and drain), and FBIV top cover
The number of engine running hours abrasion wear types are almost absent feed rate and condition-based
spent in a low-sulphur regime has in dual-fuel engines operating on maintenance, the expected TBO can be
increased significantly compared to <0.10% S fuels, <0.50% S fuels, and met and even prolonged. But cold
pre-2015 values. This is mainly the LNG. The reason is the low corrosion and abrasive particles in the
result of the global IMO 0.50% S fuel concentration of sulphur in the fuels fuel, nonetheless, lead to continuous
limit (2020) and the 0.10% SECA (2015), and the possibility to remove cat fines wear that has to be monitored
but it is also the result of the availability efficiently from <0.50% S fuels, which continuously.
of dual-fuel engines operating on the generally have a lower viscosity than
new low-sulphur fuels. This change high-sulphur fuel oils (HSFO). And
affects cylinder condition and wear pat- <0.10% S fuels and LNG do not contain Changed fuel – changed wear
terns. cat fines. pattern
The outlook is positive. Low wear rates, Also, service experience has not shown When operators started to prepare for
longer times between overhaul (TBO), any increase in the adhesive wear. the IMO 0.50% S fuel limit and
and longer component life times are bunkered <0.50% S fuel and <0.10% S
possible when using a cylinder oil with fuel for use as single or pilot fuel, wear
sufficient cleaning ability. ME-GI service experience patterns started to change. One
pre-0.50% S limit example is that the running-in coating
(alu-coat) on the piston rings remained
Wear types Many of the first ME-GI engines started on the surface much longer compared
using high-sulphur fuel as pilot fuel and to high-sulphur operation. The
There are a number of different wear for single-fuel mode operation. The wear-down rate of the cermet coating
types, the most commonly occurring challenges with wear on cylinder liner, was also reduced.
inside the combustion chamber are: piston, and piston rings were similar to
those seen for single-fuel engines The corrosive wear was reduced
Abrasion operating on high-sulphur fuel. During considerably when using LNG or
Abrasion is created by hard particles this type of operation, most wear methanol and <0.50% S fuel or <0.10%
that are mixed into the cylinder oil film, comes from corrosion, abrasion (from S fuel as pilot fuel. The abrasive wear
causing wear on piston rings, piston cat fines), and adhesion. also decreased because of the very low
crown, and cylinder liner. Cat fines content of abrasive material in LNG and
(catalytic fines) are small, very hard The high neutralisation ability of methanol.
particles originating from the refining high-BN cylinder oils keeps the
process. They can wear down the corrosive wear in control. Proper fuel With less sulphur, the need for
engine very fast, and must be removed cleaning that removes cat fines is key neutralisation in the cylinder oil is
by a fuel cleaning system on board the to keeping abrasive wear low. When reduced, whereas the importance of
ship. combining an optimised cylinder oil other properties increases, such as the
Corrosion occurs when acid is present
in the combustion chamber. Sulphuric
acid is formed when operating on
sulphur-containing fuels. The acid must
be neutralised to prevent harm to the
components. High base number (BN)
cylinder oils are excellent for this
Micro-seizures or scuffing may be
initiated if the lube oil film is disturbed
and contact between the metal
surfaces occurs. A B
The case studies presented in this Fig. 14: Condition after test bed when A. using a low-BN cylinder oil, B. using a 70-BN cylinder oil.
paper show that the corrosion and Notice the difference in the piston ring land cleanliness.
12 MAN Energy Solutions
Service experience
cleaning ability of the lubricant, as the The issues were detected on test bed, been formed, the lubricant should
free movement of the rings in the during sea trial, and later in service. preferably support deposit removal.
grooves is crucial. The deposit build-up and damage was
partly attributable to the cylinder oil, The actions taken have improved the
This paper describes how low-sulphur partly to the operating conditions, and deposit situation, see Fig. 14.
fuels and proper lubrication can partly to the engine design.
facilitate the introduction of a new Initiative – the controlled pressure
maintenance strategy (preventive Service experience from other engine relief three-ring pack
maintenance) and realise dock-to-dock types also showed that many of the To improve the cylinder condition and
lifetimes of the piston rings. previous cylinder oils aimed for cleanliness, and also improve the
low-sulphur applications had difficulties margin against scuffing, MAN Energy
keeping the ring pack area in good Solutions introduced the controlled
Keeping the balance – cylinder condition. This issue meant extra pressure relief (CPR) three-ring pack.
condition challenges and expenses to both The rings are all coated with a cermet
engine owners and licensees. coating that provides a more
The basis for a good cylinder condition seizure-resistant surface against the
requires that the engine process, the Measures introduced liner.
design of the parts, e.g. piston rings, To solve this issue, MAN Energy
the lubrication, and the fuel all fit Solutions reintroduced the use of The rings are designed with gastight
together. When one or several of these 70–100 BN cylinder oils on shop test finger locks on all three rings. The gas
parameters change, the balance and sea trial, regardless of fuel type. In leakage is managed by the controlled
between acceptable or less acceptable addition, 70–100 BN cylinder oils were leakage (CL) grooves on the two upper
cylinder conditions changes, and the recommended for certain engine types rings, whereas the third ring is gastight.
time between overhaul (TBO) may during the initial 2,000 running hours to Thereby, the gas leakage is reduced to
change and actions have to be taken. prevent deposit-formation and ensure a minimum. Another major benefit of
the free movement of the rings. this design is that the leakage through
One example was the cold corrosion the piston rings is not affected by
challenge in 2012 and later, following Another measure was to start using 100 cylinder liner or piston ring wear. The
the introduction of new and more BN as a cleaning lubricant and then pressure distribution is thus kept
efficient engines with a higher part-load switch back to the low-BN product, a constant throughout the entire service
cylinder pressure (Mark 8 and newer) so-called alternation regime. life of the components.
combined with changes in operating
conditions. These changes led to an However, deposit formation is a quick This ring design reduces the risk of
increased corrosive tendency of the process. It occurs within a few days of extensive deposit build-up on ring
engines. Design changes were made operation, whereas the cleaning lands, the back of the rings, in the ring
and the balance was partially restored. process is usually slow and steady, if grooves, and to some extent on the top
The real game changer was the an appropriate cylinder oil and land, see Fig. 15.
introduction of 100-BN cylinder oil. It appropriate feed rates are employed. A
could keep the corrosion in control spotless condition is not required; Initiative – raise the performance of
during high-sulphur fuel operation, and however, the piston ring design and the cylinder oils
thereby reestablish the balance. lubricant should cooperate to minimise Another initiative was presented to the
the deposit build-up. If deposits have lube oil industry under the slogan ”let’s
Hence, cylinder lubricating oil has
always been an important tool in
obtaining a good cylinder condition and
an acceptable TBO.
Emission reductions are kept high on oil with a cleaning ability better than or The wear of combustion chamber
the world agenda. Reducing the equal to a 100-BN oil. components is typically checked during
amount of ash in lubricants aimed for scavenge port inspections, where
low-sulphur applications which have a In 2022, MAN Energy Solutions was piston rings and piston crowns are
limited neutralisation need, is an proud to present the first Cat. II 40-BN measured to obtain the wear of the ring
obvious step towards reducing cylinder oils in SL2022-728. The lube oil grooves in the crown and the coating
potential issues in the aftertreatment industry showed that it is indeed on the piston ring.
systems, but also a step towards possible to decouple the neutralisation
reducing emissions. ability from detergency and Engines specified for running on
dispersancy. A huge leap in cylinder VLSFO and ULSFO (including dual-fuel
Performance categories for lubrication oil development! engines) are equipped with piston rings
cylinder oil with a cermet coating for the duration
MAN Energy Solutions’ target for of the operational lifetime. These rings
cylinder oil development is to improve G70ME-C9.5-GI case study need to be replaced once the coating is
the performance of the cylinder oils and in risk of wearing off.
simplify operations. Today’s and future The G70ME-C9.5-GI engine has been
engine designs, together with many the preferred choice for LNG carriers, Cylinder liner and piston ring wear are
different types of fuel, require suitably typically with twin engines, using LNG typically the most critical, and cermet
high-performing lubricants. Such from the cargo tanks. coating wear is relatively easy to
high-performing lubricants are a measure during scavenge port
necessary part of a well-functioning Many engines of this type entered inspections, and is therefore a good
two-stroke engine. service before the 2020 sulphur indicator of the general wear.
legislation came into effect, and used
The general lubrication strategy is to HSFO as pilot fuel. However, over time Fig. 17 shows a plot of cermet coating
use a low-BN oil when operating on the pilot fuel type changed, and wear on the first ring of multiple
0-0.50% S fuels and high-BN cylinder late-2019 engines typically started to G70ME-C9.5-GI engines. It shows a
oils for high-sulphur fuels. Utilising a use MGO (marine gas oil with <0.10% positive overall trend, where wear
high-BN cylinder oil when operating on S) as the pilot fuel. progresses slowly. For all engines, the
0-0.50% S fuels or using the alternating
regime (changing between low-BN oil
and high-BN oil for keeping the cylinder
components clean) should be viewed
Coating thickness [my]
as interim solutions.
Performance categories (Cat. II and
● G70ME-C9.5-GI-TII
Cat. I) for cylinder oils were formally 700
● G70ME-C9.5-GI-TIII
communicated in 2020. Cat. II is the
higher performing level, and to receive 600
this status, the oil must have an
excellent overall performance with a
special focus on cleaning ability.
wear trend indicates that wear-out will A field study of three vessels has been operating hours for a period of
occur after 33,000 running hours, conducted (the red series in Fig. 17). approximately five years for two of the
which is usually after five years. Each vessel has two main engines with vessels, and just over four years for the
five cylinders each, which means a total third vessel, resulting in a total of
of 30 cylinders. The study covers 900,000 cylinder running hours.
Coating thickness [my]
1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year Fig. 20 shows that the wear does not
increase from 12,747 to 33,000+ hours.
Ring running hours [h] The liner wear measurement was in fact
Fig. 19: Cermet coating thickness on the first ring of ten cylinder units for Ship 3 (G70ME-C9.5-GI) slightly higher after 12,474 running
hours. The reason was an in-situ
16 MAN Energy Solutions
Service experience
The third vessel (Ship 1) entered service
in 2019 and used HSFO for only three
months, after which the pilot fuel was 0.025 mm/1,000
changed to ULSFO. The short period
on HSFO had little effect on wear. The
progression of wear is shown in Fig. 22,
and it could be expected that the piston 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000
rings would last for much longer than
Main engine running hours [h]
the 5-year docking period.
Fig. 20: Liner wear during five years in service for Ship 3 (G70ME-C9.5-GI)
For all three vessels, the wear rate on
the cylinder liner and piston ring cermet
coating was reduced once the fuel was Coating thickness [my]
changed to ULSFO. Other factors 700
resulted in a need for replacing the ● Ship 2
piston rings, as, at the time, the
cylinder oils were not adequate, and 600
deposit control became the main cause
of the challenges as shown in Fig. 23.
Fig. 23: View of cylinder condition after 32,000
running hours ̶ note the deposit build-up
Minimum cermet
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000
Fig. 22: First ring wear-down for Ship 1 during 20,000 running hours
Minimum cermet
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000
Fig. 24: Cermet-coated first piston ring wear measurements (G70ME-C10.5-GI) compared to the Fig. 25: Cylinder condition after 8,000 running
G70ME-C9.5-GI engine (grey) hours ̶ remaining running-in coating is yellow
18 MAN Energy Solutions
Service experience
Minimum cermet
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000
Fig. 28: Estimated progression of the wear rate up to 35,000 running hours (G90ME-C10.5-GI)
Sequential injection
A hydraulic oil pressure of 300 bar There are two sequential injection 300 bar
hydraulic oil
generates a fuel oil pressure at 800 bar. system designs:
When the non-return valve opens, fuel 1. Design with integrated
oil at 800 bar fuel enters the spring top-controlled exhaust valve
chamber through bores and is ready for (TCEV). The design is used on the
injection. The hydraulic oil pressure at first generation of G95ME-C10.6
300 bar on top of the hydraulic piston engines, see Fig. 30.
keeps the valve closed, and when this 2. Design with hydraulic control unit
pressure is released, the cut-off shaft is – sequential (HCU-S). The design is
lifted and fuel oil is injected, see Fig. used on G60ME-C10.6 and
29. G80ME-C10.6 engines, and on 800 bar
fuel oil
second generation of
Non-return 8 bar fuel oil
An electronic sequential valve (ELSQ) G95ME-C10.6 engines, see Fig. 31. valve iniet
controls the pressure release from 300
300 bar
to 0 bar on the hydraulic piston. There At the time of writing, ten vessels with hydraulic oil
is one ELSQ control valve for each the TCEV version of the sequential Hydraulic
FBIV. This enables individual actuation injection design are in service. Service piston
of the three FBIVs and therefore experience from these ten engines will
opening timing and injection amount. be described.
Fuel oil
Fig. 30: Sequential injection system with integrated top-controlled Fig. 31: Sequential injection system with a hydraulic control unit – se-
exhaust valve quential
Furthermore, the union design was Combined with the brittle nature of the
updated to prevent oil sprays in the spindle guide material S85W6Mo
event of an inner pipe breakage. (55–60 HRC), this is the cause of the
Fig. 32: High stress at contact between spindle and spindle guide seat
22 MAN Energy Solutions
Service experience
Fig. 33: Oil mist leak point Fig. 34: FBIVS spindle guide failure
Exhaust valves
During recent years, exhaust valve Soft closing, see Fig. 37, keeps the inspection of an XV3 exhaust valve on
issues have caused some concern. exhaust valve slightly open for a slightly an S60ME-C10.5 engine.
Excessive burn-away on the flame face longer time.
of the exhaust valve spindle has led to A satisfactory condition can be seen for
a search for more heat-resistant spindle Hereby, the spindle is cooled by all parts.
materials and a redesign of the bottom relatively cold scavenge air. Soft
piece in the seating area. The closing compensates for the
well-proven W-seat has been changed temperature increase resulting from
to the wide-seat design as the reintroducing the W-seat.
standard. This design can remove more
heat from the spindle, especially when The latest design development of
combined with a bore-cooled version exhaust spindles has been the
of the bottom piece, see Fig. 35. introduction of the XV3 design.
For some engines (e.g. G80ME-C9.5), This design with an improved geometry
we have seen an increase in units with of the bottom piece and the spindle
blow-by from the seating area, see Fig. reduces the heat input on the seat,
36. improves cooling, and offers colder
conditions in general for the valve
For these engines, we have spindle.
reintroduced the W-seat with the
so-called soft closing damper system. Fig. 39 shows the results of an Fig. 36: Blow-by from the seating area
W-seat + bottom piece without bore cooling
Valve housing
Spindle guide
Spindle stem
Bottom piece
Spindle disc
Crosshead bearings on some Based on this, an update of the bearing crankpin bearing was not changed. As
large-bore engines of Mk. 10.5 design design has been introduced on all a result, the bearing centre suffered
have suffered peel-off in the lead newer large-bore (80-95) designs. This fatigue damage (Fig. 41) that could
overlay and, consequently, scuffing in update ensures a higher margin against potentially develop and spread to the
the white metal bearing lining. In some various minor, production-related entire bearing shell and spread debris
cases, this has led to fatigue in the deviations and deficiencies. to the crankpin bearing.
bearing lining. Service tests with
various updated designs show good The shell thickness of the G50ME-C
performance when the oil grooves are crosshead bearing has been reduced
moved from +/-35 degrees to +/-25 from 12.5 mm to 9 mm. However, the
degrees. Fig. 40 shows the result of the diameter of the lubricating oil hole in
design change. the connecting rod for lubrication of the
Fig. 40: Oil-groove design change (upper: old design – lower: new design)
26 MAN Energy Solutions
Service experience
The design was updated with a smaller The bearing wear monitoring system failing sensors, increased number of
lubricating hole in the connecting rod (BWMS) was introduced as the false alarms, or other abnormalities.
for engines not yet produced, see, standard on MAN B&W two-stroke
Fig. 42. engines 12 years ago. Since the Based on the above excellent records
introduction, five cases of severe for BWMS, MAN Energy Solutions
For engines already produced, bearing damage on engines equipped emphasises the importance of
including those in service, we specified with BWMS have been recorded by the maintaining the BWMS to keep the
an AlSn40 type bearing shell, which Operation department in Copenhagen. system operational. If any abnormalities
has a higher fatigue limit. are encountered, the shipowner should
Three of those cases involved alarms contact the maker.
A Circular Letter was issued to the which for different reasons had been
shipowners and ship managers ignored, and in two cases the BWMS
operating this engine type. was not operational.
Slightly more than 1,400 bearing shells Recently, we have experienced some
must be replaced in service, and this cases where the BWMS was not
has created some logistical challenges. operational due to reasons such as
Emission technologies
MAN Energy Solutions has two main so-called EcoEGR. By optimising the Based on observations and feedback
technologies for Tier III compliance – engine for low-SFOC operation and from the 350 EGR engines in service,
exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and applying a 10–15% recirculation rate, we have updated the design of the EGR
selective catalytic reduction (SCR) – the NOX emission level is kept within unit to improve the support of the EGR
and both technologies have been in Tier II limits, see Fig. 43. cooler. To achieve a simpler and more
service on our engines for more than a
decade. The number of vessels with Initially, we had only two EcoEGR-test-
Tier III technologies is increasing fast. vessels, and the feedback after 1,000
In 2022, 80% of new orders included EcoEGR service hours was good, and
either EGR or SCR – and in 2023 the the cylinder condition was acceptable
share is even higher. after operating continuously on HFO. In
2022, new EcoEGR engines running on
How much the EGR or SCR systems gas (ME-GI) entered service.
are used depends on the trade pattern
of the vessels, and the difference is The amount of sludge and dirt
substantial. Some vessels operate 30% accumulated in the scavenge air
of the time in Tier III areas, while others receiver increases in EGR operation.
trade in Tier II areas only and never This is observed for both EcoEGR on
need to run the EGR or SCR system. gas and EcoEGR on HFO, but the
amount of dirt is significantly higher for
Both technologies have proven to be HFO operation, see Fig. 44.
reliable, and the general feedback from The feedback from owners operating
owners of vessels with EGR or SCR is continuously with EGR or EcoEGR is
good. that the cleaning interval of the
scavenge air receiver has been slightly Fig. 44: Sludge and dirt accumulation in the
In 2018, we introduced the Tier II reduced. scavenge air receiver when operating on HFO with
version of the EGR system, the
Fig. 47: Change from gas running to diesel running with Autotuning (top) and ACCo (bottom)
Case story ̶ ACCo solves liner
scuffing on 8G95ME-C9.5
From the early introduction, the G95 – lower second and third piston rings started to experience issues that were
engines experienced challenges with – improved alu-coating and cermet similar to the past, whereas the
the piston ring coating quality. The coating specifications. remaining G95 engines continued
issue led to liner scuffing cases, and successfully.
various design features were therefore The design changes successfully
introduced to improve the general improved the cylinder condition for the Initially, the investigation led to the
cylinder condition and increase the G95 engine type. introduction of already proven features,
margin against scuffing. The innovative such as using 40-BN cylinder oils and
new features incorporated, among However, after the 2020 fuel switchover modifying older engines to feature one
others: from high-sulphur to compliant 0.5% high top-piston ring and two lower
– index rate limiter function sulphur fuels, a fleet of G95ME-C9.5 piston rings in the second and third ring
30 MAN Energy Solutions
Service experience
grooves. Improvements were seen, but Besides the hardening, steps have also ECS parameter updates in service
the results did not meet expectations. been taken to ensure that only To ensure that the ECS is easily
approved service engineers from MAN maintained with the latest parameters,
Further studies of the scuffing incidents Energy Solutions have access to a software tool has been created that
and how the crew operated the engine, modify engine control parameters and allows parameter corrections to be sent
showed an indicative correlation make changes to the control system. to vessels in service. This parameter
between the use of CE index limiters A “locking” system has been update tool – referred to as PUT – has
and the scuffing incidents. It is believed introduced, and a unique password is been a huge success. Before, even a
to result in thermal instability and needed to unlock an EC-MOP. The simple correction to the ECS would
changes in deformation of the hot password is generated by the MOP, but normally require attendance by a skilled
components. before it can be used, it must be service engineer, it is now possible for
decrypted. The decryption can only be the crew to install this in a safe and
To counteract the fluctuations and done via a server at MAN Energy reliable way. The tool includes a
thermal changes, all vessels were Solutions which will only allow selected roll-back feature that will allow the crew
upgraded to the latest versions of ECS service engineers to have a password to revert the update if it has an
and ACCo. The crew were instructed to decrypted. unexpected influence on the engine.
stop using index limitation and run the This is only used on rare occasions, but
engines in torque mode in opposition to With this setup, it is possible to is a huge advantage because the crew
the owner’s practice of operating in a constantly control who has access to is willing to install an update if they are
fixed power mode. unlock EC-MOP computers, and any sure that they can revert to the original
password decryption will be logged. To setting.
This was implemented while the ease the process, the encrypted
vessels were in port in Singapore and password is presented as a QR code The PUT will work on all electronically
with the support of engineers from on the MOP, see Fig. 48. Service controlled MAN B&W two stroke
MAN Energy Solutions, and all vessels engineers can easily access the MOP engines. On newer ME-ECS software
were upgraded in the period between by scanning the code to receive a versions, the installation is handled
September and December 2022. A password from the server directly in the MOP GUI like all normal
remarkable improvement was automatically. interactions with the MOP, see Fig. 49.
immediately noticed by the crews. At
the time of writing (end of March 2023),
only a single relevant case of liner
seizure has been reported, just as the
upgrades were finalised at the
beginning of December 2022. This
makes it the longest period without
incidents since the start of 2020. We
therefore trust that the issue has indeed
been mitigated, and that the superior
effect of ACCo has been proved.
MAN Energy Solutions has introduced
improvements to meet the raising
concern for cybersecurity. The MOP
computers now have a hardening
based on application whitelisting. This
means that the MOP computers will
only allow applications to be executed
if they are approved by MAN Energy
Solutions. This greatly diminishes the
risk of a ransomware attack or other
malware infection. Any software that
needs to run on either the energy
management system (EMS) on the
EMS-MOP, or the engine control
system (ECS) MOP (the EC-MOP) must
have a unique MAN Energy Solutions
signature. Fig. 48: QR code for EC-MOP unlock
Online Datgat
(DUN 17.2018)
– EMS MOP HW Cronus 1S/2
(DUN 05.2020) Action: Start collect datgat_start-collect
– engine connected to CEON
(DUN 36.2020)
– EMS software release 2203-5 or Start collect was successful
Action: Upload file outbox_file
ZIP archieve
Good management of the wear parts is based on recommendations from MAN The app can be extended with analysis
key for a well-running MAN B&W Energy Solutions and gives a simple and recommendations as well as
engine. For MAN Energy Solutions, it is overview of the engine condition based prediction of remaining running hours
also key to get data feedback on the on the data submitted. On the free based on data. Such extensions come
lifetime of the same components to default version, the recommendations at a cost for the shipowner.
ensure that we can continuously are based on running hours only.
improve the quality.