Music Summative Test
Music Summative Test
Music Summative Test
2. A through composed vocal music composition 2. A through composed vocal music composition
written and expressed in a poetic text. written and expressed in a poetic text.
a. Troubadour Music c. Madrigal a. Troubadour Music c. Madrigal
b. Mass d. A Capella b. Mass d. A Capella
3. Which of the following Baroque music forms was 3. Which of the following Baroque music forms was
developed through imitative counterpoint? developed through imitative counterpoint?
a. Concerto Grosso c. Concerto a. Concerto Grosso c. Concerto
b. Fugue d. Oratorio b. Fugue d. Oratorio
4. It was during this period that secular music 4. It was during this period that secular music
became popular. became popular.
a. Medieval Period c. Baroque Period a. Medieval Period c. Baroque Period
b. Renaissance Period d. Classical Period b. Renaissance Period d. Classical Period
5. It is also known as the period of “looking back” to 5. It is also known as the period of “looking back” to
the Golden Age of Greece and Rome. the Golden Age of Greece and Rome.
a. Medieval Period c. Renaissance Period a. Medieval Period c. Renaissance Period
b. Baroque Period d. Ancient Period b. Baroque Period d. Ancient Period
6. A form of orchestral music that employs a solo 6. A form of orchestral music that employs a solo
instrument accompaniment. instrument accompaniment.
a. mass c. concerto a. mass c. concerto
b. fugue d. madrigal b. fugue d. madrigal
7. He is considered as the greatest master of Roman 7. He is considered as the greatest master of Roman
Catholic Church music during the Renaissance Catholic Church music during the Renaissance
Period. Period.
a. Thomas Morley . GP da Palestrina a. Thomas Morley . GP da Palestrina
b. Adam de la Halle d. JS Bach b. Adam de la Halle d. JS Bach
8. The following statements are characteristics of a 8. The following statements are characteristics of a
Gregorian Chant, EXCEPT; Gregorian Chant, EXCEPT;
a. Plainsong c. Free in tempo a. Plainsong c. Free in tempo
b. Polyphonic Texture d. monophonic b. Polyphonic Texture d. monophonic
9. He was a prolific composer who wrote the most 9. He was a prolific composer who wrote the most
famous oratorio, The Messiah. famous oratorio, The Messiah.
a. JS Bach c. GF Handel a. JS Bach c. GF Handel
b. T Morley d. A dela Halle b. T Morley d. A dela Halle
10. Harpsichord and organ are the keyboard 10. Harpsichord and organ are the keyboard
instruments that are commonly used during this instruments that are commonly used during this
period. period.
a. Medieval Period c. Renaissance Period a. Medieval Period c. Renaissance Period
b. Baroque Period d. Classical Period b. Baroque Period d. Classical Period
B. Identify the following characteristics of music. B. Identify the following characteristics of music.
Write Medieval, Renaissance or Baroque on the Write Medieval, Renaissance or Baroque on the
space provided. space provided.