AU Dissertation Fulltext 202643
AU Dissertation Fulltext 202643
AU Dissertation Fulltext 202643
Chandramouli P. More
Chandramouli P. More
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........................................................ External Member
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The OD Intervention phase which is the critical part of the study involved two
steps. In the first, thirty participants representing various stakeholder groups held a one-
day affirmative topic choice workshop and chose five themes - one, to reinvent as
thinking pupils and evolving school; two, to promote retention-rich practices; three, to
improve school image and credibility; four, to enhance school service quality; and finally
five, to build an appreciative school organization - as focus of further inquiry. The
themes set the tone and direction for the Intervention. The second step took the form of
Appreciative Inquiry Summit which is the heart of the OD Intervention. The Summit
registered one hundred and fifteen members giving equal voice to the multiple
stakeholder groups and spanned for four days. During the Summit days the participants
deliberated on the five themes applying the Appreciative Inquiry Guide as a tool. On day
one, they collectively discovered the strengths/assets of the organization; on day two,
they envisioned an ideal future image, on day three; they articulated their Aspirations in
the form of inspirational statements and on the final day four, the participants worked on
crafting a holistic three year development plan. This co-created and co-committed action
plan was the prized chief output of the Summit
The third and final phase of the action research included a second round of data
collection on service quality in order to determine the effect of the OD Intervention.
Besides the data collection, the activities in the phase involved analysis of data, testing of
hypotheses, interpretation of the results, validating the findings and submission of final
report to the trustees.
The output of the study, the three-year development plan was group-owned,
group-committed, group-implemented, successfully opened up a strategically important
planning process in the school organization which positively looked forward to a
promising future. The use of quantitative procedures in data collection and analysis in
conjunction with Appreciative Inquiry Approach enhanced the accuracy, credibility and
reliability of the findings. This substantiation pointing to the success of AI as a planned
change model in OD Intervention literature remains significantly difficult to ignore. For
further ODI, the researcher recommended a Master Development Plan covering all the
two dozen educational institutions owned and run by the school management with the
objective of maximum utilization of the resources under its disposal. For future research,
the study recommended that Appreciative Inquiry as a large-scale OD Interventional
methodology be used in combination with quantitative techniques in order to gi:ve
credibility to the findings and lastly called on the researchers to look into the possibility
of developing a sophisticated service quality scale for exclusive use in school education.
I would like to place on record my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all those
men and women of good will who gave me invaluable support while conducting this
research work.
Dr. Marissa L. Fernando, my Advisor is a gift for me. She has deep roots in her
subject and gave me intellectual guidance at each critical stage of this study. She is an
Ajan in the true sense always passionate to disseminate her learning with the students.
Always affirming and appreciating she stretched my thinking limits beyond and helped
me accomplish more than I could have thought.
My respects and thanks to Dr. Perla Rizalina M. Tayko, Program Director for
transmitting her valuable knowledge and being a pillar of support. She is exceptionally
skilled in bringing the best out of her students and makes them think out-of-the-box,
I would not forget the AU Community with whom I lived for three 'short' years,
enjoyed Montfortian hospitality and le~t a lot. Thanks to you dear Brothers of the
Society of St. Gabriel.
"Abide in Me, and I shall abide in you, so shall you bear much fruit." (John 5:24).
Thanks You Lord for your abundant Blessings!
This Study is dedicated to my late grand mother to whom I owe my existence and
everything. Unfading memories of your sacrifice shall live in my heart. Thank You!
Table of Contents
Page No.
Abstract i
Acknowledgements ii
Dedication v
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures x
Epilogue: 220
Bibliography: 221
Appendices: 233
List of Tables
Table 1.1: Determinants of economic competitiveness and their implications to education ....... 2
Table 1.2: Responses for the Knowledge Age by some of the countries in Asia-Pacific Region 6
Table 1.3: A comparison of the global competitiveness rankings between 2009-2010 and
2000-2001 of select nations . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . .... .. ... .. ... . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. 8
Table 1.4: St. Francis School (ICSE), Bengaluru Statistics at a glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18
Table 1.5: SOAR Framework of St. Francis School (ICSE) .................................. .............. 21
Table 1.6: Critical Challenges facing the school ........................................................ 24
Table 2.1: The Shift from Deficit-Based Change to Positive Change .............................. 57
Table 3 .1: Theoretical Sample Sizes for Different Sizes of Population ............................ 100
Table 3 .2: Number of pupils & staff in the school for the academic year 2009 - 2010 ......... 101
Table 3.3: Descriptive statements of the questionnaire .............................................. 103
Table 3.4: Research Instrument Design ................................................................ 104
Table 3.5: Pre-test Results .............................................................................. 106
Table 3.6: Range of Mean Score of Satisfaction Level .............................................. 109
Table 3.7 Summary of Research Process ............................................................... 111
Table 4.1: Statement of Strengths/Assets............................................................ 122
Table 4.2: Statement of Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 129
Table 4.3: School Development Plan .................................................................. 140
Table 4.4: Celebration of diversity ...................................................................... 152
Table 4.5: Parents' Satisfaction toward service quality pre-OD I ................................... 155
Table 4.6: Parents' Satisfaction toward service quality post- ODI ................................. 159
Table 4.7: Comparison of difference between pre-ODI and post-ODI ............................ 160
Table 4.8: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Tangibility item no.1 166
Table 4.9: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Tangibility item no.2 167
Table 4.10: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Tangibility item no.3 167
Table 4.11: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Tangibility item no.4 168
Table 4.12: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Tangibility item no.5 169
Table 4.13: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Reliability item no.1 169
Table 4.14: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Reliability item no.2 170
Table 4.15: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Reliability item no.3 171
Table 4.16: The Difference of ODI between Pre.:.ODI and Post-ODI on Reliability item no.4 171
Table 4.17: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Reliability item no.5 172
Table 4.18: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Responsiveness item no.1 173
Table 4.19: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Responsiveness item no.2 173
Table 4.20: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Responsiveness item no.3 174
Table 4.21: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Responsiveness item no.4 175
Table 4.22: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Responsiveness item no.5 175
Table 4.23: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-OD! on Assurance item no.l 176
Table 4.24: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-OD! on Assurance item no.2 177
Table 4.25: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-OD! on Assurance item no.3 177
Table 4.26: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-OD I and Post-ODI on Assurance item no.4 178
Table 4.27: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Assurance item no.5 178
Table 4.28: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-OD! on Empathy item no.1 179
Table 4.29: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Empathy item no.2 180
Table 4.30: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-OD! on Empathy item no.3 180
Table 4.31: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Empathy item no.4 181
Table 4.32: The Dif. of ODI between Pre-OD I and Post-OD I on Empathy item no.5 182
Table 4.33: The Difference of ODI between Pre-OD I and Post-ODI on Fees item no.1 182
Table 4.34: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-OD! on Fees item no.2 183
Table 4.35: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Fees item no.3 184
Table 4.36: The Difference of ODI between Pre-OD I and Post-ODI on Fees item no.4 185
Table 4.37: The Difference of ODI between Pre-OD I and Post-OD! on Fees item no.5 185
Table 4.38: The Difference of ODI variable by variable..................................... 186
Table 4.39: Paired Samples Statistics - tangibles dimension . . .. ... . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . ... 190
Table 4.40: Paired Samples Statistics - reliability dimension . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. ... . .. . . . . .. 191
Table 4.41: Paired Samples Statistics - responsiveness dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Table 4.42: Paired Samples Statistics - assurance dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 194
Table 4.43: Paired Samples Statistics - empathy dimension . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . ...... .. . ... 195
Table 4.44: Paired Samples Statistics - fees dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Table 4.45: Summary of hypotheses testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Table 5.1: The OD Intervention activities, objectives and outcome........................ 206
Table 5.2: Summary of overall findings of parents' satisfaction toward service quality 207
Table 5.3 Conclusions of Hypotheses Testing ........,......................................... 213
Table 5.5: Recommended Post ODI activities/initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 217
List of Figures
Figure 2.9: Correspondence bet. SERVQUAL dimensions and the original 10 dimensions 82
The Potential Challenge for Change
competition and the various measures taken by nations around the world. It also
presents the background, focus and the organization of the study. Furthermore,
chapter one defines the research objectives, questions, scope, significance, limitations,
dramatic changes to the character and function of school education in most countries
around the world. The power engines of a knowledge economy are. the knowledge
workers who are equipped with very specific skills and attributes. The economic
knowledge workers, which in tum depends on the quality of school education. This
way have become inextricably linked. Among the citizens, the critical understanding
is wide spread that the coveted knowledge worker's roots lies in quality education and
the preparation for such quality education begins in schools. On the one hand,
schools have emerged as key players in the new economic order, on the other, they
are also challenged to rise to the occasion and deliver the desired result of high quality
academic education.
·.·· . .
Governments all over the world have realized the most critical component in
of the economic success and education has led to initiation of fundamental shifts in
the education system and new political priorities. Some of the initiatives by world
• President Barack Obama has set up a new $4.35 billion grant program
to encourage Americart Schools to develop internationally competitive
standards to take on "folks in Beijing and Bangalore. " This fund,
called "Race to the Top" is one of the largest federal investments in
school reforms in US history. Speaking on the need and importance of
developing international standards in schools he said: "these young
people are growing up to be in an environment where they are
competing not just against kinds in Chicago or Los Angeles for jobs,
but they are fighting against folks in Beijing and Bangalore." (Obama,
This act came into force on 01 April, 2010. This sweeping new act is intended
to achieve cent percent literacy by offering every citizen an equal opportunity and
Among the citizens of the world, the emergence and clear insight that
education is the sure route to economic prosperity, reduced income inequalities and
social cohesion is compelling young people to heavily invest in their education. In the
strong academic foundations at an early age for later higher learning and skill
Expanding globalization dictates that nations that will succeed will be those
that will bring out the best in the people and their potential. The challenge before all
the nations is to unlock these talents and unleash the potential of all their people. It is
in this context of empowering children from an early age, development planning for
the future and excellence in service quality delivery become critical factors in
home to India and China, two fastest growing economies in the world. Given the fact
that education is not only an output of economic growth but also a major input to it,
the 'Asian economic century' may be synonymous with an 'Asian education century'
(Kennedy and Lee, 2008). The growing list of nations joining the knowledge
economy has vastly changed the face of schooling in the region with profound
The phenomenal economic growth of many Asian nations has led to certain
challenges specific to the school education in the continent. Some of these are:
corporate schools
Kennedy & Lee (2008) in their study on the Changing role of schools in Asian
Societies have found the above problems. According to the researcher, increasing
consolidating their vote banks rather than improving educational standards are most
Studies point out the different modes of planning by some of the countries to
equip and prepare their students for the demands of knowledge economy (Asian
Development Bank, 2000). The interventions by some of the governments in Asia are
Table 1.2: Responses for the Knowledge Age by some of the countries in Asia-Pacific
Malaysia Smart School 1999 'To foster the knowledge, skills and
Curriculum attitudes appropriate for success in the
Information Age'
citizens? The researcher attempts to answer this query partially with the help of the
and 2000-2001 of select nations. (Source: The Global Competitiveness Reports 2009-
The comparison table 1.3 is arranged in the manner consisting of the top ten
These results are then compared against the Global Competitiveness Report (GCR),
2000-2001. The other countries appearing in the list are from the Asia-Pacific Region
as shown in Table 1.2. India being the context country in this study is included.
These countries have also been compared against the GCR, 2000-2001 for evaluation.
competitiveness as "the set of institutions. policies and factors that determine the level
many and complex. For the purposes of its study, the report has grouped all the
as well as Higher Education is indicated as the 4th and 5th pillars in the report.
factors and it is a given fact that educational quality has a significant impact on the
has implemented Tabie 1.3 to study the impact of the educational intervention of each
of the country listed in Table 1.2. Accordingly, Singapore has moved up from the 9th
position in 2000-01 to 3rd position in the 2009-10 report and finds itself in the top ten
countries in the world. Similarly, Japan has occupied the gth position from its previous
14th position while Hong Kong too has ascended from the 16th position to the 11th
position. Likewise, Taiwan, Korea and Malaysia hold 11th, 19th and 24th positions
from the previous 21st, 27th and 30th respectively. China which has emerged as the
second largest economy has improved its rank from 44th to 29th. Thailand has ~teadily
marched to 36th place from the 40th place even as India the second most populous
country slipped from 37th to 49th position. In the case of Philippines the country has
Taiwan, and China the educational intervention by the respective country seems to
have had a significant positive impact. For Thailand which has witnessed spells of
political and economic uncertainty the intervention appears to have had a marginal
population increase, recurring natural disasters and rampant political corruption in the
Shiksha Abhiyan 2004- Govt. of India's flagship program to provide education for all)
politicians and inept judicial system. Therefore, it is no wonder it has slipped to 49th
The researcher has two chief reasons for preferring Singapore also fondly
called as the 1 little dragon of Asia. First, it holds the first rank in Asia in the Global
Competitiveness Report, 2009-10 and a ranking of three at the global level (cited in
Table 1.3). Second, it has no natural resources at all but its spectacular economic
growth and competitiveness has been powered by the highest quality human capital.
The govt. of Singapore since 1997 (cited in Table 1.2) has been proactively involved
Excellence Model (SEM) is a govt. policy meant to promote quality education in this
organizations. Achieving continual improvement and passion for excellence are the
reviewing their own current practices. They are allowed to benchmark processes
focus of the assessment is student learning and performance excellence. The schools
are required to pay attention to developing strategic plans, set strategic directions,
46497 c.1
utilize the full potential of its staff, and improve external partnerships and finally
provide a holistic education which enhances student well-being and improves school
comprehensively but not discretely. Principals can use the SEM to link and
every five years by the School Appraisal Branch. The main purpose of the validation
nation irrespective of its size, population and natural resources can bring prosperity to
(cited in Table 1.1) the highest priority is educational reforms in the form of
investments in high quality relevant education coupled with judicious mix of ICT in
education starting from the enrolment of a child in the school. This Singapore
formula/mantra if emulated successfully can help any country foster rapid economic
growth and remain highly competitive in the global market place. In a knowledge
1.1.3 The Indian Scenario (The Future is Bright and the Future is India)
human resources. The huge and complex net work of academic infrastructure chums
out 0.5 million English-speaking technical graduates, 2.3 million arts and science
graduates, and 0.3 million post-graduates every year. Added to this, India's
2020 document, estimated software export revenues are likely to see a quantum jump
from $ 50 billion in 2008 to $ 175 billion by 2020. The survey further states that
revenues to an estimated $ 300 billion in 2020. While there is a huge potential for
Education in India falls under the control of both the central government and
states, with some responsibility lying in the center with the state having autonomy for
others. Broadly, the various bodies governing India's school education system are:
• The state government boards, in which the majority of Indian children are
• The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) board
Landscape. As a result the potential links for business and the potentials of the future
generation of knowledge workers, has a potential to vastly alter the Indian education
landscape. Figure 1.1 in the form of Pyramid approach recasts the crucial role of
For India, its growing economic stature and ambitions of becoming 'world's
knowledge center' or 'world's knowledge capital' would keep dictating terms with
regard to the future shape of schools and its output. The challenges that are likely to ·
be confronted by the schools in the future would be vastly different from that of the
current generation. How prepared are the schools in India to face the challenges of
St. Francis School (ICSE), affiliated to the Council for I.S.C.E. Examination,
New Delhi was established in the year 2000 in Bengaluru (Bangalore). The school is
St. Francis of Assisi (CMSF) founded in the year 1901 under the Roman Catholic
Church. For over hundred years this reiigious society in India has actively engaged in
the various socio-charitable activities, the spread of education being its core activity.
Jyothisadan Scholasticate, St. Francis School (State Syllabus), St. Francis School
(!CSE Syllabus), St. Francis P.U. Composite College, and St. Francis B.Ed. College.
The outstanding feature of the campus is that it has something to offer to every
The city of Bengaluru hailed as the Silicon Valley of India houses a number of
leading software companies like Infosys, Wipro, TCS, HP, Sun Micro Systems and·
technological R&D capital of India with Fortune-500 companies like Microsoft, IBM,
Texas Instruments, setting up their R&D centers. This sort of development in the last
ten years or so has attracted an enlightened population who prefers English as the
teacher-pupil ratio. In addition, they favor centralized syllabus so that their mobility in
case becomes a necessity from one city to another in India remains unhampered. St.
Francis School (ICSE) was born out of the necessity to cater specifically to the
children of this class of people who have no interest in the state syllabus (vernacular
St. Francis School (ICSE), Bengaluru is one of the nine schools in India who
Under this project, the Principal and four senior teachers made their first academic
visitation from 27th October, 2007 to 3rd November, 2007 to Fairfield Primary School
and the George Spencer Foundation School and Technology College. The department
for international development and the British Council in India sponsored this
academic exchange. Each academic year four teachers chosen by seniority continue to
visit different schools under India-UK School Linking Program and Global
St. Francis School (ICSE) has an Alumni Association. It conducted its first
alumni re-union meeting on 10th May 2009. Forty-five students who passed the March
2009 board examinations were present. Yet another new venture of St. Francis
School is the inauguration of the "Angels Club" on 03 August 2009. The logo of the
and environmental issues which actively engages schoolchildren and inspires them to
set up in St. Francis SchooL The highest authority i~ vested in the bands of the Board
of Trustees. They hold the authority Lo appoint tl1e Principal, the Administrator and
allocate resources for the school. As prescribed by the law U1ey hold the governing
body meeting of the trustees every quarter in which all major decisions are taken. The
secretary of tbe trust bolds all executive powers and reports to the government on
Board ofTrustees(S)
A~mlnistrative staff
Figure J.2: St. .Francis School (ICSE) Organization Chart (Source: !he school office
records as on 30-09-2009)
The Principal is charged with the academic affairs of the school. ll is his sole
responsibility lo recruit, relain leachers and monitor the academic quality of the
purlls. He also acts as the interface between the whoo! management and
pa.rcrus/ISCE Council at New Delhi. The Academic Supervisor is the most senior
teacher who plays lhc role of adviser/guide to other leachers and the go-between
between the principal and junior teachers. In the absence of lhe principal this person
discharges all 1be duties of t11e office of the Principal. 111e adminisirutor is placed
directly under the board of trustees and looks uftcr the financial administration and
Tuble 1.4: SL Francis School (lCSE). Bcngaluru Stllustics at a glance (Source: 1hc
Table l.4 prcs.,,nts the number of students and teachers section-wise along
wilh the administrative and facilitating staff in St. Francis School as available from
the school office records daled 30 September, 2009. Acc.ordingly, the school has a
total number of 1315 pupils comprising of pre-pri mary, lower primary, higher
primary, secondary and higher secondary sections. The school is staffed with 106
33. The non-teaching staff is further classified as administrative staff which means the
staff who works in the school office and facilitating staff is made up of security,
School Vision
imbibing sound value system and contributing to the school, the society and the
School Mission
economically challenged.
young minds.
By encouraging self and team learning, giving appreciation and awards for
students are encouraged to participate in their own small way and through
School Values
The elements of the current reality of SFS using the SOAR framework are
spelled out in a one day group session that involved sixty five members representing
(see Appendix C) to the participants. The AI process sketched out the organization's
SOAR as shown in Table 1.5. This AI session served as a preparation phase to the AI
.Table 1.5: SOAR Framework of St. Francis School (ICSE) (Source: Researcher)
What are we doing really well? What are the best possible market
• Creating a conducive atmosphere for opportunities?
teaching and learning Located in an up-scale residential
Principal being dynamic and good colony
educational leader The location is home for the highest
Focus on connecting the curriculum to number of software firms.
real life situations • Growing population in the city of
Stress on value education and character Bangalore
building Increasing awareness of the
• Continuous monitoring and evaluation importance of English medium
What are our greatest assets? education
A spacious school bldg with adequate A buoyant economy and expanding
class rooms, labs, library and job opportunities at a global level
auditorium How are we to best partner with others?
• Large play ground and ample open Inviting teachers from other ICSE
space on all sides schools to teach/talk/share
Visibility and accessibility from the • Expanding collaboration with other
main road schools beyond the UK
Qualified and experienced teaching Developing interactive website
faculty • Increasing parental involvement
• Service minded administrative and Networking with professional bodies,
facilitating staff research institutions and NGOs in the
field of education
• •. ~piratio~
What is our preferred future? What are our measureable results?
• To become a model center of learning • To become no.1 school in ICSE
Stra- and holistic growth of students category in Bangalore by 2015
To remain committed to secularism To implement VI Pay Commission
and democratic ideals recommended salaries and reduce
• To admit 5 students minimum in each teacher attrition
class from the economically To produce one student minimum
challenged section of society on every year who will figure in the Top-
scholarship basis. 100 students in the country
To What do we aspire? • Keep sending nominations for best
To rise up to the aspirations and principal, best teacher awards given by
expectations of India's K.E. CISCE
To be remembered as one who made a To develop one single software for
difference in the lives of students administration, tracking student
• To be rated as one of the best ICSE progress and networking with extems.
syllabus schools in the country. What do we want to be known for?
• To become one of the most sought • To be a premier school of learning and
after schools in the state of Karnataka. holistic growth in the country
• To promote creativity, ingenuity and As a school that voluntarily created
innovation in the young minds reservation for the marginalized
sections to provide quality education
• An inspiring example of secularism
Contribution to education in the
The core strength of the school is its location in a residential area inhabited by
middle class and upper middle class segments of the society and its large building
having ample open space for growth. Added to this, the incumbent Principal is an
religious class of people owing allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church. Overall, the
school has a nurturing and conducive environment for high quality teaching and
learning. The school has a medium size playground and encourages sports activities
mainly volley ball, basket ball and badminton. It enforces strict discipline, emphasizes
good character and values, and focuses on linking classroom teaching with real life
situations. The school claims to have a qualified, competent and experienced teaching
The massive migration of educated people into the metropolis who seek
English Medium and Central Syllabus education for their children is a pivotal factor
which needs to be fully exploited. More schools are needed for educating a growing
number of children. In this context, St. Francis having the brand value as a Catholic
School stands a better chance of attracting a higher percentage of new applicants than ,
its competitors.
a highly educated and skilled workforce, whose qualities are instilled in early school
education. In other words, school is the starting point for the future knowledge
worker. Parents in their part have become extremely quality conscious in academics.
An increasing premium is being placed by them on sound school education with the
aim of preparing their children to exploit the opportunities at the global level. On the
whole, schools have emerged as key players in the new economic order. In this altered
landscape, the early and alert bird seizes the best of opportunities. In order to leverage
the expanding opportunities, the school requires networking with professional bodies,
The school's management has high aspirations with regard to the future of the
school is concerned. The other stakeholders - the faculty and parents share in this
optimism. The stakeholders would like to see the school as a model center of high
quality academic learning and holistic growth of the students. They aspire to develop
the school to meet the challenges imposed by the knowledge economy. The teachers
on their part wish to make valuable contribution to the life and quality of their
One day, all the stakeholders dream that their beloved school is rated as one of the
best and most sought after schools in the ICSE category of schools in the
state/province of Karnataka.
Measurable Results
school has set some highly ambitious targets whose accomplishment will deliver
measurable and concrete results. Targets included are: to become #1 school by 2015
in the city of Bangalore; to produce one student every year in the annual merit list of
CISCE; inspiring a model of voluntary reservation for the marginalized sections; and
Into the tenth year of its foundation, St. Francis School (ICSE), Bengaluru is
faced with dramatically changed circumstances in the environment. The changes were
so swift and sweeping the school authorities is finding it difficult to comprehend and
evolve an adequate response. A few of the critical challenges are presented below in
Table 1.6.
It is found that in the recent past many large corporate houses have instituted
their own schools mainly for their own employees and secondarily for the wealthy
parents. This sort of trend is becoming more visible in the case of IT-BPO industries
are ideally located nearer to the software parks, designated Special Economic Zones
(SEZ) and in the thick of commercial centers. For parents working in these places, a
school nearer to their workplace suits their needs. As a result of more number of
corporate run schools coming up and parents even more favorably inclined toward
These corporate schools in view of their ownership by large public and private
limited companies, are generally cash-rich, well-equipped and better managed. They
are able to lure qualified and competent teachers from other schools into their fold
Francis finds itseif as a viciim of this unequal competition and is struggling to keep its
in each nook and comer of the city. These schools are found resorting to unethical
practices and create an unhealthy competition. They also undertook a false and
misleading propaganda war in the media. St. Francis countered a stem threat from
There are apparent growing signs or shifts in the patterns of new age parents in
the preference of schools. More and more of them are opting for International
learning) which are mushrooming on the fringes of the city. This infectious,
penchant of parents for this type of school posed an existential threat for St. Francis
create a cascading impact on the current education systems /models in the country.
Schools are witnessing increased pressure from the industry demanding high
standards in education. St. Francis being situated in the hinter land of Silicon Valley
of India (Bangalore) is experiencing the heat much more intensely than schools
A serious internal problem facing the school is the large turnover of teaching
subjects. Added to this, there is also low job satisfaction among the existing faculty
members due to non implementation of the 6th pay commission recommended salaries
and benefits. Tne teachers are also iacking in motivation due to iack of career growth
opportunities in the school. The rigorous ICSE syllabus, packed class schedules,
unrelenting pressure from parents have caused bum out in many teachers
St. Francis is owned, administered and run by the board of trustees who are
religious class of people owing allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church. The school
Management it appears failed to notice the fast-paced changes which have taken place
complacency on the part of the top management of the school is yet another serious
·All these ten years, the school is used to annual planning. The planning model
has a shorter time period and is beleaguered by many weaknesses. The process of
drawing up the plan itself contained many fundamental flaws. In the first place, it is
conventional and bureaucratic. The Principal and a few senior teachers institued the
plan and thrust it on the others. The PTA representing the parent stakeholders is
completely ignored. The plan is short-sighted in its nature. It just confined to routine
academic tasks like fixing a time table of subjects, allotting teachers, quarterly, half-
holidays and ended with proposing a fresh date for commencement of next academic
year. The plan did not give any attention to development issues nor showed any
ways by which St. Francis can brace itself to counter the internal and external
challenges that it faces. A schooi deveiopment pian is a road map that set out the
changes a school needs to make to improve the level of student achievement and
shows how and when these changes will be made. It is helpful to the principal,
teachers, students and parents. It provides them a list of priorities to focus on, devises
strategies for better curriculum delivery, identifies the skills needed for teachers,
made as three-year plans: Year 1: Designing the development planning process; Year
implementation continues.
In conjunction with this plan, the researcher wishes to open up a new process
m formulating the development plan. The process would be such that, it would
eliminate the shortcomings in the annual planning process and provide an opportunity
for all the stakeholders to participate and have their voices heard. Over all, the
precarious nature of the issues facing the school and the urgency involved in
addressing them gives rise to the need for an appropriate and effective OD
St. Francis School (ICSE) has an embedded tradition of potentiality which has
been ingrained in its core for over a century. At the heart of the core value is the
desire to make a significant contribution to the early learning of young students and to
development plan for St. Francis School (ICSE) by opening up a new planning
process and to study the effect of OD Intervention on the school service quality.
The following research objectives are set out as the basic focus for the study.
1. What are the Strengths (S), Opportunities (0), Aspirations (A), and measurable
Results (R) present in the context of St. Francis School (ICSE) that could be
used in crafting the three-year development plan for the school employing
Appreciative Inquiry (SOAR framework) as an Organization Development
on the level of service quality in the dimensions of: (a) Tangibles, (b)
The school has completed a decade of service in the field of education. At this
point of time it is facing an external threat in the form of increasing competition from
schools springing up in each nook and comer of the city. There is also an internal
danger in the form of large scale teachers' migration. The Management is also aware
of the flaws in the annual planning process. In short, they were finding themselves at
a crossroads as far as the future procedures were concerned. At this critical time, the
researcher intervened and proposed an alternate planning model which will open up
many new possibilities in the planning process and chart the future course and
directions for the school through crafting of a three-year development plan. This plan
which will be holistic in nature will employ an Appreciative Inquiry Process using the
SOAR framework. Ultimately, the plan will not merely enable the school to withstand
In the service industries, providing quality service has emerged as the single
most important factor which distinguishes a good service provider from a bad. With
the ICSE school syllabus remaining uniform and standardized all over the country,
service quality rendered and the parents' satisfaction toward the service quality. For
The significance of the current study is viewed from three perspectives, '
namely, the management, the organization (school) and contribution to the body of
1. The school management having their headquarters in Bangalore also own and
the management to replicate this model in other institutions run by them. In this
way, the benefits of the study go beyond the organization under study.
2. According to the researcher, the AI process will create among the stakeholders
dignity. It will also instill a sense of greater commitment and loyalty to the
organization. In this way, AI lays sure foundations for St. Francis School as an
development planning model, a tool for sustained development in the shape of AI and
development plan for St. Francis School (ICSE) by adapting Appreciative Inquiry
approach (using SOAR framework) to over come the pitfalls in the traditional annual
planning model. The study also includes measuring the effect of researcher's OD
Intervention on the school service quality. Effect of ODI in this study means "the
initial change in the perceptions of the parents". The participants covered under the
study are the stakeholders of the organization. Thus the study is organization specific
The researcher limits the study to the crafting of the development plan while
placing the oversight, implementation and particulars in the hands of the management.
questionnaire to the service users. But determination of service quality in the case of
• For a school the main customers are the students on register. Since,
they are too young in terms of age to participate and lacking in mature
parents may not have been candid in their response to the survey
they are at the receiving end for much of the time and have no real
• In the time gap between the Pre-ODI and Post-ODI (new academic
year started) survey two pupils left the school. In their place two others
who did not participate in the first survey are taken/included in the
• The researcher ensures the completed responses are returned in sealed covers .
The school personnel are not involved in any of the data analysis to assure that
• It is specifically informed in the opening lines of the survey instrument that the
information provided will be dealt with the utmost care and confidentiality and
it will not in any way jeopardize the safety and/or interests of theirs sons or
Appreciative Inquiry (Al): is a form of action research that looks for what works in
an organization. The tangible result of the inquiry process is a series of statements that
describe where the organization wants to be, based on the high moments of when they
have been. Because the statements are grounded in real experiences and history,
Intervention that seeks to gather the whole system in one room to collectively go
through all the phases of the 4-D cycle. The process can include hundreds to
The "4-D" cycle: It is the process of four steps, namely, Discovery, Dream, Design
and Destiny used to generate the power of Appreciative Inquiry. It is based on the
notion that human systems, individuals, teams organizations and communities grow
and change in the direction of what they study (Whitney & Trosten-Bloom, 2003).
stakeholders in the process to move the organization forward to its preferred future
with measureable results (Lewis S, et al., 2008). This SOAR framework is used in
ICSE School: A school affiliated to the Council for Indian School Certificate
Examination (CISCE), New Delhi and following the syllabus recommended by it. The
Council is registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860
bound manner in order to improve the academic achievement of the students, improve
professional standards of the teachers and create a distinct image of the school.
Effect of ODI: It means "the initial change m the perceptions of the parents"
quality is related to what the customers think as well as what the customers may
receive from a service. Actual quality is the performance of the service. A gap may
occur in the view of customers due to the differences between expected service and
Assurance: It means knowing customers' wants, being courteous, and able to inspire ,
Fees: The amount paid to the school every month towards tuition.
Gap Analysis: It is a model that uses the gap between expectations and the actual
experiences of consumers of a service or services
This chapter reviews the relevant previous literature on the subject matter with
the goal of laying a focused theoretical underpinning for the study. The researcher
this study and follows it by service quality theories. In the end, the conceptual
and processes that lead to organization effectiveness." Brown & Harvey, (2006) echo
the same ideas when they describe OD as "an effort planned organization-wide,
managed from the top, to increase organization's effectiveness and health, through
organization, whereas micro changes are directed at individuals, small groups, and
teams. As Desimone, Werner & Harries (2002) have pointed out, "If organizations are
going to make a fundamental change, they must be able to learn, adapt, and change."
between groups, and the full use of human potential . OD also attempts at enabling
organizations to be able to attain their short term and long term objectives. These
objectives, according to, French, Bell & Zawacki, (2005) is achieved by teaching the
more effectively.
change effort. The change is simultaneously directed towards the improvement of the
The concepts of organization and system have been associated together since
the beginning of the scientific management era. Kendall, writing in 1912 (cited in
Cleland & King, 1975) perceived this relationship and spoke of the need to be
organized so that separate processes and unit members are brought into systematic
connection and operation as efficient parts of the whole. French and Bell, (1995) who
open systems in active exchange with their surrounding environments. It is one of the
among parts of the organization. A systems approach conveys the idea that
organizations are made up of parts and that these parts interact with each other to
open and closed systems. The closed system is one which is self contained, unrelated
and isolated from its environment. In real world, such system does not exist at all. On
the other hand, an open system will relate with its environment and is the most
important type of system. The open system interacts with its environment with a
feedback from environment to help it adjust. The system could not be alive without
organization also interact with each other because they have interacting tasks to '
perform. So it can be said that the efficiency of the system depends on the level of
Information Organization
Equipment Human Resources
Workplace Actions
•• Services
·~ Feedback from
Employees, Customers,
Investors, Govt.
Figure 2.1: The organization as an open system (Source: Brown & Harvey 2006, p.
system, it consists of three basic groups of factors. The first, called resource inputs are
the resources such as information, equipments, money, people that are influenced to
the processing function. Second, transformation processes are the activities and
functions that are performed to produce goods and services; and third, outcome
process is the finished goods or services that are ultimately produced by the
Based on the above review of literature, the researcher would view the school
organization under the study as an open system. The arguments in favor are: schools
get their inputs from the outside environment in the form of students, teachers, funds,
and technological equipments. The school acts as the meeting point where the
knowledge and pupils receiving them and thus enabled, enriched and empowered
they return to the outside society to undertake various assignments. The effectiveness
continuous flow of input from the parents, the society, and government constitute the
In the most widely read book on the learning organization," The Fifth
Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Leaming Organization" Peter Senge, (1990)
states the essence of the learning organization as "an organization that is continually
expanding its capacity to create its future. For such an organization, it is not enough
merely to survive. 'Survival learning' or what is more often termed 'adaptive (single-
that enhances our capacity to be creative." Senge, further describes the key
theory, personal mastery, mental models, building shared vision and team working.
which take input from the larger environment and subject that input into
involvement schemes such as team working and quality circles are features of
2. Personal Mastery. The term personal mastery refers to the personal growth
support personal mastery is that the organization members may become more
and deeper sense of responsibility in their work and enhance the learning of
guide our organizational behavior. Most often organizational members are not
consciously aware of their mental models or the effects they have on their
behavior. Working with mental models begins with looking inward: learning
them to the surface and hold them rigorously to scrutiny. Surfacing, testing
members are committed. It reflects their own values and norms. Building a
shared vision is critical because it provides the focus and energy for the
seeks to build a shared vision may need to unearth shared "pictures of the
5. Team learning. Team learning is vital because teams and their organization
policy decisions and its implementation team members may work on a variety
replace conventional thinking and practices with new and novel ways so as to survive
It is not only just business organizations, Sillins and Mulfort (2002) have
made a strong case for schools also to pursue the ideal of learning organization. The
researcher from his experience of working in schools has found that student learning
directly depends on teachers' knowledge; and also on how and what they do in the
classrooms. Hence, the teachers should be given opportunities to learn and develop
teachers, principals, and parents are engaged in a process of continuous and on-going
people, in relationship with each other, create organization; and that without people
working together organizations would not exist. According to Lewis, S., Passmore, J.,
& Cantore, S. (2008) the phrase 'living human system' has three specific attributes of
organizations. First, they are alive rather than the Industrial Age viewing of
organizations as inert and expressing it through machine metaphor. Second, they are
human, that is, they are made up of people. And third, they are systems composed or
related elements. The authors capture each of these attribute by the phrase living
To talk about an organization as 'living' suggests that the potential exists for
both growth and renewal. It also suggests that the organization as 'living' will have a
need for sustenance, something which gives it life. Therefore, it is essential to know
what/which organizational activities are that give it life. Having identified the life-
nourishing them. Viewing the organization as 'alive' has yet another dimension: to
see them as living systems located within and responsive to their environment and
people. It is people who create organizations and sustain them. Therefore, clearly
places where all sorts of human nature become visible: love, pride, joy, happiness,
organization messy.
An organization is also a system. French, Bell & Zawacki, (2005) argue the
patterns of action and reaction existing in the system and more critically to discover
the aspects and elements that give life to the patterns in the system.
relation to one another marks a contrast from the machine age mindset where
increase its effectiveness. Interventions are deliberate attempts to disrupt the status
quo and lead the organization to a better state. According to Nelson, D.L & Quick,
Diagnosis and
needs analysis
Figure 2.2: Organization Development Cycle (Source: Nelson, D.L., & Quick,
In the action research model used in this study, the diagnosis and needs
analysis phase constitute the Pre-ODI functions, the Intervention represents the AI led
OD Intervention and the follow-up includes the Post-ODI activities. All these three
Indian corporate world is undertaken by State Bank of India (SBI). This intervention
was aimed to tum improve employee and organizational effectiveness, tum around the
bank and put in on a path of robust growth. The following lines explain the OD
Intervention program as told by the person who conceived and executed the program
Background & Problems: The SBI is the country's oldest bank and premier in terms
capitalization. This was the situation until the Govt. of India initiated sweeping
reforms in the banking sector. It was as though overnight the situation changed. This
public sector behemoth lost customers in thousands and its markets share was steadily
from new generation banks. The situation was bad and was getting worse by the day
when O.P. Bhatt took over as Chairman. Soon the innovative Chairman unveiled a
sector industries in the country. His first priority was driving the Change in the
arresting the fall of market share he emphasized the positive on how to improve the
market share. As a first step, he called on his regional managers and explained them
his outlandish idea. With the aim of make them believe in his idea and boost their
confidence he baptized them by fire by making them walk on red-hot charcoal fire.
Thus Parivartan (Sanskrit word) meaning Transformative Change was kicked off at
Process of Intervention: In the frrst of a kind, the Chairman sent emails to each
employee reminding them the glorious legacy of the bank, pride of employees in their
contribution to nation building and economic development for over two hundred
years. Next, he rolled out a series of intervention programs over the next 15months or
so. Chief among them: 3300 two day workshops covering 130,000 employees using
400 trainers to drive home the message of change and inclusiveness. The workshops
and the incessant communications in different modes fired the imagination of the
O.P. Bhatt, Indian of the Year Award 2008 -CNN IBN Network 18
0 .P. Bhatt, One of the "25 Most Valuable Indians" 2009 Week Magazine
SBI today. The researcher wanted a demand draft (cash cheque) and went to SBI
branch, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 on 6th October 2009. The researcher found
the Change was unbelievable. As the researcher entered the bank, the security pulled
out a token from the machine, handed it over and directed him to be seated and wait
for the tum. When the number was called out, money was received, draft was
prepared, got it signed by the branch manager and delivered back to the client by one
employee under single window system, in flat 22 minutes the transaction was
completed. A paradigm change in the mindset, attitude and customer service in SBI
was seen and experienced:
As on 13 August 2010, SBI reported a robust 25% growth in its net profit at
Rs. 2,914.2 crore in the first quarter of 2010-11 fiscal vis-a-vis the net profit of Rs.
2,330.37 crore in the corresponding quarter of the previous fiscal. This better than
expected performance pushed the SBI stock up by 6.93% on the Bombay Stock
The five models, the SWOT analysis, the Mckinsey 7-S theory, Preferred
Futuring, the SOAR framework, and Future Search described in the following pages
narrate the different approaches and multiple stages through which planned change in
is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment. It is the first stage in the
long process of planning and it helps organizations to focus on key issues. Strengths
and weaknesses are classified as internal factors while opportunities and threats as
external factors.
Weaknesses and Strengths. This way of analysis looks at the negative factors first
with the aim of turning them into positive factors for the organization. One of the
potential to
Additionally, the tool is flexible and versatile which enhances its usage value across a
the traditional problem solving. To get the best out of this tool, the analysis should
always start with a clear goal or objective in mind. If not the exercise runs the risk of
an exercise for the sake of an exercise. In other words, SWOT meaning "Significant
SWOT is just an analytical tool and not a robust process. Therefore, it has its
simplification of environmental factors into categories which may not always fit. The
OD practitioners in most cases use the SWOT in conjunction with other analytical
Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, two employees at the McKinsey consulting
firm in 1980 developed the popular McKinsey 7S framework. The basic premise of
this model is that there are seven internal aspects of an organization that need to be
aligned if it is to be successful.
The way the model is presented in Figure 2.4 depicts the interdependency of
the elements and indicates how a change in one affects all the others.
Broadly, the above 7 elements can be classified into "hard" and "soft"
categories. "Hard" elements are easier to define or identify and management can have
a direct influence on them. They are: Strategy, Structure and Systems. "Soft"
elements, on the other hand, can be more difficult to describe, are less tangible and
more influenced by culture. These are Shared Values, Skills, Style and Staff (Bryan,
By placing shared values in the middle, the model emphasizes that these
values are central to the development of all other critical elements. Noted researchers,
Price & Chahal, (2006) have criticized this model for its lack of clarity of external
The researcher based on the extensive review of literature found that the 7-S
model has stood the test of time and even amidst today's fast-paced changes it is
widely used as an effective organizational planning tool albeit in most cases alongside
Preferred Futuring, put forward by Dr. Lawrence Lippitt is one of the large
group OD Intervention methods which involve the whole system in the change
process. The method enables all the stakeholders in the organization to come
together, plan for, and construct the future they want and inspire the passion and
energy to follow through and get there. Preferred Futuring is based on the philosophy
that all stakeholders can and must participate meaningfully in the present and future
states of the organization. The process contains eight clear and simple steps which
mission, values and beliefs, 4) identifying future factors, 5) creating the vision, 6)
translating future vision into action goals, 7) developing plan for action, and 8)
d 28/11/2009)
• takes into consideration the needs and interests of those who have a stake in
• is based on data and performance measurement both past and present with an
• aligns goals, programs and activities to the vision, mission and values with a
thrust on measurable results
promising future.
The Mc.Kinsey 7-S model focused on factors that are internal to the organization
and laid importance on harmony among the seven variables for effectiveness and
took a scan of both the environment and internal factors of the organization in
formulating the strategic plan. The Preferred Futuring method is a paradigm shift
from the two methods as it involved all the stakeholders in creating a desired future
for the organization. Its scope covered three critical phases: defining the current state
what you seek, you will find more of or you amplify and two, people commit to what
whole system (stakeholders) into the process to drive an organization forward to its
most preferred future with measurable results. This tool has effectively replaced the
SWOT's top-down approach by inviting whole system to the planning table and in
this way has evolved beyond the classical tool. Many management thinkers like
Hamel & Prahalad, Henry Mintzberg, Markides (cited in Lewis S, et al., 2008) have
The large four quadrants in the figure 2.5 represent one letter each in the
contraction SOAR and each of the quadrants has two questions listed under it. While
the Strengths and Opportunities are classified under the Appreciative Inquiry
category, the Aspirations and measurable Results are grouped into Strategic Inquiry
strategic inquiries.
earlier in the chapter, an organization's life energy is located in its people in the
organization. This energy is made explicit by dialogue between and among the groups
of stakeholders (Holman, Devane and Cady, 2007). SOAR serves to accelerate the
will give life energy to the organization's future. In this manner, SOARing beyond
what's wrong or missing with an engaging strategy, excitement and hopefulness in the
SWOT being exchanged for SOAR. This study uses the SOAR framework integrated
This new approach is based on the key principles: 1) the whole system participates in
the planning process, 2) a global context forms the base for location, 3) the focus is on
finding common grounds of working and moving toward the future, and lastly
of eight or so key stakeholders planning the future search conference normally for two
or three days. During the conference, the participants sit around tables with about
eight people in a table or so and go through the five-phases of the process. They are:
followed by identification of trends and developments which will impact the future; 2)
most desirable future; 4) finding common grounds and developing a shared vision;
and finally 5) formulation of an action plan (Janoff S, AODN Summit, October 1to4,
nature and form but in practice it fails to create the kind of energy and excitement in
the participants when they are asked about the peak moments experienced in AI
conversations. While the AI tool has been put to use to solve a wide range of
the strengths and build on the strengths of the organization." Hence, Fitzgerald,
Murrell and Newman, (2002) have provocatively hailed Appreciative Inquiry (An as
and it is improvisational. Cooperrider (2003), along with Whitney and Starvos have
organizations has something that works well and these strengthens can be the starting
point for creating a positive change. Inviting people to participate in dialogues and
share stories about their past and present achievements, assets, unexplored potentials,
wisdom, insights into deeper corporate spirit and soul, and visions of valued and
possible futures can identify a "positive change core." From this, Appreciative Inquiry
links the energy of the positive core directly to any change agenda. This link creates
energy, excitement, and a desire to move toward a shared dream (Cooperrider et al.,
The power of Appreciative Inquiry occurs when the appreciation and inquiry
are combined. Like the elements hydrogen and oxygen that combine to make water-
tapping into accounts of organizations that are functioning at their best, AI unleashes
information and commitment that together create energy for positive change
Whitney, 2005). This paradigm shift in AI from deficit thinking to positive thinking is
Table 2.1: The Shift from Deficit-Based Change to Positive Change (Source: Adapted
the basic assumption that some thing is wrong in the organization, therefore find out
"what is the problem" and try to "fix it" (Hall & Hammond, 1996). The process of
the point, that there is something "working well" within the organization and this
needs to be identified and "amplified" (Cooperrider & Srivastava, 1987). In this way
by shifting the focus of inquiry from the negative to the positive core, AI creates
conducted through appreciative interviews become the core process for eliciting the
data and energizing the system for change (Brown & Isaacs, 1997, 2001). Al's
inclusive approach provides a forum in which multiple stakeholders get involved and
generate creative ideas and innovative solutions. The AI as an action research process
involves four key stages: discovery, dream, design and delivery (Cooperrider, 2008).
Leith, M (1996) claims that seventy per cent or more of all organization-wide
change programs fail to produce the desired results due to structural weaknesses
success without which an intervention is doomed to failure. The six rules are: 1) the
mindset is one of creating a shared future; 5) systems thinking is employed; and 6) the
change model is based on trust and co-operation. According to the researcher all the
six success mantras in full measure is found embedded in the Appreciative Inquiry
approach contributes to the relationship building process from the outset and
progresses to build on it. This is another key differentiator as illustrated in Figure 2.6.
Figure 2.6: The shift in AI approach from traditional process (Source: Wright, M &
Baker, A, 2005, p 5)
This principle points to the way that inquiry and change are simultaneous; in
other words, they are not separate stages in development. An inquiry is an
intervention. An inquiry by itself stimulates reflection and thought that lead to
different ways of thinking and doing.
This principle emphasizes the way that people author their world
continually, choosing the parts of their stories they are most interested in at
the time. AI supports people by engaging their attention and energy and
taking them through the process in a way that makes it accessible to them.
This principle points to that the way people think about the future, will
shape the way they move toward the future. For instance, if people see the
future as full of possibilities, they will move towards this positive direction
and vice versa.
"If you want to change an existing human system, first change the future.
Positive images of the future may be so powerful that they guide us at the
cellular level. Studies of the placebo effect have demonstrated that images
of health and well-being might play an important part in actually releasing
the bodily mechanisms necessary for healing and recovery." (Cooperrider
et al., 2003)
statements to give a brief understanding of what they are (cited from Reed, J 2007).
• Reality is created in the moment, and there are multiple realities. So, there is
• People have more confidence and comfort to journey to the future (the
unknown) when they carry forward parts of the past (the known).
• If we carry parts of the past forward, they should be what is best about the
past. In other words, past strengths fills people with confidence to go forward.
of reality.
The principles stand out as the essential beliefs of AI; the assumptions are the
and the instructions gave the researcher a clear idea of dos and don'ts in
theory points to the power of images and the way it is used to create one's own
realities and futures. Only through a solid grounding in these concepts will AI
organization create meaning through their dialogue together, they sow the seeds of the
organization's future. As Cooperrider, 1995 (cited in Watkins & Mohr, 2001) said:
Appreciative Inquiry is, in part, the art of helping systems create images of
their most desired future. AI is focused on the generative and creative images that can
be help up, valued, and used as a basis for moving toward the future. The Placebo
effect (impact of our minds on our bodies) and Pygmalion studies (the effect of the
power of another person's image of us) demonstrate the power of images held by
people affected the future. With this kind of scientific evidence at hand, it can be
organization change.
authors, Watkins and Mohr (2001) argue that describing AI as yet another OD tool, or
intervention would be only partially accurate and a disservice to those who seek to
the demands of its customers, members, and other key stakeholders. Rather,
that can fundamentally reshape the practice of organizational learning, design, and
development in much the same way that process consultation reshaped the field of
In the early days of management consulting, the consultant was the outside
expert who came to study an organization, decided what needed to be done to "fix" it,
became discouraged and the clients became cynical. With the advent of Organization
Development (OD) as a discipline, the behavioral scientists, who were experts not in
the work of the organization but in the behavior of people, introduced the idea that the
people of the organization were the ones best equipped to identify what had to be
applied effectively as a micro tool. But, as with process consultation, the real power
changes in the way the work of the organization is done, and/or changes in how the
Sorensen, Preston, and Yaegar (2000) regard Appreciative Inquiry as perhaps the
alchemist's philosopher stone that OD has been searching for. Appreciative Inquiry's
change process contrasts with the problem solving approach which first identified the
problem and what is wrong with the organization. In this fashion, Appreciative
Inquiry creates a positive atmosphere for change that avoids the resistance and loss of
hope for a better future encountered through the more traditional approaches. Its
approach directly attacks one of the few ''universal truths" of OD practice: successful
consultants regardless of what culture they operate in: acquiring employee ownership
into the program, and maximizing employee input into the design of the new system.
organization and social life. Works of researchers and open systems theorists Eric
Trist, Fred and Merrelyn Emery, Russ Acknoff, Chris Argyris, and many others have
documented action research's capacity to transform the objects of its research. Their
work has revealed that action research has a "generative capacity," a "capacity to
for granted' and thereby furnish new alternatives for social actions." (Gergen, 1978
cited in Troxel, 2002). AI has this capacity in that organization members, through in-
depth interviews are given the opportunity to retell the story about their organization
form of action research that attempts to help organizations and communities create
The four principles Cooperrider and Srivastva, (1987) lay down for
Appreciative Inquiry are that action research begins with appreciation, should be
Appreciative Inquiry is to begin with a grounded observation of the "best of what is",
then through vision and logic collaboratively articulate "what might be", ensuring the
consent of those in the system to "what should be" and collectively experimenting
Al's five underlying principles come to life through the design of the four-step
the process as a cycle of four phases, popularly known as the "4-D" cycle.
Affirmative Topic
Choice Selection 1. Discovery
"Appreciate what is"
Discovery of
Figure 2.7: The 4-D Model of Appreciative Inquiry integrated with SOAR framework
(Source: adapted from Whitney & Trosten-Bloom, 2003)
It is to be noted that the SOAR framework structure is very similar to the 4-D
cycle proposed by Cooperrider. The SOAR framework has got the same· cyclical
process with all the four phases building on each other and the entire process being
The purpose of the discovery phase is to search for, highlight, and illuminate
factors that give life to the organization, the "best of what" in any given situation. In
this phase, the stakeholders are asked the questions what are we doing really well and
what are our greatest assets. The distinguishing factor of this phase is that the crafted
questions are all positive (Cooperrider et al., 2003). The organizational members
of the organization.
During this phase, the stakeholders are asked to explore the environment to
envision an ideal image of the future. In addition, they search for new opportunities to
best partner with other organizations. In this phase they also try to connect the
strengths of the organization which they have discovered in the previous phase to the
envisioned ideal image. The envisioned images create compelling picture in the minds
of the stakeholders what the organization would like and impel them to inspired
In this phase, the SOAR makes a shift from appreciative to strategic inquiry by
asking questions - what is our preferred future? And to what do we aspire? The
stakeholders discuss these questions in light of the output of the previous two phases
and work on creating strategies and set long-term goals. At the end, they articulate co-
for the future of the organization that stretch the organizational stakeholders towards
the envisioned image. It tries to answer the question: "what would our organization
look like if it were to maximize and preserve the potential we have discovered?"
The final phase is the time for integration of all inputs from the three previous
phases into an inspired action plan. The plan contains specific objectives, key
strategies, success indicators, time frame and a financial budget. This impels in the
continue to learn and revisit the phases in the process in order grow to the level of the
envisioned images and beyond. The AI and SOAR are not just limited to the four
cycles or steps but they offer practical guidelines for translating AI' s core beliefs and
Vancouver School District in 9 inquiry sites ( 3 single schools, 5 group schools and 1
district group school). The purpose of the intervention was to enhance student
The AI process involved going through the 4-D cycle: Discovery, Dream,
Design, and Destiny during the AI Summit. The participants conducted appreciative
interviews on each other to gather the data. At the end of the summit the school
reported that the AI process had a profoundly empowering effect upon the majority of
the people, the summit provided a level playing field and criticism and acrimony were
much reduced.
They also found that the AI process was a positive "shot in the arm" as it
redirected the thinking process of the members. The key learning from AI was that
human systems grow in the direction of what they persistently ask questions about.
resources for ensuring the highest quality of learning experience for all students
The CTA IFT conducted a study in 2006 to investigate the values, beliefs, and
attitudes of highest performing African American and Latino students and their
parents within seven of California's lowest performing high schools. The purpose of
this study was to uncover the underlying reasons as to why these students were
academically and socially successful and use this information to develop a culture of
conducted on a total of 814 people which included the best performing students and
their parents. This was further followed up by some more rounds of interviews at each
of the seven schools. Their responses were subjected to content of analysis treatment
participated and discussed the seven guiding principles and added twelve more to the
earlier seven. Using the Harrison's model they also generated a set of culture of
success factors. Based on the 7 factors and 12 principles they developed a set of
recommendations for creating a culture of success in the seven schools under study.
At the end, the researchers called on the policy l!lakers and practitioners to further
investigate into certain cultural factors that promote academic and social success in
strategic plan (2002-2005). The inquiry process began with a series of questions
structured to discover what each of the stakeholders, namely, 415 children, 225
families and 50 of the school staff, appreciate and value most in the school now and
what they envision for the school's future. The questionnaires were supplemented by
With the help of two outside observers the extensive data was organized,
the stakeholders to highlight the themes during which the dream and design phases
were carried out. This process resulted in the identification of five major themes and
specific action steps that were proposed to carry out the priorities. The school hired a
consultant for writing the draft strategic plan. At the end of the process, the strategic
plan contained four themes and five strategic priorities co.:created, co-owned and co-
affirmation of the school's mission, vision, core beliefs and planning parameters
used Appreciative Inquiry to create the desired future by building on the best of its
having 1300 students. In the recent past, the school had become more popular with
the success by involving the students and other stakeholders in shaping the future of
the school.
discover, dream, design and deliver. Initially, the stakeholders formed a core team,
used the generic questionnaire to interview each other and from the interview output
developed a customized interview protocol for the rest of the process. At the
discovery stage they captured about 50 life-giving stories, in the dream phase they
drew powerful visual images, in the design phase, they captured the image in
powerful words and in the last phase, the collaborators made simple action statements.
The authors have recorded a number of positive changes since then in the atmosphere
of the school as a result and are planning more inquiries. The authors say they are
indeed changing the way they change at Heathside. (Managing Schools Today, March
2002, p.24-27)
institutional plans.
methodology in their doctoral dissertations. A few of the scholars' work are captured
in brief below.
Institute, Philippines. The objectives of the work were to open up new possibilities in
collected data from a sample size of 65 persons. For data analysis the researcher used
the open, axial and selective coding procedures. Going through the 4-D process, the
study dis,covered the core life giving factors of the organization, created a shared
vision of the desired future, crafted provocative propositions and aligned the
generated provocative propositions by crafting an action plan for the four technology
schools. Finally, the researcher recommends to the four technology schools to find
planning paradigm.
College: A case study submitted to Pepperdine University, California. The study was
necessitated when a new person assumed the office of the President. The new
President wanted to create a future plan in order to meet the critical needs of the
college. The researcher involved representatives of the stakeholders in the process and
followed the Al's 4-D cycle through her work. The researcher found that her AI
process had a rippling positive impact on the attitudes of the participants and it also
The researcher at the end of the study based on the discoveries of past
strengths of the Merritt coupled with current strengths and successes created a new
vision, mission and value statements for the college. Besides, the researcher made a
Development Institute, Philippines in the year 2004. The purpose of the study was to
undertake AI into the Arts and Science Department of a reputed college in the city of
Manila to initiate and carryout planned change. The study used a sample size of 176
representing relevant stakeholders of the said department. The study discovered a host
of factors that give life to the department and the AI process itself resulted in a culture
developed by stakeholders the study redrafted the vision, mission and core values.
The researcher evidenced that AI impacted the personal, relational and organizational
mentation of plan and taking the AI success to other departments in the college
Appreciative Inquiry Process for futures planning with the college of education at a
its effectiveness and the participants' perceptions of its high points in the College of
highlight of the study was the multiple stakeholders co-created planning models for
instructional coaches: Where are we now and where are we now going?, submitted to
methodology. The aim of the study was to fill the gap in knowledge of the high school
instructional coaches at the district level and at the national level. The researcher
chose nine coaches who were given log books to fill and eight teachers were
interviewed in depth. The researcher kept a personal log book of experiences. The
first AI summit participated by all the stakeholders laid out the next possible steps.
The second AI summit resulted in the formulation of an action plan for improvement
Inquiry as a research methodology. This middle school in Kansas State had faced
huge challenges and changes on many fronts. In that situation, the Principal initiated
methodology. This present study was done with the objective of determining the
By going through the traditional AI 4-step cycle the researcher found that the process
made a significant positive impact on the working climate in the school. The flip side
Coghlan et al., (2003) say many questions have been raised about
Appreciative Inquiry and most of them are concerning its strengths-based approach.
Rogers and Fraser, (2003) suspect due to the popularity of AI there is a strong
possibility that it could be developing without rigor and transparency. In their words:
"Any inquiry that focuses on the positive in some way gets called
Appreciative Inquiry ..... The result will be that the unique power of this idea
gets corrupted and lost and Appreciative Inquiry becomes just another
discarded innovation on junk heap of 'failed' management effectiveness
AI has been accused of being nai"ve and idealistic in the way that it
of negative experiences.
accusation. According to her experience, "problems and weaknesses are often much
easier to address when evaluation talces an appreciative stance." Balcer (2005) while
endorsing McNamee's views said the focus on problem solving instead of on the
positive may lead to the problem getting identified with the individual and risk scape-
Appreciative Inquiry is new to people who have lived in a culture of faultfinding and
problem solving that it talces time for them to switch from a defensive way of
responding to one that explores strengths. In stead of debating on the merits and
demerits of AI' s positive based approach, it could be seen as a cause that malces
core strengths and leveraging them to achieve the organization's shared vision of the
future. Nevertheless, the temptations and limitations pointed out by the critics serve as
a challenge to the researcher to find ways to make the study truthful, reliable and
Reichheld, 1990; Parasuraman et al., 1985). In the age of expanding globalization, the
competitive edge.
of time, the definition of quality has evolved from: "quality is excellence, to quality is
kept in mind (Kurtz and Clow, 1998). One, service quality is more difficult for the
perceptions of the outcome of the service and their evaluation of the process by which
the service was formed. Thirdly, service quality perceptions result from a comparison
of what the consumer expected prior to the service and the perceived level of service
et al. ( 1985) stands out as the foremost service quality model. This model uses the
The gap model of service quality as put forward by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and
Personal Past
Word of Mouth Experience
·········································• Service
Service Delivery Gap4 External
(Including pre and Communications
Post contacts) to Consumers
Gap 1
Translation of
Perceptions into
Service Quality
••········•••••••··········•·• Perceptions of
Figure 2.8: Gap Model of Service Quality (Source: Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and
Berry, 1991)
the management perception gap. Gap-2 is the difference between what the
management perceives and consumers expect and the quality specifications set for
service delivery. Even when customer expectations have been accurately determined,
and the actual specifications set for service delivery. Gap 3 means the difference
between the quality specifications set for service delivery and the actual quality of
service delivery. Gap 4 is the difference between the actual quality of service delivery
and the quality of that service delivery as described in the firm's external
communications. This gap might be termed "promises gap" that lies between the
firm's promises and what it actually does deliver to the customer. Finally gap 5 refers
to the difference between the expected service and perceived service actually
delivered. Closing and narrowing this gap is the goal of the services firms. This gap is
the function of the other four shown in a mathematical formula: gap 5 = f (Gap 1, Gap
2, Gap 3, and Gap 4). The disconfirmation paradigm used in the model is discussed in
For the purposes of the research, service quality is defined as the services
provided by the school organization to its inside and outside stakeholders in the
authors over the years made several improvements to the scale and by early nineties it
the customer
Figure 2.9: Correspondence between SERVQUAL dimensions and the original ten
instrument and they have even challenged the gaps model postulated by Parasuraman
et al., (Carman, 1990; Babakus and Boller, 1992; Peter et al., 1993; Buttle, 1995).
Besides, there is also lack of consensus among scholars on the number of dimensions
SERVQUAL came from Cronin and Taylor, (1992) who claimed that the
limitations stands out as the pre-eminent instrument for assessment and measurement
of perceived service quality. As stated by Hill, (1995) the instrument has seen
considerable improvement over the years and has been applied in a number of sectors
For that reason, it is essential to understand its assumptions and relevance in service
quality studies. Paul Patterson, (1993) developed the most widely recognized
Figure 2.10
Word of Mouth
Awareness of
.........-:- ~. ~-
..,, ...
~ '..'""'~"""
' . .
l . .
Figure 2.10: The Disconfirmation of Expectation Model (Source: Lovelock, M.C, &
Patterson, G.P. 1998, p.120)
some of the important terms in the customer satisfaction model for conducting the
The term "expectations" in this study means the expectations of the parents
(derived customers). The parents expect that their children do exceedingly well in
academics, get a minimum of distinction marks and possibly enter the State/All India
Rank of List of Merit Students. Toward the achievement of this end, the school
principal, teachers and management must have the needed infrastructure in place, do
everything and enable the students to deliver the results expected by the parents.
The term "perceived performance" in this study means the parents' evaluation
of the school's service viewed in the aspects of; tangibles, reliability, responsiveness,
dissatisfaction with the services· and vice versa. In the environment of school, the
determining the service quality. In this study "customers" mean the parents (indirect
customers) and "satisfaction" may be defined as the attitude formed toward the
satisfaction may be defined as a positive emotional state resulting from using the
This study makes use of adapted SERVQUAL scale having six dimensions,
measure the service quality in terms of parents' satisfaction in the school on a pre-
Three-Year Holistic
Annual Planning Development Plan
I • Reliability
• Responsiveness
• Assurance
• Empathy
• Fees • Fees
conveys wrong messages about the services. People, more or less make
the wall might mean to the parents inferior service or nonchalant attitude
constitutes the core of service quality. Once the promise is broken the
education" to the pupils. This in tum depends on a host of factors like the
prompt services. Rosen et al. (2003) stated in their study, that reliability
communications between the school and parents, the school giving due
weight to the views of parents and its staff providing the needed
information promptly.
enforced in the premises, and having a principal and teachers who are
customer should feel that he/she is the most important person when
that their child is receiving individualized care and the staff are nice to
Nimit Chowdhary and Monica Prakash (2007) have observed the factor with
reference to cost, fees, charges, discounts etc. have repeatedly figured and therefore it
was categorized separately as the sixth dimension and was called "fees". This addition
was mainly done to enhance the effectiveness of the instrument. Taking the cue from
the authors and their findings the researcher found it fit to add a sixth aspect, namely,
"fees" in the survey on the service quality satisfaction and enhance the instrument's
value and make the study robust. Thus the sixth new dimension is incorporated.
6. Fees would mean the amount paid by the parents towards tuition to the
school every month. In general, the school fees have to be affordable and
against the fees paid by them and they have the habit of comparing the fees
The Conceptual Frame Work divided into three stages is shown in Figure 2.12.
First, Pre-OD Intervention represents the existing annual planning model and level of
service quality in the school. Second, OD Intervention is the phase in which the
process known as Appreciative Inquiry Summit in order to improve the, situation. And
third, the Post-OD Intervention situation presents the holistic development plan and
mental map of moving the organization from "as where it is" to "as where it wants to
be" even as the Appreciative Inquiry led OD Intervention serving as a "bridge to the
Annual Development Plan
Planning for
Appreciative Inquiry
Three years
Approach (using
SOAR framework)
challenges in the form of escalating competition from new players, above the normal
rate of teacher turnover; many parents seem to be dissatisfied over the various aspects
of service quality, and weaknesses in the annual planning model. So the management
is in a fix.
OD Intervention
The chief OD Intervention in this study involves the application of the SOAR
Inquiry Summit with participation by all the stakeholders of the school. The summit
spanned four days, each day being devoted for one letter in the acronym.
Expected outcome
the holistic development plan formulated through a new planning process and see a
difficult but coming up with a worthy Intervention Program which will create a win-
win situation for all the stakeholders is a challenging task. Appreciative Inquiry is a
way of thinking, seeing and acting for powerful, purposeful change in organizations.
take on board every voice and each opinion in the new planning process culminating
Placed in a situation where the ICSE Council has fixated norms regarding
country how St. Francis can realize its envisioned lofty goals. The answer lies in the
differentiation is constantly monitoring and improving the service quality level in the
school. To the extent, the improvement is seen that others in the field find hard to
emulate and create a distinct value and image in the society that it is better. The OD
This chapter presents the research methodology which explains the action
research design, description of the population, the survey instruments, the data
collection procedures, reliability test and finally the data analysis methods used in
This study employs Action Research Design for formulating a three year
holistic development plan and measuring the effect of OD Intervention on the school
-Survey Questionnaire
school and the activities in which the researcher engaged before the OD Intervention.
The meeting with the trustees of the school is the first major step in the long
Towards the end the researcher obtained their approval to jump start the
Following the meeting with the school management, on the same day the
Principal it was also meant to seek his active involvement and cooperation in
• SOAR Analysis
the one-day .session is to know and understand the elements of the current
sixty five representing different stakeholders discussed through the day and by
SOAR. The outcome of the one day workshop is presented in the form of a
In this work the researcher took the help of the Administrator, the office staff
and collected the organization chart and school statistics. Researcher also
last five years and the school annual report and other sundry reports of
different departments and admission and propaganda materials of the last five
years. The study of the documents of the earlier years gives the researcher a
between the researcher and the senior teachers. The researcher found that after
the Principal in the hierarchy it was the Academic Supervisor (AS) who
wielded authority and commanded respect. Next in the hierarchy stand eight
school. Understanding the way things are happening in the organization, the
researcher conducted this informal meeting .exclusively with the AS and senior
controls the finance. At this meeting, the researcher shared the findings of
Modalities for the forthcoming ATC workshop and AI summit are discussed
and it was decided that both the events could be held in the period between
Feb 15 and first week of March, 2010. It is also finalized that the reliability-
middle of January, 2010, and the researcher and AS would keep in touch with
each other in order to move forward with the Intervention to the next phase.
• Pre-ODI report
Phase 2: OD Intervention
This phase is the heart of the action research model. In this phase, the
using SOAR framework. Five months before the main Intervention the researcher
conducted a one-day workshop on SOAR framework. This workshop served the dual
purposes of obtaining initial data for the researcher and gave an opportunity to the
Summit, the researcher held a one-day workshop called Appreciative Topic Choice
(ATC) selection to choose the focus of inquiry. The four day AI Summit is the main
OD Intervention applying the SOAR framework with one day devoted for each
letter in the acronym. The Summit culminated by formulating a development plan for
consequences of the Intervention activities are assessed to know its effect as against
the Pre-ODI situation in the organization. At the end of the Intervention, the
researcher has in hand the newly formulated development plan. The researcher also
evaluates the effect of the OD Intervention on the school service quality by using the
same survey instrument which is used before the OD Intervention. Further, the plan
and the results from the survey are sent to the stakeholders seeking their approval and
validation and received back. The Intervention curtains are drawn down with the
The power of the AI methodology rests in its informal and creative approach
in engaging the "whole system" in the planning process. Conversations become a core
process· for eliciting the data and energizing the system for change (Brown and Isaacs,
interviews, focus group sessions, intensive interaction sessions during the AI Summit
for four days. A creative and conducive atmosphere that encourages participants to
relax and open up to the inquiry process was created on the very first day. As the
process unfolds through its four stages casual interactions tum into a collective
3.2.1 Respondents
organization is included. They are: the management (5), the principal and the teaching
faculty (73), administrative staff and facilitating staff (33), the PTA (10) and the
October 2009 for the teaching faculty, administrative staff, facilitating staff and the
PTA members. The objective of the session is to gather all the stakeholders under one
roof and introduce them to the philosophy, principles and practices of AI and
introduce to them the SOAR framework (Appendix C). By the end of the day, the
group enlisted the Strengths of the organization, Opportunities available to them, their
future Aspirations and the desired Results. In order to facilitate continuation of the
(1), the Academic Supervisor (1), English Language Teachers (2), and a PTA member
(1) and the researcher totaling 7 members. This team is charged with the tasks of
out of the seventy-three, two from the non-teaching staff out of the thirty-three are
Cooperrider et al., (2003) have said that the first step in an AI led OD
intervention is selecting the affirmative topic choice: the selection of the topic(s) that
will become the focus of the intervention. Defining the scope of the inquiry at the
outset, according to Watkins & Mohr, (2001) provides a framework for subsequent
move in the direction of inquiry (Cooperrider et al., 2003). Whitney & Trosten-
Bloom, (2003) remind that people commit to topics they have helped to develop;
dialogue, and possibility. As laid down by Cooperrider et al., (2003) the affirmative
• The group is genuinely curious about them and wants to learn more .
Respondents for the quantitative part of study are the parents of students from
St. Francis School. The reason for selecting this group to be the target population is
based on the assumption that the parents are far more concerned for the future of their
children and therefore keep monitoring the service quality. In view of their age and
this each and every parent in the school stood an equal and independent chance of
• Sample Size
this study, the researcher has used Anderson's table to determine the sample size.
Table 3.1: Theoretical Sample Sizes for Different Sizes of Population (Source:
100 79 85 91 96
500 217 272 340 413
1,000 277 375 516 705
5,000 356 535 897 1,622
50,000 381 593 1,044 2,290
100,000 382 596 1,055 2,344
25,000,000 384 600 1,067 2,400
Table 3.1 gives a general idea to the researcher to find out and fix the required
sample size for conducting the study by comparing the total population of parents in
the school vis-a-vis Anderson's (1996) recommended sample size for different sizes
of population. It is assumed that a parent has admitted only one child in the school;
hence the size of the target population was roughly estimated to be around 1315.
Adapting 95% (no more than 5% points of error) level of confidence the sample size
Table 3.2: Number of pupils & staff in the school for the academic year 2009 -
Table 3.2 gives the number of pupils class-wise. The total number of pupils in
In order to draw the sample units for this study the researcher used a simple
by James, R.F and Robert R.S. (1994) cited in Kumar, R (2009) which is given in
Appendix J. According to this, each of the children is given a number starting from 1
researcher selected the numbers randomly and listed them down until the selection
reached the required sample size of 277 respondents. In case a particular number
happened to be chosen again it was discarded and a new number was picked to
replace it. In this way all 277 parents were drawn for the main survey.
specifically for the research project at hand (Bums & Bush, 2005). The primary
source of gathering data under quantitative method for this study was the survey
order to yield the data required to test the hypotheses of this study and to formulate
the development plan. According to the researcher, this instrument has several
advantages. First, it can be distributed and collected in a short period. Second, the
obtained is amenable to computer treatment (SPSS) and for easy interpretation by the
point Likert satisfaction scale. The 5-point Likert Scale has some advantages, such as
it is simple to construct and likely to produce a highly reliable scale (Neutens &
Rubinson, 1997). The respondents are asked to assign values to each statement in the
researcher gave essential information of him, explicitly stated the purpose of the
3.2. These are arranged under six dimensions, each having five statements as shown
satisfaction" to enable the respondents to allow free expression of views outside the
I. Tangibles
I. The school is conveniently located and easily accessible
2. The school has good physical infrastructure (bldg, equipment etc)
3. The school has an environment supportive to learning
4. The school campus is kept neat and clean
5. The School has ample open space and play ground
II. Reliability
........... .,,.
6. The principal is an able educational leader
7. The teaching faculty is experienced and competent
8. The school emphasizes science and mathematics in curriculum
9. The school promotes creativity and entrepreneurial talent
10. The school has internal assessment as an integral component
III. Responsiveness
11. The principal communicates accurately and clearly
12. The school conducts regular programs through "Trendsetters"
13. The administrative staff give needed information
14. The school values the opinions/ideas of the parents
15. The school appreciates and awards meritorious students
IV. Assurance ' ~
20. The school diligently follows the curriculum laid down by ICSE
...... Ill"""
V. Empathy
21. The principal cares and accompanies my child
22. I feel relieved and comfortable after talking to teaching faculty
23. The administrative staff is courteous and prompt in giving service
24. I understand the school has a child counselor
25. The teacher gives individual attention to my child
VI. Fees
26. I think the school fees is reasonable
27. The school fees is comparable to other schools in the vicinity
28. The mode of fees payment is easy and convenient
29. I get more service than the fees I pay
30. The school utilizes the fees amount on expanding students'
facilities and teachers' development
Comments on overall satisfaction
Parents' satisfaction of
service quality in the
• Tangibles 1-5 5-Point Scale
• Reliability 6-10 5-Point Scale
• Responsiveness 11- 15 5-Point Scale
• Assurance 16-20 5-Point Scale
• Empathy 21-25 5-Point Scale
• Fees 26-30 5-Point Scale
(Source: own analysis)
Table 3.4 indicates the arrangement of the research instrument having six
test consistency. The importance of reliability lies in the fact that it is a prerequisite
for the validity of a test. Any measuring instrument that does not reflect some
attribute consistently has little chance of being considered a valid measure of that
attribute (Ho, 2006). In short, reliability has to do with the quality of the
Churchill, (1996) stated that each of the variable in the questionnaire should
offensive to the respondents, leading or bias inducing and is also easy to answer. He
determine how reliable the instrument is. Therefore, pre-test is essential before
The researcher constructed the survey questionnaire with the help of an expert
in the field and took much care with regard to wording of the statements. In the next
stage, the researcher ran a reliability test on a sample size of thirty parents chosen on a
random basis noting down the roll number of their children. In this study, the
(maximum value being 1), while a low value indicated low reliability (minimum
value being 0). It is recommended that reliability measures should exceed 0.70 for a
the dimension, the coefficients of alpha exceeded the threshold of .70 as shown in
table 3.6. Therefore, all the questions are treated as reliable:-This pretest ensured the
reliability of the survey instrument before employing it for the main study.
1. Tangibles 0.758
2. Reliability 0.745
3. Responsiveness 0.768
4. Assurance 0.803
5. Empathy 0.804
6. Fees 0.815
Total 0.883
Table 3.5 presents the results of reliability test done on a sample population of
The researcher sent out the questionnaires to the parents through the students
via the respective class teachers and got the responses back in sealed/closed envelops
through the students via the class teachers finally to the researcher. The same uniform
The following precautions are under taken in the distribution of survey instrument
• In the case of parents who had more than one child studying in the
Secondary data have previously been gathered by someone other than the
researcher and/or for some other purpose than the research project at hand (Bums &
Bush, 2005). For this study, the researcher collects the secondary data from the school
office records, admission prospectus, PTA meeting reports of last five years and
annual reports by the Principal on the School Annual Day Celebration of the last five
years. In general, this type of data is easily available, can be gathered quickly and
primary data.
After completion of data collection twice from the target respondents the
responses are thoroughly checked for missing or incomplete responses. All the
responses are found fit. From the response sheet the data are directly entered into the
SPSS Student Version 14.0 (Statistical Procedure for Service Solutions) for
computation. Based on the output, the hypotheses are tested and interpretation of
results is done. In one shot, statistical manipulations of the data followed commonly
subject is tested twice on the same variable. This design is also referred to as a
Correlated Groups Design (Ho, 2006). According to the researcher and the
statistician this test is found to be the most appropriate for the current study.
Therefore, the t-test is applied in the study to find out the effect of OD Intervention on
service quality in the school. As required by the t-test, the pre-determined sample size
population o/277 is administered the same survey instrument twice with an interval of
To answer the research questions two and three, that is the level of satisfaction
toward service quality before the OD Intervention and the effect of OD Intervention
on the level of satisfaction of parents towards the school service quality, the
researcher computed the means of each element under the six dimensions of
SERVQUAL. Then, the results are classified into 5 levels of satisfaction by the
interval of mean.
satisfaction. The scale rates from the lowest level of dissatisfaction at 1 = "Strongly
to Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams (2002), the interval of mean score for each level
Table 3.6: Range of Mean Score of Satisfaction Level (Source: Anderson, D.R.,
Arbitrary Level
Level of Agreement with Satisfaction (Range of Mean)
The above criteria are used as arbitrary level for interpretation of Means on
Creswell & Miller, (2000) as cited in Creswell, (2008) have stated that it is
They also suggested three strategies such as triangulation, member checking and
external audit for validating findings. Lincoln & Guba, (1985) as cited in Creswell,
(2008) have substantiated the views expressed by Creswell & Miller. Out of the three
forms of accuracy checking listed above, the researcher chooses the strategy of
Member Checking which in the researcher's opinion fits well with the AI
Methodology. This process involved the researcher taking back the findings to the
The contents in this chapter have been organized according to the order of the
Research Question 1
1) "'hat are the Strengths (S), Opportunities (0), Aspirations (A), and
measurable Results (R) present in the context of St. Francis School (ICSE)
that could be used in crafting the three-year development plan for the school
employing Appreciative Inquiry (SOAR framework) as an OD Intervention?
Intervention Process led by the Appreciative Inquiry Methodology using the SOAR
framework. The process and its outcome are presented in the following pages.
There are three major steps, namely, 1) Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry &
SOAR Analysis which was conducted five months prior to the main OD Intervention and
its outcome is presented in Chapter 1 of the study in the form of a matrix. 2) Appreciative
Topic Choice (ATC) Selection Workshop; and 3) Appreciative Inquiry Summit (AIS)
Summit (AIS) which was the core OD Intervention in this study. The chief purpose of
the workshop is to identify the themes for further inquiry, develop a customized interview
representing various stakeholders got involved in this all "important and fateful task"
(Cooperrider et al., 2003). Appendix D-1 to D-8 show the schedule of the workshop,
number of groups, working materials used. The procedure followed at the ATC workshop
1. Personal
2. Values
3. Retrospective
1. Descriptive
4. Prospective
Attentive listening of life-
giving stories/ peak point
2. Content analysis
3. Validity
4. Consolidation
5. Alignment
6. Selection of five themes by
consensus to be incorporated in
appreciative interview protocol
Figure 4.1: Flow Chart showing ATC Selection Process (Source: Researcher)
The following five Themes were selected at the end of the workshop.
1. To reinvent as thinking pupils and evolving school: It means the school's aspiration
to equip all its pupils with creative, critical and analytical thinking abilities to succeed in
the face of global competition. On the other side, striving continuously to improve on the
existing capabilities, the school desires to keep updating itself in accordance with the
2. To promote faculty retention rich practices: It means the school is putting in place
pro-employee policies and practices which will enable them to recruit and retain
3. To enhance its image and credibility: It means the school is making a series of
efforts aimed at promoting St. Francis brand image in the society. The school wishes that
the success of these image-promotion efforts over a period of time could result in
4. To improve school service quality: It means the school's various measures are
undertaken with a view to give more value for money to the parents besides the routine
classroom teaching and mandatory basic facilities offered by every other school in the
field. The service stands out to the extent that this aspect gives a competitive edge over
rival schools.
imbibed in Appreciative Inquiry principles and approach conducts the affairs in the
The ATC members formed the logistics committee with the following members
and tasks.
Logistics Committee: consisted of Administrator (1), School office staff (2) and the
researcher numbering four members. The main work of the committee was to organize
the logistical requirements for the upcoming AI Summit. Each person in the committee
Appreciative Inquiry (Al) Interview Guide: The ATC members also constructed the
AI Interview Guide for the upcoming AI Summit. This is shown in the AI summit
Cooperrider yielded rich information in the form of life amplifying stories, happiest
experiences, and greatest accomplishments from the participants. The researcher has
Happiest experiences/moments that is most alive, exciting, energizing and life amplifying
• One fine morning, a girl whom I had taught math in remedial class for class 7 appeared
before me with a box of sweets accompanied by her father. Her father said that his
daughter got a merit seat in telecommunications engineering in a premium college.
Looking directly at me he said, "You have worked magic on her person. Thanks to you
she is poised for a great career." Joy on the girl's/ace and her shining eyes conveyed me
what was in her heart (Senior Teacher).
• For me the school linking program with Nottinghamshire School in UK gives the greatest
joy and satisfaction because of the leading role I played for three years in forging this
partnership. My trip to England in 2007 was an icing on the cake. I am working on a
German venture now (Academic Supervisor).
Appreciative Inquiry Summit using SOAR framework spanning four days is the
short concentrated time span. The chief objective of the summit held at St. Francis School
According to Cooperrider & Whitney, (2003) the questions in the protocol revolve
around issues "most at the heart of the task and most in the hearts of the participants."
The stakeholders used the AI Interview Protocol was specially crafted at the ATC
workshop in their deliberations during the summit period. The proforma of the
Review and Map the present and Move the group toward
appreciate the past appreciate appreciative future
(Retrospective) (Current reality) <orosoective)
~ •
What are we doing well? (discovering our best practices)
What are our greatest assets (discovering organizational strengths)
What are the opportunities present in the world (run environmental
Opportuniti"" • How do we envision St. Francis ICSE by 2015 (select a
Aspirations ~ •
What is our preferred future?
To what do we aspire?
Craftin of desi statements/ rovocative ro os1tions
• Generation of possible action statements (following small & large
group discussions)
• Selection of action statements that would go in the development
• Ratification of statements and declaration of support and co-
operation for realization
Partici ants' evaluation of AI summit
took part in the summit. The list of attendees, the schedule of the summit, list of pre-
determined groups and other relevant information is shown in Appendix E-1 to E-4.
Briefly stated, the participants were grouped into ten groups, each consisting of
ten members. Groups were pre drawn by the Appreciative Supervisory Tem (AST) in
order to ensure proper mix of participants from each stakeholder group. Each person in
the group was given a specific task to perform. The pre-trained AI Interviewer in each
group used the AI Interview Guide to interview others. The Moderator oversaw if all the
functions were coordinated smoothly and that the group functioned cohesively. The Time
Manager ensured equal opportunity for everyone and saw the schedule was adhered to.
The Scribe in the group meticulously jotted down the narratives on a sheet. The five
themes that emerged from the definition phase formed boundary walls in the next four
phases of discussions and deliberations. Before the proceedings started, the researcher
and the process to be followed in the next four days. With this the SOAR journey started
off unfolding exciting stories during the course and the path undertaken in the adventure
OD Intervention
Output Day 1
Discovery of
Enyisi(>ning of an
Output Day 3
weaying the
Organizational idealittiage <>r · ~frengii#~dirid · · aa.ys
images into inspiring
Strengths the f\.lfut~
4.2.lDiscovery of Strengths
This phase assumes that in each organization there are some elements that give
the organization life and energy. At the same, it is quite possible that the members in the
organization are not aware of it and that they may need time and encouragement to
explore this fully. Whitney, (1998) described this phase as "a quest to fill the
summit discovered a number of strengths, active and dormant that gave life to St. Francis.
The strengths as narrated and confirmed by them in relation to each of the theme are
Statements of strengths appropriate to the themes received from the participants are
from middle-class
who ore
dedicared arc Ille "bone·
orlhc school
• School managemcnl by
hanlwortung. "'" mo<ivotcd <.:a1hnllc: rcllglou"> pctsons
and mentnlly IQUgh. -<:cntrul locau<.>n of the
• Location in Ille hean of lhc $Chool, Ctt$y =~slb1l11y nnd
city 81ll'llC1S bright s1udenIS reachbilicy by different modes
11.11d CQIDpClCnt ceachtll of 1r.1nswn
- Qualified, and
cJtpcricnced leaching fGCUlry
- Service minded swr
. Progntms
1"J'ClldSemn" and "CMCA~
out:side the school syllsbi
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~·-~~·~-~ ~~~
The following quotes from the participants of the summit confirm the discovery of
Quotable Quotes:
• The emphasis at St. Francis has always been the holistic development of
the child (Teacher)
• It was like a big 'mela' (festival). It was sheer joy, fun and serious
business included. I am thrilled to know we have so many strengths. We
need to build on our strengths and realize our full potential as a
The researcher at the end of day asked the participants to describe how they felt
about the day's process in one or two simple sentences. A selection of their comments is
given below.
At the end of the day, the researcher would wish to compare the day's process of
discovering strengths using a metaphor. The crude oil which lies under the ground, first
needs to be extracted to the surface level and then put through the process of refining and
finally the output is extracted in many forms like aviation fuel, petrol, diesel and kerosene
etc. In similar fashion the organization's strengths and assets which were lying hidden
until now was brought to the surface by the participants through the AI process of
discovering the strengths which "give life to the organization". The process of carrying
them and making them available to use in the future is mentioned in the three year action
At this point the researcher would like to quote Whitney, (1998) "the participants
given the time and encouragement will explore fully what gives life and energy to the
f organization" coming true. The questions we ask set the stage for what we "find" and
what we "discover" (the data) (Cooperrider & Whitney, 2005). Putting these words of
I wisdom into action in the inquiry process yielded a rich data on the organization's
The researcher also remembers how one science teacher expressed her way of
discoveries in the school. She used human anatomy for her description saying the pupils
as heart, teacher the brain, management the digestive system, principal the blood, and
parents as eyes and ears. The researcher found this parallel quite interesting and wish to
add Appreciative Inquiry as life-giving spirit to the anatomy and complete it. The
workshops and the summit caused disruptions to the normal functioning of the school yet
the teachers who are overloaded with class hours were not resisting it. This is very
common with AI led OD Interventions that many others (Cooperrider & Whitney, 2005,
Reed J, 2007) who have used found that AI method reduces resistance to change because
it involves the very people who are likely to resist as collaborators in driving the change.
Soon after the welcome and orientation, at the insistence of the Principal all the
participants walked round the whole campus beginning from the school building. The
intention of the Principal was that the teachers and staff see the beautiful campus in the
first place and secondly the teachers cross each other's borders and take a look at how
things appear in the 'other world'. According to him, there is no rancor among teachers it
is just a mental border between primary and secondary teachers that they normally don't
venture into each others' territory. It is just that they keep to their "work and workplace."
Before the close of the day the Principal asked the participants what they
discovered during the campus visit in the first hour. A few of the participants said that
they discovered the rose garden, the pond, the papaya and the coffee gardens. All along,
all these things have been there (toward the rear side of the campus). But today was
different - they got the "encouragement and time to fully explore." It resulted in the
On the morning of day two, the researcher briefly explained what "envisioning"
stands for and the necessity of creating a bold shared vision as a group.
The first hour in the morning was utilized to create a relaxed and peaceful
soothed the nerves and energized the minds. After the tea break, the participants got
engaged in the task of envisioning a powerful/ideal image. The following questions were
This imagery exercise has its roots in the AI' s "Anticipatory Principle" which
means as we anticipate, so we create. "Positive images of the future are so powerful that
they lead our positive actions - this is the increasingly energizing basis and
constantly provoking and pushing the limits. Its immediate effect is on the present
Debriefing session
The participants huddled into their respective small groups and shared their
envisioned images. Thereafter, these images were taken to the plenary group and an
"Ideal Image Mapping" was done.. After several rounds of short-listing, the participants
arrived at a consensus and chose Bishop Cotton Boys' School (BCBS), Bengaluru as an
ideal image for SFS to model upon. The selection was based on the following criteria
• BCBS has been rated as the Best School in Bengaluru and as the No. l
school among all metro schools in India in the ICSE category of schools
• It has a long history of 145 years of excellence and has produced geniuses
of international caliber and reputation
• A world class state-of-the-art infrastructure
• Qualified and competent teaching faculty who have won many
state/national awards for outstanding contribution in the area of school
• Focus on continuous professional development in skills and updates in
new concepts
• SFS could explore tie-up facilitating exchange in introducing new
methods in pedagogy, teacher skill development and sharing of resource
Statements of opportunities envisioned by the participants under the five themes are
among parents on the - Pm-aaclve p~nicipalion in and rclcvrutt caro:r polh pnrtncr whh
for all teachers and otnff
imponnnce of good quality -Brenk time between classes,! activities rhrough others?
.chool cducatioo Oulbility and f rccdom in 'Angel'• Club' • !low are we ln hc,1
- Cclcbralinn of l'l1ren«" O:iy partner ,.icb -To sian wuh pmnllllt Al by
classroom teaclung
• llow are we to t.>est on lhe ltnco ofO.ildroi'• Olly olhtto? providing lljlpropriate
-Opporturutics for \kill
partner with development & career and Teachc!'l" 0.) literature on Al an'IOQg the
ochers'? 11dV110cement Ol·annual p.rental "'minnr ADBB mcmbc"
-Rceognirlon nnd rcwarc) for • How arc we to b~ • f'mplnyintt ICT 10 imrm"e - Ponray SFS u mle model
Faculty cxohnnge with BCBS outstanding partner" ilh •chuol·hmne pnnncrshlp of At orgrutiMLlon
and other schools in the othcN? • Tr11inin1J progtnm~ for 1 · Give hrief infunnncion on
vicinlry rncuhy devcJop111en1 by A1 in the school hand book.
• Pupil exchange co o limited Giving wc1gln to p=nt.< and upcn< 1n !CSE syllahu• wcbpsge and annual repon
CXl.Cllt tcachcrs op1ni(l<IS - Strenglhening ranncr'1iip - Publish one or two articles
- Collabonuc with member Involving parents in with bodlcs such as and tesumonies of SI'S
·Updating lhe current wcb•itc
<ehools in ADBB in multiple dcc..1on malcing on crucial 1"rcndSc11ers" and "CMCA• tcocbcrs in the annual school
by adding more fwurcs
areas. For irurtancc,
·Developing a lll.llor·mnde ma11m • Pup•ls' engatemcnt in m•glllnc
inoovatlve reaching model! unified software for the •Tmnspnrency "·ilh 11nnovnlivc ways
· Panicipotion I.a common school covcrinn all the •lllkcholdcrs in finrutclnl - l111cn,lf)ing coll~l>ornllon
rratntog prograrn,~ Wilh (U"'-'llOtl"' lltUIU:f" WHh tJK IC'.1.i;hcnr; uii:i(r-~1 l}K
ADBB ·mcmbc~ -PCt'!SOf11.'ll lur"''fl felt tco1.~l11ng • Netwurling wuh Link PrognuT1• un~r 1nulllplc
• Excl11lngc nf nmcs on lesson focuhy cnubling them 10 dmw prolc•sioruil l>Q<lies. NO<» way' bc>""J th<! pre>clll level
planningfteachlng module• up lesson pl1111$ al home Md re<•IUl!b iostitudolL' in - Exph:>rinJl f!<•<>il>lluy of
CIC -Exclusive faculty computer lhc field or education onllahonnion with ..:hool• In
- Explore poss1biluy of lab with hi-•pccd intc:mct US
creating Md a - E~ploring r<><sll>ihty of
research cell collaboration \\ith <ehoot, in
-Copy and implement others' A<in prcfernl>ly Singapore.
proven succeso models Hon~ Kong and Plulirpincs.
Quotable quotes received from the participants on this day of the summit are
Quotable quotes
• How difficult it is for an adult to visualize an ideal image in the mind and
share with others. I understand I've no child left in me.(Teacher)
• How I wish the vision turns real at the earliest! I can get mileage for my
sons. (Parent)
• The ISO certification in the hands of the school will portray a better image
of the school. It reassures the parents and public that the school follows
approved standard procedures in its governance" (Parent)
From the researcher's perspective one specific change was noticed at the end of
the day that stakeholders started using "vocabularies of hope" (Ludema, 1997) in their
positive and powerful future image (Cooperrider, 2003) was witnessed in full force in the
form of great excitement and energy in the participants. As Aristotle foretold "A vivid
imagination compels the whole body to obey it" (cited in Cooperrider et al. 2005).
Empirical researches such as placebo studies in medicine and Pygmalion dynamic in the
classroom (Cited in Cooperrider et al. 2003) reaffirm the power of the positive thinking
The key action on the day was the democratic process employed by the
participants in choosing an ideal image of the future. When the participants returned from
their respective small groups to the large group the list was too long. Almost every single
one had envisioned an ideal image of their wish. Then the participants themselves
authorized the supervisor and one PTA member to follow a process acceptable to all for
choosing the ideal image of the future. After a few minutes of discussion on the
modalities following the image mapping procedure the stakeholders zeroed on BCBS.
What is worth mentioning here, is the initiative, situational leadership, empowerment and
finding a win-win situation for all were decided and implemented by the stakeholders
democratic processes and that too in such an important issue concerning the future
On the third day of the summit the participants worked together and drew
stakeholders wanted to achieve in the future. Whitney, (1998) prefers to call them
realize the co-created future." These are affirmative statements that bridge the core
strengths of the organization from the past (day 1) to the group's aspirations in the future
(day 2). The statements also represent the organization's commitment to move in the
The Process involved i) Brainstorming in small groups; ii) Debriefing and collating in the
plenary assembly; and iii) drafting the action statements and presentation. Following are
the action statements crafted by the participants arranged theme-wise and presented
In this we believe. We are a family of St. Francis School (ICSE) rooted in the
perennial values of the Catholic Church and managed by FMB Society having an
unbending reputation of 108 years in the service of the nation specifically in the
spread of quality and relevant education. We take pride of our association with this
to carry forward this illustrious service in the education field. We dedicate ourselves
to leap frog the school to the next generation level by continuously evolving to satisfy
the demands and aspirations of India's Knowledge Economy and by turning out
creative and thoughtful pupils seeking new knowledge & competencies having an
We are immensely aware that good quality teachers help pupils understand better,
learn more and succeed in the face of stiff competition all around. In the last nine
years we never forgot for a moment the tremendous responsibility on our shoulders.
The outstanding achievements of some of the pupils give a telling testimony that we
have given our best. At this time moment we are engaged in a process of gearing up
to scale new heights. We stoutly reiterate our support and cooperation to the
Image is the value that we create in the society. Our good image is directly linked
give our best to enhance our image in order that our credibility is proportionately
This is the Age of the Enlightened Customer. And this new breed of customers
continually evaluates the services received in terms of satisfaction vis-a-vis the price
paid for the service. Service quality is a core competitive and differentiating tool for
delivered and make every effort to enliven and improve the service quality so that we
engage all the stakeholders in decision making process. AI is nurturing the teaching
and learning atmosphere in the school. Therefore, we the stakeholders declare our
In the quotable quotes mentioned below captured by the researcher one can see
engagement and empowerment that the AI process gives which is valued most by the
stakeholders. The words of the Principal reiterate the words of many of the AI
practitioners who have experienced that AI method gives everyone an equal chance
Quotable Quotes:
• AI gives an equal voice to everyone. The sharing takes place in a climate of
dignity and mutual respect for each other. Moreover it draws out and appreciates
personal accomplishments which would have easily gone unnoticed and
unrecognized. We don't think there is any other technique close to AI. We
wholeheartedly welcome AI tools and techniques into SFS organizational culture.
Surely every one of us feels a sense of empowerment and participation in decision
making. (All Teachers)
• Me too a teacher in RJS for ten years. Over there we are still clinging to the old-
fashioned annual planning with little involvement of staff I find this AI technique
usage in school mid-term planning with everyone getting involved (amazing
parents too) and giving their commitment is very unique and 'happily disturbing'.
I wish my colleague-teachers the very best and success. (Parent cum Teacher)
• A few of my teachers, who were given to 'talk no evil, do no evil and hear no evil'
ideals for the first time found a platform to talk evil and chose to 'offend' their
Principal. I didn't find any animosity, bitterness and tension during the
deliberations. In its place I found easy going, laughter, eagerness to speak and a
tremendous goodwill of people. (Principal)
• While articulating found hard to find right words, but others made it up
• I believe the goal of this process is to take a panoramic view of the whole
• The process made us passionate about the preferred future image
• Motivational statements spurred action from the group
• The process finely links day 1 and day 2 in inspiring words
separate moments, but are simultaneous." The researcher recognized the Principle of
Simultaneity operating visibly in the morning of day three. As the participants arrived for
the session, they started greeting each other and engaging in small talks in the corridor.
This was in marked contrast to day one in which the participants arrived with a stem face
and hardly exchanged glances at others. When they were asked to go into their respective
predetermined groups they needed to be persuaded by the principal and the supervisor.
All that changed. Stakeholders started relating to others whom they had ignored, engaged
themselves in animated talk and while the session was convened in the main hall they
were already seated according to their groups. Teacher Indu who conducted the laughing
The researcher on his part decided to sustain and build on the new relations
forged at the summit even beyond the summit days. On the fourth day evening, instead of
seeking evaluation from the participants the researcher made a list of e-mail ids of the
participants and gave a copy to all with a request for them to stay in touch with each other
as often as possible. This gesture was well received by all the participants
The researcher observed from the envisioning exercises of day 2, that many
teachers showed traces of sadness at the mention of 'award winning teachers'. The
researcher had a frank talk with the academic supervisor on this point a few days after the
summit. She stated that ten years down the line in St. Francis no teacher from the school
had received Central/State/any Private award in recognition of their services. Still worse
is no one got even nominated. According to her, this has been weighing on the teachers
AI is all about creating, enhancing and amplifying life. The researcher decided to
do something on this issue. He met the Principal and requested him to leverage his clout
of his new office as the President of the ADBB to nominate at least one teacher in the
forthcoming academic year. According to the Principal, the academic supervisor is the
candidate in the forefront and there is a sense of urgency in her case as she is due for
retirement by March, 2013. This point, however, was not included in the development
plan as nominating teachers for state awards is a complicated procedure and involves a
image of the group is golden phase of AI process. This is recognition of human dignity,
respect and empowerment leading to the betterment of everyone's lives. Each one in the
group has a winning stake instead of "the winner takes all" approach. At a time when the
citizens of the world are experiencing severe economic hardships and mutely witnessing
consolidation of wealth in the hands of a few, AI seems to be the last chance saloon for
the voiceless and those who have been at the receiving end.
Iii the morning of the final day the researcher briefly explained the participants on
the importance of the day. In the large group the AS aided by the researcher made a
power point presentation of the highlights of the previous three days. A copy of the
presentation in word format was given to the participants to read and share their views.
• Participants going into respective groups, read the summary, and share their
• After the tea break go back to their groups, discuss and generate possible actions
• In the large group possible actions from small groups are shared and listed down
• After the lunch break possible actions were summarized and a skeleton action
• Participants verbally give their commitment and assured their cooperation to the
plan. They authorized the supervisory team to finalize the plan and present it at
A happy and promising end to the Summit came from the school management.
• I take home unparallel learning and experiences from this AI seminar. I was
moved by seeing how all of you have been working for the last four days to unfold
an action-oriented development plan for the school. I commit to do everything in
my capacity as an executive authority to make the plan achieve its purpose
successfully. (Trustee)
The final output of the summit which is the development plan approved by all the
3 months commcnttnR from mid·No,·cmber On-1oint process One month cmnmencana from mid·:'<ovcmbec
Theme 3: T o enhance School J m11l!e und Credlbllit,·
Objectln 3.1. (rl:::ACHERS) -·· - ·----·
Objectivo 3.2: IPUPll-~) OhJccthc 3.J: IMANAOl::.M r;NT)
• To rcmfon:e a pogtivc. progrc>sive unage • To provide muinum ~
or school in Ille mindset of teachcn and opportunllic\ for pupils and lrilin lhcm to • To extend full coorcnmon and lldcquatc
impel lhem to give their bcsl contribution succeed in the ccrnpelltion financial <U!'P011
to susta;n.
lndi<alOrs or su~: lndicat0rs or Succeu: Indicator< of Succts5:
• M11rc n11. of applicanis seeking a opening • A luke m the number of scul!i
in SFS • Ovcroll lnc-rcMe in &ale of adnuss1on • Low tumovernf fnculcy
• t..ow tu mover among the currcnc faculty fonns • Improved job suti>faclion among faculty &
• Pride and Prestige in the SO<:icty nuike • Clamonng for admission from miff
them stay put bu•incs<lhurcnucrotic/ llad tcchnocra1 • Positive <ebool climate
• /\vailab1h1yofbcuuc=erpro,pects for pan:nts • Aprrcc10tion from PTA
qumcrs • More number of puJ'lls p:trticip:tung in
• Pnncipalffcadicr (<)winning s1111c/ccnual different compe111ive cums 111 lhc
awards & other awanls iru.lltulcd by s1atc/nalional lcvcl• and seeming 1 place
acclaimed bodies in lhe mcri1 "''·
• E.\ccllen1 ac•di:mic results in the BI!
Strategies: Strutegies: Strntci:ie«:
• Principal constantly reminding 1eochcrs • 1;.~1cn1ivc use of •ophi<ticatcd tc1Whing • lnitimc proce.~s for obwlnlog ISO
about core vnlucs and belief• embedded in nid~iechnology in classrooms ccrti Ilea.ti on
school • Le;imin~·by.(loin& model • Update wcb$iU: add more roncur""
• Sending senior 1c:1ehcrs ouL~idc on • Facili!AU: panic1p:uion in multirlc Inter- • Two hi-speed ln1cmct Int>. - teachers ond
1cachcr-u.changc program school competitions puplls
• Creating opponunincs for teachers to • lnJividuaVgroup assignmcntS on topu:s • lllSl.llllauoo of modern tcaehtng aids in
panicipau: m natiooal/international outside school S)llabi c:la.c;;s:roc;uns
'ICnunars • Grant \Cholanhips 10 destr\-ing pupil• a.' • lhe AV room
• Nudging 1hem to share expenenccs/prcsen1 pan or school ro<inl responsibility • Bu)'ing spa.:e for "paid new." in print
case s1ud1cs and other l.eam1J1g. dcmoni;i.rruion m~di0: on-c·a--year
• Advice, allow andsponsor t.cachers 10 • Give equal voice 10 stakchold~ by
engage in research tcmducting mccungs & lnu:r11etio11s in A1
• Send more tc3chers tO UK under the style
School LlnllProgram. Could be 6 In 1hc • Fair Manngcmcm Procticcs
olaccof 4.
Firumcial bud""! is showam A I Fin:mcial budeet is •howa in A"""ndu I Fin•nci:il bu<l£et is shown tn An.,..ndu: 1
Action by:
> Pnnci""I and AS
Tune Seal<:
Action by:
Prmcinol. AS tmJ Adminisuntor
Tim.. Scale:
Aetioo by:
Admini'1lll10r & Trustees
Time Seal<:
On.going~> On-going rroccss W<>rk commen= dunng Diwali lfalid•ys and
comnlcwl \\ithin 8 weeks
Theme 4: To Improve Servi"" Qunilty
O~i'" 4.1' (TliJICllERS> ObJ..:ii. • 4.i: (PUPIL\> Obj"ll'< 4.J: l!\.JA~AGl,;ME..'.fl)
• To make cfforti< 10 provide •=h•ng • To encourage po ptI• 10 mnkc u<e 11re\ cry • To co-operate with Principlll,
services 10 n1111ch the expectation• or ovailablc ratili1y IQ tbe maximum cx1cnt Administraior and finnncinlly suprort
parents nnd grow in physique ond mind 101ivt1ies/requircmcn1< wtllcb will odd Ill
st Olke holders· sattsraclion
lndlt11to"' of su«CM: lndialln"' of Suttcss: lndicato" or Success:
• ParenlS c:xprcuing satisfaction or lhc • Pupib •·i~UOg/lt>ing library and dtgllal
teachea in PTA or in private 10 dala base. more rn:quenlly • ~rrrcc1ation from PTA
Principal/AS • Ciwtions rrom wch<ilc< in hotnc work • Wrire-ur/mcntlon in the media
• Pareol!I reeling respc<ircd their opinion• are • Participatlng in multlplc SJlQrL• • Improved sousfoc11on nmong teachern
iaken in10 con<iderntion and turned inl<l • f'upils rccling confident with technology • Improved smdcnl-lcncber communication•
• Patenis sc.:101 lhctr children showing ~
slcills bc~od classroom act1>1tv
Strat.gics; Strntegi~: Stratcgir•:
• Class Teacher is provided wilh cmntl id • nuc nnd prompt weigh111gc 10 porcnts'
nnd comaci uos. of parcnlS. • Puplls learn 10 m3kt wise use of facilities nrinlan'l/suggeslion'J./rcqueslS
• CT to u.<e technology co create clrumoom And grow :showing common sense nnd • Appointment of a rcccptimtist nnd
-home link Judgment r<ecpuon desk &Carving out wait lobby
• CT to gel the $Uppon and coolidcncc of • Caoducting a arnual """"'' coun1oChng • ,\rrangmg cubicle> ror tr:H:hcr-pan:nc
Pnncipal <emmt!tor participahon in "Time' of ICldia inceMlCtiOD
• er to conduct monthly review meeuog Career Fn1r" • ln~alllng swipe machine
with oum subject teru:hers 10 get their • Encourage m 1nl:o pan in d1rrercnt type• of • Meet-your-principal w/o nppointmclll
feedback on each srudcnl in lhc class. This competition< rn \poru and academic~ f1dnys a week lit the artemoon bouts)
appraisl!) report or the pupil to be e-mailed • Providing e~tcmol =ch•s • Po't yourquesuoos online/makc
10 the parcnlS • Biuruul pan:nt <eminar nrl"'•nuncot onlinc with your principal.
• All canno1 lcam lhc same way. So, er can • Individual l:ip«>ps. ICt'e.\S IO interoel for
6clcctively US<'> differentiated learning rc.>chcrs to g1vc/rcccl\·e assignmcnis &
techniques rmJec•s t0 studcnrs even during vacaiioM
• er to send/convey nppn:ciation lo pnrcnr.~ • Improve amenities like BB & V1l couns
when the child has ddnc 110mething • Cclcbra11on or Parents' Day
innovative or CKimordiruuy • Ruild •wropnatc hanlware aod rofiwarc
• CT i.n coUaborauon with parents 10 ounun: lo wppoa pupil\; "Learn at your own
and promote cnucpttncurial talents or pace, anywhere and anytime"
Flrwic:uil bod-it &bQwn lA A"-~ J f'iUn~tal bud~et is shov.11 in A tX I F1n~·i1tl ti11·1- ll •-·n tn A11-ndb. I
Ac.don bY: lab TCJIChrr ~inei-.1 llld AS Action by: C1us TeuchcJ.. rnndn1I and /\.S 1 Action b,.t fT;ncinnl l~ Adminlwawr
Stan lloWU... md ml ........... holido...
Tho. Snit:
I Tint~ Sc11 I~:
Stan On.-.i!i Ho~" and end how aum:mi:s hobdau
11 ~_.,me S: 'ro build an appreciative s chool orgunlzullon
Objectlvu S.I : (TEACHERS>
• An improved di mote of trust • Srudtnts ec11ing more comforutblc with • S1:1k<holdc"' cxh1brung Jl<l'itivc
• Cohesion, accommod:lt1on and team spirit tl:l!Chen !>cha\ !or/words
• A sense of worth anJ empowerment • llcucr beh•'ior in .chool • SW.choldcis finnlycommmcd IO~
• Tcaclle1$ hav10g positive relations with • Improved focu~ 1n classroom cre:u.cJ BOG I
Pnncipal and other suikcholdcrt • Less no. of e<1mplaint< and qw1rr"1• • Cha~cJ "'hool ethos
• Conshaent tntprovcment in -c;core(. • Mutual rc>pcct in plru:c of nn11no$1ty
• Pupils becoming mnre confident .nd • Fundanicn!Bi shift in thinking & power
hon-.ful rum1di~111>
Strut~ies: Stnitegles: Sirntegi"":
• A few seruor teachers could be Al muneJ Pupil Goal Scttio11 u1ing SOAR • °"''olu11on of more powers 11'1 Pnncipal
• Staff meetings m Al •r•rit and process Stttng1hs: m micro grou>s pupils doco\er their and t\tlmtniuratOr
• Indulging maffumau•c and apprccinti>e own strengths, share ruid .ict endorsed by 01hcr. • Fi'ing re<ponsibility and accountability
dialogue in work place Opportunities: envmon wh31 do they wnm to • Showing respoc1 and S1111cti<>ning funds to
• Identi fying one another's ~trength nnd become: in the future? Roh<lt~ngmecr, sntclhtc plnnvrrojcc1s decided
srrive to acn1.e win-win situntlon engineer, fighter pilot etc • Pnn1ci;1ating in Al sessions held 111 school
• Showing affumalion in clamooms Actl.on Plnru.: 'Think nb<1u1 whrtt IS Lhc padl ond Jtrcctly or 1hru repre!<cnwtlvc
• Teachers r.raincd in App=inti~c Coaching l>Ctivicies thn1 would lcud them to ocbicvc their • Cn:a1c n community of Al and stunulating
• Spread of Al SUQlCU ''°""" through
school, S1uJcn1 handout and
catttr goals Sugge" 5u1uhle bcha\ior, define anJ
comnlll IO short and long term goah. •
,<ituall<>n> for employing Al
Cclcl>rntc openly Al's SUCCC$SCS
sharing in pa:r/intcr-<ehool meetings On going Al; the pupilJ' commit it in woRh :ind
hnndovcr to CT who m tum keeps lh"'1l reminding
and inspiring them to help achic>c their aims in Lhc
rejleat Al stssioM.
Fmancial bud!!cl is shown in Aooc:ndix I Financial bud~ct is •hOW'l in A"""nd1x I F10JL0c:.ial buduct inAnnrndi• I
Action by:
;. Pnncipal and AS ,
Action by:
Cl&«; Teacher ard Principal and AS ,.
Action by:
Roon! + Admi11is1ta1or
The Structure
The basic structure of the plan revolves around the five themes - one page being
devoted for each of the theme/objective. The plan sets out to each of the stakeholder
group, namely, teachers, pupils and management clear sub-objectives derived from the
main objective, strategies for attainment, success indicators, financial budget, and a time
frame. In order to ensure implementation and compliance the plan names people
The Purpose
The purpose of the development plan is to equip and bolster the school to counter
the internal and external challenges as described in Chapter 1 and accomplish a holistic
growth in the next three years. Each of the five objectives is specifically directed towards
Objective No.1: St. Francis to reinvent as ''thinking pupils and evolving school"
This objective aims to equip the pupils to the demands of globalization and the
knowledge age economy by inculcating in them creative, critical and analytical thinking
skills. The school on its part strives continuously to adapt and grow in the right direction
-Helping children to creatively connect class lessons with real life situations
greater self confidence due to training and students doing homework creatively.
This objective is aimed at decreasing the teacher turnover and improve their
-Make aware the vision, mission and values of the school & the society's founder
-Sixth pay commission salaries & perks, recognition & rewards by the
Success indicators: Low turnover, more job satisfaction among the existing
This is a critical objective. The school in the first place, has to have credibility
and image in the society. If not, competent teachers would not join the school and middle
class parents would not seek admission. Therefore, image building is crucial in the hyper
Success indicators: more parents seeking admission and more students giving
competitive exams.
This objective intends to give the school a competitive advantage over its rivals
parent interaction.
The idea behind the objective is to embed appreciative inquiry principles into the
administrative practices in the school among the stakeholders and finally evolve the
Success indicators: a climate of trust and team spirit in the workplace, a sense of
In summary, the development plan is a road map for St. Francis School. It
provides focus, direction and inspiration for the school to take a leap from "where it is" to
"where it envisioned to be". This comprehensive plan is made up of inputs from the
stakeholders at the AI Summit and results from the Pre-ODI survey on service quality of
the school. The final touches to the plan were given by the Principal, the Academic
Supervisor and the PTA President. Finally, the researcher in order to ensure adequate
oversight and evaluation, has placed the plan in an action research loop embracing three
ODI Preparations
Appreciative Topic Choice Workshop
Output: Selection of five themes, finalization of AI Interview Guide
Intef-vcii6~ii / ..
A:~;~atlve Ill<iiihii srifuri:i{ >
Output Day 1
Discovery of
Envisioning of an
Output Day 3
Weaving the
strengths and images
ideal image of
Strengths into inspiring words
the future
DP (2010-2011)
ARCycle-1 --+Look
---+- Look
DP (2011-2012) Think
AR Cycle-2 Act
DP (2012-2013) Look
_ _..,.Think
ARCycle-3 --+
The SFS Action Research cycle mentioned in Figure 4.4 consists of three steps.
The three steps are: Look, Think and Act. It is based on the model of Stringer (1996).
Gathering data
Building a picture (describing the situation)
Explore and analyze: What is happening here (hypotheses)
Interpret and explain: How/why are things as they are?
Plan (report)
List down the many Choose the best way of Do the work and
doing evaluate
ways of doing L
' I'
~ -
The working of AR Cycle shown in Figure 4.5 in the development plan: Now
consider the case of training program for teachers to develop thinking schools as an
example. First, look at many ways of doing it or look how others in the field have done it
and study their success. Second, think of the best option and choose it in discussion with
others. And thirdly, implement the training module and determine its success/failure by
evaluating with the success indicators determined in the plan. Keep the cycles repeated
until all the faculty members are trained and tangible results are seen. This path holds
that organizations are made up of people and they live in relationship to each other. And
while they live in relation they manifest basically two types of emotions - joy,
cooperation, team spirit and appreciation on the other, jealousy, enmity, undercutting, and
criticism like negative emotions. The AI Summit provided an ideal platform for the
stakeholders to give vent to both types of emotions. The researcher has captured verbatim
·. !t!!~grU!iling vpi¢es ·.
·• •.
Life-giving voices .. ...
An annual meeting of this sort at the beginning of Al Summit is a good indoctrinator. (Teacher)
an academic year is a necessity.(Parent)
AI promotes out-of-box-thinking AI is a.flawed technique
This whole day I spent here. I got many times AI is all talk, talk and more talk and lacks in
chance to express myself. This is really good. I application (Parent)
carry home pleasant feelings of being respected
and my opinions valued. (Parent)
Whole is greater than the sum of its parts Not always true
AI method of involving teachers, PTA and We are working on the principle of 'many
management in discovering strengths, heads are better than one head' but isn't it
also true 'many cooks spoil the
envisioninR and action planning is an
The method's emphasis on harnessing the core I have a strong feeling that a good number of
strengths of the stakeholders and moving them people who have said 'YES' to the plan
through different stages and finally zeroing on a haven't understood the implications. Most of
development plan is fantastic. The success of this them have been swayed by 'mob mentality'
experiment would inspire other schools in and have paid 'lip commitment' (Parent)
Bangalore to emulate St. Francis. (Parent)
AI is a ground breaking method It is same as any other
We have never been called to attend any meeting Day-1, "happy talk"; Day-2 "day-
small or big. We are a sort of 'pushovers' and dreaming"; Day-3 "empty rhetoric"; and
only meant to 'take orders'. On behalf of all my Day-4, "a plan to fill the shelf space.(Parent)
colleagues - non-teaching I declare we love Al
and welcome it into our school working culture.
days of "deficit talks". It was also a day of drama in the sense that a few of the cynics
turned supporters of AI. As one new convert put it, "the AI seminar signals a wave of
reforms in the school. In that case, I give my commitment to the plan and am willing to
walk the extra mile to make it a success." The power of positive image of the future
infused the participants with a lot of energy and they curiously engaged in the process
finding relevant possible actions. It was quite clear that the participants expected concrete
actions and results from this long exercise. The Principal on his part did not let them
down. He made a statement that beginning from the new academic year a child counselor
will be appointed exclusively for the secondary section. This gesture was well received
by the participants.
A few days after the summit, the researcher in a private conversation brought to
According to the researcher, these and a few other parents' insidious words and
summit clearly established the gap in the perception of service quality related issues
between the school authorities on one side, the teachers and students/parents on the
other. The researcher therefore assured the Principal that these issues would be addressed
An analogy. Sun's rays in innumerable numbers fall on the solar panels where
they get concentrated and turned into solar energy. This energy is stored in inverters and
channelized to illuminate bulbs, power fans, computers and other home/office appliances.
The individual strengths/assets of the organization as they are collected during the AI
summit get solidified into one critical energy mass, which is channelized successfully
embedded in Appreciative ethos. At St. Francis change is not an event but an on-going
Research Question 2
What is the current (pre-ODI) level of Service Quality in St. Francis School (ICSE)
. The researcher has undertaken to measure the service quality as part of the study.
Accordingly, the researcher distributes the survey instrument to the target population of
277 respondents. Data collected from them is analyzed by using SPSS package. To
measure the level of parents' satisfaction towards various aspects of service quality the
researcher has to calculate the mean value of each factor. The results preceding OD
The results shown in Table 4.5 indicate the level of agreement towards
satisfaction of service quality to each element with regard to the six aspects.
Regarding Tangibles dimension, the average mean value 4.13 belongs to the
range of 3.41 - 4.20 which represents "Agree" level. Hence, according to Anderson et al.
(2002) the researcher can say that the parents are overall "satisfied" with the service
quality factors under the tangibles dimension like "location & accessibility";"physical
infrastructure"; "learning environment"; "campus cleanliness" and "open space & Play
With respect to reliability, the average mean value 3.72 falls in the range of 3.41 -
4.20 which again represents "Agree" level. Hence, according to Anderson Et al. (2002)
the researcher can say that the respondents are overall satisfied with the service quality
factors under this dimension like "principal's leadership"; "teaching faculty"; "focus on
science and math"; "nurturing entrepreneurial talent" and "internal assessment system."
Toward responsiveness, the average mean value 3.46, this comes under the
Anderson et al., (2002) it indicates that the respondents are overall satisfied with the
factors under this dimension. However, it is to be noted that two factors: "programs by
professional bodies" (3.13) and "opinion of parents" (3.23) come under the range of 2.61
- 3.40 which points out that the respondents are neutral/neither neither agree nor disagree
In the dimension of assurance, the average mean value shown 3.66 belongs to the
interval of 3.41 - 4.20; this as recommended by Anderson et al., (2002), indicates that the
respondents are overall satisfied toward factors under this aspect. However, it is to be
noted that one element; "interaction with parents" (3.20) falls under the interval of 2.61 -
For the empathy dimension, the average mean value 3.63, which again falls in the
interval of 3.41 - 4.20, as stated by Anderson et al., (2002) indicates that the respondents
are overall "satisfied" toward the factors under the dimension. However, it is to be noted
that one element; "faculty care" showed an average mean value of 3.40, this belongs to
the range of 2.61 - 3.40 which means the respondents are "neutral" on this dimension.
In the aspect of fees, the average mean value 3.39, which falls in the range of 2.61
- 3.40 can be constructed, as stated by Anderson et al., (2002) that the respondents are
neutral which stands for neutral. However, it is to be noted that three factors under the
shows an average mean value of 3.48, 3.53, and 3.65 respectively fall under the range of
In summary, five out of the six dimensions belong to the arbitrary level of 3.41 -
4.20 average mean value represented respondents' satisfaction of service quality toward
the dimensions. Whereas, the aspect of "Fees" fell under the interval of 2.61 - 3.40
average mean value which indicates that the respondents are neutral on this aspect..
Research Question 3
What is the effect of OD Intervention on the level of Service Quality in St. Francis
After completing the OD Intervention the researcher once again distributed the
same survey instrument to the group of 277 respondents who participated in the pre-ODI
survey. However, the researcher found in the interval between the Pre-ODI and Post-ODI
a new academic year had commenced in the school and two pupils had left the school in
that period. In their place two new respondents who did not take part in the earlier survey
were included in order to reach the predetermined sample size of 277. Data collected
from the respondents were tabulated using SPSS and were subjected to appropriate tests.
6. Principal' s Leadership 4.15 .6978 Agree
7. Teaching Faculty 3.88 .8855 Agree
8. Emphasis on Science & Math 3.78 .8800 Agree
9. Creativity & Entrepreneurial talent 3.74 .8282 Agree
10. Internal Assessment System 3.74 .8229 Agree
Reliability 3.86 Agree
11. Principal's Communication 3.81 .7001 Agree
12. Programs by Professional Bodies 3.50 .9282 Agreel
13. Administrative Staff 3.84 .6828 Agree
14. Opinions of Parents 3.77 .7687 Agree
15. Appreciation & Awards 3.70 .7772 Agree
Responsiveness 3.72 Agree
16. Principal' s trustworthiness 3.81 .7089 Agree
17. Interaction with parents 3.76 .8018 Agree
18. Discipline & Values 3.81 .6738 Agree
19. Campus safety 3.94 .5232 Agree
20. ICSE Syllabi 3.90 .5135 Agree
Assurance 3.84 Agree
21. Principal's care 3.81 .5924 Agree
22. Faculty care 3.44 .9174 Agree
23. Staff courteous & prompt 3.94 .4119 Agree
24. Full time Child Counselor 3.69 .7350 Agree
25. Individual child attention 3.47 .9068 Agree
Empathy 3.67 Aszree
26. Fees reasonable 3.30 .9716 Neutral
27. Fees comparable 3.44 .9054 Agree
28. Mode of payment 3.75 .6574 Agree
29. More value 3.20 .9792 Neutral
30. Utilization of fees amount 3.10 .9912 Neutral
Fees 3.36 Neutral
In order to find out the effect of OD Intervention, the researcher prepared the
following table 4.7 combining the average mean values obtained in Pre and Post ODI
18. Discipline & Values 3.73 .6986 Agree 3.81 .6738 Agree
19. Campus safety 3.91 .5566 Agree 3.94 .5232 Agree
20. ICSE Syllabi 3.88 .5145 Agree 3.90 .5135 Agree
Assurance 3.66 Agree 3.84 Agree
21. Principal's care 3.65 .7536 Agree 3.81 .5924 Agree
22. Faculty care 3.40 .9716 Neutral 3.44 .9174 Agree
23. Staff courteous & prompt 3.87 .4837 Agree 3.94 .4119 Agree
24. Full time Child Counselor 3.66 .7679 Agree 3.69 .7350 Agree
25. Individual child attention 3.56 .8476 Agree 3.47 .9068 Agree
Empathy 3.63 Agree 3.67 Agree
26. Fees reasonable 3.48 .8992 Agree 3.30 .9716 Neutral
27. Fees comparable 3.53 .8616 Agree 3.44 .9054 Agree
28. Mode of payment 3.65 .7583 Agree 3.75 .6574 Agree
29. More value 3.15 1.0361 Neutral 3.20 .9792 Neutral
30. Utilization of fees amount 3.16 .9897 Neutral 3.10 .9912 Neutral
Fees 3.39 Neutral 3.36 Neutral
The results shown in Table 4.7 compared the levels of satisfaction before and
after ODI with regard to the six aspects of service quality as described below.
As regards Tangibles dimension, the Pre ODI average mean value remained at
4.13. This, according to Anderson et al., (2002) belongs to the arbitrary level of 3.41 -
4.10, which represented "Agree" category which in tum means "Satisfied." Whereas,
Post ODI the average mean value is shown as 4.10. This also represented "Agree"
category which means the respondents were "Satisfied" with the factors under the
dimension. However, when a comparison of mean values between the Pre and Post ODI
is made, the average mean value witnessed a slight drop of 0.03 after the OD
Intervention. This means a drop in the respondents' satisfaction to the extent of 0.03 as
21, which belong to the arbitrary level of 4.21 - 5.00, in turn mean "Strongly Satisfied."
On the other hand, following the OD Intervention, the factor recorded a mean value of
4.17 which belong to the interval level of 3.41 - 4.20 which in turn means "Satisfied".
Thus, this factor which has witnessed 0.04 mean value decrease in the satisfaction is
With respect to reliability dimension, the Pre ODI average mean value is 3.72,
which according to Anderson et al., (2002) belongs to the interval level of 3.41 - 4.20,
which represented "Agree" category which in turn meant "Satisfied." Whereas, Post ODI
the average mean value is shown as 3.86. This also represented "Agree" category which
means the respondents are "Satisfied" with the factors under the dimension. However,
when a comparison of average mean values between the Pre and Post ODI is made, the
Intervention stands at 3.46, which according to Anderson et al., (2002) belongs to the
interval of 3.41 - 4.20 represented "Agree" category which in turn means the
respondents are "Satisfied" with the factors under the dimension. The Post ODI average
mean value for this aspect showed 3.72 which represented "Agree" category meaning the
respondents were "Satisfied." When a comparison of the average mean values before and
after ODI is made, it was found that the average mean jumped up by 0.26 following OD
Intervention. This shows a quantum increase, to the degree of 0.26 in the respondents'
Intervention had registered a mean value of 3.13 representing the arbitrary level of 2.61 -
3.40, which in tum means "Neutral" on the satisfaction scale. Whereas, Post-ODI the
same factor registered a mean value of 3.50 which falls under the arbitrary level of 3.41 -
4.20 which in turn means the respondents' are "Satisfied". Thus, this factor which
witnessed 0.37 mean value up-jump in the respondents' satisfaction is upgraded from
shown at 3.66, which according to Anderson et al., (2002) fitted in to the interval level of
3.41 - 4.20 which represents "Agree" category which in tum meant the respondents are
"Satisfied" with the factors under the dimension. The Post ODI average mean value for
this dimension shows 3.84. This too represents "Agree" category meaning the
respondents are "Satisfied." However, when the average mean of both Pre and Post
under this dimension are compared, it reveals a huge increase of 0.18 in the average mean
value after the ODI. This meant a significant increase, to the extent of 0.18 in the
the researcher.
recorded at 3.20, which belongs to the arbitrary level of 2.61 - 3.40, in tum means
"Neutral" on the satisfaction scale. On the other hand, following the OD Intervention,
the same factor recorded a mean value of 3.76 which belongs to the interval level of 3.41
- 4.20, which in tum means "Satisfied". Thus this factor, which has witnessed an increase
of 0.56 in the mean value moved up from "Neutral" category to "Satisfied" following the
For the empathy dimension, the average mean value pdor to OD Intervention is
shown at 3.63, which according to Anderson et al., (2002) belonged to the range of 3.41 -
4.20, which represents "Agree" category which meant the respondents are "Satisfied"
with elements under the dimension. Post ODI, for this dimension the average mean value
shows 3.67 which represent "Agree" level meaning the respondents are "Satisfied."
Conversely, when the Pre and Post mean values were compared, it reveald an
insignificant increase 0.04 in the average mean value after the ODI. This meant an
increase in the respondents' satisfaction to the extent of 0.04 in the empathy dimension
average mean value of factor "Faculty Care" prior to OD Intervention is shown at 3.40,
which belonged to the arbitrary level of 2.61 - 3.40, in tum meant "Neutral" on the
satisfaction scale. On the other hand, following the OD Intervention, the same factor
recorded a mean value of 3.44 which belonged to the interval level of 3.41 - 4.20 which
in tum means "Satisfied". Thus, this factor which has witnessed an increase of 0.04 in the
In the aspect of fees, the average mean value previous to OD Intervention stood at
3.39, which according to Anderson et al., (2002) belonged to the arbitrary level of 2.61 -
3.40, which represents 'Neutral" category which means the respondents are "neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied" with the factors under the aspect. The Post ODI average mean
values for this dimension arrived at 3.36, which again represented the respondents are
Pre ODI and Post ODI is made, it is found the average mean has a seen a marginal drop
of 0.03 after the OD Intervention. This meant an insignificant drop to the extent of 0.03
by the researcher.
mean value of 3.48 which belong to the arbitrary level of 3.41 - 4.20, in tum meant
"Satisfied." Conversely, following the OD Intervention, the same factor recorded a mean
value of 3.30 which belonged to the interval level of 2.61 - 3.40, which in tum means
"Neutral". Thus, this factor which had witnessed 0.18 mean value decrease in the
The effect of OD Intervention between Pre-OD I and Post-ODI has been furiher
Table 4.8: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Tangibility
item no.1
Dimension Differences Decision
Mean Std. t Sig.
Pair 1 Tan-1 :Location &
dimension item no. I "The school is conveniently located and easily accessible." The
significant value in the table is equal to 0.599, which is more than 0.05 of significance
level of two tailed, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted and the altemati ve
difference in the level of service quality on tangibility dimension item no. I .following the
OD intervention.
Table 4.9: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Tangibility
item no~2
Paired Differences
Dimension Decision
Mean Std. t Sig.
Pair 1 Tan-2: Physical
item no.2 "The school has good physical infrastructure (building, equipment, lab etc)."
The significant value in the table is equal to 0.882, which is more than 0.05 significance
level of two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is
accepted. Therefore, the researcher would conclude that there is no significant difference
foIIowing the ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.2.
Table 4.10: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Tangibility
item no.3
Paired Differences
Dimension Decision
Mean Std. t Sig.
Pair 1 Tan-3: Leaming
dimension item no.3 "The school has an environment supportive to learning." The
significant value in the table is equal to 0.002, which is less than 0.05 significance level
of two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected.
Therefore, the researcher would conclude there is a significant difference among the
respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.3 following the ODI.
Table 4.11: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Tangibility
item no.4
Paired Differences
Dimension Decision
Mean Std. t Sig.
Pair 1 Tan-4: Campus
Pre ODI - Post ODI
.03610 .69062 .870 .385 Accept Ho
dimension item no.4 "The school campus is kept neat and clean." The significant value in
the table is equal to 0.385, which is more than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the
alternative hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, the
researcher would conclude there is no significant difference following the ODI, among
Table 4.12: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Tangibility
item no.5
Paired Differences
Dimension Decision
Mean Std. t Sig.
Pair 1 Tan-5: Open space &
Pre ODI - Post ODI
.23466 .76553 5.102 .000 Reject Ho
dimension item no.5 ''The school has ample open space and playground" The significant
value in the table is equal to 0.000, which is less than 0.05 significance level of two
tailed, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected.
Therefore, the researcher would conclude there is a significant difference following the
ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.5.
Table 4.13: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Reliability
item no.1
Paired Differences
Dimension Decision
Mean Std. t Sig.
Pair 1 Rel-1: Principal' s
Pre ODI - Post ODI
- .85486 -1.335 .183 Accept Ho
dimension item no.1 "The Principal is an able educational leader." The significant value
in the table is equal to 0.183, which is more than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the
therefore, there is no significant difference following the ODI, among the respondents
Table 4.14: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Reliability
item no.2
Paired Differences
Dimension Decision
Mean Std. t Sig.
dimension item no.2 "The teaching faculty is experienced and competent." The
significant value in the table is equal to 0.37 which is less than 0.05 significance level of
two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected.
following the ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.2.
Table 4.15: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Reliability
item no.3
Paired Differences
Dimension Decision
1\-fean Std. t Sig.
Pair 1 Rel-3: Science &
Pre ODI - Post ODI
- 1.07175 -2.635 .009 Reject
.16968 Ho
dimension item no.3 ''The school emphasizes science and mathematics." The significant
value in the table is equal to 0.009 which is less than 0.05 significance level of two tailed,
the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, in
conclusion, the researcher would state that there is a significant difference following the
ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.3
Table 4.16: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Reliability
item no.4
Paired Differences
Dimension Decision
Mean Std. t Sig.
Pair 1 Rel-4: Creativity &
dimension item no.4 "The school promotes creativity and entrepreneurial talent." The
significant value in the table is equal to 0.029 which is less than 0.05 significance level of
two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected.
Therefore, in conclusion, the researcher would state that there is a significant difference
following the ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.4.
Table 4.17: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Reliability
item no.S
Dimension Differences Decision
Mean Std. t Sig.
Pair 1 Rel-5: Internal
dimension item no.5 "The school has internal assessment as an integral component." The
significant value in the table is equal to 0.027 which is less than 0.05 significance level of
two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected.
Therefore, in conclusion, the researcher would state that there is a significant difference
following the ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.5.
Paired Differences
Dimension Decision
Mean Std. t Sig.
Pair 1 Res 1: Principal's
dimension item no. l 'The Principal communicates accurately and clearly." The
significant value in the table is equal to 0.75, which is more than 0.05 significance level
of two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is accepted.
the ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.l.
Paired Differences
Dimension Decision
Mean Std. t Sig.
Pair 1 Res 2: Trendsetters
dimension item no.2 ''The School conducts regularly programs through 'TrendSetters'
and 'CMCA' ." The significant value in the table as equal to 0.00, which is less than 0.05
significance level of two tailed, the alternative hypothesis, is accepted and the null
difference following the ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviatio
Pair 1 Res 3:
Administration Staff
dimension item no.3 "The Administration staff gives needed information." The
significant value in the table is equal to 0.00, which is less than 0.05 significance level of
two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected.
Therefore, the researcher would conclude, there is a significant difference following the
ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.3.
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Res 4: Valuing
opinion of parents
-.54513 1.27502 -7.116 .000 Reject Ho
Pre ODI - Post ODI
dimension item no.4 "The school values the opinions/ideas of parents." The significant
value in the table is equal to 0.00, which is less than 0.05 significance level of two tailed,
the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, in
conclusion, the researcher would state that there is a significant difference following the
ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.4.
Dimension Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviatio
Pair 1 Res 5: Appreciation
dimension item no.5 "The school appreciates and awards meritorious students." The
significant value in the table is equal to 0.179, which is more than 0.05 significance level
of two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is accepted.
Therefore, in conclusion, the researcher would state that there is no significant difference
following the ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.5.
Table 4.23: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Assurance
item no.1
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Ass 1: Principal
trustworthy &
Pre ODI - Post ODI - 1.10407 -3.211 .001 Reject Ho
dimension item no.1 "The Principal is trustworthy and assuring." The significant value in
the table is equal to 0.001, which is less than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the
alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, the
researcher would conclude that there is a significant difference following the ODI, among
Table 4.24: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Assurance
item no.2
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Ass 2: Regular
Shown on table 4.24 are the results of the effect of OD Intervention on Assurance
dimension item no.2 "The school conducts interaction with parents at regular intervals."
The significant value in the table is equal to 0.000, which is less than 0.05 significance
level of two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is
rejected. Therefore, in conclusion, the researcher would state that there is a significant
difference following the ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item
Table 4.25: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Assurance
item no.3
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Ass 3: Discipline &
Shown on table 4.25 are the results of the effect of OD Intervention on Assurance
dimension item no.3 "The school maintains strict discipline and emphasizes values." The
significant value in the table is equal to 0.132, which is more than 0.05 significance level
of two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is accepted.
Therefore, in conclusion, there is no significant difference following the ODI, among the
Table 4.26: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Assurance
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Ass 4: Campus
- .72641 -.827 .409 Accept Ho
Pre ODI - Post ODI .03610
dimension item no.4 ''The school campus is safe for my children." The significant value
in the table is equal to 0.409, which is more than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the
conclusion, there is no significant difference following the ODI, among the respondents
Table 4.27: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Assurance
item no.5
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Ass 5: ICSE Syllabus
dimension item no.5 ''The school diligently follows the ICSE curriculum laid down by
the board." The significant value in the table is equal to 0.594, which is more than 0.05
significance level of two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, and the null
following the 001, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.5.
Table 4.28: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Empathy
item no.1
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair I Emp I: Principal' s
care and concern
dimension item no.I "The Principal cares and accompanies my child." The significant
value in the table is equal to 0.006, which is less than 0.05 significance level of two
tailed, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected.
Therefore, in conclusion, the re searcher would state that there is a significant difference
following the ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no. I.
Table 4.29: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Empathy
item no.2
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Emp2: Comfort after
meeting faculty
Table 4.30: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Empathy
item no.3
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Emp3: Staff
dimension item no.3 ''The administrative staff is courteous and prompt in giving service."
The significant value in the table is equal to 0.104 which is more than 0.05 significance
level of two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is
following the ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.3.
Table 4.31: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Empathy
item no.4
Paired Differences
Std. t p Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Emp4: Full time
dimension item no.4 "The school has a full time child counselor." The significant value
in the table is equal to 0.811 which is more than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the
conclusion, there is no significant difference following the ODI, among the respondents
Table 4.32: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Empathy
item no.S
Paired DitTerences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Emp5: Individual
dimension item no.5 "The teacher gives individual attention to my child." The significant
value in the table is equal to 0.199 which is more than 0.05 significance level of two
tailed, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is accepted.
Therefore, in conclusion, there is no significant difference following the ODI, among the
Table 4.33: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Fees item
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Feel: Fees is
Table 4.33 shows the results of the effect of OD Intervention on Fees dimension
item no.1 "The school fee is reasonable." The significant value in the table is equal to
0.026, which is less than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the alternative hypothesis
significant difference following the ODI, among the respondents regarding their
Table 4.34: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Fees item
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Fee2: Fees is
Table 4.34 shows the results of the effect of OD Intervention on fee dimension
item no.2 "The school fee is comparable to other schools in the vicinity." The significant
value in the table is equal to 0.217 which is more than 0.05 significance level of two
tailed, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is accepted.
Therefore, in conclusion, there is no significant difference following the ODI, among the
Table 4.35: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Fees item
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviatio
Pair 1 Fee3: Payment is
easy & convenient
Table 4.35 shows the results of the effect of OD Intervention on fee dimension
item no.3 ''The mode of fees payment is easy and convenient." The significant value in
the table is equal to 0.104 which is more than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the
conclusion, there is no significant difference following the ODI, among the respondents
Table 4.36: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Fees item
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Fee4: More
Table 4.36 shows the results of the effect of OD Intervention on fee dimension
item no.4 "I get more service than the fees I pay." The significant value in the table is
equal to 0.600 which is more than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the alternative
there is no significant difference following the ODI, among the respondents regarding
Table 4.37: The Difference of ODI between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on Fees item
Paired Differences
Std. t Sig. Decision
Mean Deviation
Pair 1 Fee5: Utilization of
Table 4.37 shows the results of the effect of OD Intervention on fee dimension
item no.5 ''The school utilizes the fees amount on expanding students' facilities and
teachers' development." The significant value in the table is equal to 0.447 which is more
than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, and the
following the ODI, among the respondents regarding their satisfaction for item no.5.
Table 4.38: The Difference of ODI variable by variable between Pre-ODI and Post-
Paired Differences
Dimension Sig. Decision
Mean SD t (2
Pair 1 Tant: Pre ODI- Post .02888 .91241 .527 .599 Accept Ho
Pair 2 Tan2: Pre ODI - Post -.00722 .81201 -.148 .882 Accept Ho
Pair 3 Tan3: Pre ODI- Post -.13357 .70211 -3.166 .002 Reject Ho
Pair4 Tan4: Pre ODI - Post .03610 .69062 .870 .385 Accept Ho
Pair 5 Tan5: Pre ODI - Post .23466 .76553 5.102 .000 Reject Ho
Test of difference in the school service quality before and after the
level of service quality in the dimensions: (a) Tangibles, (b) Reliability, (c)
level of service quality in the dimensions: (a) Tangibles, (b) Reliability, (c)
Hypothesis l(a)
Table 4.39: Paired Sample Statistics and Paired Sample Test between Pre and
95 % Confidence
Tangibles Interval Sig.
Mean Std. Std. of the Difference (2-
Deviation Error t df tailed)
Mean Lower Upper
.03177 .61680 .03706 -.04119 .10472 857 276 .392
the service quality level on the tangibles dimension. The significant value in the table is
equal to 0.392 which is more than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the alternative
hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, the researcher
would conclude there is no significant difference in the level of service quality in terms
Hypothesis 1(b)
Table 4.40: Paired Sample Statistics and Paired Sample Test between Pre and Post ODI
95 % Confidence
Reliability Interval Sig.
Mean Std. Std. of the Difference (2-
Deviation Error t df tailed)
Mean Lower Upper
- .13430 .81606 .04903 -.23082 -.03777 - 276 .007
Post 2.739
the service quality level on the reliability dimension. The significant value in the table is
equal to 0.007 which is less than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the alternative
hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, the researcher
would conclude there is a significant difference on the level of service quality in terms of
Hypothesis l(c)
Table 4.41: Paired Sample Statistics and Paired Sample Test between Pre and Post ODI
95% Confidence
Responsive- Interval Sig.
ness Mean Std. Std. of the Difference (2-
Deviati Error t df taile
on Mean Lower Upper d)
-.44116 .84969 .05105 -.54166 -.034605 -8.641 276 .000
As per the results presented on table 4.41, there is a significant difference in the
service quality level on the responsiveness dimension. The significant value in the table is
equal to 0.000 which is less than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the alternative
hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, the researcher
Hypothesis l(d)
Table 4.42: Paired Sample Statistics and Paired Sample Test between Pre and Post ODI
As per the results presented on table 4.42, there is a significant difference in the
service quality level on the assurance dimension. The significant value in the table is
equal to 0.000 which is less than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the alternative
hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, the researcher
would conclude, following the OD Intervention there was a significant difference in the
Hypothesis l(e)
Table 4.43: Paired Sample Statistics and Paired Sample Test between Pre and Post ODI
95% Confidence
Empathy Interval Sig.
Mean Std. Std. of the Difference (2-
Devia ti Error t df tailed)
on Mean Lower Upper
- -.03538 .66967 .04024 -.11459 .04383 -.879 276 .380
As per the results shown table 4.43, there is no significant difference in the
service quality level on the empathy dimension. The significant value in the table is equal
to 0.380 which is more than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the alternative
hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, the researcher
Hypothesis 1(0
Table 4.44: Paired Sample Statistics and Paired Sample Test between Pre and Post ODI
- -.03827 1.06314 .06388 -.08748 .16042 -.599 276 .550
As per the results shown table 4.44, there is no significant difference in the
service quality level on the empathy dimension. The significant value in the table is equal
to 0.550 which is more than 0.05 significance level of two tailed, the alternative
hypothesis is rejected, and the null hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, the researcher
te:V~ > ·
··········•i... Re.~~to.~.~W~
•. . i.
Hyf>Ot~~sis 1;'esti11g ·.
From the testing of hypothesis it is evident that the Appreciative Inquiry led OD
Intervention did not have an effect in the dimension of Tangibles. In this study, Tangibles
future, building trust, team spirit and strengthening relations between stakeholders. This
objectives might not have been adequately understood by the respondents. They could
have taken a closer look at the physical facilities in light of the AI Summit and evaluated
which according to the researcher is one valid reason for the OD Intervention not making
a significant effect/impact.
The factors under this dimension, "campus cleanliness" and "open space & play
ground" have recorded decreased mean values which support the arguments of the
researcher that the respondents had paid close attention to these factors. On the opening
of the day seminar, the first activity was "walking the Summit participants around the
entire campus" it is quite possible that they could have seen the debris and dumping spots
(from the construction in progress) in the vast open space and in the comers of play
ground (behind the school building) which they had not bothered about or had a chance
of seeing earlier.
Empathy in this study means individualized attention given to the school children,
care and concern shown for their improvement. The OD Intervention has not made any
significant effect on the parents' satisfaction in this service quality dimension. This is a
matter of serious concern to the principal and the faculty members. The present OD
plan which will eliminate the weaknesses (in the process and in the perspective) of the
annual planning model currently practiced by the school. The new holistic plan has
integrated several measures, for instance, remedial classes for slow learners,
differentiated learning techniques, services of one more child counselor to deal with
Intervention should be specifically designed for the purpose and conducted exclusively
for the faculty members. Though the just concluded OD Intervention did not make any
effect on this dimension, it has successfully brought to the attention of the school
authorities how concerned and anxious are the parents toward individual care and
The aspect of school fees too did not show any significant effect on parents'
satisfaction following the OD Intervention. On the other hand, viewed from Appreciative
Inquiry perspective there should have been significant improvement. The researcher
would attribute this inability to the "education effect" (Kumar, 2009) of the survey
instrument. The respondents were already familiar with the questions and perhaps could
have recalled their memories to what were the answers given before. In the second survey
they were better armed with relevant information toward the factors under the dimension.
stories, creating a shared vision and making plans/efforts to accomplish the vision. In
other words, AI is more expansive and is more concerned with strategic planning to
achieve the goals by inviting the all the stakeholders rather than restricting itself to the
nitty-gritty of financial numbers and comparisons. The researcher believes these factors
adequately explain the reasons for the OD Intervention not making an effect on this
The researcher sent a concise report of the AI Summit deliberations along with
the development plan, results from survey, and his findings of the study to the Principal
The report was first discussed in the faculty meeting, followed by the PTA
meeting and then forwarded to the management's meeting. The Principal reported:
December, 2010
• Career counseling to take shape as one seminar and followed by one visit to a
career exhibition.
• Budget for Development Plan pegged at Rs. 5,000,000/- (five million rupees
only). Accordingly, allocations for various items in the DP to be made by the
• Since the teachers have refused co-operation, the ISO consultant to be selected
could be asked to hire one or two assistants and start the procedure.
• As for the purchase of equipments, renovation and related work the usual norms
would apply.
• An evaluation summit may be conducted before the school closed for the summer
This final chapter is organized under three major groups, summary of findings,
conclusions and recommendations. The findings section begins with restating the
problems encountered by the school that led to the research and subsequent findings. In
the conclusions, the researcher enumerates the key learning of the study and lastly
provides a set of recommendations to the school management and suggests areas for
5.1 Summary
The context of this study is a decade old school organization. The management of
the school is faced with many internal and external problems and is finding it unable to
resolve them. The school is using the traditional annual planning model which has many
weaknesses and limitations; therefore it failed to live up to the challenges facing the
school. Its main weakness consisted in the planning process which is done by a handful
of people and limitations in the sense it just confined to the routine tasks and nothing
alternate planning model which will be formulated by opening up a new process in the
planning. This plan will eliminate the limitations found in the annual planning by taking a
holistic perspective of the organization and remove the weaknesses by engaging all the
(using SOAR framework) Approach. The soil for conducting a successful AI led OD
Intervention was cultivated five months earlier in a one day session on SOAR. This gave
Following the SOAR session, the researcher set four specific objectives for the
study: one, to assess the existing Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and measurable
Results (SOAR) present in St. Francis School (ICSE); second, to craft a three-year
development plan for St. Francis School (ICSE) using Appreciative Inquiry Method
(using SOAR framework); third, to determine the current level of service quality in the
school; and finally, to determine the effect of OD Intervention on the service quality in
the organization.
With the aim of measuring and recording the current level of school service
quality the researcher constructs a survey questionnaire. This survey instrument was
modeled on the popular SERVQUAL scale and adapted to meet the needs of the study.
The instrument was subjected to reliability test and thereafter, it was distributed to a
sample population of 277 respondents and data was collected from the completed
Choice Workshop. In this one-day event thirty selected participants represented the
stakeholders of the organization by taking part. The participants used the AI generic
questionnaire in their interviews and deliberations. The core output of this workshop was
choosing of five themes as the focus for further inquiry by consensus. The themes: St.
promote faculty retention rich practices; 3) To enhance its image and credibility; 4) To
The second and all important phase of the OD Intervention takes the form of
Appreciative Inquiry Summit (AIS). This path-breaking Summit so far as the school is
concerned registers 115 participants giving voice to all the concerned stakeholders and
spans for four days. The participants facilitated by the researcher and ten co-researchers
during this period conduct appreciative interviews on each other and make a discovery of
image of the organization they wanted to co-create in the future, weave their dreams into
inspirational action statements and culminate their discoveries, dreams and designs by
brief idea of the OD Intervention activities, the objectives and the outcome.
OD Jnter-yention
To get to know the
• SOAR Analysis Strengths,
Opportunities, • Matrix listing
Aspirations and
measurable Results
present in the
• Appreciative
Inquiry Summit
• To craft a holistic three • Development Plan is
(using SOAR
year development plan. formulated
• To determine the effect A comparison of the Pre and
Responsiveness of OD Intervention on Post test Means shows
Assurance service quality in terms improvement in service
of parents' satisfaction quality in four out of the six
The third and final phase consists of the Post- OD Intervention activities. The
researcher once again sent out the same survey instrument to the same subject group,
gathered, analyzed and compared the results with Pre ODI results to evaluate the effect of
the OD Intervention on the service quality. Thereafter, the output from the qualitative and
quantitative methods was validated by member checking method. The following are the
The researcher studied the effect of the OD Intervention on the service quality in
tenns of parents' satisfaction and gives an account of the findings. The details of the
summary of overall parents' satisfaction toward service quality before and after the ODI
are shown in table 5.2 below.
Table 5.2: Summary of overall findings of parents' satisfaction toward service quality
According to table 5.2, it was found that the tangibility dimension had recorded a
decline of 0.0318 in the average mean value following the OD Intervention by the
researcher meaning a slender fall in the respondents' satisfaction toward the aspect. This
Intervention. According to him, the AI method leads to the soaring of the expectations
see it through the lens of "AI" and evaluate the services. Expressed in terms of a
metaphor, nuclear energy can be turned to power generation to improve the living
wipe out an organization without leaving any trace if the management does not strive to
As per table 5.2, it was found that in the Post-ODI the average mean value for the
reliability aspect has increased by 0.1343 indicating an increase to that extent in the
satisfaction of the parents. This clearly proves that the Al Intervention has been
successful in improving mutual reliability among stakeholders. This enhanced trust has
As given in table 5.2, the average mean value of the responsiveness aspect has
to that extent following ODI. This sharp increase in the satisfaction may be attributed to
the AI Summit. The Summit, held for the first time in the history of the school, provided
a common platform for all the stakeholders to express freely their opinions, hopes and
dreams to the right category of people (the management) holding power and in control of
finances to change the situation. The development plan serves as an icing on the cake
As found in table 5.2, under the assurance dimension the average mean value gained
extent for this segment. Again the rise of mean value emphasizes the utility of AI process
stakeholders sharply divided in their interests. In other words, following AI Summit the
The average mean value for the empathy dimension as shown in table 5.2 has
satisfaction toward the factors under the dimension. Consequently, it means the AI
The average mean value in the fees dimension according to table 5.2 has seen a slight
drop by 0.0383 meaning a decline in the satisfaction of parents to that extent following
OD Intervention. This is a grey area specifically concerned to the management and the
principal. They have to undertake the necessary right steps to drive out this deficit
feeling of the parents. The quick implementation of development plan is one such step in
show improvement, one shows a negligible improvement and two in fact show a decline
from the Pre-ODI levels. Viewed from another perspective it reveals, following the OD
Intervention, in three service quality attributes there is quality surplus, in one dimension
the surplus is insignificant and in the rest of the two dimensions there is marginal quality
School (ICSE). The AI led OD Intervention process created a positive atmosphere for
change within the organization and inspired hope in the participants with regard to the
future. The AI platform permitted 100 plus stakeholders to forge enduring symbiotic
relationship with other stakeholders. The AI summit viewed from the school
parents, teachers and the staff and understand each stakeholder' s actual needs, desires
and expectations. Common grounds for working and commitment to a commonly co-
created goal replaced usual complaining and whining. Briefly stated, the participants
As regards the school, the holistic development plan heralds a new decade of all
round improvement and growth. In the course of crafting the plan, the school opened
up a new process in planning itself by inviting all the stakeholder groups. In this way,
model. The plan was formulated based on the discovery of organizational best
practices, strengths and assets, envisioned an ideal image and aspiration statements
declared by the stakeholders in a collaborative process. The plan's core strength is, it
development plan is a clear road map leading the school's stakeholders to their
Plan Structure: The plan revolves around the five themes selected at the ATC
intended to be accomplished by each stakeholder group. The plan has well laid out
budget and in order to avoid 'passing the buck' has tasked people with roles and
based economies, spectacular advances in science and technology; has placed more
demands on the younger generation. In order to meet these serious challenges the
plan has multiple programs for embedding young students with creative, critical and
the use of sophisticated technology and most decisively achieving excellent grades in
Faculty: Fully aware of the vital role of teachers in the dissemination of knowledge
learning, the plan has rolled out a number of measures to recruit and retain competent
outstanding performance, personal laptops for lesson planning and exclusive faculty
computer lab with hi-speed internet. By introducing these steps the plan intends to
School: A school exists for the sake of helping students learn. Therefore, it is called
management for its part, looks forward to the implementation of the plan in order to
constantly undertake actions in the direction of improving the school's image and
credibility besides being able to evolve to meet the demands and expectations of
India's growing stature as a leader of Knowledge Economy. The plan has emphasized
improvement programs. It is hoped these steps will help in improving the school's
image and credibility and also improve parents' satisfaction towards the school's
service quality.
Appreciative Inquiry practices ingrained school organization. The plan lays out
measures such as training a few teachers in AI methods, conducting staff & PTA
dialogue in work place, helping students goal-setting using SOAR framework, and
finally recording and taking the AI success stories through the school's magazine,
5.2 Conclusions
The researcher has drawn up the conclusions from the hypothesis testing as shown in
Overall, it could be concluded from the testing of hypotheses that in the case of
hypothesis l(a), l(e) and l(f) the null hypothesis is accepted, meaning that the
Appreciative Inquiry led OD Intervention did not make any statistically significant
difference whereas concerning hypothesis l(b), l(c), and l(d) the alternative hypothesis
For this study the researcher has used both qualitative and quantitative data. The
qualitative data constituted the heart of the plan. The quantitative data revealed the
parents' satisfaction toward service quality in the school. Since results from both types of
data have been built into the output of the research which is the three-year Development
5.3 Recommendations
Based on the results from the AI Summit and the survey results after the OD
every effort to ensure the satisfaction of their customers (Boone and Kurtz, 2000).
in three out of the six aspects has not shown any significant improvement, on the
other hand, two dimensions; tangibles and fees have shown a decline.. The
evaluate and leverage the level of service quality in order to become a successful
has a standard procedure for every part of its activity, that it follows the procedure
every time, that it measures its own performance periodically; and that it
A move to obtain this certification is in the best future interests of the school. The
heartening to note that in the Development Plan a budget has been allocated and
management is the first step in the right direction to address issues relating
people use AI platform from time to time to understand the gaps in their
specific areas
As stated in Chapter I, the management which has over two dozen educational
development plan model of St. Francis School (ICSE) in other institutions managed
by them. Moving forward at a macro level, they can even think of a drawing up a
Master Development Plan for all the educational institutes under their administration.
This would enable them optimum utilization of financial, personnel resources at their
command besides providing them with a steady and uniform growth of all the
institutions. Table 5.4 illustrates the activities to be undertaken post ODI for
• Action Research
• Holistic three- Cycle-1 • Realization of all the
year development (2010 - 2011) goals set out in the
plan Look, Think, Act development plan to
the fullest.
• Action Research
(2011 - 2012)
Look, Think, Act
• Master Development
• Constant oversight Plan for steady and
• Improved Service • Periodical evaluation uniform growth of all
Quality educational institutes
• Regular feedback
under the school's
• Appropriate management
• St. Francis as a
leading brand in the
mechanisms to reinforce the strategic measures outlined in the development plan for the
• AI combined with QT
Very few investigations/studies have taken the trouble to measure and capture in
quantitative terms the real time benefits that accrued to the organization as a result
techniques and record the results they have achieved. This would lend greater
credibility to the studies and possibly convince the skeptics of the efficacy of the
Despite the importance of measuring service quality in the education sector, there
·differentiation strategy in order to survive, succeed and outperform one from the
other. One promising area where schools would try to out do one another will be
service quality delivery. This research has evaluated service quality from the point
evaluation. To get the whole and correct picture, it must be evaluated by service
comparison of results from these two prominent test instruments may stand out as
measuring service quality in the schools. It presents many challenges but the
urgent necessity in the developing conditions, justifies the need for one such
On profound reflection, the researcher would consider the three-year
doctoral study at Assumption University as a divine intervention at a critical phase
of his life. He experienced the outpouring of God's Graces ever since the course
begun, and more intensely during the AI Summit.
The change: The researcher resolves, for the rest of the life to live in an
affirmative perspective and appreciative spirit.
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Appendix A
Goal: The aim of the session is to acquaint the school management (members of the
board of trustees) with the philosophy, principles and practices of AI. This is a
prelude to build interest of the top-level decision makers and enlist their support and
Goal: The aim of the session is to acquaint the school principal with the philosophy,
principles and process of AI. This is a precursor to create interest in AI and seek his
involvement in order to enable maximum participation of teaching faculty,
administrative and facilitating staff and the PTA members at subsequent AI sessions
and events.
05 • Greetings Establishing
minutes • Hand over letter from Dean, GSB credentials of the
• Explain the context for a development plan researcher
and its future im lications for the school
15 Briefing on Al as an alternative approach to Clarity on Al's
minutes planning Tell about its origin, definition, theoretical roots
rinci les, stren hs etc.
10 Going thru the 4-D cycle /SOAR Clear understanding
minutes (Discovery, Dream, Design and Destiny) of how the process
(Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and unfolds
Asking the principal sample interview questions
Wrap up session:
Involvement of the
• End comments on AI. head of the
15 • Inform about measuring school's current
minutes service quality and after AI sessions
Ensuring the
• Give handout of 3 success stories participation of all
employing AI stakeholders
Appendix C
Goals: The aim of the session is to gather all the stakeholders under one roof and
introduce them to the philosophy, principles and process of AL By the end of the day,
discover SOAR.
8-30 am
10-30 Tea.Break· .
11-00 • Regrouping
12-<30··· Il1
Appendix D-1
Date: 02-03-2010
Dear friends,
So, we would be spending the next few hours on getting to know what has given life
to our organization, what are our best practices and what does we stand for. Our
thrust will be on the life-giving aspects that has sustained our organization. In this
endeavor, we will be passionately sharing our life-giving stories, our best practices,
and our best moments with each other. We shall also dare to dream the future we
desire for our organization and wishes that need to be fulfilled in our lives. We shall
explore how we can put to use the strengths in our organization as a springboard to
the future. We would also examine each of our contribution in realizing our desired
future. And finally we would also think of the practices that needed to be built-in in
order to sustain changes in our school.
This forum is to learn and enrich from one another's experiences while we share our
triumphant and exciting personal stories.
Our today's output will lay new foundations for the wholesome growth of our pupils;
brace ourselves better to face competition, enable faculty retention & development
and advantage school's overall image & reputation. Besides, this workshop will set
the tone and direction for a wider audience participating in the forthcoming
Appreciative Inquiry Summit.
Thank you for your participation. Thank you for your creative contribution.
Appendix D-2
~ ~r r :!010
Appendix D-3
• What attracted you to join this school and continue for so many years?
2 Narrate an experience/moment from your life in the school that was happiest
- a time when you felt most alive, most involved, most excited and most
energetic. Share your story of this marvelous experience
3 Imagine that the Council for ISCE, New Delhi rated St. Francis as one of the
top ten schools for academic excellence/student achievement in the ISCE
category in the state in 2015. The honor is posted on their official website and
is featured in the daily English newspapers ....... .
4 If you have all the powers to do what you want, what do you want St. Francis
to accomplish in the next 3 years ...... .
Appendix D-4
Goals: The chief purpose of the workshop is to bring together the representatives of the
concerned stakeholders under one roof, discuss the four generic AI questions by
interviewing each other and sharing each other's stories/experiences/future dreams. At the
end of the day, the group identifies FIVE themes/topics for further inquiry and develops a
Customized Interview Protocol by consensus.
8.45 am Arrival/Registration/Coffee
Opening session Participants refer brush
• Welcoming by the Principal their memories and recall
9.00 to 9.15 • Researcher briefly reminds the AI
participants on Introduction to AI
conducted on 02-10-2009
Kick start the process for choosing ATC The 5 groups share in-
Step 1: depth of peak
9.15 to 10.30 • Participants break into small moments/life time
groups and interview each other experiences and best
using the AI generic questions practices.
Step 3:
• Create first draft of the themes and Repeatedly going thru
discussion the drafts, refining and
• Align the themes with the research fining tuning the
problems and prepare second draft
affirmative topics
1.30 to 2.45 • Finalization of the themes
• Questions, comments and
clarifications Selection of five themes
by consensus
Step 4:
• Create draft of customized
interview protocol for AI Summit
3.15 to 4.45 • Prepare a draft time table for the Ready to launch AI
AI Summit on 7th March Summit
• Constitute Logistics Committee
• AST collects all the drafts
• Thank you and closing
Appendix D -5
Group I
Appendix D-6
Appendix D-7
• What attracted you to join this school and continue for so many years?
I joined St. Francis in 2005. This is my 6th year as secondary teacher. I knew before I joined this is a
Catholic School and I too a Catholic. In my opinion all the church-run schools are known for their
integrity, commitment to quality education and fair management practices. SFS is no exception. I've
three incentives for keep continuing: One, I live in the next block so I don't have to commute long
distances or spend on commuting. Two, my two daughters are admitted in SFS out of which one's
tuition fee is fully waived (SFS staff policy). Three, SFS does not bar private tuitions at home. As the
cost of living increasing by day I need to make extra money besides the moderate salary.
Narrate an experience/moment from your life in the school that was happiest - a time when you
felt most alive, most involved, most excited and most energetic. Share your story of this
marvelous experience
I've many wonderful experiences to reminisce. One closely related to the subject I teach mathematics
is dearest to me.
One day, the principal entrusted me a tall and hefty girl for math coaching in remedial class for slow
learners. My first thought was to go thru her personal records and marks in the past. She was never a
brilliant girl. She had scored above pass marks in all subjects. In math too she never failed but the
scores were between 4~9. Just adequate to get a pass. It gave me an indication that something is
First I gained her trust. This took a little time. Then she opened up. She had 3impediments. One, she
found math is not useful as she wanted to pursue arts. She thought it was a waste of time. Second, she
was two years older than her class mates. This was bothering her psychologically (juniors doing well in
math) and no one noticed it including the school counselor. Third, the mother was not so keen on her
daughter's education.
I decided I need to work on two fronts - school and home to improve the situation. I called her father
and advised him on how to improve the situation at home. At school, I did a bit of boosting her
confidence level, talking on usefulness of math in higher education, making math a fun subject. She
was a docile girl. This made things easier for me. I worked on a combination of strategy. For the next
two years, I constantly prodded her with encouraging words in the class and monitored her scores. By
then she felt comfortable meeting and hearing me. She cleared her board exams, went to junior college
in another place. Well, I lost contact with her.
Two years later - July 2009. I got two surprise visitors. The girl along with her father wearing big
smile met and gave me a box of 'kaju katri'(sweets). The father gleefully told me his daughter got
government allotment for B.Tech (telecommunications) in M.S. Ramaih. I distinctly remember his
words, "Bhavani always remembers you. You have worked magic on her person. Thanks to you, she
is poised for a great career." This is the sweetest music to my ears. I think so for any teacher. Joy on
her face and shining eyes conveyed me what was in her heart
Imagine that the Council for ISCE, New Delhi rated St. Francis as one of the top ten schools for
academic excellence/student achievement in the ISCE category in the state in 2013. The honor is
posted on their official website and is featured in the daily English newspapers ....... .
If the dream has turned real my feelings would be overflowing joy and excitement, I would certainly
feel proud. Why not? I teach a core subject - math. I do the second round in remedial classes. I am an
all-rounder. My hand is found in every activity of the school.
This ranking of school will help my daughters secure admission in good colleges.
This honor would energize and encourage me to go all out and do my best. I look forward for still
greater glory for my students, my daughters and the school. This is for sure.
If you have all the powers to do what you want, what do you want St. Francis to accomplish in the next
3 years ...... .
I've passion for teaching math and make efforts to give my best. I love my husband and my two
daughters. I would like to give them a great future. These are my simple wishes.
Appendix D-8
Principal's ...
.. >
Total 6 6 5
Table 4.3 shows the process of grouping of identical themes at the ATC
Appendix E-1
• Re-introduce AI usmg
SOAR framework by the
Day 3 (Sat, 14th March 2010 Day 4 (Sun, 15t11 March 2010)
Theme of the day: ASPIRATIONS Theme of the day: Measurable
(Desi!!Il Phase) Results (Destiny)
9.00 Arrival 9.00 am Arrival
am • A whole group exercise
before serious discussions • PPT of the proceedings of
start the previous three days
11.15 Regrouping after tea break 11.00 Regrouping after Tea break
• Curtains down
4.00 End of day 3/adjoumed 3.00 pm End of day 4 and AI summit
Appendix E-2
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Appendix E-3
Group I
Members: Peter Lemos (M), Joseph PM (All), Renita (S), Vinita (TM), Shailaja, Sumana,
Vimala, Kaveri, Ambrous & John (10)
Group II
Members: Enrita May (M), Helga John (All). Indu (S), Irene (TM), Lakshmi Devi, Thulasi,
Anjali, Rachappa, Asha & Paramesha (10)
Group III
Members: Stella (M), Licy Mathew (AII). Parimala (S), Gopi (TM), Prema, Kavitha, Gloria,
Pooja, Geetaniali and Geeta (10)
Group IV
Members: Magadalene (M), Anniyamma (All), Mini (S), Suresh (TM), Fatima, Kanchana,
Jyothi, Saimon, Vivek & Muniyappa (10)
Group V
Members: Mary Latha (M), Nirmala (All), Santhapaul (S), James (TM), Malarmadhi, Rose
Mary, Sarah, Flora, Reema & Sudha (10)
Group VI
Members: Sangarnitra (M), Sushma (All), Bency (S), Theyamma (TM), Shailaja Rao, Devi,
Priya, Natalia, Karthik & Subramanian (10)
Group VII
Members: Stanley (M), Rohini (All), Sherryl (S), Tomy (TM), Lokesh, Y ogita, Arul, Saji,
Ashiya Shaikh and Sanjana (10)
Group VIII
Members: Sudakshina (M), Edmund (All), Manju (S), Francis X (TM), Frozio, Jose, Das,
Jayasheelan, Anil Gowda & Vikram (10)
Group IX
Members: Asvida (M), Jolly (All), Sonia (S), Anand (TM), Sunita, Radhika, Ann Maria,
Stephen, Ani1 and Govardhan Reddy (10).
Members: Jaya Malini (M), Tanushree (All), Masoodunnisa (S), Melani (TM), Robin,
Tejinder, Anita, Nayana, Krishnappa & Latha R (10)
Appendix E-4
The Dawn
Envisioning an
Ideal image
Appendix - F
Dear Parent,
Please Indicate the extenl/level to which you agree or disagree with the following
statements about the quality of service you are receiving from the school. Circle (0) or Tick
( .i') the appropriate number using th" given >edit!.
"', -· .: Rellablllty
6. The principal Is an able educational leader
,_7.The teaching faculty is experienced and competent
8.The school emphasizes science and mathematics in curriculum
9.The school pr-0motes creativity and entrepreneurial talent s 4 3 2 1
10. The school has Internal assessment as an Integral component s 4 3 2 1
R~·ili!4 -
11. The principal communicates accurately and clearly s 4 3 2 1
12.The school conducts regular programs tliru "Trendsetters" &"CMCA" 5 4 3 2 1
... •··
.··.··:·-:::· ·:·:·:··
·. .,
Scale Scale Correlate Squared Cronbac
Meanif Variance if d Item- Multiple hs Alpha
Item Item Total Correl at if Item
Deleted Deleted Correlati ion Deleted
6) Principal' s leadership 14.9000 7.472 .527 .457 .694
7) Faculty exp & competence 15.3000 8.907 .369 .187 .745
8) Science & Maths 15.1667 7.661 .577 .495 .680
9) Creativity & enterprise 15.6667 6.092 .644 .493 .644
REL TBNS¢qte.Stati$tics r·
.... ..
REL TBN Reliability Statistics >····· .
Cronbachs Cronbachs Alpha Based on Standardized Items N of items
.804 .790 5
REL TBN Item Total ...Statistics
Scale Scale Correlated Squared Cronbachs
Meanif Variance Item-Total Multiple Alpha if
Item if Item Correlation Correlation Item
Deleted Deleted Deleted
21) Principal's care 13.7000 7.321 .726 .652 .720
22) Relief after talk 13.6333 7.413 .723 .693 .722
23) AS courteous & 13.4667 7.361 .745 .757 .715
24) Child Counselor 13.5000 7.638 .767 .770 .712
25) Individual 13.3000 11.321 .045 .050 .898
·.· .. ·•.· . . \ :>•· :o,,:-;.·. :•,,·,:·:·,:··:···:
Appendix I
Financial Budget for Phase I of Development Plan (Oct 2010 - Sep 2011)
Approved Amount: Rs. 5,000,000 Source: School Development Fund
... •. ;.:.: .·.:···· ..
Item . . I I< ·.. ..
Appendix J
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