Chitosan Cashew

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Carbohydrate Polymers 89 (2012) 1277–1282

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Chitosan/cashew gum nanogels for essential oil encapsulation

Flávia O.M.S. Abreu a , Erick F. Oliveira a , Haroldo C.B. Paula a,∗ , Regina C.M. de Paula b
Department of Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Federal University of Ceará, UFC, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Federal University of Ceará, UFC, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nanogels based on chitosan and cashew gum were prepared and loaded with Lippia sidoides oil. Several
Received 2 March 2012 parameters such as cashew gum concentration and relative oil content in the matrix had their influence
Received in revised form 20 April 2012 on nanogel properties investigated. Nanogels were characterized regarding their morphologies, particle
Accepted 21 April 2012
size distributions, zeta potential, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and essential oil contents. The
Available online 28 April 2012
release profile was investigated by UV/vis spectroscopy and its efficacy was determined through bioas-
says. Results showed that samples designed using relative ratios matrix:oil 10:2, gum:chitosan 1:1 and
5% gum concentration showed high loading (11.8%) and encapsulation efficiency (70%). Nanogels were
Cashew gum
found to exhibit average sizes in the range 335–558 nm. In vitro release profiles showed that nanoparti-
Nanogel cles presented slower and sustained release. Bioassays showed that larval mortality was related mainly
Characterization to oil loading, with samples presenting more effective larvicide efficacies than the pure L. sidoides oil.
Essential oil © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under the Elsevier OA license.

1. Introduction and biocompatible. Moreover, their preparation methods involve

easily handling in aqueous medium, thereby avoiding the use
Hydrogel particles in the nanometer range are called nanogels, of environmentally impacting organic solvents. Chitosan (CH), a
being usually formed, for example, by physical interaction of oppo- d-glucosamine and N-acetyl-d-glucosamine linked by beta (1–4)
sitely charged ions, such as chitosan, a polycation and alginate, a glycosidic bond polymer, is a deacetylated form of chitin, an abun-
polyanion. These systems have many applications, particularly in dant polysaccharide present in crustacean shells (Berger et al.,
the pharmaceutical and medical fields, mainly as a consequence of 2004; Muzzarelli et al., 2012; Tan et al., 2005). Nanoparticles having
the fact that they can entrap in their nanogel network drugs and hydrodynamic diameters of 400 nm, made of chitosan and algi-
bioactive substances and thereby improving their efficacy, phys- nate gels were used for encapsulating an anticancer agent, aiming
ical stability and release properties (Carvalho, Goncalves, Gil, & at colon targeting (Laroui et al., 2010). The nanogel was reported
Gama, 2007; Heyden, Babooram, Ahmed, & Narain, 2009; Kettel, to collapse on the colon area, releasing the active component and
Dierkes, Schaefer, Moeller, & Pich, 2011; Nukolova, Yang, Kim, hence resulting in the expected healing effect.
Kabanov, & Bronich, 2011; Ramos et al., 2011; Sasaki, Tsuchido, In another approach, NPs obtained by polyelectrolyte complex
Sawada, & Akiyoshi, 2011; Yu, Li, Qiu, & Jin, 2008; Zhang, Oh, Allen, formation of chitosan and poly-gama-glutamic acid were shown to
& Kumacheva, 2004). have average hydrodynamic diameters in the range from 150 nm
In the last decade, different nanoparticles (NPs) based on to 330 nm, which were dependent on concentration and polymers
polysaccharides were produced for drug delivery applications ratio as well as on pH medium (Hajdu et al., 2008).
(Berger, Reist, Mayer, Felt, & Gurny, 2004; De & Robinson, 2003; Tan, Cashew gum is an exudate from Anacardium occidentale tree
Chan, & Heng, 2005; Zheng, Gao, Zhang, & Liang, 2004). These sys- and has similar properties to those of Arabic gum, whereby their
tems can also be applied in the agricultural field, where pesticides structures have a main chain of galactose units, having branches
can be entrapped in the polymeric matrix, maximizing their effect, of arabinose, glucose and rhamnose. Uronic acid units were also
at low concentration (Soppirmath & Aminabhavi, 2002). Alginate found to be present in side chains (de Paula, Heatley, & Budd,
and chitosan are the most used polysaccharides for NP prepa- 1998). Cashew gum nanoparticles were obtained by free radical
rations. These NPs are of particular interest due to the fact that polymerization of acrylic onto cashew gum backbone, resulting in
they can be obtained from biopolymers which are biodegradable particle sizes in the range from 71 nm to 420 nm (da Silva, Feitosa,
Paula, & de Paula, 2009). On another approach, nanoparticles of chi-
tosan and cashew gum were produced in aqueous medium by ionic
∗ Corresponding author at: Campus do PICI, Bloco 940, 60000 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. complexation (Oliveira, Ciarlini, Feitosa, de Paula, & Paula, 2009).
Tel.: +55 85 33669961. Lippia sidoides is a plant native of Brazilian Northeast region and its
E-mail address: [email protected] (H.C.B. Paula). leaves contains an essential oil rich in thymol which has fungicide

0144-8617 © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under the Elsevier OA license.
1278 F.O.M.S. Abreu et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 89 (2012) 1277–1282

and bactericide activities (Camurça-Vasconcelos et al., 2007). The Table 1

Matrix containing the variables and the ratios studied for production of
oil has been demonstrated to have also a larvicide effect against
gum:chitosan (CG:CH) nanoparticles.
larvae of Aedes aegypti (Carvalho et al., 2003), the dengue vector
which is responsible for many deceases and even deaths in tropical Run Gum concentration (%) Matrix:oil CG:CH ratio
countries such as Brazil. Arabic gum has been used as an essen- 1 1 10:1 10:1
tial oil encapsulating agent (Fernandes et al., 2008), using high oil 2 5 10:1 10:1
and polymer contents. This oil has also been recently encapsulated 3 10 10:1 10:1
4 1 10:2 10:1
in chitosan/cashew gum based beads obtained by a coacervation
5 5 10:2 10:1
method (Paula, Sombra, Cavalcante, Abreu, & de Paula, 2011), with 6 10 10:2 10:1
low loadings, ranging from 2.4% to 4.4%. Aiming to improve essen- 7 1 10:1 2:1
tial oil loading and release profiles, our research group decided to 8 1 10:1 1:1
9 1 10:1 1:2
fully investigate a new matrix composed of chitosan and cashew
10 1 10:1 1:10
gum as an encapsulating agent for L. sidoides. The development of 11 5 10:2 1:1
polymeric matrices for encapsulation of a natural essential oil with
larvicide activity, would favor efficacy, associated with safety, in
the handling to the environment. Hence, this work reports on the confirmed by gas chromatography-GC in a Shimadzu equipment,
preparation by spray drying of chitosan–gum nanoparticles loaded model GC 17A.
with L. sidoides leaves oil, as well as on the investigation of the
Abs = 0.0030 − 0.0150 conc (1)
effects of polymer concentration, chitosan–gum relative ratio on
the nanoparticles particle size and encapsulation efficiency. In vitro where Abs is the absorbance and conc is the oil concentration in
release studies and in vivo experiments were also carried out. ppm. This equation was found to have a correlation coefficient,
R2 = 0.998.
2. Experimental Oil encapsulation efficiency (EE) was determined using Eq. (2):
EE (%) = × 100 (2)
2.1. Materials Mo
where M is the amount (mg) of oil in loaded sample as determined
Chitosan (75% deacetylation degree, Mw = 1.8 × 105 g mol−1 )
from Eq. (1) and Mo is the initial oil amount (mg) added to the
were supplied by a local industry in CE, Brazil. Cashew gum
extracted from native trees from Ceará (Mw = 1.1 × 105 g mol−1 )
In vitro release was conducted by dissolving 100 mg sample in
was purified as described in a previous work (Paula, Gomes, & de
10 ml distilled water and the resulting solution placed in a dialysis
Paula, 2002). L. sidoides oil (Produtos Naturais LTDA – Pronat Hori-
bag which was kept in a beaker containing 200 ml distilled water,
zonte, CE, Brazil) and emulsifier Tween 80 (VETEC, SP, Brazil) were
under constant temperature and stirring. At regular time intervals,
used as received.
an aliquot of 1.0 ml was withdrawn, diluted and analyzed by UV/vis.
Medium volume was replaced to its original value. All measure-
2.2. Preparation of chitosan–gum nanogels ments were replicated twice and data were averaged, using a 95%
confidence level.
Solutions of 1%, 5% and 10% (w/v) of cashew gum and chitosan In vivo experiments were carried out in order to verify the effi-
were prepared using relative ratios of gum:chitosan = 1:10, 1:2, 1:1, cacy of L. sidoides oil larvicide, where 12 and 24 mg of nanoparticles
2:1 and 10:1. Chitosan solutions were prepared by dissolving the were placed in a 50 ml Becker containing 20 third instar St. Aegypti
desired amount of chitosan in 1% acetic acid solution. Cashew gum larvae provided by the Ceará State Health Secretary. Larvae mor-
solutions were prepared by dissolving the gum in deionized water tality was determined after 24 h, 48 h and 72 h, by counting dead
to the desired concentration. specimens which were subsequently removed (Paula et al., 2011).
Polymer complexes of gum:chitosan were prepared by adding A control (blank) sample was used. All experiments were carried
the cashew gum solution to chitosan solution, by a peristaltic out three times and data averaged.
pump, using a flow rate of 1.0 ml min−1 . An emulsion was sep-
arately prepared using oil and Tween and slowly added to the 3. Results and discussion
polymer complexes using different polymer matrix:oil ratios (10:1,
and 10:2, w/w). The turbid solution was then spray dried in a Buchi Nanoparticles were prepared using cashew gum and chitosan
equipment, model B290, operating at inlet temperature 170 ◦ C, out- solutions at different polymer concentrations (1–10%, w/v) and
let temperature 65 ◦ C, pump feed flow 5 ml min−1 , air volume flow different polymer matrix:oil ratio (w/w) (10:1 and 10:2). It was
35 m3 h−1 and aspirator flow meter 84 l h−1 . Table 1 shows the maintained initially a relative ratio gum:chitosan 10:1, in order to
experimental variables of the gum:chitosan nanogel preparation. observe the effects of the polymer concentration and the oil content
A total of 11 runs in duplicate were performed. on the encapsulation efficiency. The operational spray drying yield
varied from 45% to 60%, at the best thermal efficiency and powder
2.3. Nanogel characterization recovery for the designed formulations.

Gum–chitosan nanogels were characterized by FTIR infrared 3.1. Nanogel characterization

spectroscopy in a Shimadzu spectrometer, model 8300. Particle
size and distribution and zeta potential were determined by pho- The structural characterization obtained by FTIR spectroscopy
ton correlation spectroscopy (PCS) in a Zetasizer Malvern, model for loaded nanogel nanoparticles is shown in Fig. 1(I).
Zen 3500. All samples presented cashew gum absorption bands corre-
Essential oil loading was determined by UV/vis spectroscopy sponding to COO− groups and water at 1645 cm−1 . Chitosan main
(Paula et al., 2011), at 260 nm (Micronal, model B582) as following: vibrational groups were present as the C N bond stretching at
a 10 mg sample was crushed in ethanol and its concentration was 1372 cm−1 , and the chitosan symmetric and asymmetric amino
calculated using a calibration curve (Eq. (1)). Data obtained were stretching bands are also shown at 1410 cm−1 , 1565 cm−1 and
F.O.M.S. Abreu et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 89 (2012) 1277–1282 1279

Table 2
Nanoparticles composition, loading, encapsulation efficiency (EE%), particle size and polydispersity index (PDI) for nanoparticles produced with gum:chitosan ratio 10:1.

Run Cashew gum (%) Matrix:oil Loading (%) EE (%) Particle size (nm) PDI

1 1 10:1 6.7 ± 0.5 61 335 ± 116 0.502

2 5 10:1 5.5 ± 0.7 55 385 ± 45 0.365
3 10 10:1 6.0 ± 1.3 65 555 ± 153 0.613
4 1 10:2 6.5 ± 0.5 60 558 ± 116 0.524
5 5 10:2 11.0 ± 1.0 70 405 ± 52 0.467
6 10 10:2 8.0 ± 1.0 40 551 ± 106 0.554

1640 cm−1 , respectively (Lawrie et al., 2007; Paula, de Paula, & Fig. 1(II b) shows the particle size distribution for nanogel
Bezerra, 2006). By increasing chitosan in the formulation, there nanoparticles produced with polymer concentration (cashew
was an increase of the amino stretching at 1410 cm−1 . L. sidoides gum) of 5% and different gum:chitosan ratios. A trend can be
essential oil main absorption bands, at 1622 cm−1 , 1421 cm−1 , and observed, whereby on increasing the chitosan content in the
1100 cm−1 assigned to thymol aromatic groups were found to be matrix, larger particle were obtained, exhibiting values as high
overlapped with matrix polymer groups. Evidence of cashew gum as 899 nm. Moreover, size distributions becomes narrower as the
and chitosan interaction was detected at 1563 cm−1 , in good agree- chitosan proportion is increased. This has also been observed for
ment with literature (Paula et al., 2002). chitosan–polyglutamic acidic matrixes (Hajdu et al., 2008).
Particle size distribution was analyzed for loaded gum–chitosan A likely explanation is that the increase of chitosan proportion
nanogel nanoparticles. Fig. 1(IIa) shows the particle size distribu- in matrix leads to a reduction in the gum–chitosan interactions
tion for samples gum:chitosan 10:1 produced with 1%, 5% and 10% and consequently favors the formation of particles bonded by
cashew gum polymer concentration. It can be seen that all sam- hydrogen chitosan interactions between their chains (interchain
ples presented unimodal distributions and polydispersity indexes interactions). The positive amino group of chitosan causes repul-
varying from 0.365 to 0.613. At 1% gum concentration, oil content sion between the chains, leading to high nanoparticle sizes.
does not influence size distribution, unlike 5% gum concentration,
whose PDI increases with M:oil ratio. 3.2. Nanogel morphology
As a general trend, it seems that size distribution becomes
broader as cashew gum concentration is increased. Nanogel morphologies were analyzed by Scanning Electron
Microscopy – SEM, by placing a drop of nanoparticle sample on
carbon stickers on aluminum stubs, drying and coated with gold,
prior to visualization in a Olympus equipment. Data obtained (not
shown) revealed that most particles exhibit spherical shapes, either
free or in clusters of aggregates. Upon spray drying, some par-
ticle aggregation has been observed, leading to the formation of
large clusters, a phenomena that is usual for systems such as Gum
arabic–maltodextrin nanoparticles (Peres et al., 2011).

3.3. Effect of polymer concentration

The effect of polymer concentration on the loading and par-

ticle size of the nanogel nanoparticles was investigated. Table 2
shows the data obtained. Gum:chitosan 10:1 nanogels presented
loading varying from 5.5% to 11.0%. The increase of the polymer
concentration (cashew gum) in the matrix did not affect signif-
icantly the loading of the gum:chitosan nanoparticles produced
with low oil content (matrix:oil 10:1). On the other hand, for sam-
ples produced with higher oil content (matrix:oil 10:2) it was
observed an increase (up to 11%) in the loading (for cashew gum 5%
concentration). The encapsulation efficiency was found to slightly
increase with polymer concentration, for both matrixes (matrix:oil
10:1 and matrix:oil 10:2), being in the range from 60% to 70%,
for matrix:oil 10:2, at gum concentration from 1% to 5%. Parti-
cle size was shown to augmenting with polymer concentration
for matrix:oil 10:1 and remains fairly constant for matrix:oil 10:2.
Higher loading was obtained by encapsulating L. sidoides essential
oil in beta-cyclodextrin, resulting in oil content of 11.7%. No parti-
cle size was reported. (Fernandes, Ehen, Moura, Novak, & Sztatisz,
No noticeable trend was observed for NPs polydispersity
indexes (PDI), however the least polydispersion is exhibited by
samples prepared using 5% gum concentration, for both low an
high oil levels (runs 2 and 5). Particles produced by spray-drying
Fig. 1. (I) Infrared spectra of cashew gum–chitosan nanoparticles with differ-
technique tend to reach high particle size when formulated from
ent gum:chitosan (CG:CH) relative ratios. (II) Particle size distribution of the
gum:chitosan (CG:CH) 10:1 nanoparticles at (a) different cashew gum concentra- solutions with high solid content, due to the likely possibility of
tions (% CG) and (b) several gum:chitosan (CG:CH) relative ratios. agglomeration of powder particles. From Table 2, it can be inferred
1280 F.O.M.S. Abreu et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 89 (2012) 1277–1282

Table 3
Particle size, polydispersion index (PDI) and zeta potential for nanoparticles pro-
duced with cashew gum 1% and matrix:oil ratio 10:1.

Run Gum:chitosan Particle size (nm) PDI Zeta potential

ratio (mV)

1 10:1 335 ± 116 0.502 4.0 ± 0.8

7 2:1 456 ± 10 (20%)a 0.408 17.0 ± 2.6 (20%)a
21 ± 10 (80%)a 38.0 ± 1.8 (80%)a
8 1:1 391 ± 55 0.439 39.2 ± 0.9
9 1:2 390 ± 89 0.373 36.3 ± 3.0
10 1:10 899 ± 21 0.633 49.6 ± 1.3
Percentage of particle volume.

Relative polymer charges were determined by zeta potential

measurements. The gum–chitosan nanogel nanoparticles pre-
sented positive potential for all formulations, with values ranging
from +4 mV to +49 mV. Chitosan present high quantity of proto-
nated amino groups (75% deacetylation degree); whereas cashew
gum present around 5% of carboxylic acid groups due to the
presence of uronic acid residues. The complexation of chitosan
and cashew gum generated nanoparticles with positive potential,
where the lowest value was reached for gum:chitosan 10:1 (4 mV)
and the highest for gum:chitosan 1:10 (49 mV). Data suggests that
chitosan molecules are located at the NP surface, even for high
gum:chitosan ratio and contributes more effectively to nanogel
Fig. 2. (I) Nanoparticles loading as function of gum:chitosan (CG:CH) relative ratio
with different oil (Ls) content in the matrix (matrix:Ls) for samples with 5% gum
concentration. (II) Lippia sidoides essential oil (Ls) in vitro release from nanoparticles Carvacrol, one of the L. sidoides terpenes, was encapsulated by
with gum:chitosan (CG:CH) relative ratios 1:10, 1:1 and 10:1, matrix:oil 10:2 and chitosan, presenting encapsulation efficiency of 14–31% and load-
5% gum concentration. ing in the range 3–21%, with particle sizes in the range 40–80 nm,
and zeta potential values of 25–29 mV (Keawchaoon & Yoksan,
that the parameters used in run 5 were optimized regarding loading 2011).
and EE (12% and 70%, respectively). The best results regarding to maximum loading, encapsulation
efficiency, lower particle size were obtained with formulations
3.4. Effect of gum:chitosan relative ratio produced with higher oil content in the matrix (matrix:oil 10:2)
associated with a 5% cashew gum polymer concentration. In this
The polymer concentration (5% cashew gum) was kept constant, sense, the in vitro release profile of the nanogels produced at
aiming at evaluation of the effect of gum:chitosan relative ratio and those conditions were performed, investigating the effect of the
the oil content on nanoparticles properties. Nanogel loading as a gum:chitosan relative content in the release profile of L. sidoides
function of the gum:chitosan relative ratio and the oil content in essential oil.
the matrix is shown in Fig. 2(I).
Oil loading was found not to vary significantly with the increase 3.6. In vitro release
of chitosan in the matrix, for the samples produced with low oil
content (matrix:oil 10:1). This samples showed a maximum loading In vitro release studies on nanogels gum:chitosan 1:10, 1:1 and
of 6.5%; however, with higher initial oil content (matrix:oil 10:2) 10:1 produced at 5% cashew gum concentration, matrix:oil 10:2
it was observed that nanogels exhibit higher loading capacities, were performed, and the results are shown in Fig. 2(II).
with values of 11.8% and 10.0%, for samples gum:chitosan 1:1 and Release pattern showed a difusional profile, dependent of the
gum:chitosan 1:10, respectively. gum:chitosan ratio. After 3 h, the nanogels presented 30%, 50% and
65% of oil released for samples gum:chitosan 1:10, gum:chitosan
3.5. Zeta potential analysis 1:1 and gum:chitosan 10:1, respectively. The increase of cashew
gum in the polymer matrix, which resulted in an increase of nanogel
Zeta potential of gum:chitosan nanogel nanoparticles were hydrophilic character, seemed to favor the release of L. sidoides
determined for samples produced with high polymer concentra- essential oil. After 24 h, it is observed that sample gum:chitosan
tion (5–10%), different gum:chitosan relative ratio and oil contents 10:1 showed 74% of oil released. Reducing the quantity of cashew
in the matrix. Results showed that the oil content in the matrix gum in the matrix, slower release profiles were achieved, where
influenced neither the size nor the zeta potential, where formula- gum:chitosan 1:10 sample presented the lowest percentage of oil
tions differing only in the oil content presented almost identical released (35%).
results (data not shown). Therefore, it was decided to investi- The nanogel release profile was determined using Eq. (3):
gate the particle size and the zeta potential for samples produced
with low polymer concentration (1% cashew gum), matrix:oil 10:1 = K tn (3)
and different relative gum:chitosan ratios. Table 3 shows the data
obtained. where Mt /M∞ denotes the fraction of oil released, t is the release
It can be seen that particle sizes are in the range 335–899 nm, time, and K represents a constant characteristic of the system (Paula
mostly having unimodal distribution; however one sample et al., 2006; Soppirmath & Aminabhavi, 2002). The diffusion expo-
(gum:chitosan 2:1) presented bimodal distribution with particle of nent (n) is an indication of the mechanism of oil release and takes
diameter of 21 nm (80% by volume), and the other with diameter values depending on the geometry of the release device. A linear
of 456 nm (20% by volume). form of Eq. (3) can be obtained by plotting ln Mt /M∞ against ln t,
F.O.M.S. Abreu et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 89 (2012) 1277–1282 1281

Table 4
Release kinetic parameters (n and K) for the gum:chitosan nanoparticles.

Gum:chitosan n K R2

1:10 0.1904 0.6350 0.991

10:1 0.3203 0.6544 0.994
1:1 0.3091 0.6114 0.993

whose angular coefficient is n and the linear coefficient is K. Table 4

shows data obtained.
The n exponent for all samples was below 0.5, duly pointing out
to a Fickian behavior (case I transport), where the release is dictated
by a diffusional behavior.

3.7. Bioassays

Gum:chitosan nanogels loaded with L. sidoides essential oil were

evaluated regarding their mortality kinetics against third instar St.
aegypti larvae. Nanogels prepared under different reactions con-
ditions were tested, using samples weighting 12 mg and 24 mg,
produced with gum:chitosan 10:1, at different cashew gum con-
centrations and matrix:oil contents. Tests conducted using 12 mg
of the sample (data not shown) presented no significant mortali-
ties, showing maximum mortality values of 30%, after 72 h. On the
other hand, data on larvae mortality using 24 mg of the sample,
presented markedly visible differences, as shown in Fig. 3(I).
It can be seen that the increase in the larval mortality was pro-
portional to the cashew gum and oil content in the matrix. Best
results were obtained for sample prepared using 5% cashew gum
concentration, with mortality rates of 55% and 87%, after 24 h and
48 h, respectively, and for sample prepared using 10% cashew gum
concentration, resulting in 100% of mortality, after 24 h. Table 5
shows the loading values and corresponding oil concentration in
the aqueous medium, for 24 mg nanoparticle samples.
The LC50 (lethal concentration for killing 50% larvae) for L.
sidoides free oil is 36 ppm. Comparing to the oil concentration
encapsulated in the nanoparticles, it can be seen that only the 5%
cashew gum and 10% cashew gum samples, present higher oil con-
centration (38 ppm and 53 ppm, respectively) than the required to
cause 50% of larval mortality. In fact, these two formulations are
the ones that exhibit highest mortalities.
Bioassays were also conducted for nanogels prepared with
different gum:chitosan relative ratios, at 5% cashew gum concen-
tration. Nanogels produced using matrix:oil 10:1 presented loading
values around 6%, with a corresponding concentration of 14 ppm
and 28 ppm of L. sidoides oil (sample masses of 12 mg and 24 mg, Fig. 3. (I) Larval mortality using 24 mg of samples produced with gum:chitosan
respectively). Data revealed that even for high sample amount, (CG:CH) 10:1, at different gum (CG) concentrations and matrix:oil (matrix:Ls) con-
mortality values did not reach values beyond 35%, no matter what tents. (II) Larval mortality of samples produced with matrix:oil (matrix:Ls) 10:2,
cashew gum (CG) 5%, and different gum:chitosan (CG:CH) relative ratio: (a) 12 mg
the gum:chitosan relative ratio (data not shown). On the other and (b) 24 mg sample amount.
hand, nanogels produced using higher oil content (matrix:oil 10:2),
presented significant differences on mortality values according
to sample amount and gum:chitosan relative ratio, as shown in nanogel with high chitosan content (gum:chitosan 1:10) seems to
Fig. 3(II). It can be seen that for 12 mg samples (Fig. 3IIa), highest exhibit a oil sustained release, which is corroborated by its low
mortality was achieved for sample gum:chitosan 1:10 (oil content value of diffusion exponent (n = 0.1904) given in Table 4. Nanogel
of 24 ppm), while sample gum:chitosan 10:1 (oil content of 12 ppm) particle size seem not to have a noteworthy effect on larvae mortal-
presented the lowest figure, even after 72 h. It can be depicted that ity, in the size range investigated (335–899 nm). On the other hand,

Table 5
Loading values and the corresponding oil concentration for gum:chitosan ratio 10:1 nanoparticles in the aqueous medium.

Cashew gum Matrix:oil 10:1 Matrix:oil 10:2

concentration (%)

Loading (%) Oil concentration Loading (%) Oil concentration

(ppm) (ppm)

1 6.7 ± 0.5 32 6.5 ± 0.5 30

5 5.5 ± 0.7 26 11.0 ± 1.0 53
10 6.0 ± 1.3 29 8.0 ± 1.0 39
1282 F.O.M.S. Abreu et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 89 (2012) 1277–1282

tests using 24 mg of nanogels (Fig. 3IIb) revealed that gum:chitosan da Silva, D. A., Feitosa, J. P. A., Paula, H. C. B., & de Paula, R. C. M. (2009). Synthesis and
1:1 and gum:chitosan 1:10 samples (oil contents of 58 and 48 ppm, characterization of cashew gum/acrylic acid nanoparticles. Materials Science and
Engineering C, 29, 437–441.
respectively) display nearly the same larvae mortalities (over 90%), De, S., & Robinson, D. (2003). Polymer relationships during preparation of
in good agreement with the fact that these samples have oil loading chitosan–alginate and poly-l-lysine-alginate nanospheres. Journal of Controlled
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It can be inferred that the aforementioned samples presented occidentale exudate polysaccharide. Polymer International, 45, 27–35.
high ability to encapsulate and retain the L. sidoides essential oil Fernandes, L. P., Ehen, Zs., Moura, T. F., Novak, Cs., & Sztatisz, J. (2004). Characteriza-
inside the polymeric chains and therefore maintaining the larvicide tion of Lippia sidoides oil extract – beta-Cyclodextrin complexes using combined
thermoanalytical techniques. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 78,
effect, reaching mortality rates superior to that obtained by the L.
sidoides pure oil. Fernandes, L. P., Turatti, I. C. C., Lopes, N. P., Ferreira, J. C., Candido, R. C., & Oliveira, W.
P. (2008). Volatile retention and antifungal properties of spray-dried nanopar-
ticles of Lippia sidoides essential oil. Drying Technology, 26, 1534–1542.
4. Conclusions
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