Chitosan Cashew
Chitosan Cashew
Chitosan Cashew
Carbohydrate Polymers
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Article history: Nanogels based on chitosan and cashew gum were prepared and loaded with Lippia sidoides oil. Several
Received 2 March 2012 parameters such as cashew gum concentration and relative oil content in the matrix had their influence
Received in revised form 20 April 2012 on nanogel properties investigated. Nanogels were characterized regarding their morphologies, particle
Accepted 21 April 2012
size distributions, zeta potential, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and essential oil contents. The
Available online 28 April 2012
release profile was investigated by UV/vis spectroscopy and its efficacy was determined through bioas-
says. Results showed that samples designed using relative ratios matrix:oil 10:2, gum:chitosan 1:1 and
5% gum concentration showed high loading (11.8%) and encapsulation efficiency (70%). Nanogels were
Cashew gum
found to exhibit average sizes in the range 335–558 nm. In vitro release profiles showed that nanoparti-
Nanogel cles presented slower and sustained release. Bioassays showed that larval mortality was related mainly
Characterization to oil loading, with samples presenting more effective larvicide efficacies than the pure L. sidoides oil.
Essential oil © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under the Elsevier OA license.
0144-8617 © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under the Elsevier OA license.
1278 F.O.M.S. Abreu et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 89 (2012) 1277–1282
Table 2
Nanoparticles composition, loading, encapsulation efficiency (EE%), particle size and polydispersity index (PDI) for nanoparticles produced with gum:chitosan ratio 10:1.
Run Cashew gum (%) Matrix:oil Loading (%) EE (%) Particle size (nm) PDI
1640 cm−1 , respectively (Lawrie et al., 2007; Paula, de Paula, & Fig. 1(II b) shows the particle size distribution for nanogel
Bezerra, 2006). By increasing chitosan in the formulation, there nanoparticles produced with polymer concentration (cashew
was an increase of the amino stretching at 1410 cm−1 . L. sidoides gum) of 5% and different gum:chitosan ratios. A trend can be
essential oil main absorption bands, at 1622 cm−1 , 1421 cm−1 , and observed, whereby on increasing the chitosan content in the
1100 cm−1 assigned to thymol aromatic groups were found to be matrix, larger particle were obtained, exhibiting values as high
overlapped with matrix polymer groups. Evidence of cashew gum as 899 nm. Moreover, size distributions becomes narrower as the
and chitosan interaction was detected at 1563 cm−1 , in good agree- chitosan proportion is increased. This has also been observed for
ment with literature (Paula et al., 2002). chitosan–polyglutamic acidic matrixes (Hajdu et al., 2008).
Particle size distribution was analyzed for loaded gum–chitosan A likely explanation is that the increase of chitosan proportion
nanogel nanoparticles. Fig. 1(IIa) shows the particle size distribu- in matrix leads to a reduction in the gum–chitosan interactions
tion for samples gum:chitosan 10:1 produced with 1%, 5% and 10% and consequently favors the formation of particles bonded by
cashew gum polymer concentration. It can be seen that all sam- hydrogen chitosan interactions between their chains (interchain
ples presented unimodal distributions and polydispersity indexes interactions). The positive amino group of chitosan causes repul-
varying from 0.365 to 0.613. At 1% gum concentration, oil content sion between the chains, leading to high nanoparticle sizes.
does not influence size distribution, unlike 5% gum concentration,
whose PDI increases with M:oil ratio. 3.2. Nanogel morphology
As a general trend, it seems that size distribution becomes
broader as cashew gum concentration is increased. Nanogel morphologies were analyzed by Scanning Electron
Microscopy – SEM, by placing a drop of nanoparticle sample on
carbon stickers on aluminum stubs, drying and coated with gold,
prior to visualization in a Olympus equipment. Data obtained (not
shown) revealed that most particles exhibit spherical shapes, either
free or in clusters of aggregates. Upon spray drying, some par-
ticle aggregation has been observed, leading to the formation of
large clusters, a phenomena that is usual for systems such as Gum
arabic–maltodextrin nanoparticles (Peres et al., 2011).
Table 3
Particle size, polydispersion index (PDI) and zeta potential for nanoparticles pro-
duced with cashew gum 1% and matrix:oil ratio 10:1.
Table 4
Release kinetic parameters (n and K) for the gum:chitosan nanoparticles.
Gum:chitosan n K R2
3.7. Bioassays
Table 5
Loading values and the corresponding oil concentration for gum:chitosan ratio 10:1 nanoparticles in the aqueous medium.
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4. Conclusions
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