05-Activity-1-Platform-Technology - Umpad - Christian Rhey - A. - BSCPE - G302

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Instructions: Analyze the illustrations and answer the

corresponding questions for each. Use 3-5 sentences in
answering. (6 items x 5 points)
Part II: Dynamic Partitioning
Part I: Fixed Partitioning

Figure 2. A sequence of memory allocation of four processes, implementing the dynamic partitioning technique – 64MB memory.


4. What do you think is the possible reason why.

Figure 1. An illustration of fixed partitioning with an (a) equal and (b) Process 2 was pulled/swapped out (e) of the unequal sized memory
partitions – 64MB memory. memory?

5. When Process 1 finishes the execution (g) and

Questions: Process 2 is swapped back in the memory (h),
1. Which partitioning setup could possibly reduce what possible condition or phenomenon can internal fragmentation
and how? occur within the memory? Rationalize your 2. Based on the two partitioning setups above, would answer.
you recommend the implementation of the fixed 6. If you are to develop a file management system, partitioning
technique in developing automated would you suggest the implementation of the machines? Why or why not?
dynamic partitioning technique in memory
3. In your perspective, what are the possible management? Why or why not?
downside of utilizing an equally sized memory partition?
Rationalize your answer.

Grading Rubric:
Criteria Performance Indicator Points
Content Correct ideas, concepts, and/or 3
examples were included.
Organization The presentation of idea was 2
generally organized.

Note: DO NOT COPY AND PASTE. Students who copy and paste their work from any website
or their classmates will automatically receive a failing mark for this activity.

05 Activity 1 *Property of STI

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Part 1

1. Fragmentation is an unwanted problem in the operating system in which the processes are loaded and unloaded from memory,
and free memory space is fragmented. Dynamic Partitioning scheme can reduce internal fragmentation as partitions are created
as processes arrive. Since no fixed size partition is followed therefore internal fragmentation is there. In the Fixed Partition
Scheme of Memory Management, there exist both internal fragmentation and External Fragmentation.

2. Yes, I can suggest the use of fixed partitioning in automated machines because the fault can be easily detected in this
partitioning. And it is very easy to implement.

3. The disadvantage of equal size partitioning is.

a) Wastage of space that will lead to internal and external fragmentation.
b) Maximum process loaded in the memory will be less in these types of partitioning.

Part 2

4. Process 2 which is present in the memory is pulled from the memory and again push into the memory. The reason behind this is
every process needs CPU time and i/o time. When it requires i/o time the process moved out and present in wait state to
increase the performance of the system. Because of this reason, for I/O operations the process P2 is pulled out from the
memory and after completion of I/O again it is push into the memory.

5. When process 1 finishes its execution, it is pulled out of the memory and then again process 2 is kept into the memory. Because
of this, there are many non-continuous holes are formed. In the last formed memory, if 10M process wants to push into the
memory, there is no continuous space which is called as External fragmentation.

6. Yes, because Dynamic partitioning increases the performance of the system compared to static partitioning. In static partitioning,
it contains fixed size blocks and the largest size of the process kept into the memory is, the large size partition. Because of this
more space is wasted. By using dynamic partitioning, any size process can be kept into the memory and by using paging and
segmentation and indexing techniques in dynamic partitioning, the process can be stored in non-contiguous memory.

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