Horse Color Explored-Excerpt
Horse Color Explored-Excerpt
Horse Color Explored-Excerpt
Preface...................................................................................................... v
2: Horse Colors.......................................................................................11
Base Colors...............................................................................................11
Seal Brown..........................................................................................12
Inheritance of Base Colors....................................................................14
Diluted Colors...........................................................................................17
Colors Determined by Cream Dilution...................................................17
Colors Determined by the Dun Gene.....................................................22
Colors Determined by the Silver Gene...................................................27
Colors Determined by the Champagne Gene..........................................32
Colors Determined by the Pearl Gene....................................................36
New Dilution Genes?...........................................................................38
Flaxen Chestnut..................................................................................39
Colors Determined by Admixture of White Hair........................................39
Spotted Patterns: Characteristics and Types...........................................45
Frame Overo................................................................................49
Splashed White............................................................................50
Other Colors Related to Spotting...........................................................53
Calico Tobiano.............................................................................53
Crypt Overo.................................................................................54
Types of Appaloosa-Spotted Patterns.............................................55
Dominant White.................................................................................62
Additional Color Phenomena.....................................................................67
Shades of Colors..................................................................................67
Rabicano............................................................................................ 74
“Catch A Bird” Phenomenon................................................................75
Giraffe Markings.................................................................................76
False Dun...........................................................................................77
Metallic Sheen.....................................................................................78
Other Horse Color Factors and Considerations...........................................80
Change of Color...................................................................................80
Lavender Foal Syndrome......................................................................84
Chimerism and Mosaicism...................................................................85
3: Markings.............................................................................................89
White Markings on the Head and Legs......................................................89
Non-Standard Markings............................................................................94
Markings of Other Colors..........................................................................95
4: Hair Features......................................................................................99
General Features.......................................................................................99
Curly Hair............................................................................................... 100
Hairlessness............................................................................................ 102
Pigment Distribution Features................................................................. 102
Bibliography.......................................................................................... 120
Index...................................................................................................... 131
Table 3.
The color determined by the Dun gene (Dn+ allele) in combination with the bay
base color is genetically close to the color of the ancestors of the domestic horse,
as well as contemporary wild representatives of the species. They are also typical
for aboriginal species. Including this group of colors in the category of dilutions
is only relative: The main characteristic of the color dun is the presence of the
so-called “Wild” or “primitive” markings. The dilution of hair is only an additional
feature, and it is not present or obvious in all cases.
The following primitive markings are seen in horses with the Dun gene:
The dorsal stripe is a dark stripe that runs along the horse’s spine from the
withers to the dock of the tail. Its main characteristic is clearly defined bound-
aries (Photos 26 & 27). It is possible to liken it to a wide line drawn on the
horse with a fat-tipped marker. Sometimes you can also see short transverse
stripes, which is called fishboning (or barbs) due to the similarity with a fish’s
spine. Occasionally in horses with strong color dilution you can also find a
zigzag-shaped or discontinuous dorsal stripe.
Zebra bars or zebra stripes are short, dark, transverse stripes on the horse’s
legs, located in or above the region of the knees and hocks (Photo 28). Zebra
bars are frequently present only on the backside of the legs.
Often on the backside of the lower part of the horse’s legs, you will see a line
of lighter hair, known by some as a zipper (see Photo 109).
Cobwebbing or lacing is a net of dark lines, which converge in the center of fore-
head of some dun horses, resembling a cobweb. This marking rarely involves
the eye area.
Many dun horses have dirty yellow, pale yellow, or even white strands of hair
concentrated on the edges of the mane (Photo 29). Sometimes there can be so
much frosting, as it is called, that the mane looks white. Although the latter
scenario is rare, it can create difficulty in determining the color of the animal.
Frosting is frequently dark in summer and becomes more noticeable in winter.
Frequently in addition to frosting in the mane, there is also light hair in the tail
(light guard hair). It can be white or pale yellow and is located along the sides
of the tail dock, concentrated at the base (see Photos 26 & 27).
Dark ear rims and white tips are present in almost all dun horses, spanning the
perimeter of the ears (see Photo 29). In contrast to the bay and brown horses,
this primitive marking is wider and has clearer boundaries.
When the lower part of the horse’s head, from the eyes to the nostrils, is darker
than the forehead, neck, and body, he is said to have a mask (Photo 30). This
is most noticeable when the horse is observed from a distance, and in bay- or
black-based horses. It can be less obvious when the horse has white head
Many horses have more or less noticeable darkening on the withers and shoul-
ders in the form of a stripe or shadow (“wing”) perpendicular to the spine with
poorly defined boundaries (Photo 31).
A noticeable concentration of dark hair is often found on the neck near the
A ventral stripe along the horse’s underbelly resembles the dorsal stripe (see
p. 22), but it runs down the middle of the abdomen parallel to the spine.
Of all the primitive markings described here, the dorsal stripe is the only one
“required” for the categorization of dun color. Zebra bars on the legs are common,
but they may not be always noticeable against dark background hair. The remain-
ing markings I’ve mentioned are encountered in different combinations and can be
poorly visible. The color of primitive markings varies and depends on the color of
a particular horse. They are usually the color of the horse’s guard hair.
Bay Dun
Like the bay base color on its own, the Dun gene in combination with bay (bay
dun) has many shades. The horse’s body color can vary from brownish red to
almost yellow with light reddish or ochre tinges (Photo 32). The mane and tail and
lower legs are black or sometimes dark brown. In dun horses, the tips of black hair
frequently lose their color, and therefore the tail and mane can appear “rusty” due
to sun exposure. Primitive markings are black or, less frequently, brown-colored.
The following distribution and color of markings is most often observed: The mask
is dark red or brown, and cobweb markings and any other admixture of dark hair
on the body is black. The dorsal stripe and zebra bars can be either of these two
colors. The hooves and skin are pigmented, the eyelashes reddish, and the eyes
hazel, or sometimes light hazel or yellowish. Some horses show the pangaré trait
(sometimes called “mealy”) with lighter hair along the flanks, belly, inner legs,
muzzle, and around the eyes (Photo 33 and see p. 72).
It is possible to find bay dun horses with a color that is practically indistin-
guishable from the usual bay color. Bay dun color is the most common “Wild”
color and is often seen in Quarter Horses. It is also frequently encountered in such
breeds as Vyatka and Bashkir Horse, as well as other aboriginal horses. The color
is rare in some breeds, such as the Andalusian and Lusitano.
Grullo foals are born ashy colored. Light grullos are born yellowish or cream,
and very seldomly, light reddish.
Grullo color is common in Polish Konik Horses (up to 95 percent of the breed),
Quarter Horses, Vyatka, Heck, and Bashkir Horses. Occasionally it occurs in Nor-
wegian Fjords. Light grullo color is common in Sorraia Horses, Connemara Ponies,
and Yakutian Horses.
Red Dun
The body color of a red dun horse can have various shades, but as a rule it is
lighter than in standard chestnut horses (Photo 37). Primitive markings are of red
color. Often the head is darker than the body, showing a mask or cobwebbing. The
lower legs, mane, and tail are also darker than the body. The skin and hooves are
Dark red duns are almost indistinguishable from ordinary chestnut horses in
terms of body color, but they will have noticeable primitive markings. Light red
duns are almost yellow or sand color and resemble palominos (see p. 19). This
color is common in the Norwegian Fjord breed (Photo 38). In 2013, Russian scien-
tist Tatyana Zubkova found examples of light red duns in two breeds where it was
not previously considered present: the Budyonny and Russian Don. Their colors
were confirmed by DNA analysis.
Besides the colors just described, there are others determined by the Dun mutation.
The combination of dun and buckskin (dunskin) results in a very light yellow
or pale sandy body color with black or dark brown primitive markings (Photos
Palomino horses carrying the Dun gene (dunalino) resemble light palominos
(see p. 19), and their primitive markings have a rusty or dark yellow color (Photo
42). The mane and tail can be practically all white with only the middle part of the
tail containing colored hair as a continuation of the dorsal stripe.
One of the rarest colors in this group is double cream dilute (Ccr/Ccr) combined
with the Dun gene. Such horses have a cream body color with a pale caramel
dorsal stripe and zebra bars, and also pink skin and blue eyes (sometimes called
wall eyes or china eyes). Dun horses carrying one Cream Dilution gene often have
light-brown eyes.
Another rarity is the smoky black plus Dun gene color (smoky grullo). Visually
it is closest to light grullo color with a yellowish tone (see p. 24), but it is impossible
to distinguish the two colors without DNA testing. Such horses have dirty-brown
or dirty-ashy, yellowish color, lighter toward the underbelly, and the mane, tail,
and lower part of the legs are dark brown (Photos 43 & 44). They have a remote
resemblance to faded black (see p. 11). Foals are born an ashy color that is lighter
than grullo.
These colors are all fairly rare, and when found, are often in the Norwegian
Fjord, Quarter Horse, and Bashkir Horse breeds.
The dun colors are controlled by a dominant allele of the Dun gene (abbreviated as
Dn+). This allele is considered the "Wild" version of the gene, while its mutant form
(nd2, which means non-dun2) in a homozygous state defines the usual, ordinary
non-dun colors. The result of its action is dilution of eumelanin, resulting in bluish
or ashy hair color, and pheomelanin, resulting in light red, apricot, or pale cara-
mel. However, the mane, tail, head, and lower part of the legs are diluted to a lesser
degree, which may indicate the involvement of a temperature-sensitive biochemi-
cal mechanism. An integral part of the action of the Dun allele is the manifestation
of primitive markings, and these have an unclear mechanism of formation.
According to a hypothesis made by Nancy Castle (2008), primitive mark-
ings are created in all horses during embryogenesis. However in color-diluted
horses carrying the Dun gene, the markings are visible, whereas in non-Dun-gene
horses—due to a darker background—these markings are invisible. Castle bases
her theory on the fact that you can observe primitive markings in foals that disap-
pear as the animal ages. In general, the color of a horse darkens with maturity, and
it is possible that primitive markings remain present. In support of this hypothesis
is the presence of such markings on adult horses that are not dun. Such horses are
called false duns (see p. 78). The specific mutation of the Dun gene responsible is
abbreviated “nd1” (non-dun1). There is a DNA test for the Dun gene. The hierarchy
is Dn+ > nd1 > nd2.
Table 4.
Black Grullo
Buckskin Dunskin
Palomino Dunalino
Many silver horses show a characteristic marble pattern on the legs called web-
bing. This has a “rusty” appearance or looks like whitish, irregular, elongated
streaks with sharp boundaries (Photos 45–47).
Ashy or black hair in the mane and tail are found frequently (Photo 48). Silver
horses can have yellowish guard hair of a dim, rather dirty shade, but not red
or reddish, which would be typical for flaxen chestnuts.
Striped hooves are found in some silver horses, but they are not always pres-
ent (see Photo 46). They differ from the striped hooves of appaloosa-spotted
horses (see p. 55), because the stripes in silver horses are not black, but dark
gray, and do not have sharp borders. Often their stripes are wedge-shaped.
Striped hooves can be observed in foals, although in the process of the horse
maturing, they may disappear.
Pronounced seasonal dapples are observed in some silver horses (silver dap-
ple—see p. 28), appearing in summer and vanishing in winter (Photo 49).
Light eyelashes (white or yellowish), while not present on all silver horses, are
a reliable characteristic seen on most (Photo 50).
Silver bay is often confused with flaxen chestnut (see p. 39)—for example, in the
United States these colors have been recognized as separate entities only since
2002. The silver bay horse has a red or brown color to the trunk and a lighter
mane and tail—from dark ashy with separate whitish and yellow locks of hair, to
almost completely white (Photo 51). Sometimes the same horse can have a dark
and smoky tail paired with an almost white mane, or vice versa. The skin and
hooves are pigmented.
The main difference between silver bay and flaxen chestnut are the dark legs,
resembling the legs of an ordinary bay horse. In flaxen chestnut animals, the lower
part of the legs has a red or whitish color. In the silver bay, the color of the lower
part of the legs fluctuates from light to dark brown—to sometimes black. In addi-
tion, the ears often have black rims.
A horse with the weakest manifestation of the Silver gene does not differ from
an average bay, unless the guard hair is mixed with a considerable amount of light
hair, making the mane and tail look ashy. The lower part of the legs is almost undi-
luted, sometimes showing mild leg webbing. This color may also resemble “Wild”
bay or dun, but from the first it can again be distinguished by light guard hair, and
from the second by a saturated red color of the trunk and lack of primitive mark-
ings. When the body hair of this horse is in poor condition, the color can also be
confused with red or brown.
Sometimes you may see a horse with brown body hair and black legs, while
the mane and tail are diluted, matching the brown body color. However, the most
characteristic and recognizable variety of silver bay has a reddish body, a mane
and tail that are nearly white or light ashy, and light brown lower legs because of
the presence of leg webbing. Separate ashy or black locks remain in the guard hair.
A silver bay foal has light lower legs, similar in appearance to ordinary bay
foals, and becomes darker after shedding his baby coat. Silver bay commonly
occurs in the Rocky Mountain Horse.
Silver seal brown is very rare (Photos 52–54). It is recognizable by the dark
brown, almost black color of the body, sometimes with a bluish tint to it, with char-
acteristic red “burn marks” around eyes, muzzle, near the elbows, on the stomach,
and the groin. The guard hair is diluted from dirty red to a whitish color.