Geometric Design
Geometric Design
Geometric Design
The geometric design of roadway necessitates the determination of specific design elements and
fixation of standards with respect to various components. It is dictated within economics and other
limitations to satisfy the requirements of traffic in designing geometric elements which include
roadway vertical and horizontal alignment, cross sections, stopping and passing sight distances,
number of lane, lane width, median type (if any) and width, lateral and vertical clearances,
intersections, length of acceleration and deceleration lanes, need for truck climbing lanes for steep
grades, curve radius for required for turning vehicle, etc. When one considers the diversity of
vehicles, in terms of performance and physical dimensions, and the interaction of these
characteristics with the many elements comprising the design of the roadway, it is clear that proper
highway design is a complex procedure that requires numerous compromises. Moreover, it is
important for design guidelines to evolve over time in response to changes in vehicle performance
and dimensions, and to evidence collected regarding the effectiveness of existing highway design
practices (e.g. the relationship between accident rates and various roadway design characteristics).
ERA (2013)
What is
between the
mobility and
classification roadway (Highway)
b) Rolling: - Rolling, hilly or foothill country where the slopes generally rise and fall
moderately and where occasional steep slopes are encountered, resulting in some restrictions
in alignment (transverse terrain slope from 5 percent to 25 percent).
c) Mountainous: Rugged, hilly and mountainous country and river gorges. This class of terrain
imposes definite restrictions on the standard of alignment obtainable and often involves long
steep grades and limited sight distance (transverse terrain slope from 25 percent to 50
3. The design vehicle: refer ERA Geometric Design manual 2013 for more information
4. The traffic volume expected on the road: In forecasting, Traffic categorized into:
Normal Traffic-Traffic that would pass along the existing road or track even if no new or
improved pavement were provided.
Diverted Traffic - Traffic that changes from another route (or mode of transport) to the
project road because of the improved pavement.
Generated Traffic- Additional traffic which occurs in response to the provision or
improvement of the road. It may arise either because a journey becomes more attractive by
virtue of a cost or time reduction or because of the increased development that is brought
about by the road investment
5. The design speed: refer ERA Geometric Design manual 2013 for more information.
6. The density and characteristics of the adjoining land use
7. Vehicle size and performance
8. Safety
9. Right of way impacts and costs associated with it
10. Economic and environmental considerations
Each intersection has the potential for several different types of vehicular conflicts. The possibility
of these conflicts actually occurring can be greatly reduced through the provision of proper sight
distance and appropriate traffic controls. The avoidance of conflicts and the efficiency of traffic
operations still depend on the judgment, capabilities and response of individual driver.
Vehicles are assigned the right of way at intersections by traffic control devices or, where no
traffic-control devices are presented, by the rules of the road. A basic rule of the road, at an
intersection where no traffic-control devices are present, requires the vehicle on the left to yield to
the vehicle on the right if they arrive at approximately the same time.
NB: Intersection sight distance is to provide sight distance at intersections to allow drivers to
perceive the presence of potentially conflicting vehicles.
Lecture Note: - Highway Geometric Design Page 5
Driver stopped at an intersection needs
Sufficient view of intersecting highway to decide when to enter or cross
Sight triangles
The specified area along intersection approach legs and corners should be clear of obstructions that
might block a driver’s view of potentially conflicting vehicles. These specified areas are known as
clear sight triangle. The dimensions of the legs of the sight triangles depend on the design speeds of
the intersecting roadways and the type of traffic control used at the intersection. Two types of clear
sight triangles are considered
Approach sight triangle
Departure sight triangle
tg= travel time to reach and clear the major road (s),
b= length of leg of triangle along the major road (m)
ta =travel time to reach the major road from the decision point for a vehicle that
does not stop(s) (use appropriate value for the minor-road design speed from figure
adjusted for approach grade, where appropriate)
w= width of intersection to be crossed (m)
La= length of design vehicles (m)
Vminor= design speed of minor road (Km/hrs.),
Vmajor= design speed of major road (Km/hrs.)
ISD= intersection sight distance (length of the leg of sight triangle along the major road) (m).
Vmajor= design speed of major road (km/hrs.)
tg= time gap for minor road vehicle to enter the major road (s)
Table4.2 Time gap for intersection with Stop control on minor road (left turn from stop
Long straights should be avoided, as they are monotonous for drivers and cause headlight dazzle on
straight grades. A more pleasing appearance and higher road safety can be obtained by a winding
alignment with tangents deflecting some 5-10 degrees alternately to the left and right. Short
straights between curves in the same direction should not be used because of the broken back effect.
In such cases where a reasonable tangent length is not attainable, the use of long, transitions or
compound curvature should be considered.
Horizontal curvature design is one of the most important features influencing the efficiency and
safety of a highway. Improper design will result in lower speeds and lowering of highway capacity.
Note: The following elements of Simple circular curve formuli are proved on
PC – point of curvature
PI – point of intersection
PT – point of tangency
Δ – central angle
R – radius of curve
D – degree of curve that defines,
a. Central angle which subtends 20m arc (arc definition),
b. Central angle which subtends 20m chord (Chord definition)
From arc definition,
R = 1145.916 / D
From chord definition,
R = 10 / Sin (D/2)
cj = 20Sin(dj/2)/Sin(D/2)
dj = angle subtended by sub-chord of length cj
cj = chord less than 20m.
Deflection angles: The angle that a chord deflects from a tangent to a circular curve is
measured by half of the intercepted arc.
o Deflection angle for Lc m = Δ/2
o Deflection angle for 20m = D/2
o Deflection angle for Ai m = di/2
Stations of PC, PI, and PT:
PC = PI – T
P T = PC + Lc or PT = PI + T
Several variations of the circular curve deserve consideration when developing the horizontal
alignment for a highway design. When two curves in the same direction are connected with a short
tangent, this condition is referred to as a “broken back” arrangement of curves. This type of
alignment should be avoided except where very unusual topographical or right-of-way conditions
dictate otherwise. Highway engineers generally consider the broken back alignment to be
unpleasant and awkward and prefer spiral transitions or a compound curve alignment with
continuous super elevation for such conditions.
Figure 4-16 identifies elements of a typical compound highway curve with variable definitions and
basic equations developed for a larger and smaller radius curve, based on the assumption that the
radius dimensions RL and RS and central angles ΔL and ΔS are given or have been previously
(a) (b)
Figure 4-18 Sight Distance around Horizontal Curve: (a) S < Lc and (b) S > Lc
Situations frequently exist where an object on the inside of a curve, such as vegetation, building or
cut face, obstructs the line of sight. Where it is either not feasible or economically justified to move
the object, a larger radius of curve will be required to ensure that stopping sight distance is
Case-1 S < L
( )
Whered Rv-Radius fo vehicle path
Ms- distance of the obstruction from the center of inner lane
S- sight distance (through center of inner lane)
Case-2 S > Lc
( ) ( ) ( )
Where: Ms- distance of the obstruction from the center of inner lane
L – Curve length
S- sight distance (through center of inner lane)
P- lane width
R-Radius fo of curve
Night driving around sharp curves introduces an added problem related to horizontal sight distance.
Motor-vehicle headlights are pointed directly toward the front and do not provide as much
illumination in oblique directions. Even if adequate horizontal sight distance is provided, it has little
useful purpose at night because the headlights are directed along a tangent to the curve, and the
roadway itself is not properly illuminated.
When velocity v. (m/s) is stated in V (Km/h), and the radius of curve(R) in meters, the equation
reduces to
On highway curves, this centrifugal force acts through the center of mass of the vehicle and creates
an overturning moment about the points of contact between the outer wheels and the pavement. But
a stabilizing (resisting) moment is created by the weight acting through the center of mass. Thus for
equilibrium conditions, the height to the center of mass must be greater than the lateral distance
between the wheels before overturning will take place. Modern passenger vehicles have low center
of mass so that relatively high values of f have to be developed before overturning would take place.
In practice, the frictional value is usually sufficiently low for sliding to take place before
overturning. It is only with certain commercial vehicles having high center of mass that the problem
of overturning may arise.
In order to resist the outward acting centrifugal force, and to enable vehicles to round curves at
design speed without discomfort to their occupants, the pavements are “tilted” or “super elevated”
so that the outer edges are higher than the inner edges. This tilting, plus frictional resistance
From equation (*), the minimum radius or maximum degree of curvature for a given design speed
can be determined from the rate of super elevation and side friction factor.
R = V2 / (127*(e + f))
D = 1145.916 / R
Attainment of Super elevation:
The transition from a tangent, normal crown section, to a curved super elevated section must be
accompanied without any appreciable reduction in speed and in such a manner as to ensure safety
and comfort to the occupants of the traveling vehicle.
The normal cambered surface on a straight reach of road is changed into a super elevated surface
into two stages. In the first stage, the outer half of the camber is gradually raised until it is level. In
the second stage, three methods may be adopted to attain the full super-elevation.
i. The surface of the road is rotated about the centerline of the carriageway, gradually lowering the
inner edge and raising the upper edge, keeping the level of the centerline constant.
ii. The surface of the road is rotated about the inner edge, raising the center and the outer edge.
iii. The surface of the road is rotated about the outer edge depressing the center and the outer edge.
Method (i) is the most generally used.
Lecture Note: - Highway Geometric Design Page 17
Super elevation Runoff
The distance required for accomplishing the transition from a normal to a super elevated section,
commonly referred to as the transition runoff, is a function of the design speed and the rate of
super elevation.
In alignment design with spirals, the super elevation runoff is affected over the whole of the
transition curve. The length of runoff is the spiral length with the tangent to spiral (TS) at the
beginning and the spiral to curve (SC) at the end. The change in cross slope begins by removing the
adverse cross slope from the lane or lanes on the outside of the curve on a length of tangent just
ahead of TS (the tangent run out). Between the TS and SC (the super elevation runoff) the traveled
way is rotated to reach the full super elevation at the SC. This procedure is reversed on leaving the
curve. By this design the whole of the circular curve has full super elevation, as shown in Figure
In design of curves without spirals the super elevation runoff is considered to be that length beyond
the tangent run out. Empirical methods are employed to locate the super elevation runoff length
with respect to the point of curvature (PC). Current design practice is to place approximately two-
thirds of the runoff on the tangent approach and one-third on the curve, as shown in Figure below
The value of coefficient of lateral friction depends upon a number of factors, chief among them
being the vehicle speed, type and condition of roadway surfaces, and type and condition of the tyres.
Table 4-2: Coefficient of Lateral Friction as Recommended by TRL Overseas Road Note 6
Design Speed(Km/hr) 30 40 50 60 70 85 100 120
f 0.33 0.30 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.15
Transition curves provide a gradual change from the tangent section to the circular curve and vice
versa. For most curves, drivers can follow a transition path within the limits of a normal lane
width, and a spiral transition in the alignment is not necessary. However, along high-speed
roadways with sharp curvature, transition curves may be needed to prevent drivers from
encroaching into adjoining lanes.
Properly designed transition curves provide a natural and easier to follow path for drivers
such that the centrifugal force increases or decreases gradually as a vehicle enters or leaves
a circular curves
The transition curve provides a convenient desirable distance for super elevation runoff.
Where the pavement section to be widened around a circular curve, the transition curve
facilitates gradual change in width of pavement (full widening to start at circular curve)
A curve known as the Euler spiral or clothoid is commonly used in highway design. The radius of
the spiral varies from infinity at the tangent end to the radius of the circular arc at the end of the
spiral. The radius of the spiral at any point is inversely proportional to the distance from its
beginning point.
The length of transition should be determined from the following two conditions:
The rate of change of centrifugal acceleration adopted in the design should not cause
discomfort to the drivers. If C is the rate of change of acceleration,
Ls = 0.0215V3 / (C*Rc)
V = speed (Km/hr)
Rc = radius of the circular curve (m)
The rate of change of super elevation (super elevation application ratio) should be such as
not to cause higher gradients and unsightly appearances. Since super elevation can be
given by rotating about the centerline, inner edge or outer edge, the length of the transition
will be governed accordingly.
Lecture Note: - Highway Geometric Design Page 24
Faculty of Civil Engineering AMIT
Widening of Curves
Extra width of pavement may be necessary on curves. As a vehicle turns, the rear wheels follow
the front wheels on a shorter radius, and this has the effect of increasing the width of the vehicle in
relation to the lane width of the roadway. Studies of drivers traversing curves have shown that
there is a tendency to drive a curved path longer than the actual curve, shifting the vehicle laterally
to the right on right-turning curves and to the left on left-turning curves. Thus, on right-turning
curves the vehicle shifts toward the inside edge of the pavement, creating a need for additional
pavement width. The amount of widening needed varies with the width of the pavement on
tangent, the design speed, and the curve radius or degree of curvature.
Once the horizontal alignment has been determined, the vertical alignment of the section of
highway in question can be addressed. Again, the vertical alignment is composed of a series of
straight-line gradients connected by curves, normally parabolic in form. These vertical parabolic
curves must therefore be provided at all changes in gradient. The curvature will be determined by
the design speed, being sufficient to provide adequate driver comfort with appropriate stopping
sight distances provided. The most desirable design is one with long vertical curves between grade
tangents that provides smooth riding qualities and good visibility with the minimum amount of
earth work.
Grade is a measure of the inclination, or slope, of the roadway. It is defined as the rise over the
run. In other words, a 10% grade simply means that the elevation of the roadway increases by 10
meter for every 100 meter of horizontal distance. Grade affects speed, capacity and cost of
Maximum Gradients
Vehicle operations on gradients are complex and depend on a number of factors: severity and
length of gradient; level and composition of traffic; and the number of overtaking opportunities on
the gradient and in its vicinity.
For very low levels of traffic flow represented by only a few four-wheel drive vehicles other
references advocate a maximum traversable gradient of up to 18 percent. Small commercial
vehicles can usually negotiate an 18 per cent gradient; whilst two-wheel drive trucks can
successfully manage gradients of 15-16 per cent except when heavily laden.
However, the vehicle fleet in Ethiopia is composed of a high percentage of vehicles that are
underpowered and poorly maintained. Certain existing roads in fact are avoided and underutilized
by traffic due to an inability to ascend the existing grades. The ERA finds it is in a position where
it has no choice but to limit gradients based on the design vehicle of existing fleet, although this
translates into an added cost to develop the road infrastructure.
Maximum vertical gradient is therefore and extremely important criterion that greatly effects both
the serviceability and cost of the road.
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Faculty of Civil Engineering AMIT
Table 4-5: Maximum Gradients
Standards for desirable maximum gradients were set to assure user comfort and to avoid severe
reductions in the design speed. If the occasional terrain anomaly is encountered that requires
excessive earthworks to reduce the vertical alignment to the desirable standard an absolute
maximum gradient can be used. Employment of a gradient in excess of the desirable maximum
can only be authorized through the employment of a Departure from Standard.
Maximum Gradients at SWITCH BACKS
Where switchback curves are unavoidable in mountainous or escarpment terrain, there is a need to
reduce the maximum allowable gradient at any point through the curve. The maximum allowable
gradient through a switchback curve is 4 percent for road standards DS1-DS5, and 6 percent for
DS6-DS10. Minimum allowable gradient is 0.5%.
Minimum Gradients
The minimum gradient for the usual case is 0.5 percent. However, flat and level gradients on
uncurbed paved highways are acceptable when the cross slope and carriageway elevation above
the surrounding ground is adequate to drain the surface laterally. With curbed highways or streets,
longitudinal gradients should be provided to facilitate surface drainage.
Critical length of gradient
Critical length may be defined at the point at which a truck reaches a certain speed or the point at
which it has lost a certain amount of speed.
Critical length of gradient is considered to be the maximum length of a designated upgrade upon
which a loaded truck can operate without unreasonable reduction in speed.
Critical length of gradient is, to some extent, dependent on the gradient of the approach; a
downhill approach will allow vehicles to gain momentum and increase the critical length.
Climbing Lanes
A climbing lane is an effective means of reducing the impact of a steep gradient. A climbing lane
is an auxiliary lane added outside the continuous lanes and has the effect of reducing congestion in
the through lanes by removing slower moving vehicles from the traffic stream. It also enhances
road safety by reducing the speed differential in the through lane. The requirements for climbing
lanes are therefore based on road standard, speed and traffic volume.
Benefits from the provision of a climbing lane accrue because faster vehicles are able to overtake
more easily, resulting in shorter average journey times, reduced vehicle-operating costs, and
increased safety. Benefits will increase with increases in gradient, length of gradient, traffic flow,
the proportion of trucks, and reductions in overtaking opportunities. The effect of a climbing lane
in breaking up queues of vehicles held up by a slow moving truck will continue for some distance
along the road.
Climbing lanes must be considered for roads when present traffic volumes are greater than 400
ADT. Thus the application of climbing lanes is limited particularly to trunk and link roads. Table
4-21 is prepared according to the criteria that a 20 km/h speed reduction is expected for a truck. It
is used in the design to indicate locations where climbing lanes are recommended.
Climbing lanes must be clearly marked and, where possible, should end on level or downhill
sections where speed differences between different classes of vehicles are lowest to allow safe and
efficient merging maneuvers.
Critical Length of Gradient above
Gradient Desirable
Design Class which a Climbing Lane is
(%) Length of
required (m)
Gradient (m)
DS2 &3 4 300 900
DS2, 3 & 4 5 240 800
DS2, 3 & 4 6 200 700
DS2, 3 & 4 7 170 600
DS2, 3 & 4 8 150 500
DS2, 3 & 4 9 130 400
DS2, 3 & 4 10 Required 400
DS4 11 Required 400
DS4 12 Required 400
In highway design, most vertical curves are equal-tangent curves. This means that the horizontal
distance from the center of the curve to the end of the curve is identical in both directions.
In highway design, the grades of the disjointed segments of roadway are normally known before
any vertical curve calculations are initiated. In addition, the design speed of the roadway and the
sight distance are also well established. The first step in the design of a vertical curve is the
calculation of the curve length, which is the length of the curve as it would appear when projected
on the x-axis.
g 2 g1
g2 = rL + c1. Putting c1 = g1, g2 = rL + g1, r = .
dy g g1 g g1 x 2
= 2 x + g1. Integrating again, y = 2 + g1x + c2. At x = 0, c2 = y =
dx L L 2
g 2 g1 x
elevation of PVC. y= + g1x + Elevation of PVC.
L 2
The vertical offsets from a tangent to the vertical curve vary as the square of the distance,
g 2 g1 x 2 Ax 2
offset e = , taking g2 – g1 = A, e = because slope is defined in
L 2 2 L *100
AL e E
percent. Where x = L/2, e = E; E = , and 2 = is constant for the whole
800 x L / 22
Ax 2
curve. Offset at any distance x, is given by e= where A = g2 – g1
Crest vertical curves are curves that connect inclined sections of roadway, forming a crest, and
they are relatively easy to design. The stopping sight distance is usually the controlling sight
distance in determining the length of crest curves, but even the passing sight distance could be
used if desired. The passing sight distance is rarely ever used as the design sight distance, because
it demands long, gentle curvatures that are expensive and difficult to construct. The sight distance
and the length of the curve can be related to each other in one of two ways. Sight distance S and
length L are considered to be horizontal projections of the lines of sight and the length of curve
respectively. The first possibility is that the sight distance is less than the length of the
curve. Alternatively, the length of the curve could be less than the sight distance.
Case I. S > L
L = Length of the crest vertical curve (ft)
S = Sight distance (ft)
Lecture Note: - Highway Geometric Design Page 30
Faculty of Civil Engineering AMIT
A = The change in grades ( |G2-G1| as a percent)
h1 = Height of the driver's eyes above the ground (ft.)
h2 = Height of the object above the roadway (ft.)
The heights in the calculations above should be those that correspond to the sight distance of
interest. For the stopping sight distance, h1 = 3.5 ft. and h2 = 0.5 ft. For the passing sight
distance, h1 = 3.5 ft. and h2 = 4.25 ft.
While the sight distance has been portrayed as the only parameter that affects the design of vertical
curves, this isn't entirely true. Vertical curves should also be comfortable for the driver,
aesthetically pleasing, safe, and capable of facilitating proper drainage. In the special case of crest
vertical curves, it just so happens that a curve designed with adequate sight distances in mind is
usually aesthetically pleasing and comfortable for the driver. In addition, drainage is rarely a
special concern for crest vertical curves.
Sag vertical curves are curves that connect descending grades, forming a bowl or sag. Designing
them is very similar to the design of crest vertical curves. Once again, the sight distance is the
parameter that is normally employed to find the length of the curve. When designing a sag vertical
curve, however, the engineer must pay special attention to the comfort of the drivers.
The length of sag vertical curves, which is the only parameter that we need for design, is
determined by considering sight distance, driver comfort, drainage, and aesthetics. Once again,
the aesthetics and driver comfort concerns are normally automatically resolved when the curve is
designed with adequate sight distance in mind. Driver comfort, for example, requires a curve
length that is approximately 50% of the curve length required for the sight distance. Drainage may
be a problem if the curve is quite long and flat, or if the sag is within a cut. For more information
on these secondary concerns, see your local design manuals.
The theory behind the sight distance calculations for sag vertical curves is only slightly different
from that for crest vertical curves. Sag vertical curves normally present drivers with a
commanding view of the roadway during the daylight hours, but unfortunately, they truncate the
forward spread of the driver's headlights at night. Because the sight distance is restricted after
In addition, the headlights of the vehicle are assumed to reside 2 ft above the roadway surface. As
with crest vertical curves, these assumptions lead to two possible configurations, one in which the
sight distance is greater than the curve length, and one in which the opposite is true. The figure
below illustrates these possibilities.
As with crest vertical curves, each possibility has a different design equation. All that you need to
do, therefore, is make sure that the results from the equation that you use are consistent with that
equation's assumptions. For example, if you employ the equation that assumes the sight distance is
greater than the curve length, you should make sure that the resulting curve length is less than the
sight distance. The equations for each possibility are given below.
Case I. S > L
L = Curve length (ft.)
S = Sight distance (ft.) (normally the stopping sight distance)
B = Beam upward divergence (°) (normally assumed as 1°)
H = Height of the headlights (ft.) (normally assumed as 2 ft.)
A = Change in grade (|G2-G1| as a percent)
Riding comfort: - The effect of comfort of driving in vertical direction is more pronounced in
sag curves than on crest vertical curves. The effect is not measured readily but a general
conclusion is that riding is comfortable on sag curves when radial acceleration does not exceed
When sag curves occur at an under pass, the overhead structure may shorten the sight
distance. Therefore, the minimum length of vertical curve which will provide a specified
sight distance for under pass structures should also be considered.
H1 C H2
L/2 L/2
From similarity of triangles; = =½+ ;Y=C- 1 ,E=
L 2E 2E 2 800
800 H1 H 2
Therefore, L = 2S - d , where H1 is the height of drivers eye above road; H2
A 2
is object height (usually taken as the tail light height = 0.45m).
AS 2
Defects may arise if an alignment is mis-phased. Defects may be purely visual and do no more
than present the driver with an aesthetically displeasing impression of the road. Such defects often
occur on sag curves. When these defects are severe, they may create a psychological obstacle and
cause some drivers to reduce speed unnecessarily. In other cases, the defects may endanger the
safety of the user by concealing hazards on the road ahead. A sharp bend hidden by a crest curve is
an example of this kind of defect.
Types of Mis-Phasing and Corresponding Corrective Action
When the horizontal and vertical curves are adequately separated or when they are coincident, no
phasing problem occurs and no corrective action is required. Where defects occur, phasing may
be achieved either by separating the curves or by adjusting their lengths such that vertical and
horizontal curves begin at a common station and end at a common station. In some cases,
depending on the curvature, it is sufficient if only one end of each of the curves is at a common
Cases of mis-phasing fall into several types. These are described below together with the
necessary corrective action for each type.
If a vertical curve overlaps either the beginning or the end of a horizontal curve, a driver’s
perception of the change of direction at the start of the horizontal curve may be delayed because
his sight distance is reduced by the vertical curve. This defect is hazardous. The position of the
crest is important because the vehicles tend to increase speed on the down gradient following the
highest point of the crest curve, and the danger due to an unexpected change of direction is
consequently greater. If a vertical sag curve overlaps a horizontal curve, an apparent kink may be
produced, as indicated in Figures 4:23b and c.
The defect may be corrected in both cases by completely separating the curves. If this is
uneconomic, the curves must be adjusted so that they are coincident at both ends, if the horizontal
curve is of short radius, or they need be coincident at only one end, if the horizontal curve is of
longer radius.
If there is insufficient separation between the ends of the horizontal and vertical curves, a false
reverse curve may appear on the outside edge-line at the beginning of the horizontal curve. This is
a visual defect, illustrated in Figure 4-23d. Corrective action consists of increasing the separation
between the curves, or making the curves concurrent, as in Figure 4-23a.
If both ends of a crest curve lie on a sharp horizontal curve, the radius of the horizontal curve may
appear to the driver to decrease abruptly over the length of the crest curve. If the vertical curve is
a sag curve, the radius of the horizontal curve may appear to increase. An example of such a
visual defect is shown in Figure 4-23e. The corrective action is to make both ends of the curves
coincident as in Figure 4-23a, or to separate them.
If a vertical crest curve overlaps both ends of a sharp horizontal curve, a hazard may be created
because a vehicle has to undergo a sudden change of direction during the passage of the vertical
curve while sight distance is reduced.
The corrective action is to make both ends of the curves coincident. If the horizontal curve is less
sharp, a hazard may still be created if the crest occurs off the horizontal curve. This is because the
change of direction at the beginning of the horizontal curve will then occur on a downgrade (for
traffic in one direction) where vehicles may be increasing speed.
The corrective action is to make the curves coincident at one end so as to bring the crest on to the
horizontal curve. No action is necessary if a vertical curve that has no crest is combined with a
gentle horizontal curve. If the vertical curve is a sag curve, an illusory crest or dip, depending on
the “hand” of the horizontal curve will appear in the road alignment. The corrective action is to
make both ends of the curves coincident or to separate them.
A sag curve occurs between two horizontal curves in the same direction in Figure 4-23g. This
illustrates the need to avoid broken back curves in design. A double sag curve occurs at one
horizontal curve in Figure 4-23h. This illustrates the effect in this case of a broken back vertical
alignment on design. Figure 4-23i shows a lack of phasing of horizontal and vertical curves. In
this case, the vertical alignment has been allowed to be more curvilinear than the horizontal
A cross-section will normally consist of the carriageway, shoulders or curbs, drainage features,
and earthwork profiles. These terms are defined in the Definition portion of the manual text; major
elements are repeated here for clarity:
Carriageway- the part of the road constructed for use by moving traffic, including traffic
lanes, auxiliary lanes such as acceleration and deceleration lanes, climbing lanes, and
passing lanes, and bus bays and lay-byes.
Roadway- consists of the carriageway and the shoulders, parking lanes and viewing areas
For urban cross-sections, cross-section elements may also include facilities for pedestrians,
cyclists, or other specialist user groups. These include curbs, footpaths, and islands. It may also
provide for parking lanes. For dual carriageways, the cross-section will also include medians. The
elements of a roadway Cross Sections are illustrated below.
Lane and shoulder widths should be adjusted to traffic requirements and characteristics of the
terrain. The cross-section may vary over a particular route because these controlling factors vary.
The basic requirements are, however, that changes in cross-section standards shall be uniform
within each sub-section of the route and that any changes of the cross-section shall be effected
gradually and logically over a transition length. Abrupt or isolated changes in cross-section
standards lead to increased hazards and reduced traffic capacity and complicate construction
operations.In certain cases, however, it may be necessary to accept isolated reductions in cross-
section standards, for example when an existing narrow structure has to be retained because it is
not economically feasible to replace it. In such cases a proper application of traffic signs and road
markings is required to warn motorists of the discontinuity in the road. However, all such narrow
structures must be widened or replaced however when the width across the structure is less than
the adjacent carriageway width.
A feature of a highway having great influence on safety and comfort is the width of the
carriageway. Lane widths of 3.65m are used for Design Classes DS1 and DS2. The extra cost of
A shoulder is the portion of the roadway contiguous to the carriageway for the accommodation of
stopped vehicles; traditional and intermediate non-motorized traffic, animals, and pedestrians;
emergency use; the recovery of errant vehicles; and lateral support of the pavement courses.
Shoulder widths vs. design standards, terrain type, and urban/rural environment are presented in
Table 4-2. They vary from no shoulder on minor rural roads where there is no surfacing, to a 1.5-
3.0m or even greater sealed shoulder on major roads depending on the terrain and design
Where the carriageway is paved, the shoulder should also be sealed with a single bituminous
surface treatment. This has several advantages. It would prevent edge raveling and maintenance
problems associated with parking on a gravel shoulder. It would provide paved space for vehicular
parking outside of the traffic flow. It would provide a better surface for vehicles experiencing
emergency repairs. It would also provide for the very heavy pedestrian traffic observed in the
villages, traffic that would otherwise, especially during inclement weather, use the roadway. All of
the above also indicate an improvement in terms of roadway safety.
The sealed shoulder width may increase to 3.5 meters in urban/peri-urban areas where a provision
for a parking lane is required. The degree of urbanization determines whether a parking lane is
required. In urban areas, the shoulders should be paved rather than sealed.
For Design Standard DS3 roads, the engineer often needs to be observant and use his discretion in
defining the width of the shoulder. On market days, the urban center can cause a high volume of
pedestrian traffic commencing a significant distance outside of the center, indicating a need to
consider the higher limit over this distance. The actual shoulder width provided shall be
determined from an assessment of the total traffic flow and level of non-motorized traffic for each
road section.
In cases where terrain is severe, the existing roadway width is narrow, and where the shoulder
width could only be maintained through an excessive volume of earthwork – e.g. at escarpment
conditions, standards can be reduced through the Departure from Standard process.
Normal crossfall (or camber, crown) should be sufficient to provide adequate surface drainage
whilst not being so great as to make steering difficult. The ability of a surface to shed water varies
with its smoothness and integrity. On unpaved roads, the minimum acceptable value of crossfall
The normal crossfall should be 2.5 percent on paved roads and 4 percent on unpaved roads.
Shoulders having the same surface as the roadway should have the same normal crossfall.
Unpaved shoulders on a paved road should be 1.5 percent steeper than the crossfall of the
roadway. The precise choice of normal crossfall on unpaved roads will vary with construction type
and material rather than any geometric design requirement. In most circumstances, crossfalls of 4
percent should be used, although the value will change throughout the maintenance cycle. The
recommended applications of normal crossfall are given ERA design manual 2002
Research has found that rounding at the hinge point can significantly reduce the hazard potential.
Embankment or fill slopes parallel to the flow of traffic may be defined as recoverable, non-
recoverable, or critical. Recoverable slopes include all embankment slopes 1:4 or flatter.
Motorists who encroach on recoverable slopes can generally stop their vehicles or slow them
enough to return to the roadway safely. Fixed obstacles such as culvert head walls should not
extend above the embankment within the clear zone distance.
A non-recoverable slope is defined as one which is traversable, but from which most motorists
will be unable to stop or to return to the roadway easily. Typically, vehicles on such slopes
typically can be expected to reach the bottom. Embankments between 1:3 and 1:4 generally fall
into this category.
Table 3-23 indicates the side slope ratios recommended for use in the design according to the
height of fill and cut, and the material.
Table 4.7: Slope Ratio Table – Vertical to Horizontal
However, this table should be used as a guide only, particularly as concerns applicable standards
in rock cuts, where a controlling influence is cost. Note also that certain soils that may be present
at sub grade may be unstable at 1:2 side slopes, and for these soils a higher standard will need to
be applied. Slope configuration and treatments in areas with identified slope stability problems
should be addressed as a final design issue.
For detailed design of roadside ditches, refer to Highway Engineering II. However, a summary of
minimum ditch dimensions is given as follows.
Minimum depth of ditches should be 0.6m in mountainous and escarpment terrain, and 1.0m
elsewhere, using a “v-ditch” configuration. The side slope and back slope of ditches should
generally be no less than 1:2; however, these slopes should conform to the slopes given in Table
Side drains should be avoided in areas with expansive clay soils such as black cotton soils. Where
this is not possible, they shall be kept at a minimum distance of 4-6m from the toe of the
embankment, dependent on functional classification (6m for trunk roads), as shown in Figure 4-
Once a vehicle has left the roadway, an accident may occur. The end result of an encroachment
depends upon the physical characteristics of the roadside environment. Flat, traversable, stable
slopes will minimize overturning accidents, which are usually severe. Elimination of roadside
furniture or its relocation to less vulnerable areas is options in the development of safer roadsides.
If a fixed object or other roadside hazard cannot be eliminated, relocated, modified, or shielded,
for whatever reason, consideration should be given to delineating the feature so it is readily visible
to a motorist.
For adequate safety, it is desirable to provide an unencumbered roadside recovery area that is as
wide as practical on a specific highway section. The cleared width should be a minimum of 15
meters each side from the edge of the roadway for the higher road standards.
For lower standard roads, the clear zone can be reduced as practical. It should extend beyond the
toe of the slope. Lateral clearances between roadside objects and obstructions and the edge of the
carriageway should normally be not less than 1.5 meters. At existing pipe culverts, box culverts
and bridges, the clearance cannot be less than the carriageway width; if this clearance is not met,
the structure must be widened. New pipe and box culvert installations, and extensions to same,
must be designed with a 1.5-meter clearance from the edge of the shoulder.
Horizontal clearance to road signs, marker posts, etc. shall be a minimum of 1.0m from the edge
of the carriageway.
Right-of-ways, or road reserves, are provided in order to accommodate road width and to enhance
the safety, operation and appearance of the roads. The width of right-of-way depends on the cross
section elements of the highway, topography and other physical controls together with economic
considerations. Although it is desirable to acquire sufficient right-of-way to accommodate all
Right of ways will be equidistant from the centerline of the road to the left and to the right of the
carriageway. It should always be determined and shown on the final design plans of road projects.
Road reserve widths applicable for the different road classes are given in Tables 4-3 through 4-12.
Additional areas required for outlets etc., should be provided in a manner that will not endanger
the future integrity of the drainage facility and will provide adjoining land owners restricted use of
this land after completion of the road.
Reduced widths should be adopted only when these are found necessary for economic, financial or
environmental reasons in order to preserve valuable land, resources or existing development or
when provision of the desirable width would incur unreasonably high costs because of physical
constraints. In such cases, it is recommended that the right-of-way should extend a minimum of a
nominal 3 meters from the edges of the road works. However, where this occurs, it is advisable to
restrict building activity along the road to prevent overcrowding, to preserve space for future
improvements, and to provide for sight distances at curves. The distance across the carriageway
from building line to building line should be a minimum of 15m.
For dual carriageway roads it may be necessary to increase the road reserve width above the given
Four lane and divided roads are required when the design traffic volume is sufficient to justify
their use. They are also frequently used in urban/peri-urban areas.
A minimum median width of 5.0 meters is required to allow the provision of left-turning lanes
outside of the adjacent carriageway, and to avoid having a turning passenger vehicle from the
minor road protrude into the through lanes. Geometric Standards for four lane roads are given in
Tables 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3.
Normally, passing bays should be located every 300 to 500 meters depending on the terrain and
geometric conditions. However, adjacent passing bays must be inter-visible. Account should be
taken of sight distances, the likelihood of vehicles meeting between passing bays and the potential
difficulty of reversing. In general, passing bays should be constructed as the most economic
locations as determined by terrain and ground conditions, such as transitions from cuttings to
embankment, rather than at precise intervals. The length of individual passing bays will vary with
local conditions and the type of design vehicle but, generally, a length of 20 meters including
tapers will cater for most commercial vehicles.