Lab Report For Epoxy Resin Polymer Concrete by Group 3 Extension
Lab Report For Epoxy Resin Polymer Concrete by Group 3 Extension
Lab Report For Epoxy Resin Polymer Concrete by Group 3 Extension
February 2022
Polymer Concrete:
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Abstract .......................................................................................................................................................ii
1. Objectives: ............................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Theoretical Background .................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Scope and Limitations ................................................................................................................ 3
3. Material and Equipment Used .......................................................................................................... 5
3.1. Materials Used .............................................................................................................................. 5
3.2. Equipment Used ........................................................................................................................... 5
4. Experimental Procedure .................................................................................................................... 5
4.1. Coarse Aggregate: ...................................................................................................................... 6
4.2. Fine Aggregate: ............................................................................................................................ 8
4.3. Filler : Fly Ash ................................................................................................................................ 8
4.4. Epoxy Resin ................................................................................................................................... 9
5. Mix Design: Laboratory Trial Mix Preparation ........................................................................... 11
5.1. Laboratory Mix Preparation .................................................................................................... 12
5.2. Specimen Preparation .............................................................................................................. 13
5.3. Specimen De-molding and Curing ........................................................................................ 14
6. Analysis of Data .................................................................................................................................. 15
6.1. Sample Measurement ............................................................................................................... 15
6.2. Destructive Test ......................................................................................................................... 15
6.3. Failure Modes .............................................................................................................................. 17
6.4. Experimental Result and Discussion .................................................................................... 18
7. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 19
8. REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 20
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1. Objectives:
The objective of this experimental trial laboratory is to determine the physical and
mechanical property of epoxy resin polymer concrete and to investigate the effect of
polymer, by the use of epoxy resin as a binder by replacing cement and by the
additions of other ingredients like fine and coarse aggregates measured in
accordance with researcher’s recommendation to produce higher performance
concrete than the normal conventional concrete.
To achieve this objective there were three minor objectives created by the researcher,
which will be used as the three studies for the project. The first of these was to find
the ideal resin to filler ratio that provides the best distribution of the coarse aggregate
for the least amount of air voids. Then, using the resin to filler ratio from Study One,
Study Two varies the amount of aggregate to investigate the strength properties of the
specimens. Finally, using the strongest mix from Study Two, an Empirical Prediction
Formula will be formed relating the tensile strength to compressive strength.
Study One shows that the ideal resin to filler ratio is 60% resin to 40% filler. Using
this ratio in Study Two, it was found that the mix design with no aggregate in the mix
was the strongest for all strength tests. It was determined that this is due to the
addition of aggregate to the mix causing air voids, therefore reducing the strength.
However, for all three tests, it was observed that the maximum strength varied little
between the four mix designs confirming that the addition of aggregate and how
much is added does not have a large impact on the strength of the sample. It can also
be seen that the Young’s Modulus for all the compressive samples is quite low,
therefore showing excellent elasticity of the mix designs which was a desired
As the amount of aggregate added to the mix does not have a notable effect on the
strength or elasticity of polymer concrete, course aggregate can be added to the mix
to reduce the cost of the epoxy resin concrete allowing the product to be more cost
competitive in the general construction sector.
2. Theoretical Background
The most common type of concrete is comprised of three main ingredients; water,
aggregate and cement, which are combined with different ratios depending on the
characteristics required. Normal concrete is known to be weak in tensile strength,
brittle and easily erodible by chemicals and high velocity water flow. This is
becoming an ever growing problem in today’s society with the need for the least
amount of maintenance and longer lasting structures. In early 1950 research into a
different form of concrete was discovered, polymer concrete (Aravinthan, 2013).
Polymer concrete has increased strength characteristics, as well as improved
resistance to environmental factors and a faster curing time.
With such improved properties, polymer concrete became a fast growing area of
research. Moving forward to 2015 and polymer concrete is widely used across the
world. The only set back is that it is quite expensive to produce, and therefore is only
used for smaller projects such as drainage pipes and coatings over other structural
components. Polymer concrete is also commonly used for projects that require a
quick curing time, such as bridge repair. There are many different types of polymer
concrete, depending on the characteristics required. This report shows on the
development of epoxy based polymer concrete, which is a relatively new area of
research and there is still much to learn about the properties and how the specimens
will react under different conditions.
The main area that hasn’t been researched is the use of aggregates in polymer
concrete. Aggregates are being added to the polymer concrete to find if this will have
an effect on the strength characteristics of the specimen. There are so many different
factors effecting polymer concrete already that the use of course aggregate has not
been investigated, therefore there is no standard to follow. This is why it is important
to carry out further research into what effect aggregates have on epoxy resin polymer
Polymer concrete is comprised of three major parts; aggregate, synthetic resin and
other additives. The most commonly used resins for polymer concrete include
unsaturated polymer resin, methyl methacrylate, epoxy resins, furan resins and
polyurethane resins (System i Technologie, 2009). Aggregate used in the mix is
either coarse aggregate, greater than 5mm, or fine aggregate, less than 5 mm
(America's Concrete Manufacturer, 2015).
The use of polymer concrete is all attributed to its rapid curing; it reaches more than
70% of its final strength within one day of curing (Choi, 2012). This particular trial
test was done using Abay Paint Super Epoxy Floor Coating Clear Resin; however it
can be assumed that epoxy resin will cure in the same fashion. This is much quicker
than that of normal concrete, which only reaches 20% within the first day of curing
(Singh, 2013).
Full strength can be reached even quicker if the polymer concrete goes through high
temperature curing, however this is only done if completely necessary. This is due to
the curing temperature not having a large effect on the overall strength of the
materials (Choi, 2012). For this experiment the specimens will be cured at room
temperature for 7 days, in that time the samples will have reached full strength. This
is also a cost effective method and would replicate field casting.
The researcher inputs and limitation on materials requirement were epoxy resin,
hardener, fly ash, fire retardant filler, hollow microsphere filler and coarse aggregate.
There will be three strength tests by the researcher completed for study two, these are
compression, flexural and tensile.
However in our trial mix and tests, due to the shortage and unavailability of input
materials we have limited the mix as follows:
• Epoxy and hardener (as a binder)
• Fly ash (used)
• Fire retardant filler These both fillers were replaced by
natural river sand due to unavailability
• Hollow microsphere filler
• Coarse Aggregate (used)
The limitations for this trial mix include the restricted amount of epoxy resin, the
types of filler that are available and the type of aggregate. Also, the investigation of
the properties is limited to compression strength. This were mainly due to the cost of
epoxy is expensive and mortar flexural test machine couldn’t able to test a specimen
having size of 4cm*4cm*16cm.
Most importantly there are no manuals to follow and adopt the mix
design for preparation of epoxy resin polymer concrete but left only with to
sue researcher’s recommendations and check whether the recommendations
were true records. The study under this section is under research level.
4. Experimental Procedure
For preparing this experimental trial laboratory test we have used the procedures and
recommendation set by the researcher. However, we made a physical characterization of the
fine and coarse aggregates. However they are not relevant as the research recommends the
proportions of ingredients for the mix preparation is by weight.
4.1. Coarse Aggregate:
As there is no standard for the use of aggregate in polymer concrete, this is where the gap in
research lies and what this project will be investigating. The effect of coarse aggregate on
normal Portland Concrete will be investigated to indicate how the addition of coarse
aggregate will behave in polymer concrete. It was decided to use 10mm coarse basalt
aggregate for the study as there were already experiments conducted on the use of fine
aggregates, such as sand, in polymer concrete mixes already.
Aggregates are used in concrete mixes to improve strength characteristics; it will generally
make up 70%-80% of the weight of a concrete mix (Penn State University, n.d.).
Aggregates are required to be clean, hard and strong, this is to ensure that they are free of
materials that could cause damage to the concrete. There are two main categories of coarse
aggregate, gravels and crushed stone. For this study it was decided to use crushed stone, this
can be obtained from quarry rocks which are then crushed, washed and screened for
cleanliness and gradation. There are many different types of aggregates with many different
properties; the main properties of coarse aggregate are grading, durability, abrasion and skid
resistance, unit weights and voids, particle shape and surface texture, absorption of surface
4.1.1 Preparation of test Sample
We have used sieve size 4.75mm, 9.5mm and 12.5mm and sieved the aggregate to obtain
aggregate nominal size of nearly 10mm. The Material passed through sieve size 12.5mm
and retained on sieve size 4.75mm. While we take the sample we have taken requisitions on
sampling not to be taken from segregated or oversized aggregate section.
Therefore we took nearly 10kg of coarse aggregate sample.
4.1.2 Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregate
The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio between the weight of the substance and that
of the same volume of water. This definition assumes that the substance is solid throughout.
Aggregates, however, have pores that are both permeable and impermeable; whose structure
(size, number, and continuity pattern) affects water absorption, permeability, and specific
gravity of the aggregates.
• Measuring Balance
• Sample Container
• a wire basket of No. 6 (3mm), or finer mesh, or bucket, of approximately equal breadth and
height with a capacity of 4000 to 7000 cm3 Suitable apparatus for suspending the sample
container in water from the center of the scale pan or balance.
a) Wash and remove any dusts on the aggregate and dry the sample to constant weight
at a temperature of 110±5°C, cool in air at room temperature for 1 to 3 hrs., and then
immerse in water at room temperature for a period of 24 ± 4 hrs.
b) Remove the sample from the water and roll in a large absorbent cloth until all visible films
of water are removed. Wipe the larger particles individually. Take care to avoid evaporation
of water from aggregate pores during the operation of surface-drying.
c) Weigh the sample in the saturated-surface-dry condition and record (B).
d) Immediately place the saturated-surface-dry sample in the sample container and determine
its weight in water at room temperature. Take care to remove all entrapped air by shaking
the container while immersed and fully immerse the test sample before weighing (C).
e) Dry the sample to constant weight at a temperature of 110±5°C, cool in air at room
temperature and 1 to 3hrs, and weigh (A)
The aggregate used for the purpose of this trial lab mix is washed, clean and oven died aggregate.
4.2. Fine Aggregate:
The research recommends the use of no fine aggregate but the utilization of fillers
with coarse aggregate was used in the laboratory trial mix. However we have
replaced the added weight of Fire retardant filler and Hollow microsphere filler by
natural sand which is washed and oven dried to obtain zero clay content sand.
Moreover we have used natural sand size from 150 µm to 4.75mm .
• Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregate:
Wt. Com. Com.
Seive Size Retained Retined Passed Standard
(g) % (%)
4.75mm 112 5.99% 5.99% 94.01% 95-100
2.36mm 135 7.22% 13.21% 86.79% 80-100
1.18mm 385 20.59% 33.80% 66.20% 50-85
600µm 598 31.98% 65.78% 34.22% 25-60
300µm 425 22.73% 88.50% 11.50% 10-30
150µm 215 11.50% 100.00% 0.00% 2-10
Pan 0
Total 1870
Modulus 3.07
Fly Ash is the by-product of burning coal in power plants. It is a fine grey powder
mostly consisting of glassy particle and is commonly used as a supplementary
material in concrete as it significantly improves the concrete’s mechanical properties.
The use of fly ash as a filler in normal concrete is well documented, hence why it is
also quite popular for use in polymer concrete. It was found that, in comparison to
other fillers, that fly ash has the best performance in almost all strength testing
(Aravinthan, 2013). Fly Ash is known to improve the workability of the mix which
leads to an excellent surface finish. It also improves the chemical resistance; this is
due to its small particle size and roundness of the particles which reduces the mean
pore size which blocks penetration of the material. Fly ash improves the compressive
strength of the mix (K. S. Rebeiz, et al., 2004), also note that fly ash performs much
better than Silica Fume.
In our trial laboratory we have simply used fly ash obtained from laboratory, which
having a greyish to black color. A byproduct from charcoal burning. We have
removed waste mterials/impurities inside the fly ash by the use of sieve size of
There are many different types of epoxy resins available, for this study the use of
Super epoxy floor coating which is manufactured by Abay Paints was selected, it will
be referred to as Resin-A. This is a clear resin, that when hardened with appropriate
hardner, has very good mechanical, adhesive, dielectric and chemical resistance
properties, (Hexion, 2009). For the resin to cure, it is required to mix it with a
hardener. For this study the same company hardener chosen is hardener for floor
coating. This was chosen due to its fantastic properties as an epoxy curing agent, also
due to the fact that it is completely miscible with a range of different materials.
Picture: Clear Epoxy Packed
Picture: Hardener
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5. Mix Design: Laboratory Trial Mix Preparation
It is to be reminded that the use of epoxy resin polymer concrete in real life application is still on
trials. While manuals or standards not yet produced for the mixing design procedure of this
concrete. However the study is yet under research level.
Therefore as per the research project conducted by Miss Amy Beutel, University of Southern
Queensland, Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, Optimal Mix Design for Epoxy Resin
Polymer Concrete trial mixes were produced and various satisfactory results were obtained. Among
them we have used the optimum values obtained from the trials.
Research Project
Optimal Mix Proportions by Weight 1:1.2:3
Epoxy 1.5
Resin 1
Hardener 1
Accordingly as we have explained before we have adopted the research basic initials and replaced
the fire retardant and microsphere fillers with natural river sand with the corresponding weightage.
Thus we have adopted the following trial lab mix design:
Laboratory Mix Preparation for 2.5 kg of resin: Note that the factory recommendation epoxy to
hardener mix is 1.5:1
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Filler Fly Ash 0.63 kg
Natural Sand 2.37 kg
• Three cylindrical molds having diameter 100mm and height 200mm are
prepared for cube test. These are a true prototype of diameter 150mm and
height of 300mm cylinder mold.
• Three flexural samples which could be tested by mortar flexural testing
machine having size 40mm by 40mm by 160mm length prepared.
One of the best features of polymer concrete is that it doesn’t require curing using water. It
just requires a room temperature for 7 days to cure and attain its full strength.
The sample casted on the molds is placed with room temperature for 24 hours and the
sample will be out from the mold. By this, 24 hr the polymer concrete can attain its full
strength up to 70%.
Then the sample is left at room temperature for an additional curing time of 6 days to attain
its full strength.
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6. Analysis of Data
6.1. Sample Measurement
After the samples were cured for seven days, all samples weight and dimensions were
measured separately and recorded before conducting destructive test.
We only able to conduct destructive test on cylindrical samples for compressive test of
Epoxy resin Polymer concrete. This is due to the size of the specimen for flexural test is
small that couldn’t able to test on the convention concrete testing machine. We in the
beginning assumed that the test could be conducted on the mortar strength test machine, but
failed to conduct due to the high performance of Polymer Concrete.
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Destructive Test for Compressive strength of
Cylindrical Samples
Cylindrical Samples SAMPLES
Data A B C
Max. Load, KN 492.2 487 474.5
Area, mm2 7854 8011.9 7854
Pace, N/mm2/s 0.50 0.50 0.50
STRENGTH,N/mm2 62.67 60.78 60.42
STRENGTH, MPa 62.67 60.78 60.42
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Compressive Test result of Samble B
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Picture: failure crack mode
As it is clearly seen on the pictures of the three samples, all the three
samples have experienced similar mode of failure of de-bonding crack, it is
a common failure crack of concrete under uniaxial compression test where
the micro cracks propagated won’t be in perfectly vertical direction rather
the growth of wing cracks from initially inclined de-bonding crack.
As we have observed from the physical and destructive compressive test, the
densities of samples were 2,109.38, 2,068.82 and 2,134.13 kg/m3 and
Compressive strength of 62.67, 60.78 and 60.42 MPa respectively for samples
A, B and C. The average density is calculated 2,086.68 kg/m3 and the average
compressive strength of 61.29 MPa.
The result obtained both density and strength was consistent and acceptable.
The variances in the values are small, 37.39 kg/m3 and 2.25 MPa for density
and Compressive strength respectively.
The density obtained is lighter than the conventional concrete by certain
The result obtained is higher than that of researcher result, which is 42MPa.
Compressive strength is satisfactory and could use as a high performance of
polymer concrete.
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7. Conclusion
The objective of this trial laboratory mix is to obtain high performance
concrete by using the optimum mix design recommended by the research
paper for epoxy resin polymer concrete with coarse aggregate.
However, in practical use, the Cost of using epoxy resin as the binder in the
preparation of Polymer concrete is costly, which is nearly 1,000 birr per liter
of resin. Thus application of this polymer concrete in Ethiopia replacing the
conventional concrete will be uneconomical.
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Optimal Mix Design for Epoxy Resin Polymer Concrete , University of Southern
Queensland , Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences , Course ENG4111
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