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Annals of Anatomy 250 (2023) 152153

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Annals of Anatomy
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Implantology, bone regeneration and oral health – An international

update 2022

The anatomical journal “Annals of Anatomy” has firmly estab­ half-guided and free-hand implant placement provides the least
lished itself as an interdisciplinary publication medium. In order to accuracy and require more surgical experience to overcome this
make the latest dental research results accessible to an inter­ limitation (Gargallo-Albiol et al., 2019). Undergraduates also benefit
disciplinary specialist audience the special issue “Dentistry” has from applying full-guided implant insertion in order to assess the
become a fixed component of the peer reviewed Journal “Annals of correct implant position (Schulz et al.). In the meantime, it is also
Anatomy” over the past 10 years. On this way, we would like to known that with the help of dental implants in a strategic position
thank all the authors for their contributions as well as the editorial under a removable partial denture (RPD), a mainly tissue-supported
team of Annals of Anatomy for their many years of cooperation. RPD can be changed in an implant-tissue-supported or implant-
Due to the lively interest in this publication medium, an up-to- tooth-tissue-supported RPD (Al Jaghsi and Mundt).
date new special issue "Dentistry" has now been compiled. This Finite element analysis can be used to study the influence of fra­
issue again contains 8 publications on new findings in the field of mework materials on the transferred load to the implant system and the
implantology, bone substitution materials and the use of modern surrounding bone (Keil et al., 2022). This method was now used for the
imaging methods for therapy planning. It thus connects seamlessly analysis of anterior fixed partial denture supported implants with dif­
to the other issues whose publications have recently been sum­ ferent materials (Xie et al.) and for choosing the optimal mandible po­
marized in a review article (Keil et al., 2022). sition for inferior alveolar nerve block (Darawsheh et al.).
A first example of this is the use of autologous dentin particles As the life expectancy of the population continues to increase,
obtained from extracted teeth as bone substitute material. In 2018, oral pathologies and problems are also becoming more common. A
Calvo-Guirado et al. showed that using dentine particles for socket recent review article on the use of mouthwashes pointed out that
preservation, the buccal and lingual bone plates are protected and a these solutions are widely extended in elderly patients. However, the
large amount of new woven bone was formed (Calvo-Guirado et al., various ingredients in the mouthwashes are only effective for certain
2018). Both, good volume maintenance and good histological results diseases, such as chlorhexidine for gingivitis or fluoride for caries
has now been confirmed by extensive literature research in a review (Pérez-Nicolás et al.).
article for dentine (Sanchez-Labrador et al.).
Good biocompatibility between osteoprogenitor cells and bone Declaration of Competing Interest
substitute is necessary for a bone substitute material to induce cell
differentiation and osteogenesis. Peláez-Cruz et al. showed that the None.
in vitro biocompatibility of bone substitution materials can be im­
proved using Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). The addition of Christiane Keil
EGCG reverted the negative effects upon dental pulp stem cell via­ Department of Orthodontics, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
bility, migration and cell adhesion of Bio-Oss®, Gen-Os® as well as
Friedhelm Heinemann
Cerasorb® (Peláez-Cruz et al.).
Department of Prosthodontics, Gerodontology and Biomaterials,
As described recently, using of radiological examination methods
University of Greifswald, Germany
and due to the advancing technical development, many new ana­
tomical aspects were examined and described in the last few years
(Keil et al., 2022). Among other things, it was now possible to de­ References
termine with these noninvasive methods the age limit for the least
pronounced zone of the lower jaw buccal cortical plate in children, Calvo-Guirado, J.L., Cegarra Del Pino, P., Sapoznikov, L., Delgado Ruiz, R.A., Fernandez-
Dominguez, M., Gehrke, S.A., 2018. A new procedure for processing extracted
which is important for the effectiveness of transcortical injections teeth for immediate grafting in post-extraction sockets. An experimental study in
(Vasil’ev et al.). American Fox Hound dogs. Ann. Anat. 217, 14–23.
There is also new knowledge regarding the insertion of dental Gargallo-Albiol, J., Barootchi, S., Salomo-Coll, O., Wang, H.L., 2019. Advantages and
disadvantages of implant navigation surgery. A systematic review. Ann. Anat. 225,
implants. Recently was shown, that in order to facilitate the inser­ 1–10.
tion of dental implants the full-guided static navigation surgical Keil, C., Gredes, T., Gotz, W., Heinemann, F., 2022. Anatomical journals as publication
method demonstrates the highest accuracy, whereas non-computer platforms for dental research. Ann. Anat. 244, 151960.

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