DBSJP Key Stage Four Options Book 25-01-2021

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Welcome to Key Stage Four
Welcome to our 2020-2021 Key Stage 4 Options Booklet.

It is hard to believe that we are already going through the process of welcoming our fourth cohort to Key
Stage 4! Over the last four years, the team at DBS JP have built a rigorous and diverse Key Stage 4
curriculum of which we are very proud.

It is our aim to ensure that all students can find the path that allows them to Enjoy, Aspire and Achieve at
such an important point in their educational journey. As well as offering a breadth of subjects at GCSE,
iGCSE and BTEC with experienced and expert specialist teachers, we maintain the pastoral care and the
‘whole child’ philosophy that permeates the school.

Students are guided into the new ways of working at Key Stage 4 by their excellent Tutors and the help
of the VESPA Mindset study skills program. Students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular
activities, take on leadership roles and build the transferrable skills and independence they will need
alongside their qualifications in the years to come.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child and embarking upon the next phase of their academic
journey together.

Kind regards,

Ms Harris & Ms Higham

Ms Harris Ms Higham
Key Stage 4 Leader Key Stage 4 Assistant Leader

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 3

Introduction to GCSEs
Welcome to your Key Stage Four Options Prospectus. The purpose of this booklet is to:

Present to parents and students the courses which are planned for GCSE, IGCSE and BTEC studies
from September 2021.
Outline the content of each specification, as well as the course structure and assessment criteria.
Help you to make informed decisions appropriate for the subsequent stages of student life.

How does the curriculum work?

Since the National Curriculum continues until the end of Year 11, some of what is studied at Key Stage 4
is compulsory (see the Core Curriculum pages). The remainder of the Key Stage 4 curriculum is optional
(see the Options pages). This is an exciting but often challenging time and we would urge you to talk with
subject teachers, tutors, Mrs Gallacher-Hay (Key Stage 3 Leader) or Miss Pisirici (Head of Year 9) in order
to ensure that the right decisions are made. Whilst we do allow some changes, we generally would not
sanction any after the first two weeks in September 2021.

The following subjects form the compulsory part of the programme of study at Key Stage 4:

Examined Non-Examined

English Language Physical Education

English Literature PSHE, Moral Education & Social Studies

Mathematics Arabic**

Combined Science (Double Award) Islamic Studies (for Muslim students)

The following subjects form the optional part of the programme of study at Key Stage 4:

Languages Humanities Creative Subjects Social Sciences Other

Arabic* History Fine Art Business Studies Physical Education

French Geography Drama Psychology Triple Science***

Spanish Music Computer Science

Design Technology BTEC IT

Food & Nutrition BTEC Business Studies


Media Studies

* Italic subject are statutory requirements from the KHDA

**All students are required to study Arabic from September 2021 until the end of Year 10
***On invitation of the Science Department
Key Stage Four Options Booklet 4
Qualifications Offered
Students are offered a wide range of subjects at Key Stage 4 following the philosophy of the British
education system. The aim is to offer a broad and balanced curriculum for students that will provide them
with internationally recognised qualifications and skills, enabling them to progress into further education,
training or employment. The qualifications that are offered at Key Stage 4 are GCSEs, IGCSEs and BTECs,
more detailed information on these qualifications can be found below.

GCSE/IGCSE – General Certificate of Secondary Education/International General Certificate of

Secondary Education

These qualifications form part of the National Curriculum of England and are taught to students in Year 10
and 11. The courses are studied over two years with formal examinations taking place at the end of Key
Stage 4. International GCSEs are equivalent to GCSE qualifications and are examined in the same way.
Both qualifications are graded on a 9-1 scale, with 9 being the highest grade achievable. Subjects
available in these qualifications are: Arabic, Art, Business, Combined Science, Computer Science, Design
Technology, Drama, English, English Literature, Food and Nutrition, French, Geography, History,
Mathematics, Media Studies, Music, Photography, Physical Education, Psychology, Spanish and Triple

BTEC Level 2 Qualifications – Business and Technology Education Council

These qualifications offer an introduction to a more vocational sector of each academic subject area,
providing a more skills-based approach to learning. The courses are studied over two years with ongoing
assignments being assessed by the teacher, building a portfolio of work. These qualifications are
equivalent to GCSEs and provide progression to further education at Key Stage 5. The assessment
gradings are distinction, merit and pass. Subjects available in this qualification are Business and IT.

Students can select either type of qualification, or a blend of all types of qualification as part of their option
choices and all will provide the opportunity to progress onto courses in Key Stage 5.

Additional Information

Students opting for Triple Science will gain an IGCSE Biology, IGCSE Chemistry and IGCSE Physics. They will
have eight science lessons a week (comprising five from their compulsory science entitlement, plus three
lessons from their optional subject entitlement).

The EBacc, or English Baccalaureate, is a set of subjects that the Department of Education in the UK
recognise as keeping students options open for further study and future careers. To achieve the EBacc
students need to achieve good passes in English, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, a language and
Geography or History. This might be a consideration if you are looking at UK destinations for further study.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 5

Which subjects should I choose?
Students are strongly advised to take their time that their option choices will provide a pathway for
when considering their option choices. If they them to achieve this. There are lots of people on
have a particular ambition for a university course hand who can support and advise in making these
or career, it is particularly important to make sure important decisions.

Making informed decisions for your GCSE choices

Choose your Select subjects Select subjects Use the Options Speak with
options carefully that you have a that match Evening to teachers at
and make the genuine your skills that explore subjects Parents Evening
right choice. interest in you are you are to discuss
studying. confident in. interested in. suitability.

GCSE Option Blocks 2021-2022

Block A Block B Block C Block D Block E

*Triple Science Business History Arabic A Arabic B

BTEC Business Geography Drama Arabic B Art

Design Technology Media Computer Science French Business

Food & Nutrition Music BTEC IT Spanish Geography

Psychology PE Photography


*On invitation of the Science Department

BTEC Level 2 qualifications - Will be dependent upon exam board accreditation and student numbers

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 6

Recommended Skills
Subject Ability/interest in
Commit towards extending your knowledge of French vocabulary to talk about
a wide range of topics
Understand and use the three main time frames (Past, Present and Future) in
the written and spoken form
Communicate in writing and speaking to give information about yourself, your
opinions and your interests
Commit towards extending your knowledge of Spanish vocabulary to talk
about a wide range of topics
Understand and use the three main time frames (Past, Present and Future) in
the written and spoken form
Communicate in writing and speaking to give information about yourself, your
opinions and your interests

Engage in map reading skills

Think and work independently
Geography Engage in critical thinking and commitment to learning extended terminology.
Develop synoptic skills
Provide evidence for both sides of an argument

Form a balanced argument

Analyse sources, and assess their nature, origin and purpose
Organise written work in a logical and structured way
Form judgements based on evidence

Write extended essay questions – describing and evaluating research or

Psychology Think critically about research and theory
Numerical analysis
Scientific enquiry about conducting research and human biology

Engage in Critical analysis

Read and understand extended Case studies and application of knowledge
Engage in Numerical analysis
Be an independent learner

Read and understand extended Case studies and application of knowledge

BTEC Business Engage in Numerical analysis
Be an independent learner and produce a portfolio of assessment work

Engage in Art, Craft and Design, researching skills, using materials and media
to communicate ideas
BTEC Have manufacturing skills
Arts and Graphics Develop knowledge and understanding of basic Design Technology hand tools,
equipment and processes as well as CAD (computer-aided design)

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 7

Recommended Skills
Subject Ability/interest in
Understanding computer graphics, game development or how computer
hardware and software work
After the completion of this course, you could enrol on a similar Level 3 BTEC
course to further your knowledge that will, in turn, help you get into university
to study either game development, computer graphics, animation or computer
systems in general
Students taking GCSE PE should refer to the list of Team sports and Individual
sports, they must already be regularly training in and competing in at least 2 of
the listed sports
Students should be part of school teams and/or ECAs to develop their
practical ability
Have a solid grounding in Mathematics (lots of the physics and chemistry
involve calculations, and even the biology too)
Be analytical
Triple Science
Learn, understand and reproduce complex processes
Be practically competent and able to understand the 'scientific method' to test
and explore scientific hypotheses
Rehearse and devise original material linked to specific practitioners of study
Create original interpretation through characterization
Be disciplined when working independently or within a group environment
Enhance creativity through a set brief
Be organised and take initiative with good communication skills
Critical evaluation and reflections
Engage in inquiry-based learning
Engage in critical and analytical thinking and understanding
Art Think and work independently
Review, refine and modify outcomes
Engage in creative Problem Solving

A passion for Music

The ability to play, or want to learn how to play, an instrument
Creative and be willing to 'think outside the box'
To be able to work both independently and with others
A critical listener, who isn't scared to share their opinions about what they hear

Think and work creatively

Media Studies Have strong analytical skills
Have a strong awareness of cultural context

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 8

Future Choices
How your Key Stage 4 choices/grades will influence your Key Stage 5 options:

A Level Course Exam Board Entry Requirements

It is not a prerequisite that a student wishing to study A Level Art
must have completed GCSE Art and Design, however, you will be
Art and Design AQA expected to produce evidence of ability in drawing and interest in
the subject before being accepted onto the course. Entry onto the
course will require Grade 7 at GCSE or evidence of a high-quality
portfolio of Art.
To follow the Business Studies course you would be expected to
meet the general requirements for A Level courses. In addition,
because the subject is largely based on developing certain numerical
Business studies Edexcel skills and requires higher-level writing skills a Grade 6/B or higher at
(I)GCSE Mathematics and English Language are required. If you have
studied Business Studies at GCSE level, you will need to have
achieved a minimum of a Grade 6 to meet the course requirements.

To follow the Biology course within the Sixth Form you would be
expected to meet the general requirements for AS Level courses.
You need to have achieved at least a Grade 7/A in GCSE Biology with
Biology Edexcel 6 or above in both GCSE Chemistry and Physics. Students that have
studied GCSE Combined Science should have achieved at least a
Grade 7/A. Studying Chemistry at AS Level is also a distinct
advantage. You will need a solid grounding in analytical, numerical
and written skills too. Those students applying who have not
studied GCSEs will be considered on a case by case basis.
To follow the Chemistry course you need to have achieved at least
a Grade 7/A in GCSE Chemistry and 6 or above in both GCSE Biology
and GCSE Physics. Students that have studied GCSE Combined
Chemistry Edexcel Science should have achieved at least a Grade 7/A. In addition,
because the subject is based on developing quantitative skills, a
Grade 7/A or higher at (I)GCSE Mathematics (or equivalent) is
required. Those students applying who have not studied GCSEs will
be considered on a case by case basis.

To follow the Computer Science course you would be expected

to meet the general requirements for A Level courses. In addition,
because the subject is largely based on developing certain numerical
Computer Science Edexcel skills and requires higher-level writing skills a Grade 6 or higher at
(I)GCSE Mathematics and English Language are required. If you have
studied Computer Science at (I)GCSE level, you will need to have
achieved a minimum of a Grade 6 to meet the course requirements.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 9

Future Choices
How your Key Stage 4 choices/grades will influence your Key Stage 5 options:

A Level Course Exam Board EntryRequirements

This course requires students to engage in both practical and
theoretical study and to be both analytical and logical thinkers and
Design AQA creative risk-takers. There is also a 15% maths skills component over
Technology the two written papers; students need to be good communicators
using both written and drawing skills. Those who wish to study
Design at A level require a pass in Design GCSE at Grade 6 or above.

Students are expected to have a Grade 6/B in English

or Drama at GCSE. Many students use the knowledge acquired
during A Level Drama to go directly into employment in a multitude
Drama AQA of related fields. Especially worthwhile combinations with Drama &
Theatre Studies are the following choices English Literature,
Languages, History, Art & Design, Business and Design and
To follow the Economics course you would be expected to meet the
general requirements for A Level courses. In addition, because the
Economics Edexcel subject is largely based on developing certain numerical skills and
requires higher level writing skills a Grade 6/B or higher at (I)GCSE
Mathematics and English Language are required.
To follow the English Literature course you would be expected to
meet the general requirements for A Level courses. In addition,
English Literature AQA
because the subject requires higher level writing and reading skills a
Grade 7/A or higher in both English Language and English Literature.

To follow the English Language course you would be expected to

achieve at least a Grade 7/A in both English Literature and
English Language AQA English Language at GCSE. It would also be preferable to have
studied a Modern Foreign Language at GCSE level with a Grade of at
least a 7/A.
The minimum requirement to continue to AS French is to achieve at
French AQA
least a Grade 7/A in French GCSE.

To follow the Geography course you would be expected to meet the

general requirements for A Level courses. In addition, because the
Geography Edexcel
subject requires higher-level writing skills, a Grade 6/B or higher at
(I)GCSE Geography & English Language is required

To follow the History course within the Sixth Form you would be
expected to meet the general requirements for A Level courses. In
History Edexcel addition, because the subject is based on developing historical and
written skills a Grade 6/B or higher at (I)GCSE History and a Grade
6/B in the English Language is normally required.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 10

Future Choices
How your Key Stage 4 choices/grades will influence your Key Stage 5 options:

A Level Course Exam Board EntryRequirements

Students will be expected to meet the general requirements for A

Mathematics Edexcel Level courses. In addition, students will be expected to have achieved
at least a Grade 7/A at a higher level of (I)GCSE Mathematics.
Students have to achieve Grade 9 at the Higher level of (I)GCSE
Mathematics or an A* grade at the Higher level of the old (I)GCSE
Edexcel Mathematics specification. Acceptance onto the Further
Mathematics A Level course for students who achieve a Grade 8 at
GCSE will be at the discretion of the Mathematics Faculty.

To study Media Studies within the Sixth Form you would be

expected to meet the general requirements for A Level courses. In
addition, because the subject is based on developing critical
Media Studies AQA analytical and written skills, a Grade 6/B or higher in English
Language and ICT is recommended. You do not have to have studied
GCSE Media Studies in order to study the A Level but if you have
studied Media Studies at GCSE, it is expected that you should have
achieved a Grade 6/B or higher to undertake the A Level.
To follow the Music course within the Sixth Form you would be
expected to meet the general requirements for A Level courses. You
need to have achieved at least a Grade 6/B in GCSE Music. In
Music AQA addition, it would be expected that you are a competent performer
of at least an ABRSM Grade 5 standard. If you are a DJ / Music
producer, you would be expected to have a Grade 6/B in GCSE
Music and be confident reading traditional music notation.
It is not a prerequisite that a student wishing to study A Level
Photography must have completed GCSE Photography, however,
Photograhy AQA the you will be expected to produce evidence of ability in
Photography and interest in the subject before being accepted
onto the course. Entry onto the course will require a Grade 7 at
GCSE or evidence of a high-quality portfolio of Photography.
To follow the Physics course within the Sixth Form you would be
expected to meet the general requirements for A Level courses. You
need to have achieved at least a Grade 7 in GCSE Physics and a
Grade 6 or above in both GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Biology.
Physics Edexcel Students that have studied GCSE Combined Science should have
achieved at least a Grade 7/A. In addition, as the subject is based on
developing numerical and analytical skills, a Grade 7/A or higher at
(I)GCSE Mathematics is required. Taking Mathematics at A level
would also be an advantage. Those students applying who have not
studied GCSEs will be considered on a case by case basis. .

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 10

Future Choices
How your Key Stage 4 choices/grades will influence your Key Stage 5 options:

A Level Course Exam Board GCSE Requirements

Psychology draws on skill sets from different subject areas. The
subject is rigorously scientific and a Grade 6/B in GCSE Science (most
suitable is Biology but any science will do), Grade 5/B in Mathematics
is the bare minimum to understand the nature of experimental
Psychology AQA procedures, research methods, statistical testing and drawing
conclusions from evidence. The subject also requires a considerable
volume of extended written work and candidates will also need a
Grade 6/B in any GCSE subject requiring extended writing: including
English, and Geography/History would be suitable alternatives.

The minimum requirement to continue to AS Spanish is to achieve at

least a Grade 7/A in Spanish GCSE.

How your Key Stage 4 choices/grades will influence your BTEC National Diploma Choice:

BTEC Course Exam Board Entry Requirements

Business BTEC To follow this course within the Sixth Form you would be expected
Studies National to meet the general requirements of 4 9-5 (A*-C) including Grade
Diploma 5/C (I)GCSE Mathematics and English Language.

Travel BTEC
Students must have a total of 4 9-5 (A*- C) Grades at (I)GCSE
and Tourism National
Level, including Mathematics and English Language.
Students must have a total of 4 9-5 (A*- C) Grades at (I)GCSE Level,
BTEC including Mathematics and English Language; including a 5 or
National higher in PE, and a Grade 4 or higher in Biology would also be
Diploma beneficial. Entry grades should be discussed with the BTEC
teachers if you have any queries.
Students must have a total of 4 9-5 (A*- C) Grades at
BTEC IT National
(I)GCSE Level, including Mathematics and English Language.
BTEC No specific requirements needed, however, you will be at an
BTEC National advantage should you have completed the Art & Design BTEC Level
Art & Design Diploma 2 course.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 12

Arabic GCSE - 1AA0 – H (9-1)
Course Outline

The GCSE Arabic course is designed to develop students’ performance in the four core skills of listening,
speaking, reading and writing.

Course Details

The course is topic-based with students covering five modules over two years, building on their previous
knowledge of basic vocabulary and grammar.

Theme 1- Identity and culture Theme 4- Future aspirations, study and work;

Theme 2 - Local area, holiday and International and global dimension

travel Theme 5 - International and global dimension
Theme 3 - School Theme 6 - Revision

By the end of the course, students will be able to confidently use a number of tenses and structures to
communicate when travelling abroad or dealing with Arabic speaking people.

Assessment Criteria

All formal assessments take place at the End of Year 11. The formal assessment includes examinations in
oral, listening, reading and writing skills. Each component is 25% of the total mark.

Career Prospects

People with language skills and knowledge usually have an advantage over people without them. They
stand out as talented and successful people, with broad and exciting horizons. Taking GCSE Arabic means
you will:

Add an extra dimension to your personal skills profile which will impress anyone who reads your CV. Be in
a stronger position to get a job in companies with international links or improve employability if you would
like to work abroad. Be able to work or study in an Arabic-speaking country in later life. Be able to study AS
and A level Arabic courses to further your knowledge of the language and culture. Find it easier to learn
other languages later if you want to.

Note: All students will be required to study Arabic in Year10. GCSE Arabic will then be offered to students
who are confident and competent in its completion.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 14

English Language A – IGCSE Edexcel – 4EA1 - BR
Course Outline GCSE in English Language (Specification A) is
............................................................................................... designed as a two-year course. The specification
includes a wide range of reading and writing - the
The English Faculty delivers the Edexcel IGCSE for reading requirements of the course are covered in
both English Language and English Literature. the Pearson Edexcel International English IGCSE
This IGCSE is exclusive to independent and Anthology, for use throughout the course and the
international schools. The Edexcel International examination.

Course Details

Paper 1: Paper 2:

Reading (30%)· Reading (20%)·

Non-fiction texts e.g. articles, Part 2 of the Pearson Edexcel International
reviews, speeches, English IGCSE Anthology.
autobiographies, letters, obituaries Both poetry and prose texts from a range of
and travel writing.· genres and cultures.
Develop skills of interpretation and Develop independent inference and analysis
analysis.· skills, show understanding of linguistic and
English Language

Part 1 of the Pearson Edexcel structural devices and their effects

International English IGCSE Writing 20%)
Anthology. Focus on writer’s craft.
Writing (30%) Range of techniques, planning, and
Developing writing using what is proofreading skills.·
learned through the Reading Writing to explore, imagine and entertain.
Focus on the quality and accuracy
of writing and non-fiction writing
techniques, planning, and
Considering purpose e.g. to inform,
explain and describe, audience,
language and layout.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 15

Assessment Criteria

Paper 1: Paper 2:

Section A (Reading)· Assignment A (Reading)

15 minutes for reading and 60 Split into two parts. Part 1 will be the set
minutes for answering is advised. assignment and Part 2 will be a short
One extract from the Anthology commentary explaining the students’ choice
and one unseen extract. of texts.
Short and long answer questions
English Language

where all questions are to be Assignment B (Writing)

answered. A single piece of personal and imaginative
Section B (Writing) Purpose to explore, imagine or entertain.
60 minutes writing advised time. ·
One question from the selection Assessed through two coursework assignments,
provided to be chosen and internally set and assessed, and externally
answered. moderated by Edexcel. The total number of
· marks available for each assignment is 30..
2 hour and 15-minute examination
paper, the total number of marks
available is 90 (45 for each section).

Career Prospects

The English Language is a necessary component for most university and further education courses around
the world, but particularly in the UK. Later, careers in Media, Law or Journalism, amongst many others, can
be pursued.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 16

English Literature – IGCSE Edexcel – 4ET1 - BR
Course Outline wide choice of set texts. The examination
............................................................................................... questions allow all students to make a personal,
informed response to the texts studied. The
The English Faculty delivers the Edexcel IGCSE for qualification offers an enjoyable and stimulating
both English Language and English Literature. This introduction to the study of English Literature. The
IGCSE is exclusive to independent and Anthology for International GCSE and Certificate
international schools. The Edexcel International Qualifications in English Language and Literature
GCSE in English Literature is designed as a two- is provided for use throughout the course and
year course. A selection of prose, drama and examination.
poetry from around the world allows teachers a

Course Details

Paper 1: Drama and Prose (60% of Paper 2: Modern Drama and Literary
total IGCSE) Heritage (40% of total IGCSE)
Prose – one modern prose text. Two set texts will be studied.·
English Literature

Poetry – all poems from Part 3 of Modern Drama (Assignment A).·

the Pearson Edexcel International Literary Heritage texts (Assignment B).
English IGCSE Anthology.
Students will study whole texts,
developing their comprehension,
critical reading and comparison
skills, and producing clear and
coherent writing using accurate
Standard English.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 17

Assessment Criteria

Paper 1: Paper 2:

Section A · This part of the course consists of two

Unseen Poetry: one essay question coursework assignments, internally set and
exploring the meaning and effects assessed and externally moderated by Edexcel.
created in an unseen poem. The poem ·
will be reproduced in the question The total number of marks available for each
paper. assignment is 30.

Section B ·
English Literature

Anthology Poetry: one essay question

from a choice of two, comparing two
poems from Part 3 of the Pearson
Edexcel International English IGCSE

Section C (not allowed the text in the

Modern Prose: one essay question
from a choice of two on the studied

2-hour examination, the total number

of marks available is 90..

Career Prospects

Further study is offered in English Literature at AS and A2 Level at DBSJP. Careers in Education, Media, Law
or Journalism, amongst many others, can be pursued.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 18

English as a Second Language – IGCSE Edexcel –
Course Outline Language studies in Year 11. This Edexcel
............................................................................................... International GCSE in English as a Second
Language (ESL) is designed as a qualification for
For a minority of our students, the study of English students who may not have a grounding in English
Literature may prove to be unduly challenging. If as their mother-tongue and wish to enhance their
this is the case, at the end of Year 10 (following future educational or employment prospects.
assessment and careful teacher consideration) we Achievement in this qualification is benchmarked
will communicate with parents to suggest that against the Council of Europe's Common
their child cease studying English Literature and European Framework of Reference for Languages
instead follow ESL in addition to their English (CEFR).

Course Details

Paper 1: Reading and Writing (66% of total IGCSE)

Passages will be taken from a variety of sources, including fiction, and may include factual
information, explanation, opinions and biographical writing.
Part 1 – skimming and scanning skills
Part 2 – read for both gist and detail
Part 3 – read for both gust and detail, follow a line of argument or discussion, and identify
attitudes and opinions in the text
English as a Sceond Language

Part 6 – read for details to be included in the summary writing (see Writing section below).

Part 4 – a short piece of writing in response to a given situation. The writing can take the form
of a letter, email or postcard and students may to both provide information and ask for
required information.
Part 5 – a factual piece of writing based on own knowledge and interests. The writing can take
the form of a report or article.
Part 6 – response to one or two short texts, approximately 500 words in total, and produce a
summary for a given purpose and reader.

Paper 2: Listening (34% of total IGCSE)

Part 1 – listening to short extracts; identifying the item, place or event being described
Part 2 – listening for detailed information
Part 3 – following a discussion or argument; identifying attitude and opinions of speakers;
following instructions
Part 4 – listening to a complex argument or discussion; understanding the overall message;
identifying attitudes and opinions.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 19

Assessment Criteria

Paper 1: Paper 2:

2-hour examination paper, set and A 50-minute examination paper set and marked
marked by the exam board. by the exam board.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 20

Mathematics – Edexcel – 1MA1 (9-1)
Course Outline Dubai British School Jumeirah Park relate to all
............................................................................................... year groups but are especially relevant to those
students in Years 10 and 11 who may be
Students have been following this course from the considering taking Mathematics after GCSE:
start of the academic year. During Year 10
students will continue to study topics from these To develop an ability to think and reason
six areas: Number, Algebra, Ratio, Proportion and mathematically.
rates of change, Geometry and Measures, To notice and realise the application of
Probability and Statistics. New topics are Mathematics in the real world.
introduced under these headings such as errors To have an understanding of how to use
in calculations, further trigonometry, solving Mathematics up to GCSE level and create a
quadratic equations, vectors and statistical firm foundation for those wishing to study the
measures. Other topics are studied to a greater subject further.
depth than in previous years. For students to have a positive attitude to
Mathematics and to achieve to the best of their
The aims of the Mathematics Department at ability, with confidence and enjoyment.

Course Details Assessment Criteria

............................................................................................... ...............................................................................................

Students are assessed by three written Students will be required to show their application
examinations: one non-calculator paper (33.3% of of Mathematics and their choice of skills in a
total GCSE) and two calculator papers (each worth variety of practical and investigational problems
33.3% of total GCSE). All three papers must be within these assessments.
taken during the same assessment series.
Entry to GCSE Mathematics is made in one of two
overlapping tiers:
Higher tier: Grades 9 - 4
Foundation tier: Grades 5 – 1
Career Prospects

Successful completion of the course provides an excellent platform to study AS/A-Level Mathematics.
Furthermore, most Sixth Form colleges/further education providers require a minimum of a Grade 4 on
the new grading system or a C in GCSE Mathematics on other specifications.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 21

International GCSE in Science (Double Award)
(4SD0 - R)
Course Outline Skills that are developed fall into four main areas:
............................................................................................... Knowledge and Understanding (including science
as an evidence-based discipline, the collaborative
The Science course consists of equally-weighted nature of science, how scientific theories develop
units in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The and the limitations of science), Practical Skills
Edexcel Science suite of courses encourages (planning, obtaining and presenting evidence,
students to be inspired, motivated and challenged interpreting data, evaluating a method), Working
by following a broad, coherent, practical course of Scientifically (data, evidence, theories and
study. The course gives students the opportunity explanations, practical and enquiry skills,
to experience science within the context of their communication skills, applications and implications
general education and prepare for more of Science and Mathematical skills (applying
advanced courses in science and for other mathematics).
courses that require knowledge of science.

Course Details

Biology Paper 1 (33.3% of Chemistry Paper 1 (33.3% Physics Paper 1 (33.3% of

total IGCSE) of total IGCSE) total IGCSE)

1. The nature and variety of 1. Principles of chemistry 1. Forces and motion

living organisms 2. Inorganic chemistry 2. Electricity
2. Structures and functions 3. Physical chemistry 3. Waves

in living organisms 4. Organic chemistry 4. Energy resources and

3. Reproduction and energy transfers
(All exams are taken at end of Year 13)

inheritance 5. Solids, liquids and gases

4. Ecology and the 6. Magnetism and
environment electromagnetism
A Level - Biology

5. Use of biological 7. Radioactivity and

resources particles
8. Astrophysics

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 22

Assessment Criteria

Examinations are not tiered and are externally assessed written papers. Each paper is two hours in
duration and has a total of 110 marks. The papers contain a mixture of different question styles, including
multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, calculations and extended open-response questions.

This IGCSE qualification will be graded and certificated on a 17-grade scale from 9-9 to 1-1 using the total
subject mark where 9-9 is the highest grade. Individual papers are not graded.

Career Prospects

Based on minimum entry requirements students can progress from this qualification to GCE A Levels or
International Advanced Level qualifications in Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 23

Art & Design – FINE ART GCSE - AQA 8202 (9-1)
Course Outline skills for engaging with and for communicating and
............................................................................................... expressing ideas, feelings and meanings in art,
craft and design. To develop investigative,
The course is made up of 2 components. In analytical, experimental and interpretive
component 1 the personal portfolio of work capabilities; aesthetic understanding and critical
demonstrates the knowledge, understanding and and enquiring minds, with increasing
skills used in fine art. This portfolio will be based independence; cultural knowledge and
on centre devised themes, which will be given at understanding of art, craft, design and of the
the start of Year 10. media and technologies used in different times,
contexts and societies; and to develop personal
Component 2 is an externally set assignment. attributes including self-confidence, resilience,
Students must present personal response(s) to an perseverance, self-discipline and commitment.
externally- set, broad-based thematic starting
point, set by Pearson. Students will have a The skills that will be developed will include
preparatory period in which they will explore and recording experiences and observations and
develop ideas for the assigned theme. The undertaking research and gathering, selecting and
externally-set assignment will be completed organising visual, tactile and sensory materials and
during timed supervised study, where students other relevant information. Exploring relevant
have sustained focus in exam conditions. resources, analysing and evaluating images,
objects and products, and making independent
The objectives of the course are to develop judgements as to their relevance in visual art.
creative and imaginative ability and the practical

Course Details
Art and Design

Component 1: Component 2:
A Level

Personal Portfolio in Art and Design (60% Externally Set Assignment (40% of total GCSE).
of total GCSE). Students may work in any Students may work in any medium and scale.
medium and scale.

Assessment Criteria

Students must submit the following for the Personal Portfolio and the externally- set assignment: Students
work must show evidence of all four assessment objectives in response to the internally- set theme(s),
project(s) or task(s). Component 1 is internally set, while component 2 is externally set, both are externally
marked. Each component has a total number of 96 marks available.

This GCSE qualification will be graded and certificated on a nine-grade scale from 9 to 1 using the total
subject mark where 9 is the highest grade. Individual components are not graded.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 25

Career Prospects

This is a gateway to A Level in Art and Design. If students choose to seek employment, they will have a
portfolio of work that evidences their ability to pursue a course in Art and Design, covering different
projects and producing a range of work. There may be opportunities to work, for example, in local galleries,
design offices, graphics companies, retail, local architects, interior designers, theatre production and set

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 26

8206 (9-1)
Course Outline There are many skills, techniques, materials,
............................................................................................... processes and concepts that are essential to all
the areas of study in Photography.
The course is made up of 2 components. In
component 1 the personal portfolio of work Students will develop practical knowledge and
demonstrates the knowledge, understanding and understanding of the formal elements to
skills used in Photography. This portfolio will be communicate a variety of approaches; the camera
based on a centre devised theme, which will be and its functions, including depth of field, shutter
given at the end of Year 9. speed, focal points and viewpoints. Students will
explore the effects and creative potential
Component 2 is an externally- set assignment, of combining and manipulating different two-
students must present personal response(s) to an dimensional and three- dimensional materials and
externally- set, broad-based thematic starting media.
point, set by Pearson in the externally – set
assignment. This will be done during a timed This course will allow students to explore the use
supervised study, where students have of light, as the most important element in
sustained focus in exam conditions. photography. Students will experiment with
darkroom techniques, involving the recognition of
The course objectives are to show a creative appropriate paper types, developing and printing,
journey through the process of lens and light- emulsions, exposures, tone and contrast.
based media, exploring digital imagery and light- Pupils will use Photoshop software to experiment
sensitive materials. and manipulate images, through a digital format.

Course Details

Component 1: Component 2:

Personal portfolio in photography (60% Externally set assignment (40% of total GCSE).
of total GCSE).

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 27

Assessment Criteria

Students must submit the following for the Personal Portfolio and the externally- set assignment:
Students work must show evidence of all four assessment objectives in response to the internally- set
theme(s), project(s) or task(s). Component 1 is internally set, while component 2 is externally set, both are
externally marked. The total number of marks available for each component is 96 marks.

This GCSE qualification will be graded and certificated on a nine-grade scale from 9 to 1 using the total
subject mark where 9 is the highest grade. Individual components are not graded.

Career Prospects

This is a gateway to A Level in Photography. If students choose to seek employment, they will have a
portfolio of work that evidences their ability to pursue a course in Photography covering different projects
and producing a range of work. There may be opportunities to work, for example, with local
photographers, galleries, design offices, graphics companies and retail.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 28

Design & Technology - 8552
Course Outline This course will:
............................................................................................... ·
Require you to combine designing and making
This course has been designed to provide skills with knowledge and understanding in
students with the creative opportunities to order to design and make good quality
expand upon their skill, knowledge and products.
understanding through a variety of materials Give you the opportunity to develop your
within the discipline of Product Design. Year 10 is creative practical abilities and the confidence
used to deliver high-end skills and abilities to design, make and modify products.
covering all sections of the marking criteria in Encourage you to develop your critical and
preparation for the final controlled assessment aesthetic abilities in order to evaluate design
year. The knowledge will be developed through and technology activities.
practical and theory-based application. The course Expand your commercial awareness,
has a small maths and science element which are understanding the life cycle of products and
standard skills needed to develop material and the importance of incorporating sustainable
technical knowledge. values at the design stage.
Help you to analyse products to aid decision
making to support your designing.
Course Details

Component 1 – Coursework (NEA) Component 2 - Examination

Deign Technology

Candidates are required to produce a The paper will test both core and specialist
portfolio of work which addresses the technical principles as well as designing and
theme set by the exam board. The major making principles which are common to the
project will be completed in Year 11. practises of product design. Most of the theory
content will be covered in Year10.

Assessment Criteria

Coursework (NEA) completed in class 30 – 35hrs - 50% of final GCSE

External Examination sat at the end of Year 11 2hrs - 50% of final GCSE

Career Prospects

GCSE D&T opens doors to a wide range of careers in the creative, engineering and manufacturing
industries as well as medicine, law and computer science. The knowledge and skills you learn, such as
teamwork and time management will be valued by employers.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 29

Food Preparation & Nutrition – AQA - 8585
Course Outline a thorough understanding of nutrition, food safety,
............................................................................................... food provenance and the working characteristics
of food materials. This qualification focuses on
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition is an nurturing student’s practical cookery skills to give
exciting and creative course which focuses on them a strong understanding of nutrition, health
practical cooking skills to ensure students develop and food choices.

Course Details Career Prospects

.......................................................................................................... .............................................................................................

Food preparation skills are integrated Upon completion of this course, students will be
into 5 core topics: qualified to go on to further study or embark on
an apprenticeship or full-time career in the
Food nutrition and health catering, hospitality or manufacturing food
Food Science industries.
Food safety·
Food choice·
Food provenance

Assessment Criteria

Paper 1 – Food Non-exam assessment (NEA) AQA will release details of the tasks
preparation and in September of Year
Task 1: Food investigation
Written examination: 1 This will examine student’s understanding of the working
Food Preparation and Nutrition

hour and 45 minutes characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients.

50% of the qualification Practical investigations are a compulsory element of this NEA task.
20 multiple choice
questions covering all 5 This is assessed by a written or electronic report (1500 – 2000
topics. words) including photographic evidence of the practical
Theoretical knowledge of
food preparation and Task 2: Food preparation assessment
nutrition from the five This will examine student’s knowledge, skills and understanding in
core topics will be tested relation to the planning, preparation, of food and application of
using short and long nutrition related to the task. Students will prepare, cook and present
response questions. three dishes within a single period of no more than three hours,
planning in advance how this will be achieved.

This is assessed by a written or electronic portfolio including

photographic evidence. Photographic evidence of the three final
dishes must be included.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 30

Business – IGCSE – 4BS1-R (9-1)
Course Outline a successful businessperson. Skills that will be
............................................................................................... developed will be to introduce Students will find
out how to develop an idea and spot an
The course objectives are to actively engage opportunity and turn that into a successful
in the study of business to develop as effective business. They will understand how to make a
and independent students and as critical and business effective and manage money and see
reflective thinkers with enquiring minds. To use how the world around us affects businesses and all
an enquiring, critical approach to distinguish facts the people involved. Students will also examine
and opinions, to build arguments and make what causes businesses to fail and how businesses
informed judgements. To develop and apply grow. They will study many issues within the world
knowledge, understanding and skills to of business such as inequality.
contemporary issues in a range of local, national
and global contexts. To appreciate the range of The course is split up into five units:
perspectives of different stakeholders in relation 1 – Business activity and influences on business
to business activities. of enquiry, 2 – People in business
3 – Business finance
students to the world of small and large 4 – Marketing
businesses and will look at what makes someone 5 – Business operations

Course Details


Introduces the nature and types of Focuses on the main functional areas of business

business in an economy. Students will be administration, finance, marketing, human

encouraged to examine the interaction resources and operations. While the five units of
between businesses and the environment content are listed as discrete topics, it is important
in which they operate. for students to recognise that, because business
is dynamic, these five areas interrelate.

Assessment Criteria

The Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business comprises two examinations and is a linear
qualification. All examinations must be taken at the end of the course of study in Year 11.

Paper 1: Investigating Small Businesses (50%)

Paper 2: Investigating Large Businesses (50%)

Career Prospects

Having successfully completed the IGCSE Business course it would provide students with an excellent
grounding for the AS/A Level Business Studies or the BTEC National Diploma in Business.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 31

Computer Science IGCSE - 4CP0 (9-1)
Course Outline Students will learn not just the theory but also how
............................................................................................... to apply the subject practically through problem-
solving by thinking creatively and logically, creating
This IGCSE course in Computer Science algorithms and writing these in code as computer
encourages students to develop computational programs.
thinking skills it provides students with the
opportunity to operate confidently in today’s This course is of an academic nature and would
digital world, enabling students to apply benefit students who would be targeted at a Grade
computational thinking in context, across both 5/6 and above in Mathematics. For a similar, less
written and practical examinations. academic alternative please see the BTEC IT
qualification for a similar alternative
Course Details

Understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including
abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms and data representation.
Analyse problems in computational terms through practical experience of solving such problems,
including designing, writing and debugging programs.
Think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically.
Understand the components that make up digital systems, and how they communicate with one
another and with other systems.
Understand the impacts of digital technology on the individual and to wider society.
Apply mathematical skills relevant to computer science.

Assessment Criteria

This IGCSE qualification will be graded and certificated on a nine-grade scale from 9 to 1 using the total
subject mark where 9 is the highest grade. Individual components are not graded.

Paper 1 (50% of IGCSE) Principles Paper 2 (50% of IGCSE) Application

of Computer Science. of Computational Thinking.
Computer Science

This 2-hour paper will primarily assess This 3-hour practical exam will primarily assess
knowledge and understanding of the basic the practical application of computational
principles of Computer Science, including thinking, whereby learners will create, use and
some coverage of how these principles are adapt existing algorithms to solve problems in a
applied when solving problems that relate particular situation. This paper will also test
to a particular situation. students’ knowledge and understanding of the

Career Prospects

Computer Science is very much in demand everywhere as the subject covers so much of our lives
nowadays. This course will provide a GCSE that will help students progress onto many A level choices
in the STEM field.
Key Stage Four Options Booklet 32
Drama – AQA - 8261
Course Outline Explore performance texts, understanding
............................................................................................... their social, cultural and historical context
including the theatrical conventions of the
GCSE Drama offers students the opportunity to period in which they were created
explore drama as a practical art form in which Develop a range of theatrical skills and apply
ideas and meaning are communicated to an them to create performances.
audience through choices of form, style and Work collaboratively to generate, develop and
convention. Students will create, perform and communicate ideas
respond to drama informed by their theoretical Develop as creative, effective, independent and
knowledge of drama and theatre. The subject reflective students able to make informed
content details the knowledge, understanding and choices in process and performance
skills that students are expected to develop Contribute as an individual to a theatrical
throughout the course of study. performance
Reflect on and evaluate their own work and
The aim and objectives of the qualification are to that of others
enable students to: Develop an awareness and understanding of
Apply knowledge and understanding when the roles and processes undertaken in
making, performing and responding to drama contemporary
Professional theatre practice and to adopt safe
Course Details working practices.

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3


Understanding Drama Devising (Practical 40% of Texts in Practice (Practical

(Written exam 40% of total total GCSE 80 marks) 20% of total GCSE 40 marks)
GCSE 80 marks)

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 33

Assessment Criteria

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Written exam- Practical - Students are Practical - Students are
Section A: Theatre roles assessed on their ability to assessed on their ability to
and terminology create and develop ideas to apply theatrical skills to
Section B: Study of set communicate meaning for realise artistic intentions in
text theatrical performance and live performance and is
Section C: Live theatre apply theatrical skills and marked by AQA. For this
production. analyse and evaluate their component, students must
own work. This will be complete two assessment

tracked in a devising log book. tasks:

Study and present a key

extract (monologue,
duologue or group
Study and present a
second key extract
(monologue, duologue
or group performance)
from the same play.

Career Prospects

After you have completed GCSE Drama you can go on to higher levels of study. These include GCE Drama
and Theatre Studies at AS and A2 Level. This GCSE is also very helpful with any post -16 course, due to it
giving you confidence and creativity.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 34

French GCSE – 1FR0-F & 1FR0-H
Course Outline literary texts, music and cinema from the French-
............................................................................................... speaking world.

There are currently over 274 million French Over the 2-year GCSE course, pupils will study 5
speakers in the world. French is not only spoken in themes:
Europe but across five continents. Having a good
command of French can open doors to many Identity and culture
career opportunities abroad, in France and Local area, holiday and travel
notably in all French-speaking countries. School
French is an international language of reference Future aspirations, study and work
for many culture domains. To know French is to International and global dimension
have access to some of the most beautiful French

Course Details

The Edexcel GCSE in French is designed to enable students to develop:

Understanding and use of written and spoken forms of the target language, in a range of familiar and
practical contexts, and for a variety of purposes.
The ability to communicate effectively in the target language through speaking and the written word,
using a range of vocabulary and structures.
Knowledge and understanding of the target language grammar and its practical application.
Knowledge and understanding of countries and communities where the target language is spoken
Positive attitudes towards modern foreign language learning a suitable foundation for further study of
the target language, or another language.
The ability to speak spontaneously.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 35

Assessment Criteria

Paper 1: Listening Paper 2: Speaking Paper 3: Reading Paper 4: Writing

Covers all 5 key topics Covers all 5 key topics Covers all 5 key topics Covers all 5 key topics

Students are assessed Students are assessed Students are assessed Students are assessed
on their understanding on their ability to on their understanding on their ability to
of standard spoken communicate and of written French across communicate effectively
French by one or more interact effectively a range of different through writing in
speakers in a range of through speaking in types of texts, including French for different

public and social French for different advertisements, emails, purposes and
settings. Students will purposes and in letters, articles and audiences. Students are
respond to multiple- different settings. The literary texts. Students required to produce
response and short- assessments are are required to respond responses of varying
answer open response conducted by their to multiple-response lengths and types to
questions based on a class teachers. and short-answer express ideas and
recording featuring questions based on opinions in French. The
male and female *Subject to change from these texts. instructions to students
French speakers. EdExcel are in French. Word
counts are specified for
each question.

Career Prospects

After you have completed GCSE French you can go on to higher levels of study. These include French at
AS and A2 Level. This GCSE is also very helpful with any post -16 course or future employment due to it
giving you confidence and communication skills in an additional language.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 36

Geography – Geography B (1GB0)
Course Outline Develop a framework of spatial awareness in
............................................................................................... which to appreciate the importance of the
location of places and environments at a range
The aims and objectives of this qualification are to of scales
enable students to: Appreciate that people have different views of,
Apply and build on the fundamental building and attitudes to, the world, its environments
blocks of geographical knowledge and its issues
Actively engage in the process of geographical Undertake geographical investigations that
enquiry to develop as effective and include both primary and secondary data
independent learners, and as critical and collection, presentation and analysis, drawing
reflective thinkers with enquiring minds conclusions, and evaluating the whole
Develop their knowledge and understanding geographical investigation
of geographical concepts and appreciate the Develop and apply their learning to the real
relevance of these concepts to our changing world through fieldwork
world Develop their awareness of global issues and
Acquire, develop and apply practical recognise the challenges of moving towards a
geographical enquiry skills sustainable future.
Course Details

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Global Geographical Issues UK Geographical Issues People and Environment

Issues – Making
Written examination: 1 hour Written examination: 1 hour
Geographical Decisions
and 30 minutes and 30 minutes
Written examination: 1 hour
and 30 minutes

Assessment Criteria

All components will be externally assessed by terminal examination. A core part of the course is that
students must undertake fieldwork outside of the school environment. These visits do not fall under the
schools' tuition fees and will incur an additional cost. The school is required to authenticate that the
students have undertaken this fieldwork and provide this evidence to the exam board. The GCSE
qualification will be graded and certificated on a nine-grade scale from 9 to 1 using the total subject mark
where 9 is the highest grade. Individual components are not graded.

Career Prospects

Geography ensures students are well placed to contribute to the scientific and political debates regarding
the world in which we live. Students learn an excellent range of transferable skills that enable them to be
successful across a range of professions. Employment opportunities include Journalism, Media, Law,
Engineering, Business Management, ICT, Environmental Management, Teaching, Economic Planning,
Marketing, Leisure and Recreation and Tourism.
Key Stage Four Options Booklet 37
History – IGCSE (9-1) – 4HI1-R
Course Outline Students will develop as critical thinkers, learning to
............................................................................................. assess the value of evidence, using it to make
The Edexcel IGCSE in History offers students the judgements and evaluate interpretations of the
opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and past. Students will also learn to ask questions
understanding of a range of events and issues of about events of the past and make their own valid
the past, considering their impact on today’s claims about causation, significance and change.
world. Students will grapple with the complexity Central to this is the development of written
of the nature of causation and change, communication as students learn to write
developing their analysis and evaluation skills as effectively about the past, formulating extended,
we journey through some of the most significant analytical and well-organised arguments and
and fascinating periods in modern history. reaching well-founded conclusions.

Course Details

Paper 1

Depth Studies: 50% of iGCSE

Students will study Germany: Development of Dictatorship, 1918-1945. We will begin with the
end of the First World War and the impact it had on Germany. We will then study the ups and
downs of the Weimar period and the events leading up to the appointment of Hitler as
Chancellor. We then move on to the consolidation of Nazi power and the far-reaching and
dramatic changes of the Nazi revolution. We continue our study to understand the impact of the
Second World War in Germany and other occupied territories. In the second half of Year 10, we
will follow the story of the push for freedom and equality in the USA, studying A Divided Union:
Civil Rights in the USA 1945-74. Beginning in the late 1940s with McCarthyism, we will look at the
causes and events of the Red Scare. We will then study the role of Martin Luther King and the

non-violent protest movement in improving rights for Black Americans, moving on to appreciate
the role of Black Power groups and assess the contributions of the presidents. We then broaden
the study of protest to look at the women’s and anti-Vietnam movements.
Paper 2

Investigation and Breadth Studies: 50% of iGCSE

Students will use the content and context of 20th century USA from their Paper 1 study and
delve into their investigation into The Vietnam Conflict, 1945-1975. This course will focus on the
struggle of the Vietnamese for independence and the reasons for US inability to defeat their
movement politically, socially and militarily. The Breadth Study will give us a complete change of
tone as we investigate Changes in Medicine 1848-1948. This is a century of revolution in medical
science and care from the barbaric to the professional: students will learn of the innovators and
climate of change that made this possible.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 38

Assessment Criteria Career Prospects
............................................................................................... ................................................................................................

All components are externally assessed by Studying History gives you so much more than
terminal written examination. There are 2 exams, just understanding of the past: that’s just the
each of 1 hour 30 minutes and requiring fascinating stuff that we use to develop the skills
extended, essay-style answers and responses to that are valued by universities and employers. The
unseen written source material. study of History is academically rigorous. It
Paper 1 – Students will answer 3 questions on requires you to be highly analytical, write well, to
each of the depth studies. sift evidence and create convincing arguments, to
Paper 2 – Students will answer 3 questions on weigh opinions and reach balanced judgements
the investigation topic and 3 questions on the and to see that there are always
breadth study. multiple possibilities and explanations. These skills
are valued in business and finance, politics and
law, journalism, management and administration.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 39

Music – GCSE – 1MU0 (9-1)
Course Outline minutes. They will also develop their composing
............................................................................................... skills by composition of two compositions. Finally,
students will develop their knowledge and
This new and engaging course explores four understanding of music and study a variety of
areas of study including Instrumental Music (1700- music genres, styles and traditions, learning about
1820), Vocal Music, Music for Stage and Screen musical elements, musical contexts and musical
and Fusions. The course is split into three language through the four areas of study. For each
components: Performance, Composition and area of study there are two set works which we will
Appraising. Students will develop their performing study. This component will conclude with a
skills individually and in groups and will record a listening exam at the end of the second year.
portfolio of work lasting for a minimum of four

Course Details

Component 1 – Performing - Solo performing and Ensemble performing (30% of total GCSE)
Component 2 – Composition - Developing musical ideas and compositional techniques and strategies.
Methods of notating composition scores (30% of total GCSE)
Component 3 – Appraising - musical elements, musical contexts and musical language. Areas of study:
– Instrumental Music 1700–1820, Vocal Music, Music for Stage and Screen, Fusions. (40% of total

Assessment Criteria

This GCSE qualification will be graded and certificated on a nine-grade scale from 9 to 1using the total
subject mark where 9 is the highest grade. This course is 60% coursework and 40% external examination
for music.
Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Students perform for at least 4 Students compose two Written examination: 1 hour
minutes’ combined duration. compositions, of at least 3 and 45 minutes.
Solo performance: this minutes’ combined duration. The paper is made up of
must be of at least 1 One composition to a brief two sections and is out of a
minute in duration, and set by Pearson, of at least 1 total of 80 marks.
may comprise one or more minute in duration. Section A – Areas of study,
pieces One free composition set dictation, and unfamiliar

Ensemble performance: by the student, of at least 1 pieces

this must be of at least 1 minute in duration. Section B – Extended
minute in duration, and Each composition will be response comparison
may comprise one or more out of 30 marks. between a set work and
pieces Internally marked and one unfamiliar piece.
Each performance will be externally moderated.
out of 30 marks.
Internally marked and
externally moderated

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 40

Career Prospects

This is a gateway to A Level in Music. If students choose to seek employment, they will have a portfolio of
compositions and performances that evidences their ability to pursue a course in Music, covering different
projects and producing a range of work. There may be opportunities to work, for example, as a
musician, in the music production industry, a radio presenter, DJ, music teacher, orchestral player, music
technician, songwriter, recording studio, singer, rock star, composer, sound designer, accompanist,
session musician and many more.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 41

Psychology – AQA - 8182 - (9-1)
Course Outline understand how psychological research is
............................................................................................... conducted, including the role of scientific
method and data analysis
Psychology is the science of mind, brain and Present information, develop arguments and
behaviour. It seeks to understand why and how draw conclusions through a critical approach
humans behave. The aims and objectives of this to psychological evidence, developing as
qualification are to: reflective thinkers
Develop an understanding of the relationship
Use specialist vocabulary, psychological between psychology and personal, moral,
concepts, terminology and convention to social and cultural issues, and develop an
engage in the process of psychological enquiry understanding of ethical issues in psychology
Acquire knowledge and understanding of Develop an understanding of psychological
psychology, developing an understanding of issues, the contribution of psychology to
self and others, and how psychological individual, social and cultural diversity, and how
understanding can help to explain everyday psychology contributes to society
social phenomena

Course Details

Paper 1 – Cognition and behaviour Paper 2 – Social context and behaviour

Topic 1: Memory – how does memory Topic 5: Social influence – why is our
work? behaviour so heavily influenced by those
Topic 2: Perception – how do we around us?

perceive visual objects, including optical Topic 6: Language, thought and

illusions? communication – how and why do we
Topic 3: Development – how do we communicate with others?
develop? Topic 7: Brain and neuropsychology – how
Topic 4: Research methods – how is does the brain influence our behaviour?
psychological research conducted? Topic 8: Psychological problems – how do we
explain and treat addiction and depression?

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 42

Assessment Criteria

Paper 1 - Written examination: 1 hour Paper 2 - Written examination: 1 hour and 45

and 45 minutes 50% of the qualification minutes 50% of the qualification

The paper consists of four sections, which The paper consists of four sections, which cover
cover the topics listed above. These sections the topics listed above. These sections will include

will include multiple-choice, short-open and multiple-choice, short-open and open-response

open-response questions. Students will be questions. Students will be expected to draw on
expected to draw on knowledge and knowledge and understanding of the entire
understanding of the entire course of study course of study to show a deeper understanding
to show a deeper understanding of these of these topics.

Career Prospects
Psychology is a rapidly expanding subject with strong career potential. Realistic careers include
management, marketing, advertising, profiling, recruitment, education, healthcare, forensic law, forces
officership, counselling/ therapy and research work. The A Level course follows on well but equally the
GCSE course is good preparation for any Science or Humanities subject at A Level.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 43

Physical Education - 1PE0 (9-1)
Course Outline It also provides opportunities for students to
............................................................................................... understand how the physiological and
psychological state affects performance in
GCSE Physical Education will equip students with physical activity and sport and the contribution
the knowledge, understanding, skills and values that physical activity and sport can make to
they need to be able to develop and maintain health, fitness and well-being.
their performance in physical activities. Students
will also gain The practical element of the course aims to
understanding of how physical activities benefit improve performances in different physical
health, fitness and well-being. activities by developing skills, techniques, tactics
and strategies. In addition, students will develop
The aims and objectives of this qualification are to their ability to analyse and evaluate to improve
enable students to develop theoretical knowledge performances in physical activity and sport as
and understanding of the factors that underpin well enhance their understanding of the key
physical activity and sport and how to use these socio-cultural influences that can affect people’s
factors to improve performances. involvement in physical activity and sport.

Course Details

Component 1 (Fitness Component 2 Component 3 Component 4

& Body Systems) (Health & Performance) (Practical Performance) (Personal Exercise
Physical Education

Topic 1: Applied Topic 1: Health, General Aim and planning

anatomy and fitness and well- performance skills analysis
physiology being· Skills during Carrying out and
Topic 2: Movement Topic 2: Sport individual and team monitoring the PEP
analysis psychology· activities Evaluation of the
Topic 3: Physical Topic 3: Socio- PEP
training cultural influences
Topic 4: Use of data Topic 4: Use of data

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 44

Assessment Criteria

Component 1 (Fitness Component 2 Component 3 Component 4

& Body Systems) (Health & Performance) (Practical Performance) (Personal Exercise
Multiple-choice, short Multiple-choice, short Students competing Students will produce a
answer, and extended answer, and extended in three physical Personal Exercise
writing questions. writing questions. activities from a set list Programme (PEP), and
Calculators can be Calculators can be (1 team activity, 1 require students to
Physical Education

used in the used in the individual activity and analyse their

examination examination Free choice) Students performance.
will be assessed against
Written examination: Written examination: set assessment criteria Non-examined
1 hour and 45 minutes. 1 hour and 15 minutes (GCSE 9-1) assessment: internally
(90 marks) (70 marks) marked and externally
36% of total GCSE 24% of total GCSE Non-examined moderated (20 marks)
assessment: internally 10% of total GCSE
marked and externally
moderated (105 marks
- 35 marks per activity)
30% of total GCSE

Component 1 and 2 are externally assessed in May/June.

Component 3 and 4 may be assessed at any point during the course internally by the teacher. These
marks are then modified by an external moderator and will be completed prior to the final exams.

Career Prospects
GCSE PE opens many doors and closes none! It allows students an in depth insight into the career
pathways in sport, including the necessary skills, placing students in the best position possible
to go onto further study. Studying a GCSE in PE could allow opportunities in the future for students to
study a broad range of subjects at university, including physiotherapy, sports science, psychology,
education, criminology and occupational therapy. The wide range of topics covered within
GCSE PE means that it is easy to make links to a variety of subject areas. Additionally, studying Physical
Education will provide students with a wealth of transferable skills including:

Independent study skills

Presentation and group work skills
Critical, analytical thinking and writing skills
The ability to write extended answers and coursework.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 45

Spanish GCSE – 1SP0-F & 1SP0-H
Course Outline By choosing to study a language you will
............................................................................................... enhance your chances of obtaining a good job in
the future.
Spanish is the second most widely spoken
language in the world. It is the mother tongue of Over the 2-year GCSE course, pupils will
Spain and all the Spanish territories in Europe and study 5 themes:
Africa and of most South and Central American
countries. By choosing to study Spanish, Identity and culture
students would be able to communicate Local area, holiday and travel
more confidently and accurately with Spanish School
speakers. Foreign language skills are also essential Future aspirations, study and work
for many jobs in global businesses such as International and global dimension
computing, marketing, and finance.

Course Details

The GCSE in Spanish is designed to enable students to:

Understanding and use of written and spoken forms of the target language, in a range of familiar and
practical contexts, and for a variety of purposes.
The ability to communicate effectively in the target language through speaking and the written word,
using a range of vocabulary and structures.
Knowledge and understanding of the target language grammar and its practical application.
A knowledge and understanding of countries and communities where the target language is spoken
Positive attitudes towards modern foreign language learning a suitable foundation for further study of
the target language, or another language.
The ability to speak spontaneously.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 46

Assessment Criteria

All assessments will take place at the end of Year 11 and students will be tested in the 4 skill areas of
Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. All skills are tested as terminal examinations and there is no
coursework component. Speaking tests are teacher conducted and contain a role play, presentation and

Paper 1: Listening Paper 2: Speaking Paper 3: Reading Paper 4: Writing

Covers all 5 key Covers all 5 key Covers all 5 key Covers all 5 key
topics topics topics. topics

Students are Students are Students are Students are

assessed on their assessed on their assessed on their assessed on their
understanding of ability to understanding of ability to
standard spoken communicate and written Spanish communicate
Spanish by one or interact effectively across a range of effectively through
more speakers in a through speaking in different types of writing in Spanish for
range of public and Spanish for different texts, including different purposes

social settings. purposes and in advertisements, and audiences.

Students will respond different settings. emails, letters, articles Students are
to multiple-response The assessments are and literary texts. required to produce
and short-answer conducted by their Students are required responses of varying
open response class teachers. to respond to lengths and
questions based on a multiple-response types to express
recording featuring *Subject to change and short-answer ideas and opinions in
male and female from EdExcel questions based on Spanish. The
Spanish speakers. these texts. instructions to
students are in
Spanish. Word
counts are specified
for each question.

Career Prospects
After you have completed GCSE Spanish you can go on to higher levels of study. These include Spanish at
AS and A2 Level. This GCSE is also very helpful with any post -16 course or future employment due to it
giving you confidence and communication skills in an additional language.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 47

Triple Science – IGCSE – (9-1)
Biology (4BI1-R) Chemistry (4CH1-R) Physics (4PH1-R)

Course Outline Skills that will be developed will be the ability to

............................................................................................... plan investigations and to analyse, interpret and
evaluate data; the ability to critically evaluate
The Triple Science course consists of individual Science in the news and to appreciate the
IGCSE courses in Biology, Chemistry and processes that scientists go through in order to
Physics. Essentially students will be covering a collect evidence and develop theories.
greater breadth and depth of Science
than if they followed the Combined Science route. Skills developed fall into four main areas:
Knowledge and Understanding (including
The objectives of the course are for students to science as an evidence based discipline, the
further appreciate and understand How Science collaborative nature of science, how scientific
Works. To develop students’ understanding theories develop and the limitations of science),
of higher-level Biology, Chemistry and Physics, to Practical Skills (planning, obtaining and presenting
develop students’ questioning, analytical and evidence, interpreting data, evaluating a method),
evaluative approach to scientific problems and Working Scientifically (data, evidence, theories and
issues. To bridge the gap between IGCSE and GCE explanations, practical and enquiry skills,
A-level Science courses. This route through the communication skills, applications and implications
IGCSE Science course will enable students to of science) and Mathematical skills (applying
attain 3 separate Science IGCSEs, instead of the mathematics).
Combined Science which is equivalent to 2

Course Details

Biology Paper 1 (61.1% of IGCSE) Biology Paper 2 (38.9% of IGCSE)

1. The nature and variety of living 1. The nature and variety of living organisms
organisms 2. Structures and functions in living organisms
Triple Science

2. Structures and functions in living 3. Reproduction and inheritance

organisms 4. Ecology and the environment
3. Reproduction and inheritance 5. Use of biological resources
4. Ecology and the environment
5. Use of biological resources 1 hour 15 minute written examination – 70 marks

2 hour written examination – 110 Marks

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 48

Chemistry Paper 1 (61.1% of IGCSE) Chemistry Paper 2 (38.9% IGCSE)

1. Principles of chemistry 1. Principles of chemistry

2. Inorganic chemistry 2. Inorganic chemistry
3. Physical chemistry 3. Physical chemistry
4. Organic chemistry 4. Organic chemistry

2 hour written examination – 110 Marks 1 hour 15 minute written examination – 70 marks

Physics Paper 1 (61.1% of IGCSE) Biology Paper 2 (38.9% of IGCSE)

1 Forces and motion 1. Forces and motion

2 Electricity 2. Electricity
3 Waves 3. Waves
4 Energy resources and energy transfers 4. Energy resources and energy transfers
5 Solids, liquids and gases 5. Solids, liquids and gases
6 Magnetism and electromagnetism 6. Magnetism and electromagnetism
7 Radioactivity and particles 7. Radioactivity and particles
8 Astrophysics 8. Astrophysics

2 hour written examination – 110 Marks 1 hour 15 minute written examination – 70


Assessment Criteria Career Prospects

............................................................................................... ................................................................................................
All examinations are not tiered and are externally Based on minimum entry requirements students
assessed written papers. The papers contain a can progress from this qualification to GCE A
mixture of different question styles, including Levels and International Advanced Level
multiple-choice questions, short-answer qualifications in Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics.
questions, calculations and extended open-
response questions.

This IGCSE qualification will be graded and

certificated on a nine-point scale from 9-1 using
the total from Paper 1 and 2 resulting in three
IGCSE grades, one for each Science.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 49

IT – BTEC International Level 2 Certificate
Course Outline our assessment around the individual needs and
............................................................................................... preferences of the students. We can design
activities which allow for dynamic assessment
The Dubai British School BTEC IT Level 2 through practical experiences rather than
curriculum will provide students with hands on, preparing for end of year examinations. This will
practical experience which will prepare you for a mean that students should be prepared to not
future career in the IT industry. Given the huge simply focus on basic Microsoft Office skills, but
growth in IT related jobs and services in the global creative and exciting projects such as Game
economy, students will gain skills and experience Design designed to encourage their creativity and
which will improve their future employability skills. gain higher level IT skills.

The BTEC Level 2 IT course is also suitable for Furthermore, the Dubai British School BTEC IT
students who may not envision a career focused Level 2 course will enable you to gain a better
on the IT industry. Yet wish to gain experience and understanding of what it would be like to work in IT
knowledge of IT systems and programming, which professions such as; Graphics Design, Computer
will serve them well across a while range of future Animation, Games development and so on. This is
career pathways. a course perfectly suited for
all students who wish to have a more hands-on
Students will wherever possible be asked to vocational experience, whilst
complete hands on robotics and programming gaining future-ready 21st-century skills in the
activities. Without the pressure of external process.
examinations to consider, we are able to design .

Aims of the Course


The Pearson BTEC International Level 2 Extended Certificate qualification in Information Technology has
been developed to:

Give full-time learners the opportunity to enter employment in the IT sector or to progress to
vocational qualifications
Provide education and training for those employed in IT
Give those employed in IT opportunities to achieve a Level 2 vocationally specific qualification
Give learners the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes
essential for successful performance in working life.

This specification provides content and structures that help learners to acquire the skills and knowledge
needed to work as professionals in the IT sector. Key aspects include:
Flexibility in unit structures so that the centre and learners can choose appropriate combinations of
optional units to meet their interests and aspirations ·
Units based on the UK National Occupational Standards and contextualised to the business
environment ·
Simple and consistent nesting of qualifications to allow learners to choose specialist pathways later in
their programmes of study.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 50

Course Details

The Pearson BTEC International Level 2 Certificate in IT qualification totals 150 Notional Learning Hours
(NLH). Learners must achieve the mandatory unit and one optional unit, from a choice of two, for a
combined total value of 15 to achieve the qualification. This qualification is not designed to allow
units to be imported from other Pearson qualifications.

Mandatory units Optional units

1. Communicating in the IT Industry TBC by the school but the range of units
This unit enables learners to use IT available can be seen at:
tools to communicate and exchange
information safely, securely and https://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/p
effectively with different audiences. df/BTEC-Firsts/Information-
Learners will also consider the impacts of Technology/2014/specification/Pearson_BTEC_Inte
IT on individuals, communities and rnational_Level_2_qualifications_in_InfoTech.pdf


2. Working in the IT Industry -The aim of

this unit is to develop learners’ knowledge
of the available job roles involving
professional IT and the characteristics
employers demand in the IT industry.

Career Prospects
The Pearson BTEC International Level 2 Certificate offers a work-related vocational qualification that
focuses on particular aspects of employment in the appropriate vocational sector. The Pearson BTEC
International Level 2 Certificate is a qualification that can be part of a learner’s programme of study and
provide a vocational learning experience. Potentially the qualification could prepare learners for
progression to an appropriate Level 3 programme in the same or related vocational area.

This course provides a good grounding to progress on to the BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in IT.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 51

Business – BTEC International Level 2 Certificate
Course Outline The Pearson BTEC International Level 2
............................................................................................... qualifications in Business have been designed to
address the needs of Level 2 learners in key areas,
Pearson BTEC International Level 2 has a work- including interpersonal skills and customer service.
related focus to a business course, with broad Learners have the opportunity to develop skills to
coverage of knowledge and practical skills support them as they build relationships with a
required for the vocational sector. Potentially the wide variety of customers, internal and external, to
qualification could prepare learners for a range of business environments.
progression to an appropriate Level 3 programme
in the same or related vocational area or, for Students will be guided and supported throughout
those who have decided that they wish to enter a the course which is based on internally set and
particular area of work, for progression to assessed projects.
employment in the appropriate vocational sector.

Aims of the Course


The Pearson BTEC International Level 2 Certificate, Extended Certificate and Diploma qualifications in
Business have been developed in the business sector to:

Give full-time learners the opportunity to enter employment in the business sector or to progress to
Level 3 vocational qualifications
Provide education and training for business employees
Give opportunities for business employees to achieve a Level 2 vocationally specific qualification
Give learners the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes
essential for successful performance in working life.

The course allows the student to develop business expertise in the following areas:

Finance, both personal and business, together with bookkeeping, which supports the development of
basic financial principles
Working in business teams and team-leading
Business support or administration, which supports the development of practical administration skills
including office systems and equipment, meeting support and filing systems
Personal selling, which helps learners to understand the personal selling process
Aspects of business online and how this can support businesses to develop opportunities
Aspects of retailing such as promoting, branding and visual merchandising
Consumer rights
Business ethics
Lean management techniques
Enterprise and business start-up

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 52

Course Details
The Pearson BTEC International Level 2 Certificate in Business qualification totals 150 Notional Learning
Hours (NLH). Learners must achieve the two mandatory units and 1 optional unit, for a combined
total value of 15 to achieve the qualification. This qualification is not designed to allow units to be
imported from other Pearson qualifications.

Mandatory units Optional units

Unit 1 – Business Purposes TBC by the school but the range of units
Unit 2 – Business Organisations available can be seen at:


Career Prospects
The Pearson BTEC International Level 2 Certificate offers a work-related vocational qualification that
focuses on particular aspects of employment in the appropriate vocational sector. The Pearson BTEC
International Level 2 Certificate is a qualification that can be part of a learner’s programme of study and
provide a vocational learning experience. Potentially the qualification could prepare learners for
progression to an appropriate Level 3 programme in the same or related vocational area.

This course provides a good grounding to progress on to the BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Business.

Key Stage Four Options Booklet 53



Name of Student: ......................................................................................................................................................

Year Group and Class: ...............................................................................................................................................

I hereby confirm that I have fully read and accept the terms and conditions as indicated in the
Examination Guidebook that is available on the Dubai British School Jumeirah Park website.

I agree to ensure that all costs of examination fees will be paid in advance of exams being taken and
that all materials/textbooks belonging to Dubai British School Jumeirah Park Jumeirah Park will be
returned at the end of each academic year or on leaving Dubai British School Jumeirah Park.

Any books lost/damaged/not returned relating to my son/daughter’s course of study must be paid for
before any examination results will be released.

I confirm that I am fully aware that certificates may not be released until such time as all outstanding
fees/invoices issued by Dubai British School Jumeirah Park Jumeirah Park have been settled in full.

I confirm that this agreement will be for the entire duration of my son/daughter’s secondary education
at Dubai British School Jumeirah Park.

Name of Parent: ........................................................................................................................................................

Signature: ........................................................................... Date: .............................................................................


For internal applicants, please complete the following information and submit the sheet to
your form tutor. For external applicants, please submit to admissions.

Name: ................................................................................ Form: .............................................................................

Please circle one of the following:

I would like to attend Key Stage 4 at Dubai British School Jumeirah Park
I am unsure if I will be returning to Dubai British School Jumeirah Park
I will not be returning to Dubai British School Jumeirah Park next year (If this is the case then please
return the form without completing any further sections)

The Key Stage 4 option blocks for the next academic year are listed below

Block A Block B Block C Block D Block E

*Triple Science Business History Arabic A Arabic B

BTEC Business Geography Drama Arabic B Art

Design Technology Media Computer Science French Business

Food & Nutrition Music BTEC IT Spanish Geography

Psychology PE Photography


N.B. Subjects will only run if there are viable numbers. Historically, subjects have not run with less
than 3 students. Please indicate which 5 subject choices you wish to study and ensure you select only
one subject from each block.


Block A Block B Block C Block D Block E

Food & Nutrition Music BTEC IT Spanish Geography

Final Choice

Block A Block B Block C Block D Block E


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