PIDE, Internship Report Format
PIDE, Internship Report Format
PIDE, Internship Report Format
The purpose of internship is to provide the students with an opportunity to learn and practice various principles, theories and procedures being taught in class rooms. In addition, students practically experience the operations/working of the business organizations, coordination among different departments/sections within an organization and how different tasks are assigned to workers. The internship will also help students to know how performance of the workers is monitored and evaluated to achieve the overall goals of their respective organizations. In broader perspective, internships provide students with invaluable work experience in their selected fields and may lead directly to employment opportunities.
Academic Requirements
As mentioned earlier the requirement for internship is a 6 to 8 week period of continued fulltime work (240 to 320 hours) or an equivalent part-time work. In addition, a student will be required to enroll a 3 (0 6) Credit Hours course in the following semester, will submit a written Internship/Employment Report in compliance with the approved format. The report will go through the prescribed evaluation process and will secure a minimum required grade for the course.
During the semester (in which the Internship is actually enrolled) a student is required to write a report and submit to the Department for evaluation strictly on or before the last date fixed for the purpose. All the students are required to follow the approved format for writing their respective Internship/Employment Reports. The report should be complete in all respects according to the approved format. A typical written report will be approximately 30 pages of strictly relevant subject matter (excluding Appendices).
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Report Format
The written Internship/Employment Report must strictly comply with the following requirements. (i) Use A4 sized good quality white paper for the final draft. (ii) Typed with the following settings, Font Style Times New Roman, Font Size 12 Pts (Except for Headings which should not exceed 20 Pts), Page Margins Left 1.2, Right 1, Top & Bottom 1 and Line Spacing 1.5. (iii) Print the report on a LaserJet printer using only one side of the page. (iv) Get the final copies bound properly. (v) Submit 3 copies (one will be returned to you after evaluation). (vi) Follow the format below.
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Supervisor Name: Telephone Number: Start Date for Internship: End Date for Internship: Report Date:
company name>
Internship report submitted for the Final Evaluation in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Signature _____________________________________________ Type Name Of the supervisor of the company Signature _____________________________________________ Type Name Dean, Department of Business Studies
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You may write maximum of a page of acknowledgement of help and assistance from your teachers, job supervisor, friends, family or any other.
Table of Contents
Include an entry of each section as identified below (Executive Summary and Company Background etc.). (ii) Provide an entry for each appendix, i.e., Appendix 1: Internship Completion Certificate, Appendix 2: Documentation of Work Hours, etc.).
Executive Summary
(Less than two pages) Describe where your internship was carried out (company, department, location, etc.). Summarize your internship goals, activities, and accomplishments. In addition, describe the key lessons you took away from your internship. These should be both technical and nontechnical (for example, you might describe such things as how your organization was structured, how individuals worked together in your company, how the employees interacted with customers, what company initiatives you observed, etc.)
1. Company Background
Describe the company with whom your internship was carried out with a brief overview of its past, present and the future outlook. Mention the background to your involvement with this company, including the location of the facility at which the work was done. Describe your position and the basic areas/specializations in which you worked for your internship.
2. Business Operations
Briefly touch upon the following a. SWOT Analysis b. Organizational Structure (Draw if necessary) c. Marketing Strategy d. Competitive Strategy e. Any other points deemed necessary
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3. Work Description
Describe in detail the nature of the work or the nature of the project or projects, which you carried out, stressing as much as possible the business aspects of your work. Describe the goals of the job/project, the methods used to approach the project. Describe your responsibilities/duties, accomplishments, new knowledge acquired, problems encountered and how the experience may impact your career. Also Include a statement of the number of hours worked, with supporting documents in the Appendix. Do not disclose any proprietary information. If you are, or, have been a full time employee, you need only describe your work of the last 8 weeks.
4. Analysis
Describe the usefulness of your internship/employment work in advancing your understanding of the subject/specialization. What did you learn from this experience? Include both the technical and non-technical learning (for example, you might describe such things as how your organization was structured, how individuals worked together in your company, how technical employees interacted with customers, what company initiatives you observed, the importance of your job in overall business activity of the organization etc.) Analyze your performance during the internship. What are your three primary strengths? Give examples of what you did well. What are three areas that you would like to improve? Give examples of what you would do differently. Ask your supervisor for input on this aspect of the report. What textbook knowledge you used in solving problems assigned to you on job or in carrying out your responsibilities?
5. Conclusions
Summarize the usefulness of your internship work in advancing your understanding of the profession, both technically and organizationally. Summarize what you learned from the experience.
6. Appendices
a. Internship Completion Certificate (if you dont have any make sure that it has been sent directly to the Dean of Business Department, PIDE) Page 6 of 7
b. Documentary evidence of your attendance (i) Include copy of the relevant page(s) from the standard daily attendance register). (ii) Include copy of the Cheque(s) received as stipend/salary if any. c. Printed internship presentation (4 slides a page).
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