Transformer Tests

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Electrical Machine I- EEE-221

Second stage


Dr. Manal Hussein Nawir

Transformer Tests
 The performance of a transformer can be calculated on the basis of equivalent

 The four main parameters of equivalent circuit are:

• The equivalent resistance R01 as referred to primary (or secondary R02)

• The equivalent leakage reactance X01 as referred to primary (or secondary X02)
• Magnetising susceptance B ( or reactance XM)
• core loss conductance G (or resistance RC)

 The above constants can be easily determined by two tests

- Open circuit test (O.C test / No load test)

- Short circuit test (S.C test/Impedance test)

 These tests are economical and convenient

- these tests furnish the result without actually loading the transformer

Open-circuit Test
In Open Circuit Test the transformer’s secondary winding is open-circuited, and
its primary winding is connected to a full-rated line voltage.

Core loss  Woc  V0 I 0 cos 0 V0

Rc 
Woc Ic
cos 0 
V0 I 0 V0
XM 
I c  I 0 cos 0 IM
I m  I 0 sin 0  I 02 -I c2 G 
• Usually conducted on H.V side I0
I 0  V0 Y0 ;  Yo  IM
V0 B 
• To find Woc  V02 G 0 ;
(i) No load loss or core loss Woc
 Exciting conductance G 
(ii) No load current Io which is V02
helpful in finding G(or Rc ) and & Exciting susceptance B  Y02  G02
B (or XM )

Short-circuit Test
In Short Circuit Test the secondary terminals are short circuited, and the
primary terminals are connected to a fairly low-voltage source
The input voltage is adjusted until the current in the short circuited windings
is equal to its rated value. The input voltage, current and power is
Full load cu loss  Wsc  I sc R01

R 01  2
I sc
Z 01 
I sc
• Usually conducted on L.V side
• To find  X 01  Z 2
01  R 2

(i) Full load copper loss – to pre determine the

(ii) Z01 or Z02; X01 or X02; R01 or R02 - to predetermine the
voltage regulation

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