Imogene King Notes

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The core of goal attainment theory
is that the nurse and the patient
work together to define and reach
health goals that they set together.


She was challenged by her Philosophy Professor with a question.
“Have you or any other nurses have defined the "Nursing Act"?

She pursue to answer the question, and reading courses led her to the
General Systems Theory and hence to another set of questions. With the thought
"What is the goal of nursing?
Interacting Systems Framework
Personal System
Perception-one's image of reality, and influences one's behavior.
Self-a composite of thoughts and feelings that constitute a person's awareness of
individual existence, of who and what he or she is.
Growth and development-behavioral changes in human beings that help
individuals move toward maturity.
Body image-a person's perception of his or her body.
Time-the duration between the occurrence of one event and the occurrence of
another event.
Space -the physical area called territory that exists in all directions.
Learning-gaining knowledge.

Interpersonal System
Interactions-the acts of two or more persons in mutual presence; a sequence of
verbal and nonverbal behaviors that are goal directed.
Communication-the vehicle by which human relations are developed and
maintained; encompasses intrapersonal, interpersonal, verbal, and nonverbal
Transaction-a process of interaction in which human beings communicate with the
environment to achieve goals that are valued; goal-directed human behaviors.
Role-a set of behaviors expected of a person occupying a position in a social
Stress-a dynamic state whereby a human being interacts with the environment to
maintain balance for growth, development, and performance, involving an
exchange of energy and information between the person and the environ ment for
regulation and control of stressors.
Coping-a way of dealing with stress.
Social System
Organization-compo sed of human beings with prescribed roles and positions who
use resources to accomplish personal and organizational goals.
Authority-a transactional process characterized by active, reciprocal relations in
which members' values, backgrounds, and perceptions play a role in defining,
validating, and accepting the authority of individuals within an organization.
Power-the process whereby one or more persons influence other persons in a
Status-the position or an individual in a group or a group in relation to othergroups
in an organization.
Decision making-a dynamic and systematic process by which goal-directed choice
of perceived alternatives is made and acted upon by individuals or groups to
answer a question and attain a goal.
Control-being in charge.

Goal Attainment Theory

The theory of Imogene Kings starts with a
person who has a health need which can be
classified into three:
1.) need for health information which is usable
2.) need for care that seeks to prevent illness
3.) need for care when human beings are unable to help themselves.

The basic assumption of the theory- is that nurses and clients

communicate information, set goals mutually, and then act to attain goals.
Propositions of King's Theory
1. If perceptual interaction accuracy is present in nurse- client interactions,
transaction will occur.
2. If nurse and client make transaction, goal will be attained.
3. If goal are attained, satisfaction will occur.
4. If transactions are made in nurse-client interactions, growth & development
will be enhanced.
5. If role expectations and role performance as perceived by nurse & client are
congruent, transaction will occur.
6. If role conflict is experienced by nurse or client or both, stress in nurse-client
interaction will occur.
7. If nurse with special knowledge skill communicate appropriate information
to client, mutual goal setting and goal attainment will occur
Nursing Paradigms

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