Skip Counting by 10s 50s and 100s

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1st Grading Period

in MATH 2
Topic: Skip Counting by 10s, 50s, and 100s
Content Standard:
The learners are expected to .. ..
 Visualize and count numbers by 10s, 50s, and 100s.
Performance Standard:
The learners should be able to……
 Visualize and represent numbers from 0 to 1,000 with emphasis on numbers 101 to 1,000 using a
variety of materials.
Learning Competencies:
The learners should be able to……
 Group objects from 0 to 1,000 by 10s, 50s, and 100s.
Learning Targets:
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to…
 Visualize and skip count numbers by 10s, 50s, and 100s.
 Count objects or representations from 0 to 1,000 by 10s, 50s, and 100s.
 Appreciate the importance of numbers by using them in their daily life.

Transfer Goals: Students on their own and in the long run will be able to:
 Learn counting objects easily by grouping and counting them by 10s, 50s, or 100s.
(Day 1)
TASK 1: Show me board
Let the student write the missing number to complete the table.
Skip Counting by 2s

2 6 8

12 14 20
(Day 1)

FIRM-UP  Grouping and Counting by 10s.

 Use base ten blocks as another example for grouping and counting by 10s.
 Show 10 units and ask the learners to count them.
 Use counters like the popsicle sticks for the next example.
(Day 2)
 Grouping and Counting by 50s
 Show the picture of the Grade 2 - Rose class with 50 learners.
 Show the base ten blocks as another example.
 Show 5 bundles of 10 popsicle sticks.
 Explain that it can be grouped as a bundle of 50.
 Grouping and Counting by 100s.
 Show pictures of 2 sections in Grade 2 with 50 learners each.
 Ask the learners, “How many tens rods do we need to form 100?”
 Show 10 bundles of 10 popsicle sticks and ask them to count them.
 Show 60 bundles of 10 popsicle sticks. Ask, “How many groups of 100s
can we make out of 60 bundles of 10 popsicle sticks?
(Day 3)


 They will help Didi and Dodo find their way back to the camp by
finishing the maze.
TRANSFER Values Integration:
 How can we count objects easily?

Presentation 5
Content 3
Neatness 2
Total 10 points
Prepared by: Checked by:
Mary Danica P. Ragutana Sr. Agatha I. Caoili, SIHM
School Teacher School Principal

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