Quality S275J2: Structural Steel
Quality S275J2: Structural Steel
Quality S275J2: Structural Steel
Mechanical properties
Hot-rolled EN 10025-2: 2004 S275J2 1.0145
Testing at room temperature Kv -20 °C
size mm R ReH A% A% Kv L -20 °C HB Modulo Elastico
from to N/mm2 N/mm2 min min (L) min (T) J min d) (L) for inf. GPa +20°C
3 430-580 275 - - - - long. tang.
3 16 410-560 275 23 21 27 122-162 200 77
16 40 410-560 265 23 21 27 122-162
40 63 410-560 255 22 20 27 122-162
63 80 410-560 245 21 19 27 122-162
80 100 410-560 235 21 19 27 122-162
100 150 400-540 225 19 19 27 119-158
150 200 380-540 215 18 18 27 110-158
200 250 380-540 205 18 18 27 110-158
250 400 380-540 195 18 18 27 110-158 apply to flat products
a) values to be agreed for thickness > 100 mm (normalization +N is advised)