2024 BMW 4 Series 24
2024 BMW 4 Series 24
2024 BMW 4 Series 24
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Information ........................................................................................................... 6
Getting in ............................................................................................................. 16
Set-up and use ................................................................................................... 19
On the road ......................................................................................................... 23
Dashboard .......................................................................................................... 30
Sensors of the vehicle ....................................................................................... 35
Operating condition of the vehicle .................................................................. 40
BMW iDrive ......................................................................................................... 43
BMW Remote Software Upgrade ................................................................... 58
Personal settings ............................................................................................... 62
Opening and closing ......................................................................................... 69
Seats, mirrors and steering wheel ................................................................. 99
Transporting children safely ........................................................................... 113
Driving ................................................................................................................ 118
Displays ............................................................................................................. 135
Lights ................................................................................................................. 156
Safety ................................................................................................................. 165
Driving stability control systems .................................................................... 194
Driver assistance systems ............................................................................. 198
Parking .............................................................................................................. 223
Driving comfort ................................................................................................ 243
Climate control ................................................................................................. 244
Interior equipment ........................................................................................... 256
Storage compartments .................................................................................. 262
Cargo area ........................................................................................................ 266
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Things to remember when driving ............................................................... 270
Saving fuel ........................................................................................................ 276
Refueling ........................................................................................................... 282
Wheels and tires .............................................................................................. 284
Engine compartment ....................................................................................... 315
Operating materials ......................................................................................... 318
Maintenance .................................................................................................... 325
Replacing components ................................................................................... 327
Breakdown Assistance ................................................................................... 331
Vehicle Care ..................................................................................................... 338
Technical data ................................................................................................. 344
Appendix .......................................................................................................... 346
Everything from A to Z ................................................................................... 348
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
NOTES Information
Using this Owner's Manual Media at a glance
Orientation General information
The fastest way to find information on a partic- The contents of the Owner's Manual are avail-
ular topic is by using the index. able in various media formats. The following
For an overview of the vehicle, we recommend Owner's Manual media formats are available:
reading the quick reference guide in the own- ▷ Printed Owner's Manual.
er’s manual. ▷ Integrated Owner's Manual in the vehicle.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Information NOTES
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
NOTES Information
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Information NOTES
▷ Vehicle documents and statutory docu- Approved parts and accessories, and advice
ments. on their use and installation are available from
an authorized service center.
Warranty BMW parts and accessories have been tested
by BMW for their safety and suitability in BMW
The vehicle is technically configured for the
operating conditions and registration require-
ments applicable in the country of first delivery, BMW warrants genuine BMW parts and acces-
also known as homologation. If the vehicle is sories.
to be operated in a different country it might BMW does not evaluate whether each individ-
be necessary to adapt the vehicle to potentially ual product from another manufacturer can be
differing operating conditions and registration used with BMW vehicles without presenting a
requirements. Noncompliance with homologa- safety hazard, even if a country-specific official
tion requirements in a certain country may approval was issued. BMW does not evaluate
affect warranty coverage. Please consult the whether these products are suitable for BMW
New Vehicle Limited Warranty Booklet for fur- vehicles under all usage conditions.
ther information on warranty matters.
California Proposition 65 Warning
Maintenance and repairs For vehicles sold in California, the law requires
Advanced technology, for instance the use of vehicle manufacturers to provide the following
modern materials and high-performance elec- warning:
tronics, requires suitable maintenance and re-
pair work.
The vehicle manufacturer therefore recom-
mends having necessary work performed by Engine exhaust and a wide variety of Au-
an authorized service center, e.g., a BMW tomobile components and parts, including
dealer or service center. If a different repair components found in the interior furnishings
shop is selected, BMW recommends select- in a vehicle, contain or emit chemicals known
ing a workshop that performs the appropriate to the State of California to cause cancer
work such as maintenance and repair accord- and birth defects and reproductive harm. In
ing to BMW specifications with properly trained addition, certain fluids contained in vehicles
personnel. In the Owner's Manual, such works and certain products of component wear con-
are referred to as "another qualified authorized tain or emit chemicals known to the State
service center or repair shop". of California to cause cancer and birth de-
fects or other reproductive harm. Battery
If work is not carried out properly, for instance posts, terminals and related accessories con-
maintenance and repair, there is a risk of sub- tain lead and lead compounds. Batteries also
sequent damages and related safety risks. contain other chemicals known to the State
Improperly performed work on the vehicle of California to cause cancer. Wash your
paintwork can lead to a failure or fault of com- hands after handling. Used engine oil con-
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
NOTES Information
tains chemicals that have caused cancer in to operate the vehicle in another country or
laboratory animals. Always protect your skin region, you may be required to adapt the vehi-
by washing thoroughly with soap and water. cle to meet different prevailing operating con-
For more information go to www.P65Warn- ditions and homologation requirements. You
ings.ca.gov/passenger-vehicle. should also be aware of any applicable war-
ranty limitations or exclusions for such country
or region. In such case, please contact Cus-
tomer Relations for further information.
Operating, servicing and maintaining a pas-
senger vehicle or off-highway motor vehicle
can expose you to chemicals including en- Maintain the vehicle regularly to sustain the
gine exhaust, carbon monoxide, phthalates, road safety, operational reliability and the New
and lead, which are known to the State of Vehicle Limited Warranty.
California to cause cancer and birth defects Specifications for maintenance measures:
or other reproductive harm. To minimize ex- ▷ BMW maintenance system.
posure, avoid breathing exhaust, do not idle
Maintenance, refer to page 325.
the engine except as necessary, service the
vehicle in a well-ventilated area and wear ▷ Maintenance Booklet, available online and
gloves or wash your hands frequently when accessible via a QR code in the New Vehi-
servicing the vehicle. For more information cle Limited Warranty Booklet.
go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov/passenger- ▷ Warranty and Service Guide Booklet for
vehicle. Canadian models.
If the vehicle is not maintained or is improperly
maintained, this could result in serious dam-
Service and warranty age to the vehicle.
We recommend that you read this publication
A failure to maintain the vehicle or improper
thoroughly. The vehicle is covered by the fol-
maintenance may affect your warranty cover-
lowing warranties:
age. Please consult the New Vehicle Limited
▷ New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Warranty Booklet for further information on
▷ Rust Perforation Limited Warranty. warranty matters.
▷ Federal Emissions System Defect War- Refer to section on engine oil change re-
ranty. garding recommended service intervals for oil
▷ Federal Emissions Performance Warranty. changes.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Information NOTES
for instance driver assistance systems. Fur- ▷ Operating states of system components,
thermore, control units facilitate comfort or in- such as fill levels, tire pressure, battery sta-
fotainment functions. tus.
Information about stored or exchanged data ▷ Malfunctions and faults in important sys-
can be requested from the manufacturer of the tem components, for instance lights and
vehicle, in a separate booklet, for example. brakes.
▷ Responses by the vehicle to special driving
Personal reference situations such as airbag deployment or
Each vehicle is marked with a unique vehicle engagement of the driving stability control
identification number. Depending on the coun- systems.
try, the vehicle owner can be identified with the ▷ Information on vehicle-damaging events.
vehicle identification number, license plate and The data is required to perform the control unit
corresponding authorities. In addition, there functions. Furthermore, it also serves to detect
are other options to track data collected in the and correct malfunctions, and helps the vehicle
vehicle to the driver or vehicle owner, such as manufacturer to optimize vehicle functions.
via the ConnectedDrive account that is used.
The majority of this data is stored temporarily
and is only processed within the vehicle itself.
Operating data in the vehicle In some circumstances the vehicle may store
Control units process data to operate the vehi- some data for an additional but limited period
cle. of time.
For example, this includes: When servicing, for instance during repairs,
▷ Status messages for the vehicle and its service processes, warranty cases, and quality
individual components, e.g., wheel RPM, assurance measures, this technical informa-
wheel speed, deceleration, lateral accelera- tion can be read out from the vehicle together
tion, engaged seat belt indicator. with the vehicle identification number.
▷ Ambient conditions, e.g., temperature, rain An authorized service center or another quali-
sensor signals. fied service center or repair shop can read
The processed data is only processed in the out the information. The diagnostic socket re-
vehicle itself while the vehicle is being oper- quired by law in the vehicle is used to read out
ated. Data is not stored beyond the operating data.
time. The data is collected, processed, and used
Electronic components, e.g. control units and by the relevant organizations in the service
vehicle keys, contain components for storing network. The data documents technical condi-
technical information. Information about the tions of the vehicle, which can be used to de-
vehicle condition, component usage, mainte- termine vehicle maintenance status, and facili-
nance recommendations, events or faults can tate quality improvement.
be stored temporarily or permanently. Vehicle fault and event memories can be re-
This information generally documents the set by an authorized service center or another
state of a component, a module, a system, or qualified service center or repair shop when
the surrounding area, for instance: performing repair or servicing work.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
NOTES Information
Data entry and data transfer into transferred to the mobile devices at the same
the vehicle time. Depending on the type of incorporation,
this includes, for instance, position data and
other general vehicle information. This opti-
General information
mizes the way in which selected apps, for in-
Depending on the vehicle equipment, comfort stance navigation or music playback, work.
and individual settings can be stored in the
There is no further interaction between the
vehicle and modified or reset at any time.
mobile device and the vehicle, such as active
For example, this includes: access to vehicle data.
▷ Settings for the seat and steering wheel How the data will be processed further is de-
positions. termined by the provider of the particular app
▷ Chassis and climate control settings. being used. The extent of the possible settings
If necessary, data can be transferred to the en- depends on the respective app and the operat-
tertainment and communication system of the ing system of the mobile device.
vehicle, for instance via smartphone.
This includes the following depending on the
respective equipment:
General information
▷ Multimedia data such as music, films or
photos for playback in an integrated multi- If the vehicle has a wireless network connec-
media system. tion, it will enable data to be exchanged be-
tween the vehicle and other systems. The
▷ Address book data for use in conjunction
wireless network connection is realized via an
with an integrated hands-free system or an
in-vehicle transmitter and receiver unit or via
integrated navigation system.
personal mobile devices brought into the ve-
▷ Entered navigation destinations. hicle, for instance smartphones. This wireless
▷ Data on the use of Internet services. network connection enables 'online functions'
This data can be stored locally in the vehicle or to be used. These include online services and
is found on a device that has been connected apps supplied by the vehicle manufacturer or
to the vehicle, e.g., a smartphone, USB stick or by other providers.
MP3 player. If this data is stored in the vehicle,
it can be deleted at any time. Services from the vehicle manufacturer
This data is only transmitted to third parties Where online services from the vehicle man-
upon personal request as part of the use of on- ufacturer are concerned, the corresponding
line services. The transmission depends on the functions are described in the appropriate
selected settings for the use of the services. place, for instance the Owner's Manual or
manufacturer's web page. The relevant legal
Incorporation of mobile devices information pertaining to data protection may
also be found on the manufacturer’s website.
Depending on the vehicle equipment, mobile Personal data may be used to perform online
devices connected to the vehicle, for instance services. Data is exchanged over a secure con-
smartphones, can be controlled via the vehicle nection, for instance with the IT systems of the
control elements. vehicle manufacturer intended for this purpose.
The sound and picture from the mobile devi- Any collection, processing, and use of personal
ces can be played back and displayed through data above and beyond that needed to pro-
the multimedia system. Certain information is vide the services must always be based on a
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Information NOTES
legal permission, contractual arrangement or EDR data is recorded by the vehicle only if a
consent. It is also possible to activate or deac- nontrivial crash situation occurs; no data is re-
tivate the data connection as a whole. This ex- corded by the EDR under normal driving condi-
cludes functions and services required by law tions and no personal data, for instance name,
such as Assist systems. gender, age, and crash location, are recorded.
However, other parties, such as law enforce-
Services from other providers ment, could combine the EDR data with the
When using online services from other provid- type of personally identifying data routinely ac-
ers, these services are the responsibility of the quired during a crash investigation.
relevant provider and subject to their data pri- To read data recorded by an EDR, special
vacy conditions and terms of use. The vehicle equipment is required, and access to the vehi-
manufacturer has no influence on the content cle or the EDR is needed. In addition to the ve-
exchanged during this process. Information on hicle manufacturer, other parties, such as law
the way in which personal data is collected and enforcement, that have the special equipment,
used in relation to services from third parties, can read the information if they have access to
the scope of such data, and its purpose, can the vehicle or the EDR.
be obtained from the relevant service provider.
Vehicle identification
Event Data Recorder (EDR) number
This vehicle is equipped with an event data
recorder (EDR). The main purpose of an EDR General information
is to record, in certain crash or near crash- Depending on the national-market equipment,
like situations, such as an air bag deployment the vehicle identification number is located in
or hitting a road obstacle, data that will as- different positions in the vehicle. This chapter
sist in understanding how a vehicle’s systems describes all possible positions for the series.
performed. The EDR is designed to record
data related to vehicle dynamics and safety
Engine compartment
systems for a short period of time, typically
30 seconds or less.
The EDR in this vehicle is designed to record
such data as:
▷ How various systems in the vehicle were
▷ Whether or not the driver and passenger
seat belts were fastened.
▷ How far, if at all, the driver was depressing
the accelerator and/or brake pedal. The engraved vehicle identification number
▷ How fast the vehicle was traveling. can be found in the engine compartment, on
This data can help provide a better un- the right-hand side of the vehicle.
derstanding of the circumstances in which
crashes and injuries occur.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
NOTES Information
1. Apps menu
2. "All apps"
3. "Mobile devices"
4. "Settings"
5. "Vehicle ID (VIN):"
The vehicle identification number can be found If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may
on the nameplate, on the left-hand side of the open an investigation, and if it finds that a
vehicle. safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it
may order a recall and remedy campaign.
However, NHTSA cannot become involved in
Windshield individual problems between you, your dealer,
or BMW of North America, LLC.
To contact NHTSA, you may call
the Vehicle Safety Hotline toll-free at
1-888-327-4236 (TTY: 1-800-424-9153); go to
http://www.safercar.gov; or write to: Adminis-
trator, NHTSA, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590. You can also obtain
other information about motor vehicle safety
from http://www.safercar.gov.
The vehicle identification number can also be
found behind the windshield. For Canadian customers
Canadian customers who wish to report a
safety-related defect to Transport Canada, De-
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Information NOTES
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Getting in
Opening and closing Locking with the vehicle key
1. Close the driver's door.
Vehicle key
2. Press the button on the vehicle key.
All vehicle access points are locked.
Icon Meaning
Stationary climate control. The central locking buttons are located on the
front door.
Open the cargo area.
Panic mode.
Pathway lighting.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Indicator/warning lights
The indicator/warning lights can illuminate in a
variety of combinations and colors.
Several of the lights are checked for proper
functioning and illuminate temporarily when
drive-ready state is turned on.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Go to Phone menu.
Go to previous menu.
The BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant is a
personal assistant that enables natural voice
operation of various vehicle functions.
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Set-up and use QUICK REFERENCE
1 Backrest width
2 Height/longitudinal direction/seat tilt
3 Head restraint/backrest tilt
4 Lumbar support
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
QUICK REFERENCE Set-up and use
Icon Meaning
Select exterior mirror, Automatic Curb The memory buttons are located on the front
Monitor. doors.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Set-up and use QUICK REFERENCE
Calling up settings
Press the desired memory button 1 or 2.
2. Fold the seat backrest forward.
3. Push the seat forward. Navigation destination input
Push the seat backrest rearward 1. Navigation menu
1. Push the seat back into the initial position. 2. "Destination input"
2. Fold back the backrest to lock the seat. A search box and entered information such
as the search history are displayed.
3. Select the desired entry or the search box.
4. When selecting the search box, enter char-
acters or choose one of the POI categories
If necessary, select to display more
information, e.g. to preview a map.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
QUICK REFERENCE Set-up and use
Apply the suggested search keywords as 5. Select the desired mobile phone.
necessary 6. Compare the control number displayed on
5. Select the desired entry. the control display with the control number
6. "Start guidance" in the display of the mobile phone, and con-
firm that they match.
Entertainment 7. If necessary, select the connection mode:
Depending on vehicle equipment and national- "Use Bluetooth"
market version, the instrument panel has the The device is connected and displayed in the
following buttons. device list.
Button Function
Accepting a call
Turn the button to adjust the Depending on the equipment, incoming calls
volume. can be answered in several ways.
Press the button to switch off ▷ Via iDrive:
the sound output. Pressing the
button again restores the pre-
vious volume setting.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
On the road
Driving Steptronic transmission
The Auto Start/Stop function helps save fuel. Sport program: the gearshift behavior is de-
The system switches off the engine during a signed for a sportier driving behavior.
stop, for instance in traffic jam or at traffic
lights. Drive-ready state remains switched on. Engaging selector lever position P
The engine starts automatically under the fol-
Engage selector lever position P only when the
lowing preconditions:
vehicle is stationary.
▷ By releasing the brake pedal.
▷ When Automatic Hold is activated: step on
the accelerator pedal.
Press button P.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Parking lights.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Maximum cooling.
Air distribution.
SYNC program.
Seat heating.
Pull the lever.
Icon Function
Automatic program.
Air conditioning.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Icon Function
Automatic program.
Air distribution.
3. Place the fuel cap in the bracket attached to
the fuel filler flap.
Switching off.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Functional requirements
A current measured value is available after ap-
prox. 30 minutes of normal driving with the
combustion engine running.
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BMW Assistance
Contact BMW Assistance for information and
support for all aspects of the vehicle.
1. Apps menu
2. "All apps"
3. "BMW Assistance"
4. Select the desired service.
Follow the displays on the control display.
A voice connection is established.
BMW Teleservices
Teleservices are services that help to maintain
vehicle mobility.
Teleservices can comprise the following serv-
▷ BMW Roadside Assistance.
▷ BMW Accident Assistance.
▷ Teleservice Call.
▷ Your authorized service center.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Dashboard
Vehicle features and options available, or may become available in the fu-
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
This chapter describes model-specific equip- Additional information:
ment, systems, and functions that are currently Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8.
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Dashboard CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Dashboard
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Dashboard CONTROLS
Station/title back
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CONTROLS Dashboard
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Sensors of the vehicle CONTROLS
Depending on the equipment, the following
cameras and sensors are installed in the vehi- The front camera is located in the radiator
cle: grille.
▷ Front camera.
▷ Camera behind the windshield. Camera behind the windshield
▷ Top view cameras.
▷ Rearview camera.
▷ Front radar sensor.
▷ Radar sensors, side, front.
▷ Radar sensors, side, rear.
▷ Ultrasonic sensors in the front/rear bump-
▷ Ultrasonic sensors, side.
The camera behind the windshield is located
near the interior mirror.
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CONTROLS Sensors of the vehicle
Radar sensors
Safety information
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Sensors of the vehicle CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Sensors of the vehicle
The ultrasonic sensors of the parking assis- ▷ In case of external interference with the
tance systems are located in the rear bumper. ultrasonics, for instance from passing ve-
hicles, loud machines or other ultrasonic
Ultrasonic sensors, side ▷ Under certain weather conditions, e.g., high
moisture, wet conditions, snowfall, cold, ex-
treme heat, or strong wind.
▷ With tow bars and trailer hitches of other
▷ With thin or wedge-shaped objects.
▷ With moving objects.
▷ With elevated, protruding objects such as
The ultrasonic sensors of the parking assis- ▷ With objects with corners, edges, and
tance systems are located on the side in the smooth surfaces.
front and rear bumpers.
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Sensors of the vehicle CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Operating condition of the vehicle
General information Unattended children or animals in the vehicle
can cause the vehicle to move and endanger
Depending on the situation, the vehicle is in themselves and traffic, for instance due to the
one of the three states: following actions:
▷ Idle state. ▷ Pressing the Start/Stop button.
▷ Standby state. ▷ Releasing the parking brake.
▷ Drive-ready state. ▷ Opening and closing the doors or win-
▷ Engaging selector lever position N.
Idle state ▷ Using vehicle equipment.
There is a risk of accidents or injuries. Do not
Principle leave children or animals unattended in the
When the vehicle is in idle state, it is switched vehicle. Take the vehicle key with you when
off. exiting and lock the vehicle.
General information
The vehicle is in idle state prior to opening
Establishing the sleep mode
from the outside and after exiting and locking. automatically
The sleep mode is established automatically,
Safety information such as in the following situations:
▷ After several minutes, if no operation takes
place on the vehicle.
▷ If the charge state of the vehicle battery is
An unsecured vehicle can begin to move and
possibly roll away. There is a risk of accident.
Before leaving the vehicle, secure the vehicle ▷ Depending on the configuration via iDrive:
against rolling away. one or both front doors will be opened after
driving when exiting the vehicle.
In order to ensure that the vehicle is secured
against rolling away, follow the following:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Operating condition of the vehicle CONTROLS
In some situations, the idle state is not set au- Manually setting to standby
tomatically, for instance during a phone call or
when the low beams are switched on. General information
Standby can be switched back on after the ve-
Establishing idle state when hicle is automatically set to idle state.
opening the front doors
After a trip, the sleep mode can be established Via button on the radio
by opening the front doors. For this purpose,
Press the button on the radio.
all passengers must exit the vehicle.
The control display and the in-
1. Apps menu strument cluster illuminate.
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Doors and windows"
4. "Lock/unlock" Via start/stop button
5. "Turn off after opening door"
Press the Start/Stop button. The
control display and the instru-
Establishing the sleep mode ment cluster illuminate.
To establish idle state in the vehicle after com-
pletion of trip:
Press and hold the button on
Display in the instrument cluster
the radio until the OFF indicator OFF is displayed in the instru-
on the instrument cluster goes ment cluster. The drivetrain is
out. switched off and standby state
switched on.
Standby state
Drive-ready state
When standby state is switched on, most func- Principle
tions can be used while the vehicle is station- Turning on drive-ready state corresponds to
ary. Desired settings can be adjusted. starting the engine.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Operating condition of the vehicle
General information
If the exhaust pipe is blocked or ventilation is Drive-ready state is switched on
insufficient, harmful exhaust gases can pene- via the Start/Stop button.
trate the vehicle. The exhaust gases contain
pollutants which are colorless and odorless.
In enclosed areas, exhaust gases can also
accumulate outside of the vehicle. There is a
danger to life. Keep the exhaust pipe free and Turning on the drive-ready state
ensure sufficient ventilation. 1. Depress the brake pedal.
2. Press the Start/Stop button.
The ignition is activated automatically for a
Warning brief time and is stopped as soon as the en-
An unsecured vehicle can begin to move and gine starts.
possibly roll away. There is a risk of accident. Most of the indicator/warning lights in the in-
Before leaving the vehicle, secure the vehicle strument cluster illuminate for a varied length
against rolling away. of time.
In order to ensure that the vehicle is secured
against rolling away, follow the following: Gasoline engine
▷ Set the parking brake. Depending on the motorization, the full drive
▷ On uphill grades or on downhill slopes, power may not be available for approximately
turn the front wheels in the direction of 30 seconds after starting the engine. In this
the curb. case, the vehicle will not accelerate as usual.
▷ On uphill grades or on downhill slopes, Additional information:
also secure the vehicle, for instance with Power gauge, refer to page 147.
a wheel chock.
Display in the instrument cluster
The activated drive-ready state is indicated
NOTICE in the instrument cluster, depending on the
Repeated attempts to start the engine or re- equipment, by the display of information re-
peated starting of the vehicle in rapid suc- quired for driving or the READY display.
cession can cause the starter to overheat.
This also results in unburned or inadequately Turning off drive-ready state
burned fuel, and can cause the catalytic con-
1. Engage selector lever position P with the
verter to overheat. There is a risk of damage
vehicle stopped.
to property. Avoid repeated starting of the
vehicle, particularly repeated starting in rapid 2. Set the parking brake.
succession. 3. Press the Start/Stop button.
The engine is switched off. The vehicle
switches into standby state.
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BMW iDrive
Vehicle features and options a risk of accident. Only use the systems or
devices when the traffic situation allows. As
warranted, stop and use the systems and de-
This chapter describes model-specific equip-
vices while the vehicle is stationary.
ment, systems, and functions that are currently
available, or may become available in the fu-
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
Main menu
Additional information:
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8. General information
The main menu is divided into different areas.
General information
Depending on vehicle equipment, the functions
can be operated as follows: 1 Menu bar
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Active call.
Communication menu
Access to telephone and message function Signal strength.
as well as pairing and management of mobile SIM card missing.
devices, e.g., smartphones.
Entertainment status information
Navigation menu
Access to navigation system, destination Icon Meaning
entry, and traffic information. Configurable
map views and other functions, such as points USB audio.
of interest.
Bluetooth audio.
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Quick access
Input and display
The quick link provides access to shortcuts,
certain settings, and app recommendations.
Letters and numbers
Letters and numbers can be entered using the Input Operation
controller, touchpad, control display, or voice Show Swipe from top to bottom on the
control, depending on vehicle equipment. quick link. control display.
Icon Function Slide the controller up.
Change between capital and Tap the icon on the status
lower-case letters. bar.
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Storing a function
1. Select the desired function.
2. Press and hold the desired function.
3. "Add to shortcuts"
Shortcuts can only be created with an active
BMW ID or a driver profile.
1 Instrument cluster 135
Executing a function 2 Control display 46
1. Swipe from top to bottom on the control
2. Tap the desired shortcut. Control display
The function will work immediately. This
means for instance that the connection is es- Principle
tablished when a phone number is selected. The iDrive functions are displayed on the con-
trol display.
Deleting shortcuts
1. Swipe from top to bottom on the control Safety information
2. Press and hold the desired shortcut. Warning
3. "Delete shortcut" Devices connected to the vehicle via a cable,
such as mobile phones or loose objects, can
be thrown through the vehicle interior while
BMW Curved Display driving, such as in the event of an accident,
braking or evasive maneuver. There is a risk
Principle of injury. Secure loose objects or devices that
The BMW Curved Display is a single-screen are connected to the vehicle via a cable.
display in the vehicle that is curved towards
the driver. The BMW Curved Display comprises
the instrument cluster on the driver’s side and
the control display on the center console.
General information
Follow instructions for cleaning the BMW
Curved Display in the Care chapter.
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4. "Control display"
Warning 5. "Brightness at night"
Objects in the area in the front of the control 6. Make the desired setting.
display can slip and damage the control dis- Depending on the light conditions, the bright-
play. There is a risk of injury or risk of dam- ness control may not be clearly visible.
age to property. Do not place objects in the
area in front of the control display.
System limits
In the case of very high temperatures on the
Overview control display, for instance due to intense so-
lar radiation, the brightness may be reduced
down to complete deactivation. Once the
temperature is reduced, for instance through
shade or air conditioning system, the normal
functions are restored.
General information
Control display
The buttons can be used to open the menus
Switching the control display on/off
automatically Overview
The control display is turned on automatically
when the vehicle is unlocked or as soon as the
control display is needed for operation.
In certain situations, the control display is
switched off automatically, for instance if no
operation is performed on the vehicle for sev-
eral minutes.
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Button Function
Go to Phone menu.
Selecting a widget
1. Slide the Controller in the main menu to the
2. Turn the Controller until the desired widget
is selected.
▷ Press to select a menu item, for example. 3. Press the Controller.
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Hold the Controller down: delete all let- Entering special characters
ters or numbers.
Function Operation
Using alphabetical lists
Delete a charac- Swipe to the left on the
For alphabetical lists with more than 30 en- ter. touchpad.
tries, the letters for which an entry exists can
be displayed in a text box. Enter a blank Swipe to the right in the
space. center of the touchpad.
1. Turn the Controller to the left or right
quickly. Enter a hyphen. Swipe to the right in the
upper area of the touch-
2. Select the first letter of the desired entry.
The first entry of the selected letter is dis-
played in the list. Enter an under- Swipe to the right in the
score. lower area of the touch-
Operation via touchpad
Using the map
General information The map in the navigation system can be
Depending on vehicle equipment, some iDrive moved via the touchpad.
functions can be operated with the controller Tap the map on the control display and then
touchpad. continue operation using the touchpad.
Function Operation
Selecting functions
1. Apps menu Move map. Swipe in the appropriate di-
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "System settings" Display menu. Tap once.
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Operation via control display The current menu closes and the previous
menu is displayed.
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The activation word should consist of multiple ▷ Slide the Controller to the right or left.
syllables to ensure good recognition. ▷ Press the Controller.
›Hello‹: The additional phrase is not necessary
for the activation word and does not need to Possible commands
be spoken.
General information
1. Apps menu
Commands can be used to give instructions
2. "Vehicle apps" or ask questions, with the Personal Assistant
providing assistance.
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▷ Noises from the front passenger or occu- The following information sources can also be
pants can impair the system. Avoid making used:
other noise in the vehicle while speaking. ▷ Driver’s Guide app.
▷ Major language dialects can cause prob- ▷ Driver’s Guide Web.
lems with the speech recognition feature.
▷ A poor data connection influences the re- Safety information
sponse time of the Personal Assistant and
the Search.
Operating the integrated information systems
Connecting mobile devices and communication devices while driving can
to the vehicle distract from surrounding traffic. It is possi-
ble to lose control of the vehicle. There is
a risk of accident. Only use the systems or
Principle devices when the traffic situation allows. As
Various connection types are available for us- warranted, stop and use the systems and de-
ing mobile devices in the vehicle. The connec- vices while the vehicle is stationary.
tion type to select depends on the mobile de-
vice and the desired function.
General information The following overview shows possible func-
Detailed information on the functions and con- tions and the suitable connection types for
nection types can be found in the following them. The range of functions depends on the
media in the Owner's Manual under the speci- vehicle equipment and the mobile device.
fied keyword:
▷ Integrated Owner's Manual in the vehicle.
▷ Printed Owner’s Manual for navigation,
communication and entertainment.
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Use Internet access via the personal Wi-Fi via personal hotspot.
hotspot. Keyword: personal hotspot.
Using Android Auto via iDrive and via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
voice control. Keyword: Bluetooth connection and
Keyword: Android Auto preparation. vehicle Wi-Fi.
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CONTROLS BMW Remote Software Upgrade
Manual search
1. Apps menu
Unattended children or animals in the vehicle
2. "All apps"
can cause the vehicle to move and endanger
themselves and traffic, for instance due to the 3. "System settings"
following actions: 4. "Remote Software Upgrade"
▷ Pressing the Start/Stop button. 5. "Search for upgrades"
▷ Releasing the parking brake. 6. Follow the instructions on the control dis-
▷ Opening and closing the doors or win- play.
▷ Engaging selector lever position N.
▷ Using vehicle equipment.
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BMW Remote Software Upgrade CONTROLS
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CONTROLS BMW Remote Software Upgrade
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BMW Remote Software Upgrade CONTROLS
▷ Alarm system.
▷ Emergency call.
▷ Power windows.
▷ Glass sunroof.
▷ Checking the fuel filler flap lock.
▷ Operate the tailgate or trunk lid.
The driver's door can be locked and unlocked
from the outside using the integrated key.
In the event of a malfunction, follow the in-
structions on the control display or in the BMW
If the malfunction cannot be corrected, contact
an authorized service center or another quali-
fied service center or repair shop.
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CONTROLS Personal settings
Personal settings
Vehicle features and options This personal data can be permanently de-
leted using iDrive.
This chapter describes model-specific equip-
ment, systems, and functions that are currently
General information
available, or may become available in the fu- Depending on the equipment, the following
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle. data is deleted:
Additional information: ▷ BMW IDs or driver profiles.
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8. ▷ Stored radio stations.
▷ Stored shortcuts.
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Personal settings CONTROLS
switched off. Data can only be deleted while A BMW ID or driver profile can be activated
stationary. The vehicle key must be in the vehi- while unlocking. For this purpose, the driver
cle. recognition must be assigned to the BMW ID
or the driver profile via a vehicle key or a digital
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
If no BMW ID or driver profile is activated when
3. "System settings" the vehicle is unlocked, the vehicle loads the
4. "Reset vehicle data" guest profile.
5. "Reset vehicle data"
If setting synchronization has been activated
Functional requirements
for a BMW ID in the vehicle, personal settings When a BMW ID or driver profile is created,
are kept in the BMW Cloud. changed, deleted, or edited, the vehicle must
move no faster than at walking speed.
Logging in the vehicle with a BMW ID and
BMW ID/driver profiles synchronization with the BMW Cloud are only
possible when the vehicle has cellular network
Principle reception.
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CONTROLS Personal settings
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Personal settings CONTROLS
▷ Removing BMW IDs stored in the vehicle. ▷ By unlocking the vehicle using the button
on the assigned vehicle key.
▷ Transferring the primary user role to an-
other BMW ID. ▷ By unlocking the vehicle using an external
door handle. The assigned vehicle key or
▷ Change vehicle-wide data protection set-
the assigned Digital Key must be carried
with you.
▷ Create the main digital key.
▷ By automatic unlocking when approaching
Additional information: the vehicle. The assigned vehicle key or the
BMW Digital Key, refer to page 86. assigned Digital Key must be carried with
you. Depending on the country, it may not
Specifying driver detection be possible to recognize the Digital Key.
Driver detection and a PIN can be set up for a If there are several vehicle keys or Digital Keys
BMW ID or a driver profile. in the vicinity of the vehicle, activation of the
BMW ID or driver profile is done according to
The driver detection offers the following ad-
the following priority:
▷ The key that unlocks the vehicle triggers
▷ The BMW ID or the driver profile with saved
the activation of the assigned BMW ID or
settings is activated automatically.
the assigned driver profile.
▷ The settings are not accessible to other
The guest profile is activated when the ve-
hicle is unlocked using a key that is not as-
The driver detection is specified immediately signed to a BMW ID or driver profile.
following the addition of the BMW ID or after
▷ If a vehicle key and a Digital Key are
creating the driver profile.
detected at the same time, the Digital
Prior to the selection of the driver detection, a Key triggers the activation of the assigned
PIN must be created. BMW ID or the assigned driver profile.
▷ "Set PIN" ▷ If another key is detected on the driver's
The PIN can be used to activate the door after activating the BMW ID or the
BMW ID or the driver profile, even if the driver profile, the BMW ID or the driver pro-
assigned vehicle key or the assigned digital file of the last key detected is activated.
key is not available. If no BMW ID and no driver profile are as-
▷ "Vehicle key" signed to this key, the guest profile is acti-
The vehicle key that is recognized in the vated.
vehicle interior is assigned to the BMW ID
or the driver profile.
▷ "Digital Key"
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CONTROLS Personal settings
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Personal settings CONTROLS
BMW Cloud, the data stored in the BMW Cloud ▷ The type of driver detection.
is retained after the BMW ID is deleted. If the ▷ The profile picture.
currently active BMW ID is removed, the guest
▷ The synchronization with the BMW Cloud.
profile is activated.
▷ The personal salutation.
Removing a vehicle from the BMW app re-
moves the corresponding BMW ID from the The following settings are available for the
vehicle. If the BMW ID was synchronized with driver profile:
the BMW Cloud, the BMW ID data stored in the ▷ The type of driver detection.
BMW Cloud will be retained. ▷ The profile picture.
If the vehicle is removed from the primary us- ▷ The profile name.
er’s BMW app, it will also be removed from
the other users’ BMW apps. The correspond-
Selecting a profile picture
ing BMW IDs are removed from the vehicle.
The profile picture can be selected from the
If the vehicle is reset to factory settings, the
predefined profile pictures:
vehicle is removed from all users’ BMW apps
and all BMW IDs are removed from the vehicle. 1. Tap the icon or personal picture in the
status bar.
Transfer of the vehicle key 2. "Settings"
A vehicle key that is assigned to a BMW ID or 3. "Manage profile picture"
a driver profile can be used to view or change 4. "Select profile picture"
the stored personal settings.
For a BMW ID, the personal profile picture can
Before a vehicle key is transferred to other per- be taken from the profile in the BMW app.
sons, any assigned driver detection should be This requires that the synchronization with the
canceled. Changes to the driver detection can BMW Cloud is activated in the settings. After
be made in the settings of the BMW ID or the the profile picture from the BMW app has
driver profile. been applied, you can only select from the
The BMW Digital Key provides the option to predefined pictures if the profile picture in the
transfer a digital key to permit other persons BMW app is deleted or synchronization is de-
the use of your own vehicle. activated.
Additional information:
BMW Digital Key, refer to page 86. System limits
A clear driver detection via the vehicle key or
Settings the digital key may not always be possible in
the following cases, for example:
General information ▷ The driver changes, but the vehicle is not
Settings added when adding a BMW ID or cre- locked and unlocked.
ating a driver profile can be changed. ▷ When multiple vehicle keys or multiple digi-
tal keys with an assigned BMW ID or driver
1. Tap the icon or personal picture in the
profile are located in the outer area on the
status bar.
driver's side of the vehicle.
2. "Settings"
▷ When the vehicle was unlocked from the
The following settings are available for the BMW app.
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
Vehicle key
General information
Two vehicle keys are included in the scope of
delivery, each containing an integrated key.
Each vehicle key contains a replaceable bat- Buttons on the vehicle key.
Icon Meaning
Depending on the equipment and national-
market version, various settings are possible Unlock.
for the button functions.
A BMW ID or a driver profile with personal set-
tings can be assigned to a vehicle key. Lock.
To provide information on maintenance rec- Stationary climate control, refer to
ommendations, the service data is stored in page 253.
the vehicle key.
Open the cargo area.
To prevent possible locking in of the vehicle
key, take the vehicle key with you when exiting
the vehicle. Panic mode.
Pathway lighting, refer to page 158.
Safety information
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
Safety information
For some national-market versions, unlock-
ing from the inside is only possible with par-
ticular knowledge.
If persons spend a lengthy time in the vehicle
and are thereby exposed to extreme temper-
atures, there is a risk of injury or danger to
life. Do not lock the vehicle from the outside
when there are people in it.
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
Removing the integrated key Use the thumb for counter support to pre-
1. Press the button, arrow 1, and pull out the vent the cover cap from falling out of the
integrated key, arrow 2. door handle.
2. Pull off frame from integrated key. 3. Remove the cover cap.
4. Unlock or lock the door lock using the
integrated key.
Alarm system
If the vehicle is unlocked with the integrated
key via the door lock, the activated alarm sys-
tem will be triggered when the door is opened.
In this case, use the vehicle key emergency
detection to switch off the alarm.
If the vehicle is locked with the integrated key
2. Guide one finger of your other hand from via the door lock, the alarm system will not be
the back under the cover cap and push the activated.
cover cap out.
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
Emergency detection of the vehicle Do not carry the vehicle key in close prox-
key imity to other electronic devices.
▷ Fault of radio transmission by a charging
process of mobile devices, for instance
charging of a mobile phone.
▷ The vehicle key is located in direct proximity
of the wireless charging tray.
Place the vehicle key in a different location.
In the case of interference, the vehicle can also
be unlocked and locked from the outside with
the integrated key. Use the Emergency detec-
It is not possible to switch on the drive-ready tion of the vehicle key to turn on drive-ready
state if the vehicle key has not been detected. state.
Proceed as follows in this case:
1. Hold the rear of the vehicle key against the BMW display key
mark on the steering column. Pay attention
to the display in the instrument cluster.
General information
2. ▷ If the vehicle key is detected:
The Display Key is available with pre-heating.
Turn on drive-ready state within 10 sec-
The Display Key may not be available depend-
ing on the country. In this case, independent
▷ If the vehicle key is not detected: heating can be operated via the BMW app.
Slightly change the position of the vehi- An additional mechanical key is included with
cle key and repeat the procedure. the Display Key. If the display key is used, the
mechanical key should be carried with you, for
Malfunction instance in the wallet. The mechanical key is
A Check Control message is displayed where used like the integrated key.
applicable. The display key supports all functions of the
Vehicle key detection by the vehicle may mal- standard vehicle key.
function under the following circumstances: In addition, the following functions are also
▷ The battery of the vehicle key is discharged. available:
▷ Fault of the radio link from transmission ▷ Display status of doors and windows.
towers or other equipment with high trans- ▷ Display status of the alarm system.
mitting power. ▷ Display service information.
▷ Shielding of the vehicle key due to metal ▷ Call up range with available fuel.
▷ Operate pre-heating.
Do not transport the vehicle key together
Additional information:
with metal objects.
Integrated key, refer to page 70.
▷ Fault of the radio link from mobile phones
or other electronic devices in direct proxim-
ity to the vehicle key.
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
People or animals in the vehicle can lock the
doors from the inside and lock themselves in.
In this case, the vehicle cannot be opened
from the outside. There is a risk of injury.
Take the vehicle key with you so that the ve-
hicle can be opened from the outside.
Panic mode.
Pathway lighting, refer to page 158.
Unattended children or animals in the vehicle
can cause the vehicle to move and endanger Turn the display on/off.
themselves and traffic, for instance due to the
following actions:
▷ Pressing the Start/Stop button. Micro-USB charging port.
▷ Releasing the parking brake.
▷ Opening and closing the doors or win-
▷ Engaging selector lever position N.
▷ Using vehicle equipment.
There is a risk of accidents or injuries. Do not Reception range
leave children or animals unattended in the The number of available display key functions
vehicle. Take the vehicle key with you when depends on the distance from the vehicle.
exiting and lock the vehicle.
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
▷ When you are in close proximity to the ve- To return to the original page: tap on the
hicle, all functions of the display key are icon beneath the display.
▷ When you are in the extended reception Lower status line
range, you can access status information The lower status line indicates whether or not
and operate the pre-heating. the display key is within reception range.
▷ Outside of the reception range of the ve- ▷ "Connected": the display key is within re-
hicle, you can display the last transmitted ception range.
status information from the vehicle. ▷ "Updated": the display key is not within re-
The icon is shown on the display if one of ception range. It indicates when the last
the buttons is pressed outside of the reception data transfer from the vehicle took place.
Turning on/off
Display The display will go out automatically after a
short time to conserve battery power.
General information
Hiding the display on the display manually:
The display is divided into the upper status press the button on the left side of the display
line, the information area, and the lower status key.
To show the display:
Upper status line 1. Press the button on the left side of the dis-
The upper status line displays the following play key.
information: 2. Then, swipe with your finger from bottom to
▷ / Vehicle secured/vehicle unse- top to unlock the screen lock.
cured. To turn off the display to increase the usable
▷ Set time in the vehicle. battery life:
▷ Charge state of the display key bat- 1. If necessary, cancel the screen lock.
tery. 2. Press and hold the button on the left side of
the display key for longer than 4 seconds.
Information area 3. "OK"
The information area can be used to access To turn the display on:
information and perform additional functions.
Press the button on the left side of the display
If the information area contains more than one key.
page, then page indicators are shown beneath
the information.
Operating concept
A solid indicator denotes the current
The following information shows how to ac-
cess the information and functions using the
Swipe to the right or left with a finger to main menus.
change between the pages.
If further information is available on a page,
tap the appropriate icon.
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
▷ Anti-theft protection is switched off. If only the driver's door and fuel filler flap have
▷ The alarm system is switched off. been unlocked due to the settings in place,
press the button on the vehicle key again to
Additional information:
unlock the other vehicle access points.
▷ Settings, refer to page 90.
After opening one of the front doors, the vehi-
▷ Welcome lights, refer to page 158. cle is ready for operation.
▷ BMW ID/driver profiles, refer to page 63. The lighting functions may depend on the am-
bient brightness.
Actions during locking
Depending on the settings, the following func- Locking the vehicle
tions are performed when locking the vehicle: 1. Close the driver's door.
▷ The locking of the vehicle can be confirmed
with a light signal or a sound signal.
2. Press the button on the vehicle key.
▷ Depending on vehicle equipment, the exte-
All vehicle access points are locked.
rior mirrors can be folded in automatically
when locking. The exterior mirrors are not
folded in when the hazard warning flashers On the external door handle
are switched on.
▷ Pathway lighting can be activated during
locking. The vehicle can be accessed without operating
the vehicle key.
The following functions are executed:
The vehicle key is automatically detected near
▷ All doors, the tailgate, and the fuel filler flap
the vehicle.
are locked.
▷ Anti-theft protection is switched on. This General information
prevents the doors from being unlocked us-
The function is available with Comfort Access.
ing the lock button or door opener.
▷ The alarm system is switched on.
Functional requirements
If the drive-ready state is still turned on when
▷ Carry the vehicle key with you, e.g., in your
you lock the vehicle, the vehicle horn will honk
pants pocket.
twice. In this case, the drive-ready state must
be switched off by means of the Start/Stop ▷ To lock the vehicle, the vehicle key must be
button. outside of the vehicle near the doors.
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
Unlock vehicle When the driver walks away from the unlocked
vehicle with the vehicle key, the vehicle will be
General information
The function is available with Comfort Access.
The vehicle will be unlocked when an author-
ized vehicle key is detected in the unlocking
The unlocking zone is located within a radius
Fully grasp the handle of a door. of approx. 5 ft/1.50 m around the side and rear
of the vehicle.
Locking the vehicle The vehicle will be locked when the vehicle key
leaves the locking zone.
1. Close the driver's door.
The locking zone is located within a radius of
2. When a door is closed, touch the grooved approx. 9 ft/3 m around the side and rear of
surface on the door handle with your finger the vehicle.
for approx. 1 second without gripping the
handle. If the vehicle key is located in the unlocking
zone for an extended period of time without
movement, the vehicle will be locked automati-
If a passenger is detected in the front passen-
ger seat during locking and the seat belt of
the front passenger is engaged in the seat belt
buckle during locking:
▷ The vehicle will be locked but not secured
against theft.
▷ The fuel filler flap remains unlocked.
Actions during unlocking
Wet or snowy conditions may disrupt the lock-
ing request detection on the external door han- If the settings specify that only the driver's
dles. door and the fuel filler flap will be unlocked,
note the following:
In the case of a malfunction, unlock and lock
the vehicle using the buttons of the vehicle key The driver's door and fuel filler flap will only
or use the integrated key. be unlocked when the driver approaches the
vehicle on the driver's side.
Touchless unlocking/locking of the Additional information:
vehicle Settings, refer to page 90.
When the driver approaches the locked vehicle
with the vehicle key, the vehicle is unlocked.
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
Functional requirements
Access to the cargo area
Selector lever position P must be engaged to
open the cargo area with the vehicle key.
General information
You must enable the setting for opening with
It may not be possible to open the cargo area the vehicle key.
when the vehicle is in valet parking mode.
Additional information:
Additional information:
Settings, refer to page 90.
Valet parking mode, refer to page 89.
Opening the trunk
Safety information
Press and hold the button on the vehi-
cle key for approx. 1 second.
Body parts can be jammed when operating
the trunk lid. There is a risk of injury. Make
On the trunk
sure that the travel path of the trunk lid is
clear during opening and closing. General information
With Comfort Access, the cargo area can be
accessed without activating the vehicle key.
The key is automatically detected near the ve-
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
In the interior
Functional prerequisite
The vehicle key or digital key must be located
inside the vehicle in order to close the cargo
▷ Unlock the vehicle and then press the but- area using the button in the vehicle interior.
ton on the trunk.
▷ With Comfort Access: carry the vehicle key Opening the trunk
with you and press the button on the trunk.
Press the button in the driver's door.
Locked doors are not unlocked.
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
Pressing the button again continues the If contactless opening is used for the cargo
opening process. area, the locked doors will not be unlocked.
▷ By pressing or pulling the button in the
driver's door. Pressing again continues the Safety information
opening procedure.
Interruption of the closing procedure
During no-touch activation, vehicle parts may
The closing procedure is interrupted in the fol- be touched, such as the hot exhaust system.
lowing situations: There is a risk of injury. When moving your
▷ If the vehicle drives off with a jerky move- foot, make sure you have a firm stance and
ment. do not touch the vehicle.
▷ By pressing the button on the outside of
the cargo area. Pressing it again opens the
cargo area again. Warning
▷ By pressing the button on the inside of Body parts can be jammed when operating
the cargo area. Pressing it again opens the the trunk lid. There is a risk of injury. Make
cargo area again. sure that the travel path of the trunk lid is
▷ By releasing the button in the driver's door. clear during opening and closing.
Pulling again and holding continues the
closing motion.
Opening and closing the cargo area During opening, the trunk lid pivots back and
contactlessly up. There is a risk of damage to property.
Make sure that the travel path of the trunk lid
Principle is clear during opening and closing.
Touchless opening and closing of the cargo
area is possible when carrying the vehicle key
on your person. Functional requirements
Two sensors detect a forward-directed foot ▷ To open the cargo area contactlessly, no
movement in the central rear area and the towing hitch can be mounted.
cargo area is opened and closed. ▷ To open the cargo area contactlessly, se-
lector lever position P must be engaged.
General information ▷ Contactless opening and closing of the
Function availability depends on vehicle equip- trunk must be activated in the settings.
ment and national-market version. Additional information:
If the vehicle key is within the sensor range, the Settings, refer to page 90.
cargo area may open or close inadvertently if
you unintentionally move your foot or if a foot
movement is detected.
The sensor has an approximate range of
5 ft/1.50 m extending from the rear area.
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
Opening the cargo area area in such cases, keep the vehicle key at a
1. Stand in the middle behind the vehicle at sufficient distance from the rear of the vehicle.
approx. one arm's length away from the
rear of the vehicle. Malfunction
2. Wave a foot under the vehicle in the driving In the event of an electrical malfunction, oper-
direction and immediately pull it back. With ate the unlocked trunk manually with a slow
this movement, the leg must pass through and smooth motion.
the ranges of both sensors.
Trunk emergency unlocking
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
Functional requirement
A vehicle key must be located in the vehicle to
activate and deactivate the Key Card.
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
The main digital key can be deleted from the 1. Apps menu
smartphone or via iDrive. 2. "Vehicle apps"
The deletion of the main digital key is com- 3. "Doors and windows"
pleted immediately.
4. "Digital Key"
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
Digital key recognition by the vehicle may mal-
function under the following circumstances:
▷ The smartphone is shielded from the sen-
sors in the vehicle by a smartphone cover
1. Open the cover of the smartphone tray.
that is not suitable.
2. Place smartphone in the center of the
▷ Objects such as a chip card or the Key Card
smartphone tray.
are located between the smartphone and
Ensure that the display is facing up. the smartphone cover.
3. Close the cover of the smartphone tray. ▷ Fault of the connection from transmission
4. Press the Start/Stop button to turn on the towers or other equipment with high trans-
drive-ready state. mitting power.
▷ Shielding of the smartphone due to build-
Sale of the smartphone ings or metal objects.
Delete all digital keys on the smartphone prior
to selling the smartphone. This ensures that
the smartphone can no longer be used for the Buttons for the central
vehicle. locking system
Changing smartphones
General information
To use a new smartphone as a master Digital
The vehicle is automatically locked when driv-
Key, activate the new smartphone according to
ing off.
the instructions for the master Digital Key. The
previous master key is deleted when the new In the event of a severe accident, the vehicle
smartphone is activated. is automatically unlocked. The hazard warning
system and interior lights are illuminated.
Sale of the vehicle
Prior to selling a vehicle, reset the Digital
Key function or remove the vehicle from the
ConnectedDrive account of the current vehicle
When the vehicle is removed from the Con-
nectedDrive account, all digital keys for the ve-
hicle will be deleted. The Key Card digital key is
not deleted.
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
General information
The central locking buttons are located on the Depending on the national-market version, the
front door. valet parking mode may not be available.
Valet Parking mode has the following restric-
Locking the vehicle tions:
Press the button with the front doors ▷ Vehicle settings cannot be changed via
closed. iDrive.
▷ Settings stored to a BMW ID or guest pro-
The fuel filler flap remains unlocked. file cannot be changed.
The vehicle is not secured against theft when ▷ Personal data cannot be displayed.
locking. ▷ The volume of the audio system is limited.
▷ The integrated Universal Remote Control is
Unlocking the vehicle deactivated.
Press the button. ▷ Dynamic Stability Control cannot be turned
▷ The availability of certain settings of the
Opening the door driving modes is limited.
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
Operating the cargo area with the vehi- By flashing of the hazard warning system
cle key is disabled. and headlights, where required.
Do not modify the system to ensure function of
the alarm system.
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
Turning the alarm system on/off Indicator light on the interior mirror
The alarm system is activated or deactivated
as soon as the vehicle is locked or unlocked.
If the vehicle is locked remotely using the My
BMW app, the alarm system is not switched
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
▷ In car washes.
Safety information
▷ In duplex garages.
▷ During transport on trains carrying vehicles,
at sea or on a trailer.
When operating the windows, body parts and
▷ With animals in the vehicle.
objects can be jammed. There is a risk of in-
▷ When the vehicle is locked after start of re- jury or risk of damage to property. Make sure
fueling. that the travel path of the windows is clear
The tilt alarm sensor and the interior motion during opening and closing.
sensor can be switched off in such situations.
Switching off the tilt alarm sensor and With the vehicle key
interior motion sensor
Opening windows
Press the button on the vehicle key
within 10 seconds as soon as the vehi- Press and hold the button on the vehi-
cle is locked. cle key after unlocking.
The indicator light illuminates for approx.
The windows open for as long as the button
2 seconds and then continues to flash.
on the vehicle key is pressed.
The tilt alarm sensor and interior motion sen-
sor are switched off until the vehicle is locked Closing the windows
With Comfort Access: press and hold
the button on the vehicle key after lock-
Ending the alarm ing.
Unlock the vehicle.
The windows close for as long as the button
If the vehicle is unlocked with the integrated
on the vehicle key is pressed.
key, the drive-ready state must subsequently
be turned on via the emergency detection of Depending on the vehicle equipment, exterior
the vehicle key. mirrors are folded in unless they were folded
in while locking. The exterior mirrors are not
folded in when the hazard warning flashers are
switched on.
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
Principle Overview
The windows can be closed using the external
door handle without operating the vehicle key.
The vehicle key is automatically detected near
the vehicle.
General information
The function is available with Comfort Access.
Functional prerequisite
Carry the vehicle key with you, for instance in Power windows
your pants pocket.
Opening windows
▷ Press the switch to the resistance
Touch the grooved surface on the external The window opens while the switch
door handle of a closed door with your finger is being held.
and hold it there without grasping the door ▷ Press the switch beyond the resist-
handle. ance point.
In addition to locking, the windows and glass The window opens automatically.
sunroof with sun protection will be closed. Pressing the switch again stops the motion.
Depending on the vehicle equipment, exterior
mirrors are folded in unless they were folded Closing the windows
in while locking. The exterior mirrors are not ▷ Pull the switch to the resistance
folded in when the hazard warning flashers are point.
switched on. The window closes while the switch
is being held.
▷ Pull the switch beyond the resist-
ance point.
The window closes automatically.
Pulling again stops the motion.
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
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Opening and closing CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
2. Switch on drive-ready state or stop a mov- Initialization is complete once the glass sun-
ing vehicle. roof and the sun protection have opened then
closed again.
3. Push the switch forward past the resistance
point and hold.
General information
After a power interruption during the opening
or closing process, the glass sunroof can only
be operated to a limited extent. Initializing the
system can help in this case.
The system can be initialized under the follow-
ing conditions:
▷ The vehicle is parked in a horizontal posi-
▷ The vehicle will not be moved until the initi-
alization is completed.
▷ The drive-ready state is established.
▷ The outside temperature is above
41 ℉/5 ℃.
During initialization, the glass sunroof closes
without jam protection.
Make sure that the closing path is clear.
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Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
Safety information
Seat setting while driving can lead to unex-
pected movements of the seat. Vehicle con- The levers for setting the seats are located on
trol could be lost. There is a risk of accident. the front seats.
Only adjust the seat on the driver's side when
the vehicle is stationary.
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CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
Unexpected movements of the seat while
driving may occur if the seat is unlocked. Ve-
hicle control could be lost. There is a risk of
accident. After adjusting, move the seat for-
ward or back slightly, making sure the seat
engages properly.
General information
The current seat position can be stored using
the memory function.
Pull the lever up or press it down as often as
needed until the seat has reached the desired
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
The switches for setting the seats are located Tilt switch up or down.
on the front seats.
Adjusting backrest tilt
Setting the longitudinal direction
General information
The seat setting for the driver's seat is stored
in the active BMW ID or in the active driver
profile. If the BMW ID or the driver profile is
reactivated at a later time, the saved position
will be called up automatically.
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CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
General information
The backrest width is changed by adjusting
the side sections of the backrest.
The curvature of the seat backrest can be ad- Functional limitations
justed in a way that it supports the lumbar It may not be possible to adjust the backrest
region of the spine. The lower back and the width at very high and very low temperatures.
spine are supported for upright sitting position.
Entering the rear
Adjusting the lumbar support
▷ Press the front/rear section of the Safety information
The curvature is increased/de- Warning
creased. There is a danger of jamming when moving
▷ Press the upper/lower section of the but- the seats. There is a risk of injury or risk
ton: of damage to property. Make sure that the
The curvature is shifted up/down. travel path of the seat is clear prior to any
Functional limitations
It may not be possible to adjust the lumbar Warning
support at very high and very low tempera-
Unexpected movements of the rear seat
backrest while driving may occur if the rear
seat backrest is unlocked. Vehicle control
could be lost. There is a risk of injury. Fold
back and lock the backrests before driving.
Make sure the backrest engages correctly by
slightly moving forward and back.
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Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
General information
As soon as the electric seat setting no longer
functions precisely, a Check Control message
is displayed on the control display.
To restore the accuracy of the electric seat set-
ting, the front seats must be calibrated.
2. Fold the seat backrest forward.
3. Push the seat forward. Safety information
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CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
Seat belts
With a rear seat backrest that is not locked,
General information
the protective effect of the middle seat belt
The vehicle is fitted with four seat belts to en- is not guaranteed. There is a risk of injury or
sure occupant safety. However, they can only danger to life. If you are using the middle seat
offer protection when adjusted correctly. belt, lock the wider rear seat backrest.
Always make sure that seat belts are being
worn by the occupants before driving off. The
airbags supplement the seat belts as an ad-
ditional safety device. The airbags do not re-
place seat belts. The protective effect of safety gear, including
seat belts, may not be fully functional or fail in
All seat belt anchorage points are designed to
the following situations:
achieve the best possible protective effect for
the seat belts when used properly and with the ▷ The seat belts or seat belt buckles are
correct seat settings. damaged, soiled, or changed in any
other way.
Additional information:
▷ Seat belt tensioners or roll-up mecha-
Notes on sitting safely, refer to page 99.
nism were modified.
Seat belts can be imperceptibly damaged in
Safety information
the event of an accident. There is a risk of
injury or danger to life. Do not modify seat
Warning belts, seat belt buckles, seat belt tension-
ers, roll-up mechanisms, or belt anchors and
Use of a seat belt to buckle more than one
keep them clean. After an accident, have the
person will potentially defeat the ability of
seat belts checked by an authorized service
the seat belt to serve its protective function.
center or another qualified service center or
There is a risk of injury or danger to life.
repair shop.
Do not strap in more than one person per
single seat belt. Infants and children are not
allowed on an occupant's lap, but must be
transported and secured in designated child
Correct use of seat belts
restraint systems. ▷ Wear the seat belt tight to your body over
your lap and shoulders, without twisting it.
▷ Wear the seat belt deep on your hips over
Warning your lap. The seat belt must not press on
your stomach.
The protective effect of safety gear, including
seat belts, can be limited or lost when seat ▷ Do not rub the seat belt against sharp
belts are fastened incorrectly. An incorrectly edges, or guide it or jam it in across hard
fastened seat belt can cause additional inju- or fragile objects.
ries, for instance in the event of an accident, ▷ Avoid thick clothing.
braking or evasive maneuvers. There is a risk ▷ Re-tighten the seat belt frequently upward
of injury or danger to life. Make sure that all around your upper body area.
occupants are wearing seat belts correctly.
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Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
Principle Warning
The seat-belt extender makes it easier to put
When extending and retracting the seat-belt
on the seat belt.
extender, body parts and objects can be jam-
med. There is a risk of injury or risk of dam-
General information age to property. Make sure that the area of
movement of the seat-belt extender is clear.
Functional requirements
▷ Door is closed.
▷ Vehicle key detected in the car's interior. To ease accessibility to the seat belt buckle, an
adjustable slider is available on the belt to help
position the buckle when not in use.
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CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
Rear Occupant Alert Removal or incorrect adjustment of head re-
straints can cause injuries in the head and
Principle neck area. There is a risk of injury.
At the end of a trip, the system informs the
driver of the possible presence of occupants on
the rear seats.
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Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
Exterior mirrors
▷ Back: press the button and push the head
restraint toward the rear.
General information
▷ Forward: pull the head restraint toward the
The front passenger's side exterior mirror is
more curved than the driver's side mirror.
After setting the distance, make sure that the
The exterior mirror adjustment is stored in the
head restraint engages correctly.
active BMW ID or in the active driver profile. If
the BMW ID or the driver profile is reactivated
Adjusting the distance: M Sport seat at a later time, the stored position is called up
The distance to the back of the head is ad-
justed via the backrest inclination. The current exterior mirror adjustment can be
stored using the memory function.
Adjust the distance so that the head restraint
is as close as possible to the back of the head.
Safety information
Removing the head restraints
Only remove the head restraint if no one will be Warning
sitting in the seat in question. Objects reflected in the mirror are closer than
they appear. The distance to the road users
behind could be incorrectly estimated, for in-
stance while changing lanes. There is a risk
of accident. Estimate the distance to the traf-
fic behind by looking over your shoulder.
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Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
Depending on the vehicle width, the vehicle
can be damaged in car washes. There is a
risk of damage to property. Before washing,
fold in the mirrors by hand or with the button.
Adjust the exterior mirrors. Folding the exterior mirrors in and out is help-
ful in the following situations:
▷ In car washes.
Select exterior mirror, Automatic Curb ▷ On narrow roads.
Exterior mirrors that were folded in are folded
out automatically at a speed of approx.
25 mph/40 km/h.
Adjusting the exterior mirrors
Press the button. Automatic heating
The selected exterior mirror moves Both exterior mirrors are automatically heated
along with the button movement. as needed and when the drive-ready state is
switched on.
Selecting the exterior mirror
Automatic dimming
To change over to the other mirror:
The exterior mirror on the driver's side is au-
Slide the switch. tomatically dimmed. Photocells in the interior
mirror are used to control this.
In case of an electrical malfunction, adjust the
Automatic Curb Monitor
exterior mirror by pressing on the edges of the
mirror glass. Principle
If reverse gear is engaged, the mirror glass on
the passenger's side is tilted downward. This
improves your view of the curb and other low-
lying obstacles when parking, for instance.
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CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
Steering wheel
Safety information
Steering wheel adjustments while driving
can lead to unexpected steering wheel move-
To reduce the blinding glare of the interior mir-
ments. Vehicle control could be lost. There is
ror, flip the lever forward.
a risk of accident. Adjust the steering wheel
while the vehicle is stationary only.
General information
The interior mirror is dimmed automatically.
Photocells are used for control:
▷ In the mirror glass.
▷ On the rear of the mirror.
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Seats, mirrors and steering wheel CONTROLS
red height and angle to suit your seat posi- The following settings are not stored:
tion. ▷ Backrest width.
3. Fold the lever back up. ▷ Lumbar support.
Button for steering wheel heating
There is a danger of jamming when moving
the seats. There is a risk of injury or risk
Turning the steering wheel heating of damage to property. Make sure that the
on/off travel path of the seat is clear prior to any
Press the button. adjustment.
A Check Control message is displayed.
If the trip is resumed within approx. 15 minutes Overview
after an intermediate stop, the steering wheel
heating turns on automatically if the function
was turned on at the completion of the last trip.
Memory function
The following settings can be stored and, if
necessary, retrieved using the memory func-
The memory buttons are located on the front
▷ Seat position.
▷ Exterior mirror adjustment.
▷ Height of the Head-up display.
General information
Two memory locations with different settings
can be set for each driver profile.
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CONTROLS Seats, mirrors and steering wheel
Storing settings
1. Set the desired position.
Calling up settings
Press the desired memory button 1 or 2.
The stored position is called up.
The procedure stops when a seat setting
switch or one of the memory buttons is
pressed again.
The adjustment of the seat position on the
driver's side is interrupted after a short time
while driving.
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Transporting children safely CONTROLS
Safety information
Children in the rear seat
General information
Unattended children or animals in the vehicle
Accident research shows that the safest place
can cause the vehicle to move and endanger
for children is in the rear seat.
themselves and traffic, for instance due to the
following actions: Children younger than 13 years of age or
shorter than 5 ft/150 cm should be transported
▷ Pressing the Start/Stop button.
in the rear seat in suitable child restraint sys-
▷ Releasing the parking brake. tems designed for the age, weight and size
▷ Opening and closing the doors or win- of the child. Children 13 years of age or older
dows. must wear a seat belt as soon as a suitable
child restraint system can no longer be used
▷ Engaging selector lever position N.
due to their age, weight, or size.
▷ Using vehicle equipment.
There is a risk of accidents or injuries. Do not Safety information
leave children or animals unattended in the
vehicle. Take the vehicle key with you when
exiting and lock the vehicle. Warning
The seat belt cannot be fastened correctly
on children shorter than 5 ft/150 cm without
Warning suitable additional child restraint systems.
The protective effect of safety gear, including
A hot vehicle may result in death to persons, seat belts, can be limited or lost when seat
especially children, or animals. There is a belts are fastened incorrectly. An incorrectly
risk of injury or danger to life. Do not leave fastened seat belt can cause additional inju-
persons, especially children, or animals unat- ries, for instance in the event of an accident,
tended in the vehicle. braking or evasive maneuvers. There is a risk
of injury or danger to life. Secure children
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Transporting children safely
Children on the front passenger The protective effect of child restraint sys-
seat tems and their fastening systems which have
been damaged or exposed to an accident
General information can be limited or lost. A child cannot be prop-
erly restrained in the event of an accident,
Before using a child restraint system on the
braking or evasive maneuvers. There is a risk
front passenger seat, ensure that the front,
of injury or danger to life.
knee, and side airbags on the passenger's side
are deactivated. Do not use child restraint systems which
have been damaged or exposed to an acci-
Additional information:
For automatic deactivation of front passenger
If attachment systems have been damaged
airbags, refer to page 167.
or strained by an accident, have them
checked and replaced by an authorized serv-
Safety information
ice center or another qualified service center
or repair shop.
Active front passenger airbags can injure a
child in a child restraint system when the air- Warning
bags are deployed. There is a risk of injury. The stability of the child restraint system is
Make sure that the front passenger airbags limited or compromised with incorrect seat
are deactivated and that the PASSENGER setting or improper installation of the child
AIRBAG OFF indicator light illuminates. seat. There is a risk of injury or danger to life.
Make sure that the child restraint system fits
securely against the backrest. If possible, ad-
Installing child restraint just the backrest tilt for all affected backrests
and correctly adjust the seats. Make sure that
systems seats and backrests are securely engaged or
locked. If possible and necessary, adjust the
height of the head restraints or remove them.
General information
Pay attention to the specifications and the op-
erating and safety information of the child re- On the front passenger seat
straint system manufacturer when selecting,
installing, and using child restraint systems. Deactivating the airbags
Active front passenger airbags can injure a
child in a child restraint system when the air-
bags are deployed. There is a risk of injury.
Make sure that the front passenger airbags
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Transporting children safely CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Transporting children safely
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Transporting children safely CONTROLS
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Vehicle features and options stop, for instance in traffic jam or at traffic
lights. Drive-ready state remains switched on.
The engine starts automatically for driving off.
This chapter describes model-specific equip-
ment, systems, and functions that are currently
available, or may become available in the fu- General information
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle. After each engine start using the Start/Stop
Additional information: button, the Auto Start/Stop function is ready.
Engine stop
Start/Stop button
Functional requirements
Principle The engine is switched off automatically when
stopping under the following conditions:
Pressing the Start/Stop button switches drive-
ready state on or off. ▷ The selector lever is in selector lever posi-
tion D.
General information ▷ The brake pedal remains depressed while
Drive-ready state is switched on when you de- the vehicle is at a standstill or the vehicle is
press the brake pedal while pressing the Start/ held by Automatic Hold.
Stop button. ▷ The driver's seat belt is buckled or the driv-
Pressing the Start/Stop button again switches er's door is closed.
the drive-ready state back off and standby
state is switched back on. Manual engine stop
Additional information: If the engine was not switched off automati-
cally when the vehicle stopped, the engine can
▷ Drive-ready state, refer to page 41.
be switched off manually:
▷ Standby state, refer to page 41.
▷ Depress the brake pedal forcefully again
from the current pedal position.
Driving off
▷ Engage selector lever position P.
1. Turn on drive-ready state.
When all functional preconditions are fulfilled,
2. Apply gear position. the engine switches off.
3. Driving off.
Air conditioning system when the
engine is switched off
Auto Start/Stop function The air flow from the air conditioning system is
reduced when the engine is switched off.
The Auto Start/Stop function helps save fuel.
The system switches off the engine during a
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The engine is started during an automatic en- Switching off the vehicle during an
gine stop. automatic engine stop
If the engine stops automatically, the vehicle
Without mild hybrid technology: via
can be parked safely, for example to leave it.
1. Press the Start/Stop button.
▷ Drive-ready state is switched off.
▷ Standby state is switched on.
▷ Selector lever position P is engaged au-
2. Set the parking brake.
Automatic deactivation
In certain situations, the Auto Start/Stop func-
Press the button.
tion is deactivated automatically for safety rea-
▷ LED comes on: Auto Start/Stop sons, for instance if no driver is detected.
function is deactivated.
▷ LED off: Auto Start/Stop function is ena- Malfunction
bled. The Auto Start/Stop function no longer
switches off the engine automatically. A Check
Without mild hybrid technology: via Control message is displayed. You may con-
iDrive tinue driving. Have the vehicle checked by an
authorized service center or another qualified
1. Apps menu
service center or repair shop.
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Driving settings"
4. "Drivetrain and chassis"
Steptronic transmission
5. "Auto Start/Stop"
6. Select the desired setting.
The Steptronic transmission is the vehicle's
Via selector lever position automatic transmission. With shift paddles, it
offers the option of manual shifting if needed.
The Auto Start/Stop function is also disabled
in selector lever position S.
Safety information
Via the Driving Dynamics Control
The Auto Start/Stop function is also deacti- Warning
vated in SPORT driving mode of the Driving An unsecured vehicle can begin to move and
Dynamics Control. possibly roll away. There is a risk of accident.
Before leaving the vehicle, secure the vehi-
cle against rolling away, e.g. by applying the
parking brake.
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P is engaged automatically
Selector lever position P is engaged automati-
cally in situations such as the following:
▷ After drive-ready state is switched off, if se-
lector lever position R, D, or S is engaged.
▷ After standby is switched off, if selector
lever position N is engaged.
▷ The driver's seat belt is unbuckled and the
driver's door is opened, without pressing
the brake pedal, while the vehicle is station-
ary and selector lever position D, S, or R is
Before exiting the vehicle, make sure that se-
lector lever position P is engaged and the
parking brake is engaged. Otherwise, the vehi-
cle may begin to move.
Additional information:
Parking brake, refer to page 127.
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General information
Using Launch Control causes premature com-
ponent wear since this function represents a
▷ Upshifting: pull the right shift paddle.
very heavy load for the vehicle.
▷ Downshifting: pull left shift paddle.
Do not turn the steering wheel when driving off
The selected gear is briefly displayed in the in- with Launch Control.
strument cluster, followed by the current gear.
Do not use Launch Control when breaking in
the vehicle.
Advanced mode Additional information:
Break-in, refer to page 270.
General information
Depending on vehicle equipment, the Step- Functional requirement
tronic Sport transmission offers an advanced
Launch Control can be used when the engine
mode with adapted shift characteristics.
is at operating temperature. The engine is at
▷ Automatic downshift to lowest possible operating temperature after an uninterrupted
gear. trip of at least 6 miles/10 km.
If the left shift paddle is pulled and held, the
Steptronic transmission automatically shifts Driving off with Launch Control
down to the lowest possible gear.
1. Turn on drive-ready state.
▷ Avoid automatic upshifting in manual
2. Press the button.
In manual mode, the Steptronic transmis-
sion does not shift up automatically when 3. Activate TRACTION on the control display.
speed limits are reached. 4. Engage selector lever position S.
▷ There is no downshifting for kickdown. 5. With the left foot, press down forcefully on
the brake.
Enabling advanced mode 6. Press and hold down the accelerator pedal
Advanced mode is active in manual mode. beyond the resistance point at the full throt-
"SPORT": The driving mode must be selected tle position, kickdown.
and configured depending on vehicle equip- A destination flag is displayed in the instru-
ment. ment cluster.
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Manual deactivation
After using Launch Control
▷ Keep the right shift paddle pulled until
To support driving stability, reactivate Dynamic
SPRINT is no longer displayed in the instru-
Stability Control as soon as possible.
ment cluster.
▷ In addition to the pulled right shift paddle,
System limits
pull the left shift paddle.
An experienced driver may be able to achieve
▷ Press the selector lever from selector lever
better acceleration values in DSC OFF without
position S to D.
Launch Control mode.
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The SPORT driving mode is a dynamic setting
for more agility with an optimized suspension.
The SPORT PLUS driving mode is a dynamic
setting for maximum agility with an adjusted
Button Driving mode
SPORT In ECO PRO driving mode, consumption is op-
SPORT PLUS timized.
INDIVIDUAL configuration
General information
ECO PRO For some driving modes, there is another
mode that can be adjusted individually.
The individual configuration set last is acti-
vated directly when the driving mode is called
Displays in the instrument cluster up again.
The selected driving mode is
displayed in the instrument clus- Configuring and resetting
ter. E.g., ECO PRO INDIVIDUAL drive mode:
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
Activating/deactivating drive modes 3. "Driving settings"
Press the button for the desired drive mode 4. "Drivetrain and chassis"
repeatedly until the desired drive mode is dis- 5. "ECO PRO INDIVIDUAL"
played in the instrument cluster. 6. Select the desired setting.
When changing the drive mode, the current Reset ECO PRO INDIVIDUAL to the standard
drive mode is deactivated. settings:
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Parking brake
Principle Button in the vehicle
The parking brake is used to prevent the vehi-
cle from rolling away when it is parked.
Safety information
An unsecured vehicle can begin to move and
possibly roll away. There is a risk of accident.
Before leaving the vehicle, secure the vehicle
against rolling away. Parking brake
In order to ensure that the vehicle is secured
against rolling away, follow the following:
▷ Set the parking brake. Setting the parking brake
▷ On uphill grades or on downhill slopes,
turn the front wheels in the direction of With a stationary vehicle
the curb.
Pull the switch.
▷ On uphill grades or on downhill slopes,
The LED illuminates.
also secure the vehicle, for instance with
a wheel chock.
The indicator light in the instrument
cluster illuminates red.
The parking brake is set.
Unattended children or animals in the vehicle
can cause the vehicle to move and endanger While driving
themselves and traffic, for instance due to the Use while driving serves as an emergency
following actions: braking function.
▷ Pressing the Start/Stop button. Pull the switch and hold it. The vehicle
▷ Releasing the parking brake. brakes hard while the switch is being
▷ Opening and closing the doors or win- pulled.
The indicator light in the instrument
▷ Engaging selector lever position N.
cluster illuminates red, a signal sounds,
▷ Using vehicle equipment. and the brake lights illuminate.
A Check Control message is displayed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
The parking brake is engaged when the vehi- 1. Turn on standby state.
cle is stationary.
With Emergency Stop Assistant 2. Pull the switch while stepping on the
brake pedal or selector lever position P is
Briefly pull the switch to trigger the
set and then push.
Emergency Stop Assistant.
This process may take a few seconds. Some
Additional information:
mechanical sounds associated with this proc-
Emergency Stop Assistant, refer to page 185. ess are normal.
The indicator light is no longer illumi-
Releasing the parking brake nated as soon as the parking brake is
ready for operation again.
Releasing the parking brake manually
1. Turn on drive-ready state.
Automatic Hold
2. Press the switch while stepping on
the brake pedal or selector lever position P Principle
is set. Automatic Hold assists the driver by automati-
The LED and the indicator light go out. cally setting and releasing the brake, such as
The parking brake is released. when moving in stop-and-go traffic.
The vehicle is automatically held in place when
Releasing the parking brake it is stationary.
automatically On uphill grades the system prevents the vehi-
The parking brake is released automatically cle from rolling back when driving off.
when you drive off.
The LED and the indicator light go out.
General information
The parking brake is automatically engaged
Malfunction under the following conditions:
If the parking brake fails or malfunctions, se- ▷ Drive-ready state is switched off.
cure the vehicle so that it does not roll away ▷ The driver's door is opened while the vehi-
before you exit. cle is stationary.
A Check Control message is displayed. ▷ The moving vehicle is brought to a stand-
Secure the vehicle against rolling away, for in- still using the parking brake.
stance with a wheel chock, after getting out of
the vehicle. Safety information
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Unattended children or animals in the vehicle Automatic Hold
can cause the vehicle to move and endanger
themselves and traffic, for instance due to the
following actions:
▷ Pressing the Start/Stop button. Activating Automatic Hold
▷ Releasing the parking brake. 1. Turn on drive-ready state.
Driving off
Press the accelerator pedal to drive off.
The brake is released automatically and the
indicator light of the parking brake is no longer
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
If the wipers are frozen to the windshield,
the wiper blades can be torn off and the
wiper motor can overheat when switching on.
There is a risk of damage to property. Defrost
the windshield prior to switching the wipers
The wiper blades can wear out or become
damaged prematurely when wiping on a dry
window for a longer period of time. The wiper
motor can overheat. There is a risk of dam-
age to property. Do not use the wipers when
the window is dry.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
▷ Turning off: press the lever down until it Wiping operation is started.
reaches the 0 position. The LED in the wiper lever is illuminated.
▷ Flick wipe: press the lever down from the 0 In frosty conditions, wiping operation may not
position. start.
The lever automatically returns to its 0 po-
sition when released. Deactivating rain sensor
Press lever back into the 0 position.
Rain sensor
Adjusting the rain sensor sensitivity
The rain sensor automatically controls the
wiper operation depending on the intensity of
the rainfall.
General information
The sensor is located on the windshield, di-
rectly in front of the interior mirror.
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Windshield washer system blades or for folding away under frosty condi-
Safety information
Safety information
The washer fluid can freeze onto the window
at low temperatures and obstruct the view. If the wipers start moving in the folded away
There is a risk of accident. Only use the state, body parts can be jammed or damage
washer systems if the washer fluid cannot may occur to parts of the vehicle. There is a
freeze. Use washer fluid with antifreeze, if risk of injury or risk of damage to property.
needed. Make sure that the vehicle is switched off
when the wipers are in the folded-away state
and the wipers are folded in when switching
When the washer fluid reservoir is empty,
the washer pump cannot work as intended.
There is a risk of damage to property. Do
not use the washer system when the washer If the wipers are frozen to the windshield,
fluid reservoir is empty. the wiper blades can be torn off and the
wiper motor can overheat when switching on.
There is a risk of damage to property. Defrost
Cleaning the windshield the windshield prior to switching the wipers
In the fold-out position, the wipers can be
folded out from the windshield, which is impor-
tant, for instance, when changing the wiper
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Vehicle features and options center or another qualified service center or
repair shop.
This chapter describes model-specific equip-
ment, systems, and functions that are currently
available, or may become available in the fu-
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
Additional information:
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8.
Instrument cluster
The instrument cluster comprises various digi- Instrument cluster
tal displays, e.g., a speedometer, time, range,
temperatures as well as indicator and warning Display ranges on the instrument
General information
The layout of the instrument cluster adapts to
the respective driving mode. The positions of
some displays may vary, e.g., the selector lever
Some of the displays in the instrument cluster
may differ from the illustrations in the Owner's
1 Speedometer
Safety information
2 Driver assistance systems 198
3 Driver Attention Camera 193
4 Check Control 145
If the displays on the instrument cluster fail,
do not use the vehicle. There may be a risk Selector lever display 120
of accidents or risk of damage to property. Gear shift indicator 146
Immediately park the vehicle in a safe man- Selection lists 146
ner. If drive-ready state is switched off and
Using ECO PRO efficiently 277
on again, the malfunction may be rectified
and it may be possible to continue driving. 5 Power gauge 147
If the malfunction cannot be corrected, have Tachometer 147
the vehicle checked by an authorized service 6 Engine temperature 148
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
7 Outside temperature 148 Select the menu using the arrow buttons on
the steering wheel where applicable.
8 Central display range 149
3. Select the desired setting using the thumb-
Shift lights 149
wheel on the steering wheel.
9 Drive mode 125
10 Speed Limit Info 198 Settings
Speed Limit Assistant 212 Specific displays can be configured individu-
11 Time 152 ally, e.g., a second actual speed.
12 Fuel gauge 153 1. Apps menu
Range 153 2. "Vehicle apps"
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Principle Display
The Head-up display projects important infor-
mation in the driver's field of view, for instance Turning the Head-up display on/off
the speed. 1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
General information 3. "Displays"
Depending on vehicle equipment, the height of 4. "Head-up display"
the Head-up display can be stored using the
5. "Head-up display"
memory function.
Follow instructions for cleaning the Head-up
display in the Vehicle Care chapter.
The following information is displayed on the
Head-up display:
▷ Vehicle speed.
▷ Navigation instructions.
▷ Check Control messages.
▷ Sport displays.
▷ Shift lights.
▷ Lists and messages.
▷ Driver assistance systems.
Some of this information is only displayed
Head-up display views are projected onto the briefly as needed.
windshield using protective glass. The protec-
tive glass is located between the steering
wheel and windshield.
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▷ Unfavorable light conditions. Several of the lights are checked for proper
functioning and illuminate temporarily when
If the image is distorted, have the basic set- drive-ready state is turned on.
tings checked by an authorized service center
or another qualified service center or repair
Red lights
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Active Cruise Control with Distance The system may not be operational.
Control The Antilock Braking System system is
not available.
Warning light flashes and acoustic sig-
nal sounds: Brake and evade as neces- The ability to steer may be restricted during full
sary. braking.
The system reduces the speed to a standstill if Grab the steering wheel with your
applicable. hands.
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Manual Speed Limiter the speed limit has been applied, a green
checkmark is displayed.
The indicator light illuminates: the sys-
tem is switched on. Additional information:
The indicator light flashes: the set Speed Limit Assistant, refer to page 212.
speed limit has been exceeded.
Additional information: Steering Assistant
Manual Speed Limiter, refer to page 200. The system is activated and helps to
keep the vehicle in the lane.
Cruise Control Additional information:
Additional information:
Cruise control, refer to page 202. Automatic Lane Change Assistant:
lane change in progress
Active Cruise Control with Distance Arrow icon for lane change green: the
Control system carries out a lane change.
Additional information:
Indicator light illuminates: Vehicle has
been detected ahead of you. The vehi- Automatic Lane Change Assistant, refer to
cle icon goes out if no vehicle in front is page 220.
Indicator lamp is flashing: vehicle ahead is Automatic Lane Change Assistant:
driving off. lane change not possible
Additional information: Gray line for lane boundary on the ap-
Active Cruise Control with Distance Control, re- propriate side: system detected a lane
fer to page 205. change request. Lane change not cur-
rently possible.
Speed Limit Assistant activated Additional information:
Automatic Lane Change Assistant, refer to
Depending on vehicle equipment, the
page 220.
indicator light illuminates green, to-
gether with the icon for a cruise control
system. Speed Limit Assistant is active and Automatic Lane Change Assistant:
detected speed limits can be applied manually functional requirements not met
for the displayed system.
Depending on the national-market ver-
Additional information: sion:
Speed Limit Assistant, refer to page 212. Arrow icon for lane change gray: lane
change not possible; functional requirements
Speed Limit Assist: Apply speed limit not met.
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Active Cruise Control with Distance Control, re- sages are automatically displayed again after
fer to page 205. approx. 8 seconds.
General information
A Check Control message is displayed as a Check Control
combination of indicator or warning lights and
text messages in the instrument cluster and, if At least one Check Control message is
applicable, in the Head-up display. displayed or stored.
In addition, an acoustic signal may sound and
a text message may appear on the control dis- Text messages
Text messages in combination with an icon
in the instrument cluster explain a Check Con-
Hiding Check Control messages trol message and the meaning of the indica-
An arrow icon next to the Check Control tor/warning lights.
message indicates whether the Check Control
message can be hidden. Supplementary text messages
To hide Check Control messages, press Additional information, such as the cause of a
the left arrow button on the steering fault or the required action, can be called up
wheel. via Check Control.
With urgent text messages, the added text will
be automatically displayed on the control dis-
Continuous display
Some Check Control messages are displayed
Depending on the Check Control message, fur-
continuously and are not cleared until the fault
ther help can be selected.
is eliminated. If several faults occur at once,
the messages are displayed consecutively. 1. Apps menu
Permanently displayed Check Control mes- 2. "Vehicle apps"
sages can be hidden temporarily. These mes-
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
An example:
Selection lists To change the track or entertainment source
after bringing up the entertainment list, use the
Principle arrow buttons on the steering wheel. Press the
thumbwheel to confirm the selection.
Lists can be displayed and, if necessary, used
for certain functions in the instrument cluster or Turn the thumbwheel up or down to select the
the Head-up display. desired entry in the list. Press the thumbwheel
to confirm the selection.
▷ Entertainment source.
Depending on the equipment version, the list
▷ Current audio source.
in the instrument cluster may differ from the
▷ List of most recent telephone calls. illustration.
If necessary, the corresponding menu will open
on the control display.
Gear shift indicator
Displaying and using the list
The selection lists can be displayed and op- Principle
erated using the operating elements on the
steering wheel. The shift point indicator recommends the gear
that best suits the current driving situation. Us-
Control ele- Function ing the optimal gear supports an efficient driv-
ments ing style.
Turn the knurled wheel: display
the entertainment list or scroll General information
up or down in the list. The gear shift indicator is active in manual
Press knurled wheel: confirm mode M depending on vehicle equipment and
selection. national-market version.
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General information
Always avoid RPM in the red warning field. In
this range, the fuel supply is reduced to protect
the engine.
Activating/deactivating the
Needle in range of arrow 1: display for energy
The tachometer is displayed depending on the
recovery such as while decelerating CHARGE.
selected drive mode or the individually config-
ured layout.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Successive fields illuminating yellow indicate 1. Press the button on the steering
an upcoming shift point. wheel.
A menu bar is displayed in the instrument
▷ Shift when all fields illuminate red at the cluster.
▷ When the maximum RPM is reached, the
Select the menu using the arrow buttons on
entire display flashes red and the fuel sup-
the steering wheel where applicable.
ply is interrupted in order to protect the en-
gine. 3. Select the desired setting using the thumb-
wheel on the steering wheel.
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General information
The trip data can be displayed on the control
display and in the instrument cluster.
Depending on the setting in the Live Vehicle
menu, the trip data is shown dynamically or
permanently on the control display.
▷ Current consumption, arrow 1.
The values can be displayed and reset de-
▷ Average consumption, arrow 2.
pending on different intervals.
▷ Distance traveled depending on the config-
ured interval, arrow 3.
Display on the control display
The icon is displayed when the vehicle
General information is in Coasting mode.
The following trip data is shown on the control ▷ Total mileage, arrow 4.
▷ Configured interval for displaying trip data. Current consumption
▷ Average fuel consumption depending The current fuel consumption display allows
on the configured interval. you to check the current fuel consumption, e.g.,
▷ Travel time depending on the config- to drive economically and in an environmen-
ured interval. tally-friendly manner.
▷ Distance traveled depending on the
configured interval. Average consumption
▷ Distance traveled in Coasting mode. The average fuel consumption is displayed de-
pending on how the intervals for displaying trip
Displaying trip data continuously data are configured.
1. Apps menu
Adjusting the display of the trip data
2. "Vehicle apps"
The intervals for the display of the trip data
3. "Live Vehicle" in the instrument cluster and on the control
4. "Content" display are adjustable.
5. "Trip data" Using the button on the left steering column
1. Press the button.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
2. Press button repeatedly until the desired 2. Press and hold the button until the values
setting is displayed. are reset.
Via iDrive: Via iDrive:
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General information
With a range below 30 miles/50 km, the
Vehicle inclination may cause the display to
engine may no longer have sufficient fuel.
Engine functions are not ensured anymore.
Additional information: There is a risk of damage to property. Refuel
Refueling, refer to page 282. promptly.
An arrow beside the fuel pump
icon shows which side of the ve- The current range is displayed
hicle the fuel filler flap is on. as a numerical value next to the
fuel gauge.
The current range is displayed
as numerical value.
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Sport displays
Current driving condition
General information The Sport displays especially support a sporty
The current driving condition is displayed dy- driving style.
namically while driving in the Live Vehicle
menu on the control display. Functional requirements
The following states can be displayed: ▷ SPORT driving mode is selected.
▷ Driving. ▷ The following setting is selected for Live
▷ Coasting mode: "EFFICIENT COASTING" Vehicle:"Adaptive content"
With mild hybrid technology:
The sport displays are displayed in the Live
▷ Adaptive recuperation. Vehicle menu on the control display.
▷ Efficient rolling with engine switched off. The following information is displayed:
Additional information:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Service notifications
The function displays the service notifications
and the corresponding maintenance scopes.
General information
After turning on, the next service appointment
or the distance remaining until the next servic-
ing is displayed briefly on the instrument clus-
A service advisor can read out the current
service notifications from the vehicle key.
More information on the type of service re-
quired may be displayed on the control display.
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Vehicle status"
4. "Required services"
Maintenance work and legally mandated
inspections are displayed.
5. Select the desired entry.
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Vehicle features and options Icon Function
Low beams.
This chapter describes model-specific equip-
ment, systems, and functions that are currently
available, or may become available in the fu-
Instrument lighting.
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
Additional information:
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8. Right roadside parking light.
Buttons on the vehicle key
Buttons in the vehicle
Icon Function
Interior lighting.
Parts of the exterior lighting.
Pathway lighting.
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Activate automatic headlight control Do not use the parking lights for extended pe-
riods; otherwise, they might drain the vehicle
Press the button on the light switch. battery and it would then be impossible to
switch on drive-ready state.
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General information
Depending on the equipment, the exterior
lighting of the vehicle can be set individually. The light source is located in the position indi-
Activating/deactivating welcome Keep the light source clean and unobstructed.
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps" Pathway lighting
3. "Exterior lighting"
4. If necessary, "Additional settings" Principle
5. Depending on the equipment, select the For the pathway lighting, the exterior lighting
following setting: turns on for a certain period of time after leav-
ing the vehicle in order to illuminate the area
▷ "Welcome and goodbye"
surrounding the vehicle.
When unlocking the vehicle, individual
lighting functions are turned on.
Switching pathway lighting on
▷ After switching off the drive-ready state,
briefly push the turn signal lever forward.
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General information
The daytime driving lights illuminate when Adaptive Light Control
drive-ready state is switched on.
General information
Activating/deactivating daytime Depending on the steering-wheel angle and
driving lights other parameters, the light from the headlight
In some countries, daytime driving lights are follows the course of the road.
mandatory, so it may not be possible to deacti- To avoid blinding oncoming traffic, the Adap-
vate the daytime driving lights in front. tive Light Control does not swivel to the oppo-
site lane when the vehicle is at a standstill.
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Exterior lighting" Cornering light
4. If necessary, "Additional settings"
5. Depending on vehicle equipment or na- Principle
tional-market version: In tight curves, for instance on mountainous
▷ "Daytime driving lights" roads or when turning, an additional cornering
▷ "Rear daytime driving lights" light is switched on that illuminates the inside
of the curve when the vehicle is moving below
a certain speed.
Adaptive lighting functions
General information
Principle The cornering light is automatically switched
on depending on the steering-wheel angle or,
Adaptive lighting functions enable dynamic il- where applicable, the use of turn signals.
lumination of the road.
When driving in reverse, the cornering lights
may be automatically switched on regardless
General information of the steering-wheel angle.
The adaptive lighting functions may consist of
one system or multiple systems, depending on
the equipment version:
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Functional requirements
▷ Automatic headlight control is activated.
▷ Low beams are switched on.
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System limits
Press the button on the turn signal lever. The Automatic High Beam Assistant cannot
replace the driver's personal judgment of when
to use the high beams. In situations that re-
Sensitivity of the Automatic High quire this, therefore dim manually.
Beam Assistant The system is not fully functional in the follow-
ing situations, and driver intervention may be
General information necessary:
The sensitivity of the Automatic High Beam ▷ In very unfavorable weather conditions,
Assistant can be adjusted. such as fog or heavy precipitation.
▷ When detecting poorly-lit road users such
Safety information as pedestrians, cyclists, horseback riders
and wagons; when driving close to train or
Warning ship traffic; or at animal crossings.
If adjustments have been made or the sen- ▷ In tight curves, on hilltops or in depressions,
sitivity has been modified, oncoming traffic in crossing traffic or half-obscured oncom-
may be momentarily blinded. There is a risk ing traffic on highways.
of accident. If adjustments have been made ▷ In poorly-lit towns and cities or in the pres-
and the sensitivity has been modified, make ence of highly reflective signs.
sure that oncoming traffic is not momentarily ▷ When the windshield in front of the interior
blinded. Switch off the high beams manually mirror is fogged up, dirty or covered with
if required. stickers, etc.
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Instrument lighting
Functional requirement
The brightness can only be adjusted when the
parking lights or low beams are turned on.
Laser radiation.
Setting the brightness
Do not look into the beam.
Laser class 2. Adjust the brightness with the
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Dynamic light
Individual actions, for example incoming calls
or opened doors, are indicated by light effects.
If the ambient light is disabled, the light effects
are still displayed.
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Interior lighting"
4. If necessary, "Ambience"
5. "Dynamic light"
6. Select the desired setting.
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Interior lighting"
4. If necessary, "Ambience"
5. "Reduced for night driving"
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Vehicle features and options available, or may become available in the fu-
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
This chapter describes model-specific equip- Additional information:
ment, systems, and functions that are currently Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
the side of the bodies of the occupants in the risk of injury to your hands or arms as low
outer rear seats. as possible when the airbag is deployed.
▷ Adjust seat and steering wheel so that
Head airbag hands can be crossed over the steering
In the event of a side collision, the head airbag wheel. Select the settings so that the
protects the head. shoulder rests against the backrest when
crossing the hands and the upper body
Ejection Mitigation is as far back as possible while still main-
taining a comfortable grip on the steering
The head airbag system is designed as an
ejection mitigation countermeasure to reduce
the likelihood of ejections of vehicle occupants ▷ Make sure that the front passenger is sit-
through side windows during rollovers or side ting correctly, i.e., with their feet and legs in
collision events. the footwell, not resting on the dashboard.
▷ Make sure that occupants keep their heads
Knee airbag away from the side airbag.
Depending on the national-market version: ▷ There should be no additional persons, an-
imals or objects between an airbag and a
The knee airbag protects the legs in the event
of a frontal impact.
▷ Dashboard and windshield on the pas-
Protective effect senger's side must stay clear - do not at-
tach adhesive film or coverings and do not
attach brackets or cables, for instance for
General information
navigation devices or mobile phones.
Airbags are not deployed in every impact sit-
▷ Do not bond the airbag cover panels with
uation, e.g., in less severe accidents.
adhesive, do not cover them or modify
them in any way.
Information on optimum protective
effect of the airbags ▷ Do not use the cover of the front airbag on
the passenger's side as a storage area.
▷ Do not attach slip covers, seat cushions or
Warning other objects to the front seats that are not
If the seat position is incorrect or the deploy- specifically suited for seats with integrated
ment area of the airbags is impaired, the airbag versions.
airbag system cannot provide protection as ▷ Do not hang pieces of clothing, such as
intended and may cause additional injuries jackets, over the backrests.
due to deployment. There is a risk of injury
▷ Do not modify individual components or
or danger to life. Follow the information on
wiring. This also applies to steering wheel
achieving the optimum protective effect of the
covers, the dashboard, and the seats.
airbag system.
▷ Do not disassemble the airbag system.
▷ Keep a distance from the airbags. Even when you follow all instructions very
▷ Always grasp the steering wheel on the closely, injury from contact with the airbags
steering wheel rim. Hold your hands at the cannot be fully ruled out in certain situations.
3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions to keep the
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Automatic deactivation of
Improperly executed work can lead to failure,
malfunction or unintentional deployment of
the front passenger airbags
the airbag system. In the case of a malfunc-
tion, the airbag system might not deploy as Principle
intended despite the accident severity. There
The system reads if the front passenger seat
is a risk of injury or danger to life. Have the
is occupied by measuring the human body's
airbag system checked, repaired, disassem-
bled, and scrapped by an authorized service
center or another qualified service center or Front, knee, and side airbag on the front pas-
repair shop. senger's side are activated or deactivated.
General information
Display in the instrument cluster Before transporting a child on the front pas-
When drive-ready state is turned on, senger seat, refer to the safety information and
the warning light in the instrument instructions for children on the front passenger
cluster illuminates briefly, thereby indi- seat, see Children.
cating the operational readiness of the entire
airbag system and the seat belt tensioners.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
▷ Active Blind Spot Detection, refer to The following functions are adjustable.
page 180.
1. Apps menu
▷ Side collision mitigation, refer to page 183.
2. "Vehicle apps"
▷ Rear-end collision preparation, refer to
3. "Driving settings"
page 184.
4. "Driver Assistance"
▷ Emergency Stop Assistant, refer to
page 185. 5. "Safety and warnings"
6. Select the desired settings.
Safety information
Resetting the settings
Warning The settings of the collision warning systems
can be reset to the default settings at vehicle
The system cannot serve as a substitute for
the driver’s personal judgment in assessing
the traffic situation. Based on the limits of 1. Apps menu
the system, it cannot independently react 2. "Vehicle apps"
to all traffic situations. There is a risk of
3. "Driving settings"
accident. Adjust driving style to traffic condi-
tions. Watch the surrounding traffic situation 4. "Driver Assistance"
closely, be ready to take over steering and 5. "Safety and warnings"
braking at any time, and actively intervene 6. "Reset to recommended settings"
where appropriate.
System limits
Warning Safety information
Indicators and warnings cannot serve as a
substitute for the driver’s personal judgment.
Due to its limits, the system may not issue
warnings or responses, or these may be is- Due to its limits, the system may not react, or
sued late or in a manner that is not consis- it may react too late or in a manner that is not
tent with their normal use. There is a risk of consistent with normal use. There may be a
accident. Adjust driving style to traffic condi- risk of accidents or risk of damage to prop-
tions. Watch surrounding traffic closely and erty. Actively intervene as warranted. Refer
actively intervene where appropriate. to the information in this Owner’s Manual re-
garding the scope of the system’s operation
and limitations.
Turning on/turning off collision
warning systems
Detection capability
Depending on national-market version, some
The system's detection capability is limited.
of the systems are automatically activated
whenever you start driving. The system only takes into account objects
that are located in the detection range of the
installed sensors and are detected by the sys-
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the area tions. Watch the surrounding traffic situation
is monitored by cameras or radar sensors. closely, be ready to take over steering and
Thus, a system response might not come or braking at any time, and actively intervene
might come late. where appropriate.
The system cannot serve as a substitute for If the vehicle speed exceeds approx.
the driver’s personal judgment in assessing 155 mph/250 km/h, the system is deactivated
the traffic situation. Based on the limits of temporarily.
the system, it cannot independently react Some functions are deactivated earlier.
to all traffic situations. There is a risk of The system is enabled as soon as the speed
accident. Adjust driving style to traffic condi- drops below these values again.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Turning the Forward Collision The system checks for visual impairments. De-
Mitigation on/off pending on the vehicle equipment, the Driver
Attention Camera in the instrument cluster
captures the driver’s field of vision. Visibility
Turning on the system automatically
and field of vision also affect the timing of the
Depending on the national-market version, the warnings.
system is automatically active after every de-
Display in the instrument cluster
Turning on system manually The following indicator/warning lights are
shown on the instrument cluster and, depend-
The system is activated by setting the warning ing on vehicle equipment, on the Head-up dis-
time. play:
Additional information:
Icon Meaning
Setting the warning time, refer to page 171.
Depending on vehicle equipment and
Turning system off manually national-market version:
Depending on national-market version, the ad- Function restriction detected, e.g.,
justment can only be made when the vehicle is due to system limits of the cameras
at a standstill or in a very low speed range. or because the system has malfunc-
tioned. You may continue driving.
If necessary, the switch-off must be confirmed
If necessary, follow the instructions
successively on the control display.
from Check Control messages.
1. Apps menu System limits of the cameras, refer to
2. "Vehicle apps" page 35.
3. "Driving settings" Depending on vehicle equipment and
4. "Driver Assistance" national-market version:
5. "Safety and warnings" The system is turned off.
6. "Forward Collision Mitigation" Risk of collision, for instance with a
7. "Off" person.
2. "Vehicle apps"
Risk of collision, e.g., with a vehicle
3. "Driving settings" crossing from the right.
4. "Driver Assistance"
5. "Safety and warnings" Risk of collision, e.g., with a vehicle
crossing from the left.
6. "Forward Collision Mitigation"
7. Select the desired setting. Risk of collision with a vehicle from an
The more sensitive the warning time is set to unrecognizable direction of travel.
be, the more warnings will be displayed. The
system can therefore also issue more early or
unfounded warnings and reactions.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
The corresponding indicator lights and warn- force, releasing the brake pedal, or by actively
ing lights may display differently if the system steering.
detects multiple objects. City brake function: the brake intervention oc-
curs to up to approx. 50 mph/80 km/h.
Warning function With radar sensor: the brake intervention oc-
The Forward Collision Mitigation warns on dif- curs to up to approx. 155 mph/250 km/h.
ferent warning levels, depending on the re- At speeds above approx. 130 mph/210 km/h,
spective hazardous situation. only a brief brake intervention will occur.
In the event of a system warning, the driver
must intervene immediately and in accordance System limits
with the situation.
▷ Red warning light illuminates: Safety information
A hazardous situation has been detected.
Increased awareness is required.
▷ Red warning light flashes:
Due to its limits, the system may not react, or
There is a risk of collision. Intervene imme- it may react too late or in a manner that is not
diately. consistent with normal use. There may be a
▷ A warning signal sounds: risk of accidents or risk of damage to prop-
There is a risk of collision. Intervene imme- erty. Actively intervene as warranted. Refer
diately. to the information in this Owner’s Manual re-
garding the scope of the system’s operation
▷ Automatic brake intervention: and limitations.
Depending on the equipment and situation
in case of an imminent danger of collision,
the system can also intervene with an auto- Detection capability
matic brake intervention and automatically The system's detection capability is limited.
decelerate the vehicle, if necessary, to a
The system only takes into account objects
complete stop.
that are located in the detection range of the
When the brake pedal is depressed quickly and installed sensors and are detected by the sys-
hard, the maximum braking force of the vehicle tem.
is used.
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the area
is monitored by cameras or radar sensors.
Automatic brake intervention
Thus, a system response might not come or
In case of a risk of collision, the system can might come late.
assist with an automatic brake intervention, if
System limits of the sensors
When the vehicle is traveling at a low speed,
Additional information:
the vehicle may come to a complete stop.
Sensors of the vehicle, refer to page 35.
During automatic brake intervention, Dynamic
Stability Control activates automatically.
Functional limitations
A brake intervention can be canceled by step-
The system may be limited in the following
ping on the accelerator pedal with sufficient
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Detection range
The following situations may not be detected,
or only detected with a delay, for instance:
▷ Vehicle driving slowly in front and being ap-
proached at high speed.
▷ Vehicles that suddenly swerve in front of
you, or strongly decelerating vehicles.
Sensors detect the traffic situation in their de- ▷ Vehicles with unusual rear designs.
tection range. ▷ Two-wheeled vehicles ahead of you.
The system issues a warning of a possible risk
of collision with vehicles at speeds above ap- Upper speed limit
prox. 3 mph/5 km/h. The timing of warnings If the vehicle speed exceeds approx.
may vary with the current driving situation. 155 mph/250 km/h, the system is deactivated
The system considers the driver’s vehicle han- temporarily. As soon as the speed drops below
dling when responding. If an active driving this value again, the system is reactivated.
style is detected, warnings and brake interven-
tions occur less frequently.
Safety information
Follow the safety information in Chapter “For-
ward Collision Mitigation”.
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Display in the instrument cluster The following situations may not be detected,
for instance:
If there is a risk of collision with a detected
pedestrian, a warning light is displayed. ▷ Partially covered pedestrians or bikes.
▷ Pedestrians that are not detected as such
Icon Meaning
because of their contour or posture.
Risk of collision with a pedestrian. ▷ Pedestrians with insufficient height.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Upper speed limit The timing of warnings may vary with the cur-
Depending on vehicle equipment, the system rent driving situation.
responds to pedestrians when the vehicle
peed is below 50 mph/80 km/h. Safety information
Follow the safety information in Chapter “For-
ward Collision Mitigation”.
Intersection warning with
City light braking function Display in the instrument cluster
If there is a risk of collision with a detected
Principle vehicle, a warning light is displayed.
Warning function
The warning prompts the driver to intervene.
Additional information:
Forward Collision Mitigation, refer to page 170.
System limits
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
General information
Follow the system limits in the "Collision warn-
ing systems" chapter.
Functional limitations
The system may be limited in the following
▷ In the event of missing, worn, poorly visible,
merging, diverging, or multiple lane boun- Radar sensors monitor the area behind and
daries such as in construction areas. next to the vehicle when traveling faster than a
▷ With lane boundaries that are covered in minimum speed.
snow, ice, dirt or water. The minimum speed is country-specific and
▷ In tight corners or on narrow roads. displayed in the Active Blind Spot Detection
▷ With lane boundaries that are covered by
objects. The system indicates whether there are vehi-
cles in your blind spot, arrow 1, or approaching
▷ When driving very close to the vehicle in from behind in an adjacent lane, arrow 2. The
front of you. warning light in the exterior mirror illuminates
▷ Up to 10 seconds after drive-ready state is dimly.
switched on via the Start/Stop button. Before you change lanes after setting the turn
▷ While Dynamic Stability Control is disabled. signal, the system issues a warning in the
A Check Control message may be displayed situations described above. The warning light
when the system is limited. A yellow warning in the exterior mirror flashes and the steering
light also illuminates, depending on national- wheel vibrates.
market version. When turning at a speed of up to approx.
12 mph/20 km/h, the steering wheel will not
Active Blind Spot Detection
Safety information
Follow the safety information in the "Forward
Active Blind Spot Detection detects vehicles Collision Mitigation" chapter.
in the blind spot or vehicles approaching from
behind in the adjacent lane.
The warning light in the exterior mirror gives
The system is controlled by the following sen-
warnings at different levels.
▷ Camera behind the windshield.
▷ Radar sensors, side, rear.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
System limits
General information
Follow the system limits in the "Collision warn-
ing systems" chapter.
Functional limitations
The system may be limited in the following
situations: Radar sensors monitor the area behind the ve-
When a vehicle approaches from the rear at a
certain speed, the system can react as follows:
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
▷ Where applicable, the hazard warning When the system is triggered, the vehicle is
flashers will be switched on. brought to a standstill in its own lane by use of
▷ Where applicable, the PreCrash functions lane guidance.
are triggered. Depending on the vehicle equipment and na-
tional-market version, the system includes a
lane change function.
Safety information
With lane change function: on motorways or
Follow the safety information in the "Forward motorway-like roads, the system steers the ve-
Collision Mitigation" chapter. hicle to the side of the road or shoulder where
possible. On other roads or with high traffic
Sensors volume, the vehicle is brought to a standstill in
The system is controlled by the radar sensors the current lane.
on the sides and rear.
Turning rear-end collision
preparation on/off Button in the vehicle
The system is automatically active when the
vehicle is turned on.
The system is deactivated when reversing.
System limits
General information
Follow the system limits in the "Collision warn-
ing systems" chapter.
Parking brake
Functional limitations
This function may be restricted if the speed
of the approaching vehicle is much higher or Functional requirements
similar to your own speed.
▷ The Emergency Stop Assistant can be trig-
gered at speeds of approx. 6 mph/10 km/h
Emergency Stop Assistant up to approx. 155 mph/250 km/h.
▷ With lane change function: lane changes
are executed when the traffic situation al-
Principle lows.
If the driver can no longer drive the vehicle
safely, the Emergency Stop Assistant helps to Triggering the Emergency Stop
bring the vehicle to a safe standstill.
General information Briefly pull the parking brake switch to
trigger the Emergency Stop Assistant.
The Emergency Stop Assistant is not triggered
automatically. The system can only be trig-
gered manually by the occupants.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Driving settings"
4. "Driver Assistance"
The area behind the vehicle is monitored by 5. "Parking and maneuvering"
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the area
7. Select the desired setting.
around the vehicle in front of the vehicle is
monitored as well.
Turning on the cross traffic warning
The system indicates approaching road users.
Follow the information in the "Parking assis- The system must be activated on the control
tance systems" chapter. display. As soon as Park Distance Control or a
camera view is active and a selector lever po-
Safety information sition is engaged, the system is automatically
switched on.
If reverse gear is engaged, the rear system is
switched on.
The system cannot serve as a substitute for
Depending on the equipment, the front system
the driver’s personal judgment in assessing
is turned on when a gear position is engaged.
the traffic situation. Based on the limits of
the system, it cannot independently react Depending on the national-market version, the
to all traffic situations. There is a risk of system is automatically active when the vehi-
accident. Adjust driving style to traffic condi- cle is started.
tions. Watch the surrounding traffic situation
closely, be ready to take over steering and Turning off the cross traffic warning
braking at any time, and actively intervene automatically
where appropriate.
The system is automatically turned off in the
following situations:
Sensors ▷ When the speed exceeds walking speed.
The system is controlled by the following sen- ▷ When a certain distance covered is ex-
sors: ceeded.
▷ Radar sensors, side, rear.
▷ Depending on the equipment: radar sen-
sors, side, front.
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Acoustic warning
In addition to the visual warning, a signal tone
sounds if your own vehicle moves into the re-
The warning light in the exterior mirror flashes
spective direction.
if the rear sensors detect other vehicles when
the vehicle is reversing. Depending on the national-market version, the
signal tone will already sound when the gear
position is engaged.
Display in the Park Distance Control view
System limits
Functional limitations
The function can be limited, for instance in the
following situations:
In the Park Distance Control view, the respec-
tive boundary area flashes red if vehicles are ▷ In tight curves.
detected by the sensors. ▷ Crossing objects are moving at a very slow
or a very fast speed.
▷ Other objects that hide cross traffic are in
the capture range of the sensors.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Recording type
1. Apps menu
2. "All apps"
3. "Drive Recorder"
Press and hold this button.
4. "Settings"
5. Select the desired setting.
Via iDrive
Recording time
Start the recording:
1. Apps menu
1. Apps menu 2. "All apps"
2. "All apps" 3. "Drive Recorder"
3. "Drive Recorder" 4. "Settings"
4. "Recording" 5. Select the desired setting.
5. "Start recording"
Recording can also be started by selecting the Cameras
widget on the control display. Different cameras can be selected.
The system saves recordings up to 20 sec- 1. Apps menu
onds before and after storage is triggered.
2. "All apps"
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
on the vehicle is too great or the power supply of accident. Adjust driving style to traffic con-
was interrupted. ditions. Watch surrounding traffic closely and
If you overwrite a USB drive multiple times, it actively intervene where appropriate.
may not be possible to export recordings cor-
Depending on vehicle equipment, the driver
Active Protection and front passenger seat belts are automati-
cally tightened once after driving off, if the seat
belt is fastened.
Depending on the equipment and require-
Active Protection prepares occupants and the
ments, the following individual functions are
vehicle for a possible accident in critical driving
active in accident-critical driving situations:
or collision situations.
▷ Automatic pretensioning of the front seat
General information belts.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
System limits
System functionality may be limited. If the
function is limited, either no warning is issued
or an incorrect warning is issued. The system Depending on the equipment, the instrument
function may be limited in the following situa- cluster has up to three infrared light sources.
tions, e.g.: Depending on the light conditions, these light
▷ If the time is set incorrectly. sources can be visible when the vehicle is in
▷ At a predominantly driven speed below ap- standby mode.
prox. 43 mph/70 km/h.
▷ With a sporty driving style, such as during System limits
rapid acceleration or when cornering fast. The Driver Attention Camera may not be fully
▷ In active driving situations, such as when functional in the following situations:
changing lanes frequently. ▷ When the Driver Attention Camera is cov-
▷ When the road condition is poor. ered by the steering wheel.
▷ In the event of strong side winds. ▷ With sunglasses with high protection from
infrared light.
General information
For support by assistance systems, the atten-
tion of the driver is analyzed by evaluating the
head position and eye opening of the driver.
For full operability, make sure that the field of
view of the Driver Attention Camera is not ob-
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CONTROLS Driving stability control systems
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Driving stability control systems CONTROLS
General information
The system detects the following unstable
driving conditions, for instance:
▷ Skidding, which can lead to oversteering.
Dynamic Stability Control
▷ Loss of adhesion of the front wheels, which
can lead to understeering.
1. Press the button to open the selec-
When driving with a roof load, e.g., roof bars, tion.
the vehicle's center of gravity is higher. This
2. "DSC OFF"
increases the risk of the vehicle tipping in crit-
ical driving situations. There may be a risk of Dynamic Stability Control is deactivated.
accidents or risk of damage to property. Drive
with roof load only with activated Dynamic 3. Press the button again to reactivate
Stability Control. Dynamic Stability Control.
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CONTROLS Driving stability control systems
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Driving stability control systems CONTROLS
BMW xDrive
BMW xDrive is the all-wheel-drive system of
the vehicle. Concerted action by the BMW
xDrive and other suspension control systems,
such as Dynamic Stability Control, further opti-
mizes traction and driving dynamics.
General information
BMW xDrive variably distributes the drive
forces to the front and rear axles as required
by the driving situation and road conditions.
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
1. Apps menu
3. "Driving settings"
2. "Vehicle apps"
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
When the speed limit is activated, Dynamic When the speed limit is set during a trip to
Stability Control is switched on and the vehicle a value below the current speed, the vehicle
may change to COMFORT drive mode. coasts until it drops to the set speed limit.
The current speed can also be stored by
Turning off the speed limiter pressing a button:
Press the button on the steering wheel. Press the button on the steering wheel.
Visual warning
If the speed limit is exceeded: the
indicator light in the instrument clus-
ter flashes while the vehicle speed is
greater than the set speed limit.
Acoustic warning
▷ If the speed limit is exceeded unintention-
Press the rocker switch up or down repeatedly
ally, a signal sounds.
until the desired speed limit is set.
▷ When the speed limit is reduced to be-
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed
low the current vehicle speed, the signal
to the resistance point, the speed limit in-
sounds after some time.
creases or decreases by 1 mph/1 km/h.
▷ When the speed limit is intentionally ex-
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed
ceeded by stepping on the accelerator
past the resistance point, the desired speed
pedal all the way down, there is no signal.
changes by a maximum of 5 mph/10 km/h.
If the set speed limit is reached or unintention-
ally exceeded, such as when driving downhill,
the vehicle is not actively braked.
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Continue cruise control with the last Stopping the system manually
setting. When active, press the button.
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Adjusting the speed ▷ Each time the rocker switch is tapped to the
resistance point, the set speed increases or
Maintaining and storing the speed decreases by 1 mph/1 km/h.
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed
past the resistance point, the desired speed
changes by a maximum of 5 mph/10 km/h.
The maximum speed that can be set de-
pends on the vehicle.
▷ Pressing the rocker switch to the resistance
point and holding it: vehicle accelerates or
decelerates without pressure on the accel-
erator pedal.
Press the rocker switch up or down once while After the rocker switch is released, the vehi-
the system is interrupted. cle maintains its final speed. Pressing the
When the system is switched on, the current switch beyond the resistance point causes
speed is maintained and stored as the set the vehicle to accelerate more rapidly.
The stored speed is displayed on the speed-
Continuing cruise control
ometer. An interrupted cruise control can be continued
by calling up the stored speed.
If necessary, the Dynamic Stability Control will
be turned on. Make sure that the difference between current
speed and stored speed is not too large be-
The speed can also be stored by pressing a
fore calling up the stored speed. Otherwise,
unwanted vehicle deceleration or acceleration
Press the button. may occur.
Press the button with the system inter-
Changing the speed
Cruise control is continued with the stored val-
In the following cases, the stored speed value
is deleted and cannot be called up again:
▷ When the system is switched off.
▷ When drive-ready state is switched off.
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
The system can also be activated when sta- Without Steering Assistant:
tionary. Press the button on the steering wheel.
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
▷ After a longer stationary period when the If active, the displayed speed is stored and
vehicle has been braked to a stop by the the vehicle reaches the stored speed when the
system. road is clear.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
▷ Each time the rocker switch is tapped to the tem takes into account the traffic situation and
resistance point, the set speed increases or ambient conditions, e.g. poor visibility.
decreases by 1 mph/1 km/h.
1. Apps menu
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed
2. "Vehicle apps"
past the resistance point, the desired speed
changes by a maximum of 5 mph/10 km/h. 3. "Driving settings"
Hold the rocker switch in position to repeat the 4. "Driver Assistance"
action. 5. "Driving"
6. "Speed Limit Assistance"
Adjusting the distance 7. "Situational distance control"
Safety information
Continuing cruise control
An interrupted cruise control can be continued
Warning by calling up the stored speed.
The system cannot serve as a substitute for Make sure that the difference between current
the driver’s personal judgment. Due to the speed and stored speed is not too large be-
system limits, deceleration can be late. There fore calling up the stored speed. Otherwise,
may be a risk of accidents or risk of dam- unwanted vehicle deceleration or acceleration
age to property. Be aware to the surround- may occur.
ing traffic situation at all times. Adjust the
Press the button on the steering wheel with
distance to the traffic and weather conditions
the system interrupted:
and maintain the prescribed safety distance,
possibly by braking. With Steering Assistant.
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
System limits
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
The following restrictions can occur under un-
favorable weather or light conditions:
▷ Poorer vehicle detection.
▷ Short-term interruptions for vehicles that
are already recognized.
Drive attentively, and react to the current sur-
rounding traffic situation. If necessary, inter-
When the set speed is too high for a curve, vene actively, for instance by braking, steering
the speed is reduced slightly. Because curves or evading.
may not be anticipated in advance, drive into a
curve at an appropriate speed. Drive power
The system has a limited detection range. Sit- The set speed is also maintained downhill. The
uations can arise in tight curves where a vehi- speed may not be maintained on uphill grades
cle driving ahead will not be detected or will be if the drive power is insufficient.
detected very late. In ECO PRO driving mode, the vehicle may
exceed or drop below the set desired speed
in some situations, for instance on downhill or
uphill grades.
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Button Function
Rocker switch:
Set speed, refer to Cruise Control.
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Steering Assistant The system is controlled by the following sen-
Principle ▷ Cameras behind the windshield.
The Steering Assistant helps keep the vehicle ▷ Front radar sensor.
in the lane. For this purpose, the system ex- ▷ Radar sensors, side, front.
ecutes supporting steering movements, for in-
stance when cornering. ▷ Radar sensors, side, rear.
Additional information:
General information Sensors of the vehicle, refer to page 35.
Depending on the speed, the system orients
itself according to the lane boundaries or vehi- Functional requirements
cles in front. ▷ Speed below 130 mph/210 km/h.
Sensors on the steering wheel detect whether ▷ Sufficient lane width.
the steering wheel is being touched.
▷ Above approx. 43 mph/70 km/h: lane
boundary on both sides is detected.
Safety information
▷ Below approx. 43 mph, 70 km/h: lane
boundary on both sides or vehicle driving
Warning ahead is detected.
The system cannot serve as a substitute for ▷ Hands on the steering wheel rim.
the driver’s personal judgment in assessing ▷ Wide curves.
the traffic situation. Based on the limits of
▷ Drive in the center of the lane.
the system, it cannot independently react
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Icon Description
Depending on vehicle equipment and national-
Indicator light illuminates gray: market version, information for the system is
The system is ready. displayed in the Assisted View of the instru-
ment cluster.
Indicator light illuminates green: Additional information:
The system is activated. Assisted View, refer to page 151.
The system supports the driver in
keeping the vehicle within the lane. Displays on the steering wheel
Warning light flashes yellow:
A lane boundary has been crossed.
The steering wheel vibrates where
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
General information
Displays on the steering wheel
The system uses the sensors of the Steering
Safety information
The system cannot serve as a substitute for
the driver’s personal judgment in assessing
the traffic situation. Based on the limits of
The two LED lights above the buttons illumi- the system, it cannot independently react
nate analogously to the displays in the instru- to all traffic situations. There is a risk of
ment cluster: accident. Adjust driving style to traffic condi-
tions. Watch the surrounding traffic situation
▷ Green: the system is active.
closely, be ready to take over steering and
▷ Yellow: system will be interrupted. braking at any time, and actively intervene
▷ Red: system will be deactivated. where appropriate.
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Alternative displays
Depending on the equipment version, the dis-
plays in the instrument cluster may vary and
are displayed as follows:
After the lane change, the system helps keep
the vehicle in the new lane.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Icon Description
System limits
The limits of the Steering Assistant system ap-
Additional information:
Steering Assistant, refer to page 215.
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Vehicle features and options Safety information
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Via iDrive
Display on the control display
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps" General information
3. "Driving settings" Depending on vehicle equipment and on the
4. "Driver Assistance" activated parking assistance system, the con-
5. "Parking and maneuvering" trol display will vary.
The parking assistance systems support park-
ing and maneuvering or reversing by display-
ing Park Distance Control and various camera
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Without Parking Assistant Plus The Park Distance Control view is dis-
▷ "Parking"
The view of different camera perspectives
is displayed.
▷ "3D view"
A three-dimensional view is displayed.
▷ "Car wash"
The display of your own lane can be turned
1 Toolbar, left on for easier driving into the car wash.
2 Camera image
Toolbar, right
3 Selection window
The parking assistance functions are displayed
4 Toolbar, right in the right toolbar. The display may vary de-
pending on vehicle equipment.
With Parking Assistant Plus ▷ Status of the parking assistance systems.
▷ "Autom. Parking"
Functions of the Automatic Parking Assis-
▷ "Back-Up Assistant"
Functions of the Back-up Assistant.
▷ "Settings"
Settings in the Park menu.
Toolbar, left
Different views can be selected using the left
toolbar depending on vehicle equipment:
▷ "Rear view camera"
The view of the rearview camera is dis-
▷ "Only park. sensors"
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Via iDrive The lines show the course of the smallest pos-
sible turning circle on a level road.
1. Apps menu
Only one turning circle line is displayed after
2. "Vehicle apps" the steering wheel is turned past a certain an-
3. "Driving settings" gle.
4. "Driver Assistance"
5. "Parking and maneuvering"
6. Select the desired setting.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Functional requirements
Automatic camera
▷ The trunk is fully closed.
▷ The camera area is clean and clear.
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General information
Follow the information in the "Parking assis-
tance systems" chapter.
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3D view Display
When 3D view is selected, a circle is displayed
on the control display.
Specified perspectives can be selected on the
General information
The current perspective is marked with a cam-
Your own lane is displayed for easier driving
era icon.
into a car wash.
Follow the information in the "Parking assis-
This view can be used to position the vehicle
tance systems" chapter.
correctly within the washing system guide rails.
Turning the 3D view on/off In a car wash, the vehicle must be able to roll
freely forward.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
2. Press the button.
3. "Activation point"
The current position is displayed.
4. "Save activation point"
Activation points are stored with one of the
following pieces of information if possible:
▷ With the city/town.
▷ With the city/town and the street.
Yellow lines on the screen display identify the ▷ With the GPS coordinates.
bumpers of your own vehicle.
Depending on the engaged selector lever posi-
tion, the camera view of the rearview camera
or front camera will be displayed.
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General information
General information
For reasons of data protection, the function
Follow the information in the "Parking assis-
can only be used three times within two hours.
tance systems" chapter.
Follow the information in the "Parking assis-
tance systems" chapter.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Driving settings"
4. "Driver Assistance"
5. "Parking and maneuvering" View behind vehicle.
6. "PDC signal volume"
7. Set the desired value.
Visual warning
General information
The approach to an object is displayed on the
control display as soon as the system is acti-
Objects that are farther away are already dis- View next to vehicle.
played before a signal sounds.
Depending on the view, pathway lines, turning ▷ Shaded area: detection range of sensors.
circle lines and obstacle markings are shown ▷ Gray shaded area: no obstacles were de-
for a better estimation of the space required. tected in the detection range.
Depending on the equipment, the detection ▷ Colored marks in shaded area: obstacles
range of the sensors is represented by shaded were detected in the detection range.
annular surfaces. Green, yellow, and red mark- ▷ Shaded area interrupted: the area next to
ings indicate when obstacles are detected in the vehicle has not yet been detected.
the detection zone.
When equipped with cross traffic warning: de- System limits
pending on vehicle equipment, a warning is
also shown for vehicles approaching at the General information
rear and front from the side.
The function for protecting the vehicle sides
To protect the sides of the vehicle, obstacle only shows stationary obstacles that were pre-
markings are displayed on the sides of the ve- viously detected by the sensors when passing
hicle. by.
The system does not detect whether an obsta-
cle moves later on. When the vehicle is station-
Depending on vehicle equipment, warnings ary, the gray shaded areas on the sides are
may be displayed in front of, next to, and be- hidden after a certain time. The area on the
hind the vehicle. side of the vehicle must be newly captured.
Also follow the information on system limits in
the "Parking assistance systems" chapter.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
To prevent unwarranted warnings, for instance Follow the information in the "Parking assis-
in car washes, turn off automatic Park Dis- tance systems" chapter.
tance Control activation on obstacle detection.
Safety information
An icon is displayed on the control dis- Warning
play. The system cannot serve as a substitute for
Depending on the vehicle equipment: the driver’s personal judgment in assessing
the detection range of the sensors is not dis- the traffic situation. Based on the limits of
played on the control display. the system, it cannot independently react
to all traffic situations. There is a risk of
A Check Control message is displayed. accident. Adjust driving style to traffic condi-
Park Distance Control malfunction. Have the tions. Watch the surrounding traffic situation
vehicle checked by an authorized service cen- closely, be ready to take over steering and
ter or another qualified service center or repair braking at any time, and actively intervene
shop. where appropriate.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Parking operation
▷ Doors and cargo area are closed.
▷ Driver's seat belt is fastened.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
distance to a detected curb is at least 6 in- At the end of the parking operation, selec-
ches/15 cm. tor lever position P is set.
▷ The parking space is at least 2.6 ft/0.8 m The end of the parking operation is indi-
longer than the vehicle. cated on the control display.
5. Adjust the parking position yourself, if
Turning the signal tone on/off needed.
The signal tone for suitable parking spaces
can be turned on and off. Driving out of a parking space using
1. Apps menu
the Automatic Parking Assistant
2. "Vehicle apps" 1. Turn on drive-ready state.
3. "Driving settings"
4. "Driver Assistance" 2. With the vehicle at a standstill, press
button or engage reverse gear.
5. "Parking and maneuvering"
The parking assistance systems view is
6. "Sound when available"
Parking using the Automatic 3. Select the desired direction for driving out
of the parking space on the control display.
Parking Assistant
4. Follow the instructions on the control dis-
1. For the parking space search when driving
past parked vehicles at a speed of up to
approx. 22 mph/35 km/h and a distance of Green: the system takes control of ma-
max. 5 ft/1.5 m. neuvering.
The parking space search is activated. The speed can be reduced with the brake.
Other interventions will cancel the system.
A message will be displayed at the end of
2. Press the button or engage reverse the maneuver.
5. Make sure that the traffic situation permits
The parking assistance systems view is driving out of parking space and driving off
displayed. as usual.
The status of the parking space search and The Automatic Parking Assistant is turned
possible parking spaces are displayed on off automatically.
the control display.
3. Select suggested parking method. Canceling Automatic Parking
Green: the system takes control of the Assistant manually
parking operation. The Automatic Parking Assistant can be can-
4. Follow the instructions on the control dis- celed manually at any time, e.g.:
play. ▷ Press the button.
The speed can be reduced with the brake.
Other interventions will cancel the system.
Depending on national-market version, an ▷ "Autom. Parking": select the icon on the
intermittent or continuous tone sounds for control display.
Park Distance Control.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
▷ With insufficient distances, which are indi- ▷ For parking spaces that are only marked
cated by Park Distance Control. with lines on the ground. The system ori-
ents itself according to objects.
▷ When a maximum number of parking at-
tempts or the time taken for parking is ex- ▷ For special parking lots such as pay parking
ceeded. lots with automatic locking mechanisms,
coin parking or mechanical parking sys-
▷ When changing over to another function on
the control display.
Under certain environmental conditions, park-
▷ The turn signal opposite to the desired
ing out with Park Assist may be temporarily
parking side is switched on.
unavailable. The system limits of the Park Dis-
▷ With open cargo area. tance Control and the Automatic Parking As-
▷ With the doors open. sistant continue to apply.
▷ When setting the parking brake.
Functional limitations
▷ When operating the accelerator pedal or
the selector lever. The system may be limited in the following
▷ The brake pedal remains depressed for
longer while the vehicle is at a standstill. ▷ On bumpy road surfaces such as gravel
▷ When unfastening the driver's seat belt.
▷ On slippery ground.
A Check Control message is displayed where
applicable. ▷ On steep uphill or downhill grades.
▷ With accumulations of leaves/snow in the
Continuing the parking operation parking space.
If parking or leaving a parking space has been ▷ In case of changes to an already-measured
interrupted, the operation can be continued, if parking space.
needed. ▷ With ditches or edges, for instance an edge
Restart the Automatic Parking Assistant and of a port.
follow the instructions on the control display. ▷ Parking spaces that are not suitable may
be detected or suitable parking spaces may
not be detected at all.
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A Check Control message is displayed. Warning
The Automatic Parking Assistant has malfunc- The system can steer the vehicle over or
tioned. Have the vehicle checked by an author- onto curbs. There is a risk of injury or risk
ized service center or another qualified service of damage to property. Watch surrounding
center or repair shop. traffic closely and actively intervene where
Back-up assistant
Functional requirements
▷ Drive forward without interruption to store
the distance covered.
The Back-up Assistant assists when driving in
▷ To store the distance covered, do not drive
reverse, for instance when driving out of tight
faster than 22 mph/35 km/h.
or confusing parking or street situations.
▷ Dynamic Stability Control is activated.
General information
Driving in reverse with automated
The vehicle stores the driving movements of
the last distance covered. This stored distance steering
can be driven in reverse with automated steer- 1. Turn on drive-ready state.
The system takes over the steering. The speed 2. With the vehicle at a standstill, press
must be controlled by the driver using the ac- button or engage reverse gear.
celerator pedal and the brake.
The parking assistance systems view is
A maximum of 164 ft/50 m are stored. displayed.
Follow the information in the "Parking assis- 3. "Back-Up Assistant"
tance systems" chapter.
Follow the instructions on the control dis-
play where required.
Safety information
4. Take your hands off the steering wheel and
carefully drive in reverse with the accelera-
Warning tor pedal and the brake.
The system cannot serve as a substitute for Green: the system takes control of
the driver’s personal judgment in assessing steering.
the traffic situation. Based on the limits of
When driving in reverse, observe the vehi-
the system, it cannot independently react
cle's surroundings.
to all traffic situations. There is a risk of
accident. Adjust driving style to traffic condi- In case of obstacles, stop immediately and
tions. Watch the surrounding traffic situation take over control of the vehicle. Follow the
closely, be ready to take over steering and instructions for Park Distance Control.
braking at any time, and actively intervene 5. Right before the end of the stored distance
where appropriate. covered, a signal tone will sound and a
message is displayed.
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Stop no later than when normal road traffic A warning is issued at a speed of approx.
is reached and take control of the vehicle, 4 mph/7 km/h.
such as by shifting to forward gear. If the maximum speed is exceeded, the
function is interrupted.
Canceling the Back-up Assistant ▷ After driving a stored distance covered with
manually major steering-wheel angles, the function
The assisted reversing by the Back-up Assis- of the system will be limited for the return
tant can be canceled manually: trip.
▷ Via touchscreen: "Back-Up Assistant" Different influences can lead to side deviations
▷ Press the button. when driving the stored distance covered in re-
verse. For example, this includes the following
▷ Steering movements when the vehicle is
Canceling the Back-up Assistant stationary while storing the distance cov-
automatically ered.
The system automatically cancels in situations ▷ The speed is not adapted to the distance
such as the following: covered.
▷ When the driver grasps the steering wheel ▷ Certain road characteristics, such as gradi-
or takes over steering. ents, inclines or slippery road surface.
▷ When shifting from reverse to another se- ▷ Greatly deviating conditions when storing
lector lever position. and driving the route, for instance other
▷ During activation or intervention by driver tires or changed ambient conditions like
assistance systems. weather.
▷ After an extended period of time when the Also follow the information on system limits in
vehicle is stationary. the "Parking assistance systems" chapter.
System limits
▷ The maximum speed when driving in re-
verse is limited to approx. 6 mph/9 km/h.
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Driving comfort CONTROLS
Driving comfort
Vehicle features and options BMW IconicSounds
This chapter describes model-specific equip- Depending on vehicle equipment and national-
ment, systems, and functions that are currently market version, the vehicle drive sound can be
available, or may become available in the fu- adjusted using BMW IconicSounds.
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
1. Apps menu
Additional information:
2. "Vehicle apps"
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8.
3. "Driving settings"
4. "Drivetrain and chassis"
Adaptive M chassis 5. "IconicSounds"
6. Select the desired setting.
The Adaptive M chassis is an intelligent, con-
trollable sport chassis.
The chassis reduces body movements with a
sporty driving style or on an uneven road.
General information
The intelligent control of the chassis increases
the driving dynamics and driving comfort de-
pending on the road condition and driving
The system offers different shock absorber
settings ranging from comfortable travel to
sporty driving.
The shock absorbers are adjusted depending
on the selected driving mode as well as the
road condition and driving style.
Additional information:
Driving Dynamics Control, refer to page 125.
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CONTROLS Climate control
Climate control
Vehicle features and options Icon Function
Air flow.
This chapter describes model-specific equip-
ment, systems, and functions that are currently
available, or may become available in the fu-
Air distribution.
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
Additional information:
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8. SYNC program.
Active seat ventilation.
Functions in the Climate menu
Icon Function
Buttons, automatic climate control
Automatic program.
Air conditioning.
Maximum cooling.
Icon Function
Defrost function.
Air recirculation mode.
Fresh air.
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Climate control CONTROLS
1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Climate control"
Via iDrive
2. "Settings"
3. "Second row of seats"
4. "Rear climate control"
1 Toolbar 5. Select the desired setting.
2 Climate control functions, driver's side The rear automatic climate control can be ac-
3 Climate control functions tivated with standard setting for temperature
and AUTO program:
4 Climate control functions, passenger's side
"Activate with default settings"
5 Climate control bar
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CONTROLS Climate control
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Climate control CONTROLS
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CONTROLS Climate control
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Climate control CONTROLS
The interior filter cleans the incoming fresh Adjusting the air distribution
air or the circulated interior air in recirculation
2. Air distribution.
Turning air recirculation on/off 3. Select the desired setting.
1. "CLIMATE MENU" The selected air distribution is displayed.
2. The current operating mode is displayed in
the toolbar. Select the desired setting in the Adjusting the air distribution of the
toolbar: rear climate control
▷ "Air recirculation" Press the button repeatedly. Select the
▷ "Fresh air" desired setting.
▷ "Auto air recirculation" The selected air distribution is shown
on the climate control display.
Depending on vehicle equipment, air recircula-
tion will turn off automatically based on ambi-
ent conditions in order to prevent window con-
densation. SYNC program
Air flow
If SYNC program is activated, the settings on
the driver's side are transfered to the passeng-
General information er's side and to the rear.
The air flow generated by the blower can be
adjusted as needed. General information
The following settings can be transferred:
Adjusting the air flow
▷ Temperature.
▷ Air distribution.
2. Air flow.
▷ Automatic program.
3. Select the desired setting.
The air flow may be reduced to preserve the Turning the SYNC program on/off
vehicle battery.
2. "SYNC"
Air distribution settings If the settings on the front passenger side or in
the rear are changed, the program is automati-
cally switched off.
General information
The air distribution can be adjusted as re-
quired in manual mode.
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CONTROLS Climate control
Turning the defrost function on/off Turning the seat heating on/off
1. "CLIMATE MENU" tap in the center of the
Press the button. climate control bar.
The LED of the button is illuminated 2. Seat heating.
when the system is switched on.
3. Select the desired setting.
If a consumption-optimized driving mode is se-
Rear window defroster lected, the heater output is reduced.
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Climate control CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Climate control
Departure time
General information
Principle Different departure times can be set to ensure
a comfortable interior temperature in the vehi-
The car's interior can be cooled or heated
cle at the time of departure.
before driving off with the pre-ventilation. De-
pending on set temperature and ambient tem- ▷ One-time departure time: the time can be
perature, the car's interior is ventilated or pos- set.
sibly heated using the residual engine heat. The system is switched on once.
▷ Departure time with weekday: time and day
General information of the week can be set.
The system can be switched on and off directly On the desired weekdays, the system will
or via a preset departure time. be switched on before the set departure
The activation time is determined based on time.
the outside temperature. The system promptly The departure time is preselected in two steps:
switches on before the selected departure
▷ Set departure times.
▷ Activate departure times.
The system switches off automatically after a
certain period of time. The system continues to A minimum of 10 minutes should pass be-
run for some time after being switched off. tween setting and activating the departure
time and the planned departure time to allow a
sufficient period of time for the climate control.
Functional requirements
▷ The vehicle is in idle state or standby state. Setting the departure time
▷ The vehicle battery is sufficiently charged. 1. "CLIMATE MENU"
If pre-ventilation is switched on, the vehicle 2. "Settings"
battery will be discharged. Thus, limit the
maximum activation time to save the vehi- 3. "Pre-ventilation"
cle battery. The system will be available 4. "Departure plan"
again after the engine is started or after a 5. Select the desired departure time.
short trip.
6. Set the desired departure time.
▷ Time and date are set correctly.
7. Select day of the week, if needed.
▷ The ventilation air vents are open.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Climate control CONTROLS
Activating with My BMW App
When stationary climate control is in opera-
Depending on vehicle equipment, the My BMW tion, high temperatures can occur underneath
App with remote functionality can be used to the body, for instance caused by the exhaust
turn on pre-cooling at a preset departure time system. If combustible materials, such as
or immediately. leaves or grass, come in contact with hot
parts of the exhaust system, these materi-
als can ignite. There is a risk of fire. Make
Pre-conditioning through sure that no combustible materials can come
Remote Engine Start in contact with hot vehicle parts during sta-
tionary climate control operation, e.g. leaves,
grass, gas, gasoline, oil or other combustible
Principle objects.
Pre-conditioning cools or heats the car's inte-
rior prior to start of the trip to a comfortable
temperature. The system automatically cools, Functional requirements
vents, and heats depending on the interior, ex- ▷ The vehicle is in idle state or standby state.
ternal, and set temperature. Snow and ice may
▷ Battery is sufficiently charged.
be removed more easily.
▷ The fuel tank capacity is sufficient.
The system starts the engine automatically
and allows it to run for a limited period of time. ▷ Hood is closed.
▷ Make sure that the vehicle's date and time
are set correctly.
▷ Air vents are opened.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Climate control
Enabling the automatic engine start To switch off the system, press the button
function again three times.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Climate control CONTROLS
In the instrument cluster:
The engine runs for the purpose
of operating the pre-condition-
ing. The vehicle is not ready to
Icon Description
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Interior equipment
Interior equipment
Vehicle features and options of damage to property. Make sure that the
travel path of the respective system is clear
during programming and operation. Also fol-
This chapter describes model-specific equip-
low the safety information for the hand-held
ment, systems, and functions that are currently
available, or may become available in the fu-
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
Additional information: Compatibility
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8.
If this icon is printed on the packaging
or in the operating instructions of the
Integrated universal remote remote-controlled system, the system
is generally compatible with the integrated uni-
control versal remote control.
Additional questions are answered by:
Principle ▷ An authorized service center or another
The integrated universal remote control in the qualified service center or repair shop.
interior mirror can operate remote-controlled ▷ www.homelink.com on the Internet.
systems such as garage door openers, alarm
systems or locking systems. HomeLink is a registered trademark of Gentex
General information For any additional questions, contact an au-
thorized service center or another qualified
The integrated universal remote control re-
service center or repair shop.
places up to three different hand-held trans-
mitters. To operate the remote control, the
buttons on the interior mirror must be pro- Control elements on the interior
grammed with the desired functions. mirror
Before selling the vehicle, delete the stored
functions for the sake of security.
If possible, do not install the antenna of the
remote-controlled system near metal objects
to ensure the best possible operation.
Safety information
▷ Buttons, arrow 1.
The operation of remote-controlled systems
▷ LED, arrow 2.
with the integrated universal remote control,
such as the garage door, may result in injury, ▷ Hand-held transmitter of the remote-con-
for example, body parts becoming jammed in trolled system, arrow 3.
a garage door. There is a risk of injury or risk
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Interior equipment CONTROLS
Programming the integrated Press and hold the button on the interior
universal remote control mirror for approx. 2 seconds. Perform
this procedure three times.
Functional requirement If the integrated universal remote con-
trol remains nonoperational, continue
The battery of the hand-held transmitter must
with the special features for rolling code
be fully charged at the time of programming
radio systems.
to ensure an optimal range of the integrated
universal remote control. ▷ LED does not illuminate green after
60 seconds: programming not com-
Programming individual buttons pleted.
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CONTROLS Interior equipment
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Interior equipment CONTROLS
Objects in the storage compartment, e.g.,
large USB connectors, may block or damage
A socket is located on the right side in the the cover when it is being opened or closed.
cargo area. Unfold the cover. There is a risk of damage to property. Make
sure that the area of movement of the cover
is clear while opening and closing it.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Interior equipment
Safety information
When charging a Qi-compatible device in the
wireless charging tray, any metal objects on
the tray together with the device can become
very hot. If storage media or electronic cards,
e.g., chip cards, cards with magnetic strips,
If necessary, push on the cover. or cards that transmit signals, are placed on
the tray together with the device, they may
not function correctly. There is a risk of injury
and risk of damage to property. When charg-
ing mobile devices, make sure there are no
objects on the tray together with the device.
Tray in the center console:
Wireless charging tray 2 Storage area
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Interior equipment CONTROLS
General information
A warning can be given if a Qi-certified mobile
phone was forgotten in the wireless charging
tray when leaving the vehicle.
The forgotten warning is displayed in the in-
strument cluster.
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CONTROLS Storage compartments
Storage compartments
Vehicle features and options Glove compartment
This chapter describes model-specific equip- Safety information
ment, systems, and functions that are currently
available, or may become available in the fu-
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle. Warning
Additional information: Folded open, the glove compartment pro-
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8. trudes in the car's interior. Objects in the
glove compartment can be thrown into the
car's interior while driving, for instance in
Safety information the event of an accident, braking or evasive
maneuvers. There is a risk of injury. Always
close the glove compartment immediately af-
ter using it.
Devices connected to the vehicle via a cable,
such as mobile phones or loose objects, can Opening the glove compartment
be thrown through the vehicle interior while
driving, such as in the event of an accident,
braking or evasive maneuver. There is a risk
of injury. Secure loose objects or devices that
are connected to the vehicle via a cable.
Anti-slip pads such as anti-slip mats can
damage the dashboard. Attached objects
Pull the handle.
may come loose. There is a risk of injury or
risk of damage to property. Do not use anti-
slip pads. Locking the glove compartment
The glove compartment can be locked with
an integrated key. This prevents access to the
glove compartment.
After the glove compartment has been locked,
the vehicle key can be given to someone with-
out the integrated key, for example, when the
car is being parked by a parking attendant.
Additional information:
Integrated key, refer to page 69.
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Storage compartments CONTROLS
The open fold-out compartment protrudes Storage tray in center
into the vehicle interior. Objects in the fold-
out compartment can be thrown into the ve-
hicle interior during the trip, for instance, in
the event of an accident or braking or evasive Opening the storage compartment
maneuvers. There is a risk of injury. Always
close the fold-out compartment immediately
after using it.
General information
There are storage compartments in the doors.
Safety information
Breakable objects, such as glass bottles or
glasses, can break in the event of an acci-
dent, braking or an evasive maneuver. Bro-
ken glass can be scattered in the car's inte-
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Storage compartments
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Storage compartments CONTROLS
Coat hooks
General information
The coat hooks are located on the door pillar in
the rear.
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CONTROLS Cargo area
Cargo area
Vehicle features and options
This chapter describes model-specific equip- Improperly stowed objects can slip and be
ment, systems, and functions that are currently thrown into the car's interior, for instance in
available, or may become available in the fu- the event of an accident, braking or an eva-
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle. sive maneuver. Vehicle occupants can be hit
Additional information: and injured. There is a risk of injury. Stow and
secure objects and cargo properly.
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8.
Loading NOTICE
Fluids in the cargo area can cause damage.
Safety information There is a risk of damage to property. Make
sure that no fluids leak in the cargo area.
High gross vehicle weight can overheat the Steps for determining correct load
tires, damage them internally and cause limit
a sudden tire pressure loss. Driving char- 1. Locate the statement “The combined
acteristics may be negatively impacted, re- weight of occupants and cargo should
ducing directional stability, lengthening the never exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs” on the
braking distances and changing the steering vehicle’s placard.
response. There is a risk of accident. Pay
2. Determine the combined weight of the
attention to the permitted load-carrying ca-
driver and passengers that will be riding in
pacity of the tires and never exceed the per-
the vehicle.
mitted gross vehicle weight.
3. Subtract the combined weight of the driver
and passengers from XXX kg or XXX lbs
4. The resulting figure equals the available
amount of cargo and luggage load ca-
Devices connected to the vehicle via a cable, pacity. For example, if the “XXX” amount
such as mobile phones or loose objects, can equals 1,400 lbs and there will be five
be thrown through the vehicle interior while 150 lbs passengers in the vehicle, the
driving, such as in the event of an accident, amount of available cargo and luggage
braking or evasive maneuver. There is a risk load capacity is 650 lbs (1,400 - 750 (5 x
of injury. Secure loose objects or devices that 150) = 650 lbs)
are connected to the vehicle via a cable.
5. Determine the combined weight of luggage
and cargo being loaded on the vehicle.
That weight may not safely exceed the
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
Cargo area CONTROLS
available cargo and luggage load capacity of the rear seat backrests. When the rear
calculated in Step 4. seat is not occupied, secure each of the
6. If the vehicle will be towing a trailer, load outer seat belts in the opposite buckle.
from your trailer will be transferred to the
vehicle. Consult this manual to determine
how this reduces the available cargo and Lashing eyes in the cargo
luggage load capacity of the vehicle. area
Payload General information
Attach auxiliary materials to secure the cargo
such as lashing straps, tensioning straps, draw
straps, or cargo nets to the lashing eyes.
Stowing and securing cargo The lashing eyes are located in the luggage
▷ Cover sharp edges and corners on the compartment.
▷ Do not stack cargo above the upper edge of
the backrests. Multifunction hook
▷ If necessary, fold down the rear backrests
to stow large cargo. General information
▷ Fasten the aids for securing the load to the
lashing eyes in the cargo area.
▷ Small and light cargo: secure with tension-
ing straps or tension bands or with a lug-
gage compartment net.
▷ Larger and heavy cargo: secure with cargo
▷ Heavy cargo: stow as far forward as possi-
ble, directly behind and at the bottom of the
rear seat backrests. A multifunction hook is located on the left and
right side in the cargo area.
▷ Very heavy cargo: stow as far forward as
possible, directly behind and at the bottom
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
CONTROLS Cargo area
Storage compartment on If a rear seat backrest is not locked, unse-
the right side cured cargo can be thrown about the car’s
interior; for instance, in the event of an acci-
A storage compartment is available on the dent, braking or an evasive maneuver. There
right side of the cargo area. is a risk of injury. Make sure that the rear seat
backrest is locked after folding it back.
Storage compartment on
the left side Warning
The stability of the child restraint system is
A storage compartment is located on the left limited or compromised with incorrect seat
side in the cargo area. setting or improper installation of the child
seat. There is a risk of injury or danger to life.
Make sure that the child restraint system fits
Through-loading system securely against the backrest. If possible, ad-
just the backrest tilt for all affected backrests
and correctly adjust the seats. Make sure that
Principle seats and backrests are securely engaged or
The cargo area can be enlarged by folding locked. If possible and necessary, adjust the
down the rear seat backrests. height of the head restraints or remove them.
General information
The rear seat backrest is divided at a ratio of
40–20–40. The right rear seat backrest and
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Cargo area CONTROLS
Folding down the rear seat backrest Pull lever and fold the center section forward.
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DRIVING TIPS Things to remember when driving
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Things to remember when driving DRIVING TIPS
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
DRIVING TIPS Things to remember when driving
▷ A slight smoke formation coming from the order to prevent mutual interference and to
exhaust system, even after the engine is deflect radiation from the vehicle interior.
switched off.
▷ Noises, such as those caused by the radia-
tor fan running, even several minutes after Aquaplaning
the engine is switched off. On wet or slushy roads, a wedge of water can
Overrun of the radiator fan for several minutes form between the tires and road surface.
is normal even after short trips. This phenomenon is referred to as aquaplan-
ing. It is characterized by a partial or complete
Climate comfort windshield loss of contact between the tires and the road
surface, ultimately undermining your ability to
steer and brake the vehicle.
General information
When driving through water, follow the follow-
▷ Only drive through when the combustion
The marked area is not covered with heat re- engine is running.
flective coating. ▷ Prevent the combustion engine from shut-
Use the marked area, such as for garage door ting down, e.g., by deactivating Auto Start/
opener, devices for electronic fee collection or Stop.
payment systems. ▷ Drive through calm water only.
▷ Drive through water only up to a maximum
Vehicle laminated glass height of 9.8 inches/25 cm.
The vehicle laminated glass provides complete ▷ Drive through water at a maximum of walk-
protection against the harmful effects of ultra- ing speed, up to 3 mph/5 km/h.
violet radiation on the skin.
Safety information
Mobile radio in the vehicle
Warning When driving too quickly through deep water,
the water can penetrate the engine compart-
Vehicle electronics and mobile communica-
ment, the electrical system, or the transmis-
tion devices can influence one another. There
sion. There is a risk of damage to property.
is radiation due to the transmission oper-
When driving through water, do not exceed
ations of mobile communication devices.
the maximum indicated water level and the
There is a risk of injury or risk of damage to
maximum speed for driving through water.
property. If possible, in the car's interior only
use mobile communication devices, such as
mobile phones, with a direct connection to
an external antenna or the Personal eSIM in
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Things to remember when driving DRIVING TIPS
Perform emergency braking in situations that In this way the brake force will be available
require such. To achieve the best possible when you need it.
brake boosting, do not reduce the pressure on
the brake pedal during full braking. Hills
Steering is still responsive. You can still avoid
General information
any obstacles with a minimum of steering
movement. Drive long or steep downhill gradients in the
gear that requires least braking effort. Other-
The pulsation of the brake pedal and sounds
wise, the brake system may overheat and re-
from the hydraulic circuits indicate that the An-
duce braking effect.
tilock Braking System is in its active mode.
You can increase the engine's braking effect by
In certain braking situations, the perforated
downshifting, going all the way to first gear, if
brake disks can emit function-related noises.
However, function-related noises have no ef-
fect on the performance and operational relia-
Safety information
bility of the brake.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
DRIVING TIPS Things to remember when driving
▷ Low mileage.
▷ Extended stationary periods.
▷ Infrequent use of the brakes.
▷ Aggressive, acidic, or alkaline cleaning
Corrosion buildup on the brake disks will cause
a pulsating effect on the brakes when braking
slowly - generally this cannot be corrected.
Fold the cover outward.
Condensation water under the
parked vehicle
When using the automatic climate control, con-
Follow the assembly instructions of the roof
densation water develops and collects under-
neath the vehicle.
Be sure that adequate clearance is maintained
for tilting and opening the glass sunroof.
Roof bars
General information Because luggage racks raise the vehicle's cen-
ter of gravity when loaded, they have a ma-
Roof racks are available as optional accesso-
jor effect on vehicle handling and steering re-
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Things to remember when driving DRIVING TIPS
Driving on racetracks
The vehicle is not designed for use in M Sport
or motorsport-like competition. There is a risk
of accident. Do not use the vehicle for M
Sport or motorsport-like competitions.
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DRIVING TIPS Saving fuel
Saving fuel
Vehicle features and options ECO PRO
This chapter describes model-specific equip- Principle
ment, systems, and functions that are currently
available, or may become available in the fu- ECO PRO supports a driving style that saves
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle. on consumption. For this purpose, the engine
control and comfort features, for instance the
Additional information:
climate control output, are adjusted.
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8.
When certain prerequisites are met the engine
is automatically decoupled from the transmis-
Reducing fuel consumption sion in the D selector lever position. The ve-
hicle continues traveling in Neutral to reduce
consumption. The D selector lever position re-
Principle mains engaged.
The vehicle contains advanced technologies In addition, context-sensitive information, ECO
for the reduction of consumption and emission PRO tips, are displayed to assist with an effi-
values. cient driving style.
There are some actions you can take to The achieved extended range is displayed in
change your fuel consumption and environ- the instrument cluster as bonus range.
mental impact:
▷ Remove unnecessary cargo from the vehi- General information
cle. The system includes the follow-
▷ Remove attachments after use, e.g., a rear ing EfficientDynamics functions and
carrier. EfficientDynamics displays:
▷ Close the windows and glass sunroof while ▷ ECO PRO seat climate control.
driving. ▷ ECO PRO climate control.
▷ Check the tire pressure regularly and in- ▷ ECO PRO view.
crease it as necessary.
▷ Driving style analysis.
▷ Switch off the engine if the vehicle is to re-
main stationary for a longer period.
▷ Drive proactively and let the vehicle coast
more often.
▷ Deactivate functions that are not required,
e.g., rear window heating.
▷ Have the vehicle serviced regularly.
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Saving fuel DRIVING TIPS
ECO PRO seat climate control When driving efficiently, the power gauge is
The activation of ECO PRO will reduce the out- colored blue.
put of the seat heating. The display will change to gray if the driving
style is inefficient.
ECO PRO climate control
Climate control is set to be efficient. Activate adaptive recuperative braking for effi-
cient driving.
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DRIVING TIPS Saving fuel
Adaptive recuperation
Driving style analysis
Principle The adaptive recuperation supports an adap-
The function helps develop an especially effi- tive and comfort-oriented driving style.
cient driving style and to conserve fuel. Various sensors analyze the current driving sit-
For this purpose, the driving style is analyzed. uation, e.g., the distance to the vehicle in front.
The assessment is done in various categories
and is displayed on the control display. General information
This display will help you adjust your driving Adaptive recuperation is available depending
style and save some fuel. on the equipment and national-market version.
The system decides based on the situation if
General information energy is recovered through recuperation or if
The range of the vehicle can be extended by the vehicle is to coast.
adjusting your driving style. In vehicles with mild hybrid technology, the
The current trip is analyzed. power of recuperation is adaptive, which
causes the vehicle to decelerate to varying de-
This gain in range is displayed as a bonus
grees when coasting.
range in the instrument cluster and on the con-
trol display.
Functional requirements
Functional requirement The system active under the following condi-
This function is available in ECO PRO driving
mode. ▷ Brake pedal not depressed.
▷ Accelerator pedal not operated.
Calling up the efficiency evaluation ▷ ECO PRO drive mode is activated.
1. Apps menu ▷ DSC Dynamic Stability Control is activated.
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Live Vehicle"
Additional information:
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Saving fuel DRIVING TIPS
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DRIVING TIPS Saving fuel
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Saving fuel DRIVING TIPS
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MOBILITY Refueling
Vehicle features and options Safety information
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Refueling MOBILITY
1. Fit the fuel cap and turn it clockwise until
you clearly hear a click.
2. Press on the fuel filler flap until it engages.
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
The tire condition and tire pressure influence To ensure that they are displayed correctly, the
the following: tire sizes must be stored in the system and
must have been set for the mounted tires.
▷ The service life of the tires.
The current tire inflation pressure value is lo-
▷ Driving safety.
cated on each tire.
▷ Driving comfort.
The reference tire inflation pressure value is
▷ Fuel consumption. located in the lower area of the control display.
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
3. Correct the tire inflation pressure if the ac- pressure values on the control display, reset
tual tire inflation pressure deviates from the the Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM).
intended tire inflation pressure. If equipped with a flat tire monitor, reinitialize
4. Make sure that all valve caps are screwed the flat tire monitor.
onto the tire valves.
The tire inflation pressure specifications in the Tire inflation pressures up to
tire inflation pressure table only relate to cold 100 mph/160 km/h
tires or tires at the same temperature as the For speeds of up to 100 mph/160 km/h and for
ambient temperature. optimum driving comfort, follow the tire infla-
Only check the tire inflation pressure levels tion pressure specifications in the tire pressure
when the tires are cold, i.e.: table and adjust as necessary.
▷ A distance traveled of max. 1.25 miles/2 km
has not been exceeded.
▷ If the vehicle has not moved again for at
least two hours after a trip.
If equipped with an emergency wheel: check
the tire pressure of the emergency wheel in the
cargo area regularly and correct if necessary.
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Specifications in Specifications in
bar/PSI with cold bar/PSI with cold
tires tires
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Tire size Pressure specifications For speeds over 100 mph/160 km/h and for
in bar/PSI optimum driving comfort, note the pressure
values in the tire inflation pressure table and
225/40 R 19 93 H 2.6 / 38 2.8 / 41 adjust as necessary.
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Specifications in Specifications in
bar/PSI with cold bar/PSI with cold
tires tires
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
General information
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Tire pressure
Do not exceed the maximum tire inflation pres-
sure indicated on the tire sidewall.
▷ Store wheels and tires in a cool, dry and
dark place.
▷ Always protect tires against all contact with
oil, grease, and solvents.
▷ Do not leave the tires in plastic bags.
▷ Remove dirt from wheels or tires. Runflat tires are labeled with a circular icon
containing the letters RSC marked on the tire
Runflat tires
Runflat tires permit continued driving under
limited conditions even in the event of a com-
plete tire pressure loss.
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Safety precautions
Depending on the equipment, storage for the
▷ Park the vehicle on solid and non-slip tire repair set is provided as follows:
ground at a safe distance from road traffic.
▷ In the cargo area under the cargo floor
▷ Turn on the hazard warning system. panel.
▷ Set the parking brake. ▷ In the cargo area on the left or right side.
▷ Turn the steering wheel until the front ▷ In the cargo area behind a side trim panel.
wheels are in the straight-ahead position
and engage the steering wheel lock.
Sealant bottle and filler hose
▷ As soon as permitted by the traffic flow,
have all vehicle occupants get out and
make sure that they remain outside the
hazardous area such as behind a guardrail.
▷ If necessary, set up the hazard triangle or
hazard warning lights at an appropriate
With the tire repair set, minor tire damage 3 Filler hose
can be sealed temporarily to enable continued 4 Sealant bottle connection
driving. 5 Wheel valve connection
General information
▷ The filled in tire sealant closes the damage
from the inside when it hardens.
▷ Follow the instructions on using the tire re-
pair set found on the compressor and seal-
ant bottle.
▷ The use of a tire repair set can be ineffec-
tive if the tire puncture measures above ap-
prox. 0.16 in/4 mm.
▷ Do not remove foreign objects that have
penetrated the tire. Remove foreign objects
1 Compressor
only when they are visibly protruding from
the tire. 2 Tire pressure display
▷ The compressor can be used to check the 3 Pressure reducing valve button
tire inflation pressure. 4 Sealant bottle mount
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Safety precautions
▷ Park the vehicle as far away as possible
from passing traffic and on solid ground.
▷ Turn on the hazard warning system.
▷ Set the parking brake.
▷ Turn the steering wheel until the front
wheels are in the straight-ahead position
and engage the steering wheel lock.
▷ As soon as permitted by the traffic flow, 2. Turn the sealant bottle clockwise by 90° to
have all vehicle occupants get out and the stop.
make sure that they remain outside the
hazardous area such as behind a guardrail.
▷ If necessary, set up the hazard triangle or
hazard warning lights at an appropriate
▷ Remove the warning label for maximum
permissible speed from the compressor
and attach it in a visible location in the vehi-
cle interior.
▷ Remove the warning label from the sealant 3. Connect the filler hose to the outlet of the
bottle and stick it to the rim. sealant bottle and turn clockwise by 90° to
the stop.
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
4. Unscrew the valve cap from the wheel and Let the compressor run for max. 10 minutes
screw the connecting piece of the filler hose to fill in the tire sealant and reach a tire
onto the valve. pressure of 2.5 bar/36 psi.
While the tire is being filled with tire sealant,
the tire pressure can briefly reach approx.
6 bar/87 psi. Do not turn off the compres-
sor in this phase.
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
4. Stow the tire repair set in the cargo area. Do not continue driving unless a minimum
5. Immediately drive 5 miles/10 km to ensure tire pressure of 1.3 bar/19 psi is displayed.
that the tire sealant is evenly distributed in Contact an authorized service center or an-
the tire. other qualified service center or repair shop.
Do not exceed the speed limit of 6. Correct the tire pressure to 2.5 bar/36 psi.
50 mph/80 km/h. ▷ Increase tire pressure: with standby or
If possible, do not drive at speeds less than drive-ready state turned on, turn on the
12 mph/20 km/h. compressor and let it run for a maxi-
mum of 10 minutes.
Tire sealant may spray from the damaged
area during the initial wheel rotations. ▷ Reduce tire pressure: Press the pres-
sure reducing valve button on the com-
Adjusting the tire pressure
1. Stop at a suitable location.
Remove and stow the tire repair set
2. Connect the hose directly to the compres-
1. Switch off the compressor.
sor and turn clockwise by 90° until it audi-
bly engages. 2. Pull the connector out of the socket in the
vehicle interior.
3. Disconnect the hose from the compressor
and the valve on the wheel.
4. Screw the valve cap onto the valve.
5. Stow the tire repair set in the cargo area.
System limits
4. Insert the connector into the socket in the If the tire cannot be made drivable, contact an
vehicle interior. authorized service center or another qualified
5. Read the tire pressure on the tire pressure service center or repair shop.
display of the compressor. With Tire Pressure Monitor: Using sealant can
damage the air pressure sensor. In this case,
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
have the electronics checked and replaced at Tire size Wheel size Rim offset (IS)
the next opportunity.
225/45 R18 7.5J x 17 25
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
pressures on the control display and compares ▷ After a tire or wheel change.
them with the current tire pressures. ▷ After a reset, for tires with special ap-
If tires are being used that are not specified proval.
in the tire inflation pressure details on the ve- ▷ After changing the tire setting.
hicle, such as tires with special approval, the
▷ For tires with special approval:
system needs to be actively reset. The system
will then take over the actual tire inflation pres- ▷ After a tire or wheel change, a reset was
sures as the target pressures. performed with the correct tire inflation
When operating the system, also note the in-
formation found in the Tire inflation pressure ▷ After the tire inflation pressure was ad-
chapter. justed to a new value, a reset was per-
Additional information:
▷ Wheels with air pressure sensor.
Tire inflation pressure, refer to page 284.
General information
Warning The information about the mounted tires can
The display of the target pressures is not be entered in the tire settings if the system
a substitute for the tire inflation pressure de- does not automatically detect the tires.
tails on the vehicle. Incorrect entries in the The tire sizes of the mounted tires can be
tire settings can lead to incorrect target tire gathered from the tire inflation pressure details
inflation pressure values. In this case, it can- on the vehicle or directly on the tires.
not be guaranteed that the notification of a
The tire details do not need to be re-entered
tire pressure loss will be reliable. There is a
when the tire pressure is corrected.
risk of injury and risk of damage to property.
Ensure that the tire sizes of the mounted tires For summer and winter tires, the tire details
are displayed correctly and match the details entered last are stored. After a tire or wheel
on the tires and on the vehicle. change, the settings of the tire sets used last
can be selected.
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
10. Select the maximum speed to be driven. The displayed nominal pressure may change
and may differ from the tire inflation pressure
11. "Save tire settings"
details on the door pillar of the driver's door.
The measurement of the current tire inflation The tire inflation pressure can thus be cor-
pressure is started. The measurement prog- rected to the value of the displayed target
ress is displayed. pressures.
The nominal pressure is immediately adjusted
Status display if the vehicle load status is changed in the tire
Current status
The system status can be displayed on the Tire conditions
control display, e.g., whether or not the system
is active. General information
1. Apps menu Tire and system status are indicated by the
2. "Vehicle apps" color of the wheels and a text message on the
control display.
3. "Vehicle status"
Any existing messages may not be deleted if
4. "Tire Pressure Monitor" the nominal pressure is not reached after the
The current status is displayed. tire inflation pressure is corrected.
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Check the tire pressure and correct as needed.
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
If the tire inflation pressure is too low Runflat tires are labeled with a circular icon
containing the letters RSC marked on the
Message tire sidewall.
General information
Measure When a flat tire is indicated, the Dynamic Sta-
1. Reduce the vehicle speed. Do not exceed a bility Control may be turned on.
speed of 80 mph/130 km/h.
2. At the next opportunity, for instance at a fill- Safety information
ing station, check the tire inflation pressure
in all four tires and correct if necessary. Warning
A damaged regular tire with low or no tire
If there is a significant tire pressure
inflation pressure impacts handling, such as
loss steering and braking response. Runflat tires
can maintain limited stability. There is a risk
of accident. Do not continue driving if the
A yellow warning light is illuminated in vehicle is equipped with normal tires. Follow
the instrument cluster. the information on runflat tires and continued
driving with these tires.
In addition, an icon with the affected tire ap-
pears in a Check Control message on the con-
trol display. If a tire inflation pressure check is
Icon Possible cause
1. Reduce your speed and stop cautiously.
Avoid sudden braking and steering maneu-
2. Check whether the vehicle is fitted with
standard tires or runflat tires.
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
For tires with special approval: when the Possible driving distance with a flat tire
tire pressure in all four tires is correct, the The possible driving distance which may be
Tire Pressure Monitor may not have been safely traveled varies depending on how the
reset. In this case, perform the reset. vehicle is loaded and used, e.g., speed, road
If no tire damage can be identified, con- conditions, outside temperature. The distance
tact an authorized service center or another traveled may be less but may also be more if
qualified service center or repair shop. an economical driving style is used.
2. Repair the flat tire, for instance with a tire If the vehicle is loaded with an average
repair set or by changing the wheel. weight and used under favorable conditions,
Using sealant, e.g., from the flat tire kit, may the possible distance traveled may be up to
damage the air pressure sensor. Replace the 50 miles/80 km.
air pressure sensor at the next opportunity.
Vehicle handling with damaged tires
Runflat tires Vehicles driven with a damaged tire will han-
dle differently, potentially leading to conditions
Safety information such as the following:
▷ Greater likelihood of skidding of the vehicle.
Warning ▷ Longer braking distances.
The vehicle handles differently when a runflat ▷ Changed self-steering properties.
tire has insufficient or no tire pressure; for Modify your driving style. Avoid abrupt steering
instance, reduced directional stability when or driving over obstacles, for instance curbs or
braking, braking distances are longer and the potholes.
self-steering properties will change. There is
a risk of accident. Drive moderately and do Final tire failure
not exceed a speed of 50 mph/80 km/h. Vibrations or loud noises while driving can indi-
cate the final failure of a tire.
Maximum speed Reduce speed and stop; otherwise, pieces of
the tire could come loose and cause an acci-
You may continue driving with a damaged tire
at speeds up to 50 mph/80 km/h.
Do not continue driving. Contact an authorized
Continued driving with a flat tire service center or another qualified service cen-
ter or repair shop.
Follow the following when continuing to drive
with a damaged tire:
System limits
1. Avoid sudden braking and steering maneu-
vers. Temperature
2. Do not exceed a speed of The tire inflation pressure depends on the
50 mph/80 km/h. tire's temperature.
3. Check the tire inflation pressure in all four Driving or exposure to the sun will increase the
tires at the next opportunity. tire temperature, thus increasing the tire infla-
tion pressure.
The tire inflation pressure is reduced when the
tire temperature falls again.
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
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MOBILITY Wheels and tires
have been initialized. In this case, initialize ▷ A natural, even tire pressure loss in all
the system. four tires will not be recognized. Therefore,
check the tire inflation pressure regularly.
Possible driving distance with a flat tire ▷ Sudden and serious tire damage caused
The possible driving distance which may be by external circumstances cannot be recog-
safely traveled varies depending on how the nized in advance.
vehicle is loaded and used, e.g., speed, road ▷ The system has not been initialized.
conditions, outside temperature. The distance
▷ When driving on a snowy or slippery road.
traveled may be less but may also be more if
an economical driving style is used. ▷ Sporty driving style: slip on traction wheels,
high lateral acceleration (drifting).
If the vehicle is loaded with an average
weight and used under favorable conditions, ▷ When driving with snow chains.
the possible distance traveled may be up to
50 miles/80 km.
Changing wheels/tires
Vehicle handling with damaged tires
Vehicles driven with a damaged tire will han- General information
dle differently, potentially leading to conditions When using runflat tires or a tire repair set, the
such as the following: wheel does not always need to be changed
▷ Greater likelihood of skidding of the vehicle. immediately in the event of a breakdown when
▷ Longer braking distances. there is tire pressure loss.
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
The jack may slip on soft, uneven, or slippery
Securing the vehicle against rolling
ground, e.g., snow, ice, tiles, etc. There is a away
risk of injury. If possible, change the wheel on
a flat, solid, slip-resistant surface. General information
The vehicle manufacturer recommends to ad-
ditionally secure the vehicle against rolling
Warning away when changing a wheel.
When the jack is not inserted into the jacking
point provided for this purpose, the vehicle
may be damaged or the jack may slip when
it is being cranked up. There is a risk of injury
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
On a level surface
Screwing on
1. Attach the adapter to the lug lock bolt. If
necessary, turn the adapter until it fits on
the wheel lug bolt.
2. Screw on the lug lock bolt. The tightening
torque is 101 lbs ft/140 Nm.
If you need to change a wheel on a slight
3. Remove the adapter and stow it after
downhill grade, place chocks and other suit-
screwing on the lug bolt.
able objects, for instance rocks, under the
proper side of the wheels of both the front and
rear axles to block the car from rolling downhill. Safety precautions
▷ Park the vehicle on solid and non-slip
ground at a safe distance from road traffic.
Lug bolt lock
▷ Turn on the hazard warning system.
Principle ▷ Set the parking brake.
The wheel lug bolts have a special coding. The ▷ Turn the steering wheel until the front
lug bolts can only be released with the adapter wheels are in the straight-ahead position
which matches the coding. and engage the steering wheel lock.
▷ Engage a gear or move the selector lever to
Overview position P.
The adapter of the lug bolt lock is in the on- ▷ As soon as permitted by the traffic flow,
board vehicle tool kit or in a storage compart- have all vehicle occupants get out and
ment close to the onboard vehicle tool kit. make sure that they remain outside the
hazardous area such as behind a guardrail.
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Wheels and tires MOBILITY
▷ If necessary, set up the hazard triangle or 1. Hold the vehicle jack with one hand, ar-
hazard warning lights at an appropriate row 1, and grasp the jack crank handle or
distance. lever with your other hand, arrow 2.
▷ Depending on vehicle equipment, remove
the wheel change set and, if necessary, the
emergency wheel from the vehicle.
▷ Secure the vehicle additionally against roll-
ing away.
▷ Loosen the lug bolts a half turn.
Jacking points
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
5. Make sure that the car jack foot extends 4. Hand-tighten the remaining lug bolts and
vertically and is at a right angle beneath the tighten all lug bolts well in a crosswise pat-
jacking point. tern.
5. Turn the jack crank handle counterclock-
wise to retract the jack and lower the vehi-
6. Remove the jack and stow it securely.
Mounting a wheel
Mount one emergency wheel only, as required.
1. Unscrew the lug bolts.
2. Remove the wheel.
3. Put the new wheel or emergency wheel on
and screw in at least two lug bolts in a
crosswise pattern until hand-tight.
When non-original light-alloy wheels of the
vehicle manufacturer are mounted, the ac-
companying lug bolts may have to be used
as well.
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Engine compartment MOBILITY
Engine compartment
Vehicle features and options available, or may become available in the fu-
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
This chapter describes model-specific equip- Additional information:
ment, systems, and functions that are currently Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8.
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A7D166 - II/23 OwnersManuals2.com
MOBILITY Engine compartment
Body parts can be jammed when opening
Safety information
and closing the hood. There is a risk of in-
jury. Make sure that the area of movement of
Warning hood is clear during opening and closing.
Improperly executed work in the engine com-
partment can damage vehicle components
and impair vehicle functions. There is a risk NOTICE
of an accident and damage to property. Folded-out wipers can be jammed when the
The manufacturer of the vehicle recommends hood is opened. There is a risk of damage to
that, in the effort to avoid such risks, work in property. Make sure that the wipers with the
the engine compartment be performed by an wiper blades mounted are folded down onto
authorized service center or another qualified the windshield before opening the hood.
service center or repair shop.
When the hood is closed, it must engage on
The engine compartment accommodates both sides. Pressing again can damage the
moving components. Certain components in hood. There is a risk of damage to property.
the engine compartment can also move with Open the hood again and then close it ener-
the vehicle switched off, for instance the radi- getically. Avoid pressing again.
ator fan. There is a risk of injury. Do not reach
into the area of moving parts. Keep articles of
clothing and hair away from moving parts. Opening hood
1. Pull the lever, arrow 1.
Hood is unlocked.
There are protruding parts, for instance lock-
ing hooks, on the inside of the hood. There
is a risk of injury. If the hood is open, pay
attention to protruding parts and keep clear
of these areas.
An incorrectly locked hood can open while
2. Release the lever and pull it again, arrow 2.
driving and restrict visibility. There is a risk
of accident. Stop immediately and correctly Hood can be opened.
close the hood. 3. Be careful of protruding parts on the hood.
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Engine compartment MOBILITY
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MOBILITY Operating materials
Operating materials
Vehicle features and options Safety information
General information Even small quantities of the wrong fuel or
For the best fuel efficiency, the gasoline should wrong fuel additives can damage the fuel
be sulfur-free or very low in sulfur content. system and engine. Furthermore, the cat-
Fuels that are marked on the gas pump as alytic converter is permanently damaged.
containing metal must not be used. There is a risk of damage to property. Do
not refuel or add the following in the case of
Fill up using fuel with a maximum ethanol con-
gasoline engines:
tent of 10 %, e.g., E10.
▷ Leaded gasoline.
The power and consumption specifications re-
fer to operating with RON 98 E10 fuel ▷ Metallic additives, for instance manga-
nese or iron.
When using minimum quality AKI 87 fuel, there
may be knocking noises as well as driving and Do not press the Start/Stop button after refu-
acoustic abnormalities. These have no effect eling with the wrong fuel. Contact an author-
on the engine service life. ized service center or another qualified serv-
ice center or repair shop.
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Operating materials MOBILITY
Engine oil
Fuel that does not comply with the minimum
General information
quality can compromise engine function or
cause engine damage. There is a risk of The engine oil consumption and engine oil
damage to property. Do not fill with fuel that properties depend on the driving style and op-
does not comply with the minimum quality. erating conditions.
Therefore, regularly check the engine oil level
after refueling by taking a detailed measure-
The engine oil consumption can increase in
Incorrect fuels can damage the fuel system
the following situations, for instance:
and the engine. There is a risk of damage
to property. Do not use fuels with a higher ▷ Sporty driving style.
ethanol content than recommended. Do not ▷ Break-in of the engine.
refuel with fuels containing methanol, e.g. M5
▷ Idle operation of the engine.
to M100.
▷ With use of engine oil types that are classi-
fied as not suitable.
Recommended gas quality Different Check Control messages are shown
BMW recommends AKI 91. on the control display depending on the engine
oil level and engine oil properties.
M Performance model:
The vehicle manufacturer recommends having
BMW recommends AKI 93.
the engine oil changed by an authorized serv-
ice center or another qualified service center or
Minimum fuel grade repair shop.
BMW recommends AKI 87.
If you use gasoline with this minimum AKI Rat- Safety information
ing, the engine may produce knocking sounds
when starting at high external temperatures.
This has no effect on the engine life. NOTICE
An engine oil level that is too low causes en-
gine damage. There is a risk of damage to
property. Immediately add engine oil.
Too much engine oil can damage the engine
or the catalytic converter. There is a risk of
damage to property. Do not add too much
engine oil. If there is excess engine oil, have
the engine oil level corrected by an author-
ized service center or another qualified serv-
ice center or repair shop.
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MOBILITY Operating materials
System limits
NOTICE When making frequent short-distance trips or
Engine oil that is not changed in timely fash- using a sporty driving style, it may not be pos-
ion can cause increased engine wear and sible to calculate a measured value. In this
thus engine damage. There is a risk of dam- case, the measured value for the last, suffi-
age to property. It is recommended that you ciently long trip is displayed.
do not exceed the service intervals indicated
in the vehicle. Detailed measurement
Electronic oil measurement The engine oil level is checked when the vehi-
cle is stationary and displayed via a scale.
General information If the engine oil level is outside its permissible
The electronic oil measurement has two operating range, a Check Control message is
measuring principles: displayed.
▷ Monitoring.
General information
▷ Detailed measurement.
During the measurement, the idle speed is in-
When making frequent short-distance trips or
creased somewhat.
using a sporty driving style, for instance when
cornering aggressively, regularly perform a de-
Functional requirements
tailed measurement.
▷ Vehicle is parked in a horizontal position.
Monitoring ▷ The drive-ready state is switched on by
pressing the Start/Stop button.
Principle ▷ The engine is at operating temperature.
The engine oil level is monitored electronically ▷ Selector lever in selector lever position N or
while driving and can be shown on the control P and accelerator pedal not depressed.
If the engine oil level is outside its permissible Performing a detailed measurement
operating range, a Check Control message is 1. Apps menu
2. "Vehicle apps"
Functional requirements 3. "Vehicle status"
A current measured value is available after ap- 4. "Engine oil level"
prox. 30 minutes of normal driving. 5. "Oil level measurement"
6. "Start measurement"
Displaying the engine oil level
The engine oil level is checked and displayed
1. Apps menu
via a scale.
2. "Vehicle apps"
3. "Vehicle status"
4. "Engine oil level"
The engine oil level is displayed.
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Operating materials MOBILITY
Safety information
Operating materials, for instance oils,
greases, coolants, fuels, can contain harmful
ingredients. There is a risk of injury or danger
to life. Follow the instructions on the contain-
ers. Avoid the contact of articles of clothing, 3. Add engine oil.
skin or eyes with operating materials. Do not
refill operating materials into different bottles. 4. Close the lid.
Store operating materials out of reach of chil-
dren. Engine oil types to add
General information
NOTICE The engine oil grade is critical for the service
life of the engine.
An engine oil level that is too low causes en-
gine damage. There is a risk of damage to Only add with the types of engine oil which are
property. Immediately add engine oil. listed.
Safety information
Too much engine oil can damage the engine NOTICE
or the catalytic converter. There is a risk of Oil additives can damage the engine. There
damage to property. Do not add too much is a risk of damage to property. Do not use oil
engine oil. If there is excess engine oil, have additives.
the engine oil level corrected by an author-
ized service center or another qualified serv-
ice center or repair shop.
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MOBILITY Operating materials
Incorrect engine oil can cause malfunctions
in the engine or damage it. There is a risk
of damage to property. When selecting an
engine oil, make sure that the engine oil has
the correct oil specification.
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Operating materials MOBILITY
Safety information
Some types of antifreeze can contain harmful
substances and are flammable. There is a
risk of fire and an injury hazard. Follow the in-
structions on the containers. Keep antifreeze
away from ignition sources. Do not refill op-
6. Close the lid. erating materials into different bottles. Store
operating materials out of reach of children.
Adding coolant United States: the washer fluid mixture ratio
1. Let the engine cool down. is regulated by the U.S. EPA and many in-
2. Opening the hood. dividual states; do not exceed the allowable
washer fluid dilution ratio limits that apply.
Opening, refer to page 316.
Follow the usage instructions on the washer
3. Turn the lid of the coolant reservoir slightly fluid container.
counterclockwise to allow any excess pres-
sure to dissipate, then open it.
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MOBILITY Operating materials
Washer fluid can ignite and catch fire on con-
tact with hot engine parts. There is a risk of
injury or risk of damage to property. Only add
washer fluid when the engine is cooled down.
Next, fully close the lid of the washer fluid
The washer fluid reservoir is located in the en-
gine compartment.
Silicon-containing additives in the washer
fluid for the water-repelling effect on the win- The use of undiluted windshield washer fluid
dows can lead to damage to the car wash. concentrate or alcohol-based antifreeze can
There is a risk of damage to property. Do lead to incorrect readings at temperatures be-
not add silicon-containing additives to the low +5 ℉/-15 ℃.
washer fluid.
Mixing different windshield washer fluid con-
centrates or antifreeze can damage the
washer system. There is a risk of damage
to property. Do not mix different windshield
washer fluid concentrates or antifreeze. Fol-
low the information and mixture ratios pro-
vided on the containers.
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Maintenance MOBILITY
Vehicle features and options General information
Information on service notifications can be dis-
This chapter describes model-specific equip- played on the control display.
ment, systems, and functions that are currently Additional information:
available, or may become available in the fu-
Service notifications, refer to page 155.
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
Additional information:
Service data in the vehicle key
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8.
Information on the service notifications is con-
tinuously stored in the vehicle key. The author-
BMW maintenance system ized service center can read this data out and
suggest a maintenance scope for the vehicle.
Therefore, hand the service advisor the vehicle
Principle key with which the vehicle was driven most
The maintenance system provides service no- recently.
tifications and thereby provides support in
maintaining road safety and the operational Stationary periods
reliability of the vehicle.
Stationary periods during which the vehicle
battery was disconnected are not taken into
General information account.
In some cases, scopes and intervals of the In such cases, have any time-dependent main-
maintenance system may vary according to tenance, e.g., brake fluid, engine oil, and mi-
the country version. Replacement work, spare crofilter/activated-charcoal filter checks, per-
parts, fuels and lubricants, and wear materials formed by an authorized service center or
are calculated separately. Further information another qualified service center or repair shop.
is available from an authorized service center
or another qualified service center or repair
shop. Maintenance Booklet for US
Condition Based Service
Please consult your Maintenance Booklet for
additional information on the performance of
Principle service and maintenance work.
Condition Based Service determines the main- The manufacturer of the vehicle recommends
tenance recommendation using sensors and that maintenance and repair be performed by
special algorithms that take into account the an authorized service center or another quali-
operating conditions of the vehicle. fied service center or repair shop. Records of
The system makes it possible to adapt the regular maintenance and repair work should
amount of maintenance corresponding to your be retained.
user profile.
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MOBILITY Maintenance
General information
Devices connected to the diagnostic socket will
trigger the alarm system after locking the vehi-
Remove devices connected to the diagnostic
socket before locking the vehicle.
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Replacing components MOBILITY
Replacing components
Vehicle features and options
This chapter describes model-specific equip- Folded-out wipers can be jammed when the
ment, systems, and functions that are currently hood is opened. There is a risk of damage to
available, or may become available in the fu- property. Make sure that the wipers with the
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle. wiper blades mounted are folded down onto
Additional information: the windshield before opening the hood.
Wiper blades
4. Remove the wiper blade forward from the
Safety information 5. Insert the new wiper blade in reverse order
of removal until it locks in place.
NOTICE 6. Fold in the wipers.
The window may sustain damage if the wiper
falls onto it without the wiper blade installed.
There is a risk of damage to property. Hold Lights and bulbs
the wiper firmly when changing the wiper
blade. Do not fold in or switch on the wiper General information
without a wiper blade installed.
Lights and bulbs make an essential contribu-
tion to driving safety.
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MOBILITY Replacing components
All headlights and lights are designed using More information on the battery can be re-
LED technology at least. quested from an authorized service center or
In the event of a malfunction, the vehicle man- another qualified service center or repair shop.
ufacturer recommends having an authorized
service center or another qualified service cen- Safety information
ter or repair shop perform any necessary work.
Safety information
Contact with live components can lead to an
electric shock. There is a risk of injury or dan-
Warning ger to life. Do not touch any components that
Focused laser light can irritate or perma- are under voltage.
nently damage the retina of the eye. There
is a risk of injury. The vehicle manufacturer
recommends having work on the lighting sys- Warning
tem, including bulb replacement, performed
Vehicle batteries that are not compatible can
by an authorized service center or another
damage vehicle systems and impair vehicle
qualified service center or repair shop.
functions. There is a risk of an accident and
damage to property. Only vehicle batteries
that are compatible with the vehicle type
Warning should be installed in the vehicle. Information
Intense brightness can irritate or damage the on compatible vehicle batteries is available at
retina of the eye. There is a risk of injury. Do an authorized service center.
not look directly into the headlights or other
light sources. Do not remove the LED covers.
Registering the battery to the
Headlight glass The vehicle manufacturer recommends hav-
The inside of the headlight glass can fog up ing an authorized service center or another
in cool or humid weather. When driving with qualified service center or repair shop register
the lights switched on, the condensation evap- the vehicle battery to the vehicle after the bat-
orates after a short time. The headlight glass tery has been changed. Once the battery has
does not need to be changed. been registered again, all comfort features will
If, despite driving with the headlights switched be available without limitation and any Check
on, moisture such as water droplets increas- Control messages displayed which relate to
ingly forms in the light, have the headlights comfort features will disappear.
Charging the battery
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Replacing components MOBILITY
Power interruption
After a power interruption, some equipment
needs to be newly initialized or individual set-
tings updated, for example:
▷ Parking brake, refer to page 128.
▷ With Memory function: store the positions
▷ Time: update.
▷ Date: update.
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MOBILITY Replacing components
Replacing fuses
2. Remove cover, arrow 2. The vehicle manufacturer recommends having
the fuses replaced by an authorized service
Notice center or another qualified service center or
Do not exchange or work on the battery for the repair shop.
Mild Hybrid technology.
General information
The fuses are located at different places in the
Information on the fuse layout and the posi-
tions of the fuse boxes is available on the In-
ternet: fusecard.bmw.com.
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Breakdown Assistance MOBILITY
Breakdown Assistance
Vehicle features and options Press on the release, arrow 1, and swivel the
cover down, arrow 2.
This chapter describes model-specific equip-
ment, systems, and functions that are currently
available, or may become available in the fu- First-aid kit
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
Additional information: General information
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8. Depending on the vehicle equipment and na-
tional-market version, the vehicle is equipped
with a first-aid kit.
Hazard warning system Some of the articles have a limited service life.
Check the expiration dates of the contents reg-
ularly and replace any expired items promptly.
Warning triangle
BMW Roadside Assistance
BMW Group Roadside Assistance can be con-
tacted if assistance is needed in the event of a
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MOBILITY Breakdown Assistance
Functional requirements
▷ Active ConnectedDrive contract, equipment BMW Accident Assistance
with intelligent emergency call or BMW
ConnectedDrive services. Principle
▷ Cellular network reception. BMW Group Accident Assistance can be con-
▷ Standby state is switched on. tacted if assistance is needed in the event of
an accident.
Starting BMW Roadside Assistance
manually General information
If the vehicle is equipped with Teleservices, If the vehicle sensors detect a minor to moder-
support is first offered through Teleservice Di- ately severe accident, which did not deploy any
agnosis and, where applicable, then through airbags, a Check Control message is displayed
Teleservice Help. in the instrument cluster. In addition, a text
message appears on the control display.
1. Apps menu
When BMW Accident Assistance is triggered,
2. "All apps" data on the vehicle's condition is sent to BMW.
3. "BMW Assistance"
4. "BMW Roadside Assistance" or select the Functional requirements
desired service. ▷ Active ConnectedDrive contract, equipment
Follow the displays on the control display. with intelligent emergency call or BMW
A voice connection is established. ConnectedDrive services.
▷ Cellular network reception.
Teleservice Diagnosis ▷ Standby state is switched on.
Teleservice Diagnostics enables detailed vehi-
cle data to be transmitted via cellular networks, Starting BMW Accident Assistance
which is necessary for vehicle diagnosis. This
data is transmitted automatically. It may be If an accident is detected automatically
necessary to approve this on the control dis-
A text message relating to BMW Accident As-
sistance appears on the control display.
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Breakdown Assistance MOBILITY
The connection can be established directly: For technical reasons, the emergency call can-
"Contact accident assistance" not be guaranteed under unfavorable condi-
The Check Control message for BMW Accident
Assistance can also be called up from the
stored Check Control messages for a certain
length of time.
Additional information:
Check Control, refer to page 145.
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MOBILITY Breakdown Assistance
The function of the emergency call may be im-
In the case of body contact between the
two vehicles, a short circuit can occur during
The LED near the SOS button flashes for ap- jump-starting. There is a risk of injury or risk
proximately 30 seconds. A Check Control mes- of damage to property. Make sure that no
sage is displayed. body contact occurs.
An emergency call may be disrupted in the fol-
lowing circumstances, among others:
▷ Extended vehicle idle times. Preparation
▷ Intense sunlight on vehicle roof. 1. Check whether the battery of the other ve-
hicle has a voltage of 12 volts. The voltage
Have checked by an authorized service center
information can be found on the battery.
or another qualified service center or repair
shop. 2. Switch off the engine of the assisting vehi-
3. Switch off any electrical components in
both vehicles.
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Breakdown Assistance MOBILITY
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MOBILITY Breakdown Assistance
▷ Lift the vehicle using suitable means. a risk of accident. Make sure that the gross
▷ Do not lift or secure the vehicle by its tow vehicle weight of the towing vehicle is heavier
fitting, body parts, or suspension parts. than the vehicle to be towed.
Tow bar
The tow fittings used should be on the same
side on both vehicles.
The vehicle should only be transported on a If it is impossible to avoid mounting the tow
loading platform. bar at an inclination, note the following:
▷ Free movement is limited when cornering.
Towing other vehicles ▷ The tow bar will generate lateral forces if it
is secured with an inclination.
General information
Switch on the hazard warning system, de- Tow rope
pending on local regulations. Observe the following notes when using the
If the electrical system has failed, clearly iden- tow rope:
tify the vehicle being towed by placing a sign or ▷ Use nylon ropes or straps, which will enable
a warning triangle in the rear window. the vehicle to be towed without jerking.
▷ Make sure the tow rope is not twisted when
Safety information fastening.
▷ Check the attachment of the tow fitting and
Warning tow rope in regular intervals.
If the approved gross vehicle weight of the ▷ Do not exceed a towing speed of
towing vehicle is lighter than the vehicle to 30 mph/50 km/h.
be towed, the tow fitting can tear off or it will
not be possible to control handling. There is
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Breakdown Assistance MOBILITY
Additional information:
Onboard vehicle tool kit, refer to page 327.
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MOBILITY Vehicle Care
Vehicle Care
Vehicle features and options Steam cleaner and high pressure
This chapter describes model-specific equip-
ment, systems, and functions that are currently Safety information
available, or may become available in the fu-
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
Additional information:
When cleaning with high pressure cleaners,
Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8. components can be damaged due to the
pressure or temperatures being too high.
There is a risk of damage to property. Main-
Washing the vehicle tain sufficient distance and do not spray too
long continuously. Follow the operating in-
General information structions for the high pressure cleaners.
Regularly remove foreign bodies such as
leaves or snow in the area below the wind-
Distances and temperature
▷ Maximum temperature: 140 ℉/60 ℃.
Wash the vehicle frequently, particularly in win-
ter. Intense contamination and road salt can ▷ Minimum distance from sensors, cameras,
damage the vehicle. seals and lights: 12 inches/30 cm.
Additional information: ▷ Minimum distance from glass sunroof:
31.5 in/80 cm.
Fold-out position of the wipers, refer to
page 133.
Automatic car washes or car
Safety information washes
Safety information
When washing with an open fuel filler flap,
damage may occur. There is a risk of dam-
age to property. Close the fuel filler flap be- Using a car wash with high pressure washers
fore washing. Clean dirt behind the fuel filler may result in water penetration of window
flap with a cloth. areas. There is a risk of damage to property.
Do not drive into high-pressure car wash sys-
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Vehicle Care MOBILITY
▷ Fold in exterior mirrors to avoid damage Thaw ice with de-icing spray; do not use an ice
to the exterior mirrors. scraper.
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MOBILITY Vehicle Care
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Vehicle Care MOBILITY
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MOBILITY Vehicle Care
Objects in the driver's footwell can limit the
pedal travel or block a depressed pedal.
There is a risk of accident. Stow objects in the
vehicle such that they are secured and can-
not enter into the driver's footwell. Use floor
mats that are suitable for the vehicle and
can be safely attached to the floor. Do not
use loose floor mats and do not layer several
floor mats. Make sure that there is sufficient
clearance for the pedals. Ensure that the floor
mats are securely fastened again after they
were removed, for instance for cleaning.
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Vehicle Care MOBILITY
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REFERENCE Technical data
Technical data
Vehicle features and options available, or may become available in the fu-
ture, even if they are not present in the vehicle.
This chapter describes model-specific equip- Additional information:
ment, systems, and functions that are currently Vehicle equipment, refer to page 8.
General information
The technical data and specifications in the specific measuring process. More specific val-
Owner's Manual are used as guidance values. ues can be obtained in approval documents,
Vehicle-specific data may deviate from this, on the vehicle info label, or from an authorized
for instance due to the optional equipment service center or another qualified service cen-
chosen, national-market version, or country- ter or repair shop.
The dimensions can vary depending on the The height of the vehicle can also differ, e.g.,
model version, equipment version or country- due to tires and vehicle load.
specific measurement procedure.
BMW 4 Series Coupe
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Technical data REFERENCE
430i xDrive
Filling capacities
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General information
Any updates to the Owner's Manual of the ve-
hicle are listed here.
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
Everything from A to Z
0-9 Airbags 165
Airbags, indicator and warning light 167
3D view 230 Air circulation, see Recirculated-air mode 248
48V technology, see Mild Hybrid technol- Air conditioning, climate 248
ogy 329 Air distribution, manual 249
Air drying, see air conditioning 248
A Air flow, automatic climate control 249
Air outlets, see Ventilation 251
ABS, see Antilock Braking System 194 Air pressure, tires 284
Acceleration Assistant, see Launch Control 124 Air quality 251
Acceleration sensor, see G-Meter 152 Air vent, see Ventilation 251
Accessories and parts 9 Alarm system 91
Accident Assistance, see BMW Accident Assis- Alarm, unintentional 93
tance 332 All-season tires, see Winter tires 294
Accident prevention, see Active Protection 191 All-season tires, tread 292
ACC, see Cruise Control with Distance Con- All-wheel drive, see BMW xDrive 197
trol 205 Amazon Alexa Car Integration 55
Activated carbon filter, see Interior filter 251 Ambient light 163
Activation points, panorama view 230 Android Auto, see Owner’s Manual for Naviga-
Activation word 52 tion, Entertainment, Communication 6
Active Blind Spot Detection 180 Antifreeze, see Washer fluid 323
Active Cruise Control 205 Antilock Braking System 194
Active damping control, see Adaptive M chas- Anti-theft protection, lug bolt lock 312
sis/suspension 243 Apple CarPlay, see Owner’s Manual for Navi-
Active Guard, see Collision warning sys- gation, Entertainment, Communication 6
tems 168 Applications see Owner's Manual for Naviga-
Active M Sport differential 197 tion, Entertainment, Communication 6
Active Park Distance Control 236 Applications, see Owner's Manual for Naviga-
Active Protection 191 tion, Entertainment, Communication 6
Active seat ventilation 250 Apps, see Owner's Manual for Navigation, En-
Adaptive Light Control 159 tertainment, Communication 6
Adaptive lighting functions 159 Aquaplaning 272
Adaptive M chassis/suspension 243 Assistance when driving off, see Drive-off as-
Adaptive recuperation 278 sistant 194
Adding engine oil types 321 Assistance with breakdown 331
Additional camera view displays 226 Assisted Driving Mode Plus 218
Additives, engine oil types 321 Assisted Driving Mode, see Steering Assis-
Adjustments, steering wheel 110 tant 215
After run of fan, see Exhaust gas particulate Assisted View 151
filter 271
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Everything from A to Z REFERENCE
Audio player, see Owner's Manual for Naviga- Battery, disposing of 330
tion, Entertainment, Communication 6 Battery, vehicle 328
Audio, see Owner's Manual for Navigation, En- Being towed, see Tow-starting and towing 335
tertainment and Communication 6 Belt carrier 105
Authorized service center, see BMW Accident Belts, see Seat belts 104
Assistance 332 Blind spot collision warning 180
Authorized service center, see BMW Roadside Blower 249
Assistance 331 Bluetooth audio, see Owner's Manual for Navi-
AUTO H button, see Automatic Hold 128 gation, Entertainment, Communication 6
Automatic activation of panorama view 230 Bluetooth connection, see Owner’s Manual for
Automatic camera perspective 228 Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 6
Automatic climate control 244 BMW Accident Assistance 332
Automatic control, headlight 156 BMW app, see Owner’s Manual for Navigation,
Automatic Curb Monitor, exterior mirror 109 Entertainment, Communication 6
Automatic deactivation, front-seat passenger BMW Assist, see Owner's Manual for Naviga-
airbags 167 tion, Entertainment and Communication 6
Automatic dimming, see Automatic High Beam BMW Curved Display 46
Assistant 160 BMW Digital Key 86
Automatic headlight control 156 BMW display key 72
Automatic High Beam Assistant 160 BMW display key, malfunction 76
Automatic Hold 128 BMW Drive Recorder 189
Automatic Lane Change Assistant 220 BMW IconicSounds 243
Automatic locking 90 BMW ID 63
Automatic Parking Assistant 237 BMW iDrive 43
Automatic program, automatic climate con- BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant 51
trol 246 BMW Live Cockpit Plus, see BMW Curved Dis-
Automatic time setting 152 play 46
Automatic transmission, see Steptronic trans- BMW Live Cockpit Professional, see BMW
mission 120 Curved Display 46
Automatic unlocking 90 BMW maintenance system 325
Automating routines, BMW Intelligent Personal BMW Operating System, see BMW iDrive 43
Assistant 55 BMW Roadside Assistance 331
AUTO program, automatic climate control 246 BMW SIM Reader, see Owner’s Manual for
Auto Start/Stop function 118 Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 6
Average consumption, see Trip data 150 BMW Theater Screen, see Owner’s Manual for
Axle loads, approved 344 Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 6
BMW xDrive 197
B Bottle holder, front, see Cup holder, front 264
Bottle holder, rear, see Cup holder, rear 264
Backrest curvature, see Lumbar support 102 Brake assistant 194
Backrest, seats 99 Brake disks, break-in 270
Backrest tilt 101 Brake disks, see Brake system 270
Backrest width 102 Brake pads, break-in 270
Back-up Assistant 241 Brake pads, see Brake system 270
Bandages, see First-aid kit 331 Brake system 270
Bar for tow-starting/towing 336 Braking, information 273
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
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Everything from A to Z REFERENCE
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
Light in exterior mirror, see Active Blind Spot Manual control, air flow 249
Detection 180 Manually unlocking doors, see Integrated
Light in exterior mirror, see Cross Traffic Warn- key 70
ing 186 Manual mode, transmission 123
Lighting 156 Manual Speed Limiter 200
Light replacement, see Lights and bulbs 327 Map, see Owner's Manual for Navigation, En-
Lights 156 tertainment, Communication 6
Lights and bulbs 327 Map update, see Owner's Manual for Naviga-
Lights, care 339 tion, Entertainment, Communication 6
Light switch 156 Marking, run-flat tire 295
LIM button, see Manual Speed Limiter 200 Matte paintwork 340
List, instrument cluster, see Selection lists 146 Matt paint, care 340
Live Cockpit Plus, see BMW Curved Display 46 Maximum cooling 248
Live Cockpit Professional, see BMW Curved Maximum speed, display, see Speed Limit
Display 46 Info 198
Live Vehicle 136 Maximum speed, winter tires 294
Load 267 M chassis/suspension, adaptive, see Adaptive
Loading 266 M chassis/suspension 243
Loading the cargo area, see Stowing Medical supplies, see First-aid kit 331
cargo 267 Memory function 111
Local time, see Time 152 Messages, see Check Control 145
Locking, automatic 90 Messages, see Owner’s Manual for Naviga-
Locking, see Opening and Closing 69 tion, Entertainment, Communication 6
Locking, settings 90 Meters, see Instrument cluster 135
Locking the rear automatic climate control 246 Microfilter, see Interior filter 251
Lock, lug bolts 312 Mild Hybrid technology 329
Loop 337 Minimum tread depth, tires 292
Low beams, operation 157 Mirror position, saving, see Memory func-
Lower back support, see Lumbar support 102 tion 111
Lug bolt lock 312 Mobile devices, connecting 56
Luggage rack, refer to Roof bars 274 Mobile phone, see Owner's Manual for Navi-
Luggage straps 267 gation, Entertainment and Communication 6
Lumbar support 102 Mobile radio in the vehicle 272
Mobile Service, see BMW Accident Assis-
M tance 332
Mobile Service, see BMW Roadside Assis-
Maintenance 325 tance 331
Maintenance recommendation, see Condition Mobility System, see Tire repair set 296
Based Service 325 MODE button, see Active Cruise Control 205
Maintenance, see Service notifications 155 Modifications, technical, see For Your Own
Maintenance system, BMW 325 Safety 8
Make-up mirror 258 Moisture in headlight, see Headlight glass 328
Malfunction, BMW display key 76 Monitor, see Control display 46
Malfunction, vehicle key 72 Mounting of child restraint systems 114
Manual brake, see Parking brake 127 MP3 player, see Owner's Manual for Naviga-
Manual control, air distribution 249 tion, Entertainment, Communication 6
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
Pathway lighting, turning on 158 Radiator fan, see Exhaust gas particulate fil-
Payload 267 ter 271
Payload, technical data 344 Radiator fluid 322
PDC, see Park Distance Control 233 Radio information, see Owner’s Manual for
Pedestrian Warning, see Forward Collision Mit- Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 6
igation 170 Radio, see Owner's Manual for Navigation, En-
Performance display, see Sport displays 154 tertainment and Communication 6
Personal Assistant 51 Radio stations, see Owner’s Manual for Navi-
Personal data, deleting 62 gation, Entertainment, Communication 6
Personal eSIM, see Owner’s Manual for Navi- Rain sensor 132
gation, Entertainment, Communication 6 READY display, instrument cluster, see
Personal hotspot, see Owner’s Manual for Standby and Drive-ready state 148
Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 6 Real Time Traffic Information, see Owner’s
Personal profile, see BMW ID 63 Manual for Navigation, Entertainment, Com-
Personal settings 62 munication 6
Physical units, see Units of measurement, set- Rear automatic climate control 244
ting 153 Rear automatic climate control, locking operat-
Plastic parts, care 341 ing elements 246
Pop-ups, control display 45 Rear-end collision preparation 184
PostCrash – iBrake 191 Rear lights, replacing, see Lights and
Power Display, instrument cluster 147 bulbs 327
Power failure 329 Rear seat backrests, folding down 268
Power interruption 329 Rearview camera 228
Power Meter, see Power Display 147 Rear-view mirror, exterior 108
Power windows 93 Rearview mirror, interior 110
Pre-conditioning 253 Rear window defroster 250
Pressure monitor, tire, see Tire Pressure Moni- Recirculated-air mode 248
tor 300 Recirculating air filter, see Interior filter 251
Pressure, tires 284 Recommended tire brands 294
Pressure warning, see Flat tire monitor 308 Recuperation, adaptive 278
Pressure warning, see Tire Pressure Moni- Reduced drive power 147
tor 300 Refueling 282
Pre-ventilation 252 Remote 3D View 232
Prevention of rear-end collision, see Rear-end Remote control, see Vehicle key 69
collision preparation 184 Remote control, universal 256
Protective function, glass sunroof, see Jam Remote Engine Start, see Stationary climate
protection system 97 control 253
Protective function, windows, see Jam protec- Remote services, see Owner's Manual for Nav-
tion system 95 igation, Entertainment, Communication 6
Push-and-turn reel, see Controller 47 Remote Software Upgrade 58
Renewal, wheels and tires 293
R Replace battery, vehicle key 70
Replacement, wheels and tires 293
Racing track 275 Replacing bulbs, see Lights and bulbs 327
Radar sensors, see Sensors of the vehicle 35 Replacing light diodes, see Lights and
bulbs 327
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xDrive 197
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