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Cia Rubric For Portfolio Project Submission 2017

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Excellent(3-4 marks) Very Good(2-3 marks) Satisfactory(1-2 marks) Needs Improvement(0-1 marks)
Understanding The candidate’s research The candidate’s research The candidate’s research The candidate’s research notes don’t
notes account/state his or notes account/state his or notes account/state his or account/state his or her comprehension
her well written her written her some amount of of the topic and make relevant
comprehension of the comprehension of the comprehension of the connections to the
topic and make relevant topic to some extend and topic and make relevant topics/themes/concerns.
connections to all other make relevant connections connections to parts of the
topics/themes/concerns. to most of the topics/themes/concerns.
Conceptual Clarity The candidate has gained The candidate has gained The candidate has gained The candidate has gained limited
significant understanding general understanding of some understanding of the understanding of the concepts and key
of the concepts and key the concepts and key concepts and key ideas. ideas. The candidate’s learning outcome
ideas. The candidate’s ideas. The candidate’s The candidate’s learning shows limited knowledge of application
learning outcome is very learning outcome is outcome is somewhat of concepts through questions leading to
evident in the form of generally seen in the form seen in the form of limited amount/basic measure of critical
application of concepts of application of concepts application of concepts and creative thinking.
through questions leading through questions leading through questions leading
to critical and creative to creative but not critical to some amount/trace of
thinking. thinking. critical and creative
Reflection/Thoughtful The candidate illustrates The candidate illustrates The candidate illustrates The candidate illustrates a minimal
Claim/Academic the ability to effectively the ability to evaluate the an attempt to evaluate ability to evaluate the nature of the
Examination evaluate the nature of the nature of the work the nature of the work work critically and suggests less/no
work critically and critically and suggests critically and suggests alternatives/options toward the grasp of
suggests constructive and constructive and practical some alternatives/options the whole lecture series.
practical alternatives/options toward the grasp of the
alternatives/options toward the grasp of the whole lecture series.
toward the grasp of the whole lecture series.
whole lecture series.

Note-taking Skills, The candidate’s answer The candidate’s answer The candidate’s answer The candidate’s answer fails to
Grammar, Usage, demonstrates clear demonstrates some demonstrates fewer demonstrate adherences to subject-verb
Mechanics & Spellings subject-verb agreement in subject-verb agreement in subject-verb agreement in agreement in summary writing, singular-
summary writing, proper summary writing, proper summary writing, singular- plural usage, word order, recording of
singular-plural usage, singular-plural usage, plural usage, word order, notes, spelling and punctuation marks
specific word order, specific word order, some superficial notes- across the portfolio writing.
effective use of recording amount of recording recording, spelling and
notes, and correct spelling notes, and correct spelling punctuation marks with
and punctuation marks and punctuation marks errors across the portfolio
across the portfolio work. across the portfolio work. writing.
Neatness and It is a well organized It is an organized research It is an organized research It is not an organized research note
Organization/Overall research note taking note taking note taking taking presentation/portfolio with a
Presentation presentation/portfolio presentation/portfolio presentation/portfolio little/no clarity/definition and a few
work with utmost work with some work with less documents, legible type writing with lots
clarity/definition and all clarity/definition and clarity/definition and of scratching and scribbling. The work is
documents, legible type most of the documents, some of the documents, displayed showing no growth of ideas
writing with no scratching legible type writing with legible type writing with and connection between items. And it
and scribbling. The work is occasional scratching and repeated scratching and lacks a reader response work of nature.
creatively displayed scribbling. The work is scribbling. The work is
showing sound growth of creatively displayed displayed showing a slow
ideas and a strong showing some growth of growth of ideas and less
connection between ideas and general connection between
items. It is also clearly a connection between items. There is a trace of
reader response work. items. It is also a reader evidence for a reader
response work. response work.
Note: Students should have followed a certain method to complete their note-taking skills: The language learners should have registered well-informed key
words, sound ideas, select paraphrasing, clear abbreviations, illustrated diagrams, tables and sequential information across their portfolio work.
1. Comprehension – capacity of the mind to perceive and understand; power to grasp ideas; ability to know
2. Theme- a unifying or dominant idea, motif, etc., as in a work of art.
3. Learning outcome- A learning outcome is the specification of what a student should learn as the result of a period of specified and supported study.
explanatory context. Learning outcomes are concerned with the achievements of the learner rather than the intentions of the teacher (expressed in the
aims of a module or course).
4. Critical thinking-.the objective analysis of facts to form a judgment. The subject is complex, and there are several different definitions which generally
include the rational, skeptical, unbiased analysis or evaluation of factual evidence
5. Creative thinking-A process used to develop ideas that are unique, useful, fruitful, and worthy of further elaboration
6. Claim-an assertion of something as a fact
7. Evaluation- a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards.
8. Alternative- one of two or more available possibilities
9. Demonstration- a description or explanation, as of a process, illustrated by examples, specimens, or the like
10. Clarity- clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity
11. Definition- an exact statement or description of the nature, scope, or meaning of something
12. Reader response work- the reader's experience when reading a particular work becomes rewarding, satisfied and content
(n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2017, from https://www.bing.com/search?q=reader%20response%20work&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-
(n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2017, from http://www.dictionary.com/browse/clarity?s=t
Arul Prabaharan Gaspar, Department of English, Christ University-560030, Bangalore, Karnataka, South India

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