Safe Pay
Safe Pay
Safe Pay
the benefits
and reconciling money every day, you’re basically throwing 24 months
• Same day banking, reduced CIT costs,
money away. With our truly closed cash management system you
reduction of in-store working capital
can remove most of the cost spent on cash reconciliation. And
• End-of-day reporting is completed at
discrepancies will no longer be a problem. the push of a button
With SafePay, end-of-day reporting is done in an instant. Status • A new checkout can quickly
and real-time cash inventory are available online, and the full be opened without change fund
audit trail is kept in the SafePay CashControl management
• The system indicates when it needs
software. The software even allows your HQ, bank and CIT to
connect. Plus, you can always turn to the online help desk for • Automated cash reconciliation reduces
support. employee stress
• Recruiting and training staff is easier
and faster
• Simple and secure maintenance
At store opening SafePay At the end of the day, the The CIT Company collects the All cash transfer processes
is immediately available for ink-protected cassette with sealed bag or case on demand are managed by CashControl.
customer cash payments. the daily earnings is taken Records are kept of who made
Depending on the recycle into the back office where the transfer, the amount,
balance for coin- and note it’s slotted into a SafePay current contents, etc.
denominations it can be Back-Office SB or SCL
required that staff add float. and automatically emptied
without cash exposure
Central monitoring
and remote fixing
Same-day credit
Monitoring and
cash reports for
respective store CashControl central Retailer HQ
server at retailer HQ or
Gunnebo Cloud service Monitoring and
central reports
Data Import from
Configurations and
software updates
A truly closed cash
management system
SafePay Front-Office SafePay Back-Office SB or SCL
Consists of two units, NoteRecycler NR2 and
CoinRecycler CR2, operated by the POS system
Easy to use High capacity Closed and secure system SafePay Back-Office SB
SafePay Front-Office’s eye-catching SafePay Front-Office can be Cash paid into the SafePay front (Sealed Bag)
design makes it easy for customers configured for different storage office modules is taken by staff in • The cash in the cassettes is
to find, while its ergonomic height and recycling demands. sealed, ink-protected cassettes and deposited into a cash bag inside a
makes it comfortable to operate. deposited directly into the SafePay CEN Grade III safe (the cash bag
• Coin Recycler: customer-operated Closed and secure system Back-Office SB or SCL. From the must be sealed or the safe door
- Graphical display for clear • Verification and counterfeit control moment the customer pays until the will not open). The CIT company
communication is completed via precision sensors cash arrives at the CIT cash centre, collects the sealed bag and inserts
- Coin bowl for depositing multiple • A cassette with the daily earnings it is never exposed or handled a new one into the safe using the
coins is deposited into the SafePay manually, and always remains ink- bar code reader to identify the new
• Note recycler: cashier- or Back-Office SB or SCL, never protected. Both SB and SCL can cash bag
customer-operated exposing the cash,while the next be installed through the wall for • SafePay Deposit SB should
- Single slot for payment and day start up amount is stored store deposit on one side and CIT preferably be installed
dispensing increases speed and automatically overnight in the collection on the other. in a lockable room
ease-of-use SafePay Front-office
- ECB-approved note authenticity • Floor anchoring prevents theft No back office cash handling SafePay™ Back-Office SCL
control prevents payment with • SafePay makes it easy for cashiers (CIT Case)
counterfeit notes Simple maintenance to deposit the daily earnings from • The cash in the cassettes is
• The slim and compact SafePay • Easy to use and maintain, so staff the ink-protected cassettes into deposited directly into an armed
Front-Office design allows it to can quickly solve most problems the SafePay Back-Office SB or CIT Case installed in the SCL
fit on different types of checkout themselves without access to the SCL cabinet. The CIT company collects
counters cash storage • No manual counting, checking or the armed case and inserts a
• Fast and straightforward operation • Key parts are easily replaced cash reporting is required, and new one, which is identified
increases customer throughput thanks to the plug-and-play design there’s no risk of shrinkage electronically
• The coin recycler automatically • CashControl registers each deposit • Suitable for stores with limitations
clears coin jams with ID, amount and date/time on space
• There’s no need for store staff
to be present during a CIT pick-
up. CashControl knows the exact
amount inside the sealed bag or
CIT case
Technical Data
SafePay Front-Office SafePay Back-Office SB or SCL