Difference Between Sensor, Transducer and Transmitter - Instrumentation - Engineers Community

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Difference between Sensor, Transducer and


suhel_patel Nov '19

Hello everyone,

Now before starting the discussion of instrumentation system first let me

distinguish the difference between sensor, transducer, and transmitter :

1. sensor -
A sensor that senses physical property like temperature, level, flow, pressure,
humidity, concentration, etc. and convert it into a low level of electrical
signal.now to measure properly or to send that signal over a long distance it
used circuitry which amplifies a signal to send it over a long distance.

2. transducer -
Transducer which converts one form of energy to another form like i/p
converter (current to pressure) or p/I (pressure to current) which used
extensively with pneumatic valves where the signal needs to convert to
perform a task.

3. transmitter -
Now most people think that transmitter only used to send a signal over long
distance.yes this is right but also it maintains that proper mA current is
proportional to applied pressure emphasized text. (i.e. let I have a transmitter
which has a range from 0-6 bar has applied pressure let assume is 3 bar so it
maintains that proportional current of 12mA Irrespective of applied voltage
about till 12 v it hold its mA output.)

Let come to our topic :

Types of instrumentation used in industry

1. Pressure Measurement

2. Level measurement

3. Temperature measurement

4. Flow measurement

main content
measurement (PH, conductivity,etc.)
in the next post, I will explain each and everyone and type of each

hope you like this.

vignesh Mr. Nov '19

@suhel_patel Very useful topic (basics).

suhel_patel Nov '19

Mr mehta,

Can you tell me from which you read all of the thing.sorry to say that your first
two concept are totally wrong as you switched between sensor and
transducer .kindly do google if you still feel that you are right.

Sensor are always convert that physical property to low level of electrical
signal. Most sensor rely on transducer to convert measured signal into
another form of signal. so transducer basically convert one form of energy to
another form. In simple both have property of convert one energy to other
form of energy but sensor always convert physical property into electrical
signal. still you have doubt then ping me.

suhel_patel Nov '19

Mr. Mehta,

In transducer, I wrote with an example that i to p converter or p to i converter

can you tell me what I (current) represent? If you understand I don’t think you
need to ask another question.

santhosh Nov '19

Sensor is a device that when exposed to a physical phenomenon

(temperature, displacement, force, etc) produces a proportional output signal
(electrical, resistance, voltage, capacitance, inductance, mechanical, magnetic

The term transducer is often used synonymously with sensors.

Sensor is a device that responds to a change in the physical phenomenon.

Transducer is a device that converts one form of energy into another form
of energy.

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Sensors are transducers when they sense one form of energy input and
output in a different form of energy

Eg: a thermocouple responds to a temperature change (thermal energy) and

outputs a proportional change in electromotive force (electrical energy)

The sensor outputs can be in any form like voltage, current, resistance,
capacitance, etc.

Thermocouple - It is a temperature sensor and output in the form of milli


RTD - It is also a temperature sensor and output in the form of Resistance.

suhel_patel Nov '19

mehta2155 Nov '19

Ok, I may be wrong take your time & let me know how you differentiate
between sensor & Transducers.

1. RTD
2. Thermocouple
3. Thermistor
4. Piezoelectric crystal
5. Bourden tube
6. Diaphragm
7. Vibrating fork
9. Load cell ( strain gauges)
10. MEMS
11. Floats
12. Air bubbler
13. Flapper nozzel
14. Glass gauges
15. Radiation pyrometer
16. Seger cones
17. Color pellets
18. Radar gauges
19. Capacitive devices
20. Inductive devices
21. Eddy current devices
22. Hall effect devices
23. Gas chromatographs
24. O2, N2 & CO2 analyzers
25. Mass flowmeters
26. DP meters
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27. Current meters & volmeters
Classify them which are sensors & Transducers with valid reasons.

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