TDS NF-334p
TDS NF-334p
TDS NF-334p
NF-334p is a flame retardant (FR) expandable polystyrene grade containing pentane as a blowing agent
and a brominated polymeric flame retardant as an FR additive. The product is delivered in the form of
spherical beads with a bulk density of about 0.6 g/cm3 and is available in 1100 kg octabins.
The properties of NF-334p make it suitable for the production of flame retardant light and heavy insulation
board by block or shape moulding in accordance with ISO EN 11925-2 class E. It suits particularly well
for applications where low water uptake is needed, like frost insulation and building perimeter.
The processing conditions of NF-334p depend on the combination of the product and processing
equipment used. Optimal settings have to be adjusted for each combination.
Some general processing conditions are given below:
Conditioning Depends on the density. The higher the density the longer the conditioning
time. Generally 12–24 hours is recommended. When prefoaming in two steps,
a conditioning time of 4–6 hours between the first and the second step is
optimal but can be a bit longer.
Moulding The machine should be fed with saturated steam with a max pressure of about
2 bar.
The steaming time depends on the equipment used as well as the size and
required strength of the final product. Therefore, all machines have to be
adjusted individually. Equipment using vacuum is recommended to reduce
cycle times and to increase product strength.
Raw material
Value Unit Test method
Pentane content 5.5 – 6.5 % Gas chromatography
Monomer level < 0.1 % Gas chromatography
Main bead size distribution 1.2 – 2.5 mm Image analyser
End product
10 kg/m3 15 kg/m3 20 kg/m3 30 kg/m3
Compressive stress (10 %),
(kPa), EN 826 40 80 120 200
Bending strength,
(kPa), EN 12089 100 170 240 380
In transport NF-334p is classified according to European regulations for product transport: Substance
number UN2211, Class 9.
In processing avoid generating dust. All equipment should be properly earthen. Releases pentane during
processing which might form a flammable/explosive vapour-air mixture. Use proper ventilation and keep
away from any source of ignition. A Safety Data Sheet is available on request.
NF-334 p is suitable for recycling using modern methods of grinding, cleaning and regranulation. In-house
production waste should be kept clean to facilitate direct recycling.
Please contact your BEWI RAW representative for more details on various aspects of safety,
recovery and disposal of the product.
This information is not to be taken as a warranty or representation for which BEWI RAW Oy assumes legal responsibility nor as permission or
recommendation to practice any patented invention without a license. It is offered solely for your consideration, investigation, verification and shall
form no part of any contract with a customer.
La présente documentation n’engage pas notre responsabilité et n’autorise en aucune facon l’usage sans contrat de licence d’inventions brevetées.
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Bei diesen Angaben handelt es sich weder um eine Garantie-Erklärung oder Darstellung, für die wir eine rechtliche Haftung übernehmen, noch um
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