SE Assignments

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Software Engineering

Important Notes: You are required to submit the documents for the single problem that has
been assigned to you. However, you are expected to solve entire problem set for your
practice. Practice is very important to learning the software engineering skills pertaining to
requirement specification, design, testing etc. Only reading the theory cannot make you a
good software developer.
• Handwritten assignment only considered.
• Copying of assignments is considered serious offence. Both the person copying and
one supplied the copying material will be penalized.
• The last date of submitting the documents is 13.11.2023 (Hard Deadline)

You need to submit the following for the problem assigned to you
• Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document (restrict it to functional and
non-functional requirement only)
• Structured analysis and Structured design (SA/SD)
• UML models: Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and State chart

1. Transport company computerization (TCC) Software: A transport company

wishes to computerize various book keeping activities associated with its operations:
• A transport company owns a number of trucks.
• The transport company has its head office located at the capital and has branch
offices at several other cities.
• The transport company receives consignments of various sizes at (measured in
cubic meters) its different offices to be forwarded to different branch offices
across the country.
• Once the consignment arrives at the office of the transport company, the
details of the volume, destination address, sender address, etc. are entered into
the computer. The computer would compute the transport charge depending
upon the volume of the consignment and its destination and would issue a bill
for the consignment.
• Once the volume of any particular destination becomes 500 cubic meters, the
computerization system should automatically allot the next available truck.
• A truck stays with the branch office until the branch office has enough cargo
to load the truck fully.
• The manager should be able to view the status of different trucks at any time.
• The manager should be able to view truck usage over a given period of time.
• When a truck is available and the required consignment is available for
dispatch, the computer system should print the details of the consignment
number, volume, sender’s name and address, and the receivers name and
address along with the truck.
• The manager of the transport company can query the status of any particular
consignment and the details of volume of consignments handle to any
particular destination and the corresponding revenue generated.
• The manager should also be able to view the average waiting period for
different consignments. This statistics is important for him since he normally
orders new trucks when the average waiting period for consignments becomes
high due to non-availability of trucks. Also, the manger would like to see the
average idle time of the truck in the branch for a given period for future

2. Supermarket automation software (SAS): The manger of a supermarket wants us to

develop an automation software. The supermarket stocks a set of items. Customers
pick up their desired items from the different counters in required quantities. The
customers present these items to the sales clerk. The sales clerk passes the items over
a bar code reader and an automatic weighing scale and the data regarding the item
type and the quantity get registered.
• SAS should at the end of a sales transaction print the bill containing the serial
number of the sales transaction, the name of the item, code number, quantity,
unit price, and item price. The bill should indicate the total amount payable.
• SAS should maintain the inventory of the various items of the supermarket.
The manager upon query should be able to see the inventory details. In order
to support inventory management, the inventory of an item should be
decreased whenever an item is sold. SAS should also support an option by
which an employee can update the inventory when new supply arrives.
• SAS should support printing the sales statistics for every item the supermarket
deals with for any particular day or any particular period. The sales statistics
should indicate the quantity of an item sold, the price realized, and the profit.
• The manager of the supermarket should be able to change the price at which
an item is sold as the price of the different items vary on a day-to-day basis.

3. The local newspaper and magazine delivery agency has asked us to develop a
software for him to automate various clerical activities with his business:
Newspaper Agency Automation Software:
• This software is to be used by the manager of the news agency and his
delivery persons.
• For each delivery person, the system must print each day the publications to be
delivered to each address. The address should be generated in consecutive
order as far as possible so that the communication of the delivery person is
• Customers usually subscribe one or more newspapers and magazines. They
are allowed to change their subscription list by giving week’s advance notice.
• For each delivery person, the system must print each day the publications to be
delivered to the address
• The system should also print for the news agent the information regarding who
received what publications and a summary of the current month.
• At the beginning of every month bills are printed by the system to be delivered
to the customers. These bills should be computed by the system automatically
and should include the publications type, the number of copies delivered
during the month, and the cost for these.
• The customers may ask for stopping the delivers to them for certain periods
when they go out of stations.
• Customers may request to subscribe new newspapers/magazines, modify their
subscription list, or stop their subscription altogether.
• Customers usually pay their monthly dues either by cheques or cash. Once the
cheque number or cash received is entered in the system, receipt for the
customer should be printed.
• If any customer has an outstanding due for more than one month polite
reminder message is printed for him and his subscription is discontinued if his
dues remain outstanding for periods of more than two months.
• The software should compute and printout the amount payable to each
delivery boy is delivery boy that 2.5% of the value of the publications
delivered by him.

4. A small automobile spare part shop is the spare parts for a vehicles of several makes
and models. Also each spare part is typically manufactured by several small
industries. To stream line the sales and supply ordering, the shop owner has asked us
to develop the following Motor parts shop software.

Motor part shop software (MPSS). The motor parts shop deals with large number of
motor parts of various manufacturers and various vehicle types. Some of the Motor
Parts are very small and some are of reasonably large size. The shop owner
maintenance different parts in wall mounted and numbered racks.

The shop owner maintains as few inventories for each item as reasonable, to reduce
inventory overheads after being inspired by the just in time (JIT) philosophy.

Thus, one important problem the shop owner faces is to be able to order items as soon
as the number of items in the inventory reduces below threshold value. The shop
owner wants to maintain parts to be able to sustain saving for about one week. To
calculate the threshold value for each item, the software must be able to calculate the
average number of parts sales for one week for each part.

At the end of each day the shop owner would request the computer to generate the
items to be ordered. The computer should print out the part number the amount
required and the address of the vendor supplying the part.

The computer should also generate the revenue for each day and at the end of the
month, the computer should generate a graph showing the sales for each day of the
5. A transport company requires to automate its various operations. The company has a
fleet of vehicles. Currently the company has the following vehicles.
Ambassadors: 10 Non- AC, 2 AC
Tata Sumo : 5 Non- AC, 5 AC
Maruthi Omni: 10 Non-AC
Maruti Esteem: 10 AC
Mahendra Armada: 10 Non-AC

The company rents out vehicles to customers. When a customer requests for a car, the
company lets them know what type of vehicles are available, and the charges for each
car. For every car, there is a per hour charge, and a per kilometer charge. A car can be
rented for a minimum of four hours. The amount chargeable to customer is the
maximum of (per hour charge for the car times the number of hours used. and per
kilometer charge times the number of kilometers run) subject to a minimum amount
decided by the charge for four hours use of the car. And AC vehicle of a particular
category is charged 50% more than a non-AC vehicle of the same category. There is a
charge of rupees 150 for every night halt regardless of the type of vehicle.

When a customer books a car, he has to deposit an advance amount. The customer
also informs the company when he expects to return the car. When the car is returned,
depending on the usage, either the customer is refunded some amount, or he has to
pay additional amount to cover the cost incurred.

The company can acquire new vehicles and add them to the fleet of its vehicles. Cars
may be condemned and sold off. A car which is currently with the company can be in
one of these three states: it may have gone for repair, it may be available, it may be
rented out. If it is rented out the company records the date and time when it has been
rented out, and the mile-meter reading of the car at that time. The company also wants
to maintain the amount of maintenance expense each vehicle incurs.

The company wants to collect statistics about various type of vehicles: the price of the
car, average amount of money spent on repairs for the car, average demand, revenue
earned by renting out the car, and fuel compensation of the car. Based on these
statistics the company may take a decision about which vehicles are more profitable.
The statistics can also be used to decide the charge for different type of vehicles.

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