Lfus Phase 1
Lfus Phase 1
Lfus Phase 1
From initial skill test how long before must do endorsement?(OMA
– 21 days/can be extended to 30 days approval of DCA required. Annual line check – 12 months
Initial Skill Test – The issuance of initial type rating entails an endorsement flight or ZFTT session (if applicable) after successful
completion of the simulator check. The endorsement flight or ZFTT must however be undertaken within 21 days from the day
the associated simulator check was carried out. This period may be extended to 30 days with the approval of DCAM. Any failure
to meet the above condition will invalid the skill test and a revalidation in the simulator is hence necessary.
To point out that for corrective lenses pilot MUST have 2 pairs of spectacles.
“All flight crew members who are required by the licensing authority to wear corrective lenses in order to satisfy visual
requirements laid down for granting of licences, are required to carry a spare pair of spectacles with them on all occasions whilst
exercising their licence. The spare pair of spectacles must be readily available to the crewmember concerned. Spectacles, either
corrective or anti-glare, when worn by flight crew during flight should be of a type of frame that allows maximum peripheral
vision. The examination for the prescription of a spectacle By the 21st of every month, photo stated copy of your updated
license must be submitted to the company.
ENGLISH PROFIENCY/ foreign license validation/ passport renewal – copies of renewal must be submitted not later than 7 days
before expiry (14/1/13)
Can we fly above 100hrs in 28days in a single sector flight? Flight time Limitation (OMA7.4.9)
OM-A 7 4 8
A:(This means that on the 28th day a flight crew may depart on a single sector flight, and may complete that sector, even though
at the end of the flight the total flying hours completed in 28 days will exceed 100 hours. Consequently, the flight crew cannot
then continue to operate as a flight crew on any subsequent sectors during that day); **AA flight crew is approved to fly for
1000 hours yearly however if any flight crew wish to operate up to ONLY 900 hrs- may submit request to CPO—Flight crew that
did not request will be planned for 960 yearly-if required
Cargo/MR2 Defect List. What if cargo weight in operation still not out? Break UP is not ready, will wait and call KL RAMP 123.55
If there is a defect in MR2 defect list, what will you do? Refer to MEL/CDL (Ref SOP 03.02)
The crew will verify the technical state of the aircraft (deferred defect list) with regard to airworthiness, acceptability of
malfunctions (MEL) and influence on the flight plan.
Flight Plan: Decode ICAO Flight Plan Ref NAVIGA Reference: OM (A) ATC Flight Plan must be filled at least 1 hr before the
ETD, unless national regulations states otherwise. The flight plan should be amended or a new flight plan submitted and the old
flight plan cancelled, whichever is applicable in the event of a delay for which a flight plan has been submitted : Of 30 minutes in
excess of the estimated off block time for a controlled flight and/or of 1 hour for an uncontrolled flight. Reference on Naviga
Manual. Y is Radio capability up to decimal 123.455
Weather Briefing. OMA TAF & Metar Validity
METAR issued every half hour or hourly. TAF, 9 hours TAF issued every 3 hours, 12 to 24hrs TAF issued every 6 hrs. Clouds are
reported in six character groups. The first three characters indicate
the cloud amount.
FEW = 1 to 2 oktas
SCT (scattered) = 3 to 4 oktas
BKN (Broken) = 5 to 7 oktas
OVC (overcast) = 8 oktas
SKC = Sky clear
Note: In some countries the cloud amount may still be given in oktas instead of
─ CB (cumulonimbus) or TCB, (towering cumulus) if any.
─ temperature and dew point (T, DT).
─ QNH.
─ supplemental information, if applicable, such as recent weather,
windshear …etc.
─ trend.
─ BECMG (becoming) indicates an expected permanent change.
─ TEMPO (temporarily) indicates a temporary fluctuation in weather
─ PROB (probably) indicates a probable (given in percent) change.
─ AT – at a specific time.
─ FM – from …
─ TL – until …
─ CAVOK (Cloud And Visibility OK) – If visibility is 10 km or more, no clouds
are reported / expected below 1500 m (5,000 feet) or below the highest
minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater, and no cumulonimbus is
reported or expected.
─ Ceiling – The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest
layer of cloud below 6000 m (20,000 feet) covering more than half of the
sky (BKN or OVC).
─ NSC – No Significant Clouds.
─ NSW – No Significant Weather.
For our operations, the weather and NOTAMS are printed out together.
It includes;
Airport NOTAM – Taxiway closure, WIP, SFC Depression.
Company NOTAM – A/C with reported LPC unserviceable.MTOW for particular airfield change due runway WIP.
FIR NOTAM – Missile, Gun or Rocket Firing,
Para jump, military exercise, Prohibited
areas, etc…
The flight crew must examine NOTAMs for changes to routings, unserviceable navaids, availability of runways and approach aids
etc, all of which may affect the final fuel requirement. In order to prevent the risks of projection of debris towards the
trimmable horizontal stabilizer and the elevators, it is not recommended to takeoff from runways in bad condition (loose
surface, under repair, covered with debris ).
FUEL Planning. Standard(OMA How to apply? What is the Standard fuel Planning?
The standard flight fuel planning consists of:Trip fuel (AB), Contingency fuel (CONST RES X PCT), Alternate fuel (BC), Final
reserve fuel (HOLD RES), Additional fuel, if required (ADDITIONAL), Taxi fuel. Isolated Airport Procedure (Island Reserve) How to Apply? What is it?
When the destination is an isolated airport for which a destination alternate does
not exist, the amount of fuel at departure should include:
─ Taxi fuel;
─ Trip fuel;
─ Contingency fuel calculated as for a standard flight planning;
─ Fuel necessary to fly for two hours at FL350, cruise speed after arriving overhead; and
─ Destination. Decision Point Procedure (Re-clearance) How or when to apply? What is it?
When planning to a destination aerodrome via a decision point along the route,
the amount of fuel required is the greater of (a) or (b) below:
(a) The sum of:
─ Taxi fuel;
─ Trip fuel to the destination airport, via the decision point;
─ Contingency fuel of not less than 5% of the estimated fuel used from the decision point to the destination aerodrome;
─ Alternate fuel;
─ Final reserve fuel; and
─ Additional fuel, if required
(b) The sum of:
─ Taxi fuel;
─ Trip fuel from the departure to a decision point alternate via the decision point;
─ Contingency fuel equal to not less than 3% of the estimate fuel consumption (trip fuel) from the departure airport to the
decision point alternate (DPA);
─ Final reserve fuel;
─ Additional fuel, if required. The decision point (re-clearance) fuel planning is the greater of F1 or F2:
─ F1 = Taxi + Trip AXB + 5% XB + BC + Hold + Additional fuel (if required)
F2 = Taxi + Trip AXD + 3% AXD + Hold + Additional fuel (if required)
Planning Minima
T/O ALT (OMA When is takeoff alternate required
OM-A (
When performance or meteorological conditions preclude return to departure aerodrome (weather conditions do not fulfill
applicable landing minima), a takeoff alternate aerodrome must be selected. An aerodrome is considered suitable as take-off
alternate, if the weather reports or forecasts or any combination thereof indicate that, during a period commencing 1 hr before
and ending 1 hr after the estimated time of arrival at the airport, the weather conditions will be at or above the applicable
landing minima, taking into account the status of the ground equipment, aircraft systems and crew qualification. When only
non-precision and/or circling approaches are available, then the ceiling must be at or above the applicable MDH. Any limitation
related to one engine inoperative operation must be taken into account.
Note: For States that publish alternate minimums, the applicable minima are those specified under “Alternate Minima” on the
airport chart or Company alternate minima whichever is higher (e.g. USA, Canada, Australia and Saudi Arabia). This criteria is
only required at the planning stage. The take-off alternate shall be located within:For two-engine aircraft
─ On Non-ETOPS flight: 60 minutes at the one engine inoperative cruising speed in ISA conditions based on the actual take-off
weight; or
─ On ETOPS flight: The approved ETOPS diversion time. Refer to 8.5.
Planning Minima.
1. Aerodrome operating minima.
2. Aircraft capability.
3. AirAsia minima are approved by the DCAM.
4. Crew minima are the minima that crew is authorized to use. They are based upon the qualification of the flight crew.
5. AirAsia Crosswind limit for take off and landing 30kts gust included (15 kts for landing and 20kts for takeoff, gust
included for First Officer A320).
Concept of Minima (OM
AirAsia minima are approved by DCAM. They allow the lowest minima that AirAsia is allowed to use on specified airports. They
cannot be lower than the aircraft capability and the minima required by the national authority of the aerodrome, except where
specifically approved by that authority. Aerodrome : usability of an aerodrome for take off or landing expressed in terms of
RVR/DA/MDA and cloud conditions// listed on chart Aircraft : given in AFM defines the lowest minima for which an ac has been
certified Crew : based on crew qualification FO : straight in appr 1600m/500ft, circling 4800m/800ft, runway not contaminated.
ERA (OMA How to Choose an ERA?
Alternate (ERA ALTN) or Decision Point Procedure Alternate (DPP ALTN) or Fuel Enroute Alternate (FEA). An aerodrome is
considered a suitable en-route alternate, if the weather reports or forecasts or any combination thereof indicate that, during a
period commencing 1 hr before and ending 1 hr after the estimated time of arrival at the aerodrome, the weather conditions
will be at or above the planning minima as follows:
An alternate used to reduce Route Reserve Fuel (RRSV). This could be En-route Alternate (ERA ALTN) or Decision Point
Procedure Alternate (DPP ALTN) or Fuel Enroute Alternate (FEA).
Note: For States that publish alternate minimums, the applicable minima are those specified under “Alternate Minima” on the
airport chart or Company alternate minima whichever is higher (e.g. USA, Canada, Australia and Saudi Arabia). This criteria is
only required at the planning stage.
ALTN MINIMA. What are the criteria for Alternate minima? Destination Alternate (DEST ALTN)
One suitable destination alternate aerodrome must be selected for each flight. (Refer to Table 8 - 4 for planning minima
applicable for alternate aerodrome more than 50nm from destination airport).
Note: for alternate aerodromes within 50nm from destination aerodrome, the forecast weather for the alternate aerodrome
(ETA +/- 1hr) includes TEMPO and PROB40 conditions .The following minima will apply: ─ 2000’ ceiling and 5000m visibility
irrespective of the number of runways available/in use at the destination aerodrome. Two suitable destination alternates must
be selected when: ─ The appropriate weather reports or forecasts for the destination indicate that from 1 hr before to 1 hr after
the ETA the weather conditions will be below the applicable planning minima; or ─ No meteorological information is available.
For planning purposes an aerodrome shall be considered to be below minimum if:
─ the requirements of aerodrome planning selection minima are not met;
─ the steady crosswind component exceeds the prescribed limitations;
─ whenever a weather forecast( including TEMPO and PROB40) contains meteorological conditions indicating below planning
minimum within ETA ± 1 hr at the destination alternate, the aerodrome may still be considered for use as an alternate if:
a) the meteorological conditions are above the applicable landing minima;
b) the meteorological conditions at destination is at or above destination alternate planning minima; and
c) additional 30 minutes holding fuel is carried.
Note: If planning minima at destination are not fulfilled, two destination alternate airports must be selected (Refer to Table 8 - 4
for planning minima).
Note: For States that publish alternate minimums, the applicable minima are those specified under “Alternate Minima” on the
airport chart or Company alternate minima whichever is higher (e.g. USA, Canada, Australia and Saudi Arabia). This criteria is
only required at the planning stage.
No destination alternate is required when: The destination is isolated (refer to
Considerations when Uplifting Fuel. What are the amounts to deduct from Maximum tinkering fuel to avoid landing with
Tankering Calculations (Mandatory Vs Economy). What are the differences? What airfield considered as mandatory tankering
sector? Tankering
A summary of the tankering analysis is provided in the OFP. The Commander may use the information to decide on the tankering
fuel required. Economic Tankering
Uplifting fuel from one station to a next station is justified when the fuel price differential between the two stations is
sufficiently large to cover the cost of the transportation. The decision to tanker is made on the basis of the relation between a
price ratio, the air distance between the stations and an aircraft type related curve.
The amount of fuel to be uplifted from a station depends on the following:
─ Aircraft limitations: MTOW, MLW;
─ Payload limitation: the fuel carried shall not hamper the payload;
─ Subsequent sequence of flights
Where it involves aircraft limitations, a safety buffer must be considered for routes where track shortening is expected, level
capping in OFP etc. To ensure that MLW is not exceeded when tankering fuel for economic reason, the following values are
recommended. The amount will be deducted from the calculated maximum tankering volume for the flight.
Note: A320 = 600 kgs
The Commander may uplift fuel without the buffer if he has sound reasons to do so but under any circumstances, he shall
ensure that no aircraft limitation is exceeded due to his action. No tankering fuel shall be uplifted in case of contaminated
runway (snow, slush, ice….) on departure or on arrival unless and to the extent that the Commander deems it necessary and
feasible, in due consideration of the particular circumstances. Mandatory Tankering
Mandatory tankering of fuel, aims at responding to special fuel situations existing at the next station (s), such as NO FUEL
AVAILABLE, MAX UPLIFTABLE QUANTITY IMPOSED, CONTAMINATED FUEL, etc. Mandatory fuel, as its name unmistakably
indicates, has priority on the payload: calculations will therefore aim at finding a MZFW. The MSF calculation for a NIL FUEL
STATION is the total of:
─ MSF for Next Sector
─ APU/TAXI at Destination
Together with TAXI FUEL at departure point shall form the MBF for departure. Min Diversion Fuel shall be MBF for return sector
at Nil Fuel station.
Cockpit Emergency Equipment Check: Where is the location? How do you do Pre-flight? SOP 3.03.04 P7
• Life jackets stowed
• Axe stowed
• Smoke hoods or portable oxygen equipment and full face masks stowed and serviceable
• Portable fire extinguisher lock wired and pressure in the green area
• Smoke goggles stowed (smoke hoods if installed)
• Oxygen masks stowed
• Flashlights stowed
• Escape ropes stowed
Technical Log OMA What is NTC? How to clear Tech Log? Note to Crew?
The Aircraft Technical Log provides instructions to maintenance and flight crew personnel for the handling of Aircraft Technical
Log entries in order to satisfy the regulatory requirements. The Aircraft Technical Log is a mandatory legal document, and as
such certifying staff and flight crew are to ensure that the log is handled as per this procedure. It is the responsibility of the
Commander to ensure that aircraft registration, flight number, date, from / to stations, aircraft flying hours, defects and other
pertinent details are entered and certified upon aircraft arrival. It is the responsibility of certifying staff to survey the Aircraft
Technical Log of the incoming sector take action on reported defects and prepare the aircraft for the next flight.
Cabin Report OM-A ( Who can fill it up? Cpt need to sign?
This procedure details the method by which aircraft cabin defects are recorded, rectified and controlled using Cabin Condition
Log. The Cabin Condition Log is part of the Aircraft Technical Log and is used for recording those defects observed by Flight
attendant during flight. All entries in the Cabin Condition Log will therefore form part of the aircraft’s mandatory records, any
irregularities may invalidate such records. The Captain has to counter sign that report.
IRS Alignment SOP 3.03.06 p11 When is it required o make a full alignment? When is it required to make a fast alignment?
When to make IRS alignment on FMGC? PRO-NOR-SOP-06 p4/18
At the beginning of the flight, the crew sets the ADIRS selectors to NAV, in order to start alignment.
The alignment takes approximately 10mins and must be completed before pushback (before any aircraft movement). ADIRS re-
alignment is only necessary, if one of the ADIRS displays a residual ground speed greater than 5kts. In this case, a rapid re-
alignment should be performed on all 3 IRSs. The fast alignment takes approximately 1min. it involves setting the ground speed
to 0kts, and updating the IRS position of the coordinates on the INIT A page. A complete re-alignment is only recommended for
Long-Range flight, especially if flown outside radio NAVAID coverage with aircraft not equipped with GPS.
ADIRS position initialization involves setting the ADIRS navigation starting point. This is only necessary for a complete or fast
alignment. Press the ALIGN IRS prompt to send the coordinates displayed on the MCDU INIT page to the three ADIRS. Use the
defaulted departure airport reference point coordinates to initialize the ADIRS. When flying without GPS on long segments
without radio coverage, it is better to use the gate coordinates to initialize the ADIRS: To insert these coordinates, slew them on
the MCDU, and then press the ALIGN IRS prompt.
Loadsheet GTG Weight & Balance P70, SOP 3.03.06 P14 What us the task sharing during LPC/Manual loadsheet? How to
crosscheck (LPC/Manual)?
LMC OMA What is the amount that new loadsheet is required?
For LPC:
Note: A speed difference of 2 knots or more between the FMGS and the LPC indicates that a weight-input discrepancy exists
(PERF TO page indicated Green Dot speed varies with pilot weight inputs to the INIT B page) Resolve discrepancy. For Manual
Load sheet: The Commander shall thoroughly check the Loadsheet and to ensure the CPL or ATPL number is annotated next to
the signature on the Load and Trim Sheet (LTS). Prior to signing the Loadsheet the Commander must check? What will normally
effect the Green Dot speed on our FMGC? Understand the calculation of Green Dot speed will be given in the QRH performance
Manual Load Sheet
The Commander shall thoroughly check the Loadsheet and to ensure the CPL or ATPL number is annotated next to the signature
on the Load and Trim Sheet (LTS). This is applicable to both the crew member who prepares the LTS (normally the First Officer)
and the Commander who approves it. Prior to signing the Loadsheet the Commander must check the following:
• Loadsheet calculation weights based on kg;
• Date;
• Edition Number (EDNO);
• Route and Flight Number;
• Correct number of crew;
• Passenger totals do not exceed or deviate from the seating and safety equipment limitations according to the aircraft
• Actual weights do not exceed the structural and operational limits for Take-off, Landing and Zero Fuel weight;
• The ZFW, ZFW MAC and T.O. MAC;
• Stabilizer setting is within limits;
• Fuel figures correspond to the actual fuel distribution of the aircraft;
• The aircraft does not exceed the limits of any LMC
FMGS Setup
SOP 3.03.06 Cockpit preparation
First Officers
At the discretion of the Commander, First Officers are permitted to assume the duties of Pilot Flying for all phases of flight
a) During engine start
b) Taxiing
c) During take-off, the handling of thrust levers until after airborne
d) During takeoff and landing when conditions are at or near the operational
limits or weather limits
Commanders may permit First Officers to carry out landings under conditions no more limiting than the following:
─ Straight in approach with visibility of 1600m and ceiling 500ft;
─ Circling approach with visibility of 4800m and ceiling 800ft;
─ Crosswind component does not exceed 15 knots (gust included);
─ The runway is not contaminated; and
─ The aerodrome is not a category C aerodrome
Note: When a First Officer is undergoing command training, the operating limits will be at the discretion of the Instructor
Pilot/TRI. It is preferable for the Commander to take over controls early and complete the landing, rather than have a late
change of control or to allow the First Officer to continue in conditions that are marginal.
Standard Callouts
SOP 3.03.90
Cabin Crew Safety Report SEP (Policy & Regulation 1-12) Who will the crew report to? Cpt. Why cabin crew report?
For PIPO (Power-In, Power-Out) operations, a "wing walker" must be available, equipped with bats (day) or lighted torch (night)
and be at a position visible to the pilot to provide clearance signals. Please remind ground crew of this requirement prior to
disconnecting verbal communications. The overall responsibility for wing tip clearance and safe operations of the maneuver lies
with the Commander.
Applicable to: ALL
‐ 4 consecutive cycles: Each lasts a maximum of 2 min
‐ Pause between start attempts: 20 s
‐ Cooling period, after 4 start attempts: 15 min
‐ No running engagement of the starter, when N2 is above 20 %.
Take off Confirmation Brief SOP 3.03.10 P5 Who & When to perform? Same Departure what to announce?
Takeoff confirmation brief to be done by CM2 and to verify:
SID (initial track, first point of turn and direction of turn)
Initial altitude
During Taxi After clearance received
Take off separation OMA What is the separation between heavy and medium during takeoff? Separation by Time (Non Radar)
Wake turbulence separation minima given below define a minimum separation time between two aircraft during take off and
landing to cope with wake turbulence:
Arriving Aircraft
Medium behind Heavy aircraft: 2 minutes.
Departing Aircraft
The minimum separation time is 2 minutes (or 3 minutes if take-off is from an intermediate part of the runway) for a Light or
Medium aircraft behind a Heavy aircraft or for a Light aircraft behind a Medium aircraft. Two parallel runways have no influence
of each others if they are separated by more than 760 m (2500 ft) and if the flight path of the second aircraft does not cross the
flight path of the preceding aircraft by less than 300 m (1000 ft).
Departing and Landing in Opposite Direction
The minimum separation time is 2 minutes.
Windshear Alert/Warning Consideration PRO-ABN-80 P55/58, PRO-SUP-91-20 P1/2. Precautions and recommendations?
Delay takeoff until conditions improve. Evaluate takeoff conditions :
• Using observations and experience.
• Checking weather conditions.
Select the most favorable runway (considering location of the likely windshear). Use the weather radar or the predictive
windshear system before commencing takeoff to ensure that the flight path clears any potential problem areas. Select TOGA
thrust. Monitor closely airspeed and airspeed trend during the takeoff run for early signs of windshear.
Delay landing or divert to another airport until conditions are more favorable. Evaluate condition for a safe landing by:
• Using observations and experience,
• Checking weather conditions.
Use the weather radar. Select the most favorable runway, considering also which has the most appropriate approach aid.
Select FLAPS 3.
Use managed speed in the approach phase. Check both FDs engaged in ILS, FPA or V/S. Engage the autopilot, for a more
accurate approach and earlier recognition of deviation from the beam, when ILS is available.
Note: ‐ When using the GS mini-function, associated with managed speed, the system will carry extra speed in strong wind
‐ In case of strong or gusty crosswind greater than 20kts.
Inadvertent tailstrikes may occasionally occur, and may result in expensive structural damage.
Several tailstrikes have been reported throughout service life.
They are very often associated with such adverse conditions as crosswind, turbulence, windshear,
Two limits need to be considered:
‐ The geometry limit corresponding to the main gear oleo fully extended (θ1),
‐ The geometry limit corresponding to the main gear oleo fully compressed (θ2).
Early rotation, over-rotation, excessive pitch rate, or a combination of these three factors are the main causes of tailstrikes at
Early rotation occurs, when:
‐ A too low VR is computed,
‐ The rotation is initiated prior to VR.
Erroneous VR computation may occur, when the takeoff speeds are not crosschecked, or an incorrect loadsheet data is used. At
hot-and-high elevation airfields, the error can be critical. Rotation initiated prior to VR due to:
‐ Flaps improperly set for the calculated VR,
‐ Bird or obstacle avoidance leading to early rotation,
‐ Early rotation due to windshear, encountered during the takeoff roll. In such an event, the FAA recommends rotation, 2 000 ft
before the end of the runway.
These two causes are generally associated with a second factor in tailstrike incidents (one engine-out, aircraft out of trim,
additive inputs from both pilots, early rotation, etc.). Certification requires demonstration of a safe takeoff at VR -10 kt (2
engines) and VR -5 kt (1 engine).
The pitch and the pitch rate, obtained during these tests, are for information purposes only, and are not certified limits.
Note: VR represents the speed at aircraft rotation, in order to obtain V2 at 35 ft, in the event of an engine failure.
Normal rotation of 3 °/s prevents a tailstrike, unless the rotation is initiated at a speed which is far too low. This rotation is
obtained in 5 to 6 s for an average 15 ° to 18 ° takeoff attitude.
Industry statistics show that tailstrikes are more likely to occur at landing, than at takeoff (2 to 1). Although most of them are
due to deviations from normal landing techniques, some are associated with such external conditions as turbulence and wind
Deviations from normal landing techniques are the most common causes of tailstrikes, the main reasons for this being:
a. Allowing speed to decrease well below VAPP before flare. Flying at a too low speed means high a AOA and high pitch attitude,
thus reducing ground clearance. When reaching the flare height, the pilot will have to significantly increase the
pitch to reduce the sink rate. This may lead the pitch to go beyond the critical angle.
b. Prolonged hold-off for a smooth touchdown. As the pitch attitude increases, the pilot needs to focus further ahead to assess
the aircraft's position in relation to the ground. The attitude and distance relationship can lead to a pitch attitude increase
beyond the critical angle.
c. Too high flare
A high flare can result in a combination of decreased airspeed and long float. Since both lead to increased pitch attitude, the
result is reduced tail clearance.
d. Too high a sink rate, just prior reaching the flare height.
In case of a too high sink rate close to the ground, the pilot may attempt to avoid a firm touchdown by commanding a high pitch
rate. This action will significantly increase the pitch attitude and, as the resulting lift increase may be insufficient to significantly
reduce the sink rate, a firm touchdown may occur. In addition, the high pitch rate may be difficult to control after touchdown,
particularly in case of bounce.
e. Bouncing at touchdown
In case of bouncing at touchdown, the pilot may be tempted to increase the pitch attitude so as to ensure a smooth second
touchdown. If the bounce results from a firm touchdown associated with a high pitch rate, it is important to control the pitch so
that it does not further increase beyond the critical angle.
A stabilized approach is essential for achieving successful landings. It is imperative that the flare height be reached at the
appropriate airspeed and flight path angle. A/THR and FPV are effective aids to the pilot. The VAPP should be determined with
the wind corrections, given in FCOM/QRH, using FMGS functions. As a reminder, when close to the ground, the wind intensity
tends to decrease and the wind direction to turn (direction in degrees decreasing in northern latitudes). Both effects may reduce
the headwind component close to the ground, and the wind correction to Vapp is there to compensate this effect.
When close to the ground, high sink rates should be avoided, even in an attempt to maintain a close tracking of the glideslope.
Priority should be given to attitude and sink rate. If a normal touchdown distance is not possible, a go-around should be
performed. If the aircraft has reached the flare height at VAPP with a stabilized flight path angle, the normal SOP landing
technique will lead to repetitive touchdown attitude and airspeed. Assuming an 8 kt speed decrease during flare, and a -1 ° flight
path angle at touchdown, the pitch attitude will increase by approximately 4.5 °. During flare, the pilot should not concentrate
on the airspeed, but only on the attitude with external cues.
Note: Airspeed indication during flare is influenced by the static error due to the ground effect. The PNF should monitor the
pitch attitude on the PFD and call "PITCH", whenever the following pitch value is reached:
‐ For the A318/A319/A320 : 10.0 °,
‐ For the A321 : 7.5 °.
After touchdown, the pilot must "fly" the nosewheel smoothly, but without delay, on to the runway, remaining prepared to
counteract any residual pitch up effect of the ground spoilers. Note: The main part of the spoilers' pitch up effect is
compensated by the flight control laws.
Departure Message OMA When? How to Apply ETOPS Or NON ETOPS?
In-flight – ETOPS Procedures
After airborne and at a convenient time, the crew shall update the flight parameters and send ETOPS message to operations (KL
Ramp 123.550 outbound from KUL, company frequency ex departure station, eg. Sri Lankan OPS 131.500 outbound from CMB)
via VHF or AMDS of the following:
• Airborne time (UTC);
• Takeoff Fuel (x1000kgs );
• Takeoff Weight (x1000kgs);
• EEP, ETP, EXP and ETA time; and
• OPS NORMAL or other operational messages as required.
Weather Update ( ATIS / VOLMET) OMC Chapter 2 P50 onwards. Where can get the frequencies?
Turbulence Penetration OMA How to apply? What is considered as severe turbulence?
In Cruise
Wake turbulence may be encountered in cruise, where aircraft flying in the same direction are vertically separated by 1000 ft
only. In this case, if considered necessary, the pilot may offset from the cleared track by up to a maximum of 2 NM in order to
alleviate the effects of wake turbulence. ATC should be advised of this contingency action but will not issue clearance for any
such lateral offset. The aircraft should be returned to cleared track as soon as the situation allows.
KLIA Corridor AIP MALAYSIA ENR1.9-14 Chapter 6.1 What is KLIA Corridor?
Fuel Freeze Limits OMA What is the limit and How can it happen?
Fuel freeze refers to the formation of wax crystals suspended in the fuel, which can accumulate when fuel temperature is below
the freeze point (-47°C for jet A1) and can prevent proper fuel feed to the engines. During normal operations, fuel temperature
rarely decreases to the point that it becomes limiting. However, extended cruise operations increase the potential for fuel
temperatures to reach the freeze point. Fuel temperature will slowly reduce towards TAT. The rate of cooling of fuel can be
expected to be in the order of 3°C per hour with a maximum of 12°C per hour in the most extreme conditions. If fuel
temperature approaches the minimum allowed, the ECAM outputs a caution. Consideration should be given to achieving a
higher TAT:
• Descending or diverting to a warmer air mass may be considered. Below the tropopause, a 4 000 feet descent gives a
7°C increase in TAT. In severe cases, a descent to as low as 25 000 feet may be required.
• Increasing Mach number will also increase TAT. An increase of M 0.01 produces approximately 0.7°C increase in TAT. In
either case, up to 1 hour may be required for fuel temperature to stabilize. The flight crew should consider the fuel
penalty associated with either of these actions.
CFIT OMA 8.3.5 SOP 3.03.01 P14&15 What is it? What systems?
All AirAsia aircraft shall be equipped with Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS). The Ground Proximity Warning
System (GPWS) is designed to alert pilots that the aircraft position in relation to the terrain is abnormal and, if not corrected,
could result in a controlled flight into terrain (CFIT). GPWS operational functioning is described in the relevant aircraft type
FCOM. Associated procedures are given in the relevant aircraft type FCOM and QRH. It is the responsibility of the Commander to
develop and implement a plan which employs all available resources to ensure adequate terrain clearance. When undue
proximity to the ground is detected by any flight crew or by a GPWS, the Commander or the pilot to whom conduct of the flight
has been delegated shall ensure that corrective action is initiated immediately to establish safe flight conditions.
The GPWS must be “ON” from take-off until landing. The GPWS may not be deactivated (by pulling the circuit breaker or use
of the relevant switch) except when specified by approved procedures.
When a warning occurs :
• During the night or IMC conditions, a go-around shall be immediately initiated. Do not delay reaction for diagnosis.
• During daylight VMC conditions, with terrain and obstacles clearly in sight, the alert may be considered cautionary.
Take positive corrective action until the alert ceases, or a safe trajectory is ensured.
Any GPWS activation must be reported in writing to the Flight Safety Office via ASR whether genuine or spurious. Where such
activation indicates a technical malfunction of the system an appropriate entry should also be made in the Aircraft Technical
Log. Only Enhanced GPWS (EGPWS) also called TAWS (Terrain Avoidance and Warning System) has a forward looking facility,
therefore including a predictive terrain hazard warning function so that some cautions and warnings may be given if the aircraft
is approaching sharply rising terrain. Basic or so-called advanced GPWS do not have this facility, so that the time between the
receipt of a warning and contact with the ground if no corrective action is taken, will be around 20 seconds. This will be lessened
if the rate of descent is excessive or if there is rising terrain below the aircraft.
Stabilized Criteria
Stabilized Approach
All flights must meet all the following criteria listed not below 1000ft AAL for instrument approach, not below 500 feet AAL for
visual approach and for circling approaches, not below 400 feet AAL.
1. Aircraft is on correct flight path
2. Only small changes in heading/pitch to maintain correct flight path
3. Aircraft speed is not more than Vapp “Bug” speed +15 knots
4. Sink rate no greater than 1000ft/min
5. Aircraft is in the correct landing configuration with speed brakes retracted.
6. All briefings and checklists completed
7. Engines spooled up with appropriate power setting for landing configuration.
8. ILS approach must be flown within one dot of the glide slope or localizer
9. For Non-precision approach, less than 5 degrees deviation from inbound course.
10. Visual approach/segment, less than full high or full low indication on visual approach guidance (VASI, PAPI, etc.) unless the
descent to a landing on the intended runway manoeuvres and where such a descent rate will allow touchdown to occur within
TDZ of the landing runway. If any of the above criteria is not met a “Go-Around” must be carried out. If either pilot below 1000ft
AAL announces Go-around then a mandatory Go-around must be carried out.
Note: Landing flaps must be selected by at least 1500ft AAL If a missed approach has been performed on the first approach and
the subsequent second approach resulted in a go around due to weather conditions, diversion to an alternate is recommended
unless in the opinion of the Commander that another approach is the safest cause of action.
FMGS setup for Approach SOP 3.03.16 P1 How & when to apply?
Descend preparation/briefing should normally begin no later than approximately 80 NM before top of descend (this may not be
possible on short sectors. If this is the case the descent preparation should be completed at latest by the top of descent). Check
weather reports at ALTERNATE and DESTINATION airports. Airfield data should include the runway in use for the arrival. On
short sectors (any flight which is less than one hour) where the weather at destination is reported to be well above minima the
alternate weather is not required to be recorded.
Whereas the DECEL light might appear with LO selected on a dry runway while only the reversers achieve the selected
deceleration rate without autobrake being actually activated. In other words, the DECEL light is not an indicator of the autobrake
operation as such, but that the deceleration rate is reached.
REV………………………………………………………………………...AS RQRD
If the airport regulations restrict the use of thrust reversers, select and maintain the thrust levers in reverse idle position until
taxi speed is reached. A slight pitch up that can be easily controlled by the pilot, may occur when the thrust reversers are
deployed before the nose landing gear
touches down. Lower the nosewheel without undue delay. The PNF continues to monitor the attitude. In the case of an engine
failure, the use of the remaining thrust reverser is recommended. Braking may begin before the nosewheel has touched down, if
required for performance reasons. However, when comfort is the priority, the flight crew should delay braking until the
nosewheel has touched down. During rollout, the flight crew should avoid sidestick inputs (either lateral
or longitudinal). If directional control problems are encountered, the flight crew should reduce thrust to reverse idle until
directional control is satisfactory. After reverse thrust is selected, the flight crew must perform a full stop landing.
Single Engine Taxi FCTM NO 040. How and when to apply? Why?
Brake life and fuel savings may govern company policy on permitting aircraft to taxi with one engine shut down. However, if
taxiing out with one engine shutdown, the crew should be aware of the following:
• It is recommended to retain the use of engine 1 during taxi to maintain the green hydraulic system for normal braking.
• Before releasing the parking brake, the yellow electrical pump will be set ON to pressurize the yellow hydraulic circuit
(ALT/PARK BRK and NWS) and avoid PTU operation. The crew will check the hydraulic yellow accumulator pressure.
• Slow or tight turns in the direction of the operating engine may not be possible at high gross weights.
• It is not possible for ground personnel to protect the engine against fire, when the aircraft moves away from the ramp.
• The remaining engines should be started with sufficient time for engine warm-up before takeoff.
• Any faults encountered during or after starting the remaining engine may require a return to the gate for maintenance and
thus generate a further departure delay.
• Taxi with one engine shut down may require higher thrust than usual. Caution must, therefore, be exercised to avoid excessive
jet-blast and the risk of Foreign Object Damage (FOD).
• The use of APU is recommended but the APU bleed should be switched off to avoid ingestion of exhaust gases by the air
conditioning system.
• Before ENG2 start,
‐ The yellow is set off to check correct operation of the PTU
‐ APU BLEED is set back to ON for ENG2 bleed start.
Brake Fan Usage SOP 3.03.24 FCTM NO 180 P1/2 When and why to apply?
Check brake temperature on the ECAM WHEEL page for discrepancies and high temperature.
Brake fans selection should be delayed for a minimum of about 5 bminutes, or done just before stopping at the gate (whichever
occurs first), to allow thermal equalization and stabilization and thus avoid oxidation of brake surface hot spots. Selecting the
brake fans before reaching the gate prevents the brake fans from blowing carbon brake dust on the ground personnel. However,
when turn around times are short, or brake temperatures are likely to exceed 500°C, use the brake fans, disregarding possible
oxidation phenomenon.
Visual Docking System. NAVIGA (ADR04, Pg01-14) What is the max speed for taxing in?
Public Announcement OMA What are the disciplines on making announcement?
1) Welcome Announcements are encouraged to be made if time permits, by the Commander prior to pushback / engine start.
2) Other announcements shall help to satisfy the passenger’s need for information. Routinely, announcements should contain
information on:
− the planned route of flight; and
− the expected flight time.
3) When noticeable turbulence is anticipated or encountered, advise the flight attendant and the passengers of the duration
and intensity expected. If deemed appropriate request all flight attendants to be seated with their seat belts fastened.
4) Special announcements will be required in order to explain if a delay of 5 minutes or more is expected, abnormal events such
as diversion, lightning strike, go-around and etc.
5) Descent PA should normally be made prior to top of descent giving arrival time and weather at destination. English PA is
preferred, however additional PA maybe made in other
languages, if the crew is confident and proficient in the local lingual.
Only Captains and Senior First Officer undergoing command training are
allowed to make PA.