Digital Citizenship 2023 - Criterion C Rubric
Digital Citizenship 2023 - Criterion C Rubric
Digital Citizenship 2023 - Criterion C Rubric
Statement of Inquiry:
Effective communication enables individuals to adapt lifestyle choices in an online space.
Key Concept:
Communication is the exchange or transfer of signals, facts, ideas and symbols. It
requires a sender, a message and an intended receiver. Communication involves the
activity of conveying information or meaning. Effective communication requires a
common “language” (which may be written, spoken or non-verbal)
Related Concept:
Adaptation involves incorporating ideas found in one product into the development of
a new product.
Innovation is the successful diffusion of an invention into the marketplace.
Lifestyle Choices: has to do with a choice individual make about how to live and
behave, according to their attitudes, tastes and values.
Approaches to Learning
● Collect, record and verify data
● Understand the impact of media representations and modes of presentation.
● Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument
● Create novel solutions to authentic problems
● Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or solutions
● Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and inquiries
Design Situation
Most people are not managing themselves well online and fall victim or are
themselves offenders when it comes to Cyberbullying, Online Safety, Etiquette,
Managing their Digital footprint, Doing Business online etc. People need to know
how to manage themselves and get help.
There is a general consensus that there is a need to create awareness about Digital
Citizenship among young people. Create a product that will raise awareness of
issues that arise. Learners will choose any product of their choice to convey a
message. The goal is to provide an online platform that addresses how specific
groups of people can manage themselves in an online community.
The goal is to provide an online platform which addresses how young people
can manage themselves in an online community.
Your audience are young people in middle school and high school.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, most people have moved a considerable part of
their activities online and young people are having to use online tools much
earlier than they did before. It is evident from some news that people are not
managing themselves well online and fall victim or are themselves offenders
Situation when it comes to Cyberbullying, Online Safety, Etiquette, Managing their
Digital footprint, Doing Business online etc. People need to know how to
manage themselves and know where and how to get help.
Your product must be accessible and will be shared with the school
Standard community.
Digital Citizenship Task Rubric - Do not copy and paste information from another source and present that
as your individual work.
Criterion C Notes
Technical skills:
Digital Citizenship Task Rubric - Do not copy and paste information from another source and present that
as your individual work.
● Minimal technical skills: Simple skills are demonstrated and the student requires a great
deal of assistance after they have received initial instruction on how to use tools.
● Satisfactory technical skills: Simple and complex skills are demonstrated and the
student requires some assistance after they have received initial instruction on how to
use complex tools.
● Competent technical skills: Complex skills are demonstrated and the student generally
works independently, requiring some guidance after initial instruction.
● Excellent technical skills: A wide range of complex skills are demonstrated and the
student works independently, requiring minimal guidance after initial instruction.