108 Learning Experience Plan5

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Learning Experience/Lesson Plan Template

Sections in grey shading may only apply if you prefer All relevant sections need to be completed for each plan

TC’s Name

Date 10/14/2 Age group 3-5years No of 20 Duration 1hour

023 Children

Title of lesson Showing short documentary on animal habitat

(Broad title indicating the content)

Rationale This lesson plan was developed in accordance with the demand for
(The why: drawn from your
learning experiences that relate to children' basic interest and
observation analysis, interventionist
and intentional teaching, parental amazement about animals. Children get the chance to observe and
feedback or mentor teacher learn about different creatures in their natural habitats when they see
suggestion – you need to include a
date of obs /conversation etc.)
this documentary.
Prerequisite knowledge/ They have learned various things about animals now its time to show
concepts/skills are required? them the animal in reality so that they could see how they look and
(What prior knowledge or skills are
required? How does this lesson link
how they live.
to the previous one?)
Objectives For the children to observe and identify different animals and their
(Describe the intended learning for
unique characteristics.
this experience - links to your
Observation(s) and assessment. Be
specific) For the children to learn about the habitats of various animals.

For the children to understand the importance of animal conservation.

Direct from the EYLF/VEYLDF  Outcome: Children have a strong sense of identity.
Learning Outcome/s  Dot-point: Children feel safe, secure, and supported.
3 levels:  Indicator: Children develop their emerging autonomy,
 Outcome interdependence, resilience, and sense of agency.
 Dot-point
 Indicator

Assessment  The formal assessment will be done based on observations and

(This must link this to your interactions.
objectives. What are you assessing
and why? How will you assess
 To record the creatures seen and their distinctive characteristics, a
student progress? Identify the checklist will be employed.
assessment tools you will use to  During this activity, children may have drawings that may be
collect data and how you will record
it. Attach copies of any
utilised as part of the evaluation.

Groupings and Physical  We're going to the together as a group.

Space  The class room will be occupied by students.
(How will you group your students?
Whole class, small groups,  Each small will sit on chair.
individual? What spaces will students
occupy? How will you arrange and
utilise the classroom resources?)

Equipment/Resources  Clipboards, paper, and crayons for each child

required  Animal identification checklists
(Detailed list of all equipment and  Cameras or smartphones for documentation (optional)
resources needed throughout entire
lesson)  Projector and documentary reel.

Learning Process

GDECE107 &108 Diploma of Early Childhood Education 1

(What will you do to introduce the
learning experience/lesson? How will
 Collect the children.
you introduce the main objectives?  Describe them objective of showing documentary: to learn
more about various species and their habitats.
 Talk to children about their objectives.

Main Component - This

section may not apply to learning
tables/spaces in Age Three to Five
 Encourage children to look at the animals, enquire
placement. about them, make notes or draw images, etc.
 Describe what you will do as a  Ask open-ended enquiries, such as "What do you notice
teacher and what you want
students to do. about this animal?" or "Where do you think this
 Provide brief details of the animal comes from?"
learning experience and think
carefully about the purpose  Discuss with the children, see how they interact with
when designing these. the animals, and go over their checklists to make sure
 Provide examples and questions
that you will use.
they are all grasping what is being taught.
 Indicate how you will monitor  As required, include further details about the creatures
each student’s understanding. and their environments.
 Ensure that the content is
evident from your description.
This section may not apply to
learning tables/spaces during Age
Three to Five placement.  Meet children at the agreed-upon location.
(How will you draw together the
ideas of the lesson? The process may
 Encourage them to talk about their findings and
include whole class sharing, teacher- personal stories with the group.
directed or student-led discussion,  Consider what they have learnt and how it relates to
reflective drawing/ journal writing
/sharing, a summary, a scene setter the goals.
for the next learning  Talk about how important it is to protect both animals
experience/lesson, etc.)
and their ecosystems.

Personal Evaluation
Use this to reflect on your role as the
 The goals were achieved, and children expressed full
 Evaluate the inter-relationships involvement.
between the objectives, content,  I adjusted as the experience went along to the children's
pedagogy and results of your
interests and enquiries.
 What did you change as the  The document show went well, but I could organise
experience progressed?
 What went well and why?
more planned activities in the future to enhance the
 How could you improve this? educational experience.
 What do you need to remember  I must keep in mind to make sure each child gets the
for next lesson?
chance to fully engage and experience.

Learning experience/lesson plan provided to teacher Mentor teacher’s Initials

PRIOR to implementation

GDECE107 &108 Diploma of Early Childhood Education 2

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