Qa Learning Plan 2023

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Learning Plan

Name: Hillary Griffith Date: November 13, 2023

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How to complete your learning plan

1. Reflect on your practice

Refer to CNO’s Practice Reflection questions to help you think about your experiences and identify areas
of your practice that need professional development.
Watch: How to become a reflective practitioner for guidance on how to reflect.

2. Identify your learning needs

What are the most important areas in your nursing practice that need improvement?
Consider the following:

Talking with a peer(s) or colleague(s) from any practice setting about your learning needs.

How will addressing your learning needs help you improve your nursing practice?

3. Develop two learning goals

Based on your areas of practice needing further development, what are your learning goals?
When defining your learning goals, consider the following:

What specific areas of your nursing practice are you going to address with this goal?

How do you hope to enhance or improve your nursing practice?

How will you benefit from these changes?

Who else might benefit from these changes (e.g. clients, peers or other health care team
members you interact with)?

When do you hope to see results?

Watch: Are your learning goals SMART? to enhance your learning goals.

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4. Link your learning goals to CNO’s Code of Conduct
What principles of the Code of Conduct align with your learning goals?

Principle 1: Nurses respect clients’ dignity.

Principle 2: Nurses provide inclusive and culturally safe care by practicing cultural humility.

Principle 3: Nurses provide safe and competent care.

Principle 4: Nurses work respectfully with the health care team to best meet clients’ needs.

Principle 5: Nurses act with integrity in clients’ best interest.

Principle 6: Nurses maintain public confidence in the nursing profession.

5. Describe your learning activities

Describe the learning activities you plan to complete to address your learning goals.
Consider the following:

How are you going to achieve your learning goals?

What resources will you need to undertake this learning?

How do you learn best? What is your learning style (e.g. visual, auditory etc.)?

What might get in the way of you completing your learning activity?

How will you overcome these obstacles?

What is a realistic timeline to complete your activities?

6. Reflect on your learning plan

Use this section to reflect on your learning plan and evaluate changes to your practice.
Consider the following:

Did you accomplish your learning goals? If so, how will you apply your new knowledge into practice?

If you did not accomplish your learning goals, what prevented you from achieving them?
Note: If you don’t accomplish your learning goals this year, you can carry them forward into
your next learning plan.

Need help? Read Quality Assurance: Your Guide to Self-Assessment for tips on how to create a Learning Plan.

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Learning goal 1

Identify your learning needs, define your learning goal and describe your learning activities. Provide a timeline for when
you intend to complete your learning activities.

Learning needs:
Practicing with more self-reflection.
Improved confidence.
Acceptance of feedback to facilitate better performance
Leadership skills that allow for teaching/mentoring RPN consolidation students while licensed as an RPN.
Skills to support and teach healthcare professionals.

Learning goal:
Mentor at minimum one student nurse during their consolidation in the Practical Nursing Program to enhance my skills
surrounding educational communication and leadership by the year-end of 2023.

Learning activities and timelines:

1) Understand the role of a preceptor by attending sessions held via Teams meeting to gain insight into consolidation and
my duty to the student, the patient and the CNO. (August, 2023)
2) Reach out to my direct manager and clinical practice leader to assess my current performance and indicate my goal of
expanding my leadership skills. (July, 2023).
3). Discuss plan with direct manager to have newly hired staff complete blocks of orientation with me to gain foundational
skills in teaching the nursing profession from technology, assessment skills and daily workflow. (July- September, 2023)
4) Prepare to accept a student during their final semester (September 2023- December 2023).
5) Discuss and welcome feedback regarding strengths, responsibilities and areas needing improvement with the student to
revise and further succeed with future mentorships. (December, 2023)

What principles of the Code of Conduct align with your learning goal?

Principle 1: Nurses respect clients’ dignity.

Principle 2: Nurses provide inclusive and culturally safe care by practicing cultural humility.

Principle 3: Nurses provide safe and competent care.

Principle 4: Nurses work respectfully with the health care team to best meet clients’ needs.

Principle 5: Nurses act with integrity in clients’ best interest.

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Principle 6: Nurses maintain public confidence in the nursing profession.

Learning goal 2

Identify your learning needs, define your learning goal and describe your learning activities. Provide a timeline for when
you intend to complete your learning activities.

Learning needs:
Understanding the changes in my role as an RPN evolving into an RN.
Add breadth and depth to my foundational nursing knowledge that allows for critical thinking and predicting outcomes.
Identify knowledge gaps in practice and study toward enhancing my skills surrounding initiation, authority and context.

Learning goal:

Advance my current RPN diploma education to allow myself the opportunity for growth from being a Registered Practical
Nurse to a Registered Nurse, earning a Bachelor's Degree in Science and Nursing within 3 years.

Learning activities and timelines:

1. Apply to recognized nursing programs directed to RPN post-diploma for bridging to BScN. (January, 2023)
2. Accept an enrollment offer, register for classes and complete all courses outlined in the George Brown College RPN
bridging program with an average of no less than 70%. (September 2023- April 2024)
3. Maintain RPN nursing license and competency through studying periods. (September 2023- January 2026)
4. Gain acceptance with Trent University, enroll and graduate from the program with an average of no less than 70%.
(September 2024- January 2026)
5. Self-reflect and use various study methods to support healthy learning and work/life/school balance.
6. Access supportive features of colleges, universities and peers to facilitate a deep understanding of the roles required of
an RN.
7. Apply for NCLEX and pass to obtain RN licensing.
What principles of the Code of Conduct align with your learning goal?

Principle 1: Nurses respect clients’ dignity.

Principle 2: Nurses provide inclusive and culturally safe care by practicing cultural humility.

Principle 3: Nurses provide safe and competent care.

Principle 4: Nurses work respectfully with the health care team to best meet clients’ needs.

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Principle 5: Nurses act with integrity in clients’ best interest.

Principle 6: Nurses maintain public confidence in the nursing profession.

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Reflect on your plan

Use this section to reflect on your learning plan and evaluate changes to your practice. If you do not accomplish
your learning goals this year, you can carry them forward into your next learning plan.

November 13, 2023

Learning Goal 1: Having met with my manager and voicing my interest in progressing my leadership skills, I have nearly
accomplished my goal of precepting a nursing student. I have taken the preceptor course offered through my facility, I have
engaged in conversation with my CPL and have accepted a nursing student as of October 2023. The student has completed
almost half of the required hours and is displaying many of the interventions learned during their practice with me. We
continue to work together to manage their goals and, at the end of the term, have agreed to reflect on my role as a preceptor
and gain feedback. Currently, the goal remains in progress, with measurable attempts being completed; this goal is on track
to be completed on December 15, 2023.

November 13, 2023

Learning Goal 2: Applying, acceptance and registration for GBC's nursing bridge program has resulted in success. The
goal remains long-term with attempts being reflected as measureable. There are approximately 3 weeks left for the first
semester of the bridging program with a promising outlook of achieving much higher than a 70% avergage. This goal
remains as my top priority.

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