The standard evolutionary algorithm maintains a population of potential solutions that reproduce and undergo genetic variation through mutation and crossover. Offspring are evaluated and selected to survive into the next generation based on fitness. The algorithm iterates through reproduction, variation, evaluation and selection until a stopping criteria is reached.
The standard evolutionary algorithm maintains a population of potential solutions that reproduce and undergo genetic variation through mutation and crossover. Offspring are evaluated and selected to survive into the next generation based on fitness. The algorithm iterates through reproduction, variation, evaluation and selection until a stopping criteria is reached.
The standard evolutionary algorithm maintains a population of potential solutions that reproduce and undergo genetic variation through mutation and crossover. Offspring are evaluated and selected to survive into the next generation based on fitness. The algorithm iterates through reproduction, variation, evaluation and selection until a stopping criteria is reached.
The standard evolutionary algorithm maintains a population of potential solutions that reproduce and undergo genetic variation through mutation and crossover. Offspring are evaluated and selected to survive into the next generation based on fitness. The algorithm iterates through reproduction, variation, evaluation and selection until a stopping criteria is reached.
A standard evolutionary algorithm can be proposed as follows:
I) A population of individuals that reproduce with inheritance. Each individual represents or encodes a point in a search space of potential solutions to a problem. These individuals are allowed to reproduce (sexually or asexually), generating offspring that inherit some features (traits) from their parents. These inherited traits cause the offspring to present resemblance with their progenitors. II) Genetic variation. Offspring are prone to genetic variation through mutation, which alters their genetic makeup. Mutation allows the appearance of new traits in the offspring and, thus, the exploration of new regions of the search space. III) Natural selection. The evaluation of individuals in their environment results in a measure of adaptability, quality, or fitness value to be assigned to them. A comparison of individual fitness will lead to a competition for survival and reproduction in the environment, and there will be a selective advantage for those individuals of higher fitness.
❖ The standard evolutionary algorithm is a generic, iterative, and
probabilistic algorithm that maintains a population P of N individuals, P = {x1, x2, … , xN}, at each iteration t. ❖ Each individual corresponds to (represents or encodes) a potential solution to a problem that has to be solved. An individual is represented using a suitable data structure. ❖ The individuals xi, i = 1, … ,N, are evaluated to give their measures of adaptability to the environment, or fitness. Then, a new population, at iteration t + 1, is generated by selecting some (usually the most fit) individuals from the current population and reproducing them, sexually or asexually. ❖ If employing sexual reproduction, a genetic recombination (crossover) operator may be used. ❖ Genetic variations through mutation may also affect some individuals of the population, and the process iterates. Evolutionary Algorithms Page 1 individuals of the population, and the process iterates. ❖ The completion of all these steps: reproduction, genetic variation, and selection, constitutes what is called a generation. ❖ An initialization procedure is used to generate the initial population of individuals. ❖ Two parameters pc and pm correspond to the genetic recombination and variation probabilities, as will be further discussed.
❖ The algorithm shown below depicts the basic structure of a standard
evolutionary algorithm. ❖ Most evolutionary algorithms can be implemented using this standard algorithm, with some differences lying on the representation, selection, reproduction, and variation operators, and in the order these processes are applied. ❖ The stopping criterion is usually a maximum number of generations, or the achievement of a prespecified objective.
procedure [P] = standard_EA(pc,pm)
initialize P f ← eval(P) P ← select(P,f) t ← 1 while not_stopping_criterion do, P ← reproduce(P,f,pc) P ← variate(P,pm) f ← eval(P) P ← select(P,f) t ← t + 1 end while end procedure
❖ Note that all evolutionary algorithms involve the basic concepts
common to every algorithmic approach to problem solving 1. Representation(data structures) 2. Definition of an objective Evolutionary Algorithms Page 2 2. Definition of an objective 3. Specification of an evaluation function (fitness function) ❖ Although the objective depends on the problem to be solved, the representation and the evaluation function may depend on the designers’ experience or expertise.
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