Course Outline For GEDS 105-Use of Lbrary 2023 - 2024
Course Outline For GEDS 105-Use of Lbrary 2023 - 2024
Course Outline For GEDS 105-Use of Lbrary 2023 - 2024
Babcock University’s philosophy is anchored on the harmonious development of the intellectual,
physical, social, and spiritual potentials of our students, inspiring stable and noble character needed for
effective leadership and service in the society.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of this course students would have learnt to:
1. acquaint themselves with the parts of a book and the different types of library resources
including the use of e-resources
2. understand the purpose of the University Library, the kind of materials it acquires and their
physical arrangement and organization.
3. have a general idea of classification schemes and systems used in libraries as God was the first
4. know or have knowledge of how to select books on their subject areas as well as spiritual growth
5. know how to use the various retrieval tools such as OPAC, Index, abstract, bibliographic etc. to
search for information physically and electronically
6. use of technological tools and internet to search various electronic information databases such as
Ebscohost, Hinari, Agora, Ajol, Jstor, Heinonline, Westlaw etc)
7. Familiarize them with the major reference books both general and specialized printed/electronic
what they are and how to use them.
Unegbu, V.E.(2021). Use of library and information resources: Library use Education. Lagos: Emaphine Reprographic Ltd.
Unegbu, V.E. and Otuza, C.E. (2015). Use of library and information resources: Library use Education. Lagos: Emaphine
Reprographic Ltd.
Unegbu, V. E.(2021). Use of library and information resource: Library use education. Lagos: Jamiro Press Link.
Odiase, J. O. U., Unegbu, V.E., and Haliso, Y.L. (2001). Introduction to the Use of Library
Information Sources. Benin City: Nation Wide Publications.
Unegbu V.E. (2013) How to Study for Success. Ilishan-Remo: Eze & Bros
Aina, R.F. (2011). Foundation of information studies. Lagos: Emaphine Reprographic Ltd.
The Bible: The Bible is the perfect embodiment of knowledge in all disciplines for the salvation of man.
CLASS ATTENDANCE: - “Every student is required to attend classes regularly and punctually, unless
ill or prevented by some recognized emergency. Students who absent themselves from class for more
than three weeks during the semester shall merit an F grade. Authorized leave of absence from campus
does not excuse the student from classes, or relieve the student of the required course work’ (BU Academic
Bulletin 2012-2015 p.13).
PARTICIPATION: -Students are to actively engage in topic discussion and sharing of ideas in class.
SHORT DEVOTIONALS/PRAYER: - Spiritual nurture is a part of whole person development, and team
spirit is our strength; thus, every student is required to participate in the devotional exercise and prayer in
SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENT: students are expected to correctly complete and submit assignments on
schedule. But in case of genuine unanticipated circumstances [to be determined by the teacher] such student will be
given a maximum of 1 week grace period for submission.
GUIDELINE FOR WRITTEN WORK: guideline for each written work will be given in class.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY/HONESTY: “Babcock University has a zero tolerance for any form of
academic dishonesty. Morally and spiritually, the institution is committed to scholastic integrity.
Consequently, both students and staff are to maintain high, ethical Christian levels of honesty.
Transparent honest behavior is expected of every student in all spheres of life. Academic dishonesty
include such things as plagiarism, unauthorized use of notes or textbooks on quizzes and examinations,
copying or spying the test or paper of another student (formal or take-home), talking to another student
during examinations. Academic matter would automatically result in a failing grade for the examination,
and suspension, or outright dismissal from the university. Academic dishonesty issues are referred to
SPEAM (Senate Panel on Examination and Academic Misconduct) who investigates and makes
recommendations to Senate. Penalties for examination and academic misconduct are spelt out in the
student’s handbook and in other regulations as published from time to time” (BU Academic Bulletin 2012-
2015 p.18).
“Students who believe that their academic rights have been infringed upon or that
hey have been unjustly treated with respect to their academic program are entitled to
affirm impartial consideration of their cases. They should do the following to effect a
1. Present their case to the teacher(s) concerned
2. If necessary, discuss the problem with the Head of Department
3. If agreement is not reached at this level, submit the matter to the School Dean
4. Finally, ask for a review of the case by the Grievance Committee
5. A fee is charged for remarking of scripts. If a student’s grievance is upheld after an external
examiner has remarked the script, the grade would be credited to the student. The lecturer will be
given a letter of reprimand and will be asked to refund the fees to the student. If the student’s
grievance is not sustained, the student will be given a letter of reprimand and the original grade
retained” (BU Academic Bulletin 2019-2023 p.24
Continuous Assessment:
Currently, the 5-point grading system adopted by the University Senate translates as follows:
Grades Marks- Quality Range Points Definition
A 80-100 5.00 Superior
B 60-79 4.00 Above Average
C 50-59 3.00 Average
D 45-49 2.00 Below Average
E 40-44 1.00 Pass
F 0-39 0.00 Fail
(BU Academic Bulletin 2019-2023 p.21-22
INCOMPLETE GRADE: An incomplete grade may only be assigned to a student upon request, due to
an emergency situation that occurred within that semester, which prevented completion of an/some
assignments, quizzes, or examination. Such a student would complete a contract form, obtainable from
the Registrar, after agreement with the teacher. The form must be signed by the teacher, the student, the
HOD, the dean, the Registrar, and the Senior Vice President (SVP) before contract begins. The original
copy of the incomplete form will be sent to the Registrar with copies to the teacher, the student, the HOD,
the dean, and the SVP. An incomplete grade (I) reverts to the existing grade if contract is not completed
by the end of the following semester (including summer semester, except for examinations), (BU Academic
Bulletin 2012-2015 p. 20).
1. Aina, L.A. (2004). Library and information science text for Africa. Ibadan: Third World
Services Limited.
3. Gate, J.K.: Guide to the Use of Libraries and Information Sources 5th ed.
Sixth Week Classification Scheme& Group based: Read up assignment: (Chapters 1-7:
Library Catalogue Discussion of How to study for success)
(Emphasis on OPAC) chapters 11, & 12
Quiz To be presented next week