QB Cet Ii
QB Cet Ii
QB Cet Ii
1. Define the term Phase equilibria.
2. In liquid –liquid equilibrium curve, define plait point with neat sketch.
3. What is an azeotrope? Under what conditions do azeotropes generally form?
4. What is critical solution temperature?
5. Write down the equation for solving general VLE problem.
6. What is Poynting correction?
7. What is the general criterion for phase equilibrium for heterogeneous multi component system?
8. What is the fugacity criterion for phase equilibrium?
9. What is the criterion for liquid-liquid equilibrium?
10. What is meant by positive and negative deviations from Raoult’s law?
11. How does one mathematically express the molar change in enthalpy (dh) for a multi component
12. State Gibb’s phase rule.
13. List the criteria for phase equilibrium.
14. How do you predict the low pressure VLE data for a binary system using the excess Gibbs free
energy models?
15. What is an azeotrope?
16. How many types of azeotropes are there?
17. What are the two types of phase equilibrium problems?
18. State duhrem’s theorem?
19. What are the phase equilibrium problems?
20. What is criterion of stability?
21. What is the equation for ideal gas – phase and ideal solution?
22. What is tie line?
23. Draw the diagram T-x-y for maximum boiling azeotropes.
24. Why minimum boiling Azeotrope occurs?
25. Why maximum boiling azeotrope occurs?
26. What is the equation for coexistence method?
27. Draw the equilibrium diagram for constant pressure?
28. Draw the P-x-y diagram for constant temperature
29. What is the equation for partial pressure data?
30. Write the relation in which the model free energies are related to the fugacity of the substance?
31. Write the equation for fugacity of substance in liquid phase?
32. What is the equation for criteria of phase equilibrium at constant u & v?
33. What is the equation for criteria of phase equilibrium at const T & V?
34. What is the equation for criteria of phase equilibrium at constant P & T?
1. Construct the P-x-y diagram for the cyclohexane (1)-benzene (2) system at 313K the vapour
pressures are P1S =24.62kPa and P2S=24.41kPa. The liquid-phase activity coefficients are given by
ln10.458x22 ln2 0.458x12.
2. Explain the phase equilibria in single component systems.
3. Explain the liquid/liquid solubility diagram for liquid-liquid equilibrium.
4. Using the criterion of phase equilibrium, show that the change in entropy during phase changes
can be calculated from the latent heat of phase change and the absolute temperature as ΔS=ΔH/T.
5. Prove that at the azeotropic composition, the vapour and liquid have the same composition.
6. Example: Mixtures of n-Heptane (A) and n-Octane (B) are expected to behave ideally. The total
pressure over the system is 101.3 kPa. Using the vapour pressure data given below.
(a) Construct the boiling point diagram and
(b) The equilibrium diagram and
(c) Deduce an equation for the equilibrium diagram using an arithmetic average α value.
T,K 371.4 378 383 388 393 398.6
Pa ,kPa 101.3 125.3 140.0 160.0 179.9 205.3
Pb ,kPa 44.4 55.6 64.5 74.8 86.6 101.3
7. A binary system, (i) benzene (ii) ethyl benzene obeys the Raoult’s law and at vapour pressures
are given by the Antoine equations
ln𝑃1𝑆 = 13.8858−
T −52.41
ln 𝑃2𝑆 = 14.0045 −
T −60.00
Where P is in kPa and T is in K. Construct the p-x-y at 373K and T-x-y at 101.3 kPa
1. Distinguish between bubble point and dew point temperature.
2. What are bubble point and dew point temperatures?
3. Brief on bubble point and dew point pressures.
4. What is dew point temperature?
5. What is bubble point temperature?
6. Name the different types of consistency tests for VLE data.
7. What is the condition for VLE data?
8. Explain about consistency test.
9. Draw the inconsistent diagram?
10. What is consistent diagram for slope of ?
11. What is the other name for Redlich kister method and why it is used?
12. Draw the diagram for thermodynamics consistency by Redlich – Kister method?
13. What are the cases used in the data at mid port?
14. What is activity coefficient for margules equation?
15. What is activity coefficient for van laar equation?
16. What is the activity coefficient for Wilson equation?
17. What is the linear form of margules equation?
18. What is the linear form of van laar equation?
19. How can you express the margules equation in Q linear form?
20. How can express the vaan laar equation in Q linear form
21. What is the advantage of activity coefficient?
22. How can we determine the phase equilibrium via an equation of state?
23. What are the advantages of NRTL equation?
24. Write the wohl’s three – suffix equation?
25. Write margules equation.
26. Write the van laar equation for A & B?
27. Write the Wilson equation?
1. Ethanol-water mixture forms an azeotrope boiling at 351.4K under a pressure of 101.3kPa and its
composition is 89.4% (mol) ethanol. The vapour pressures of ethanol and water at 351.4K are
100 kPa and 44 kPa respectively. Using Van Laar method and assuming that the ratio of vapour
pressures remains constant.
2. Describe the methods used for testing the thermodynamic consistency of experimentally
determined vapor-liquid equilibrium data for binary systems.
3. Discuss in detail about Vapour – Liquid Equilibria (VLE) at low pressures.
4. Explain in detail about the methods available for calculation of Vapour Liquid Equilibria
involving high pressures.
5. From vapour-liquid equilibrium measurements for ethanol-benzene system at 318 k and 40.25
kpa it is found that the vapour in equilibrium with a liquid containing 38.4% (mol) benzene
contained 56.6% (mol) benzene. The system forms an azeotrope at 318 K. At this temperature,
the vapour pressures of ethanol and benzene are 22.9 and 29.6 kpa respectively. Determine the
composition and total pressure of the azeotrope. Assume that van Laar equation is applicable for
the system.
6. A hydrocarbon mixture contains 25% (mol) propane, 40% (mol) n- butane and 35% (mol) n-
pentane at 1447.14 kPa. Assume ideal solution behaviour and calculate
(a) The bubble-point temperature and composition of the vapour
(b) The dew-point temperature and the composition of the liquid
(c) The temperature and the composition of the liquid and vapour in equilibrium when
45% (mol) of the initial mixture is vapourised. (The values of K i can be obtained from Figure Of
Chemical Engineer’s Handbook,5 th ed.)
7. A mixture contains 45% (mol) methanol (A), 30% (mol) ethanol (B) and the rest n-propanol(C).
Liquid solution may be assumed to be an ideal and perfect gas law is valid for the vapour phase.
Calculate at a total pressure of 101.3 kPa.
(a) The bubble point and the vapour composition
(b) The dew point and the liquid composition.
The vapour pressures of the pure liquids are given below:
Temperature, K 333 343 353 363
PA , kPa 81.97 133.2 186.6 266.5
PB , kPa 49.32 73.31 106.6 166.6
PC , kPa 39.32 62.62 93.3 133.2
1. What are the criteria for chemical equation?
2. What is the relation between standard free energy change and equilibrium constant?
3. What is effect of temperature on the equilibrium constant?
4. How is the equilibrium constant K determined at any temp T?
5. What standard state is chosen for solids liquids and gases?
Assume there a present initially 2mol CH 4 1mol H2). 1mol CO and 4 mol H2. Determine
expression for the mole fractions yi as function of .
9. Consider a vessel which initially contains only no mol of water vapour. If decomposition occurs
according to the reaction.
H2O H2 +Y2O2
Find expression which relates the no of moles and the mole fraction of each chemical species to
the reaction coordinate.
10. Consider a system in which the following reaction occurs.
CH4 +H2O CO +3H2 (1)
CH4 +2H2O CO2 +4H2 (2)
Where (1) And (2) indicate the value of the reaction index. If there are initially 2 mol CH 4 and
At 500K assuming that the standard heat of reaction is constant in the temperature range 298 to 500K.
4. N-Butane is isomerised to i-butane by the action of catalyst at moderate temperatures. It
is found that the equilibrium is attained at the following composition.
Temperature, K Mol %, n-butane
317 31.00
391 43.00
Assuming that activities are equal to the mole fractions, calculate the standard free energy of the
reaction at 317 K and average value of heat of reaction over this temperature range.
5. Estimate the standard free energy change and equilibrium constant at 700 K for the
N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) 2NH3 (g)
6. Given that the standard heat of formation and standard free energy of formation of
ammonia at 298 K to be -46,100 J/mol and -16,500 J/mol respectively. The specific heat (J/mol
K) data are given below as function of temperature (K):
7. In the synthesis of ammonia, stoichiometric amounts of nitrogen and hydrogen are sent to
a reactor where the following reaction occurs
N2 + 3H2 2NH3
The equilibrium constant for the reaction at 675 K may be taken equal to 2 × 10 -4.
(a) Determine the per cent conversion of nitrogen to ammonia at 675 K and 20 bar.
(b) What would be the conversion at 675 K and 200 bar?
8. Five moles of steam reacts with one mole methane according to the following reaction at
850 K and 1 bar.
CH4 + H2O CO +3H2 ; K1 = 0.574
CO + H2O CO2 + H2; K2 = 2.21
Calculate the composition at equilibrium assuming ideal gas behavior.
1. What is Refrigeration?
2. What is the application of Refrigeration?
3. What are the methods of producing refrigeration?
4. Define coefficient of performance.
5. Mention some of the refrigerants?
6. Draw the vapour-compression refrigeration cycle.
7. Draw the PH diagram for vapour compression refrigeration cycle?
8. Draw the diagram for Absorption refrigeration unit?
9. What are the uses of Liquefaction process?
10. What are the methods for Liquefaction process?
11. What is the result of Liquefaction when a gas is cooled to a temperature in the two-phase region?
12. What is the Ts diagram for cooling process?
13. Define Carnot theorem?
14. What is the coefficient of performance for cannot refrigerator and vapour compression cycle?
15. Draw a diagram for a two- stage cascade refrigeration system?
16. Draw the diagram for Linde liquefaction process.
17. Draw the diagram for Claude liquefaction process
18. Assess the thermodynamics efficiency of the liquefaction process and Assume that reversible
adiabatic compression and expression.
19. Define Capacity of refrigeration or ton of refrigeration?
20. Define circulation rate.
21. What is Heat pump?
22. What are the characteristics of an ideal refrigerant which are considered for its choice and why?
23. What is Refrigeration cycle?
24. Describe various refrigeration cycles
25. What are the different methods for the liquefaction of gases?
26. What is the refrigerant used in these cycles 2
27. What is the refrigerant used in the cyle 1?
28. Write the formula for trichloro fluro methane and dischlorodifluro methane.
29. Write the formula for dichlorotrifluro ethane.
30. Write the formula for tetra fluro ethane?
31. What is the formula for pentafluroethane?
32. How can we overcome the operation of two or more refrigeration cycle?
33. What is cascade process?
34. What is the pressure range used in cycle 2?
35. What is efficiency of a system?
36. What is the value for an actual absorption refrigerator?
1. An industrial unit wishes to install a conventional vapour compression type refrigeration unit of
capacity of 10 tons. The refrigeration unit employs water as refrigerant. The temperature in the
evaporator and condenser are 40oF and 700F respectively. The vapour leaving the evaporator is
saturated and compression process is isentropic, compute.
(i) C.O.P. and circulation rate.
(ii) Will there be any difference in C.O.P. and circulation rate if unit is operating according to
carnot cycle. If so how much? Take necessary data from the table.
2. The specification for a unit employing Freon-12 as refrigerant are :
Temperature in evaporator =-100F.
Temperature in condenser =600F
Find C.O.P. and rate of circulation of Freon –12 for each ton of refrigeration effect if
(a) Expansion is reversible adiabatic.
(b) Expansion is adiabatic but not reversible.
Data : Cp=0.14BTU/Ib0R
Temperature and Enthalpy Joules/kg Entropy Joules/kg
0 0
state BTU/Ib R BTU/Ib R
- 77.5 1.802×105 0.174 728.50
10 F(sat.vapour)
600F (sat. liquid) 22.0 0.5118×105 - -
600 F 85.0 1.976×10 5
0.17 711.756
3. A liquid effluent is cooled in a chemical industry by a conventional vapour compression machine
using ammonia as refrigerant. The condenser and evaporator pressures are 166.4 psia and 38.5
psia respectively. The temperature of vapour entering the compression is increased to 20 0 F by
means of a heat exchanger through the saturated liquid from condenser. The compression step is
adiabatic but not reversible, the efficiency being 80% as compared to isentropic operation. The
heat load in the refrigerator coils is 185,000BTU/min. Compute the power requirement of the
compressor and C.O.P. The heat capacity of superheated ammonia is 0.7.
(Saturation BTU/Ib0R Joules/kg BTU/Ib0R Joules/kg
Temp.) liqui vapour liquid vapour liquid vapour liquid vapou
d r
38.5psia 53.8 561.1 1.25×105 1.3×106 0.1208 1.1949 505.76 5002.
(100F) 8
166.4psia 137. 493.6 3.204×10 11478×10 0.2854 0.9064 1194.9 3794.
(100F) 8 5 6