Z Transform1
Z Transform1
Z Transform1
(a,b) are complex numbers and for storing them four storage locations are required. Two locations
are required for storing the real part and two locations for the imaginary part of complex numbers
a and b. After computation of the Radix two butterfly it generates output as (A,B) which are again
two complex numbers. For storing A and B again four storage locations are required. But for storing
A and B new storage locations are not required. They can be stored in the same storage locations
used by complex numbers a and b, since after butterfly operation a and b are no longer required. That is
only 4 storage locations are required for the two point radix 2 FFT. Therefore for N point DIF FFT only 2N
storage locations are required. The storage locations are reused at every stage. This is how FFT helps in
place computation
Miscellaneous Topics
• # Read about the twidle factor and its properties, Read about
aliasing, Read about Properties of FIR filter and IIR filter, Read
about Circular convolution with sequences having (i) equal
sample size and (ii) unequal sample size.