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DAY – 15 : BIOLOGY (DT 15-02-2018)


1. The largest isolated single cell is (1) basic pH (2) any pH
(1) Human red blood cells (2) Egg of an ostrich (3) neutral pH (4) acidic pH
(3) Nerve cells (4) a eukaryotic cell 10. Select the mis-match
2. Reserve materials in prokaryotic cells are (1) Gas vacuoles - Green bacteria
stored in the form of (2) Large central vacuole - Animal cell
(1) Protein (2) Carbohydrates (3) Protists - Eukaryotes
(3) Lipids (4) Inclusion bodies (4) Methanogens - Prokaryotes
3. The approximate percentage of protein and lipids 11. Sectional view of chloroplast which is given
in the membrane of the human erythrocytes below choose the correct statement for A & B?
respectively is
(1) 52 and 40 (2) 50 and 50
(3) 40 and 52 (4) 75 and 25
4. Materials like cellulose, galactans and mannans (1)Envelope of chloroplast posses fully
are components of the cell wall of permeable membrane
(1) Algae (2) Fungi (2)"B" posses the enzymes required for protein &
(3) Bacteria (4) Higher plants carbohydrate synthesis
5. Number of microtubules in centrosome is (3)The DNA of the chloroplast are single standard
circular DNA
(1) 27 (2) 54 (3) many (4) zero
(4)A structure is arranged is stacks like the piles
6. Match the following colum I and II and choose
of coins called stroma
the correct option.
12. In which organisms, The cell theory is not
applicable ?
Column-I Column-II
1) Bacteria 2) Algae 3) Virus 4) Fungi
A)Suicidal bages of the p) Mitochondira 13. Select the incorrect pair
cell. 1) Amyloplast – Starch 2) Elaioplast – oils
B)Store house of the q) Chloroplast 3) Leucoplast – Carotene4) Aleuroplast – proteins
cell 14. Match the columns and identify the correct
C)Power house of the r) Vacuoles
D)Cell with in a cell s) Lysosomes Column-I Column-II
a Thylakoids i Disc-shaped sacs in
(1) A-s,B-r,C-p,D-q (2) A-s,B-r,C-q,D-p Golgi apparatus
(3) A-r,B-s,C-q,D-p (4) A-r,B-q,C-p,D-s b Cristae ii Condensed structure
7. Which type of ribosomes are attached to outer of DNA
surface of endoplasmic reticulum? C Cisternae iii Flat membranous
(1) 50S (2)70S (3)80S (4) Both (2 and (3) scas in stroma
8. ‘A’ is one amembranous spherical body present in d Chromatin iv Infoldings in
one double membrane bound cell organelle. ‘B’ is mitochondria
another amembranous organelle present upon 1. iii iv ii i
another single membrane bound cell organelle. A 2. iv iii i ii
& B are respectively 3. iii iv i ii
(1) 80S and 70S ribosomes 4. iii i iv ii
(2) Nucleus and 70 S ribosomes 15. A bacterial cell was taken and gram staining was
(3) 70S ribosomes and Nucleolus done and observed that it did not take up gram
(4) Nucleolus and 80 S ribosomes stain. Such a bacteria is known as
9. Most of the hydrolytic enzymes of lysosomes 1) Gram positive 2) Gram negative
function at 3) Non – effective to gram stain 4) None

1) 2 2) 4 3) 1 4) 1 5) 2 6) 1 7) 3 8) 4 9) 4 10) 2
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11) 2 12) 3 13) 3 14) 3 15) 2

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